LOL: This man is so strong!

Chapter 695 Shocking! !

S10 top four, three LPL teams!

As soon as the footage of the team together was released, it immediately aroused heated discussions in the community.

LPL has become the dominant player.

Since Snake won the championship in S6, LPL's luck seems to have been completely opened up, and fans no longer feel the depression of the dark era.

Of course, Li Hao's role and contribution are topics that can never be avoided.

On October 19, the day after the quarter-finals, four teams came to Shanghai.

The semi-finals will start at the Pudong Football Stadium.

The teams coming out of the Magic City will revisit S7 and return to the embrace of the Bird's Nest. You can imagine the grand scene. There will be nearly 100,000 spectators present, and the finals will definitely attract worldwide attention.

The temporary training base of Shanghai Magic City is located in the Pudong Football Stadium. There is no shortage of equipment for the players. Several LPL teams showed their extraordinary mind. Snake, SN and TES did not play behind closed doors, but brought their own equipment with them. Training together with single DWG.

Of course, whether training matches are retained is another matter.

At eight o'clock in the evening, DWG and TES finished a training match.

Coaches Daeny and Zefa sat next to Xu Xiu and Canyon throughout the whole process, holding notebooks in their hands and taking every training match seriously.

"There will definitely be a hard fight ahead."

Zefa said: "TES and SN have made a lot of progress. They have grown up in the high-intensity S game environment and are now playing more steadily than before. We cannot be careless when we encounter these two teams."


Supervisor Daeny agrees: "At this stage, the fourth seed is no longer important."

He told everyone in DWG: "SN is a dark horse, our strong opponent, we must be energetic in the semi-finals."

Genshin Impact spins his chair, "If TES can beat Snake, S10 will be perfect this time."


Zefa went up and knocked him: "Don't think about those unrealistic things."

"Samsung had a similar fantasy, and then they lost to TES. I had arranged a training plan with GEN before, but it all came to nothing."

"So, let's pass the SN level first."

"As for Snake"

In the middle of his words, Zefa slapped Showmaker on the shoulder with his hand: "Xu Xiu will have the consciousness to face The King, right?"

Xu Xiu smiled: "Yes."

"If you want to be a senior, you must follow the path of your seniors."

"DWG's current situation is like Snake, SKT, ROX, and SSG in the S6 era. They can break out of the LCK siege, and we can also have a chance to win from the LPL siege."

"I am willing to make a deal with the devil in exchange for the power to fight my senior."

The second uncle laughed. He knew that Xiumei was expressing her determination, but he was still amused by his way of expression.

Last year, DWG faced Snake.

The coming of death became the memory of DWG’s first World Championship.

This time, let’s not let history repeat itself.

Similar to DWG, each team also does pre-game mobilization during training.

One thing must be considered for the three teams except Snake. They are so close to the Summoner's Cup. Is that their only chance in this life?

Can the first championship in team history be won under the rule of the Snake Dynasty and God?

At six o'clock in the evening on October 24, the two teams in the first half of the semifinals made their debut at the Pudong Football Stadium to the cheers of nearly 30,000 spectators.

The war between DWG and SN is raging with the cheers of the audience!

The first game between the two sides started, and DWG used their classic tactics, BeryL and Canyon's Panson + male spearman Nosuke to play together.

Reaching the semifinals, SN increasingly showed its dark horse potential.

At the beginning, DWG relied on Nosuke's strong control of resources to gain an advantage, but the snowball did not get bigger. SN's decisive offensive at 16 minutes and 35 seconds restored the situation.

The two sides went back and forth for more than 40 minutes.

The LCK audience was frightened, and the LPL players were surprised and happy. SN gave everyone such a surprise, and it was really a big turtle!

Our No. 4 seed is doing well.


At 42 minutes and 33 seconds, DWG instantly caught Shen in the upper half of the wild area on the red side, then captured the baron again, and the male gun on the road cooperated with Ornn to kill the Tsar.

SN's weak generals could not stop DWG's attack. They relied on the Baron Buff and the Big Turtle to win the first game in one go. Xiumei's clockwork won the first MVP.

In DWG's plan, the second game is to win the match point and establish the situation of this series in one fell swoop.

Unexpectedly, unexpected factors appeared one after another.

Bin's sword goddess descended from the sky, and the S9 champion skin Sword Princess swept the battlefield. She cooperated with SN teammates to reap the rewards, and stunning the Pudong Football Stadium with five kills in the semifinals.

DWG fell, SN regained a victory, and used brutal five kills to occupy the top of the lineup.

Old fans are excited.

"After Brother Hao, someone from the younger generation picked up the sword again and killed the LCK five times!"

"If you use the right skin, God will come!"

"A Bin became famous in one battle and was able to control one of the Zhuxian Swords. His future is limitless."

"Yu Jianmen: The feeling is here, Bin has a sword soul in his body, come back to our sect soon!"

"Damn it, Bin, hurry up and become your disciple, Brother Hao!"

Some people also said: "DWG was also five-killed by Brother Hao in S9. It was also the semi-finals. Come on SN, beat DWG and let LCK go down the old path!"

The Snake players who were watching the show were all surprised. The director touched his chin and said, "Are you so fierce, Bin? He was really crotchless during the training match yesterday, and I was like a pig to him."

"I guess I was deliberately building up my strength and character yesterday, and it exploded today."

"Brother Hao, Bin will explode with your skin. Tomorrow we will play TES and I will use your skin to play Sword Princess. It will scare 369 to death. He can shake three at most." Flandre said with a smile.

"You really have a good plan."

Chris shook his head: "But I think your Ornn plays better."

In the Battle of Tianwang Mountain, the situation between the two sides was tense, the headcount ratio was approaching, and the economic gap never widened. It was a grueling battle.

At the point when TES was about to make a comeback, unexpectedly at the critical moment, Niuguli Kainan Tianlei appeared on the field, with full control of the golden body, helping his teammates win the match point!

In the fourth game, LPL fans expected SN to come back, but DWG Nosuke attacked again. All members cooperated perfectly to create the suffocating form of this youth storm, defeating SN with a huge advantage and winning the final victory in the semi-finals. .

This is the first time DWG has reached the world finals. A group of people who once struggled in an Internet cafe-style base finally reached the biggest stage on the long and thorny road.

They will have a conversation with their last opponent in the final arena of S10.

Although SN was defeated, it was an honor. A frustrated Bin said to the camera: "It's a pity that I only have one sword. If I had four like Brother Hao, I would definitely defeat DWG."

The LPL elders looked at the slightly fat young man with smiles: "Child, three swords are actually enough."

Just like A Bin, after understanding a sword, he can already bring down magical soldiers from the sky and clear the battlefield.

But players like Bin are very rare.

With such a comparison, everyone felt that Shi Yizhong was even more terrifying.

That is the man who has mastered the Four Swords of Zhu Xian!

What's even more terrifying is that in this S10, I have already used Qinggangying and Daomei to score five kills.

This is equivalent to

"After the four swords of Zhu Xian, there are two more swords?"

"Scalpel, plus."

"Grandma's knife?"

Gee, the more I think about Shi Yizhong, the more outrageous I feel.

On October 25th, Snake and TES, the teams in the second half of the semifinals, took the stage.

A packed scene.

The cheers were louder than yesterday.

In the first game, TES came up with a lineup of captain, male gun, Galio, female gun, and Bard on the blue side. Snake responded with Crocodile, Blind Sin, Zoe, Fortune Teller, and female tank.

Taobo started very steadily and did not break out too much with Snake.

The left hand has seen the picture of "The Colossus will reach the top of the sky" and knows that this is a hero who can perform miracles. Although he was suppressed by Zoe, he never died.

Being in a line with the current Shi Yizhong and not being killed is enough to be proud of.

The 0-0 lead between the two sides lasted until 9 minutes. Snake, who had the upper, middle and jungle advantage, got the Rift Herald. When they went to get the Earth Dragon again, Taobo didn't want to let go.

However, Snake was fighting very hard at this time.

In the team battle in the river, Zoe took the lead and hit the male spear, Green Hair flashed and received R, Uzi hit Cacai from a distance, and Kasa was controlled until death.

The female gun fired a good ultimate move, and the captain who arrived killed the female tank. However, after 369 was hit by Jhin's fourth shot, Zoe picked up Flash on the ground, and QR passed through the wall to pull off the second flight and add hypnotic bubbles. , direct precise guidance across more than 1,600 yards, and forcefully kill the captain with damage!

This wave of kills made the Chinese and foreign spectators at the Pudong Football Stadium scream in surprise.

TES had no choice but to retreat, and Snake got the first earth dragon.

At 11 minutes and 40 seconds, Snake's tactics were moved to the middle. Nosuke also played double games, and cooperated with Zoe to kill Galio.

The left hand then let go of Tapi, and TP went to the bottom lane to cooperate with his teammates to kill the Snake bottom duo.

But with the support of the vanguard, Zoe hit a tower with Tao first.

Due to the pressure on his vision, at about 15 minutes and 30 seconds, Li Hao successfully slept with Ah Shui, knocking off his purification and status, creating favorable conditions for Snake to get the second wind dragon.

At 16 minutes, Snake accepted the Wind Dragon and confirmed the Fire Dragon Soul in this game.

Seeing this, Colonel KI directly increased Snake's winning rate to 90%.

This is not poisonous milk.

At 22 minutes, Taobo, who was at a huge disadvantage, was initially planning to use the baron to force Snake's dragon. As long as they got the dragon, TES would definitely win Baron Allin.

But under the tug-of-war between the two sides, Li Hao's Zoe has no solution!

Several times with flying stars and hypnotic bubbles, TES was forced to switch players back and forth to block damage, but he was not frank enough and no one could bear it.

369 was forced to zoom in, and Snake had already asked factory director Solo Xiaolong during the pull.

After getting the dragon soul from the listening card, and TES was out of shape, Li Hao immediately directed his teammates to the big dragon pit.

They were not very fast in fighting the dragon, but they controlled their field of view and allowed TES, who was originally trying to replenish his health, to turn back. The female tank succeeded in a sneak attack, R hit two people, Flandre TP circled behind, Jhin fired his ultimate move, and Zoe slept with the man. Gun, this wave of sudden group attacks stunned Tao Bo.

In the blue buff area, TES killed three people in a row, and only Bard and Galio escaped through a hole.

Snake turned around and killed the dragon to seal the victory.

After destroying TES's two highlands, Snake turned back and used the super soldiers to involve him and get the Fire Dragon Soul.

Before the last wave of team battles started, TES was beaten by Poke.

The left hand just hates the designer for not changing the flash mechanism of Galio's W.


Why can't my left hand imitate that giant statue?

At 31 minutes and 08 seconds, Snake shattered the old TES crystal.

After the game, TES's uniform team organized many plans in the background, explained to the players the control issues at key eye positions in the game, and asked the left hand to provide more support.

Jungler, top laner, duo, everyone got the tactics given by the uniform team, and took the script with them to play the second game of BO5.


"Brother Hao is awesome! The TES base is already smoking."

"There is nothing Taobo can do, this one is gone again!"

"The Ice Girl held in the back hand of the left hand cannot restrain Brother Hao's Enchantress at all. Snake must have seen through TES's tactics. Qian Jue's mark cannot be eaten. Blind man + Enchantress. How many times has Kasa been caught?"

"0/4/1, 0/3/0, this one is going to be researched and developed."

"TES, do you want to ban the blind man? The factory director is so comfortable around Brother Hao. This is completely different from the environment in 4396. When I get the fragrant pot from this blind man, I feel like I have to laugh out of my dreams."


At 18 minutes and 45 seconds, the health bar disappearing technique appeared in the bottom lane.

The ice under the second tower was jumped by the Enchantress, and WQRE was instantly killed.

In the second stage of W, return and move to avoid the ice ultimate move.

The spring water commander Ah Shui had no choice but to go online.

Ah Shui has something to say, my teammate is a broiler, TheShy, how can I lead this group of people!


There seems to be a champion jungler in the team, but when the wolf king meets Shi Yizhong, he immediately turns into a wolf brother. When 369 meets Shi Yizhong, he can only shake three even if he calls for help. He has aphobia in his left hand and is a pure toy. Make mercury shoes first.

Ah Shui sadly discovered that he seemed to be the backbone of the team and the most powerful.

A little tired, he even wanted to call Xiao P to come up and help him substitute for one round.

After being forced to withdraw money by the enchantress several times in a row, Ah Shui had no choice but to do anything.

The youth team of LPL, which has been strong all the way to the world's TES in the summer split, looks extremely majestic, but in front of Shi Yizhong, it is like a dandelion, blown away by him in one breath.

At 24 minutes and 9 seconds, TES went offline at the speed of light and was defeated by Snake 19:3.

The commentators in the major studios and the guests in the commentary box all had almost the same opinion.

Going to sweep.

In the third game of BO5, Snake rotated the duo, which showed that they did not feel any pressure.

Maybe irritated.

In the third game, the left hand finally came up with Zoe, the hero with the third highest usage rate throughout the summer.

"Single kill!"

“Zoe was killed alone!”

"Biyi Duangblade predicted Knight's flash position and pulled it to the limit. Brother Hao exaggerated the operation and exploded in the middle!!"

"Now Spider + Explosive Sword Girl, how do you play this strong TES in the middle and jungle?!"

At the beginning of 17 minutes, when a sword girl Q with a residual health soldier who is 4 levels ahead of you and has nearly 3000 economy comes to you and has not yet used her ultimate move, Irelia is holding the ID of The King on her head. At this time, your auxiliary Thresh You have been deceived by the other party, and you are a female gunner. How should you deal with it?

Commander Ah Shui thought: "Oh, yes, there is no need to think too much at this time. Just look in the spring to see what to buy next, and then command your teammates to prepare for the next wave."

Ah Shui was no longer so surprised when he died again.

In every game, there will be a boss in the bottom lane, and all the midfielders and junglers will be undercover.

got used to.

There is no need to bring Xiao Yan up because there is no fourth game.

At 23 minutes and 45 seconds, Snake rushed to the high ground with the Baron Buff. Spider controlled Thresh first. Top laner Ornn called the sheep. Titan moved forward to give Zoe a big move, and the fortune teller opened R remotely.

The sword girl continuously killed Thresh and Zoe at the front of the highland. She used her ultimate sword screen to reach the crowd and cooperated with the dramatist to kill the male gunner with a long-range sniper.

Ah Shui, who wanted to escape, was stopped by Xiao Ma's key Huacai. No matter how good the sword girl's Q skill was, Zang Biyi's double-edged attack made Ah Shui faint.

The Dao girl who scored four kills accompanied the thunderous roar of nearly 30,000 people at the Pudong Football Stadium and killed the last 36 wine barrels.

"Penta kills!!"

"Heaven! Another five kills!"

"What kind of Brother Hao is this!"

"A young man like Bin showed off his pentakill in front of Brother Hao, and Brother Hao immediately responded in the semifinals!"

"Young man, the future is yours, and now it is still mine!"

"This is Brother Hao's third personal five-kill in this S competition!"

"TES was swept, Brother Hao broke the record!"

"Congratulations to Snake, congratulations to Brother Hao!"


That day, Irelia looked up at the stars in the newly born soil: "Grandma, I've been waiting for the person who will take me to the top."

PS: Good night book friends, please update on time before 23:59 tomorrow night.

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