LOL: This man is so strong!

Chapter 698 LCK’s nightmare!

Such cheers put a lot of mental pressure on the DWG players who did not appear.

The DWG players waiting in the player tunnel naturally knew that this was the opponent they were going to face in the finals, who had already dealt them a death blow in last year's finals.

The huge movement at the Bird's Nest scene was like the huge waves beating continuously on the sea, and their DWG was like a thin boat swinging on the waves. The terrifying Shi Yizhong was the sea god in the vast sea, holding up the Poseidon Trident, trying to attack them Come and deliver the fatal blow.

The vast majority of players around the world recognize such a grand debut ceremony, and only the number one player in e-sports can readily accept this respect.

Those outside the industry who happened to watch the live broadcast and saw the world-famous paintings were shocked.

It’s hard to imagine that an e-sports professional could create such a level of live atmosphere.

More importantly, Li Hao seems to be far more able to control the situation than the hosts Yu Shuang and Zhu Zhen.

He settled into Snake's mid lane position, raised his hand to wave to the audience, and after standing still, the cheers stopped.

After being called by Yu Shuang, Uzi puffed his cheeks and entered the stage.

The audience applauded again.

As he was walking out of the passage, Uzi felt mixed emotions, and his eyes finally locked on Li Hao.

There was once a giant statue that reached the top of the sky, and five fierce battles were fought to change the emperor's order. That time, he missed the Bird's Nest stage.

Now, he is in the sunset of his career. He originally had no chance to step onto the stage of the S game, but his destiny has been changed because of the smartest decision in his career.

Like the factory director, he found salvation by Shi Yizhong's side.

If it is the cursed LCS that is bathed in the divine light in 2019, it is a group of living fossils of TSM.

Then there must be pigs and dogs among those under God’s light in 2020.

Lu Mao, Lao Thief, Xiaohang, Chris

All the Snake players appeared and lined up neatly.

Team Zhizhenhuazi, the most famous local players in the LPL, stood together in the twilight years of their careers. On the stage of the S finals, this scene made many old LPL viewers smile with joy.

Just like what many people posted before the game:

"Snake winning the championship this season is the most beautiful picture we can imagine. LPL newcomers, seniors, and legendary rookies, crushing the LCK on the biggest stage at home, forging the absolute honor of the LPL. Bangzi is our defeat!"

“Next, let’s invite DWG players to appear!”

Niu Guli, Ershu, Xu Xiu, Ghost Emperor, Genshin Brother, as well as coaches Daren and Zefa.

The Youth Storm of LCK looked at the scene. This was the biggest e-sports scene they could face in their lives.

The audience at the Bird's Nest was very generous. Even the true LPL fans did not hesitate to applaud. Young people like DWG were not left out and felt the respect they deserved on the final stage.

This time, everyone had great confidence in Snake and had no intention of considering any off-board moves.

Several players from TSM appeared one after another.

Originally, Li Hao was going to participate in the trophy return ceremony, but during MSI, his TSM teammates selflessly gave him the mid-season return stage. This time, he chose to stand with his Snake teammates throughout the whole process and put the Summoner's Cup on the table. The opportunity and glory of the podium was given to TSM teammates.

It's a way of reciprocating a favor, and it's also a way to recall the friendship they established during the 2019 season.

Senior Brother Bilson and others came on stage and returned the Summoner's Cup to the podium amid cheers.

The senior brother also pointed the number "1" with his finger into the camera.

Doublelift said a few days ago:

"TSM has been eliminated, but my partners and I still have an important mission."

"We will move the Summoner's Cup to the podium and wait for the next champion to claim it. TSM did not meet Snake in the group stage, but we can interact with him in another way. We are in the Summoner's Cup He has left a mark and only he can win it this season.”

"I firmly believe that Lee will win!"

"It's a pity for DWG. They have the ability to win the championship, but they missed the era."


At this time, the senior brother's gesture was clearly indicating that he was the number one in e-sports.

We have also gone up to the trophy, and the next step is to wait for you to pick it up.

The camera was focused on the two teams of players, and Yu Shuang and Zhu Zhen announced loudly:

"The 2020 League of Legends Finals has officially begun!"


The players entered the player stands and BP officially started.

In the first game, Snake, who got the right to choose a side, took the initiative to choose the red side.

Two shots are used to pull people, one for the bottom lane and one for the jungle.

Snake released the hero in the middle and let Xu Xiu get it.

Other teams will be afraid of Xu Xiu, but Snake will never.

This is the confidence of having a super core.

Xu Xiu is very strong and in good condition, but he is still not at the level of Shi Yizhong.

By pressing Canyon's heroes to death, DWG will enter a relatively unfamiliar rhythm. Snake can use his changeable tactics and efficient linkage to find their flaws and eliminate them, using this as a basic idea to establish the first round of BP.

On the blue side, DWG selected Bear, Lilia, Tsar, Spear of Vengeance, and Dawn in order.

On the red side, Snake took out Green Steel Shadow, Blind Sin, Card, Jhin, and Pantheon.

From the perspective of player selection, Snake is very confident in his own rhythm, while DWG is more conservative.

In the first 4 minutes, the two sides battled in the top lane. Li Hao and Xu Xiu reacted quickly, and TP came to the top lane to support.

In this wave of 3v3, Qinggang Yingduo Czar's damage was knocked out of flash, while Canyon controlled Lilia to flash away when Li Hao received a yellow card, not giving the blind monk a chance to kill.

The scene was very exciting, but the tension on both sides was very extreme, and there were no casualties.

Snake's purpose was also achieved.

Putting the Tsar out of the middle lane makes it impossible for Xu Xiu to develop his troops and compete with the cards to roam. From the perspective of the hero curve, the Tsar will suffer no matter what.

There is no TP in the middle of this wave, and there is R when the card reaches six, so there is no way the flying tsar can keep up.

Sure enough, at 6 minutes and 03 seconds, the card flew up with R and took the first yellow card to immobilize the bear. Qinggangying connected the control chain to the second E and directly killed the bear.

The top laners on both sides have no T. Qinggangying is now in the lead with first blood + tapi + level. When he returns to the city, Niuguli can't beat Flandre.

DWG took advantage of the loss on the top lane to switch to the first wind dragon.

The situation stabilized until 9 minutes.

This time, Snake played the double game of Yefu that DWG was very good at before. Panson and Blind Monk went to the middle to gank, knocking out the Tsar's ultimate move + flash, forcing Canyon to go to the middle to gain experience.

Panser helped Li Hao push the lane in the middle, and the blind monk touched the bottom lane.

The two bottom laners of DWG immediately bullied the Destiny Master without noticing the problem. It wasn't until Jhin suddenly activated R and the blind monk appeared that they retreated.

Panser's ultimate move flew down the lane, and the card turned the wheel of fate.

Qinggangying took the initiative to suppress the bear when Canyon's position was exposed, and did not give Niu Guli a chance to TP.

Snake came flying into the sky and quickly defeated the DWG duo with four packs and two kills. From roaming and suppressing to switching lanes to kill, the whole set of coordination was smooth and smooth, and DWG was completely plotted.

If the DWG duo retreats in this wave, Snake will press the middle, then move up to press the bear, and take advantage of the trend to take the vanguard. If Niuguli dares to gain experience, then the top lane will definitely explode.

From the moment the Czar was beaten home, DWG was bound to lose something in this wave.

Now, they have lost the bottom lane that they had some advantage over.

After this wave, something is wrong with DWG.

Canyon wanted to steal a vanguard, but was driven away by Qinggangying.

The card and blind monk were captured again, and the bear was killed for the second time.

This time, the price for DWG to get the water dragon was even higher, with top lane kills + Tapie + Canyon Herald.

Although this battle is about Fire Dragon Soul, it is impossible to release the following dragon Snakes.

At 13 minutes and 54 seconds, Niuguli was extremely uncomfortable.

He was trained by the military.

As soon as the card flies, if you cooperate with Qinggang Shadow, he will die.

The upper tower was destroyed, the cards were stacked with rings, and Qinggangying was unable to recover.

Snake controlled an economic lead of about 3,000, and they began to control the field of vision and cleverly used the mobility of their lineup to interfere with DWG.

There are many opportunities for more people to defeat fewer people. Every time there is a big move, it is an opportunity.

At 16 minutes and 48 seconds, the blind monk flashed over from F6 of DWG. Shenlong swung his tail and kicked unreasonably. The card was given a yellow card. The blind monk came out with Q, slapped the floor, and the card Q followed the basic attack to kill the Czar.

This wave of dirty kills on Xu Xiu cost DWG the chance to compete for the first fire dragon.

Canyon wanted to grab it, but Snake set up his vision to guard against him. Before Lilia could get down, he was immobilized by the card Q, the fortune teller Huacai, and the fire dragon belonged to Snake.

At 18 minutes and 23 seconds, the two teams collided in the second half of the wild area.

This time, Genshin Brother and his second uncle cooperated tacitly, and controlled Snake continuously, killing Blind Monk and Pantheon at the red buff position, but the card flew alone to the back row, Lich + hat + the explosion damage of the murderous ring Kill the half-healthy Czar instantly!

It's like a streamlined operation. After killing someone, the card TPs to the eye position under the defense tower on the top lane.

Maybe Niu Guli was still cutting the screen, and Qinggang Shadow had already entered the tower to embarrass R. The card TP fell to the ground, and the bear in armor who was crippled by Qinggang Shadow died under the card's magic damage.

The LCK audience was suffocated and desperate. They could only watch DWG trade Snake's next tower for their own second tower, making a huge loss.

At the same time, the jungle resources in the upper half of the area were robbed.

"Almost six thousand yuan behind!"

"DWG is so difficult now!"

Miller said excitedly: "How to deal with the cards! How to deal with Brother Hao!"

"Now we can't beat the wing, and Qinggang Shadow will always lead the line with two people. DWG will lose in a 2v2 fight. Pan Sen can still fly over to support. If DWG is dragged again, they will definitely lose their vision and lose the baron! Snake's rhythm is so good! "

"DWG can cooperate with other teams when playing in the jungle, but it's the other way around when playing Snake!"


At the 21st minute of the game, DWG tried to capture Qinggangying, but Flandre escaped through the wall. Panson flashed in front of him and forced the Czar. Hao brutally kills with one Q!

There was a burst of cheers at the Bird's Nest!

"The dragon is here!"

"Snake can beat the dragon!"

Sure enough, Snake killed the Tsar and went directly to the Dragon Pit.

Canyon didn't dare to grab it because there was no vision in the blue zone.

So, he headed towards the Xiaolong Pit, hoping to draw the Fire Dragon Soul. In that case, DWG would still have hope.

The Fire Dragon Soul draws the card for the big dragon, and DWG seems to still be breathing.


Snake used the Baron Buff to lead the way in three directions, and finally reached the DWG high ground.

As soon as the high ground on the bottom lane was broken, the card showed its ultimate move, forcing the bear guarding the tower on the top lane away. Qinggangying moved forward to occupy the position, the card fell to the ground, and then broke up the high ground.

The two highlands, with an economic gap of nearly 10,000, made the game almost final.

At 25 minutes and 9 seconds, two lines of super soldiers came forward. DWG could no longer defend the middle and all three lines were broken.

At 25 minutes and 40 seconds, DWG protected Athena!

In the last wave of team battles, the Czar entered the field first and wanted to push back the cards.

As a result, the yellow card flew out and the golden body was pressed instantly. The Tsar was stopped in place and dropped instantly, and the card was safe and sound.

The muscles on Xiumei's face twitched slightly as she watched DWG being beaten by Snake until they ran away with their heads in their arms, and the team was finally wiped out.

The Crystal Hub explodes and Snake wins G1!

There were thunderous cheers at the Bird's Nest, and the LPL players were rejoicing.

No surprises!

Snake firmly defended the LPL's own gate and won G1 neatly!

DWG, which was extremely powerful in S10, seemed to have met its nemesis and was beaten very young.

The card master who leads the entire game will undoubtedly win the MVP!

This was a victory of rhythm tactics, and DWG couldn't compete.

Wawa couldn't help but say: "One more coach on the field means we are stronger!"

DWG was very dissatisfied with the loss.

The uniform team realized that Xu Xiu could not be allowed to become the Earthbinder.

And, to grab AD, they need ice.

In the second BP game, DWG took the initiative to ask for the blue side.

This time, they got Qinggang Shadow, Leopard Girl, Card, Ice, and Female Tank.

This lineup is very similar to Snake's last game, because this type of tactics is familiar to them.

The Ghost King used ice the most in the World Championship.

The only pity is that Panther was banned by Snake.

This time, Snake is replaced by Xiaohang and Xiao Ma, because their bottom lane lineup is Jhin + Tahm. Xiaohang and the old thief are more familiar with this set. The benefits of the dual lineup are reflected. The strength of the unique skill is enough. .

Shen in the top lane and Li Hao in the middle lane selected Silas, who can also fly with the ultimate card-stealing move, and jungler Lilia.

Snake flies three times, Tahm Kench can still lead people, and Lilia can use long range. This lineup is far more ridiculous than DWG's support capabilities.

Daren and Zefa were terrified, feeling like they had fallen into a trap.

The competition is fierce.

At 2 minutes and 40 seconds, Lilia came to the bottom lane for a gank. Brother Genshin communicated closely with the Ghost Emperor and decided to fight back.

In this wave, Ghost started to use his dodge skills. He used the line of soldiers and the grass to continuously kill Jhin and Tahm, and scored a double kill. The director relied on his health advantage to kill Han Bingzhang.

Almost at the same time, Niu Guli lost his temper on the top lane and jumped over the tower to kill Shen alone. In the end, he almost lost his health and was killed by the defense tower.

LCK players see a glimmer of hope.

DWG is getting fierce!

At 5 minutes and 50 seconds, Genshin Impact took the lead in the bottom lane. The female tank drove to Tahm. Xu Xiu came to support with his big move and killed Xiaohang. However, the old thief added Q with the fourth bullet to replace the card, and Snake also played a beautiful wave. Fight back.

After Xu Xiu finished his work, it was Li Hao's turn. He circled back and ganked at 6 minutes and 30 seconds. All the Ice Leopard girls were killed by him!

At 8 minutes and 30 seconds, Xu Xiu and his second uncle opened the canyon pioneer. The card flashed a yellow card and stopped Lilia who came to take a look. The director was killed by his second uncle and the damage. DWG took the pioneer again and found the rhythm.

Moreover, using the vanguard to pull in, DWG also got the first wind dragon at 10 minutes and 32 seconds.

Korean audiences feel okay again!

The audience at the Bird's Nest became increasingly nervous as they looked at the anxious situation in front of them.

At 12 minutes and 05 seconds, four people in Snake's middle lane killed the Leopard Girl who was predicted to jump by Silas's second stage E. Xu Xiu could only lower the golden body to delay time. Then his teammates arrived, but Snake fought to the end. .

The extremely developed Silas did not carry the tower in this wave, and looked like a god of war under the tower!

Snake played 2 for 4, and Li Hao scored three kills!

The momentum returned to the LPL side, and the cheers roared again.

At 13 minutes and 50 seconds, Niu Guli led the lane, and Silas, who had stolen the card's ultimate move, landed and cooperated with the duo to kill Qinggang Shadow. DWG used the same trick to kill Shen on the top lane, and used the next tower to compete with Snake. Tower swap.

At 16 minutes and 29 seconds, Snake got the water dragon, and this time it was the fire dragon soul.

At 18 minutes, DWG used the Japanese girl in the middle to force a team fight. At this time, Shen came with a big move to support, Snake counterattacked, and Li Hao flashed E to Card Master, giving the young show girl a vivid lesson.

The murderous Silas in the crowd pressed the stopwatch, causing the faces of the five DWG players to change one by one!

The Japanese Leopard Girl was killed again, and DWG fell into a greater disadvantage.

A terrifying Silas couldn't handle it again.

At 21 minutes and 34 seconds, Snake got the fire dragon.

Two and a half minutes later, Serashen merged into the bottom lane and caught Niuguli again!

As soon as this wave of Qinggang Shadow died, Snake and the two pushed all the way to the bottom crystal.

DWG tried to pursue the team, but was counterattacked by Snake.

They were in no condition to retreat, and Snake got the baron with his backhand.

At 27 minutes and 23 seconds, DWG in the bottom jungle area found an opportunity to kill Tamu and Lilia without losing all their skills. Niuguli wanted to expand the results, but E flashed to chase Silas but was shown off.

Qinggangying died first, and Super God Silas cooperated with Shen to directly kill the three DWG people in two-on-five!

At that moment, Snake's backstage gave out loud cheers just like those at the Bird's Nest!

The game lasted until 29 minutes. Silas was unstoppable. In the team battle with DWG in the middle, he was supported by Shen's ultimate move. The damage exploded like the God of War!

DWG was wiped out, and Snake finally defeated DWG Crystal Hub 30 minutes ago!

The super two-pair Silas on 12/0/10 became a nightmare for everyone in the LCK.



"Congratulations Snake!"

"We got match point!"

PS: Good night book friends, please update on time before 23:59 tomorrow night.

I don’t want to delay these two games. I will write about the final G3 in detail. This is almost the last game of this book.

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