LOL: This man is so strong!

Chapter 700 Tragic Explosion

Snake's team voice cheered loudly.

2 minutes, a solo kill in the middle!

"Fuck, monster!"

The factory director exclaimed in surprise: "I haven't even arrived yet, and there are people on your side killing people."

"Just help me pay attention to the male gun. Xu Xiu is already very difficult to fight."

"Like I thought, he lacks the experience of Sylas playing Yone."

Li Hao was not surprised, but Uzi couldn't help but said:

"Don't talk about Xu Xiu, we don't have much preparation next to you. DWG doesn't know what you are capable of."


"Urgent, what does this Ghost want to do?"

"There's going to be an explosion in the middle, so of course Ghost is in a hurry."

Lu Mao said: "Don't shoot, he is shooting for the fourth time now."

"Haha, Ghost missed the knife."

"Brother Hao, your wave of kills has made the other side's bottom lane panic."


Xu Xiu's death in this wave was very damaging. Without TP, he would definitely lose experience.

The second uncle could not sit back and watch the explosion in the middle. He slowed down his jungle rhythm to gank Li Hao in the middle, preventing him from pushing the lane into the tower comfortably and minimizing Xu Xiu's losses.

Li Hao ignored the male gun and could not delay his return to the city.

He is not worried about the male gunman abandoning the military line and coming to harass him. In that case, he will at most take drugs and not return to the city, and the wild core of the male gunman will not be able to play.

After returning to the city to fight again, Xu Xiu couldn't buy any equipment. Li Hao had an extra straw sandal and an attack speed sword on his body. Now that the army line was pushed back and slightly closer to the Snake defense tower, Xu Xiu felt a little uncomfortable.

He gained some experience from his recent death and tried not to make the first move.

Li Hao dealt with the line of troops, keeping them stationary, and Q troops gathered the wind.

Xu Xiu used Q to last the damage, and Li Hao did not stand with the soldiers, making Silas unable to push the line + consume.

The Q in the second stage takes off and suppresses it forward.

Xu Xiu retreated, positioning himself outside of Yongen's ability.

When Li Hao saw that his minion was dead, he moved his Q skill backwards to hit, slowly squeezing Silas's experience and economy.

At 3 minutes and 05 seconds, Li Hao caught Silas's Q soldier's last-ditch action, and sure enough he released his spirit body to accelerate the pursuit. Holding the wind in his hands, he accurately grasped the distance and then released towards Silas.

Because the distance was relatively close, Li Hao didn't give Xu Xiu much time to react.

This leads to Silas having a certain degree of predictability when dodging skills.

"Xu Xiu's E hides from the wind, Brother Hao predicts the blow!"

"This game!"

"Basic attack, W God's Slash to release the shield, then basic attack, Silas waits for Yongen's shield to disappear, then turn back to the second E."

"Pull to.!"

"Almost! Yongen's second stage E has gone back, and Sylas' ultimate E is on the afterimage!"

"Yeah~! The operation is not good, the hero seems to be a bit restrained, something bad happened in the middle!"

"Half of her blood was consumed in this wave, so Xu Xiu could only take drugs."


On the big screen, DWG's Nosuke moved towards the middle to help early. Yongen did not flash. If he catches a wave of death, he can turn over in the middle.

However, Li Hao does not fight Snake alone.

The factory director helped to defend, and the two players in the bottom lane pressed Jhin's development space, forcing Bronn to go down. Without Li Hao taking the initiative to give the position forward, he was wary of DWG's difficulty in solving the crisis in the middle lane.

Canyon took care of him several times, causing the factory director to eat a double river crab, and then went on the road to cooperate with Kenan to lower Niuguli's health.

All of this has an impact around the middle.

The game lasted 4 minutes and 51 seconds, and the head-to-head ratio was still 0:1. Yone in the middle was level 5, and Silas was level 4.

The 7th wave of troops is about to come online. In front of the defense tower, there are three long-range creeps on the blue side and two long-range creeps on the red side. Li Hao is stuck in position. Xu Xiu cannot push the troops into the tower because all his medicine has been knocked down. , he didn't dare to carry Yongen and hurt the Qing soldiers. At this distance, Yongen had a chance to chase him to death.

If you die again, there will be a big explosion in the middle.

Falling behind by more than a dozen last hits, every moment now is quite painful for Xu Xiu.

A small episode occurred in the bottom lane.

When the excavator was heading down the road, the Bullhead was in a position to knock Braum away, but Snake did not get there.

Genshin Impact's acting skills are like little fresh meat, Snake doesn't know where the male gun is, DWG has a strong backhand ability with Braum, and he explodes accidentally.

The factory director came here just to clean up the lower river channel and prepare for Xiaolong in advance.

DWG was very disappointed, Snake didn't give it a chance at all.

Canyon showed up and wanted to help the bottom lane clear the line. As long as the duo returned to the city, Bron could go to the middle to cooperate with the jungler to clear the line without losing anything, and help Xu Xiu overcome this biggest difficulty.


Niuguli frantically signaled and shouted to let them go.

He was ganked by the excavator and was one TP behind Kennen. Kennen, who was on the top lane, directly pushed the lane after the male gun was exposed, obviously intending to TP toward the bottom lane.

Then, once the three players in the bottom lane advance close to the Snake tower, if there is a ward behind them, this wave of bottom lane will blast through, and the base will burst into smoke.

After a series of information was collected by the players, Canyon had a meeting with the factory director and had to give up.

The factory director walked toward the middle in front of Canyon, meaning that if you want 2v2, come here.

Xu Xiu knew the direction of the excavator, and he was forced out of the experience area by Yong En.

"Brother Hao is so cruel!"

"Xu Xiu can't even smell the experience!"

"How to fight next!"

"The best new generation mid laner in the LCK. When the little The King faces the real The King, the gap is so big!"

"I think Showmaker will never forget this scene for the rest of his life."


At 5 minutes and 36 seconds, Li Hao stared at his experience bar and Silas, who was mostly full of blood.

The ignition is ready, and the Silas killing line has arrived!

For a few seconds, he looked at the health of the soldiers on the line, and controlled Yongen to walk towards the wall of the lower river, giving Xu Xiu the illusion that he was going to take a look. At this time, the melee soldiers in the front row had just enough health left, and Silas' The Q skill was still a few seconds away from getting better, so he calculated that Silas, who was at a disadvantage, would move forward to hit the target.

When Silas called out "Duang" and launched a basic attack to close in on the last hit, Li Hao opened E and rushed forward to give Q a wind.

With this Q, he killed the blue minion with low health.

"Level 6!"

The moment Li Hao lit up A and W, Xu Xiu didn't think anything after seeing him advance to 6, and his E skill immediately moved towards his side.

"——Fengchen Jue Nian Slash!"

Xu Xiu dodges and dodges R!

Yongen flew to the maximum distance of his ultimate move, and missed the jade cut (Q)!

Silas no longer flashed or moved. Although he twisted his butt, he was still knocked away by Li Hao's Zanfeng Q near the F6 wall and dealt damage. He used two extreme basic attacks and Li Hao's second stage E pulled him back.

When his spirit form ends, Yone returns to his body, dealing damage again.

The barrier-breaking edge exploded on Xu Xiu's body with a bang.

"——I once tracked the unruly wind, now, I am hunting the storm turned into darkness."

He who is liberated will finally be liberated.

"Solo kill again!"

"No show allowed!"

In the high-energy viewing group, when they heard the roaring cheers at the Bird's Nest, Bald Man also jumped up and shouted: "Senior's road is really impossible to walk. Senior is too familiar with the road he has walked. He is a god. There are ten thousand ways." Ways to deal with people who go up the mountain.”

"Showmaker may be suffocating, this is a tragic line explosion!"

"Oh~ I'm sweating profusely. To be honest, if I were Xu Xiu, I would definitely be covering my heart right now." Sika opened her mouth wide, "This is too much pressure, facing off against a supreme god."

"I couldn't fight. I used all my skills and ran away. In the end, I didn't run away. Brother Hao flashed and couldn't kill him. I can't imagine how to play later."

General Sturgeon asked a very out-of-the-box question: "If Xu Xiu is asked to choose a hero in the next game, will he choose Yongen?"

"There is no next game, is it 4-0?"

"I said what if."

"If there is a high probability that I will choose, it is because Xu Xiu is a player with great faith. He is determined to follow the path of his predecessors and will definitely continue on."

"Then what will Brother Hao choose?"

"It must be the Tsar, because Xu Xiu used the Tsar in the first game, and the result was a perfect closed loop."


Not only the high-energy spectators were excited, but the commentators in the commentary box, the guest seats, and the commentators on Channel 1 and Channel 2 were all in great excitement.

Anyone with a discerning eye can see it.


This youthful storm that started in the LCK is about to dissipate.

The sound in the Korean studio became increasingly frustrated, and the roars of the LCS and LEC commentators next door penetrated through.

After two solo kills in the middle, the line Xu Xiu wanted to solve was finally solved, and Li Hao pushed the line into the tower.

Canyon's male gun can only make up for it.

The first earth dragon, DWG gave up.

Except for the Ghost King's unwillingness to give up and release a brilliance towards the Dragon Pit, DWG did not make any other struggles.

After playing for more than 8 minutes, the difference in the middle was close to 30 dollars, and the experience difference was more than two levels.

Yongen's development speed DWG was almost unstoppable, and the male gun's F6 began to be eroded by Li Hao.

For the first Canyon Pioneer, DWG made preparations and wanted to take the first step to get it.

However, when the Snake duo also arrived, DWG continued to play.

With the combination of Electric Mouse and Tianfei Yongen, coupled with the lack of vision advantage, starting a group in the river at this time is tantamount to giving up.

DWG still needs to be dragged.

The factory director got the vanguard and decisively placed it in the middle. The male gunner came to defend, but he could not prevent Yongen from getting the tapi.

At 11 minutes and 23 seconds, Snake started the rhythm towards the bottom lane.

Xu Xiu and Canyon support the bottom lane together to prevent the bottom lane from being surrounded.

However, their positions were exposed to Snake's view.

Coach Liang Daren and Coach Zefa in the background held their heads with their hands and held their breath.

They shouted "Don't go".

But how can the players on the field hear it.

Relying on the fact that the triangle grass has its own real eyes, Bronn and the fortune teller got stuck at the entrance. Now that they get to the triangle grass, they can completely counter-crouch.

However, Yongen, who gathered wind from the river crab, suddenly drove E and accelerated towards the dragon pit.

As if Canyon smelled danger, he instinctively threw the accessory eye through the wall.

Wrong jade cut!

What came next was a gust of wind that knocked the two of them away!

A then W then R!

A complete set of Combo did not give DWG any time to react. Moreover, after the ultimate move was extended, Li Hao leaned against the wall and inserted his eyes through the wall.

Flandre gets a prime spot.

The crippled Xu Xiu didn't dare to fight back. Their damage was not enough to kill Yongen, who was level three higher, in an instant. If he was dealt another damage, both of them would die.

Xu Xiu steals Li Hao's ultimate move and escapes to the limit.

Li Hao's basic attack was always on the male gun. Although Canyon used ER to zoom away and turned around to deal damage to Yongen, when Li Hao's second stage E returned to the spirit body, the damage that emerged again killed the male gun. Kill in the jungle!

At the same time, Kennen, who had returned to the city to replenish his equipment, was teleported to a location that was fatal to DWG.

The DWG duo tried their best to retreat after the death of the male gunner, but they were still cut off by Kenan.

The rolling thunder erupted under the next tower, and with the Snake duo and jungler, even if Ornn was there, this wave would not help.

Ghost was targeted by Uzi and killed. Flandre used a stopwatch to divert the defense tower's hatred. Li Hao also came from the river and cooperated with his teammates to kill Ornn.

Niuguli only replaced the bull head. In this wave, Snake played 1 for 4, destroyed a tower in the bottom lane, and then got the second wind dragon.

The dragon soul in this game is determined to be the water dragon soul.

Looking at the economic gap of more than 4,000, DWG's coach Daren seemed to see smoke billowing from his own base.

In the team voice, DWG's communication gradually became less and less.

Even if they are a group of young people with a strong mentality, it is difficult to calm down at this time.

This was almost the most tragic scene they had faced in their careers.

The Summoner's Cup was clearly on the stage not far from them, but it was so far away that it was getting further and further away from them.

In my ears, I could only hear waves of excited cheers for my opponents.

15 minutes and 06 seconds.

The excavator flashed in the middle and knocked Silas away. Yongen opened E to accelerate, and came from the river with a big move to follow QAW. The terrifying damage killed Silas instantly when he pulled E back.

DWG lost the second Canyon Pioneer, and the second tower in the middle was in low health.

Finally, two minutes later, DWG, who was actively looking for opportunities, caught Kennan who was leading the line too deep alone.

Xu Xiu flashed the second stage of E and hit Kenan who was opening E and made a great contribution. This wave of Flandre was killed in battle, and he handed over his ultimate move, and Xu Xiu received a precious bounty.

This delayed the game for a while. DWG, who had been holding their breath for a long time, took a deep breath and gained a little more vitality. They continued to develop, and there seemed to be sporadic hope.

However, Yongen was taking orders everywhere and was already nearly 80 dollars ahead of Silas!

DWG can't consider Yongen's development speed now. They can only hold on to one belief. Yongen is very fragile and may drop in seconds if connected to the control chain.

Once Yone is dead, you can fight.

Xu Xiu can steal Kennen's ultimate move and perform a miracle of thunder.

These fantasies are almost the life-saving straw in DWG’s heart.

"They want dragonets."

"You can't go, just let Tingpai Long go. If you don't have a field of vision, you will definitely give it away. We can't lose a wave of rhythm now."

"Hold together and give the dragon a view!"

"The big dragon group is extremely important later, we have to arrange it in advance. This dragon is our life, we must not lose it."

"If you lose it, it's 3-0."

"I know."

"Even if I risk my life, I will snatch this dragon." The second uncle took a deep breath and said.


At the critical moment, DWG was united again. They actively controlled Baron's vision and discussed taking the opportunity to kill Yongen and then allin Baron. Then, there might be a fourth game in the finals.

From a God's perspective, Snake pockets the third water dragon, and the water dragon soul draws the card.

Korean commentary booth.

Hearing Xiaolong's wail, Roaring Emperor and Jin Dongjun's expressions stiffened slightly.

There is not much time left for DWG and LCK.

DWG controls the vision well to prevent Snake from secretly Rushing the dragon. It also provided them with prerequisites for entering the upper river. However, the first wave of crouching by Xu Xiu and others had no effect because Li Hao could not give them a chance at this time.

The green-haired bull head can perfectly serve as a pioneer to explore the horizon.

If DWG focuses fire and has R's Bull Head, they will lose the team fight.

At 24 minutes and 9 seconds, the two sides were fighting near Dalong Pit.

The situation is very tense, this will be the wave that determines the entire finals!

PS: Good night book friends, please update on time before 23:59 tomorrow night.

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