LOL: This man is so strong!

Chapter 702 A new era

At the Bird's Nest scene, Li Hao held up the Fmvp trophy.

Afterwards, host Yu Shuang came over for an interview:

"Brother Hao, this is the fifth consecutive year that you have won the Fmvp trophy. Including more than 100,000 spectators at the Bird's Nest today, including millions of summoners around the world in front of the screen, they were all shocked by your performance."

"Is there anything you would like to share with everyone at this moment?"

Li Hao took the microphone and showed a smile:

"This journey has been very difficult, but everything is worth it. I am a lucky person. I have experienced the greatest happiness that e-sports can bring to me. I feel very satisfied at this time."

"On this best and grandest stage, I want to thank my teammates and the many fans who have always supported and accompanied me."

He bowed slightly, triggering another round of applause.

There were people at the scene shouting "MVP", "God", "Brother Hao", etc. The support objects were swaying like ocean waves, and the atmosphere was extremely heated.

Yu Shuang did not end the interview and took other questions.

"Brother Hao, you once said that you wanted to find an opponent who could beat you in the S10 arena, but looking back, you are too strong and all the geniuses have been defeated by you."

"Would you feel disappointed when faced with this scenario?"

"I'm not disappointed, I'm just a little lonely."

Li Hao smiled. He was qualified to say such things, no matter how crazy he was.

"However, the entire World Championship experience was wonderful. We won the championship with a complete victory. No professional player will fight against victory and records."

Yu Shuang asked again: "Why did you choose Yongen for the last game? Is it because he is a hero with a sword?"

Li Hao shook his head, "Not entirely. The main reason is that Silas is easier to fight. With Kennen on the top lane, the cost-effectiveness of choosing a mage like Zoe is not high."

"Then will Yongen be chosen as the champion skin?"

Li Hao pondered for a moment, which gave the true fans of Dao Mei who were standing in front of the screen a glimmer of spiritual hope.

Woohoo, Irelia, why doesn't your grandma let you hold a sword?

If you hold a sword, you are the sword girl, Brother Hao must choose it~!

"We haven't decided yet, so I'll leave you with a little bit of suspense."

Yu Shuang’s last question is quite pointed. Fans are very concerned about it, as are all the major teams around the world:

"Brother Hao, what are your prospects and arrangements for next season?"

"I haven't thought about it yet. Snake will make good arrangements and continue to work hard next season."

A thoughtful person noticed that Li Hao only mentioned Snake, not himself.

Even if he retires, he will never announce it today.

This is a moment of glory that belongs to every member of Snake, not a sad moment of his own retirement. Although the stage is grand and league fans around the world are witnesses, Li Hao is by no means so selfish.

Of course, old fans may have read some of his thoughts from everything he revealed before and after.

The applause continued, and when the golden rain stopped, all members of Snake accepted a group interview.

Uzi, the factory director, and Xiao Ma, several veterans, realized their dreams today, and their inner excitement is beyond words.

This is a once-in-a-lifetime opportunity, so I took it.

After the little fat man came to Snake, his temper changed a lot.

When he was being interviewed, his eyes were slightly red and his face was red. At this time, the gangsters did not mock him for the time being.

Facing the camera, the little fat man clenched his fists and said, "I am the S champion!"

At that moment, the fans who had been waiting for eight seasons looked at the scene in front of them with relief.

The same goes for pig fans. The factory director in front of the camera is no better than Uzi.

The pig's eyes are red, and pig fans feel youthful.

The old thief who has always been taciturn is unexpectedly talkative:

"When I went to Snake, Brother Hao asked me, what are your goals for the S10 season? My answer was, Brother Hao, I want to touch the floor of the S game. Then Brother Hao interrupted me with a smile. He said, S game The floor is under our feet, we can try touching the Summoner's Cup."


"I am the S champion."

Such a scene shocked a group of people in the Tieba. The trolls who used to be on the same page as the baristas are now frightened.

With Xiao Ma's blessing from the S Crown, they will no longer have the upper hand in the Tieba forum.

Lu Mao said: "I am very lucky to be teammates with the best players on the planet."

Xiaohang expressed his gratitude: "I have learned a lot, and Brother Hao is a very good teacher. I am very happy to win the S championship. This is my first season. If Snake needs me, I will always stay here. "

When the microphone was handed to Flandre, he did not mention the championship, but said this to the outside world:

"I will always accompany Brother Hao and advance and retreat together."

Maybe Flandre is just a puzzle piece, but with four top lane champions in hand, no one dares to ignore it.

Moreover, he is the person who has been with Shi Yizhong for the longest time on the court.

When it comes to glory, he is second only to Li Hao.

This pair of midfielders and toppers is a unique legend in the history of e-sports.

And as Flandre's words came out, everyone once again understood the bond between them.

Why does Flandre occasionally act as a member of Dracula's family but can be a stable member of Team Snake?

The love of a big brother for his little brother.

Entering the activity room, Riot staff came to find him.

Of course to determine the champion skin.

The factory director immediately chose the blind monk, and the number 4396 was completely whitewashed.

Uzi did not hesitate to choose Vayne, the hero he chose when playing the wild card UOL in the group stage.

Although he followed Li Hao in that round and had no performance, it did not affect his selection.

Pigs and dogs get these two skins and have no regrets in life.

The old thief chose Jin, and Sima Lao Jin was his symbol.

Lumao and Xiaohang selected Thresh and Titan respectively.

Flandre also wanted to choose Kennen, but she already had Kennen's skin, so she chose Ornn instead.

When he came to Li Hao's side, he hesitated slightly.

Yongen’s five kills in the finals are highly anticipated.

But the two sword girls had five kills, and Irelia and Li Hao liked them very much.

The people at Riot are very sensible, and they discussed:

"TheKing, you can choose two skins."

"Is this appropriate?" Li Hao was a little surprised.

"very suitable."

The curly-haired young man exaggerated: "Even if your heroes in every game are made into skins, no one will object."

Li Hao doesn’t have to hesitate anymore, Dao Mei + Yong En.

This is the only time in the history of the S game that one person has two skins.

Snake entered the carnival backstage, and everyone took pictures around the Summoner Cup.

Afterwards, two bosses from Riot found Li Hao.

Ryze and Barbarian King are undoubtedly fans of Li Hao's games.

"Li, are you interested in working at Riot in the future?"

"If you are responsible for game balance, you will definitely get a perfect mechanism."

Li Hao smiled and refused: "That may be something you don't want to see."

After chatting about various things this season, Li Hao said frankly:

"I'm considering whether to end my career."


Ryze and Barbarian King were very surprised.

They looked at each other, and Reese said, "Lee, you have to be careful."

"I see."

Li Hao smiled and said: "Don't you think that the designer can't handle me?"

"I personally feel that we can continue to maintain our current form next season."

"After learning all this, except for Snake, the other teams may not be able to maintain their previous fighting spirit. This is probably not what you want to see."

Li Hao is absolutely right.

Riot is having a headache for him.

On the one hand, his influence is amazing and can drive the entire league.

But on the other hand, if he continues to win the championship, more teams will fail.

Until he retires, the league will lose suspense and become a one-man show.

This is unhealthy.

Thinking of this, Tryndamere and Ryze were frightened.

A professional player can actually have such dominance.

Tryndamere said: "Lee, our designer has said this a long time ago."

"Riot can't address your impact on balance until your personal status declines."

"You defeated all the players, the designers, and Riot."

"You are a great being."

"It's like a real god, controlling this alliance at will."

"Ritz and I have discussed it. We don't want to interfere with you. Everything is decided by you."

Li Hao smiled easily: "Actually, I can maintain my influence and at the same time change the balance to make the alliance healthier."

"However, I also need your help."


"Lee, tell me! We will support you."

Afterwards, he told the two men about the global youth training plan.

If it were anyone else, the two bosses might think it was a joke.

But since the words came from Li Hao, they had a natural trust.

This conversation will change the pattern of the alliance and bring the alliance into a new era.

"A legendary player is leaving," Ryze said with a smile.

"What will happen next?"

Tryndamere answered: "A top godfather."

PS: Good night book friends, please update on time before 23:59 tomorrow night.

Thinking about finishing.

After the book is finished, the extras will continue to be updated every day for a period of time. You can tell me what you want to see. You are welcome. I will post all the extras for free if you can.

For new books, try to publish them before July.

The day after tomorrow, I will temporarily move to a rented apartment next to the hospital. When I go to the hospital, Su Ye tries his best and won't stop coding.

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