LOL: This man is so strong!

Chapter 704 Intimate Night Talk

Entering the offseason, there is only half a month left before the 2020 winter window transfer period.

This year's transfer period is hotter than imagined.

Especially after many Snake players announced their retirement, major teams were overjoyed.

Most fans will feel sad, reluctant and unable to get used to the fact that Li Hao is leaving.

But there are also some people who suddenly feel that winter is over and everything is coming back to life.

According to insiders from some teams, after the heavy news that Li Hao was retiring from the Holy Spear, the uniforms of many teams looked up to the sky and laughed, saying frankly that the world is vast and the canyon is more interesting.

When God leaves, the professionals who have been ruthlessly ruled over the past few years can finally take a big breath of air.

The feeling of suffocation is about to disappear!

They won't express it directly. What if they anger Shi Yizhong and Li Hao and don't retire?

All honors in 2021, the quota for the World Series, and the final championship are all unknown.

God’s great age has ended and our age has come.

Seize the future!

As a result, an arms race for the 2020 winter window is already in full swing.

This year, all major teams have tried out a group of people through youth training, introductions from e-sports related people, and discovery by e-sports scouts, etc., ready to show off their talents and reap the fruits of the next era.

Far from just the LPL, the same is true for other regions.

The LCK, which had been reduced to rubble by Li Hao, finally saw a glimmer of light.

They had already admitted defeat to Shi Yizhong and surrendered, without the courage and belief to continue the fight.

But once Li Hao left, it would be different.

In one sentence, they feel like they are doing well again.

This time, the LCK e-sports veteran had no shame in going against his conscience. Instead, he praised Li Hao’s greatness and legend, and said that retiring at the peak was a feat that no one could surpass.

However, let’s put it in terms of the dead duck-like mouths of the old stick guys.

Once the gods are gone, they are the strongest among mortals.

The major teams in the LCK have been in drought for a long time, and they urgently need to quench their thirst.

If you can rule the era of Goddess, you can also become a hero of LCK.

Teams in the European and American divisions also had similar thoughts.

So, this is an extremely restless time.

Everyone is looking forward to the annual ceremony after the winter window ends in December.

I'm just waiting for the news that will settle down and make many professional teams put their minds at ease.

The center of the whirlpool of the great retirement era.

Snake team headquarters base.

In the operations office, the workload of Zuo Wu and his team has increased dramatically these days. They are constantly making phone calls, answering emails, and making appointments for specific trial training times and projects.

"Brother Hao, do you plan to meet alone or arrange them together in batches?"

"Of course together, no time wasted."

Li Hao looked at the newcomers' information and responded casually.

Zuo Wu whispered:

"That would be much more convenient, but..."

"I'm afraid you'll be spinning around all of a sudden and you'll be too busy."

Li Hao smiled: "Old Zuo, you are worried that I will swallow everything in a hurry and not be able to tell who is good and who is bad in a hurry, right?"

"How can that be possible~~"

The people in the operations department must be unsure.

Li Hao knows very well that if he doesn't play next season, how can a bunch of new recruits who can't figure out the specific details support such a huge dynasty.


Li Hao is extremely confident.

After winning the fifth championship trophy, Laoshen System has followed up with the subsequent "youth training" module.

As long as it is an e-sports player that he personally trains, Li Hao can quickly read the opponent's real-time six-dimensional data and career limit, and will also give the fastest season training plan.

As long as Snake allows these players to train according to Li Hao's plan and executes it meticulously, he will be able to teach students in accordance with their aptitude and cultivate a group of league geniuses.

With Snake's current team culture, it is not difficult to do this.

With Li Hao acting as the coach, the newcomers receive training buffs and competition buffs, which can stabilize their performance to a certain extent and even lead to a burst of aura.

As long as these players remain under Li Hao's command, this bug-like ability will continue to exist.

If you leave Snake and join another team, the players will decline to varying degrees based on their usual training conditions and e-sports spirit. It all depends on the players' consciousness. Players with professional qualities and in their golden age can still continue to shine.

League e-sports will definitely become more sophisticated and formalized in the future.

Players must be professional enough, and they can easily be eliminated if they mess around.

Once the youth training base spreads around the world, capable players will be spread to various major competition areas, which can balance the lower limit gap between competition areas and bring more competitive and suspenseful exciting games. Audiences will love to see them, and e-sports events can healthy development.

Other teams will bet on players they consider to be 'geniuses', but Snake has Li Hao to directly avoid risks.

He knew it, but other people were worried.

"don’t worry."

"If the rookie team doesn't improve at all, then the head coach will warm up and leave."

Li Hao made a comforting promise.

This trick was so easy to use that Jiangzuo Wulang immediately became energetic.

November 10th.

On the seventh day after the big retirement scandal, the Internet has not stopped, and the topic cannot be avoided in the circle.

As time went on, the news reached the wider circle.

Riot even broke the news that the big bosses have reached certain agreements with Shi Yizhong, and the new S11 version will be inextricably related to him.

The alliance is in its final stages of preparation.

Audiences from all major competition regions began to discuss the LPL's annual ceremony.

This is by far the most influential and most watched annual event in the world.

Uzi, who has retired, returned to the live broadcast room.

Some netizens asked: "Uzi, is Brother Hao really retiring?"

The little fat man responded: "How can I guess what Brother Hao is thinking? It all depends on him. If Brother Hao retires, everyone in S11 will have a chance. If Brother Hao does not retire, S11 Snake will still be the champion. Because I can be sure of one thing, Hao My retirement has nothing to do with my condition, he is the best among the best."

"A few days ago, I asked Brother Hao to play Solo at the base, and I was abused again."

"I'm not bragging, only Brother Hao can beat me like this in Solo."

Uzi's words made many True Love Hao fans feel regretful.

They hope that Li Hao will continue to play. What does it matter even if he wins all the championships?

Young people have only themselves to blame if they cannot take away the future.

Night shrouded the riverside, and the river flowed quietly.

The breeze blows, rippling the microwaves. Distant lights reflected on the water, shining softly.

Zhao Xiaoan looked into the distance, her eyes were clear and bright, and the beautiful night scene was reflected in her pupils. As her gaze shifted, a face filled with contemplation appeared in her pupils.

"what's on your mind?"

"Is it too early to consider retiring?"

She smiled and poked Li Hao with her finger.


Li Hao showed the time on his phone: "It's already very late. I'm wondering why your mother hasn't called you yet."

"Brother Hao is confused too. She knows I'm with you, so why should she call me?"

Zhao Xiaoan spat softly and hugged his arm, "The number one e-sports person is willing to sell me?"

"How can you give it up?"

"But you can't go back tonight."

"If you don't reply, I will be where you are."

Zhao Xiao'an said softly, then raised her face to look at him. The two looked at each other with affection. Li Hao couldn't help but lower his head. Zhao Xiao'an smiled and avoided it, and said:

"I waved to you so hard at the Bird's Nest, but you didn't even see me."

"Xiao An, there are more than 100,000 people."

"And you said you were at work, but I didn't know you were there."

Zhao Xiaoan waved his hands in disappointment, "Brother Hao, you are too honest."

"In such an important final, I will definitely go there to cheer you on."

"I'm also afraid that you'll be distracted, so of course I won't tell you."

"However, based on your mind, I guess you would have looked for me in the audience after the game, and then found me with your amazing observation skills. Then our eyes met in the sea of ​​​​people, and you waved to me."

"In the audience of 100,000 people, I am the only one who understands the meaning of your gesture."

She told it with a happy face, immersed in her romantic script.

Li Hao was ashamed but found her interesting.

After she finished speaking, she pointed to a couple in the distance. A boy was carrying a girl on his back, walking back and forth.

"bring it on."

Li Hao bent down and said dotingly.

Slender hands held his neck, and a few strands of black hair touched his cheek.

"Will it be heavy?"

"I once carried Snake on my back before the World Championships. How could I not carry a weak woman? Xiao An, don't underestimate people." Li Hao said arrogantly.

"I know, great hero."

Zhao Xiaoan was very happy.

In the past few years, she had rarely played with Li Hao like she did today.

She appreciates Li Hao's e-sports talent, admires his professionalism, and is proud of his honor.

Therefore, she did not want Li Hao to be affected because of her.

I had taken into account Li Hao's injuries before and worried about affecting his operation, so I would never let him carry me on his back like this today.

Zhao Xiao'an has always been more of a silent support and companion, and she cherishes all of this.

Under the moonlight, a beautiful face showed a sweet smile.

She hugged him tightly and enjoyed it very much.

Tens of millions of fans lost their number one e-sports player, and she got a more complete Li Hao.

"Brother Hao, it's so cold."

"Shall I give you the clothes?"

"no no."

"I mean the air up there."

Zhao Xiaoan lay next to his ear and said in a clear voice, pretending to be serious:

"The number one player in e-sports at the pinnacle cannot find an opponent. For five years, he has been hard pressed to defeat and has rarely met an opponent."

"I would love to find an opponent who can beat me," he told the crowd.

"How lonely it is to be invincible. How many people will never experience or understand this feeling in their lifetime."

"The number one person in e-sports is about to retire in this invincible loneliness, just like being alone and seeking defeat."

“Now, I’m on the shoulders of the first person in e-sports.”

"The air up here is indeed lonely and cold, and the starry sky is even more boundless and empty. I can understand your feelings better."

She took a breath, lowered her head and kissed him on the face again, squirming restlessly with joy.

Li Hao was amused by her and laughed.

"You want to change your career to a commentator, right?"

The two laughed for a while, and Zhao Xiaoan leaned into his ear again and sighed: "Brother Hao, it's really a pity that you retired."

"I will never see an e-sports player like you again in the future."

"Proud talent only lives in people's memories."


"Talent can be passed down." Li Hao said quietly.


"As long as we work hard enough, a genius will definitely appear in more than ten years."

Zhao Xiao'an was stunned for a moment, and then felt someone's hand playing tricks.

She understood, and asked with a slight blush on her face: "Brother Hao, can you train me to be a mid laner?"

"AD is easy to target."

PS: Good night book friends, please update on time before 23:59 tomorrow night.

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