LOL: This man is so strong!

Chapter 2: The advent of myth (2)

"That's not what you said a year ago."

"Your face is like this"

"Oh~! Too bad, it's TheKing again. We had three more design discussions this week, and TheKing squeezed out our game leisure time. Haha, the first person in e-sports has captured the entire league, and even the designers have become captured. We are powerless, obviously we are the ones holding the knives."

Vince imitated August's previous behavior and babbled.

You find them troublesome when they are here, but you miss them when they retire.

emptiness? Just cheap.


August laughed: "After all, he is the number one person in e-sports. We have watched him go through an entire era. If he suddenly retires, both the audience and us designers need buffering time."

“In the future, I’m afraid there will never be another e-sports player like The King.”

"I miss you."

This is a true statement.

When it became clear that Li Hao was retiring, many people at Riot headquarters were screaming and holding their heads in disbelief.

Because for a long time before, they would talk about "TheKing", "TheKing" and "TheKing" every day.

There are many, many topics related to him that are completely unavoidable.

That almost formed a working and living habit.

But now.

Everything no longer tastes like that.

Li Hao is undoubtedly highly respected and admired at Riot headquarters, despite causing a lot of trouble for designers.

On the day of retirement, not only the designers, but also the painters couldn't help but share the incident on Twitter.

For the eSports world, it is too important.

"We will launch the next version soon, and the changes are very big."

Vince had a premonition: "There must be considerable resistance from the outside world."

August shook his head: "This matter has become easier now."

He sighed again:

"Even if The King retires, we will still rely on him."

On December 28, 2020, Riot delayed the update to version 10.24.

"The Arrival of Myths" - mythical equipment appears.

The sudden change of a whole set of equipment confused not only those players who returned to the game because of the popularity, but also the summoners who had been playing.

This girl can't understand, she can't pretend!

Originally, everyone complained a lot, but Riot came up with a sublimation explanation.

"The god of e-sports left Summoner's Rift. His myths and stories are scattered all over the world, in Ionia, Runeterra, Roxus, and Shurima. And his divine power is left behind in Each piece of equipment is given new power and the alliance enters the next era——"

"——The Age of Mythology!"

"Summoners who have acquired new powers, start in the age of mythology, use brand-new mythical equipment, feel the power of the gods, and embark on the mythical path that follows the footsteps of gods!"

The departure of gods, the spreading of divine power, and the emergence of mythical equipment

The huge changes that were originally unreasonable, but with a little added sentiment, actually seemed to fit in with the summoners who missed and were reluctant to part with Li Hao.

Players even began to actively adapt to the mythical version.

Even many players are full of yearning.

New vitality permeates the Alliance world, and everything is thriving.

Next season is full of suspense.

Who can aspire to the throne in the age of mythology?

When thinking of Shi Yizhong's glory, the players' hearts were filled with enthusiasm and fighting spirit.

The mythical road officially sets sail.

The fever is basically gone. I will continue tomorrow.

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