LOL: What is a roaming mid laner?

Chapter 131 129: Everything is a routine

"Before the game, the coaching staff of both sides decided EDG's priority in picking sides by tossing a coin. They were free to choose sides in rounds 1, 3, and 5, while YM chose sides in rounds 2 and 4."

I remember saying, "EDG chose the blue side in the first game, first ban, first pick. This was a bit unexpected."

"Yes, every team used to grab the red side when facing YM, in order to prevent YM's last counter position. After all, Ran's mid lane hero pool is a bit weird, and it is often hard to guard against."

"But EDG must have had their considerations in making this choice," Miller added. "They chose to ban Shen, Blind Sin and Vampire, and released Xiao Ming's Thresh."

The YM side is still discussing the last ban position, after they banned Sivir and Excavator.

"If we put Ember, we can take Ice and Thresh, what do you think?" Han Yi was asking for his opinion on the bot lane.

"No, I don't necessarily have to choose Thresh. What if the opponent plays Jhin + Tahm Kench? The plan we arranged before the game will be difficult to handle." Xiao Ming scratched his neck and said.

"Ban Jin, it's too risky to release." JKL said.

Hanyi had no choice but to ban Jhin. EDG achieved their goal by placing red. They did not dare to release Jhin to deft, so YM could only use this ban position.

"EDG chose Han Bing first, so it's not a big problem. Deft's performance at the end of the season was quite eye-catching, and Jhin was banned. This is one of the few high-quality choices in the ADC." Remember said.

"Captain Tam, take these two first." Hanyi flipped through a page of his notebook, which recorded the heroes and lineup combinations of the opponent's five players. The coaches usually make BP based on these.

EDG took down the bull head + wine barrel.

"Look at YM's third and fourth picks, Prince and Verus..." Miller analyzed, "YM's picks are very characteristic, and their ability to roam and jump towers is good."

"Card and Gnar, EDG took out their last two choices," I remember saying, "I personally prefer to choose this hand of cards instead of ban, because in the previous semi-finals of YM against WE, Ran's card performance was very outstanding."

"Yes, I have no choice but to choose Gnar. In Mouse's hero pool, only Gnar can suppress the captain in lane. I don't dare to take the big tree I practiced before. Firstly, because the middle and jungle both have AP output, so I need to add another big tree. The output attributes are unbalanced, and the second reason is that the big tree is very difficult to deal with the captain's advancement in the mid-to-late stage."

"But to be honest, Gnar can't beat the captain in the mid-to-late stage, whether in team battles or solo. Although Gnar can use Tathagata Palm with a very high upper limit in team battles, the fault tolerance rate is too low. The current team depends on you. Gnar won't fight you when he's angry."

Miller's objective assessment.

"Let's see what YM's last choice is to play Scout's card?" Watanabe murmured.

"Yasuo? This shouldn't be an option, right?" Miller said with a smile when he saw Yasuo's avatar displayed on the fifth floor of YM.

"If you dare to pick Yasuo, I will send him to the bottom lane," Lin Ran looked at Xiao Ming and said, "I'm not kidding, Yasuo on the day when Shark Fight premiered was my highest level."

Xiaotian trembled all over, and he thought again of the happy-go-lucky man who picked up R in advance.

"Take the Ice Girl," Han Yi said, "Remember what I told you before, act more realistically, and don't scare people away."

"No problem." JKL gestured.

"Ice Girl, one of Ran's signature heroes, is very capable of cooperating with the jungle." Wawa said.

"Then I think this game is still a collision between the middle and jungle. Whoever takes the opportunity to open the bottom lane first will get the advantage in the early and mid-term." Remember to add.

Lin Ran adjusted his rune talent and started pinching his wrist.

The lineups of both sides are confirmed.

Blue square EDG: Gnar, barrel, card, ice, bull head.

Red Square YM: Captain, Prince, Ice Lady, Verus, Tam.

"The first round of the 2016 LPL Summer Finals has officially begun! Let's enter the Summoner's Rift together!"

Along with the excited voice of the doll, tens of thousands of spectators cheered.

At level one, both sides started the game in a regular manner, taking defensive positions and not rashly invading.

As soon as the army line gathered in the middle, Lin Ran went to the line and started to take troops.

The card was relatively weak before level 6. He didn't dare to push the line because his legs were too short, so he simply pulled the line in front of his tower.

The performance of JKL and Ming in the bottom lane finally began.

The two of them went online after eating the Demon Swamp Frog. Due to Tahm's W skill mechanism, they made a lot of money by eating jungle in the early stage, and they couldn't waste much health at all.

EDG's Tauren Ice was inferior, and the Gargoyle Camp reduced Meiko's health by 1/3.

The level 1 Tau Tau is even weaker than Tahm. After taking down the troops and rising by 2, JKL took advantage of Verus's passive attack speed to press forward and compete with Deft.

deft This guy is used to being powerful in the lpl, and he has never suffered a loss. If JKL dares to come forward to exchange blood, he will fight back.

But he underestimated JKL's determination to exchange blood. He activated the healing E [Evil Spirit Arrow Rain] and slowed it down. It seemed that he had to fight deft to win or lose.

Xiao Ming's Tahm Kench eats a soldier and spits it at deft, igniting it and directly hanging up.

At first, meiko thought it was just an ordinary online blood exchange, and that was it. Unexpectedly, YM handed over two summoner skills to forcefully destroy deft's health.

He hesitated for a while but still didn't turn in Flash and Ignite, kowtowed on the spot, and pushed Tam up to hit him.

deft didn't expect YM to be so aggressive in the bottom lane. Seeing the ignition on his body, the recovery provided by the treatment was obviously not enough, so he simply flashed the retreat guarantee state.

"Isn't this wave of YM bottom lane profitable?" Wawa was a little unsure, "Two summoner skills are exchanged for one flash, deft eats the blood bottle on the body and waits for the war lord's bloodlust to recover."

"However, YM managed to keep the bottom line in this battle, and Tahm Kench can enter the EDG jungle to control vision," Miller said.

"Yes, if you can catch the factory director's wild route in the early stage, it won't be a loss." Remember to nod.

Xiao Ming lowered his vision and saw the wine barrel coming towards the red BUFF. The position of his vision was exposed. Xiao Tian could easily know through the tab panel that the factory director was the three blue wolves who came to eat the red BUFF.

However, YM's layout was not as simple as the three commentators imagined. Xiaotian's Prince Hong started to use F4 + Three Wolves, leveled up to 3 as quickly as possible, and went straight to the factory director's wild area.

When they arrived, the factory director had just eaten the red buff and was about to leave. EQ shot twice in the grass and knocked away the factory director's wine barrel.

Although Xiaotian didn't hit the blue BUFF, the amount of blue on his body was barely enough to use W [Golden Holy Shield]. In addition, the red BUFF's slowdown kept him stuck to the factory director.

Both the bottom lane and the middle lane were pushed out, and the factory director looked at Xiaotian who was close to his face, and knew that if he handed over E [Roudan Impact], he would only be blocked by Xiaotian.

He had no choice but to hand over Flash and then escape from the jungle with a belly full of shame.

"Hey," Miller whispered, "This wave of YM's layout is not bad. The wine barrels are still very flashy. There is very little that the factory director can do in these five minutes."

"Yes, Xiao Ming's eye position has made a great contribution." I remember saying.

Xiaotian ate the factory director's F4, and then inserted his own jewelry eye into the grass.

After Xiao Ming came back from doing the ward, JKL pushed a wave of soldiers, and then inserted an ornament eye in the grass on the line closest to the EDG defense tower in the bottom lane.

This wave of advancing troops was quite large. Before deft and meiko could finish clearing it, the next wave of our own troops rushed over and collided with YM's soldiers under the tower in advance.

This will be a pushback line for JKL.

deft plans to clean up slowly and let JKL lose as many troops as possible.

The push back line gathered together and pushed out in front of the tower.

Mr. Dai and Meiko left the shelter of the defense tower and came to the central location.

Lin Ran also pushed a wave of Scout troops at this time. He had 25 knives and went home to buy the Dark Seal and the reusable potion.

Xiaotian's field of vision under EDG's F4 bushes did not see the director's movements.

Unless he goes home in the first wave and doesn't replenish the green jungle knife, he must have just finished the Demon Swamp Frog at this moment and is eating the River Swift Crab on the road.

EDG's bottom lane didn't know anything about this, and was still stuck with the push back line and tail knife.

The moment the two of them crossed the river relying on their troops, Lin Ran gave the order to attack.

Xiao Ming's Tamu flashed across the line of troops with Q [Giant Tongue Whip] and slapped the ice shooter's graceful body, leaving a red mark with saliva on his exposed white skin.

Lin Ran placed TP on the online grass field closest to EDG before JKL.

"This is a back-circling TP. Ice Girl needs support at level 3!" Watana shouted loudly.

JKL gave E [Evil Spirit Rain of Arrows] to slow down deft again, which made it difficult for him to move without flash.

Meiko used the horns to push JKL into the air, and then used Q [Earth Shatter] to knock Xiao Ming away.

deft acts as a doctor on a dead horse, gives treatment, and also wants to use acceleration to save himself.

But Lin Ran had already landed.

E [Glacier Path] is close to Mr. Dai's face, and W [Ring of Frost] restrains the ice shooter.

JKL drew his bow and charged up, and his Q [Piercing Arrow] hit the deft with remaining health without any suspense, taking away the first blood of Han Bing.

The fans supporting YM in the audience cheered, while the EDG fans died down. The previous cheers were suddenly interrupted, as if they were stuck in their throats.

"Beautiful support!" Miller didn't see through YM's early layout for a while.

He did not expect that from the first wave of battles in the bottom lane, EDG would have fallen into YM's trap.

Speaking of which, this was a tactic Hanyi stole from EDG's semifinal match against RNG.

But this is an improved version.

The bottom lane was unexpected and reckless at first, using a combination of skills with slowdown and heavy damage to deceive the opponent's AD flash, control the line, assist the opponent's jungle to lay out the vision, and use the jungler to invade.

Then push the line deep down the road, bury the vision in the grass, and wait for the push line to come.

Lin Ran returned to the city to replenish his equipment. As soon as he saw the bottom line of troops crossing the river, he immediately sent TP for support.

What I caught was the AD that didn't flash.

This huge wave of pushback lines was eventually divided equally between Lin Ran and JKL.

"I can't get down, the prince is on my face." Scout said in an apologetic tone.

"It's okay, it's okay. Let's catch the wave in the middle when I flash out." The factory director took the initiative to speak.

Lin Ran ate up his troops and first-blood assist money, went home and bought a boosting tome, and then rushed online.

Xiaotian ate up a large wave of soldiers under the middle tower, went straight to level 5, returned to the city, made a green jungle knife, a long sword and a real eye, and rushed to the jungle again.

YM has thus established its initial advantage.

Second update.

The response to the previous chapter was not good, mainly because the plot didn’t fit in well.

Previously, I wrote several memes related to the current period at the beginning of my article, but some readers corrected me by saying, "How could these memes exist in 2016?"

Then I rarely use future memes to write about things that happened in the past.

In the last chapter of the trash talk, some readers again expressed their opinions, saying that the jokes were too old-fashioned and were all stuff left over from many years ago.

This leads to a contradiction between the old and the new.

Since the response was not good, I will briefly cover the trash talk session in the future and focus on the competition.

Thanks for the 500 starting coin reward from 00 who seems to understand but not understand.

Who do I want to thank for the 1700 starting coin reward that I am not afraid of getting stabbed?

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