LOL: What is a roaming mid laner?

Chapter 136 134: YM who jumps over the tower without thinking, deft who is exhausted mentally and ph

Lin Ran began to give in. He knew that he could not consume more than the Tsar with three layers of corruption potion, so he simply hid behind the army line and slowly touched up the damage.

However, the Tsar did not flash and did not dare to press the line rashly again, so his suppression ability was much smaller.

The factory director seemed to have figured out the bottom lane in this game. At 5 minutes and 30 seconds, the prince arrived again.

Meiko Bron Q flashed through the line of soldiers and smashed the huge ice block on Xiao Ming who did not flash.

Prince EQ took action, and Xiao Ming simply moved in the opposite direction towards everyone in EDG, selling himself to allow JKL's Verus to escape successfully.

The first blood was eaten by deft's ice, and then the three EDG soldiers pushed away their troops and fought against the dragon, taking the first fire dragon into their pocket.

On the other side, Xiaotian seemed to have plunged into the jungle and never came out. In nearly 6 minutes, he only helped a flash in the middle.

"Is this blind monk a pure brush?"

"Xiaotian, give me some help, Xiaotian!"

"I kind of know why they banned the captain and the vampire, but released the blind monk. It's really out of rhythm."

Wawa also felt that there was something wrong with Xiaotian's rhythm in this game. It seemed that he suddenly slowed down, which was not in line with YM's usual fast break style.

But before he could speak, Miller spoke first.

"Hiss... Xiaotian's level is a bit strange. Is he about to reach level 6?" Miller tried hard to see the experience bar under Xiaotian's status bar. The blind monk already had more than half of his experience at level 5.

The factory director only managed to reach level 5 after sharing the experience of a wave of soldiers in the bottom lane.

"The level does increase a bit quickly. Xiaotian probably wants to wait until level 6 to set the pace?" I remember guessing, "Let's see his next move."

The difference in experience is mainly due to the F4 and Gargoyle camps. These two camps provide higher experience values, and Xiaotian brushes it quite frequently. He not only brushes his own camp, but also eats the factory director's two shares.

From the moment Xiao Ming was hit and flashed, he knew that the factory director would definitely live in the bottom lane in the next 5 minutes.

And he couldn't help.

The control effect provided by the Freljord combination of Ice + Braum in small-scale team battles is absolutely amazing. He has no chance of winning in a 3V3 jungle.

He just immersed himself in writing.

This time when he returned to the city, he replenished his green jungle knife and two long swords, and continued to march towards the factory director's jungle area, aiming directly at the newly refreshed F4.

The factory director's prince finished eating the Demon Marsh Frog, and then walked towards the three wolves.

At this time, Xiaotian had eaten F4 and his level had risen to 6. He began to plan an offensive.

This is his most promising wave of success.

Xiaotian communicated with Lin Ran through the team voice, and then he kept an eye on the yellow chicken near the midline.

"Is Xiaotian going to move in the middle?" Wawa was a little worried, "The distance between him and Huang Ji is a bit far. The junior still has a big move in his hand."

"And the factory director is almost done with the three wolves and will be here soon." Remember added.

But the blind monk of Muay Thai is ready to go.

Scout didn't have F4's field of vision, so he didn't know that there was a blind man sniffing his body in that wall.

After the level of Q [Crazy Sand Onslaught] increased, he became more and more comfortable in the middle lane. The powerful consumption ability made Lin Ran a little bit too much.

He looked at Lin Ran who was in poor condition and wanted to find an opportunity to kill him alone.

At this moment, Lin Ran actually placed W [Crow's Claw Binding] in front of him, and a purple round rune mark appeared, still a little away from the yellow chicken.

Scout thought at first that Lin Ran was predicting his movement, so he pressed S for a moment, hoping to wait for the effect of the Binding of Crow's Claw to disappear before moving forward.

But in the flash of lightning, on the outside of the F4 wall behind him, a barefooted bald man with a red cloth band over his eyes appeared again.

The blind monk moved as fast as lightning, and with a flash of golden light, he completed an ultra-long-distance dash in the air!

In just an instant, Xiaotian appeared behind Scout. The blind monk concentrated all his strength on his legs, his muscles knitted, and he kicked the junior in an instant!

Scout didn't react, Xiaotian's displacement speed was too fast!

He flew up uncontrollably and fell into Lin Ran's arms.

Flying in mid-air, the crow's crow's claw binding was finally ready for delay. A huge purple claw protruded from the ground and firmly controlled the tsar's body!

"This is the tacit cooperation between YM's midfielder and jungler!" Miller shouted loudly, "Ran set up W in advance and waited for Xiaotian's kick!"

E [Suffering and Torment] + R [Evil Crow Possession]!

Lin Ran instantly transformed into a huge black crow, and the little crow beside him began to circle around. Every time the little crow pecked the Queen, it would draw a steady stream of blood to the giant crow.

Xiaotian's Blind Monk mounted the Sky Sound Wave and stepped forward to attack.

Scout was so desperate that he refused to turn in R [Wall of the Forbidden Army]. He stood there and was sucked to death by Lin Ran.

The factory director had just arrived near the second tower on the middle road and couldn't get there.

"Xiaotian's roundhouse kick is really fast. It moved thousands of yards in an instant." Wawa exclaimed.

"This is a W flash. Of course, the visual effect is that of a W flash, but the speed is indeed faster." Miller explained.

But the audience was very impressed by this visual stimulation, especially when the 3D animation special effects were added during the playback of the guide, making the blind monk look like he was flying in the sky.

"Such fast feet! Let's not talk about how handsome he is."

"What did you say about Xiao Tianchun before? Don't be silent."

"W flash? I've learned it, and I'll start ranking to trick my teammates right away."

Xiaotian breathed a sigh of relief in the team's voice.

At the same time, he went to eat the red BUFF he had just refreshed.

Lin Ran used his ultimate move Crow Crow to clear the line of troops, and then returned to the city.

It had been nearly 7 minutes, Lin Ran had spent 55 knives, and had 300 yuan for each person's head. He went back to the city to buy a lunch box, a bursting wand and a real eye.

The lunch box, including the time staff synthesized later, are essential equipment for Crow, because he can resist injuries - the lunch box restores mana - the ultimate move consumes mana to restore blood and sucks blood - and continues to resist injuries.

Crow's ability to become a top-level Fatan is inseparable from these two pieces of equipment that fit perfectly.

After buying the equipment, Lin Ran stayed motionless in the spring, waiting for Xiaotian to get into position.

Xiaotian had already eaten the red buff at this time, and he knew that his position with the factory director was completely misplaced now.

Because of the different opening routes in the jungle, he opened with red in the lower half of the field. At this time, he could just eat the second red and draw down. However, the prince had to brush the red BUFF in the upper half of the jungle at this time and was unable to protect his own bottom lane.

It was this wave of opportunities that Xiaotian seized. He stepped on the vision arranged by EDG in the bottom river and broke into the factory director's wild area.

EDG found out in time in the bottom lane, but it was too late to retreat.

Xiaotian was completely outflanking him. He inserted his vision on the path down EDG through the wall of the Demon Swamp Frog.

At this time, Lin Ran finally made a move, and a blue rotating light appeared on the newly installed prosthetic eye!

"YM's 4 pack of 2!" Miller exclaimed, "In this minute they suddenly changed speed and started to speed up the pace!"

Mr. Dai and Meiko were shivering under the tower. No one could help them at this time.

The yellow chicken's TP is still a little short of improving. The factory director is on the road at this time. Mouse's tree cannot hand over TP protection in a short time when facing Jin Gong's Shen.

Lin Ran landed. At this time, his ultimate move still had a few seconds to turn around, but he was not in a hurry.

In his eyes, EDG's bottom lane is already a dead pair, it's just a matter of head ownership.

"Give me this end. I have to grow. Special effects equipment is too expensive." JKL said while busy pushing the line.

"If you take the lead, don't take the first blood tower in the bottom lane." Garlic Bastard threatened.

"Huh? Are you teaching me how to do something?" JKL said in a strange tone.

None of the four players in the bottom lane have reached level 6 at this time (as mentioned before, in the S6 summer version, it takes 7 minutes and 33 seconds for a soldier in the bottom lane to reach level 6 without losing experience), and they have almost no ability to resist.

JKL successfully pushed the line of troops into the tower.

Lin Ran's ultimate skill finally turned around. He activated his ultimate skill again and transformed into a giant crow. Crows of crows were flying around him. He entered the range of the defense tower and began to resist the tower.

deft shot W [Ten Thousand Arrows] to slow down Lin Ran. At this time, Xiaotian put a layer of film on Lin Ran with W, and then Q [Tian Yin Wave] aimed at deft.

Mr. Dai is truly the top AD in the LPL and his reaction speed is extremely fast.

He reacted the moment Xiaotian raised his hand to throw out the Tianyin Wave, and flashed to the side to avoid the Q.

But Verus' E [Evil Arrow Rain] shot down, slowing down and reducing the healing effect of the ice.

The giant crow controlled by Lin Ran handed over EW at the same time, trying to restrain Han Bing.

Meiko Bron put ignition on the crow that was resisting the tower, and then raised his shield to try to block the damage for deft, but YM was double-teamed from both sides, and the shield could only block the damage from one side.

Giant claws emerged from the ground and bound the ice. Xiao Ming seized the opportunity to use Q [Astral Binding] to connect the ice to the wall and knock it out.

Xiaotian slaps the floor to slow down Han Bing, and kills Han Bing together with Double C.

The audience watched as Crow resisted the tower twice, and when he was still in health, he successfully came out of the tower to replace Xiao Tian, ​​and everyone in YM killed Braum again.

Meiko was unwilling to fall down and rushed to the hot springs with her good brother Mr. Dai.

JKL provided treatment and helped Xiaotian escape from the range of the defense tower.

The four YM people then passed through the wall through the hole opened by Bud and reached the safe area.

"I'm sorry!" JKL watched Lin Ran take away the heads of Han Bing and Braun, feeling extremely unwilling, "Give me some soup, brother."

"Definitely next time." Lin Ran promised casually while leading Xiaotian towards the middle road.

"It's so hopeless," Miller sighed. "As soon as Han Bing dies, all the advantages he had in the bottom lane are gone, and he even gave away a lot."

"But there is good news," Wawa interjected. "The Tsar took the opportunity to push a wave of troops."

"But it's useless. This crow is 3/0. I must have a light stick when I go home." I remember saying to the side.

"The economic gap has widened again, and EDG still has problems with its early-game rhythm," Miller said. "But their lineup is not designed to play in the early game. Let's see if the line-changing operation in the middle can catch YM's flaw. "

The factory director was not idle during this period. He went on the road and successfully caught Jin Gong's flash.

But that's all. The slag's stability is very high, and its displacement skills mean that the prince cannot complete the kill with the help of the big tree.

Lin Ran and Xiaotian pushed a wave of soldiers in the middle together, and then Lin Ran took the lead in returning to the city to replenish the time staff.

The sooner this piece of equipment is released, the better. Only by maximizing the value of the equipment provided by stacking its attributes in advance can the equipment be maximized.

While Lin Ran was online, he switched perspectives to observe the dynamics of his teammates.

JKL has returned to the city and has taken out two small pieces of the Blade of the Ruined King and the attack speed dagger. The equipment is not inferior to Mr. Dai who took Xiao Ming's first blood.

But he felt that he needed to suppress Deft a little more. He is the strongest carry ability among EDG. As long as his development is stopped, EDG will not be able to come back.

"Wait for me to eat two waves of soldiers, and then go to the bottom lane to kill him again." Lin Ran decided to increase his efforts.

When JKL heard Lin Ran's words, he mourned for deft in his heart.

As an ADC, he knows what it's like to be constantly double-teamed by the opponent.

Alas, AD is so difficult!

JKL was quite emotional.

Fortunately, I am their teammate. If there is no head, there will be no head. It is better than dying like this.

Xiaotian also ushered in his strong period after receiving 3 assists. He was ahead of the factory director in terms of level and experience, and began to invade the lower half of the jungle with the help of the strength of the crow in the middle.

After the last wave of tower-crossing kills, Xiao Ming's Bard was also released.

In terms of roaming ability, Braum will be completely destroyed by Bard.

He and Xiaotian were doing evil in the factory director's jungle area together. One real eye and one green jungle knife completely lit up the factory director's lower half of the jungle area.

The factory director is so distressed that he dare not go down at all now.

Even the second blue originally belonging to the yellow chicken was snatched away by YM. Lin Ran used his Q skill and let Beatrice on his shoulder eat the remaining blue BUFF.

After returning to the line, Lin Ran began to frequently use his skills to push the line.

Scout knew that Lin Ran would move down once he finished pushing the line, so he couldn't give him a chance. With the Bee Stinger out, he kept using sand soldiers to poke at the line.

"Xiaotian, come to the middle and cooperate with me in a play." Lin Ran saw that he couldn't clear the army line, so he took the initiative to ask for help from the jungler.

Xiaotian eats F4 and goes around from the river to the side of a tower in EDG.

The junior boy noticed that Lin Ran's speed of pushing the line suddenly increased, and he even used his Q, so he knew something was wrong.

He quickly asked deft to hand over his E skill and help him explore the field of vision near the middle.

It didn't matter. Through the Eagle Spirit, the junior saw Xiaotian squatting in the grass beside the tower. Even if the blind monk was blindfolded, he could detect a trace of murderous intent from the middle level.

The blind monk's Tianyin Wave took action, aiming at the junior's body.

Scout panicked and quickly set up his sand soldiers, using E [Quicksand] to retreat to F4 and seek protection from the factory director who was staying there.

But he didn't realize Lin Ran's purpose in asking Xiao Tian to crouch in the middle.

Lin Ran didn't want to kill him.

I just want to chase my younger brother away.

Seeing the Tsar hand over his E skill, Lin Ran pushed away his troops and rushed down the lane with Xiaotian.

This is almost a clear sign telling EDG that I am going to kill your bottom lane.

"Help me!" deft started to speak English in a hurry.

There is no other way. He has been playing in the LPL for almost two years, and his Chinese has not improved much, but his daily English is not a big problem.

The factory director who was in F4 could only use one pair of legs to rush down, while Scout handed over TP to ensure the safety of the bottom lane.

"You have to land, otherwise they won't leave!" Meiko reminded.

The junior student who had just returned to the middle tower from the Sharp Beak Camp looked at the large wave of soldiers being eaten by the tower and gritted his teeth and teleported to the bottom lane.

However, the YM midfielder refused to give up and continued to advance to the bottom lane.

The meaning revealed is very obvious.

You didn't give me enough chips.

It took us two brothers 10 seconds to travel a long distance to the lower road. You just handed over a TP and thought it was over?


4 packs of 3 can also be surpassed. Xiao Ming’s Bard can use R [Reconciling Fate] to immobilize the defense tower, and Lin Ran’s current combat effectiveness is extremely strong.

Under the constant urging from the bottom lane, Mouse, the tool man on the top lane, also handed over teleportation to protect the bottom lane.

Lin Ran nodded with satisfaction when he saw the big tree also falling to the ground, "Jin Gong, please grow quickly, Xiao Tian, ​​let's push the middle tower."

The two returned to the middle lane, and EDG only had the factory manager left to defend the first tower in the middle lane.

Xiaotian seized the opportunity and unceremoniously Q [Tian Yin Wave] hung on a cannon soldier, then touched his eyes and kicked the prince into Lin Ran's arms, and then left in style with the help of the second Q echo attack.

A set of combos is handsome and eye-catching, and the thinking is clear.

Lin Ran activated his ultimate move. With the Staff of Time, he did good damage, and WEQ's basic attack chased the prince all the way.

The factory director EQ wanted to escape, but Lin Ran followed and flashed, and the little crows circling around him sucked the prince into a mummy.

4/0, the system prompts that the crow is close to going berserk.

The vision previously arranged in the lower half of the wild area saw deft shooting a magic crystal arrow towards the middle.

With warning, Lin Ran easily dodged the crystal arrows and left the defense tower calmly. At this time, he still had half of his health left.

"Let's go, let's go to the lower road!"

Lin Ran knew that Dashu must have returned to the city, and the resources in the bottom lane were simply not enough for the two C positions. The Tsar thought that he would have to come back to feed the middle lane.

"YM, isn't this too cruel?" Wawa said in an exaggerated tone, "Are you going to double-team the bottom lane?"

Lin Ran and Xiaotian did not rush straight to the lower road, but went around from their own jungle area to the top of Xiaolong Pit, and then rushed along the triangular grass of the lower road to catch Mr. Dai.

deft and meiko originally thought that the blind monk without the ultimate move would definitely not attack their tower, but Lin Ran took advantage of this luck.

Xiaoming Bader activated E [Magical Journey], led the middle and junglers through the tunnel to the back of the first tower in the bottom lane, and double-teamed EDG's bottom lane again.

"It's gone, it's gone, Crow's ultimate skill is good too fast, he has blue BUFF on him and there is no shortage of blue." Miller knew that this wave of EDG bottom lane really had no way to escape.

All the TPs in Shangzhong have been handed over, and the factory director has just been resurrected from the spring, so he can't help deft at all.

Ashe watched the two hooligans Crow and Blind Sin want to ravage his body again, but they were helpless. He had no ultimate move or flash, and Braum alone would definitely not be able to withstand it.

Xiao Ming's Bard also played a trick. Lin Ran opened R and transformed into a crow form to resist the tower, while Meiko's Braum opened R [Glacier Fissure] to prepare for a counterattack.

At this moment, Bard had just activated his R skill, making an unexplained deep sound from his mouth, turning the bottom defense tower into an Oscar statuette.

The duration of the ultimate move is 2.5S. During this time, EDG loses the support of defense towers in the bottom lane.

The glacier fissure knocked Lin Ran into the air, and deft also used his passive in time, but it was still to no avail. Without the damage from the defense tower, it was impossible for them to kill the time-staffed crow.

Lin Ran was knocked into the air and was stunned, but the little crows surrounding him would not stop, and kept sucking the blood from the two of them, nourishing Lin Ran's body.

JKL used a big move to trap Braum, Xiao Ming's Bad Q connected to the control without any suspense, and the YM four once again killed the EDG bottom duo.

deft rubbed his forehead helplessly, feeling exhausted both physically and mentally.

"It's only been 10 minutes, and EDG's bottom lane was once again killed by a tower jump!" Miller's commentary echoed through the microphone through the venue, "deft's development is extremely limited, and JKL's Verus Return to the City is already ruined!"

"The economic gap between the two sides will soon reach 3.5K, and the tower in the bottom lane will fall. This game will be difficult for EDG again." I remember shaking my head repeatedly.

EDG fans at the scene and in the live broadcast rooms of major events looked helpless, while the audience who supported YM had faces full of joy.

They knew that the rhythm of this game was once again firmly controlled by YM.

"No, why does the head belong to you again?" JKL was a little angry.

Lin Ran's crow ate Braum's head again, while Han Bing's 300 yuan was taken away by Xiao Ming. JKL had empty pockets, a record of 0/0/4, and was playing like a support.

"Next time, definitely next time." Lin Ran promised.

JKL responded casually, "Brother Ran, what I want is your promise."

He came back to his senses two seconds later, "That's not right, you said the same thing when you came to the bottom lane last time!"

"Really? Did you remember it wrong?" Lin Ran casually said, "I never said that."

You can hear the communication between the team members in the YM team lounge, and your chubby face will burst into laughter when you hear this.

"Please come back and report this voice to the official. It can be used." He turned back and confirmed with the operation staff.

Second update!

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