LOL: What is a roaming mid laner?

Chapter 207 205: Building momentum and surprise before the game

Before fighting against the Red Legion WE, YM still had to participate in a series of business activities.

They spent a whole day shooting an advertisement for their sponsor BMW in front of a green screen.

After BMW finished filming the commercial, it directly left several new models to YM to use as their travel tools.

"Which one of you has a driver's license?" Lin Ran looked at the X6 in front of him in confusion.

The teammates shook their heads one after another. We are all Internet-addicted teenagers. During the holidays, we would like to stay in the dormitory all day without going out. Where can we find the time to take the driver's license test?

"You guys should wait until the offseason to take a test," Guo Hao laughed. Only he and Bai Yueya in the YM team have driver's licenses. "Otherwise, this car will become the private property of me and the coach."

The next day there is still an advertisement for the sponsor Belle International to be shot, and then there is the official interview team of the LPL event, who want to create momentum for the upcoming focus battle.

YM is indeed very strong now, but LPL officials need to come up with a challenger.

It is impossible for the league to allow one club to dominate all the time. Apart from team fans, who likes to watch a one-sided, no-suspense crushing game? High-intensity competition between several strong teams with mutual wins and losses can maintain the health of the league.

WE, which is also gaining momentum with four consecutive victories, has become the target of official support.

All commercial activities ended, leaving only two days for YM to adjust, while WE waited for a week to repair - they had no big sponsors, and the team's expenses were very tight. The biggest sum of money was used to sign Redmi .

Hupu and YM Weibo Super Chat were the first to discover this problem, and for a while news like [YM slacked off in training, WE prepared confidently and seriously] were flying all over the place.

YM's official blog posted a sponsor advertisement, and the comments below were all urging the team members to train. By the way, they also scolded the YM manager. He felt that they should not allow the team to receive so many advertisements, which would affect the team members' training and competition results.

Guo Hao felt that he was really wronged.

He ignored the small sponsors and directly postponed the date of the business event or canceled it directly.

The remaining two largest financial backers, Belle International and BMW, had to shoot commercials.

This year, it cost more than 30 million to sign four championship players. Adding in rent and management staff's salary, a club's annual expenses are at least 5KW.

Without sponsors, where will the money come from to keep the club running?

But the officials are very satisfied with this rhythm. The momentum has grown, hot spots have emerged, and they will wait for a large amount of traffic to come in by themselves.

Along with the controversy over YM's training attitude on social networks, Saturday's game day quietly arrived.

In the afternoon, the YM team members boarded the BMW and headed to the Super Mall. The special black and red paint and the YM team logo on the side allowed everyone to recognize the owner of the vehicle at a glance.

The YM team logo is surrounded by black dragons, which looks gaudy.

YM management specially took photos and posted them on the official blog.

The number of comments instantly exceeded a thousand.

[One thing to say, although it is stupid to shoot so many commercials, BMW cars are still handsome. 】

[Jimei friends, in order to support Ran and Jack, I picked up a BMW 7 Series that I have liked for a long time this afternoon. 】The comment was followed by a photo of the car purchase contract.

【? ? ? 】

[Does the rich woman still need a follower? I can help carry the bags. 】

[Not only can I carry bags, but I can also help beat my legs. Sister, I don’t want to work hard! 】

Knight was also in the car, and he came to watch YM's game as usual.

The YMA he led performed very well in the LSPL this spring, scoring 12 consecutive victories in four weeks. A few days ago they just defeated JDM with Jin Canyi and lvmao, and Tianlu team with zoom.

This seemingly introverted young man scored 23 solo kills in 12 games. Counting only the number of solo kills, Knight was even more terrifying than Lin Ran last year.

Pity the old guys in LSPL, they have to face the terrifying suppression power of YM mid laner again after a year.

Knight recently pestered Lin Ran to ask him to talk about roaming support. Now Knight's ability is mainly reflected in his early and mid-term laning suppression, but his awareness of defense and support is not strong.

This is also a common problem for most high-scoring passers-by who are new to the profession. They know how to play in lane, but start to get lost and sick in the mid-term. Rough and lack of detailed movements and operations in the mid-to-late stage can easily be seized by the opponent.

They are more like a piece of raw jade that requires the coaching staff to gradually polish and make up for their shortcomings while maintaining their strengths.

YMA's coaching staff had to manage an entire team, and obviously they couldn't satisfy the hungry knight, who directly wrapped his left hand around Lin Ran.

"For example, let's take the first game..." Lin Ran didn't look for other videos, so he took last winter's German Cup YMA game against the Snakes as an example.

"You killed the mid laner of the Snake team, and then pushed down the first health tower in the middle at 11 minutes. The team's economy was 2K ahead, but then you frequently moved to the side lanes but failed to achieve results. The rhythm suddenly stopped, and you were even behind at 20 minutes. With the 1K economy, what do you think of this issue in your review?"

Lin Ranfang spoke softly so as not to wake up Jack who was listening to music on headphones to catch up on his sleep.

"The coach said that the first-health tower in the middle can be pushed later," Knight looked at the game replay on the tablet in front of the two of them. "As long as the defensive tower does not fall, the opponent's mid laner must stand under the first tower if he wants to take troops. In this way, I You can extend the laning period and continue to squeeze the development environment of the opponent's mid laner."

The reason is very simple. Simply speaking of the development environment of the troop line, it is definitely more comfortable near the second tower. This way, the probability of facing a jungle gank is also lower. If the first tower remains in a residual health state and the opponent wants to replenish troops, it will definitely Be wary of the possibility of multiple people outflanking you at any time to jump over the tower.

Lin Ran nodded, "This is a way for you to continue to develop your strengths in the lane."

"But this method, to be honest, is more biased towards passerby ranking, which is a typical pig-raising flow," Lin Ran also did not shy away from it. "In the game, the strategic value of a tower in the middle is very great. If you can choose, 99.9% of the teams will They will demolish the tower in the middle first."

"Actually, in your situation, the best way after knocking down a tower is to provide roaming support." Lin Ran took out a touch capacitive pen and drew on the tablet, "But you found the wrong target."

"After knocking down the middle tower, your priority should not be the opposite wing hero, but the jungler." Lin Ran looked at Knight's focused gaze.

"Why can't you always catch the opponent's side hero? Because the opposite jungler Sofm can always easily insert the accessory eye of the green jungle knife on the path you must pass to support roaming."

He circled two positions on the tablet. Sofm's eye position was very deep, and he had a complete insight into the path of Knight's movement.

"If you work with the jungler to drive Sofm out of the jungle first, he won't be able to ward easily, or even brush the jungle. After a few waves of counter-jungling, you can help your jungler build an advantage."

"As long as the jungler feels uncomfortable playing in a professional game, it will definitely not be easy online. The map will be completely dark, and the opponent won't even need you to catch them. They will panic themselves." Lin Ran patiently explained to him.

Knight nodded in understanding. His gaming talent was quite high, and he understood this simple theory as soon as he heard it.

Looking at the bright eyes of his left hand, Lin Ran suddenly felt a sense of accomplishment.

No wonder Su Cheng likes being a teacher so much. It feels really good to teach students.

Arriving at Zhengda Plaza, the YM players finished putting on makeup and listened to the coaching staff’s analysis of the game in the lounge.

Due to the heavy shooting tasks some time ago, YM only held a brief pre-match discussion meeting last night. The two analysts Su Cheng and doom have completed all their tasks. Today is mainly the work of White Crescent Moon.

After explaining some details of the game, White Crescent began to discuss BP with the team members.

"In the early stage of this game, we mainly defended the opponent's midfielder. They are the main rhythm point of WE in the early stage; and their new assistant Ben especially likes to play extremely powerful supports like Lulu and Grasshopper. The disadvantage is that his playing style tends to Relying on the lane, there is very little linkage between the midfielder and the midfielder.”

Bai Yueyue sat on the chair and stared at the whiteboard in front of him. He subconsciously bit his lip while thinking about the problem, "This way..."

He used a marker pen to write and draw on it, listing the BP plan.

"Red Rice should be targeting the Prophet. Can we lower the priority of BP in the bottom lane this round?" Bai Yueya turned back, "This way we can tilt our BP ideas towards the middle and jungle."

"Anything is fine," Jack put his hands behind his head and swayed back and forth on the e-sports chair. His short legs were placed on the table in front of him in an extremely aggressive posture, "As long as you can win."

"Then let's try playing a game like this first." White Crescent Moon closed the marker.

A quarter of an hour before the game started, the two teams were waiting behind the stage.

Xiye was holding a can of Wangzai milk in his hand, plugged into a plastic tube and sucking it constantly. He had a pot head cut, and with his round face, he looked like a replica of Wangzai.

"Boss Su, drink quickly. You are not allowed to bring drinks with other brands on stage." The WE staff on the side reminded.

Xiye rolled her round eyes, then opened the paper cup that was to be brought to the stage, drank the ice water inside, and poured all the Wangzai milk in the can into the paper cup with the LPL logo.

"You can't see it this way, right?" Xiye smiled proudly.

Today's pre-match process went very quickly. YM waited backstage for a short time before being introduced by the host and took the lead. Before Lin Ran left, he said hello to 957, who looked exactly like NB team's top laner V.

957, who wears glasses and has an elegant and easy-going face, only came to play professionally after going to college. He was born in 1993 and is already 24 years old, two years older than Jin Gong, who has a weathered look. He is definitely an old man in e-sports.

"Let us first welcome the YM team..." The female host read out Jin Gong and Xiaotian's IDs in sequence with a professional smile.

Then Lin Ran was supposed to be introduced, but unexpectedly the hostess gave him a thoughtful look and jumped directly to Jack and the Prophet.

? ? ?

Lin Ran looked confused. He raised his hand halfway and was forced to put it down. Xiaotian laughed mercilessly.

The scene was slightly embarrassing.

After Yushui introduced the prophet's ID, he paused for two seconds, "And...YM's solo Ran!"

Lin Ran didn't know why he put himself last, but he still honestly waved his arms to greet the audience.

At this time, there were scattered humming sounds from the audience, and then many audience members joined them. The humming sounds of everyone gathered together and spread to every corner of the venue.

"Happy birthday to you, happy birthday to you..."

Lin Ran was stunned on the spot, as if a warm current was passing through his heart.

"Lin Ran, happy 18th birthday!" an audience member in the audience put his hands to his mouth and shouted loudly like a trumpet.

Behind him, a staff member pushed out a cart with a cake. On the cake was a little man wearing a black and red team uniform, holding a trophy in his hand, and with the words ‘YM Ran’ printed on the back.

The live background music also switched from the original rhythmic electronic sound to a birthday song.

Yuzhen walked to Lin Ran and sent birthday wishes to Lin Ran.

A video started playing on the big screen behind him.

Lin Ran's teammates appeared one after another to send him birthday wishes, including Shi Senming, Han Yi and analysts who have left the team.

Lin Ran didn't expect that LPL officials actually remembered his birthday and gave him a surprise.

He looked at the garlic bastard. Xiaoyao was still smiling when he introduced the team members. He obviously knew the official plan in advance, but still made himself embarrassed.

Lin Ran waved, and Xiaotian obediently followed him.

"Just wait," he said in a vicious voice, "If you can get more than 100 CS in a single game in today's BO3, my surname is not Lin!"

Xiaotian shuddered.

Yu Shuang smiled and handed the microphone in her hand to Lin Ran.

Lin Ranguang changed his face quickly, took the microphone and his Adam's apple moved slightly, "...This is my first birthday on the court. Thank you everyone for your blessings."

"Thank you to the viewers who have always supported me. I will continue to work hard and not let you down."

He was touched by the hundreds of spectators singing happy birthday to him.

In the past few years, Lin Mingdong was away from home for a long time. The lack of family affection in adolescence made Lin Ran not care about whether to celebrate his birthday.

"There will be many more times in the future! We will always be with you!" Some spectators shouted while holding a banner reading "Happy Birthday to Lin Ran".

Lin Ran bent down and bowed towards the audience, took the knife and symbolically cut the cake, and then walked into the player stands with his teammates.

There were still 5 minutes before the start of the game when the WE players took the stage, and Lin Ran's birthday event did not delay the normal progress of the game.

LPL officials have obviously learned the lesson from the 2015 Summer Split, when they forced the game to be postponed in celebration of the director's birthday, and were criticized.

"Welcome to the live broadcast of the LPL Spring Split..." The commentary partner of the focus battle is still Gammel. "The two of us wish Ran a happy 18th birthday."

"I'm finally an adult now. I can go to Internet cafes to play in the future." The doll joked.

The audience in the event live broadcast room also spontaneously sent all kinds of birthday wishes.

Nowadays, the domestic mid laners are declining. With Gao Dewei half-retired, the only domestic mid laners in the LPL who can produce are Lin Ran, Xi Ye and Xiao Hu.

Xiye and Xiaohu are currently good in strength but not good in performance. Lin Ran's unquestionable performance in the competition and the blessing of his first FMVP victory in the Region S competition have made him very popular among outsiders.

But even so, it still caused a lot of controversy on the Internet.

[Are you celebrating a player’s birthday during the competition? Isn’t it good to focus on the field? 】

[Just squirt hard? Why don't you celebrate your birthday before the game? The game time is not wasted. What are you barking at? 】

[Hee hee, YM is an old marketing team. They shot commercials before the game. LPL celebrates their birthday at the scene today. They all know it. It’s just an official creation. 】

[What about making a nuisance? If you win the S6 championship, I will also build one for you. You will have a birthday party all afternoon before the game and no one will care about you. 】

[Ignore him, if you don’t praise YM, will it be possible to create a god for the relegation team? I'm afraid he won't be able to use it if I don't give him a chance. 】

[I’m just waiting to see how YM lost this game. Do they really think they can beat WE without training seriously? 】

With a crisp sound, the BP picture appeared on the big screen in the venue.

"WE has the priority to choose sides. They took the initiative to choose the red side in the first game. YM, the blue side, banned the poodle first!"

After the redesign, Rengar relied on his excellent raid mechanism, powerful one-on-one ability, and the excellent range-clearing ability of his Q skill to secure his dominance in the jungle.

WE chose to block Hanbing. Since Jack's Ice completely blocked Ning's position in YM's opening game, no team has ever released her when facing YM.

"The second ban of YM was given to Malzahar. In this version, Grasshopper is mainly used to play the support position. After reaching level 6, he is very capable of cooperating with the jungle. His ultimate move can kill a hero at a certain point in seconds, and Ben Grasshopper is also used. He’s quite skilled, but you still have to respect him.”

Since then, WE has banned Syndra and Enchantress.

The third ban position of YM was given to Mystic's Big Mouth. The Big Mouth system practiced by WE this year has been quite effective. This hero exerts strong power in the mid-term, and combined with WE's iron barrel-like team battle formation can often reverse the situation. .

"In this way, Qinggang Shadow will be released, let's see if YM chooses it..." Wawa looked at the BP screen, "This hero was severely slashed in version 7.3, and was released several times in the professional arena in the past two weeks. , the powerful hero mechanism is there, and the effect of the selection is pretty good."

"However, numerical problems affect the laning. In the past two days, the coaching staff of each team has also discovered that Shen and Crocodile are now quite comfortable in laning when facing Qinggang Shadow, and they are basically in a state of casual suppression." Miller explained at the side.

YM didn't hesitate much and decisively took down the blind monk, implementing the idea of ​​infusing the BP advantage into the midfielder and midfielder as White Crescent Moon said before the game.

However, WE did not use Qinggang Ying in the first and second hand, but chose the combination of Shen + Mantis.

This selection was not unexpected by Bai Yueya.

In his opinion, it's not that 957 can't play Qinggang Shadow, but because this hero doesn't have a high priority in WE.

Qinggangying prefers single belt, and is a typical hero who needs tactical resources.

957 plays a blue-collar role in the team most of the time, and basically chooses the tank hero who plays the role of starting a team. Condi ignores him during the laning phase, and it is not good for Qinggangying to forcefully select him.

Hongmi also thought that YM would choose Qinggang Shadow, so he directly gave 957 a lane in advance to deal with Qinggang Shadow's Shen.

This is a conspiracy that White Crescent has long thought about. As long as WE chooses the red side, it will definitely not be enough to ban YM in the first round. It must release a few strong heroes, and Qinggangying is one of them.

Select Qinggangying for Xiba Jin Gong, and then lock Lucian.

White Crescent originally wanted to use Lucian to do a middle-lower double C swing, posing a problem for Red Rice.

But Hongmi reacted very quickly, and he won Thresh with the last choice in the first round.

Then in the second round of banning, the two heroes Zyra and Huo Nan were blocked.

Although Xiao Ming, who used Huo Nan in S6, left the team, Hongmi banned him just in case, and then selected the players in the second round to bring out Karma for Xiye.

Bai Yueya's face turned dark instantly.

The problem is obvious.

Karma, Grasshopper, Zyra, Fire Man...the AP support is basically gone. If he wants to force Lucian to Lin Ran, then YM can only use a chopper team lineup, which is very likely to be dealt with in the later team battles. Be careful not to lose 957.

Now he can only give Lucian to Jack, but Thresh, who is best matched with Lucian in the professional arena, has been selected by WE in the first round.

Braum, the other player who can be matched with Lucian, is too passive in the bottom lane and cannot grab the lane rights at all, which is not in line with the idea of ​​​​the bottom lane in this version.

In other words, even if this Lucian is used by Jack, there is a high probability that he will not have much advantage in the bottom lane.

No matter how you calculate it, it's a loss.

Bai Yueya knew that he had taken it for granted. He originally planned to dig a hole for WE, but he didn't expect that he, the hole digger, would fall into the hole due to the sudden change of time.

Is this red rice so powerful? Bai Yueya didn't expect the opposite coach to make a perfect response in such a short period of time.

Either he had prepared for this routine in advance, or he had strong adaptability to the situation.

No matter what the reason is, it reflects Hongmi's excellent coaching level, and Bai Yueya admires it very much.

"Can Lulu and Clockwork be okay?" Bai Yueya asked his team members.

"...Ryze, their lineup has no explosive output in team battles. Ryze is easy to beat." Lin Ran thought for a while and replied.

Bai Yueya thought for a while and nodded in agreement. In this way, YM changed the lineup. Qinggang Shadow + Ryze would obviously play a 131-point push.

"WE's last choice is to get the policewoman for Mystic. They still have to focus on the brother-in-law to fight the late team battles they are good at!"

The lineups of both sides are confirmed.

Blue square YM: top laner Qinggangying, jungler Lee Sin, mid laner Ryze, bottom lane Lucian + Lulu.

Red side WE: top laner Shen, jungler Mantis, mid laner Karma, bottom lane policewoman + Thresh.

The event live broadcast room became very popular, and many viewers came in to watch this focused battle. There were passers-by who just wanted to watch the exciting game, there were fans who supported both teams, and there were also many people who wanted to see how YM lost this game. Contest.

There will always be people who don't like a team, and they don't even need any reason.

Kavin is stuck until he dies, and I will lose my life.

Some readers reported the issue of debt repayment, and I discovered that the debt repayment post had not been updated for a long time.

From July 24th to September 21st, I updated a total of 47,000 words of paid chapters in 58 days.

It was said before that the normal daily update is 4K, and the excess words are counted as debt repayments. 58 days * 4000 words = 232000. I have paid back 470000-232000 = 238000 words of chapters, which is approximately equal to 119 chapters.

Not too slow, right?

It's definitely my fault that the update has been late these past two days. Sometimes I feel stuck.

Tap the screen to use advanced tools Tip: You can use left and right keyboard keys to browse between chapters.

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