LOL: What is a roaming mid laner?

Chapter 209 207: Hongmi, you didn’t expect this trick, did you? Another amazing mid lane option!

"Congratulations to YM for winning the first victory!" Miller raised his voice, "Successfully won 9 consecutive victories in small games, and his undefeated golden status is still unbroken!"

"The MVP of the last game is given to me..." Wawa looked at a handsome and eye-catching figure appearing on the screen, and said subconsciously, "Ran! His last Ryze gold body driving was very crucial, keeping all the Baron BUFFs! "

"32.7% of the output, 81 points ahead in counter-attacks, and several other statistics are also very good!" Miller said, "Ran has maintained this amazing stable state since last season."

"Indeed," Miller joked with a smile, "for him, a small C is not a C. Everyone has become accustomed to it."

Fans who supported YM finally became proud and proud when they saw their home team win, and decisively became gravediggers.

They pulled out all the previous posts that had criticized YM in the forum, and then used their utmost cynicism in them.

[Where is Heizi? Keep coming out and calling]

[What happened to the commercial? Not the same win? I don’t think WE can hold it for 30 minutes]

[After all, in their eyes, e-sports clubs cannot shoot advertisements, and the money to sign players has to be typed out on their keyboards]

The best way to solve the embarrassment of being slapped in the face on the Internet is to pretend to be dead, uninstall the software and use it as cash, and then post it back to the forum to continue ridiculing when the situation reverses again.

This cycle goes on and on, and sit-ups are always invincible. This is the true meaning of surfing.

But there are still many people who can't stand YM and are doing it against the wind.

[YM is very strong now? Let’s take a look at last year’s level and let’s talk about it. If WE Baron hadn’t been stolen this time, it’s hard to say who would win and who would lose.]

[There is a saying and it is true, it takes 20 minutes to lead the 1K economy with the early lineup. If the dragon cannot be dropped and it takes another 5 minutes, WE will definitely win]

Some YM fanatics responded immediately below.

[This is the first time I heard that the big dragon is there to prevent people from stealing. From now on, we can just put a guardrail around the big dragon pit]

[A classic tough talk, how can you still dance here after losing the game? Does your face hurt? 】

However, although those people were suspected of speaking harshly, there was nothing wrong with what they said.

If YM does not rely on a wave of command to steal the baron, it is very likely to lose the first game.

"My problem," Bai Yueya greeted them outside the lounge door, with a hint of guilt in his smile, "BP did such a bad job, it's really cool that you can win here."

He knew that he was set up by Red Rice in the last game. If the two sides exchanged lineups, White Crescent would not know how to lose. His own team members came up with an idea and stole the baron, which broke the deadlock.

Fortunately, he won this game, otherwise he, the head coach, would definitely be beaten to death by countless YM fans.

"Well done, Brother Ran!" Bai Yueya pinched Lin Ran's shoulders with both hands, acting as a flattering masseur.

He could hear his team's voice in the team lounge, and he knew that this wave of double flash cards stealing the baron's view was Jackey... It just made sense, it was commanded by Lin Ran.

Bai Yueya couldn't help but his eyes lit up when he thought of this.

He didn't expect that such rubbish BP could win.

Red rice, red rice, you didn’t expect this, right?

After working hard for a long time, you still have to lose?

White Crescent Moon was happy, and he didn't take any credit. He knew that he almost messed up this game, and he had to be more cautious in BP in the next game.

Hongmi on the other side was indeed a little angry.

When everyone in WE was moving closer to accept the fire dragon, he felt something was wrong. Unexpectedly, YM really took the opportunity to ruin this good situation.

Hongmi was not in a hurry to tell them the tactics for the next game. He was used to reviewing the previous game's issues first.

He is willing to teach this WE because he wants to take these players to the world championship held in China this year. This regular season competition for the top spot in Group A is nothing special in the eyes of Hongmi, who has experienced great storms.

Unlike most soft coaches in China, Hongmi follows the typical Korean coaching style and has always been known for his seriousness.

In Hongmi's eyes, the coach and the players have a superior-subordinate relationship. He dares to train anyone regardless of whether there are popular players in the team.

"You have concentrated too many manpower on this fire dragon. Ben, you can leave as soon as you make sure that the wards of the small dragon pit on the opposite side are cleared."

"You guys take the game for granted. If the opponent's mid laner takes Ryze, he will definitely have the ability to steal the dragon. The river crab's vision cannot guarantee the safety of the baron." Hongmi stared at Ben.

The big dragon's vision was lost. Nosuke and the two of them must have done the vision for the big pot, and Kandi was going to get the little dragon. The problem must have been with Ben.

The players had just finished playing, and they were still very impressed by the mistakes they made in the previous set. Ben picked his fingers and looked down at the floor, and he admitted his mistakes in a low voice.

Lin Ran walked briskly when he came on stage again and greeted Xiye who came out on the other side.

"Still drinking milk?"

"Hmm..." Xiye glanced at Lin Ran and could always recall Ryze's final golden body move in the previous game. He led his three teammates to escape calmly, spinning them around.

Xiye took a sip of milk from the paper cup. His favorite Wangzai no longer tasted good.

So angry!

"Welcome everyone back to the 2017 LPL Spring Split..." Wawa finished reading the advertisement.

At this time, the BP screen for the second game has appeared!

"YM chose the red side, while WE was on the blue side and banned the poodle first!" Miller cleared his throat, "And YM banned the Enchantress!"

WE banned Jin without hesitation.

White Crescent Moon was pacing behind the player seats, biting her lip gently with her teeth.

Hongmi's idea was very explicit. He didn't ban Han Bing like he did in the previous game, mainly because WE could choose first on the blue side in this game.

After WE blocked the Lion Dog and YM banned the Enchantress, the remaining T1 versions out there were only Ice, Jhin and Green Steel Shadow.

From Bai Yueya's point of view, WE does not play the Qinggang Shadow system. Among the remaining Jhin and Hanbing, Redmi chose to ban one, which is to tell him clearly that my blue side is planning to grab Hanbing.

"Ban Hanbing." Bai Yueya hesitated and said.

Due to the special nature of E [Eagle Strikes the Sky], the hero Han Bing plays a much stronger role in the professional arena than in the public arena.

In the passerby ranking, especially in the lower tiers, Han Bing's E skill is basically just a decoration.

Not only does the user not know how to cast it, but even if he catches the opponent's movements, teammates in the low-scoring round will not give feedback. They have to press the line when they should. If they are caught to death, they will confiscate the jungler's mother. good.

But the professional arena is different. The stronger the coaching staff and analysis team of a team, the more likely it is that Han Bing’s Eagle Striker can gain insight into the opponent’s jungle position in the early stages and provide the team with enough information, which is extremely valuable.

Bai Yueya has no doubt about the level of Hongmi. Brother-in-law Han Bing is very likely to recreate the famous scene of finding Ning's position in YM's opening game.

Hongmi thought for a moment and gave the third ban slot to Ryze.

The two commentators laughed unkindly.

"Ran's golden body driving is really disgusting. If nothing else, it should be weakened," Miller said pertinently. "Otherwise Ryze can lead the line without thinking in the future, which is even more exaggerated than the card. As long as Once the golden body comes out, you can’t die at all.”

White Crescent finally disabled Syndra.

WE decisively chose Spider.

"Blind Sin and Karma." White Crescent Moon learned the lesson from the previous game and planned to choose an AP character who can play support first to avoid being tricked by Redmi later.

Zyra and the policewoman, these are WE’s second and third choices.

"We's bottom laner has terrible hands!"

Miller frowned, "I think WE's lineup is meant to be promoted quickly..."

Heroes like Spider have very strong protection for lane rights. When advancing, they can push the lane and jump over the tower. When retreating, they can control the lane and counter-crouch. When paired with the policewoman, they can also connect to the clip control, which is quite perfect.

Jack played with the warm baby in his hand - this is a common item in winter competitions. It is used to increase the temperature of the players' hands and prevent their fingers from freezing and causing the operation to slip.

"Do you want to get EZ?" he asked in a whisper.

Now that Jhin and Hanbing have been banned, and the policewoman has been robbed, the only AD left that can be used is EZ, known as the king of the sewers.

But if you choose EZ, the pressure on the bottom lane will be too great, and the crazy lane pushing combination of Policewoman + Zyra will not be able to take advantage at all.

There is only one advantage to using him - his escape ability is very strong. Even if he is jumped over the tower, he can still escape from the spider's hands. He is the king of kings and has penetrated the intestines.

"How about Verus?" White Crescent Moon was already prepared, "You want to use Q as a poke stream."

In the last game, he watched his brother-in-law choose the policewoman, and he thought of Verus, an ADC with the same long hands and excellent poke ability. It was just right to use it at this time.

Jack took a look at the opponent's lineup. Verus was indeed good, and Zyra's plants and wave clearers were very fast. "But I have to bring purification, and the healer will be overrun."

"no problem."

Wawa was surprised to see YM's third choice, "Verus? This hero has been played by almost no one since the global finals. I haven't seen him for a while!"

Miller speculated, "This Verus should be used to deal with the female police in the bottom lane. The two ADs push each other to ensure that the pressure on the bottom lane will not be too great."

The second round of BP has begun, and both sides have selected the three lower and jungle positions. Red Rice and White Crescent coincidentally target the remaining top and middle positions.

WEban dropped Lucian and Titan.

YM banned Shen and Dashu, and White Crescent planned to destroy the late-stage teamfight that WE was proud of.

"Take Qinggangying," White Crescent Moon patted Jin Gong's shoulder, "Perform well in this round."

Jin Gong nodded vigorously. He was targeted badly in the last game.

In this game, the Xiba people decided to regain their position and prove themselves.

Hongmi looked at YM’s selection and sneered.

WE lock the fourth and fifth floors in seconds!

"Crocodile and Jess!" The doll was very surprised, "We chose these two hands very fiercely!"

"They plan to give 957 a crocodile, and match it with the spider-catching Jin Gong's Qinggang Shadow!" Miller exclaimed. He didn't expect WE, who originally focused on mid-to-low jungle in the early stage, would choose this kind of lineup.

"And more importantly, without Syndra and Lucian in the middle, Jess is almost invincible!" Wataba said exaggeratedly, "Crocodile is also very good against Qinggangying. WE has come up with a three-way all-rounder. The lineup that won the line rights!"

"Wouldn't this mean that the spider can go wherever it wants?" Miller also picked up one of Mundo's lines.

Hongmi looked at the lineup she had selected and felt comfortable.

This is the most ideal lineup he can provide to WE. It has support points in the early, middle and late stages, and its teamfighting ability is also very good.

He couldn't wait to stick his head out to see the surprised expression on White Crescent Moon.

Hongmi passed Qinggangying in the second round of banning, and he was sure that Jin Gong would definitely choose him. This was a deliberate trap for YM.

It is true that 957, nicknamed Leg Brother, is a blue-collar player, but he is different from mouse, who is also a blue-collar top laner. The top laner's success is due to his average personal strength and lack of support from the team's tactics, which has led to the top lane being in a state of free rein.

In terms of real status in the team, 957 is more like Jin Gong of YM now, and their operation is also very impressive, but they often sacrifice for the team and are willing to be a blue-collar worker.

This doesn't mean he can't carry heroes.

What's more, after Hongmi joined WE, he is working hard to help the team lead with Korean ideas.

One of the biggest weapons of the Korean top laner that is popular all over the world is to use single-line strength and tactics to tilt the single-line belt to involve the opponent's formation, and obtain more resources through line operations to win the game.

957 has been secretly practicing various carry top laners recently to enrich the team's tactics. Today's Crocodile + Spider hand is to train this Qinggangying!

【Desert Spider? Guigui is so cruel. 】

[Can Brother Legs still play this kind of hero? 】

【Zoo group is coming! Spider + Crocodile is definitely the top jungle duo in the pub game. Who agrees and who disagrees? 】

Bai Yueya was indeed very surprised. Before the game, he expected that 957 would still be the top blue-collar player who played well with the sword girl.

In the 2017 Spring Split, WE has played 9 small games so far. 957 has won 4 games of Shen, 3 games of Titan, 1 game of Big Tree and 1 game of Barrel. They are all pressure-resistant top laners. They don’t look like they can play Crocodile. People!

He looked at the countdown on the computer screen, anxious.

The spider and the crocodile are bound together, which means they are mindlessly targeting the top lane. A warrior character like Qinggangying will easily collapse if caught a few times, and team battles will be useless.

Lin Ran hesitated for a while and said softly:

"Why don't you give me Qinggang Ying?"

White Crescent Moon was stunned.


Jin Gong also turned his head sideways, his face full of confusion.

"If Xiye uses Jace, I can hit him with Qinggang Shadow without any loss." Lin Ran pinched his fingers confidently.

Up to 94 version development capabilities tell him that Qinggang Shadow mid laner is completely feasible.

There was silence in the team's voice, and all the eyes of his teammates were focused on him.

"I've played a few games," Lin Ran knew what they were worried about, and felt helpless, "Don't panic, okay?"

Bai Yueya couldn't think of a better hero choice in a short period of time, so he could only listen to Lin Ran's opinion.

Jin Gong was overjoyed. He had no choice before.

Why are you looking for trouble now that you don't have to undergo military training?

From the perspective of the audience, an unexpected hero appeared on the fifth floor of YM!

Kennen the Furious Heart!

The barrage exploded instantly in the live broadcast room!

【? ? ? 】

【what's going on? Chosen the wrong person? 】

"What does this mean?" Miller was so surprised that he almost broke his voice, "Qinggangying and Kenan? Which hero is YM going to use?"

"Qinggangying mid laner!" Watanao leaned forward suddenly, "What kind of trick is this?"

"In the statistics of the five major regions, there is no professional player who uses Qinggang Shadow to play mid lane. Ran is the first person." Miller adjusted his headset to receive the news from the director.

"Is it the same as last year's Rambo and Lucian mid laners?" Watanabe was a little skeptical at first. Then he thought about it and Lin Ran had indeed chosen many weird heroes to play mid lane. He decided to wait and see for a while before making any conclusions.

"I don't know what effect Ran can achieve with Qinggang Shadow," Miller looked at the selection interface, "If he performs well, it is very likely to set off a wave of trends in the pub game!"

"Qinggangying mid laner..." Hongmi didn't expect YM to hide such a trick.

The unexpected Qinggangying mid laner ruined all his previous careful preparations. Kennen was able to suppress the Crocodile in the top lane, and Qinggangying beat Jayce pretty well.

Two of the originally planned three routes have now been cracked, and now only the female police route has the advantage.

Hongmi looked at Bai Yueya across from him at this time, and saw that he had a strategizing look on his face, chatting and laughing with the team members without any nervousness at all.

Did it turn out that the opposing coach already had a solution?

Hongmi rarely feels frustrated. Ever since he came to the LPL, a region where the coaching industry is not developed, he has rarely been able to find evenly matched opponents.

Last season, he competed several times in VG with White Crescent who was in OMG at that time.

At that time, both of them were extremely frustrated. VG stumbled on the edge of the playoffs, and OMG was even worse. If it weren't for the old thief Sima holding the ashes, they would probably have gone to LSPL to control Thunder and Lightning now.

Hongmi didn't think White Crescent was bad at that time, because he himself knew that the team's performance did not entirely depend on the coach, but was closely related to the performance of the players.

Now, after more than half a year, the two are fighting again. In Hongmi's view, Bai Yueya's level has improved by leaps and bounds, and he is completely a qualified opponent.

I defeated him in the BP session of the first game, but my opponent responded with Verus + Qinggang Shadow's counterattack in the second game.

Wonderful, wonderful!

The lineups of both sides are confirmed.

Blue side WE: top laner Crocodile, jungler spider, mid laner Jess, bottom lane policewoman + Zyra.

Red square YM: top laner Kennen, jungler Lee Sin, mid laner Qinggang Shadow, bottom lane Verus + Karma.

Hongmi took off her headphones and went to Bai Yueya to shake hands.

"You're so annoying." Hongmi praised him heartily in broken Mandarin. He originally had only SKT coach kkoma and Samsung coach Edgar to compete with him, but he didn't expect that LPL would also have hidden dragons and crouching tigers.

White Crescent felt baffled.

What's so great?

I was crushed by you for two rounds of BP and you still want to disgust me, right?

Bai Yueya looked at Hongmi's smiling face and immediately felt humiliated. She let go of her hand and walked off the stage with a dark face.

Hongmi followed quickly, but he didn't take Bai Yueya's stinky face to heart.

It's normal for a strong person to be a little arrogant. Wasn't he also looking higher than his head?

"Stay steady, just wait for me and the little tortoise to set the rhythm." Lin Ran's skill was Flash Ignite, and his talent was War Zeal.

He glanced at the opposite side. Xiye was a combination of thunder + flash and ignited, and he was also very fierce.

"Don't worry, I won't fight if you don't come." Jack is really stable when he should be stable. The team's tactics did not tilt him in this game, and the big head pretended to be AD.

Amid much anticipation, Summoner's Rift appears again!

Lin Ran used the source code Qinggang Shadow to come to the spring, carrying Dolan Sword Yihong with him.

Both sides were in first-level defensive positions and did not invade. They just waited for the troops to arrive.

When Lin Ran went online, he discovered that Xiye's positioning was a bit aggressive. He obviously wanted to take advantage of Jace's long-hand strength at level one to take advantage of him.

He turned around and distanced himself. Xiye took two steps forward to pursue him. Seeing that Lin Ran had no intention of fighting, he wanted to retreat.

But Lin Ran turned around and took another step.

Seeing this, Xiye quickly stopped, turned around and fired a basic attack in the form of a cannon.

Lin Ran kept walking and hit W [tactical sweep].

Xiye clicked on the basic attack and wanted to switch to hammer form to accelerate and withdraw from Qinggangying's W range.

However, Lin Ran caught the lag of Jace's basic attack just right. Xiye, who switched to hammer form, still couldn't withdraw, and the outer edge of the tactical sweep hit easily!

This provided Lin Ran with a good healing effect and slowed down Xiye.

This wave consumes Lin Ran's blood and makes money!

Xiye clicked her tongue, feeling a little worried.

He didn't play much against Qinggang Shadow. As a professional player, he certainly knew his skills, but he was far less proficient than the top laner who often used and played against him.

Upgrading to the second level in the middle, Lin Ran lit up E [Hook Rope], used the nearby wall to move for a while and threw W [Tactical Sweep], and the EWE combo kicked directly up!

At this time, Xiye happened to be in the form of a cannon. He had no time to interrupt Lin Ran and was knocked unconscious by Qinggangying's second kick.

The outer edge of the tactical sweep was hit again. Lin Ran used his basic attack to break out his passive shield, then struck with his A and successfully retreated while carrying Xiye's bombardment.

Xiye couldn't help sweating on his forehead when he saw that he had less than half of his health left, while Qinggang Ying still had more than half of his health.

The regular equipment that his mid laner Jace brings when he goes out is the Three Red Long Swords. This allows him to make the first completed equipment, Youmeng Spirit, as quickly as possible. However, the disadvantage is that it is not as strong as Dolan Sword in combat.

Mainly, Xiye didn't expect Lin Ran to be so proficient with Qinggang Ying. He could pull off blocking positions and perform blood-draining combos in one smooth motion. Is this guy really a mid laner?

Lin Ran went back and continued to fight, while Xiye knocked down the blood bottle to recover.

"The spider is here with me!" Jin Gong's shout came from the team's voice.

Kandi Susan has already launched the first wave of offensive, targeting Jin Gong!

He wanted to take advantage of Kennen's pressure to do a combo with 957, and catch Jin Gong in the time difference between hitting the second level.

But Kandi never expected that Jin Gong would be so stable.

He had a Kennen Level 2 and clicked E [Secret Truth! Thunder Armor]!

Seabago started accelerating the moment he saw Cocoon cast in the grass, just escaping Kandi's control!

Without a key control, the Desert Spider combination couldn't catch Kenan to death, so they had no choice but to give up!

"Sorry!" Kandi could only curse and leave on the road.

Jin Gong Hehe Zhile, oh I am a pig?

You caught me like that in the last game. Do you think I won't be careful?

Lin Ran in the middle saw that he couldn't catch the spider, so he had an idea.

He grabbed the line rights due to the wave of blood exchanges just now, and was the first to advance to 3 at this time.

Lin Ran decisively learned Q [Precision Etiquette], first Qing the soldiers on the side, and then repeated the previous operation - pulling the hook into the wall, and then casting W [Tactical Sweep] at the same time.

The green steel shadow hangs on the wall like a hunter in hunting mode, ready to start her hunting moment.

The second stage of E [Wall Return] kicks towards Jace.

Xiye suffered a loss and was already ready. When he saw Lin Ran put the hook on the wall, he had already switched to the hammer form.

As mentioned before, Jace's hammer form E skill has a very high priority and can interrupt Qinggang Shadow's second E skill from the air - of course, he will still be stunned.

But that's enough. Once Qinggangying's second E is hammered away, it will be Jace's turn to show off his power.

With a set of skills and ignition, the Qinggang Shadow will be disabled even if it is not dead.

Xiye watched the Qinggang Shadow flying towards him with a tactical sweep, feeling secretly happy in his heart.

But when the green steel shadow flew into the air, a golden light suddenly flashed!

The green steel shadow flashed through space and came directly in front of him!

Kick Jace unconscious!

The attack speed is increased by 40%, and the tactical sweep also successfully hits!

A pick up!

After an interval of 1.5 seconds, Qinggang Shadow's second stage Q's additional damage was increased by 100%, and 40% of the output was converted into real damage, hitting Jace directly regardless of the armor!

Lin Ran's operation was extremely smooth, and he blocked the position forward, blocking Xiye's way back to the tower!

Xiye was horrified as he saw his blood volume instantly reduced. Knowing that he had wrongly estimated Qinggang Ying's early damage, he quickly knocked Lin Ran away with a hammer.

However, Jace's E skill in hammer form has a casting action. During this short casting time, Lin Ran used the attack speed effect of E [Wall Return] to increase the attack speed and launched another basic attack!

At the same time, it was ignited and hung up!

Xiye flashed to distance himself and knocked down the blood bottle at the same time!

However, at level 2, he only had 625 blood and 34 armor without using the Dolan Sword. Before, Lin Ran consumed a set of blood, but even with the blood bottle, he only had 400 blood.

Lin Ran used this set to hit two basic attacks and the output of three QWE skills, plus an ignition. Even though Xiye knocked down the blood bottle, he still couldn't prevent the third-level ignition from dealing up to 110 points of real damage!

Xiye finally fell under the defense tower and gave out a blood!

"What is this?" Wawa, who witnessed the whole process of a solo kill, couldn't believe his eyes, "Grab 3E and dodge, and this is a solo kill?"

"The damage done by this Qinggang Shadow is too exaggerated, and it's not wasted at all!" Miller didn't expect this to happen.

[Level 3 single kill? Jace can't defeat Qinggangying? 】

[Hahahaha, it’s you as expected, Xila! 】

【How to say? Can this wave be included in the top 10 Xiye quilt show made by electric batons? 】

【Can, can, can, it's so good! 】

The barrage began to taunt wildly.

YM's voice is also a mess.

"Is it true?" Garlic Bastard said as he walked down after eating the river crab, "How much money did you pay to Xiye's Alipay?"

"Brother Ran, are you so exaggerated?" Jack quickly praised his mid laner, "Are you too strong? Brother, you can lie down again!"

Lin Ran smiled and dealt with his teammates, pushed the middle line of troops in, returned to the city to buy another Dolan sword and a long sword, and then bought a real eye to go online.

Xiye had less money than a cannon cart and four soldiers. He didn't have enough money to buy a long sword, so he could only buy a straw sandal to go online, but the straw sandal had almost no bonus to the duel.

The equipment gap in the middle lane is too big, and it is basically useless.

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