LOL: What is a roaming mid laner?

Chapter 213 211: White Crescent Moon’s hidden moves, RNG taking the bait

In the pre-match group meeting on Thursday night, Bai Yueya sat on the chair with all the players and listened to the report of the analyst team.

"It is worth mentioning that this version of armor-piercing equipment has been changed." Analyst Doom printed out a chart and stuck it on the whiteboard with magnets. "All armor-piercing equipment has been weakened. You can see from the table The current price/performance ratio of armor-piercing equipment is much lower than before.”

"Another change is that the duration of the War Zeal stack has been increased by two seconds," Su Cheng, who was sitting there, clicked on the whiteboard. "When the two changes are combined, the effect is very obvious."

"The armor-piercing ADC will be on the bench, and will be replaced by a basic attack ADC..." Su Cheng glanced at his notebook, "In the past few days after the new version was implemented, Jhin in the five major competition areas has a total of 8 bans and 41 selections, with a winning rate of only 41%.”

"Ice, attack-speed Verus and Policewoman are gradually replacing Jhin's T1 position. Ice has banned 18 times and chosen 42 times, with a winning rate of 64%. Verus has banned 59 times and chosen 13 times, with a winning rate of 64%. 53%.”

(See figure for data)

The data listed by Su Cheng is very detailed and convincing.

Since joining the company, her and Doom's ability to analyze and understand the version has been very stable. They can analyze this version to everyone in a simple and easy-to-understand way without any mistakes.

Although Su Cheng has only been an analyst for half a year, his ability has improved by leaps and bounds and is not weaker than other domestic peers.

First, because Su Cheng is good at studying, has excellent ability to control details on the field, and has a hardworking and serious work attitude; second, because of the support of his peers.

As Bai Yueya himself said, in the past two years, it was not only the coaches that were in trouble in the LPL, but the analyst team was also bullshit.

The main function of most team analysts is to order takeout and collect dirty laundry for players.

S5 is the first year of establishment of the domestic coaching staff and analysis team.

After the large-scale introduction of Korean coaching staff and the MSI championship, the LPL coaching team has just begun to feel a sense of crisis.

The last place elimination system, if you want to mess around, you have to get out, no team will raise idle people... except IG.

Some "meritorious" coaching teams were kicked out and had to find jobs in the LSPL. Only then did the remaining people wake up.


It turns out that analysts and coaches still need to analyze the version?

Based on this calculation, it has only taken more than a year for the domestic coaching staff to become a system. In comparison, Su Cheng, who has been in the industry for half a year, is already considered a relatively good analyst in the country.

Su Cheng and Doom, another daily ranking data analyst, mainly analyzed the new 7.4 version that was launched on February 27.

Here I want to mention the work of analysts.

In the early stages of the version update, finding suitable answers to the version is their main task. At the same time, they also need to find each player's eye position and movement habits, and communicate with their own team members.

Some people may find it strange, don’t players and coaches read version updates?

Of course I'll watch it.

But most of the time they are just impressed by the buffs/nerfs of certain heroes.

As mentioned before, most of the content of version updates will not be superficial. A small change is likely to affect the entire ecological chain.

For example, Lucian's Clockwork and Yellow Chicken basically only require his hands, and he can suppress them online at will.

The new version update suddenly weakened Lucian's skill output. If Clockwork and Yellow Chicken faced Lucian again, the line would be much more comfortable than before.

But will Clockwork and Yellow Chicken rise due to this?


If the overall tempo is slow and the midfielder is not required to be bound in the early stage, the ecological environment of heroes like Clockwork Yellow Chicken in the middle will be much better.

But if the version still requires the midfielder to be bound and the tempo is too fast, if one Lucian falls, the other Syndra will stand up.

Once Syndra becomes popular, a new mid lane environment is likely to emerge. Heroes like Zed and Murloc, who also tend to be tied to the midfield and are more restrained against Syndra in the lane, will quickly become popular.

Very simple reason.

However, the professional arena requires a huge amount of data to judge the version environment. Professional players themselves usually have to play training matches and ranked games, so they definitely don’t have enough time.

The coach is usually responsible for supervising the players' status and practice, reviewing the content of various events for them, and instructing the players on how to play the game on the field, and there is not enough time.

Then these tasks must be done by the analyst team.

It is basically the analyst's job to analyze the version in the shortest possible time and make reasonable suggestions on hero selection and eye placement to coaches and players.

Version analysis is divided into two levels, competition and qualifying.

The latter is not difficult, but data compilation is relatively tedious. Doom, the analyst in the YM team, is responsible for this work. He needs to compile the ranking data of global servers such as Korean and Chinese servers, and then summarize the strong heroes of the version.

But one thing to note is that the ranking data and the event data are not the same. Many popular heroes in the pub game cannot participate in the game, but some sewer heroes in the pub game appear repeatedly in the game.

Because the level of bloodshed in the rankings is different from the competition, even in the Korean server champion game where professional players gather together, the frequency of fights is much higher than in the competition.

In this case, heroes who prefer late-stage brushes and heroes who prefer single belts are definitely not popular. Heroes like Yellow Chicken and Ryze are typical examples. There is a huge gap between the selection rate in qualifying and the selection rate in games.

As a result, the data will inevitably deviate from the event level. At this time, event data analysts are needed to combine event data with version content to arrive at a reasonable version answer.

"Another key point is that the bounty of the first-blood tower has been weakened," Doom took a sip of water and continued, "The gold coin reward for demolishing the first-blood tower has been reduced from 400 to 300."

"Is the fist starting to attack us?" Xiaotian poured Coca-Cola into his mouth, his tone was a bit dissatisfied, "It's really disgusting."

The reduction of the bounty of the first-blood tower means that the income generated by the early offensive has been reduced a lot, which will undoubtedly have a certain impact on YM who is good at 4 packs of 2 in the early stage.

"This is normal," Bai Yueya kept pressing the button of the ballpoint pen, "Every year, Riot will target the champion of the S competition. They don't want the champion to be monopolized. Keeping the event active is their main goal."

"This is the first cut." Although Bai Yueya has not won the S-game championship, he is an old man who understands one thing after another. "You will have a look at the mid-season version. I will definitely cut it again." .”

At noon the next day, everyone from YM got into BMW cars in batches and headed to the venue.

Guo Hao is still taking care of Jack in the hospital, but Su Cheng can't come to class today, leaving only his left hand to watch and study.

YMA has been making great progress. After the fifth week of the regular season, it has won 15 consecutive games. Including the newly established Suning Esports, all secondary league teams cannot stop Knight, who has received LPL system training in advance.

He averaged 7.7 kills, 0.5 kills and 6.8 assists per game, with an output ratio of 35.5% and a damage conversion rate of 177%. He used different heroes in each game and also scored 30 solo kills, averaging two solo kills per game.

What's more important is that when he plays AP Hero Panpan, he produces the Book of Killing. If the Killing Sword hadn't been deleted, he would definitely produce this kind of snowballing equipment when playing Jace.

Known as a scholar by the LSPL audience, Knight is simply the devil who dominates the secondary league.

Lin Ran taught his left hand everything he could and answered all his questions.

He didn't care if his disciples starved their master to death. For Lin Ran, it was definitely a happy thing to see a new star rising under his guidance.

It's another focus battle, and there are already many fans waiting outside the Super Mall.

This time, the audience finally no longer unanimously supported YM, and there were also many people holding royal support items.

When they saw YM's unique and eye-catching BMW arriving at the venue, the audience burst into cheers and took out their mobile phones to record the event.

"YM, come on!" A male audience member shouted loudly, holding his mobile phone, "Just kill RNG and that's it!"

The voice was very rough, and Lin Ran couldn't help but look over.

Although his remarks just now were suspected of provoking a fight, the surrounding RNG fans were too timid and did not come forward to argue.

Because this guy is so strong.

He looks like a shrunken version of The Rock. He can probably kill the little bastard with one fist.

When Dwayne Johnson saw the fat Lin Weixiang squeeze out of the car, he immediately clenched his fists and waved at him, "Fight hard, LWX!"

"I'm a turtle..." Lin Weixiang looked at the veins on Dwayne Johnson's arms. His hands began to shake, and he gradually entered the initial stage where he could not get feedback.

After putting on makeup and discussing tactics, the first BO3 game tonight has just started.

LGD from Group B will face IG from Group A.

IG performed quite well in the first round of intra-group rotation.

In addition to losing to YM and WE, they also won three games and are currently ranked third in the group.

LGD's performance was unsatisfactory.

As mentioned before, starting from the S5 season, China has paid more and more attention to the improvement of the coaching staff, but LGD is an exception.

They only have one coach and no analysts.

(Yes, it’s LGD. In S10, there are only two coaches, Mai Zijian and Ye Wang, not even an analyst. I really have you)

In addition to the insufficient coaching staff and poor quality, the personal strength of LGD players is also worrying.

Dharma King brought his optimism to the top lane in the spring split, and his experience in Ta Dao was accumulated over time.

And everyone has the ability to cook, but King Dharma's style of play is unique.

Even if you cover up his ID, after looking at him for two minutes, you will still guess the identity of the Dharma King without hesitation. This is his innate unique temperament.

The Wild Saint is still the same Wild Saint. He invades the jungle as fast as lightning and is unreasonable at all - he often gives the opponent a head as compensation while counterattacking the jungle.

But this is the character of Wild Saint: he is always upright and never does anything dishonorable.

I rebelled against your two groups of wild monsters, so naturally I have to leave my head to you, otherwise how can it be considered fair?

Gao Dewei, imp and Hirano Aya were dumbfounded when they saw their unrestrained Ueno team.

"Wow... Do you dare to fight this? Why is it not counted as passive time?" Left hand murmured while looking at the big screen.

Lin Ran was reading Tieba. When he heard the words of his left hand beside him, he raised his head and glanced at the big screen.

Killed solo on the road.

TheShy's Qinggangying faced Dharma King's Shen. He killed solo under the tower in three minutes, and then retreated calmly with remaining health.

The director quickly replayed it.

The two of them started fighting each other from level one on the road.

Although Shen has the blade damage bonus of his Q skill, TheShy very cleverly used his passive shield to block a set of small bursts from the King of France, and then used W [Tactical Sweep] to exert the recovery effect.

The first-level blood-changing Qinggang Shadow was victorious.

From then on until level 3, the two sides continued to compete with each other. The French King never gave up and just did it, and he met TheShy, who also likes to operate.

After reaching level three, the half-health TheShy sold a wave of flaws and stepped forward to press the line to fill the cup. The King thought it was an opportunity and decisively taunted him.

The two sides exchanged until their health was reduced, and the French king thought that he could complete a single kill with the help of a wave of troops.

But he didn't expect Qinggangying's passive [Adaptive Defense] to be cooled down at the critical moment!

TheShy had obviously calculated the passive cooldown time correctly before he dared to come forward to show off his flaws. The Dharma King saw a shield suddenly appearing on the body of the still-blooded green steel figure, and his mentality was about to explode!

He quickly flashed and ran down the tower.

But TheShy handed over the hook at this time, kicked Shen steadily, and took the Dharma King's first blood with a basic attack!

Two seconds of [Adaptive Defense] just helped Qinggangying block the first attack from the defense tower, and then TheShy calmly handed over and flashed back, with less than 100 health left!

What happened next made everyone in YM hungry.

"Can you order takeout?" Lin Weixiang stared at the game on the big screen in the lounge, "I'm a little hungry."

"Are you still eating? Are you afraid of getting high blood pressure if you continue to gain weight?" Liu Qingsong was still a little fat when he first came to YM, but now his weight loss is very good, and he looks well-proportioned, similar to Jack, who gained weight through braised pork.

"I can't help it, this is too much to eat." Lin Weixiang patted his slightly bulging belly.

Although the live broadcast of the event in the lounge was muted, it did not affect the Dharma King and Ye Sheng's creation of an excellent Man-Han banquet with all the flavors.

The Wild Saint used the Blind Monk to go to the Mantis jungle area to oppose Ning, but was unable to help him on the road. TheShy arrived in time to help Ning collect the Blind Monk's head.

The online king controlled Shen to empty out the taunt again. After being pushed to 6 by TheShy, he jumped over the tower and killed again solo.

Then it’s IG’s operation time.

After experiencing several games, Ning gradually found the trick - instead of going to the bottom lane, he kept the two big daddies in the top and middle.

Most of the time, Broiler and TheShy can control the laning advantage, and then Hou Ning can invade the upper half of the jungle unscrupulously - after all, there is support behind him, and he is bold.

Wild Saint's jungle area has completely become Ning's experimental field in this BO3.

Broiler is even more ruthless. Since losing to YM led by Lin Ran, he has changed his style of play.

Originally, he liked to rely on his personal strength to gain a laning advantage, but now he roams like crazy.

Often the first wave to go home is to release the second-level shoes first, and then go straight to the wing to collect kills, in order to gain an economic lead in the opponent's position in disguise. In the mid-term, they are always scanning for all kinds of evil opportunities.

In this game, he used clockwork to kill Hirano Aya three times in the grass in the middle of the game.

Hirano Aya died a total of 10 times in the whole game, and her level couldn't catch up at all, and if she couldn't keep up with her level, she would be more likely to be caught and killed.

This becomes a vicious cycle.

After two rounds of 25 minutes of crushing, IG easily defeated LGD.

The easy wins one after another made the Broiler more determined about his roaming style in the future.

After the game, Hanyi's face brightened slightly. After losing the first two games against YM and WE in the spring split, IG gradually found a rhythm that suited them.

"Xiao Ming, have you seen the champion skin?" Everyone in YM met their old teammate Shi Senming before the game.

"Hehehe... I saw it," Xiao Ming laughed, "Jack and I's special effects for returning to the city are much more handsome than yours."

"Don't bark, you stinky dog." The little bastard got angry when he heard the special effect of returning to the city. "If we win this year's championship, Brother Ran and I will also coordinate a recalling action."

"You're starting to choose your skin now? Who gave you the confidence?" Xiao Ming poked Jin Gong's waist while he was idle, "We must win the championship this year, right?"

Jin Gong was stabbed in the waist, so he grabbed Xiao Ming's neck and swung him around, "Axi... the little bastard doesn't usually come to see us. It's a pity that I even cooked egg fried rice for you!"

"The two bases are too far apart, I can't understand them!" Xiao Ming quickly begged for mercy.

Uzi listened to them discuss the champion skin, his eyes full of desire.

He holds two S competition runner-ups, but there is a huge gap in strength compared to the champion that year.

Even before the final started, Uzi knew he couldn't win the championship, and the championship skin was even more elusive.

S5S6 has been dormant for two years. Wuzi is unwilling but can only accept the reality.

But this year, he has stronger teammates, and his desire to win the championship is beginning to stir again.

The commentator for today's game is still Baby Miller, which is almost the standard for YM to play against strong teams.

"The battle between the two groups AB for first place is another highlight."

"But something happened on YM's side." Wawa knew that some viewers didn't read the starting list posted on the team's official blog, so he explained it to them first.

"JKL was forced to recuperate due to his physical condition, and YM replaced them with new bottom laners LWX and Pinus. They previously played for the TCS team and have experienced the City Heroes Contest and LSPL. They are not strictly newcomers."

Miller nodded, "Yes, I personally think the key to this BO3 is whether YM's new bottom lane can withstand the pressure. After all, the opponents are UZI and Xiao Ming."

[The bottom lane combination that can’t survive in the LSPL will fight against the world champion and world runner-up. Guess how long it takes for the bottom lane to explode? 】

[I guess one hand reached level 6 and was killed by a counterattack]

[It’s okay to lose a tower in ten minutes, right? 】

[Nothing wrong, I think if Xiaotian doesn’t go to the bottom lane, losing a health tower in 10 minutes will be considered as giving them face]

Even many YM fans are not optimistic about this game.

RNG's sharpest spear now corresponds to YM's weakest shield. How does this work?

BP officially starts, YM guesses the coin and wins, choosing the red side.

RNG banned Lucian, Syndra and Qinggangying in the first round, while YM banned Enchantress, Han Bing and Verus.

"YM except for Enchantress, who must be banned on the red side, the other two ban positions are given to UZI in the bottom lane!" Wawa thought it was a gimmick as soon as he saw the ban position.

"RNG gives all three ban positions to the middle and top! Both sides aim at the opponent's strong points and strive to block them all!"

RNG's coach this year is FireFox. You can call him Firefox in English, or you can call him Feng Ge.

He was previously an analyst for S5LGD. After the takeaway brother Chris had a falling out with LGD, he temporarily became the LGD coach. He wrote the S5 masterpiece "Legend of Iron Man".

Although after the game, the players recalled that this masterpiece was "written" by Feng Ge and the team members.

Everyone thinks that fire can make iron, and it goes without saying that a fire man can also make an iron man, so they were released. Naturally, Brother Feng cannot bear all the blame.

Most of the time, he doesn't show any signs of illness. He just BPs honestly. Occasionally, he can make a smart choice and trick the opponent.

At this time, he was standing behind the RNG player table, "Xiaohu, how about I get you Jace first?"

"Then the opponent will definitely choose EZ," Uzi said, "If he is matched with a soft support and a hard mix, there is nothing I can do against him!"

Uzi now has one thought in his mind - to destroy YM's bottom lane.

Naturally, Persimmon had to pick up the slack, and the opposing LSPL bottom lane combination became a breakthrough in Uzi's eyes.

Brother Feng hesitated for a moment, but decided to give Uzi EZ first.

Due to equipment changes, Armor-Piercing Jhin has been severely weakened in this version, making it difficult to use for mixing.

After all, armor-piercing armor was originally released. In 20 minutes, Jhin could use the strong equipment to make up for the previous economic disadvantage in the matchup, but this is no longer possible. The cost-effectiveness of armor-piercing armor in the early and mid-term has dropped a lot.

Ice and Verus were banned, and EZ was taken down by him again. Uzi felt that the opposing ADC had no heroes to play with.

"YM chose to take Jess and Spider first. This hand of Jess can be used as a swing hand to card RNG!" Miller analyzed, "After all, Jin Gong and Ran can use it, and the effect is not bad!"

Karma, Blind Sin, this is RNG’s second- and third-hand choice.

Brother Feng knew that if he didn't move out of the jungle position, YM's second-round ban would definitely be targeted.

"Thresh?" Watanabe was a little disbelieving, "YM's assistant is going to be a control-type hard assistant!"

"You have to know that Xiao Ming, who is sitting opposite him, is about to have Thresh skin," Miller also said with emotion, "This choice is indeed very bold."

[Hoo ho ho, you just played Thresh in front of Xiao Ming? It’s really yours]

[Don’t say anything, wait until Uzi and Xiao Ming smash the new YM road head and it will be over! 】

[Waiting for a Thresh Yellow Star Triple Constellation.jpg! 】

The barrage reacted violently when seeing YM's auxiliary selection.

YM blocked Vampire and Shen in the second round of bans, while RNG was determined to block LWX's hero pool.

Then ban the policewoman and Jhin.

Although these two heroes are currently of very low priority, Uzi does not intend to let Lin Weixiang get them.

Uzi had to educate the new ADC in this round and tell him that this was the LPL.

"Jin Gong, use the wine barrel to release the big tree!" White Crescent Moon said.

In this version, Wine Barrel, like Dashu and Shen, also belongs to the top lane fantasy god level.

He has enough control on his own, W and passive recovery effects can help him stay in lane, and he also has E to dodge the team, which is very suitable for the current rhythm.

Bai Yueya looked at the hero selection box opposite, feeling nervous and uneasy.

From the beginning of BP, he dug a hole, and now it depends on whether RNG can jump or not.

"Are you going to choose Dashu + Zyra?" Wawa was not surprised by this. "In this case, RNG will use Karma in the middle, and their coaching staff will be swayed again!"

"It's a normal choice," Miller nodded. "Now that all the heroes in the middle are basically banned, there is no one who can beat Jayce. It's really good to let Xiaohu use Karma."

"But in this way, RNG's focus of output will be entirely on the bottom lane. Their top, middle and jungle, including Big Tree, Blind Monk and Karma, do not have high output in team battles!"

"RNG locked the lineup, and let's see what YM's last choice will be for LWX..."

Bai Yueya smiled crookedly after seeing RNG's final lineup.

The fish is hooked.

LGD is really awesome, I really believe it and have no other ideas.

The qualifying round all depends on the country’s hand.

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