LOL: What is a roaming mid laner?

Chapter 217 215: All is okay, all is okay

"YM was unstoppable and won the game against RNG cleanly!" Miller couldn't help shouting as he watched the RNG base crystal turn into fragments.

"Their winning streak continues. YM has not lost a BO3 since the team was founded! This kind of record is too exaggerated!"

Seeing his victory in his LPL debut, Lin Weixiang's fat body jumped up with excitement and grabbed Liu Qingsong next to him.

Liu Qingsong originally wanted to laugh, but when he saw the camera on the side, he continued to maintain a cold posture and suppressed the slightly raised corners of his mouth. This made his facial expression look very strange.

"Smile, Liu Qingsong!" Lin Weixiang didn't understand his good brother. Why didn't he smile after winning the game?

He turned to look at his other teammates.

Lin Ran, Xiaotian and Jin Gong all moved in unison. They first opened the data panel and took a look at the output, then drank all the drinks in the paper cups and stood up to shake hands with the RNG players.

The movements were smooth and unrestrained, without any sloppiness, as if they were instinctive reactions engraved in the brain.

Lin Weixiang suddenly understood when he saw their serious expressions on their faces.

A master should look like a master. It would give people a feeling of frivolity to smile so brightly after winning a BO3 regular season game.

Be a calm person.

As an old man, Lin Weixiang immediately stopped smiling and tried to remain serious.

But just now the camera has recorded the entire process of his facial expression changes, and all the viewers know that Lin Weixiang laughs like a fool.

"Well done." Lin Ran patted Xiao Ming on the shoulder.

"Don't disgust me." Xiao Ming punched him with a smile.

In Lin Ran's view, Xiao Ming's performance in the last game was quite impressive. He cooperated with Mala Xiangguo to launch several raids on YM's bottom lane and gained a lot. He even played a wave of Thresh hooks to predict Lin Weixiang's flash operation.

He fattened up Uzi, but to no avail.

This is the embarrassing point for ADC right now.

Except for poke-style ADs (headed by EZ and Verus), the crit-style ADCs currently popular in the professional arena require a three-piece set to be effective.

At the mid-term time point of 20 minutes, the normally developed ADC has two large + second-level shoes. At level 12, they have less than 1500 blood and only 60 armor.

It has neither meat output nor high quality, and is as crispy as paper.

If you want to fight in a team, the ADC relies heavily on the protection of his teammates, otherwise he will be killed instantly if he is cut in by the warrior or assassin at this time.

However, except for Karma, who has strong protective ability, most of the current assists are output-type soft assists (Zyra) or group-starting hard assists (Tauran Titan).

For example, in this team fight, the ultimate moves of several YM players are focused on Uzi. If you dare to show your head and deal damage, Captain Rambo's ultimate move will directly rain down on you. Even with Thresh here, you will be disabled even if you don't die from this set of ultimate moves.

The output environment is restricted, and the equipment has not reached its peak. Uzi cannot produce sufficient output in the limited time. The output position is too economical to deal damage, and team battles will naturally be lost.

There is only one way to solve this problem. When taking over the group, let Uzi have already made a three-piece suit. While the attack equipment is formed, he is also preparing to make life-saving equipment.

There are two paths to implement this method, one positive and one negative.

The correct thing is to delay, just force the Uzi equipment to take shape, and postpone the time of joining the group indefinitely.

On the contrary, it gives more economy to Uzi and allows him to develop in advance.

The development in the game just now was not enough, he needs to be fatter.

It's not an obscure truth. Lin Ran understands it, and so does Wu Zi.

The key is how to achieve it.

Uzi shook hands with Liu Qingsong, who was walking at the end, and then turned around to put away the keyboard, his mind already far away.

After the game, Lin Ran, Lin Weixiang and Liu Qingsong were interviewed by the stage host.

"Welcome our two newcomers to the LPL..." Yuzhen smiled and looked sideways at his side, "Let me introduce myself first."

"Hello everyone, I am Pinus, YM's assistant." Liu Qingsong was very cold and remained expressionless during the interview.

"Hello everyone, I am YM's ADC Lin Weixiang." After Lin Weixiang said that, he put down the microphone.

He glanced at Lin Ran beside him.

The backbone of his team responded to Aftershock's first question with a smile. The smile on his handsome and fair face was warm and warm. Lin Weixiang felt that if he were a woman, he would definitely fall in love.

But... shouldn't a master be serious about his words?

Lin Weixiang felt that his judgment just now was biased.

He looked to the other side of him again, Liu Qingsong was still looking sad.

Lin Weixiang was confused and turned his head to Liu Qingsong's ear.

"Are you trying to be a cool guy?"

The case was solved.

"Lin Weixiang, do you want to die?" Liu Qingsong moved his lips slightly and tried to lower his volume.

This sentence made Lin Weixiang laugh for some reason. He covered his mouth and started laughing, his two thick eyebrows twitching.

Lin Ran and Yu Zhen glanced at the two of them inexplicably.

The audience in the live broadcast room saw this scene again, and they connected it with the change in Lin Weixiang's expression when shaking hands after the game.

[Isn’t YM, the substitute AD, a fool? 】

[Why do you look so stupid? 】

[Isn’t he just mindless and unhappy when he is with the support team next to him? 】

[God, his cat is mindless and unhappy...]

The duo who were being interviewed didn't know that they were only playing a BO3 game, so the audience came up with nicknames for them.

"I would like to ask player Ran, what do you think of the champion skin that will be on the shelves soon?" Yuzhen finally asked the most important question of the day.

"My teammates and I took a look at it. The special effects of the skin are still very cool. Everyone is very satisfied." Lin Ran held the microphone and started to promote the skin. "I also hope that the audience will patronize and buy more. When the skin is put on the shelves, we will also Start a live broadcast for interactive display.”

[The skin must be purchased, but when will the live broadcast start? 】

[Where is Jack’s grandson? He hasn't broadcast live since the spring split! The game is not played and the live broadcast is not started? 】

[Don’t be embarrassed, the little anchor is sick. 】

The skin still needs to be promoted, after all, it is linked to his own income.

Riot Games originally stipulated that 25% of the sales revenue of champion skins in the first year after they are put on the shelves should be distributed to the champions, but there are some exceptions this year.

With alliances in full swing, we certainly cannot let the winning team eat up all of the 25% of revenue. Starting from this year, all clubs in the winning division will enjoy the sales share of the championship skin.

These money rights should be regarded as the cake distributed by the alliance. After all, if the team does not win the championship and has no source of income, the head effect will be more serious.

The top teams will divide all the income, and the less popular teams will not even be able to drink soup. This will definitely affect the balance of the entire league and undermine the fairness of e-sports events - the bottom teams will breed all kinds of gray income in order to survive.

Even if it is distributed to the other 11 teams, the skin sharing income of each of the five Lin Ran is still as high as 1.2%.

In other words, for every 10,000 sets of YM championship skins sold globally, 120 sets of skin sales will be distributed to the players themselves.

It should be noted that this is not divided according to the sales volume of each player's championship skin, but the entire team is packaged together. Skins with high sales volume do not mean that the players get more, and will be evenly distributed to players with low sales volume.

A set of five hero skins plus a "Flag of Command" eye skin, the bundled price is about 400 RMB.

After all, for his first LPL title, Lin Ran conservatively estimated that he would have sold almost 1 million sets of skins worldwide, so he alone could get a share of the income from 12,000 sets of skins. The pre-tax income that Lin Ran could get was about 4.8 million yuan.

(Fist has not given specific data on champion skin sales. I can only use Riot’s public welfare skin ‘Dark Star Korgas’ in 2018 for comparison.

That charity skin sold for a total of 610,000 US dollars, and the price was 1,350RP, which is about 9 US dollars. In other words, nearly 70,000 sets of this skin were sold in total. The first LPL championship skin has a regional bonus, so 1,00,,000 sets should be about the same? )

Every time he sells an additional set of skins, Lin Ran can pay off his mortgage a moment earlier. Can he not be in a hurry?

The renovation progress of the Lakeside Four Seasons villa is not too slow. It will take another two months to move in, which means it will be the end of the spring season.

Jack was successfully discharged from the hospital on March 4, but he still needs to rest according to the doctor's instructions.

It happened that the other teams in Group B were relatively weak, so White Crescent simply let Lin Weixiang start the game first. If he won the first game, he would continue playing. If he lost, he would play Jack to ensure the winning rate.

On March 9, YM faced OMG.

OMG, which has Leng Shao icon and Sima Laothief, is very strong. They wisely targeted the attack on the bottom lane.

The OMG coaching staff, who watched the video of the last game between YM and RNG, knew that the opponent's top, middle and junglers cooperated well, and the newly replaced duo was their lineup's shortcoming.

In the first round, OMG jungler world6 raided the duo 7 times in 20 minutes, which was absolutely heartbreaking.

However, Lin Weixiang and Liu Qingsong clearly lacked training in anti-gank awareness. In 7 raids, they gave away a total of 5 heads, and were killed once by Sima Old Thief.

world6 frequently visited the bottom lane, but Xiaotian found opportunities for the other two lanes.

At this time, icon is young and ambitious, and his playing style is very fierce. He has been a regular on the solo kill list since last season, but frequent suppression will reveal his flaws.

Lin Fan sent his troops to the tower, and then there were several waves of military training, which made the icon unable to take care of himself.

And Jin Gong also played a warrior-type top laner. OMG's top laner, Frozen Sunset, prefers to use tank heroes, and Jin Gong likes to fight such people.

Previously, he chose tank heroes because YM's tactics favored the middle and jungle to lead the bottom lane and eat neutral resources and defensive towers. However, now Lin Weixiang and Liu Qingsong obviously cannot let YM's middle and jungle pour too many resources, so Xiaotian and Lin Ran began to frequently help.

Jin Gong was so happy that he took out a Sword Princess and stabbed OMG through the mid-game. The Frozen Sunset of Titan couldn't stop him at all, and he could only watch Jin Gong crazily demolishing the tower.

The old thief Sima's Ice was closely watched by Lin Ran's Clockwork in the frontal battle. The ultimate move [Command: Shock Wave] was reserved exclusively for the old thief Sima.

In the end, the big dragon group Lin Ranzangqiu's ultimate move attracted 3 enemies, and combined with Jin Gong who teleported behind him, OMG was defeated.

In the second set, it was Xiao Tianlai's carry. A spider smashed World6's male gun to pieces in the jungle. He had two solo kills in the jungle and also helped establish an advantage online.

In the end, there wasn't even a normal wave of team battles.

Under the command of Lin Ran, YM successfully penetrated the frozen sunset in the grass, killed it and opened the dragon. After that, OMG started to save Grandpa - one by one.

In the end, YM took over the baron, OMG was destroyed by the team, and Lin Ran and others took advantage of the situation and flattened the opponent's base.

Their winning streak continues.

On March 11, nearly halfway through the inter-group round robin, YM faced off against its old rival IM.

Although they both entered the LPL from the secondary league, their situation is different now. Today's IM is only a mid-level team in the league.

However, there is also a new highlight. IM’s jungler has become the Korean aid flawless who looks exactly like Kokawa Kofu in Doraemon.

Xiaofu's personal strength is average and he has no brains, but his advantage is that he is hard-working and can execute team strategies fairly well.

He has an inexplicable obsession with ward placement, with an average ward placement score of 1.1. If we exclude zzr, who only played one game and whose data has no reference value, Xiaofu's data is only 0.01 worse than the Vietnamese wild king SOFM, ranking among the best. The wild position is second.

The number of wards is even more exaggerated, with 0.6 wards per minute, ranking first in the jungle (see picture).

What does this mean?

In a 35-minute game, I have to insert 38 eyes and remove 21 eyes.

This data is outrageous.

Xiaofu completely uses the sea of ​​​​eye tactics to block the opponent's jungler, trying to drag the opponent to the same level as himself.

The Garlic Bastard didn't react in the first round, and fell into Xiaofu's trap. The whole round's movements were clearly seen by IM. Wherever he went to catch people, he was discovered in advance, and he got lost in the wild area.

If Lin Ran and Jin Gong hadn't stepped up in time and used the single belts of Ryze and Gnar to end the game, it would have been hard to say whether the game would win or lose.

"Did you stick your head out?" Lin Ran said to Xiaotian during a break.

"What?" Xiaotian, who was relaxing himself, was stunned for a second and did not realize what Lin Ran meant by this sentence.

"Xiaotian, you stupid bastard, if you stick your head out of the shell, you will become a husband?" Lin Ran was reasonable, "I think you seemed to be assimilated by him in the last game."

The YM lounge burst into laughter. Jack's body twitched with laughter, and he quickly went to the forum to post about his experience.

Bai Yueya didn't say anything. The other team members performed well. He just asked Xiaotian to reflect on the previous game.

Su Cheng, who came over to watch the game after class, smiled and stuffed his left hand into the pocket of Lin Ran's team uniform jacket.

Lin Ran grabbed Su Cheng's palm through the thin team uniform jacket.

Su Cheng sat aside, holding her cell phone in her right hand and replying to messages.

Lin Ran had nothing to do and gently rubbed Su Cheng's knuckles.

"Hiss..." Not knowing where he pressed it, Su Cheng blushed and pulled out his hand, and lightly slapped Lin Ran on the back.

Knight on the side seemed to have eyes with Xiaotian. The two of them had a pretty good relationship since they met. At this time, he twisted his left hand for a while, mustered up the courage to sit next to Xiaotian, and twisted his legs together habitually.

"If you can't catch the online hero, why don't you just go to the opposite jungler?" Zuo Zuo kindly reminded him.

At that time, in the German Cup quarter-finals, Sofm's method of dealing with his wandering was exactly the same as today's Xiaofu, using his vast field of vision to control the map and block the gank route.

The solution Lin Ran gave was to forcefully invade the jungle with his own jungler, destroy the opposite jungle first, and then radiate the advantage to the side lanes.

The left hand feels that this method is also applicable to Xiaotian.

As a world champion, Xiaotian always feels embarrassed when he is picked on by a left-hand player who is still playing in the secondary league. However, he has a good relationship with Knight and knows that what he said makes sense.

"Oh, can I know the truth that you all know?" Xiaotian said sternly, "Sometimes it's not as simple as you think, it depends on the lineup!"

"Oh." Zuo Zuo muttered, lowering his head again to act like a quail.

"Hahaha Knight, isn't this too cute?" Su Cheng witnessed this scene and whispered beside Lin Ran.

"Cuteer than me?" Lin Ran asked suddenly, smelling the scent of citrus shower gel on her body.

Su Cheng didn't expect Lin Ran to ask such a question.

However, Su Cheng didn't hesitate. Her excellent memory allowed her to still remember Lin Ran's words before the New Year, "You are cute everywhere." She was at a loss as to what to do.

Su Cheng's long academic career indirectly cultivated her strong competitiveness and unwillingness to admit defeat. With her ability to hold grudges to the max, she decided to regain her place.

"Of course you are cuter." Su Cheng smiled sweetly and spoke sincerely. She straightened up slightly and quietly turned on the video recording function on her phone.

She was now waiting for Lin Ran to subconsciously ask, 'How can I be so cute?', then choke him to death with one sentence, and record his helpless look on video as a testimony of her victory.

"It's good that you know." Lin Ran was very satisfied with his girlfriend's answer and patted Su Cheng on the head.


Su Cheng was stunned.

Why don't you play your cards according to the routine?

"Don't you want to know what's so cute about you in my heart?" Su Cheng persevered and didn't give up, staring straight into Lin Ran's eyes.

Lin Ran wasn't stupid either. Su Cheng's intentions were obvious and he was clearly setting a trap for himself.

"Have broad shoulders, long legs, and outstanding looks?" Lin Ran was habitually narcissistic, "Oh, there are so many cute things about me."

Su Cheng moved her lips slightly and swallowed "Why don't you die" into her stomach.

"Teacher Su, your little tricks are not enough."

Su Cheng hummed, turned off the video recording function on her phone, and secretly decided to study hard on her homework.

Lin Ran got a new disposable paper cup and went to the beverage machine to get a glass of Red Bull.

"If it's not a critical game, drink less Red Bull." Su Cheng changed the topic, "Drinking too much is bad for your health."

Lin Ran saw his teammates getting ready to go out. He stood at the back of the team and asked sideways.

"for example?"

"Excessive caffeine can cause neurological problems, including but not limited to depression and anxiety, and can also cause elevated blood pressure and rapid heartbeat," Su Cheng said without wavering. "The excess sugar may also cause obesity."

Lin Ran glanced at the Red Bull in the paper cup.

"Garlic Bastard, are you still drinking Red Bull? It's just enough to get you excited, so you don't get lost in the next game."

Xiaotian turned back and glared at him, "Go away, why don't you drink?"

At this time, the second game was about to start, and Lin Ran had no time to change drinks.

"Shall I help you find a staff member to exchange for a drink?" Bai Yueya asked before the BP started.

Lin Ran shook his head, "No need, just win this game quickly."

He took over the second inning.

The mid laner Qinggang Ying was brought out again and kicked Ryze's head off the IM mid laner Athena.

At the same time, he also cooperated with Xiaotian to madly invade Xiaofu's jungle area. Qinggangying used the jungle wall to be very threatening. Xiaofu was halfway through the wild monsters several times. The YM midfielder who was rushed over successfully took over, and the economic level fell behind. Quite a few.

The wild area fell, and the space for Xiaofu to arrange his vision shrank sharply. Lin Ran and Xiaotian successfully caught and killed the bottom lane Golden Horn once with 4 packs of 2, and then the snowball grew bigger and bigger, and IM died slowly.

"In 26 minutes, YM made another victory and won 8 consecutive games. Is there no one who can stop them?" I remember shouting on the commentary stand.

"The next opponent they face is EDG." The commentator on the side said in a hypnotic tone that could be used as a lullaby.

The characteristic of his commentary is that his tone has almost no fluctuations. Although he has a certain level of understanding of the game, he cannot bear the audience's reluctance to listen to his tone.

"EDG...sigh." I remember sighing at the end and moving the microphone away to prevent the audience from hearing it.

But this modal particle is enough to prove a lot of things.

On March 16, YM faced EDG.

Gui Jiao Qi still sits on the bench with his exemption card, while the eldest prince Ai Loli plays.

The director is no longer with deft and has left, and the new Zet obviously cannot keep up.

Even if the players on YM are still Lin Weixiang + Liu Qingsong, except for Iron Piggy, not many people are optimistic about EDG winning.

But EDG never disappoints.

In the first round, they actually took advantage!

Similar to the OMG jungler world6's play style, Ai Luoli was frequently caught. After several LPL games, Lin Weixiang and Liu Qingsong's anti-gank awareness continued to improve.

Xiaotian also realized EDG's traditional defense strategy early and counterattacked twice, but failed to win in 3V3, allowing zet to establish an advantage.

Then Meiko was freed to roam the middle lane and help Scout catch Lin Ran.

Mouse on the top lane is still messing around, but his level of mix is ​​better than OMG's top laner Frozen Sunset, and Jin Gong can't have much advantage.

In just 20 minutes, EDG held two dragons, one earth and one fire, and also destroyed the upper and lower outer towers of YM, leading the economy by 3K!

However, YM remained calm in the face of danger and still set up a tight defense line to allow Lin Weixiang and Lin Ran to develop quickly.

Lin Ran got Clockwork as the main C of the team, taking advantage of the safest troops and jungle resources. He also made up 210 dollars in 20 minutes, and the opponent's economy did not fall much.

The game has completely entered the mid-term rhythm.

The fire dragon was about to be refreshed. EDG had just settled on the position of the small dragon pit and found that their vision in the big dragon pit had been emptied by YM. It happened that the vision transformation of zet and scout was also cooling down, and they could not obtain the vision of the big dragon pit.

"I can eat this fire dragon by myself. You guys go to the big dragon pit and have a look! They have no meat and they can't handle the big dragon at this time!" Ai Luoli said.

"I don't think so, let's go together!" A Guang disagreed, "They have Verus and Clockwork, and they can defeat the dragon very quickly! We can't capture the dragon without you!"

If the players in the team have conflicting opinions, it stands to reason that the leader should make the decision.

The factory director was originally in charge, but now he is on the bench, and Meiko can only take the lead.

"...Anything is fine." Meiko shouted.

All OK? Are you putting aside the riddles?

Aguang didn't understand what it meant to command Meiko for a while.

"Let's go!" he shouted simply.

"I still..." Ai Luoli still wants to control the fire dragon. If they get another 8% magic power and attack power bonus, their combat effectiveness will rise to another level.

But mouse had already ran over, and when scout saw someone leaving, he subconsciously rushed towards the dragon pit.

Meiko originally chose Difficulty Disorders, and when someone left, she would run away.

The Korean aid zet recognized that Scout, who had arrived in the team before him and was stronger than him, also followed him.

In the blink of an eye, all four EDG people ran towards the Dalong Pit, and in Ai Luoli's heart, ten thousand grass and mud horses stepped on them.

Although the conductor Meiko didn't explicitly state that Loli was going to Dalong, he didn't say that he didn't have to go.

At this time, Abu and the factory director in the backstage lounge were listening to the team's voice. If the team in the professional arena does not listen to the command when making decisions, the consequences will definitely be serious.

Ai Luoli was afraid that she would take the blame if she didn't go, so she could only follow her teammates and rush towards the dark dragon pit.

However, the confusion in command caused the five EDG players to go to Dalong Pit in a loose formation.

Aguang is at the front and Ailuoli is at the back. These are the only two front rows in EDG. The three crispy ones in the middle and bottom are far away from Aguang and Ailuoli.

Lin Ran and his teammates were crouching. As Ai Luoli said, the five of them couldn't hold the dragon at this time, so they simply emptied their vision and waited in the grass, planning to squat down for someone who came over to gain vision.

He never expected that EDG would rush over with this formation. Aguang was about to enter the dragon pit. The three crispy brothers behind him had just entered the upper half of the river, and these three people were still together!

More importantly, they did not arrange a view of the grass on both sides of the river. Lin Ran originally thought that it would be good to catch EDG alone, but he did not expect that they threw themselves into their arms, and three crispy men rushed in!

This kind of panic formation and details are very common in the secondary leagues, but in the top leagues, doing this is a crime!

Lin Ran didn't give him a chance. He was afraid that Clockwork QR would be avoided by everyone in EDG, so he flashed QR directly in front of the three crispy guys from EDG!

The huge force of the shock wave pulled all three EDG people to Lin Ran. He operated the clockwork and then QW, and the Thunder Lord's decree was chopped down!

This talent is actually a range of damage, but the range is smaller, and in most cases it is a single target output.

But now is an exception!

Lin Ran's wind-up ultimate move rolled all three EDG people together, and lightning struck on their heads!

The health of EDG's three crispy skins instantly became disabled!

Lin Weixiang's Verus charged flash penetrated three people with one arrow, and combined with Jin Gong's captain's ultimate move, he directly buried the middle and lower EDG!

"Oh my god, YM is so cooperative in team battles! How did Ran find this opportunity!" Wawa shouted.

"It's not so much that Ran seized the opportunity well, but that EDG's formation was so bad!" Miller couldn't believe it. "They didn't even have a good view of the surroundings and went straight into YM's arms!"

Three people were killed. YM directly captured the Baron and reversed the situation. Their lineup and captain's lineup had reached their peak period. EDG couldn't stop it at all and was successfully overturned!

In the second game, EDG was not as lucky as the previous game. Xiaotian squatted down and successfully won the 3V3, gaining the advantage in the bottom lane.

They retreated steadily, abandoning the upper and lower towers.

"We can't let go of the middle tower, otherwise our jungle area will be gone!" Ai Luoli wanted to call her teammates to guard the only outer tower.

"I want to grow, I want to grow!" Scout was playing like clockwork in this game. He didn't want to defend the tower.

In his opinion, Liu Qingsong's Niutou on the opposite side will definitely seize the opportunity to force the attack. With the current equipment gap, it is impossible for them to win the team battle.

Everyone in EDG once again turned their attention to the conductor Meiko.

"...Anything is fine!" Meiko replied.

It can be a hammer!

In the last game, the formation was messed up because of your "anything goes" and was overturned by Baron. Ai Luoli planned to follow her own ideas this time.

Aguang thought so too, and planned to accompany his teammates to guard the middle tower.

Lin Ran glanced at the EDG people guarding the tower. Originally, he thought that if EDG was determined to defend, they could operate the first tower again and push it later.

But just as he was about to retreat, he saw Scout's clockwork protruding from the bottom lane.

what do you mean?

Look down on people?

Do you dare to guard the tower?

Lin Qingsong, who thought he was being despised, was furious and ordered Liu Qingsong to get out of the way.

This time, not only Ai Loli died, but A Guang and Zet were also killed.

Not only the first tower was lost, but also the second tower and the jungle area were wiped out by YM, making it impossible to play without finishing the wave.

"YM flattened EDG's base in 28 minutes, 2:0 again! They haven't broken their undefeated streak yet! No team can stop YM who are at their peak!" Wawa waved his arms and shouted excitedly.

Happy Mid-Autumn Festival Duck

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