LOL: What is a roaming mid laner?

Chapter 223 221: Cancel account, I’ll teach you how to play!

Player seats.

Lin Ran held a warm baby in his hand.

The hand warmers provided by the competition are of good quality and the hand warmers are soft and delicate to the touch.

Lin Ran tried his best to imagine it as Su Cheng's palm.

"Why is Brother Hao so lucky every time?" White Crescent Moon standing behind them said with a smile, "Can you win every time you guess the heads or tails of a coin before the game?"

"I suggest that he be called Brother Coin in the future," Garlic Bastard teased, "This is simply the mascot of our team."

"Brother Coin, are you okay?" Lin Ran smiled.

"Brothers, finish your work early today," Jack sat there shaking his legs, "I want to eat sweet-scented osmanthus duck. I heard it's a specialty of Nanjing?"

"How come you know how to eat, Jie Kuo?" Jin Gong picked up his drooping hair and said in a slightly weird tone.

The prophet said nothing, just sitting there rubbing the baby like Lin Ran.

It's not because of autism, it's just because of nervousness.

The prophet had thought of this day when he was promoted to the first team to support Jack.

Half a year ago, he was still worried about how to cooperate with his teammates in the secondary league. Now he is sitting on the highest stage of the LPL, enjoying the cheers of thousands of people.

Fish leaping over the dragon's gate is nothing more than that.

After adjusting the rune page, the prophet looked towards the WE player seat far away from the stage.

Too far away to see clearly.

He looked up at the big screen.

The close-up of the camera happened to show the WE player seat. Ben was sitting there with his eyes staring straight at his monitor, sweat already appearing on his forehead and the tip of his nose.

The prophet was very satisfied, and Ben, the new assistant on the opposite side, was obviously very nervous.

This is their first time in the finals, who is afraid of whom?

He calmed down, took off his shoes, bent his legs and stepped on the chair cushion, and rested his head on his knees.

With a crisp sound, the BP interface appeared on the big screen!

"The first game of the finals has begun!"

Not only were the three commentators in high spirits, but the spectators in the surrounding stands also let out bursts of cheers.

"YM guesses the coin and has the priority to choose sides. In the first game, they are on the red side, and WE is on the blue side, ban first!"

WE coach Hongmi is wearing a white shirt and headphones with a stern expression.

"Ban Qinggangying first." He patted 957 on the shoulder and said in Korean.

Miller immediately began to analyze after seeing WE's ban.

"After the fixed armor-piercing Youmeng and the late-stage percentage armor-piercing Whisper were weakened, tank top laners began to rise again. Without the high armor-piercing damage, their tankiness in the mid-term is very guaranteed."

(The update to the weakened version of armor-piercing armor was mentioned in Chapter 211, and the update announcement is shown in the picture)

"Qinggang Shadow's real damage is quite advantageous against tank heroes on the side lanes. Forced entry into team battles will also cause considerable damage to WE's formation. We all know that WE rely heavily on mid- to late-game team battles."

Changmao agreed, "Yes, and Ran also has a Qinggang Shadow mid laner. This is the most disgusting. My brother-in-law was inexplicably killed in that game, and then directly ruined the entire game."

"There is another reason, and that is the existence of Xiaotian," Wawa lamented, "His AP jungler is too strong."

"Wine barrels and spiders are his favorite heroes. The physical damage mid laner like Qinggangying paired with the legal jungler's combat rhythm in the early and mid-term jungle is perfect."

Bai Yueya was not surprised by Hongmi's ban. He knew that it would be difficult for the Qinggang Shadow to be released.

He chose to ban Dazui.

This is an important part of WE's system. The powerful Big Mouth in the mid-term is a key weapon to help them sustain the Baron team battle.

What's inexplicable is that this big mouth didn't even ban a game in the semi-finals between RNG and WE.

The results can be imagined.

Bai Yueya didn't know if RNG coach Feng Ge was having a mental disorder again. Uzi said he could hit Big Mouth and then just let it go.

Just because you can fight in laning doesn't mean you can handle it in a group!

For example, Galio is not very strong in the lane...

White Crescent Moon has no iron head, so he will be banned directly.

"WE gave Han Bing the second ban. Everyone knows Jack's Han Bing. His E skill is no different from Radar Search." Miller smiled.

"YM banned Kled!" Changmao was not surprised by this. "RNG also chose to ban him in the semifinals. 957's Kled is very strong!"

"His Kled won a complete victory in this year's spring split, and its KDA reached an astonishing 18.5!" Wawa couldn't help but admired after receiving the news from the director.

Hongmi paced behind the WE players with a serious expression.

"Ban Lucian," he directed Xiye, "This will make it difficult for them to choose a lineup in the middle and jungle."

Hongmi thought clearly.

After banning Qinggang Shadow, the remaining T1 heroes in the middle are Lucian and Syndra.

Disable Lucian again, leaving only Syndra outside.

As the blue side, WE has an advantage. If YM can't ban Syndra, they can take it.

If Syndra is banned, they still have spiders to grab.

It’s not a loss no matter what.

Bai Yueyue fell into deep thought when she saw Hongmi's choice.

"Let's release Syndra, and then ban the spiders first." He finally responded.

As expected, when Hongmi saw Syndra being released, he decided to take it down for Xiye.

"Wine barrel?" Miller nodded and praised when he saw YM's first-hand pick. "Wine barrel is now available on the field. This choice can be used by Xiaotian and Jin Gong. It is quite cost-effective."

Then White Crescent Moon chose Verus again, sighing with satisfaction that he had achieved his goal.

Ice Mouth was banned, so he picked Verus again, leaving his brother-in-law with the remaining ADCs of Policewoman, Sivir, EZ and Jhin.

In the current version, Sivir is not strong against Varus. If he can't beat the push line in a fight, he only has 55 points, and he has to wait for a three-piece set to develop his strength.

It was impossible to choose Redmi. Faced with YM's overwhelming early and mid-term offensive, my brother-in-law was afraid that his whole family would be demolished by YM's gangsters before he could make a three-piece set.

The same goes for the female police officers. There are not many teams in the world who dare to choose the female police officers to quickly promote the lineup when facing today's YM - they play 4 packs of 2. Is it possible to choose a female police officer to crazily press the line in this life? Never been caught?

The remaining Jhin is not that strong after the armor-piercing equipment (Youmeng, Whisper) was weakened, and his ability to survive against YM double-teaming in the bottom lane is not strong.

You can only get the little yellow-haired Ezreal.

"WE picked Karma and EZ to get heroes for the bottom lane first to avoid being banned in the second round!"

The bottom duo of YM and WE have already been revealed, and the BPs in the second round will definitely target each other in the middle and top jungle.

It's the red side's turn to ban first, and the white crescent presses the poodle first.

Redmi has banned Crocodile. This hero, now coupled with the strength of Black Cut, is considered invincible in the early and mid-term.

What's more, not only Jin Gong can use this hero, but Lin Ran can also use it very smoothly. Hongmi is afraid that he will use it to hit, and then cooperate with the jungle wine barrel to hit 6.

"YM finally banned Lee Sin! They banned Kandi in the second round because they didn't want to give him a convenient hero!" Miller felt that YM's intentions were obvious.

Hongmi looked at YM's banner and was basically sure that the wine barrel his opponent got in the first round was for the jungler Xiao Tian - after all, the red side chose the character first in the second round, and there was no need for the blind monk to grab the ban.

He thought about the lineups of both sides and decisively banned Bobby.

Now YM's three heroes, Grain Barrel, Verus and Lulu, have too much AP damage. If he is White Crescent, he must add some physical output to the team.

However, WE uses Syndra and EZ's mid-term double C to cut through the crispy skin very quickly. YM is very likely to add a tank top laner, together with the other half-tank barrel, to add some tankiness to the mid-term team battle.

For tank top laner + physical output, Poppy fits the bill perfectly, and can also provide considerable control in team battles.

What's more important is that Poppy's performance in the Baron Group is too strong.

The shield of the passive [Steel Ambassador] can help him resist the dragon with almost no damage; the walls on both sides of the river and the dragon pit will also give her E [Heroic Charge] better room to use.

At the same time, R [Guardian's Judgment] is very useful for teams like YM that like to rush the dragon - Poppy can knock away the enemy heroes rushing to the dragon pit, and take down the dragon first.

Another qualified yordle, Gnar, has now been hacked several times. He played one game in the entire spring split and lost, so there is no need for Redmi to worry.

"Choose carefully." White Crescent Moon patted Jin Gong's shoulder.

In fact, there are still Jace out there who can get it, but if he is really selected, his own lineup will be too fragile.

The fishman top order is also an option.

After being ignored in the 2016 global finals, the yordle man Fizz took on a new lease of life in this spring split.

Everything relies on the rise of the tank top laners - Big Tree, Titan, Barrel, and Shen.

The fishman's W [Sea Stone Trident] passive currently also deals a percentage of magic damage. During the laning phase, it is designed to poke this big fleshy guy.

TheShy is one of the most outrageous players among the top laner Murloc players. Others just play one of the three items and then turn to meat without thinking, and use them as a troublemaker in the team to disgust the opponent's back row.

But this man who dared to catch and die was able to make a fool of himself with the little fishman, a hero with many means of escape.

For a time, there was a trend of three events + defeat on the field.

The extra physical damage from the ruined passive and the extra magic damage from the Murloc itself were combined to form a double cultivation, which made the opponent's scalp numb.

However, after this equipment plan became popular for a while, it is currently only used by TheShy and a few top laners - the others are afraid of death. Although the murlocs have many means of escape, the three items + destruction are very fragile for top units. , if you are hard-controlled and retained, you may not be able to hand over the displacement skills and die directly.

Another advantage of the small meat fish in the lane compared to the AP Murloc is that the ultimate move [Giant Shark Attack] can also be used as a group-starting skill. You don't have to think about feeding the shark to the mouth of the back row, instilling it, and knocking it away. Just control it and type it out.

Everything looks great.

But there is a reason why White Crescent Moon did not choose the small fishman Na Shen.

First of all, if you get the Murloc, YM's lineup's magic output will overflow too much, and it will be very difficult to deal with the opponent's mercury shoes per capita.

Secondly, the careful selection is more due to the overall tactical considerations of White Crescent and the coaching staff.

He and Su Cheng conducted many game analyzes on WE and found that as long as 957 cannot win Kled, WE's average top and jungle affinity rate per game is only 7.7%.

The affinity rate indicator refers to the proportion of time that heroes in two positions on the same team are close to each other account for the overall game time.

In layman's terms, top-jungle affinity rate is a quantitative indicator of how long the jungler stays near the top laner.

So what is the concept of 7.7%?

In the 30-minute game, Kandi stayed near 957 for a total of only 2.31 minutes.

You must know that this data includes team battles, controlling dragons, and the final gathering to push the base. As long as the jungler is near the top laner, time begins to count.

One can imagine how much Kandi doesn't like staying on the road now.

In that match in the regular season, WE used a conjoined crocodile + spider combination in the jungle. Kandi caught it crazily, but still lost the game in the end.

Combining the two, White Crescent concluded that Jin Gong and 957 would definitely be let go in this final.

Then can he let Jin Gong do nothing and just tie up 957?

White Crescent doesn't plan to do this. Let Jin Gong choose carefully, which can help his teammates participate in the battle in the second half, which will be of great benefit to the team.

Next it’s WE’s turn for the fourth and fifth selections.

"Take the fish man and the male gun," Hongmi said to his Ueno.

These are all strong heroes in their respective positions.

In Hongmi's view, there is another more important factor in choosing the Murloc - the mid-lane Murloc can restrain Syndra.

Lin Ran happened to be good at this hero, and Redmi had read the information before when preparing for the finals. Lin Ran had chosen the mid lane Murloc when facing WE in the 2016 Summer Split, and at that time he single-killed Xiye's Enchantress.

By grabbing instead of banning, this hero can be considered eliminated.

Hongmi quietly watched the hero selection box flashing on the BP screen.

YM's fifth choice has not yet been determined.

But he already had a guess in his mind.

After the Murloc was chosen, there were only a few heroes left who could defeat Syndra.

A black man with an unruly appearance appeared in the YM hero selection box.

Time Assassin Ekko.

Sure enough, Hongmi patted Xiye on the shoulder.

The translator passed Hongmi's words to his mid laner.

"Before level 6, you should pay attention to suppressing the blood volume. Once Ike has the Rocket Belt, you should not fight easily. Our lineup will perform well in team battles."

Xiye took a sip of Wangzai milk and nodded to indicate that she was clear.

"YM's last choice was Ekko!" Wawa was shocked, "This is a very easy hero to beat Syndra!"

"Didn't WE think of this? Since they got Syndra for Xiye, they should ban Ike?" Wawa yelled.

Hongmi wanted to ban him, but where would he find the position for Ike?

The 5 ban spots in the first game were all saved by his careful calculation before the game. Otherwise, with the hero pool of YM and others, they would ban all the good ones. Those 5 ban spots would not be enough at all.

Hongmi is strong, but everything in BP must be based on the strength of the players and the team.

In terms of personal strength alone, the current WE is not as good as YM, and Hongmi admits this.

Using the little murloc instead of Ekko is already the ultimate in BP.

After all, although Ekko said he could restrain Syndra after level 6, it was not easy to get a single kill. At most, he would have to face off and consume two waves.

And if the little fishman is released, Xiye will have to flash once he eats a shark, otherwise he risks being killed alone.

(The data of Murloc and Ekko against Syndra are shown in the picture. Ekko’s line kill rate is much lower than that of Murloc)

"Before level 6, you must counterattack the jungle area of ​​the opposite wine barrel!" Hongmi reminded Kandi, "Sindra will have no problem taking lane rights before level 6. Xiye can help you!"

Kandi nodded and pinched the knuckles of his palms, making a tooth-piercing crunching sound.

The lineups of both sides are confirmed.

Blue side WE: top laner Murloc, jungler gunner, mid laner Syndra, bottom lane Ezreal and Karma.

Red square YM: top laner Shen, jungler Barrel, mid laner Ekko, bottom lane Verus and Lulu.

"I think WE has too few methods to start a team?" Wawa put forward his own point of view, "Syndra's backhand control is okay, but can the first move only rely on the big move of Rou Xiaoyu to win the team?"

"Actually, it's not bad. WE's lineup can also be played solo," Changmao analyzed from the side. "The three items of meat equipment and small fish belts are igniting. In terms of one-on-one ability, Shen is better than Shen."

"Furthermore, WE has EZ and Kalma. This lineup has a bit of a poke system. The two shooters also have the advantage of hand length. Logically speaking, they are not too difficult to start a team." Miller thinks so.

"After all, once it gets to the later stage, YM will definitely be the more urgent side. WE just need to make up for the backhand control to prevent being forced to open by the barrel at the first time and reduce the number of players."

At this time, RNG coach Feng Ge was also sitting in the training room of the base watching the live broadcast of the final.

In the third place match three days ago, RNG defeated IG 3:1. At this time, the team was already on vacation, but the coach had not left yet.

Brother Feng looked at the BP in the first game of the finals and felt a sense of powerlessness welling up in his heart.

Relying on his "Wind Swing", he is considered to be a good player among the LPL coaching team. He is much higher than the commentators on the field. It is natural to see what the level of this BP is.

too exaggerated.

There is a lot of preparation work for the coach to do in the first BP game of BO5, because neither side revealed their trump cards, and the BP idea is more like playing slow chess.

The coaches of both sides can each deduce the possible BP strategies of the opponent and use statistics to make various possible analyses.

Like this game, both sides did not amplify the use of black technology. BP relied on repeated deductions based on numerous data before the game.

The problem is that both parties are too well prepared for this BP session!

It can be said that the BP of the two teams made full use of all the knowledge on the surface of the version.

No one can calculate who else, everyone is playing against each other like a matchmaker, link by link, from the strength of the line to the style of the players, to the overall lineup of the team battle, all have achieved the optimal solution.

How long did these two teams have to prepare for the final draft?

You must know that from the time YM finished playing IG to the finals, there were only 5 days of preparation time.

During these five days, various interview tasks were very heavy, and on-site rehearsals for the finals had to be completed. The coaching staff also had to supervise the players' training matches and ranked hero exercises, as well as various review details.

How much free time is left? It's definitely not enough.

Thinking of the two 3:0 sweeps in the semifinals, Brother Feng had to admit that they were not even regarded as imaginary enemies by the two finalists.

From the middle of the regular season, YM and WE only have eyes for each other, and they can clearly identify who is the biggest obstacle on the road to winning the championship.

"YM come on!"

Some spectators took the lead in shouting from the stands.

In an instant, the whole audience burst into cheers for the two final teams!

Due to the large number of people, the audience was not divided into two camps like in the previous regular season, and cheering for different teams had to be arranged in order.

Although the cheers of the 13,000 spectators at the scene were chaotic, they were still powerful and soared into the sky!

There is a short cutscene, and then Summoner's Rift appears on the live big screen!

The cheers of the audience once again increased by an order of magnitude, even faintly covering the sounds of various marks made by the two teams in the OB system.

"I'm on F6, can we guard the field of view in the jungle?" Xiaotian kept marking the map, "They will definitely come!"

"I brought a scanner with me when I went out!" Lin Ran shouted loudly, "Let's give up the view of the jungle and let them intervene!"

"But don't let him see me!" Lin Ran was hiding under the Second Tower. Once the scanner he was wearing was discovered by WE, these people would definitely not put in the eyes to eliminate him in vain!

"Don't worry..." Xiaotian squatted in the grass of F4, while Jin Gong lay in the long and narrow grass opposite the red buff.

Jack and the Prophet also stood in the two patches of grass in the lower half of the area. Now the four of them blocked the entrance to the wild area tightly, just to find WE's ward position.

As expected, WE used the strong grouping of the first-level team Karma to gain vision in the YM jungle. During this period, Ezreal, the brother-in-law, used Q [Secret Shooting] to explore the grass.

Kandi was very ambitious in this game. He took out his male gun and planned to kill Xiaotian's jungle area in the early stage. Otherwise, when Ike reached 6, the control of the lane rights in the middle would be reversed, and his male gun would not be so good. Made an invasion.

If you want to attack the jungle in the early stage of a professional game, players will certainly not be like headless flies running around in the pub game. Guessing the opponent's jungle path without a field of vision is a last resort.

It is normal to insert a ward to see the opponent's jungle path and then wait for an opportunity to invade the counter jungle.

Besides, you can detect your opponent's wild route with just one accessory eye. Why not do this kind of free business?

"We are all grouping together into the YM jungle area. Do you want to invade and change the BUFF start?" The three people on the commentary table looked at the movements of the ten heroes on the map. "No... they are just the Sharp Beak Bird and Red Bird in YM." There is an accessory eye inserted in the middle of the BUFF.”

"The eyes were made by a male gun," Xiaotian, who was squatting in the grass, discovered the news. "This is probably the one that was planted. Brother Xiba, have you seen the other eyes?"

"No, no." Jin Gong responded positively.

The prophet calculated the cooldown time of the male gun's next accessory eye and posted it in the team chat channel.

Everyone in YM is still waiting, it’s still early for the wild monster camp to be refreshed.

Lin Ran knew that if this accessory eye was arranged too early, everyone in WE would have time to arrange the vision before the wild monsters refreshed.

At 1 minute and 25 seconds, Lin Ran finally walked out of the second tower.

"Come Jin Gong, this ward experience is enough for us to score three points!" Lin Ran excitedly called for his teammates.

He turned on the scanning lens, and the lens showed the view of WE arranged in the jungle!

"Xiaotian, you are just trying to get some attention, but I don't want it!" Jin Gong squatted in the grass and waited to share his experience.

Xiaotian was not polite to Jin Gong, so Lin Ran opened the scan. He knocked out the last bit of blood from the jewelry eye, and the two of them received 10 gold coins each.

(Isn’t there anyone who doesn’t know about eye-splitting money? A starts scanning, B completes the final blow, A and B get the same money, free eyes are 10 yuan each, and eyes equipped with auxiliary equipment are 30 yuan each.

So don’t be disgusting if you just play support. If you scan and see that you already have money, why are you still grabbing AD money? )

"Ran is very spiritual," Miller was a little surprised. "He brought the scanner with him when he went out, and predicted in advance that he would come back to the jungle to do vision at WE level."

"In this way, WE doesn't know anything about Xiaotian's wild route."

WE team voice is on.

"Holy shit, this guy is so dirty." Xiye said a lot of curse words. Even though he looked like a harmless boy, he was always the one who scolded his teammates through the microphone in the team.

In the current version, if you go out and scan again after returning home, there will automatically be a 120-second cooling time. After all, Riot will not allow you to seamlessly connect the two accessories.

Based on this calculation, it is obviously not enough to return to the city to change the scanning time when seeing them inserting the ward.

Opposite Lin Ran opened the scanning eye at this time, obviously bringing a [scanning lens] with him when he went out.

The key is that he is so disgusting that he doesn't remove the jewelry eyes as soon as they leave, but deliberately waits for 1 minute and 25 seconds before starting the scan!

At this time, the five members of WE have already dispersed, the army line is about to reach the line, and the wild area is about to be refreshed. How are they going to unite and gain vision?

It's really dirty.

WE was very popular, but there was no solution. The location of the wine barrel was not exposed, so Kandi could only rely on his sense of smell in the jungle to invade.

"How many people share the experience?" 957's voice was very soft, sounding elegant and easy-going.

"I don't know, all I know is Ike and the barrel." Kandi responded angrily.

"Then I can't push the line anymore. Once he gains ward experience, the 6 minions in the first wave can reach level 2." 957's voice sounded like spring breeze, unhurried.

"I'm here to do this mid-single wave, you release the line of troops!" Kandi took a step back and became more and more angry, and finally couldn't help it anymore.

Lin Ran's scanning at 1 minute and 25 seconds also has a benefit for WE - at this time, if he returns to the city to change accessories and rushes back to the lane, he will miss troops. Normal people will definitely not do this.

That means that before Ike returns to the city in the first wave, he will not be able to place the jewelry eye.

The scanner you are wearing doesn’t even have an accessory eye. If I don’t come and fuck you in the early stage, I, the Son of the Dragon, Kandi, won’t be able to swallow this bad breath!

At 1 minute and 38 seconds, 8 wild camps, excluding the Demon Swamp Frog and Gargoyle, were refreshed at the same time, and the middle line of troops also gathered together.

Garlic Bastard opened the field cautiously. Lin Ran in the middle of the early game was destined to be unable to give him much help, so he could only rely on himself.

Before level 6, Ekko has almost no restraint effect against Syndra. It's all about short-handed fighting long-handed.

Under this restraint relationship, if Lin Ran can still seize the line rights from Xiye, then Wangzai Xiye can directly arrange to retire.

Lin Ran didn't use CD-free plug-ins. This version of Ekko's Q [Time Curler] has a 9-second cooldown at level one. How can he compete with Syndra?

However, he was not in a hurry, because scanning to the ward position at level 1 gave him experience points. As a solo line, Lin Ran could reach level 2 with one wave of soldiers, and Xiye would never dare to overwhelm him.

He simply stood behind the line of soldiers and waited for the minions to wear each other out. Since the melee soldiers were closer to him, he dared to step forward from time to time to use basic attacks to hit the target, while the ranged soldiers with remaining health slowly used Q skills.

However, he still missed two soldiers in the first wave.

But Xiye became anxious when he saw the second wave of troops coming to the middle.

Can this Dogecoin Ike play like this?

The military line has not been drawn out at all, it is still in the center!

On the opposite side, Ekko only uses his skills to touch up his tail, not to mention the tail knife, and it's also disgustingly stuck in Ekko's skill release range.

He never scrapes off melee and ranged soldiers at the same time, only using the edge of Q [Time Curler] to safely rub against the remaining health minions.

As a result, although he used skills, the effect of pushing the line was minimal, not to mention that he did not replenish two ranged minions due to the cooldown of skills.

Therefore, even though Xiye was already using basic attacks to repair the tail, the army line was still stuck in the center!

He was so angry that he wanted to step forward and show off, tricking the second-level Lin Ran into spending blood.

Lin Ran sat calmly in his arms, not caring about Syndra who was so enchanting in front of him.

Are you kidding, would Lin Ran be fooled by such an obvious meat-selling operation?

Anyway, it is impossible for him to take Syndra alone before level 6. Xiaotian, who is defending the jungle, will definitely not be able to catch him in the middle. Why should he exchange blood for consumption?

The degree of caution in blood exchanges, in other words the frequency of blood exchanges, is one of the differences between the professional arena and ranked games.

If it were to be in the passerby round, Lin Ran, like most professional players and players, just wanted to have fun playing, so he would definitely accept this wave of blood exchange invitations initiated by Syndra.

Frequent blood exchanges lead to a higher probability of killing. Once the blood volume drops to about 1/3, it has entered the early kill line for most heroes.

At this time, whether the jungler comes to help or relies on personal strength to exploit the flaws and take the lead, it is possible to complete the kill.

And what if I have full health? In the early stage, the gap between everyone's equipment and levels has not widened. You have 17 cards... No, your set of skills can kill me instantly with full health?


Not every professional player is TheShy as soon as they go online. Top professionals are much more cautious in their operations than in ranked games, and will not go to unnecessary trouble of blood exchange.

Of course, there are also ways to prevent the opponent from being intimidated, which is to give the opponent the illusion that "I can kill you alone" or "My teammates will come soon and exchange blood with you, and you will wait for me later."

This technique is more difficult and has nothing to do with the laning in this round.

Seeing that Lin Ran wouldn't take the bait, Xiye could only inform Kandi to give up his idea of ​​coming to the middle to catch people in the early stage.

If you can't arrest anyone, then you can only fight against the wild people.

Kandi operated the male gun, and used the red to brush the three wolves in the lower half, and then took the blue BUFF to upgrade to level 3. He called for a push in the middle, preparing to cross the river and use sliding steps from Dalong Pit to enter the YM wild area.

Without the vision to detect the path of the wine barrel, Kandi had to guess.

In the normal professional arena, the invasion of heroes such as wine barrels, spiders, and male guns all start at F6. Brush the red and then go to the bottom to brush the blue BUFF. In this way, none of the key BUFF resources are lost, and it will be even more fun to control a river crab.

The opposing champion jungler Xiaotian must be a master, and Kandi thinks he will do the opposite.

The eye position that was previously arranged between F6 and the red BUFF was cleared. He guessed that Xiaotian would use reverse thinking to operate the wine barrel to brush the blue opening below and upward.

This jungle route can prevent male guns from invading the lower half of the area.

Kandi went back and forth to predict and felt that this should be the case.

His level 1 jewelry eye had not recovered yet, so he dove into the wine barrel red BUFF grass.

Nothing at all.


Kandi suddenly felt something was wrong, and quickly went to the F6 camp to take a look.

It was also brushed.

There is only one group of gargoyles left in the upper jungle area of ​​the wine barrel!

Gan! Scammed!

Kandi didn't expect that the garlic bastard would actually drive from the top half!

Aren't you afraid that I will predict your judgment?

Candy couldn't leave empty-handed once he came, he could only eat the gargoyle camp.

"Xiaotian's operation of exchanging jungle areas is very beautiful!" Miller stood from a God's perspective and had a panoramic view of the jungle movements of both sides. "He started with F6-red-blue, and now he enters the second half of WE jungle to reverse the group. Sharpbill!"

"This wave is so profitable. There are two sets of wild monsters in the lower half of WE's wild area. Kandi can only counter one group of gargoyles. This time, there are two sets of wild camp camps missing." Changmao sighed.

The current version refreshes the jungle camp every 150 seconds, and you must eat 6 groups of jungle in the first round to reach level 4 (mentioned before, Guiding the Road Chapter 199).

The difference between the two groups of wild monster camps means that Kandi cannot eat all 6 groups of wild monsters, and there will be a short-term level gap with Garlic Bastard's wine barrel.

This is one of the reasons why this version of the Black Cut Male Gun looks very strong, but the Wild Core style is not very powerful.

There is a concept to remember. If the wild core is not leading in level and economy, it is equivalent to a disadvantage, because the team's BP, lineup selection, and in-game abandonment support, etc. are all tilted towards the wild core. Once the effect is not achieved, the team will naturally fall into a small disadvantage. .

At the same time, the wild core's abnormal development curve also determines that the wild core cannot be at a disadvantage. Male guns and leopard girls who are not leading in economic level play too little role in team battles.

The current version of the jungle environment is on thin ice. Once a slight mistake is made in the early stage, the wild core hero does not counter, or even counters a group of wild monsters. Once the level gap is caught up by the opponent, the jungle will be a small blow.

And once the wild core hero is allowed to kill multiple groups of wild monsters, the opposite jungler will be uncomfortable. Because the refresh frequency of the jungle area is too low, he will face a situation where there is no wild field to farm and his development will be extremely backward.

Such an extreme "either you explode or I collapse" playing dilemma limits the winning rate of Wild Core in the professional arena. (Wildcore Men’s Gun’s winning rate in the 2017 Spring Split is shown in the picture)

Because if the jungle core explodes, it will be a waste, and the functional junglers - heroes such as Wine Barrel and Prince will still be able to start a group and control the group even if they collapse.

Kandi has a slight disadvantage now.

And more importantly, in response to Kandi's invasion of the jungle, Xiye's Syndra forced the lane to prepare to help the jungle.

However, this wave failed to catch the movement of the wine barrel, and Lin Ran used his body to get slightly stuck in front of the tower.

This line of troops is very easy to solve if there is a jungler, just two people can push the tower hard.

But in order to make up for his own growth, Kandi was farming gargoyles at this time, and he couldn't catch them at all.

Xiye didn't dare to step forward now.

Because he didn't catch the exact location of the wine barrel, he only knew that Xiaotian was in his lower half of the jungle.

If the line of soldiers in front of Ekta who stepped forward to deal with it at this time is backhand ganked by the wine barrel, he will have to give out one blood.

It wasn't until 10 seconds later that Ben went to investigate his gargoyle camp and found a wine barrel with a big belly that had stolen monsters, that Xiye dared to step forward to clear the line of troops.

But he dropped a few soldiers.

Over and over again, his last four minutes were exactly the same as Lin Ran's, and the little last hit economy he gained by using long hand pressure in the early stage was recovered.

Xiye licked her lips, feeling that she was at a disadvantage.

Lin Ran drank the Corruption Potion, and after reaching level 4 and possessing two levels of Q skills, Ekko's troop clearing efficiency also improved slightly, making it easier to mix lanes.

"WE is having a hard time now," Changmao looked at Kandi's movements and couldn't help but feel helpless for him, "Kandi's lower half has been wiped out of wild monsters, he can only go to the upper half now!"

A chain reaction is coming.

Xiaotian counterattacked WE's Beak Bird and Gargoyle - although Ben and his brother-in-law ate a few small Gargoyles, the impact was not big. Garlic Bastard went back to eat river crabs, and his own Demon Swamp Frog + Three Wolves were still promoted to level 4.

And after Kandi ate the river crabs in the upper half, he was still at level three and there were no wild monsters in the lower half.

I have no choice but to farm the Demon Swamp Frog, and then wait for the three wolves to refresh and reach level 4.

In this way, he has absolutely no control over his brother-in-law on the bottom lane.

You must know that the system that WE is best at is Kandi squatting down to fatten his brother-in-law, but now he cannot go to the bottom lane due to the jungle refresh problem, and can only watch Jack's Verus push the line crazily.

The Garlic Bastard used the jungle route to completely revitalize the YM situation in the early stage. While not slowing down his own development, he also helped relieve the pressure on the middle and lower players.

Jin Gong on the road keeps the army line in the center.

Thanks to the experience of gaining access to the trinket eye, he managed to get to level 2 with a wave of troops, and by taking advantage of Shen's early strength, he was quite comfortable against the murlocs.

He just felt uncomfortable for a while - the male gun was killing YM's gargoyles at that time, and he didn't dare to go out to fight for fear of being gank.

But now, the red BUFF effect of the male gun has disappeared. Shen, who has E taunt, is not afraid of the uncontrollable early combination of murloc + male gun.

Lin Ran finally reached level 6 at 6 minutes, but by this time he had already consumed all three bottles of corruption potion on his body, maintaining a relatively healthy level of mana and blood.

Xiye on the opposite side has healthy health but very little mana left.

"I'm going to try to force him. Can you find a jungle position on the opposite side?" Lin Ran made the first request of this game.

"Okay, okay." Garlic Bastard agreed.

He didn't even need to use his brain now to know that the male gun must be the gargoyle or razorbill in the lower half.

Because the male gunner went to the upper half of the area to finish his own Demon Swamp Frog and the second wave of three wolves, but now the double BUFF has not been refreshed, Kandi has nowhere to go but to eat these two groups of wild monsters that have just been refreshed in the lower half.

This is the current jungle area. If you explode in the early stage, the subsequent jungle position will be locked by the opponent for a very long time.

Garlic Bastard used a wine barrel to enter the WE jungle area. He burped wine and poked holes in the wall, and found Kandi who was painting gargoyles.

A rolling wine barrel swung over and snatched away two small gargoyles.

"The fight started in the middle, Ran jumped in the face and hit the three rings!" Miller noticed that there was a conflict in the middle!

Although Xiye hit Lin Ran's QE and pushed Ike unconscious as soon as Lin Ran rode in the face, he was still slowed down by Lin Ran's Q [Time Curler].

The level 3 Q skill has a slowing effect of 46%, and Syndra runs extremely slowly without shoes.

In order to avoid being kicked out of Ike's third ring to accelerate, Xiye could only move sideways and avoid Ike's Q that was pulling back.

Lin Ran released the stun control and continued to chase forward. Xiye had just used QE to empty out all the mana, and now he could only run back to the tower and return to the city.

Lin Ran went back and blocked a wave of soldiers, trying to make Xiye lose a few more soldiers.

He himself also returned to the city for supplies, bought rings, amplification books and straw sandals, and then exchanged the scan for the accessory eye.

Then, while the time is stuck, directly R [Time and Space Break] returns to the middle and continues to capture the line.

Although he brought teleportation, Lin Ran planned to save on supporting his teammates.

After soaking in the spring water for less than 4 seconds, the mana level was not fully restored, but due to the existence of the corruption potion + the dark seal, he still had enough mana for two minutes.

Because he will get his first blue BUFF in two minutes.

In order to prevent the control skills of YM Lulu, Wine Barrel, Verus, Ike and Shen, Xiye brought purification, so he could only walk back to the line at this time.

The wave of troops that had been stuck before was completely depleted.

Originally, the jungler should have been called to help push the lane, but Kandi's position was found by YM Barrel, and he couldn't get through at all.

In 7 minutes, although YM did not have a headcount explosion, its economy was nearly 1,000 yuan ahead.

All come from the counter-jungle in the jungle and the pressure from the third line, especially the bottom lane. Jack has already pressed 10 times.

Because Xiaotian has been wandering in the bottom lane since clearing the upper half of the jungle, Jack pushed the lane unscrupulously.

Although WE's Kalma has a good line-pushing ability, EZ's line-pushing ability is not at the same level as Verus's, so the brother-in-law can only release the line to take the tower knife.

Hongmi never expected that after giving WE a lineup that was not weak in the early stage, it would actually be at an economic disadvantage before level 6.

How to play this?

After Lin Ran got stuck in the middle and crossed the line of troops, Xiye also started to become fierce. Ike's Q has a range of one thousand yards. As long as Xiye dares to walk in, he will be consumed by WQEA.

With the help of the shield of W [Interlace of Time], he is not afraid of changing blood at all.

Xiye's decline was evident. Syndra had already passed the best stage of fighting Ekko, and there was nothing he could do.

At 8 minutes, the battlefield finally broke out. Xiaotian's wine barrel seized the opportunity to sneak out from the E camp of F6 and knocked Xiye unconscious, and used his ultimate move at the same time.

Xiye's purification was very fast in resolving stuns, and he also used flash, but he was still locked on by Lin Ran's E [Phase Dive] to keep up with him (as mentioned before, Ekko's E is a basic attack, and flash will only be followed up) ).

The two of them beat Xiye to death with a set of output, and then controlled the first dragon.

At nine and a half minutes, Lin Ran seized the opportunity, returned to the city, sold the corruption potion, and directly bought the Rocket Belt.

Teleport to the back eye position arranged by Xiaotian in the bottom lane.

Halfway through the 4.5 seconds of teleportation, Jin Gong's ultimate move also landed on him.

"This is a 5-pack of 3! How will WE defend this wave of offense?"

With the baby shouting hoarsely, the two WE bottom laners and Kandi shut themselves up under the tower together!

Xiaotian stood dancing behind a tower, the wine barrel slapping his fat belly triumphantly!

"I'll be there soon!" 957 handed over the message as soon as possible and rushed down.

Xiye also gave up the middle line of troops and went down to support.

But a step too late, YM has already taken action.

Jack's ultimate move [Chain of Corruption] was launched towards the blind spot under the tower, and Ben stepped forward to block the control.

Xiaotian aimed at the position, and the E-Meat-Egg-Onion-Chicken hit the tower directly.

The brother-in-law used his E skill to dodge, and Kandi also moved sideways, but Ben, who was trapped, was not so lucky and was knocked unconscious.

The prophet decisively put R [Wild Growth] on Xiaotian, and the wine barrel became larger again. This time not only did Ben get pushed up, but Kandi next to him was also pushed away!

At this time, Lin Ran landed with Jin Gong!

The moment he entered the tower, 957 also landed!

Jin Gong's E flashed across the number 7 in taunt, directly controlling Ben, Kandi and 957 who had just landed!

When the taunt was about to end, the prophet's W turned into a sheep and then hooked to 957. The little murloc didn't let go of his skills after landing!

The wine barrel had already resisted the defense tower, and Jack's output, which did not need to resist the tower, reached its limit. Lin Ran aimed at his brother-in-law, and EQA stepped forward to slow down to save the enemy.

The brother-in-law quickly gave the healing milk to his teammates, flashed and ran towards the second tower.

Lin Ran's Rocket Belt finally worked. W [Time Stagger] was deployed behind EZ, and then he pushed the push stick to follow up to supplement the output!

The brother-in-law's EZ had exhausted all his skills. The moment he saw Ike's time field appear behind him, he could only accept his fate!

"YM's tower-crossing control is so perfect! 957 was controlled until he only had 300 health left before launching his ultimate move!" Miller praised YM's pleasing tower-crossing control connection as he watched it.

The key is meat and fish, but now there are no three items in 957 in less than 10 minutes. Where can he be?

The ultimate shark was fed to Xiaotian who was resisting the tower.

But he took a sip of wine to reduce the damage, and cooperated with Lulu's shield and Verus' treatment. He was bitten by this little fish's ultimate move with low output, and managed to survive with residual health!

"0 for 4! WE will also drop a health tower, this wave will explode!"

Xiye, who had just arrived in the bottom lane, looked at the corpses of his teammates and the five YM people who were grouped together, and could only retreat to the second tower.

In 10 minutes, YM knocked down a tower in the bottom lane, with an economic advantage of 3.5K!

"This WE is so difficult. The number of male guns clearing the jungle is actually behind Xiaotian's wine barrel. How to play?" Wawa shouted.

In 14 minutes, WE's last tower was pushed!

At 16 minutes, the five YM players gathered together and pushed together. Xiaotian took advantage of Shen's ultimate move and entered the E to dodge to start the team again. He played 2 for 5 under the first tower in WE!

So far, all three outer towers of WE have been destroyed, and the economy is 7K behind!

This economic gap is equivalent to five people each being behind a storm sword.

How to play?

In 20 minutes, YM started to attack the Baron on time, and WE resisted to the death, hoping to use the Ice Fist Magic Cut EZ to fight a wave of attacks.

However, the field of view in the jungle was already under YM's control. Lin Ran suddenly came from the shadow of Lin Ran, EQA + Rocket Belt!

With the output of Lich's Scourge, the brother-in-law's ez was reduced to full health. Jack shot an arrow from a distance and killed the brother-in-law on the spot!

This is the Scourge of the Lich!

Close your account and I will teach you how to play Ike!

WE lost the baron and was unable to recover, and YM bulldozed the base in 25 minutes!

Close to 1.2W words, I can’t stand it.

There are many things discussed in this chapter that have been buried in my previous patch summaries.

I basically don’t write nonsense. If you are interested, you can go back and read it.

There are also many pictures, all of which I found with great effort! Read it for me!

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