LOL: What is a roaming mid laner?

Chapter 243 Chapter 241: Murder caused by changing jewelry

At the end of the first game, the atmosphere in the G2 lounge was quite lively.

As the European branch of Optimistic Family, they feel that reaching the MSI semifinals is already an improvement.

After all, they were 2-8 last year.

And this year they also squeezed out TSM and temporarily solved the historical problem between EU and NA.

Losing to last year's global finals champion and this year's MSI favorite YM in the semi-finals is not unacceptable.

"We don't want him to get Galio in the next game," the G2 coach rubbed his beard. "The opponent's mid laner supported him too frequently in this game and his protective ability was too strong. We didn't have to lose so much when jumping the tower. .”

"It's my problem," Ah P nodded, "He's running off the line like this, Malzahar can't restrain him at all."

"The key is to grab the second and the first blood in the early stage." The team analyst on the side is a thin man with glasses in science and engineering. He is holding a thick notebook in his hand. "He has the leading equipment level. Once his pushing ability improves, he can Roaming support.”

"Under normal circumstances, Galio will be suppressed by Malzahar in the lane."

In the YM lounge on the other side, Bai Yueya just emphasized a few points with them.

The air in the room was full of joy. Lin Weixiang and Liu Qingsong even sang Rap while wearing sunglasses.

The Garlic Bastard sat aside, bobbing his head to the music that was mindless and unhappy and was not tuned at all.

Jin Gong and Jack looked at the slender neck of the Garlic Bastard and discussed something in a low voice.

After a while, the two looked at each other, and Jack smiled his signature Shiba Inu smile.

Lin Ran looked through the information prepared by the analyst team.

He is already studying his opponents in the MSI finals.

The 5-minute break passed quickly, and Vincent came over to inform them to prepare for the security check leading to the stage.

Remember and Zeyuan on the commentary stage turned around and saw the two teams slowly entering the stage from the player tunnel. They took a deep breath, wiped the sweat from their foreheads, and put on their headsets again.

Just on a whim, they and the tens of thousands of spectators in the audience came out in waves, and the scene was spectacular and shocking.

At the end of May, the average temperature in Rio was close to 25°C. The air was extremely hot and there was no air conditioning in the venue. The two commentators felt like they were sweating after just a little exercise.

"Welcome back to the live broadcast on the first day of the 2017 Mid-Season Championship semi-finals..." Zeyuan glanced at his hand card, activated his natural skills, and read out all the sponsors' slogans very quickly.

"The last game was very easy," Zeyuan put down his cards, "YM still maintained strong competitiveness and completed the crushing of G2."

"But what is worthy of recognition is that G2 is also making efforts," remember speaking in a Wanwan accent, "the tactics they formulated caused some trouble for YM in the early stage."

As soon as he finished speaking, the BP of the second round had already begun!

"G2 chose the blue side, and they banned Syndra first!"

G2's coaching staff did not ban Lucian first, because the Holy Lance Ranger was harder to restrain in comparison - the Stone Man used by Lin Ran in the LPL spring game to beat Lucian, although it was effective in the mid-to-late stage, was very suppressed in the early stage. awful.

Syndra is relatively easy to target in YM's tactical system. Lin Ran once used Murloc and Ekko to beat her up.

They first banned Syndra, then forced White Crescent to kill Lucian, who was not easy to deal with in the YM system.

Compared with the LPL, the coaching team of the European League is undoubtedly the first to take off.

In the dark era of S5LPL, OG and FNC in the European division both reached the semi-finals with the help of the coaching staff, and the latter even blocked EDG in the quarter-finals.

In that year's World Championship, apart from the nightmare top laner in the hearts of LPL viewers, it was more about the strength gap among the coaching staff - LGD's defeat is a classic case.

Since S5, the European coaching staff has rarely reversed their BP in the World Championship. Their performance behind the scenes is more stable than that of the Neurosword players in their own region.

"YM bans Lucian, so we should respect the carry ability of G2 mid laner Perkz." I remember watching the BP game between the two sides, "Although we all call him Ah P, but from the data point of view, he should be called Ah P in this MSI. GodP!”

What most viewers at this MSI are most impressed by is the invincible abuse of YM and SKT. Xiao Peanut even completed an amazing feat of 8/0 in 7 minutes against the Vietnamese team.

But Ah P’s hidden carry point is rising.

Although Perkz was very enthusiastic before the group stage, and was taught by Lin Ran and Faker in the first round, but starting from the second round of the group stage, this guy began to evolve.

From the beginning of the second round, Lin Ran and faker found it difficult to kill Ah P online, and perkz was getting stronger with each passing battle.

In a total of ten group matches, he ranked first in output ratio, kill ratio, average damage, damage conversion rate and number of serious injuries to enemies. (See the picture for 2017MSI mid-order data)

Although Lin Ran and Faker selected a few Kalma mid laners who were not easy to deal damage in the middle and late games, we must know that G2’s winning rate in the group stage is not high, and Ah P does not have many opportunities to deal damage. If he can produce such data, he The strength is evident.

G2's second ban position was given to Lulu, and it seemed that they were still going to target the Prophet.

YM disables Cuishen with his backhand.

"In the last ban position of the first round...G2 still pressed Tahm Kench," I remember hesitating for a moment. "It seems that G2 felt that there were not many problems with the overall strategy of the previous game."

White Crescent then blocked Kenan.

G2 picked Galio in seconds!

"Let's take the Green Steel Shadow first," White Crescent Moon said to Jin Gong, "and then choose a blind monk."

Since Galio appeared in the upper unit before and was accidentally selected by YM in the last game, the G2 coaching staff must have realized that the combined power of Galio and Qinggang Shadow's ultimate moves cannot be underestimated, and White Crescent Moon will not be given to the opponent.

"Male gun He Shen!" Zeyuan was quite surprised, "Is G2 also going to use mid laner Galio?"

"G2 directly decided on the midfielder, and YM won Verus with the last pick in the first round!"

In the second round of bans, G2 banned both Braum and Malzahar.

Since Lin Ran had a history of using Qinggang Shadow to walk in the middle, the G2 coaching staff was not sure about YM Qinggang Shadow's splitting situation, so they simply banned Malzaha, who was swinging in both mid and auxiliary positions.

White Crescent first banned Ice, and abolished the bottom lane combination of Ice + Female Gun used by G2 in the last game; then it banned Big Mouth, which had good synergy with Shen and Galio.

"You choose Karma," White Crescent Moon first decided on the hero for the prophet, "Remember to be careful in your positioning, you died a lot in the last game."

"Hmm..." The prophet was drinking water. He immediately put down the paper cup after hearing the coach's words, "I'll try my best."

"G2's last two choices finalized their bottom lane combination!" Remember looking at the hero selection interface from the OB perspective, "Rat and Nami!"

The G2 coach gave a crooked smile.

This lineup is their change after YM selected Galio mid laner for the first time. All five positions are their favorites.

"A very solid lineup," Ze Yuan commented impartially. "They rely on the dual shooters of the male gun and the mouse. Nami, Galio and Shen can all provide good protection capabilities, and their mid-to-late combat effectiveness is quite strong."

Now it's YM's turn to choose the last hero.

"Do you want to use Qinggang Ying?" Bai Yueya was still asking.

Lin Ran shook his head without thinking much.

In terms of fighting alone, Qinggang Shadow can indeed overwhelm Galio when walking, but normal professional players will definitely not use Galio and Qinggang Shadow to fight.

People just run away after pushing the line. Even if Qinggangying has Tiamat, the speed of pushing the line is not as fast as this version of Galio, and he can't catch the opponent's whereabouts at all.

Moreover, Jin Gong used Qinggang Shadow to beat Shen pretty well in the last game. Why would you replace him?

Just continue to use it for the Xiba people.

"Clockwork? Ryze?" White Crescent kept giving out options.

"...Rock Bird." Lin Ran thought for a while and said.

Ryze can still be used if he doesn't have the brainless escape skills of nerfing his ultimate move and golden body. After being weakened, Ryze's single-band safety is no longer guaranteed.

In this case, it is better to choose Rock Bird.

Although his single-band ability is slightly weaker than Ryze, his early-stage clearing support ability is much stronger, which is still in line with Lin Ran's needs to deal with Galio.

"Taliya!" Zeyuan shouted, "This is the first time Ran has used this hero!"

Since Brazilian audiences rarely watch LPL games, they don't have a clear understanding of Lin Ran's style.

But domestic audiences who stay up late to watch the game are quite familiar with this routine.

[Fast forward to the G2 jungle area where the male gun is all empty and there is no wild to farm! 】

[Then I suggest you fast forward to Garlic Bastard for 20 minutes and 50 dollars. People like Lin Ran never show mercy when it comes to hunting wild monsters. 】

[Didn’t Ah P like to play late-stage core output heroes before? Why don't we use it in the semi-finals? He belongs to both Galio and Malzahar. Want to be a bastard? 】

[Hoo ho ho, Ah P dares to take it? How about taking the late-stage magic core, is he waiting for his jungler's mentality to explode? 】

"Clear the line quickly. If you take Shen with you, you will be better than Yanque alone." The G2 coach patted Ah P on the shoulder.

Perkz, a European who always has emotions written all over his face, stopped smiling now.

Playing Galio is undoubtedly a challenge for him. Ah P has practiced with it before when it was just revised, but his proficiency is definitely not comparable to that of his favorite hero.

As the domestic barrage said, Ah P didn't dare to use late-stage magic cores like Clockwork when fighting Lin Ran.

Selecting the mid-to-late team battle output hero is equivalent to transferring all the early jungle defensive pressure to the jungler and support.

Ah P has watched YM's video and knows that in this version, facing Lin Ran's late-stage Magic Core team, the jungle is all rotten, and no one can resist the pressure of his roaming support.

The only option was to tie Lin Ran up in the middle as much as possible, or wander around with him.

The lineups of both sides are confirmed.

Blue side G2: Top laner Shen, jungler gunner, mid laner Galio, bottom lane rat + Nami.

Red Square YM: top laner Qinggangying, jungler Lee Sin, mid laner Rock Bird, bottom lane Verus + Karma.

The Brazilian audience burst into applause, and Summoner's Rift soon appeared on the big screen!

Lin Ran, who had brought Flash Purification, hesitated for a moment when choosing the outfit to go out with, but chose the Corruption Potion.

He felt that in the early stage, he and Ah P must compete for the line rights, and would inevitably use skills to frequently exchange blood. The recovery effect provided by the Corruption Potion was much stronger than that of Dolan Ring.

"We can invade. Our first-level regiment is very strong."

Lin Ran went out with a scanner and led his teammates to invade the lower half of the blue side's G2 jungle area. He also wanted to replicate the start of the previous game and use the experience of a trinket eye to complete the second place tie.

However, the first-level team ability of their lineup is so strong that G2 didn't even think about touching it. The male gunner directly prepared to use the blue BUFF in the jungle to start.

Lin Ran started scanning in the G2 red zone where he was most likely to lower his vision, but found nothing.

"I'll go back and change the accessories. Xiaotian, do you still want to take advantage of him?" Lin Ran asked.

"If you don't want to eat, just do it and leave." Xiaotian gave up the idea of ​​going against the wild after thinking about it for a while.

In this game, the opposite bottom lane is Mouse and Nami. In the early stage, the jungler's ability to cooperate with the male gun is poor. Even if the male gun goes to capture the bottom lane, he can't get a kill. There is no need for him to protect his own bottom lane through the red BUFF against G2.

It is safer to use normal red, square and blue to protect Jin Gong on the road.

G2 assistant Nami took a look at her home red zone before sending troops, and learned that YM had not invaded the counter jungle, so she provided the information to the male gunner.

Lin Ran returned to the city to exchange for yellow jewelry eyes, and started pushing troops hard when he went online.

Before Ah P could react, the health of the three melee soldiers was already over half.

In terms of ultimate pushing in the early stage, Yanque is definitely at the top level.

In the current version of Yanque Q [Stone Penetration], each stone also carries area damage. When clearing the soldier line, one stone may touch two or three minions at the same time.

(The range damage of Rock Bird Q was cut in the 8.11 change in June 2018, see the picture in this chapter)

A total of 5 stones were thrown out, and the soldiers couldn't resist.

Upon seeing this, Ah P immediately started to smash his troops and fan the wind, and also tried to quickly push the lane.

Lin Ran looked at Galio who had entered his attack range in order to take out his passive. He didn't even think about consuming him with basic attacks.

He just pushed forward the military line on his own.

After clearing out the three melee soldiers, Yanque's second Q [Stone Penetration] turned well again.

Due to the existence of the skill mechanism [quarry], repeatedly casting Stone Penetration in the quarry within a period of time will only throw out one rock.

Lin Ran naturally couldn't do this in order to push the line.

He took two steps to the side, out of the scope of the quarry, and then threw the stone through.

Five stones lowered the health of the three ranged soldiers, and Lin Ran launched another basic attack.

At this time, Ah P's next shot of Justice Gang Feng finally turned around and wiped out the three melee soldiers.

"There is still a gap in the speed of pushing the line in the early stage." I remember watching Lin Ran push away the first wave of soldiers, and there were still three half-health long-range soldiers left in front of Ah P. He couldn't help but feel a little happy, "Ran can use the next wave of soldiers. Time goes up and down.”

Lin Ran ran against the wall of the jungle, using his passive [Pumice Rush] to step on a skateboard made of rocks to increase his movement speed, and plunged into the lower half of G2.

"You push the lane first, don't be afraid." Lin Ran directed his bot lane.

When Jack heard the news, he immediately showed his true nature as a cup holder.

Originally, he played more conservatively because his jungler was open in the lower half and it was impossible to take care of the bottom lane in the first three levels. Now he uses Verus to directly go forward and cross the line to exchange blood with the rat.

Lin Ran walked around the Sharp Beak and Red BUFF camps and confirmed that the male gunners had not killed these two groups of wild monsters yet, and that the second wave of troops in the middle was about to gather, so he rushed back.

"He placed his wards in the wild area, so pay attention to it," Ah P reminded. He was watching Yanque reappear in the middle, and based on the time when he disappeared, he estimated Lin Ran's wandering distance in his mind, "Eye. The location should be in the red buff grass."

Since the G2 first-level group did not have a field of view, the five of them also avoided YM. Ah P was unaware that Lin Ran had changed his accessories.

The 120-second cooling time after changing accessories does not allow Lin Ran to lay out his vision in the G2 wild area!

The G2 male gunner kept pushing the lane when he saw the opponent's bot lane. Originally, he wanted to clear the red zone and go around to catch the bot lane once. He would definitely not be able to kill him. He could use one or two summoner skills to defeat the YM bottom lane duo. Not bad.

But after he heard that Lin Ran had arranged the vision in his jungle area, he immediately shelved the plan.

He felt that he would get nothing by hunting people in front of YM's field of vision, so he simply planned to finish the lower half of the area and return to the city to replenish the green jungle knife, and then come out to continue farming, and wait until level 6 to rely on the mid-to-upper level to control the rhythm.

But in this way, he was confused by the illusion of Lin Ran's arrangement of vision.

And I remember that Zeyuan and I looked at the overall situation from God's perspective, so naturally we didn't know Lin Ran's details.

"Verus has pushed his troops to the bottom of the tower, why aren't the male guns coming?" I remember watching the male guns clearing the gargoyle camp with peace of mind, and feeling anxious for the G2 rats.

But the male gun is not in a hurry.

Yanque clearly made a ward in his jungle area, but YM dared to press the line like this in the bottom lane. Why?

It's obvious that the blind monk is squatting backwards.

After all, the blind monk normally starts with a red speed three, and YM happens to be on the red side. He brushes down the red BUFF from the upper half of the area just enough to counter squat.

You act so fake and you still want me to be fooled?


Wouldn't it be nice to go back to the city to resupply after finishing the second half of this wave, and then steal a set of big birds from him?

You blind man, just squat in the bottom lane.

The male gunner's calculation was very shrewd. He ate the gargoyle camp and returned to the city for supplies. The bottom lane was so crowded that he didn't dare to grab the river crabs in the bottom half.

G2 bottom lane was suppressed miserably in order to replenish the tower knife. They still wanted to resist, but the early combat power of Rat + Nami was not at the same level as Verus + Karma. Instead, half of the blood was replaced when they stepped forward to consume. .

At this time, it was nearly 4 minutes. Lin Ran was pushing the army line in the middle lane happily. He saw that Xiaotian had also finished 6 groups of wild monsters and planned to return to the city, so he immediately reminded:

"Go back later. If you squat here, the male gunman will definitely come."

Lin Ran was very determined.

He marked the grass between the big dragon pit and the red buff camp.

Here you can clearly see whether your F6 has been invaded.

With a jungle refresh time of 150 seconds, at the wild monster refresh speed of the male gun, there are no wild monsters at home to spawn at this time. Any normal male gun in this group of F6 will counterattack.

Xiaotian knew what Lin Ran was planning, so he decisively followed his advice and squatted in the grass to wait quietly.

"Eh? What is Xiaotian doing?" Zeyuan looked at the director's camera and pointed it at Xiaotian in the grass, but he couldn't react for a while.

Ten seconds later, Xiaotian was still squatting here.

There was no fighting on the other three lines, and the director also competed with him, and the camera was focused on the garlic bastard.

The Brazilian audience at the scene booed in confusion.

The barrage in domestic live broadcast rooms is no longer harmonious.

[Is this offline? 】

[Hang up for more than ten seconds, so awesome. 】

[Don’t be embarrassed, Xiaotian will inevitably be a little sleepy when fighting in the early morning, Sister Li...what? Is it afternoon in Brazil? That's okay. 】

[As expected of the YM jungler, even the posture for a big game of chess is exactly the same as that of King Ning! 】

But in the next second, the gangster godfather Graves appeared in Xiaotian's field of vision with a shotgun!

Normally, it is impossible for the blind monk to brush the jungle with three speeds. It is faster for him to brush the three wolves or the magic swamp frog.

The male gunman determined that this group of sharp-beaked birds must still be alive.

"Get ready!" Lin Ran urged. He cleared the line of troops as before and then retreated.

The male gunman was not alert at all. As he entered the YM jungle area, he called the mid laner to pay attention to him.

In his opinion, after the blind monk counter-crouched and returned without success, he was now either brushing the river crabs in the lower half of the area, or he had just returned to the city and just walked out of the spring.

Nothing can stop him from rebelling.

It's just a rock bird, dares to challenge a male gun alone? Don't make me laugh.

He swaggered into the wild area, and after taking two steps, he saw the empty Sharpbill camp.


The male gunman reacted immediately and wanted to retreat, but it was too late.

In the grass above, the blind monk touched his eyes and got close to the male spearman's body. He connected with Q with his basic attack and put on the Tianyin wave mark!

This is the fourth-level blind monk who has finished six groups of wild monsters and still has a red BUFF!

"Save me!" the male gunman shouted hurriedly.

The rock bird was walking close to the wall at this time and came quickly on the surfboard!

"YM Nakano had a premeditated plan and crouched down to the male gunman who came to counterattack!" Zeyuan shouted in surprise.

The blind monk's E skill decelerates, kicks him again, and then delivers an echo strike, knocking the male gun's health to less than half.

The male gunner immediately slid back and tried to seek protection from the mid laner Galio, but Ah P had just finished handling the mid lane troops and was still far away from his jungler.

Lin Ran handed over Q [Stone Penetration], and used the acceleration effect to throw five stones at the male gun one after another!

"The male gun handed over and flashed and wanted to run away...but Ran flashed to catch up and pushed him back with a precise W [rock protrusion]!"

The male gun is doomed!

Lin Ran's last basic attack brought him first blood!

All because of Lin Ran’s jewelry change!

There will be a small explosion tomorrow^^

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