LOL: What is a roaming mid laner?

Chapter 245 243: Destiny is like a rock! (A big chapter of 8,400 words!)

Lin Ran raced against every second. After making the equipment, he did not rush back to the middle. Instead, he pressed against the wall of the high ground and used his passive [Pumice Rush] to accelerate all the way down.

While running, he kept casting Q [Stone Penetration], creating a quarry under his feet to once again increase his movement speed.

Anyway, the blue BUFF on him hasn’t disappeared yet.

"Is there any vision in the line grass?" Lin Ran asked the assistant while running down.

The prophet was stunned for a moment. He had just been busy watching the battle in the jungle and had a tower jumping match with Jack, so he didn't deliberately remember such small details.

"No eyes, no eyes," Jack responded quickly when he saw that the prophet remained silent, "You can just go into the grass."

"The rock bird goes straight to the bottom lane, but the YM line is under the next tower of G2 at this time. Can it be caught?"

As soon as Zeyuan finished speaking, G2's next wave of soldiers rushed to the tower to help the defense tower start clearing the YM side's minions.

Most of the YM creeps' hatred targets are still on the defense towers and have not attacked G2's creeps.

4 seconds later, the line of soldiers under the tower was cleared, and Lin Ran also followed the wall of the bottom lane to the line grass closest to G2's bottom tower.

At this time, the G2 troop line left the defense tower and met the approaching YM troop line at the horizontal line where Lin Ran was crouching in the grass.

Jack and the Prophet, whose movement speed lagged behind Lin Ran, also came online at this time, while the opposite mouse Nami huddled behind to take advantage of the enemy.

"This is a wave of pushback!" Zeyuan changed his face at the speed of light and shouted loudly, "The G2 line will be forced to advance in the direction of YM later. This is a wave of perfect opportunities!"

Each side has 6 soldiers fighting in the direction close to the G2 defense tower.

You must know that the troop lines in Summoner's Rift are mirror images under natural conditions. On the same branch, if the blue square troop line reaches the next tower on the blue side, the red square troop line must also be at the next tower on the red side.

If Jack does not use basic attacks/skills to interfere with the troop line, since the current intersection of the troop lines is close to the next tower of G2, when the next wave of troop lines meet in 30 seconds, the G2 troop line will definitely be the first to join the battle.

In this case, the G2 soldier line will form a short-term situation where there are more and fewer soldiers, and the remaining G2 soldiers from the previous wave will be used to clean up the remaining YM soldiers.

At this time, YM's new army line, which had traveled a long way, just arrived to fight the G2 army line.

The G2 army line is a combination of the new army line and the remaining army line from the previous wave, so this time the collision is still more and less.

No need to think about it, G2 still has the advantage in this wave of military line confrontation, and the military line positions will continue to converge towards the YM tower.

This is the complete formation process of the pushback line.

The soldier line will be forced to move in the YM direction. If the G2 bottom lane rats and Nami want to eat minions to supplement their own development, they must move in the YM direction with the soldier line.

Since you are positioned forward, not only will you face a greater risk of ganking, but your chance of survival after being forced away by the opposite lane hero is also much smaller - the line is too long, and the distance between the defense towers behind you is very far. If you retreat for too long, you will be chased and slashed all the way.

At this time Jack performed very well.

He also shrank back, using basic attacks to replenish his tail, trying to push the line of soldiers back as quickly as possible, which was completely different from the arrogant attitude of pressing the line before.

This seems to be very normal for the G2 bottom lane combination.

In the last wave of tower-crossing YM bottom lane duo, their skills were very good. Verus's flash healing ultimate move and Karma's flash ignition were both on cooldown.

Coupled with G2's numerical advantage in this wave of troops, it is definitely incapable of fighting against the rat Nami who has just been promoted to level 6, so the line release is very normal.

Xiaotian just happened to show up on the top lane at this time and helped Jin Gongqiang catch Shen once. Although he failed, he still managed to consume some of Shen's health.

The mouse noticed the opponent's jungle movement and wanted to take the opportunity to move forward to be more aggressive.

But the auxiliary Karma on the opposite side didn't know what evil he believed in, and he actually turned around and wanted to fight back.

"Nami decisively handed over her ultimate move, hoping to cooperate with the rat and YM's bottom lane to fight!" I remember watching Nami wave her staff, calling for the power of the tide, and R [Howl of the Raging Wave] rushed towards the YM bottom lane. !

"I've been fooled!" Zeyuan burst into laughter.

Before being knocked away by the waves, the prophet used R [Mantra] to strengthen W [Unwavering]. The dog chain was tied to the mouse, and he regained a mouthful of health!

Oscar winner Jack's acting was very realistic. He hit the mouse with a basic attack while running back, and then he was knocked into the air by the stormy waves caused by Nami's ultimate move.

The mouse activated his ultimate move [Full Fire], screamed sharply, and the alchemy-powered crossbow in his hand shook rapidly, shooting poisonous arrows one after another!

With the blessing of two ultimate moves and the help of the military line, G2 will never lose in a fight in the bottom lane!

Karma's spiritual chain was about to be generated. Seeing that he still had 2/3 of his health remaining, the mouse thought that his life was not in danger at the moment, so he walked towards Verus' face instead of retreating!

Throw down W [Bucket of Poison], and with the slowing effect attached to Nami's E [Tidecaller's Blessing], this wave of rats will explode!

But the voice of perkz suddenly came from the G2 team's voice.

"The rock bird is gone, be careful when you get off the road!"

At this moment, the mouse felt that he was a little superior, so he turned around and wanted to retreat.

But in the next moment, a spiritual chain was generated, trapping him in place!

Taliyah emerged from the grass behind him!

The rock protrusion that requires no prediction is placed under the mouse who is restrained in place without any pressure. The next moment, E [Stone Formation] is laid directly in front.

"Nami gave the mouse a mouthful of milk, and then cast Q [Prison of Blue Waves] to trap the rock bird!" Ze Yuan spoke faster and began to explain the battle that broke out on the screen.

Lin Ran used the high movement speed provided by wearing magic shoes to turn his head back to avoid Nami's skills.

Then the rock bulged out and pushed the mouse back!

It happened to hit the stone array right in front of Lin Ran. The mouse stepped on the stone array traps one after another after being knocked back and flying back in the air!

The same hero can trigger the stone array damage at most four times. Even a level one stone array output is quite impressive!

Lin Ran can now wear shoes + devil's code + dark seal. The output of triggering the stone array alone exceeds 200 points!

"The rock bird gives out stone penetration, and coupled with the Thunder Lord's decree, the output is explosive!"

The rock protrusion just now lifted the mouse in front of the rock bird. Now there is no obstacle between the two sides. Lin Ran's five stones hit the mouse's dirty body very quickly!

"Verus turned around to supplement the output and kill the mouse!"

Nami has lost all her skills and has no way to escape!

The prophet went up and handed over the soul flame to slow down and keep people.

The level 7 rock bird has level 4 stone penetration, and the initial cooldown time is only 4.5 seconds. With the 20% cooldown reduction of the Demonic Codex and blue BUFF, his Q skill only needs 3.6 seconds to cool down! (The skill map of Yanjai 2017MSI is as follows)

Lin Ran moved forward, using the magic shoes and the increased movement speed of the quarry to keep up with Nami. When the stone piercing cooled down, five stones hit Nami again!

"G2's bot lane was killed again just after it came online!" Zeyuan clenched his fist fiercely, "Being killed twice in a minute, the mouse's development will be seriously delayed!"

【Good squat! 】

【Handsome, handsome! The mouse looked confused, why is there someone behind me? 】

[Good boy, the mouse is completely unaware of this ability to control the army line. 】

The G2 team's voice was rarely quiet, and Ah P, who had been whirring before, also stopped talking.

The mouse watched Verus on the opposite side take away his own head. In less than 9 minutes, he already had a 3/0 record. It seemed that he would return to the city with attack speed shoes + defeat in hand.

All he has now is the Bilgewater Scimitar and a pair of Attack Speed ​​Boots.

How to play?

The mouse looked at Lin Ran, who was using the wall to rush back to the middle lane to grab the line, and his teeth itched with hatred.

Are you a mid laner running to the bottom lane?

Do you think you are a jungler?

Why is this person's gameplay so outrageous!

"Why didn't you remind me earlier?" Mouse complained to Ah P.

He had no choice but to blame the blame on himself, so he could only blame the mid laner for reminding him too late.

Perkz moved his lips, but had no reason to refute.

He mentally calculated the time for Yanque to return to the city and go online, and immediately reminded him of the bot lane when he noticed something was wrong.

Who would have thought that Lin Ran could use the quarry and various acceleration passive effects to go straight to the bottom lane from the beginning of the spring?

Ah P thought for a moment and passed the blame to the European division.

The European division has a slow play style and likes to switch lanes. Now, like North America, they are used to pushing and pulling in the late stages to determine the outcome.

This style of play is rare in the current LPL and LCK.

Even a team like EDG that has Korean-style operations engraved in their bones will still have to fight in the early stages.

Not to mention teams like SKT and KT. Their players are very powerful and can gain advantages during the laning phase, setting the tone for their mid-term operations.

Currently, IM is the only player in the LPL that is purely focused on mid- to late-game operations, and even WE is trying to speed up the early game.

However, this slow-playing and brushing style of play is deeply ingrained in today's European competition, especially in the mid lane. The European mid laners headed by Ah P like heavy French cores such as Victor, Tsar, and Clockwork.

Without the brain to drag back, the team has extremely high requirements for the mid laner's carry ability in the late stage. This is one of the reasons why Europe is rich in Dharma Kings.

But there are also disadvantages, such as now.

Ah P, who has been using magic core heroes for a long time, is not sensitive to the support speed of a roaming mid laner like Yanque.

He relied on the experience of professional players to calculate the hero's recovery time, but the hero Yanque was an exception.

With the passive [Pumice Rush] and the bonus of movement speed in the quarry, calculating her travel time is undoubtedly a very troublesome task.

The two reasons were superimposed, and Ah P only hesitated slightly. By the time the information was delivered, the tragedy had already occurred.

"Stay still and don't die. Wait for Shen and I to use our next big move to kill you."

What else could he say?

I can only comfort my teammates.

"Ran's support helped the bottom lane open up the situation again, and now YM has excellent results on all three lines!"

Zeyuan's face was glowing red. Before he met Samsung, his body, mind and soul had always been on the LPL side without hesitation.

The remembered voice was softer than that of his partner, "But YM still needs to speed up the pace of the game!"

"The sooner they get this first-blood tower, the better!" Anyway, the camera is not focused on the commentator's face. He remembers how to feel comfortable. He is now rolling up his suit sleeves because of the heat, and waving a sponsor-printed wave in his hand. Business card with slogans.

"The rock sparrows and blind monks play a limited role in the late team battles. They must expand their economic advantage as soon as possible!"

Just as I remember thinking, YM did the same thing.

Shen's level 1 ultimate has a 200-second cooldown, while Galio's cooldown is 160 seconds.

During this gap period, Xiaotian keenly seized the opportunity, touched his eyes to avoid G2's view of the triangular grass in the bottom lane, and used his ultimate move to jump over the tower.

"The G2 jungler squatted here to protect his teammates early, but it was useless!" Zeyuan shouted exaggeratedly, "They have no chance of winning three against three!"

At this time, neither Mouse nor Nami has changed their ultimate skills well, and Jack has already broken + attack speed shoes in hand. As long as he doesn't answer Nami's Q, he can output without pressure.

"Does Galio still want to hand over the teleportation?" I remember looking at the red teleportation light on the next tower of G2, "But the teleportation time lasts for a full 4.5 seconds. He has no time to protect his teammates!"

The male gunman didn't even make a warrior jungle knife, and relying solely on the passiveness of [Pure Man] is not considered meat at all. He, Mouse, and Nami are all squishy now, and they can't withstand the high power of YM's three junglers. amount output.

"It's no use running to the tower!" Zeyuan shouted, "The defense tower is not Galio!"

"The male gun's Q of hitting the wall before death combined with the ultimate explosive bomb to take away the prophet's head! YM completed 1 for 3!"

Immediately afterwards, Galio canceled the teleport and continued to take the line in the middle.

He didn't dare to teleport down, even though it was impossible for Blind Sin and Verus to jump over the tower and kill him.

But Ah P remembered that Qinggang Shadow still had teleportation.

He has no doubt that YM, a group of inhumane guys, will let Qinggang Shadow teleport, use Hex Ultimatum to complete the tower defense in turns, and add real damage to complete the kill.

"If this happens, YM will directly knock down the bottom tower!"

With a roar, G2's bottom tower was destroyed on time at 10 minutes. Xiaotian went to eat another wind dragon alone, expanding the economic advantage to 3.8K!

Everything is because of Lin Ran's excellent rhythm in the early stage!

The tens of thousands of spectators at the scene once again set off a wave of crowds. They were not afraid of the hot air at all.

"Jin Gong pushed the top lane back to the city and switched lanes with the bottom lane. Now all three of their lanes are facing huge pressure!"

Within 30 seconds of Zeyuan finishing these words, G2 successfully started a wave of rhythm.

Shen returned to the city and attached his ultimate move to the invisible mouse, then went to the top to fight the tower and perform 4 packs of 2.

"A very cunning trick!" I remember anxiously, "When the mouse is invisible, everyone in YM has no idea that Shen has used the ultimate move!"

The prophet and Jack obviously didn't have any warning. The mouse used the triangular grass on the road to circle back. At the moment when the mouse appeared, Shen had already landed.

Slowing down, taunting...all kinds of negative states hung on Jack. The rat opened fire and fired wildly, cutting off two heads.

When Lin Ran noticed this, it was too late. He failed to keep up with G2's rhythm.

Xiaotian was stealing G2's Sharp Beak at this time. When he saw G2 going to the top lane to set the pace, he ignored Galio in the middle and went straight down to help Jin Gong's Qinggang Shadow.

Jin Gong has been cautiously supporting the sideline. Normally, Qinggang Shadow would play Yaoguang first when playing in the lane, but in this game, Tiamat came out very early.

He knew that his opponent didn't want to line up with him, so he simply used Tiamat to quickly push the line.

With Xiaotian's help, the two pushed their troops to the second tower of G2's bottom lane, losing nearly half of their health.

After Jack was resurrected, Lin Ran wanted to use his ultimate move [Wall Curtain] to provide support, but Ah P's Galio support was also very fast. He handed over his ultimate move the moment he saw Lin Ran appear on the stone wall. Protect the mice.

"Ran will be in vain this time. The current version of Galio will also provide a certain percentage of damage reduction effect to the designated target. Coupled with Nami's milk volume, it will be too difficult for the mouse to die!"

Zeyuan couldn't help but feel a little regretful as he watched the mouse escape to his tower with the last bar of health remaining under the protection of his teammates.

"The hero Galio is so disgusting. When can this damage reduction attribute be weakened?"

In fact, YM's rhythm point is relatively simple, basically relying on the high mobility of Lin Ran and Xiaotian to find opportunities.

Now that both Galio and Shen have used their ultimate skills, G2's core output rat is particularly alert after being squatted by Lin Ran once.

He now even has symptoms of grass PTSD. When he encounters grass, he wants to use a poison bucket to see if there is anyone in it.

In this case, G2's mid-term lineup strength began to be reflected.

At 14 minutes, the mouse returned to the city. At this time, he was already defeated + attack speed shoes + two attack speed daggers, and his equipment gradually caught up with Jack's Verus.

He prepared for another surprise attack.

The target this time was Lin Ran in the middle.

The mouse came directly behind the First Tower, made a 'beep beep beep' sound, and his whole body fell into a stealth state.

Shen gives his ultimate move in advance.

When Lin Ran saw the mouse, Shen had already landed, and E flashed into his face!

He handed over Purification, then spread the stone array on the ground, and then threw out Q [Stone Penetration], hoping to use the quarry to speed up his escape.

However, the mouse used a poison barrel to slow down, and Galio also rushed into the distance with a righteous punch, charging up and flashing taunts.

Before being ridiculed, Lin Ran tried to use a rock protrusion to flick the mouse away, but the mouse flashed his face again. The broken mouse kept shaking his head and shooting arrows with the help of the increased attack speed after Q [Ambush] expired.

Lin Ran didn't even bother to flash, and was finally killed by his venom.

The G2 trio also wanted to demolish a tower in the middle, but Jack and the Prophet rushed to the middle and used their hand length advantage to defend the defensive tower.

"Purification of Rock Bird is exchanged for three flashes of G2..." I remember sighing, "It's okay, I can accept it."

That was all he could say.

On the surface, the economy just lost Lin Ran's head with the team's bounty.

But the key is that the head was taken away by the mouse.

The mouse suddenly changed from 0/3 to 3/3. After a while, it was combined into a hurricane, and the mouse's output ability in team battles was very good.

The key is that it is difficult for YM's lineup to get in the face of the mouse, and it is difficult for Jin Gong's Qinggangying to enter the field alone and kill the mouse under heavy protection.

They haven't been able to learn how to protect ADC from G2.

YM's lineup does not have a real front row. Even if Xiaotian has started to switch to meat equipment after releasing the warrior jungle knife, the skills and attributes of the blind monk determine that he can only be a semi-tank.

In this case, YM can only rely on Verus to deal with the two front rows of Galio and Shen. Everyone except the blind monk is within the range of the mouse.

Team fighting ability is not a level at all.

But there is good news. Jin Gong took advantage of the gap between Shen's ultimate move and cooperated with Xiaotian to kill Nami who was lost in the jungle, and then ran to demolish the second tower in the bottom lane.

After that, Ah P gradually adapted to the playing rhythm of mid laner Galio, and a wave of small-scale team battles broke out between the two sides in the top lane.

There was a melee between 8 people except the top laner, and YM relied on the mobility of the lineup to keep pulling. Xiaotian seized a wave of opportunities, and R flashed and kicked the mouse that did not flash into the crowd of YM.

However, with the protection of Galio's ultimate move, the mouse still shot several arrows before dying, and combined with the male gun's ultimate explosive bomb to take away two heads.

The most hurtful thing is that the Prophet was poisoned by rats in the end, which added another head to him, helping him to have three pieces of equipment: Destruction + Attack Speed ​​Boots + Luana's Hurricane at 18 minutes.

"Now it's G2's turn to force a teamfight. They don't want to drag it out with YM!" I remember looking at the economic panel and feeling a little anxious, "YM's leading economy of nearly 4K doesn't have that much effect. G2's lineup is too strong now!"

Zeyuan answered, "They have to force Jin Gong back, who is leading the lane, and they can't let him threaten the high ground in the bottom lane!"

Jin Gong didn't care. He played very alone in this game. He didn't support his teammates and ate up a lot of defense towers and army line economy. In the meantime, he also stole several gargoyles in the G2 wild area. The equipment was quite good. At this time, it was already Three items + hydra + straw sandals in hand.

However, Qinggangying's equipment is not stable enough for group participation. It has to be melted when it enters the battlefield. To be on the safe side, he has to wait for a bloody hand.

He continued to adhere to the principle of split-pushing from the wing and let the other four teammates compete with G2. As long as there was no head-on battle, it was easy to say anything.

At this time, there were nearly two minutes before the baron was refreshed. G2 tried to use the dragon to force YM into a team fight, but YM didn't even look at the dragon and let it go directly to G2.

Except for Shen who was guarding Qinggangying's single belt, the other four players in G2 could only push forward in a group in the middle after taking away Xiaolong, hoping to demolish the first tower of YM.

However, the combination of Rock Bird, Verus and Karma cleared the line of troops very quickly. Except for the mouse who dared to take the opportunity to click on the defense tower twice, the rest of the G2 team had relatively short hands and did not dare to face Lin Ran's rock protrusion. Hard demolition before.

The two sides fought back and forth in the middle for 20 minutes, and Baron Nash finally descended into the canyon.

G2 rushed to the Dalong Pit non-stop, hoping to use the baron to force Qinggang Ying over.

Two minutes later, G2's bottom lane lost half of its health. Shen couldn't stop him at all, but was kicked to death by Qinggangying's real damage kick.

It doesn't matter if you resist the tower, Jin Gong's Greedy Hydra is in hand, and the jungle and the army line are Qinggang Shadow's blood pool.

"G2 wants to force Baron, but they are a bit slow to beat the dragon!"

G2 basically relies on rats to output Baron. Galio and Nami can't provide much output. The male gun has never gained much economy and the damage is not high.

Despite this, Zeyuan was still a little anxious.

Because the G2 lineup was so resistant, Galio was able to maintain a healthy blood volume with the help of Nami's constant milking in front of the baron.

Although the fight is slow, if YM doesn't come, it won't be hurt if they take away the baron.

"I'll look for an opportunity, Xiaotian, you enter the field according to the situation," Lin Ran and his teammates prepared to move towards the Dalong Pit. "The rat has flash and healing, but Mercury hasn't done it yet. We'll knock him away to connect the control and damage. It should be possible in seconds.”

"Brother Ran, what you said is too easy." Xiaotian looked into the grass to make sure there was no one and then walked in confidently. "Gario, Shen and Nami are all backhanders. It is difficult for me to go in and kick the mouse."

"It's okay, I'm here." Although Lin Ran was not sure whether he could kill the mouse in seconds, he still had to instill confidence in his teammates.

Because G2 was not fast at beating the baron, YM was more cautious when rushing to the dragon pit, clearing their field of vision to avoid accidentally teleporting around.

"The baron still has 5K health left. G2 is not going to give up. Do they want to take over this baron directly?"

Jin Gong finally couldn't bear it anymore. He cleared the line of troops and then retreated, preparing to teleport to support his teammates.

"The blood volume of the big dragon is still decreasing, and Xiaotian on the big dragon pit seems to want to go and grab it!"

At this time, Jin Gong returned to the ruins of the lower second tower of G2 and handed over the teleport. The landing position was very safe - he did not dare to find a too dangerous position to go around, after all, his hands were not bloody yet and his body was too fragile.

The YM personnel quickly settled in and tentatively spent their time around. Lin Ran hit Nami three times with stone penetration, reducing her HP by 1/3.

YM and several people brought enough real eyes to ensure that the big dragon pit has their own field of vision so that they can detect the big dragon's blood volume.

"I'm going down!" Xiaotian knew that the blind monk would not be effective against the G2 lineup, so he deliberately waited for a time to seize the dragon and went down from the dragon pit.

In this way, you can go deep into the G2 formation. If you can grab the dragon, it's best. If you can't grab it, you can try to kick the candied haws.

When the dragon had 1,600 health left, Garlic Bastard handed over Tianyin Wave and kicked Galio, who was standing on the edge of the dragon pit to deliberately block the skill.

He calculated the blood volume and dived in when the dragon had 1,200 health left!

"Stop, stop!" Everyone in G2 was very obedient. They stopped fighting Baron at the first opportunity and instead focused on Xiaotian!

"The damage done by the blind monk who has dealt with Tianyin Wave is not enough to cooperate with the punishment to eat the dragon! Xiaotian is in danger!"

In order to prevent Xiaotian from escaping, Ah P quickly charged up his strength and taunted him, then Zhengyi punched to keep up with the control, preparing to cooperate with his teammates to kill the Garlic Bastard instantly.

Xiaotian saw that his blood volume was reduced, and knew that he could not grab this dragon, so he decisively implemented plan B.

He relied on punishment to recover some of his health in the air, and managed to stay alive thanks to his armor.

What's more important is that Nami's bubbles are not continuously controlled!

Standing on the edge of the dragon pit, she was crippled by Lin Ran and Jack's output, and everyone in YM wanted to get in after seeing the dragon pit in Xiaotianxia.

Nami could only give herself a mouthful of milk, and then use her ultimate move to try to slow down YM's entry into the dragon pit.

After doing all this, it was already too late for her to go back and give the blind monk control.

At this time, the male gun handed over punishment and accepted the dragon. With Baron Nash screaming, the team battle officially started!

"The blind monk touched his eyes to avoid Nami's bubbles and the male gun's smoke bombs while getting close to the mouse and kicked R to dodge!"

The audience let out a cry of surprise. They saw the mouse hand over the flash and retreat the moment the blind monk touched his face!

Due to the momentary change of position, the blind monk's R flash failed to kick him back, but instead kicked him into the corner of the dragon pit far away from the YM crowd!

Lin Ran was knocked away by Nami's big move at this time. He knew that even if he flashed, he couldn't get enough distance from the rock formation, so he could only rush into the dragon pit with his teammates!

"Shen and Galio used their ultimate moves on the mouse at the same time, and the mouse was fully equipped to deal damage!"

Shen, who was on the high ground in the bottom lane of G2, finally used his ultimate move and rushed to the frontal battlefield! Galio also puts damage reduction BUFF on his teammates!

Everything is for the output core of your team!

Mouse activated his ultimate move the moment he landed, and the poisonous crossbow arrow penetrated Karma through the blind monk!

With the increased attack power of his ultimate move, the rat's basic attack was extremely painful, and the prophet simply couldn't bear it.

He decisively threw out all his skills, and used R+E to put a layer of shield on his teammates to save their lives!

Xiaotian handed over the last E skill to slow down the three G2 people except the mouse, and then was shot through the body by a basic attack from the male gun and fell to the ground helplessly.

Lin Ran was still there to attack with Stone Penetration. Jack used his ultimate move, but Nami dodged it and dodged it.

But when Nami ran away, the Longkeng Pass that was firmly guarded by G2 was torn open by the YM crowd!

Jack shifted his target and focused his firepower on the male gunman closest to him.

The mouse has an ultimate move that extends the range. He knows that he can't touch the mouse, so he just hits the one that's close.

Lin Ran watched the mouse's movements closely. Now that his teammates were almost in control, the heavy responsibility of restraining the mouse fell on him and Jin Gong.

He couldn't blindly hand over the Flashing Rock Burst. The mouse also had the movement speed bonus provided by Nami passively, so it could easily be avoided if he handed over the skill casually.

He had to find an opportunity.

Although his back was against the dragon pit, the mouse still maintained the ADC habit of moving A with his head shaking.

The frequency of clicking on the floor is quite diligent, and the walking and slashing are quite rhythmic.

The output of the ruined and hurricane spread to several people in front of YM. Although Jack handed over the treatment, the prophet still couldn't withstand the output and was taken away by a poisonous arrow!

Galio jumped into the air at this time, protecting the mouse and slamming it down!

Lin Ran was counting the time in his mind, and when he saw the rat subconsciously turning sideways after firing a poisonous crossbow arrow, he seized the opportunity to strike decisively!

Flashing forward, the rock protrusion was instantly under the mouse!

The stone scattering array was handed over simultaneously!

When the mouse saw Yanque rushing to hand over the rock protrusion, he subconsciously wanted to turn sideways to avoid it.

However, with the help of the Broken Hurricane Attack Speed ​​Shoes, his attack speed is already quite fast, and the frequency of operations brought about by this is also very high.

The moment Yanque set up the rock protrusion, he shook his head and clicked on the floor before raising his hand and shooting an arrow!

The mouse fell into a forced catalepsy state at this moment!

In short, during the short period of time when he made a basic attack, he couldn't move normally!

This short period of stiffness gave him no room to move!

By the time he returns to normal, the rock is about to bulge!

Moreover, the mouse had handed over Flash before, so he was sure to eat this rock protrusion!

The mouse's body was hit by the protruding rocks and flew to the stone formation. Lin Ran's stone penetration followed one after another. After the thunder, it not only shattered Shen's shield, but also knocked down the mouse's HP!

Since he was knocked back, Jack was able to deal damage to rats, so he was naturally merciless and pierced the rat's body with arrow after arrow!

Accompanied by the exclamations of the audience, the next moment, Jin Gong, who had been waiting outside the dragon pit, entered the scene!

He used the hook to stun the rat again!

At this time, Shen landed and handed over the taunt in order to protect the mouse.

But what Jin Gong was waiting for was the moment when Shen landed and left the mouse's body.

"The Hex Ultimatum of the Green Steel Shadow covers the mouse, pushing away Shen and Galio in the field!"

Zeyuan even had signs of broken voice.

As the Qinggang Shadow jumped and magnified in mid-air, Shen was unable to taunt him and could only control Lin Ran. He then used Flash to extend the taunting range, taunting Jack as well.

"The rock bird purifies to remove the taunt, and cooperates with the Qinggang Shadow to output the rats!"

At this time, all the control skills of Galio, Nami, and Shen were surrendered, and even the treatment of Mouse could not stop the three + Hydra's green steel shadow like a god descending from the earth!

Although Lin Ran's stone penetration was blocked by Ah P, Jin Gong's output alone was enough to instantly kill this rat without the protection of his teammates!

"The mouse surrendered for treatment, but Qinggangying's Q2 real damage kick knocked out half of his blood!" I remember being very excited, "I kicked the mouse back to the spring water!"

The core of G2's output, the rat, was killed, and the remaining people's output was weak, unable to harvest YM's remaining three remaining heroes!

Other G2 members were killed one after another. The male gunman wanted to slide up the dragon pit and escape, but Jin Gong flashed after him and kicked him to death!

"Wave after wave!" Lin Ran shouted, he activated his ultimate move and rode the wall curtain directly to the G2 highland!

"It will take 20 seconds for Nami, who is the fastest resurrected in G2, to be able to ascend to the bottom lane of G2!"

"Qinggangying uses the hook to come, they want to end the game!"

Nami, who was resurrected after 20 seconds, faced the empty main crystal of the base!

As an auxiliary, he could only put on Yan Ran and try to kill Lin Ran with the lowest health with output.

But when Lin Ran's health bar was about to be cleared, Jin Gong relied on Sanxiang's passive kick to crush the G2 main crystal!

a little late, sorry

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