LOL: What is a roaming mid laner?

Chapter 250 248: Hero Microphone and Review Video

May 22nd, final day.

Lin Ran opened his eyes, and the first thing he saw was the chandelier on the ceiling.

Xiaotian, who was the last to go to bed, did not close the balcony door. The breeze blew through the door and window and fluttered the curtains. The morning sunlight reflected in the breeze and reflected bright light on the crystal chandelier.

Lin Ran's eyes were dazzled by the light, and he wanted to get up and wash up, but his neck hurt.

"Hiss..." He couldn't help but sigh softly.

Last night Jin Gong watched the video of the last game against G2.

Since the team itself had access to the video file with the real-time voice of the team, Jin Gong could clearly hear the swear words Lin Ran almost blurted out, as well as the arrogant bastard's embarrassment.

As a result, both Lin Ran and Xiaotian couldn't save their necks, and they were severely ravaged by Jin Gong's claws.

Lin Ran rubbed the back of his neck and slowly shook it.

After a while, the soreness in his neck disappeared. Lin Ran moved a few more times and felt that his neck was much more flexible than the previous two days.

The MSI schedule is quite tight. The intensive schedule has made Lin Ran exhausted from training. He has no time to jog to exercise these days.

After sitting in front of the computer for a week, my body became quite stiff, especially my neck, which always felt sore when I twisted it.

But after being ravaged by Jin Gong, the congestion in Lin Ran's neck disappeared without a trace.

He was extremely pleasantly surprised.

Jin Gong’s ‘neck warning’ actually has the effect of massage?

Isn't this too outrageous?

Lin Ran happily ran to brush his teeth and wash up, and then went downstairs to the restaurant to fill his stomach with Xiaotian, who was rubbing his eyes as he got up.

Lin Weixiang and Liu Qingsong were wearing slippers, beach shorts and sunglasses, looking like they didn't like anyone.

The two of them will not play in the finals, so they are going to go out for a walk on the beach as usual today.

Lin Ran came back with a plate of scrambled eggs.

"Where have you been shopping these days?" he asked Brainless and Unhappy while smearing ketchup on toast.

"The Statue of Jesus, Bread Mountain, Rio Cathedral..." Liu Qingsong counted on his fingers, "Do you want to go?"

"Well, I want to take a walk after the finals." Lin Ran nodded.

Brazil's exotic customs are quite charming. If you exclude the slums and unstable social environment, it is indeed a good place to travel.

After arriving in Rio that night, he was fascinated by the Niterói Bridge and the statue of Jesus on Mount Cristo. Naturally, he wanted to see the scenery after playing the final.

By the way, I took some scenery photos and went back to show Su Cheng.

Jin Gong walked into the restaurant with a bird's nest head on his head. He was sleepy and unshaven, and he looked like he hadn't woken up yet.

"Thank you, Brother Xiba." Lin Ran was grateful for his kindness and patted Jin Gong's arm while he sat down.

"Huh?" Jin Gong yawned and didn't respond.

"What do you mean?" He tilted his head and looked at Xiaotian.

Xiao Nao rolled his eyes, "I'm your father, not Lin Ran's father. How do I know what he means?"

Jin Gong raised his hand.

The Garlic Bastard subconsciously shrank his head and hid his neck.

Guo Hao handed the plate with the sandwich to Jin Gong.

"Who did you learn this neck warning from?" Lin Ran took a bite of bread and drank a sip of milk, and the fragrance of milk filled his mouth for a moment.

"My grandma, what's wrong?" Jin Gong was a little confused.

Lin Ran was once again in awe of the legendary Grandma Jin Gong.

"It's okay," he thoughtfully gave Jin Gong two sausages. "You won't have to worry about having nothing to do after you retire."

Jin Gong was confused, but since today was a busy finals day, he didn't press any further and hurriedly finished breakfast with his teammates and went to the training room to discuss tactics.

It was evening in China at this time, and Su Cheng had time to discuss with Lian Mai.

The players and coaching staff exchanged opinions, each expressed their views on how to deal with SKT in the finals, and reached a positive consensus.


Huni followed SKT in the Korean League for a whole spring, continuing the classic 41-point push style. He once produced 8W output in a Rambo game and was nicknamed Hu Bawan.

Throughout the S7 Spring Split, Huni averaged a high output of 551 points, ranking first in the LCK unit. This data was mentioned in the previous Spring Split. It is similar to Theshy and higher than the mid-level ADC Lin Weixiang. (See picture in this chapter)

It looks quite powerful, and its output capability is off the charts.

He is also good at ordering food.

This ordering is different from the "order first" used by children in Youshen. Huni's ordering refers to defeating the lower-level top laners on the field.

As long as you are better than me, I will ride on your face.

Huni has been in this style since the S5 World Championship. After returning to the Korean League, he and Peanut were jokingly called the "SKT a la carte duo" by the audience, and they were invincible.

But it also exposed many problems.

He's too pretentious.

More pretentious than Jack.

There is no such thing as balanced development in Huni's mind right now. Either you explode or I explode.

Even if he is countered by the opponent's top laner or targeted by the opponent's midfielder, he still maintains a courageous heart to move forward.

It's impossible not to catch this kind of top orderer.

Flash Wolves won the group stage by relying on Casa's military training on the road.

Therefore, YM's battle plan is clear and clear, and it is extremely rare for everyone to reach an agreement.

At noon, everyone in YM stopped eating in order to maintain high concentration. They went back to their rooms to catch up on their sleep after not sleeping well last night, and the remaining people stayed in the training room to practice their warm-up exercises.

At two o'clock in the afternoon, Lin Ran and his teammates took the bus to the Rio Olympic Stadium.

The road conditions were even worse than on the day of the semi-finals. The sound of horns was heard all the way, and for a while Rio was possessed by New Delhi, India.

Lin Ran had nothing to do, so he could only take out his mobile phone and surf the web.

Just like in the previous spring finals, Lin Mingdong, who just had a rest day, also sent a WeChat message to cheer him up.

Lin Ran found that he had more and more emoticons, including not only the hamster series, but also pictures of dumbfounded meows.

This kind of emoticon has narrowed the distance between the two people to a certain extent and made their emotional communication closer. Lin Ran collected pictures while chatting.

After Lin Ran saved an orange cat emoticon saying "Can you be as steady as me?", he finally couldn't help but typed and asked.

[Where do you get all the emoticons from? 】

Lin Mingdong quickly replied, "I think it's quite fun. You young people should like these things, right?" 】

[It's's just a little weird. 】

[Then I will use it less in the future] Lin Mingdong responded quickly.

Lin Ran calculated the time and found that it was already late at night in China.

[Go to bed early. You can see the results of the finals early tomorrow morning. 】

Lin Mingdong replied with a Jacky Cheung OK emoticon, ending the conversation.

He turned off his phone and leaned on the bed to read the WeChat group messages.

The information and communication company where Lin Mingdong works is quite large in scale and has a complex departmental structure. However, due to the high elimination rate - to put it nicely, it is called the optimization rate, there are also quite a few young people in the company.

As there are more and more young people, the WeChat group is full of emoticons every day.

There is usually no leader in this group, and some programmers who have just joined the company are not under pressure yet, and they are still fighting in the group late at night on their rare rest days.

But none of them expected that Lin Mingdong, vice president of the company's consumer BG mobile phone product line, would open a WeChat account after the Chinese New Year and squat in it. He took a look at the group and collected five pictures.

Lin Mingdong took off his glasses with satisfaction, pinched the bridge of his nose and turned off the bedside lamp, breathing gradually and evenly.

Lin Ran on the other side glanced ahead. The road to the final venue was still blocked. Many Brazilians saw the fist logo on the bus and took out their mobile phones to take photos and take photos.

Some people didn't turn off the flash. Lin Ran was shaken twice. He quickly closed the curtains, flattened the chair, and lay there watching Bilibili.

He is not a two-dimensional person, nor does he follow dramas.

Usually he mainly watches some LOL videos. The OB video of the strongest Korean team is his favorite. Lin Ran can often see himself in it.

As long as the UP leader selects a video of himself carrying the whole game, Lin Ran will be very happy with three consecutive clicks, and he never promises the next time.

Today, Big Data pushed a video message to him.

It is a game review video produced by an up owner.

Lin Ran doesn't often watch this kind of reviews because they don't have much value.

Most of the producers involved in the review are not from the professional circle, and the quality of the videos they produce varies.

What's more important is that they look at the problem from the perspective of the audience, and the information they obtain is very limited.

You know, a professional player participates in about 100 professional games a year.

But throughout the year, they participated in at least 700 training games.

This kind of training game, whose results are not disclosed to the public, is the main source of version information for analysts and coaches.

They will analyze why a hero is so strong in the current version. Is it because of the matching system, or is it because the previous strong hero at the same position was weakened and he made his debut as a backup?

This information is unknown to the producers of the replay video. The information gap is bound to result in the replay video being unable to reproduce what the players on the field were thinking.

What's more important is that many review reviews are just nonsense, without looking at the soldier line or the jungle area, and the video quality is extremely poor.

But the video sent to Lin Ran was interesting.

The title is [A 10,000-word analysis of S7MSI, a hard-core interpretation of YM, the absolute king of LPL, from the perspective of the hero microphone, and a detailed analysis of the mystery of YM’s mid-jungle linkage]

The video was just released yesterday and has already been viewed close to one million times. The author's ID is 'SpongeBob SquarePants Shanni Ruoer who is on time and never leaves early'. It looks like a high-level zoo stitch monster.

Lin Ran saw that the road was still congested, so he put on his headphones and clicked the play button.

A deep and magnetic voice broke into Lin Ran's ears through the earphones.

After a brief opening remarks, the reviewer began his performance.

"Let's take a look at the first game of the just-concluded semi-finals between YM and G2. Ran's Galio came out with a scan, which was exactly the same strategy they used against WE in the spring finals."

"Because changing accessories now will cause a cooling time, the fault tolerance rate of scanning out in the early stage is quite low - after all, once the eye position cannot be cleared, the cooling time caused by changing the accessories will make YM lose one eye position in the early stage."

The UP host spoke while playing the game video.

"This situation is effective for G2's scan, which is enough to prove the strength of YM's analysts. They have a clear insight into the opponent's early defensive eye positioning, allowing the scan to have unexpected effects."

"One ward experience point for three people can allow the two single-player lanes in the middle and upper lanes to be upgraded to level 2 after the first wave of soldiers are finished. The early level advantage can completely make up for the hero restraint, which makes G2 upper and middle lanes afraid to Keep pushing the line.”

At this time, there were still many viewers who didn't know that the experience of three-person eye separation could help them win the second place in advance. They all posted "I learned it" barrages.

The reviewer's tone and rhythm are quite well controlled and will not make people bored.

"But this is just the beginning. If we combine it with the hero microphone released by YM and the tournament officials yesterday, we will find that their routine goes beyond that."

The hero microphone is a partial fragment of the team voice of professional players during the game, which is played with the permission of the team.

Lin Ran knew that there was a dedicated person in the base responsible for the review and editing of microphones, and that an issue would be released every month during major events, mainly for fans to see.

Unexpectedly, a game review UP master actually took advantage of it today.

After a simple transition in the video, a piece of audio from the hero's microphone was intercepted.

"You eat the blue BUFF on the opposite side and go back to the city, and I will help you guard your own blue!"

Lin Ran felt a little awkward listening to his own voice in the video, and quickly adjusted his lying position.

"Then I'll put the trinket eye in his jungle area and seal his position." Xiaotian cooperated very well and controlled the blind monk to return to the city. When he was about to return to the spring, he dropped the trinket eye in the G2 jungle area.

The event video in the video suddenly paused, and the iconic magnetic voice sounded again.

"It is worth noting that Jin Gong has inserted a defensive ward at the entrance of YM's blue buff and the river before this. From a God's perspective, YM's intention is quite obvious."

He paused, "Invade the jungle first, use scanning to clear the wards to ensure that your top and middle can grab level 2, then ask Xiaotian to remove the BUFF and immediately return to the city to protect your jungle and double-team those who want to invade the jungle." Swap the buffed G2 Jungle Spider."

"Some students may ask, is it okay if the G2 jungler doesn't go against blue?"

The UP owner will also interact with the audience. At this time, dozens of replay barrages have floated on the screen - Is it okay if G2 junglers don’t fight against blue?

"The answer is no. If you don't change the blue BUFF, the spider will still collapse in the early stage."

"Before Xiaotian countered the G2 blue BUFF and returned to the city, the partition wall left a jewelry eye in the G2 Three Wolves jungle area. If the G2 jungler's single BUFF is red, brush it to level three to catch it, and there is a high probability that it will be caught. If you discover it, it will be in vain."

"He is not easy to catch even if he is Red-Beak Bird-Gargoyle Speed ​​Three. YM relies on the vision of the G2 Three Wolves camp to not see the opponent's jungler, and can also guess the opponent's jungler's jungle route, which is bound to cause gold Gong’s alertness.”

"In other words, starting from the ward position where the scan revealed G2's jungle layout, G2's jungler was no longer able to play, and his jungle path was completely locked by YM."

As soon as this analysis came out, the screen was filled with bullet screens.

【This is too scary. 】

[Isn’t it true that some people think that professional players all have pig noses? You are the most powerful keyboard warrior. If you use S7, you can win the championship. All those who compete in the competition are idiots. 】

[People train for more than ten hours a day, do you think they are just for entertainment like you? 】

At this time, the bus finally started and drove slowly towards the venue. However, after a pause, Jin Gong, who was catching up on his sleep in the bus, was very dissatisfied and whispered to his mother on the asphalt road in Rio.

Lin Ran continued to look down at his phone.

UP’s magnetic voice remains calm and calm.

"In the second round of the semi-finals, YM also used small tricks in the early stage to plot G2 to death."

"Many people were very confused when Xiaotian rushed to the grass above the Dragon Pit 10 seconds in advance to squat in the jungle of G2, but combined with some of the microphone content released, it became clear."

He continued to play the microphone audio content, in which Lin Ran's voice was calm and calm.

"Push the lane first, don't be afraid, the male gun will never catch you."

In the video, the rock bird controlled by Lin Ran skated along the wall and walked around the G2 jungle area.

The owner of Stitch Monster UP paused the video, "We noticed that Ran doesn't have any yellow jewelry eyes at this time, so why is he so sure that the male gun will not go to the bottom lane?"

He rewinds the game footage back to the start.

"In this game, Ran still scanned out and invaded the jungle, hoping to make a profit, but G2 was prepared. Their first-level team combat effectiveness was very poor, so they did not set up vision in the lower half of their jungle and allowed YM to toss in the jungle."

"But this gave Ran another chance."

Amidst the dense barrage and the event video, the rock bird returned to the spring.

"This is where he changed back to the yellow accessory eye, and the accessory entered a 120-second cooldown."

"But G2 doesn't know all this. Since they don't have a ward to see the movement of the rock bird, they don't even know that Ran started with a scanning trinket."

"Ran took advantage of Yanjak's characteristics to push the lane to grab second place, and immediately got into the G2 jungle area and circled around."

UP leader Lin Ran's course of action at that time was specially drawn.

"G2 mistakenly thought that the rock bird placed the yellow trinket eye in its own jungle area. Please pay attention to G2's map mark."

He zoomed in on the mini-map in the OB video, and G2 frantically sent out an 'eyes here' signal in their own red zone.

"The G2 jungler brushed down from above and saw the marks given by his teammates, thinking that his movements had been exposed."

"At the same time, the pressure of Jack and the Prophet seemed very unreasonable. The G2 jungler thought that his position was discovered by the opponent, and Xiaotian rushed to the bottom lane to counter-crouch."

"In this case, he will naturally not forcefully seize the bottom lane. He will simply clear the jungle and return to the city to supply supplies, and then use Xiaotian to steal YM's Sharp Beak Bird."

At this point in the analysis, there was already a barrage taking the lead in saying "thin thin thin thin thin". Lin Ran, who was watching so closely, forgot how to pronounce this word for a while.

The magnetic male voice continued to play the video, "But all this is under the calculation of Commander YM."

Below is another piece of Lin Ran's team voice.

"Go back later. If you squat here, the jungler from the opposite side will definitely come," he was directing Xiaotian, "it will take about ten to fifteen seconds."

Then the G2 jungler swaggered into the jungle ten seconds later and delivered his head to Xiaotian and Lin Ran.

[Ran’s team leadership is really strong. YM basically doesn’t suffer much in terms of decision-making, right? 】

[One thing to say, it is true that YM's offensive rhythm in the early and mid-term was too smooth, and Lin Ran was indispensable as the team's commander. 】

[Isn’t this G2 jungler going to be so angry when he goes back to review? This is a complete IQ crushing! 】

This team voice has been edited by YM staff, and the previous voice of YM team's detailed processing has been completely deleted - after all, the team will not let information such as command tactics leak out.

But Lin Ran didn't expect that a reviewer could guess YM's early ideas for the semi-finals through the edited microphone voice.

"The game of thinking between the two sides in the early stage of this game can be roughly described in one sentence," the UP host paused for a moment, "I predicted your prediction."

Lin Ran glanced at the barrage.

[What you see is the second floor, and you only imagine me as the first floor. In fact, I am on the fifth floor? 】

[I remember when I was watching Xiaotian squatting in the grass for 10 seconds during the live broadcast, there were a lot of keyboard warriors spraying him? Where are the people now? 】

[Isn’t it normal to change your face? If they refuse to admit their mistakes, no one will recognize them if they change their vests anyway. 】

[Don’t be embarrassed, the people who criticized Xiaotian for playing a big game of chess and the people who criticized Xiaotian after getting first blood were probably the same group of people. 】

[You should be more careful in the future, just open your mouth. Do you really think that an amateur gamer can challenge the job of a professional player? 】

The bus finally stopped and stopped. Lin Ran stood up and took a look. The Rio Olympic Stadium was right in front of him.

There was still nearly half an hour of game review video, and he must have finished watching it. He cleared the background applications and restored the seat to its original height.

"Get off the bus and carry your bags!" Guo Hao reminded everyone by clapping his hands.

Lin Ran and his group had just gotten out of the car, and the official photographers arranged by Riot Games had been waiting for a long time. They raised their "long guns and short cannons" and took pictures of everyone in YM!

With sharp eyes, Lin Ran recognized a village among a group of cameramen.

He saw Ichimura pointing the camera at him, smiling and extending his hand to say hello.

Ichimura smiled gratefully.

Very few professional players cooperate with photographers before a game. Photographers usually have to use various roundabout tactics to approach players and press the shutter button. When they return to the court, they have to carefully select and find a nine-square grid to submit.

Lin Ran raised his head and glanced at the stadium dominating the place.

He came here with the belief that he must win, just for that championship trophy.

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