LOL: What is a roaming mid laner?

Chapter 252 Chapter 250: I’m on my way to buy an apartment!

Lin Ran drove into the red zone of his home in Sprint, only to see the camp was empty, and Olaf's figure also disappeared from sight in Sprint.

Lin Ran was a little irritable.

He didn't expect that Little Peanut would dare to control his health so low when he went back to the jungle. The high attack speed and the reduction of the cooldown of picking up an ax made Olaf's jungle clearing speed extremely fast.

In order to maintain his combat effectiveness, Lin Ran deliberately upgraded to level 3 first and learned two levels of Q [Wild Card]. Unexpectedly, when he entered the jungle to catch someone, he failed.

"I can't come, the military line is too bad!" Jin Gong shouted in the team voice.

Due to Qinggangying's early deployment, this wave of artillery lines is currently located in front of the Golden Gong Tower. Huni has accumulated a lot of lines and wants to push them into his defense tower.

If Jin Gong uses tool players like Titan and Poppy in the top lane, it doesn't matter if he supports a wave.

But this round he used Qinggang Shadow.

The team lineup places all its bets on the single belt in the mid-term. As one of the core points of the single belt, his development must not collapse.

At the end, Olaf used punishment to take away the red BUFF and regained a lot of blood. With the bonus of sprinting speed, it was undoubtedly very difficult to catch up. If he forced himself to support, he would probably lose his wife and lose his troops.

Jin Gong learned from the director of last year's spring competition. After thinking about it, he decided not to go.

"Qinggangying has no intention of moving," I remember looking at the small map in the OB perspective, "this way the card will lose a sprint, and Xiaotian's jungle route will also be disrupted!"

Due to the dual midfielder control of YM Card + Spider, Lee Sang Hyuk brought purification in this round. When he saw Little Peanut taking away the red BUFF, and Lin Ran had handed over Sprint, he knew that there was no need to follow.

Simply continue to develop the loop.

Lin Ran was aware of his blood loss.

But he couldn't swallow this breath without making up for it.

He quickly cut the screen to look at other locations, and finally found an opportunity.

Little Peanut operated Olaf in a circle in the YM jungle area, successfully avoiding his opponent, and returned to the city in the grass under the narrow gate of the high ground in the upper half of YM area.

Just halfway through the 8-second countdown for returning to the city, he realized something was wrong.

Why haven’t the cards returned online yet?

Logically speaking, he should be moving very fast while sprinting, right?

The answer is ready to come out.

"Go, go, go!" Little Peanut quickly marked the signal to remind him to place an order.

"Ran still doesn't give up, they insist on catching me!" Miller said urgently, "Are level three cards going to wander offline like this?"

On the big screen at the scene, the card master took advantage of the sprint effect that had not disappeared, and headed straight for the road with the wind at his feet.

"Let's go!" Little Peanut was still a long way away from Huni who was on the road. He couldn't catch up, so he could only keep reminding Huni with signals and voice.

But Huni was still pushing the line at this time. He was very eager to push this wave of artillery trains into Jin Gong's defense tower, but the artillery lines were too strong.

What's more, the top lane troop line originally arrived 10 seconds later than the middle lane line. During this time, it was impossible for Shen to deal with the artillery carriage line.

The obsessive-compulsive disorder of the top laner appears. If the army line is not sorted out, he will feel uncomfortable all over.

"Huni hasn't cleared the army line yet, the card has already arrived!"

It only takes 10 seconds for the third-level card to sprint from the middle to the top. Shen has just eaten the cannon truck, and there are still three half-health melee soldiers stuck in front of the Golden Gong Tower.

However, if the artillery trooper died, Qinggangying would not be able to block his troop line in front of the tower - it was impossible to withstand such a large round of troop line output in the early stage and forcibly block the line, which would easily cause him to collapse.

After handling the troop line, Huni tried to escape.

But it's too late.

"The Qinggang Shadow hook hooked two sections of the wall and kicked Shen unconscious! A yellow card was shown above the card's head, and the card hit Shen when the stun time was about to end!"

"Huni is connected by the control chain and can't even activate W [Mysterious Soul Blessing]!"

The sword array failed to open in time to resist the yellow card, and Huni felt that he was completely cold.

Taking advantage of this period of dizziness, Jin Gong successfully kicked out the real damage of the second stage Q [Precision Etiquette].

Lin Ran also threw out the second level Q [universal card].

The damage instantly reduced Shen's health. When Huni recovered from the dazed state, she still had 1/3 of her health left.

He seized the opportunity and quickly handed over E [Second Truth! Shadow Binding] cooperate with Flash to escape.

But Xiaotian, who used his spider form to come to the triangular grass, flashed and formed a cocoon.

"Huni is immobilized..." Wawa looked at the screen with an excited expression, "Although he opened W's sword array, YM three people have already surrounded him!"

"Eat the golden tribute!" Lin Ran began to distribute the heads.

"You're too polite..." Jin Gong pretended to be humble, but his actions were not slow at all.

A basic attack after getting stuck in the sword formation!

Qinggangying's flying kick captured Shen's head!

The cheers at the scene soared into the sky! The first head of this MSI finals was born!

"Wu!" Shan Niruo stared at the screen intently. The moment he saw Jin Gong receiving a blood, he stretched out his fat hand and shook it hard in the air, as if holding a handful of banknotes, and a roar broke out in his throat. .

"Good to kill!"

[It’s broken, let Shan Niruo take this B away. 】

[You still have to push this wave of troops despite the teleportation? Isn't huni disgusting? 】

[Is huni actually Shan Niruo’s undercover agent who stayed in SKT? Little Peanut has put the signal in his face, so he insists on staying to clear the troops and send some blood, so as to make gold for Shan Niruo, right? 】

The excited Shan Niruo glanced at the barrage.

"Haha..." He pinched the drake's throat and said in a very harsh tone, "If you don't understand this, just stop calling."

Shan Niruo, who guessed the first blood and collected a lot of fish balls, was in a good mood and started explaining the barrage.

"You think Huni has teleported, so there is no need to forcefully push this wave of soldiers, right? Think again, if Shen teleports back, the position of the soldiers' line will still be in front of the YM Tower."

"At this time, Little Peanut's upper half of the wild area has been completely eaten. After returning to the city, he will definitely move closer to the lower half. Olaf will basically not come to the road before the next round of wild monsters are refreshed in the upper half."

Shan Niruo grinned and said, "And there are two groups of wild monsters in the upper half of Xiaotian. It is very likely that we will catch Huni again along the way."

"In this way, even if Huni teleports, he would not dare to attack this wave of soldiers without the protection of Little Peanut. He might as well send one blood to deal with this wave of soldiers."

"Understood?" Shan Niruo said in a long voice, sounding like a eunuch delivering a message.

[Brother Flame is worthy of being a meritorious member of the double-champions SKT, and his understanding of the game is still in place. 】

[I understand, I understand, the blame for this is on Little Peanut, right? Brothers, please send me a message on Little Peanut’s Weibo and show me the way - @Guide me, senior brother! 】

The three commentators on the scene stared at the small map.

"Because the number of soldiers gathered in the middle was too small, and faker followed Ran for a while, the troop line advanced very slowly."

As mentioned before, when the strength of the troop lines in the early stage is equal, the artillery cart line is very difficult to push. Huni can push it so quickly because of the strength of the small soldiers accumulated in the first two waves of troop lines.

Lee Sang Hyuk did not have the help of extra soldiers, so he could only use skills to intersperse basic attacks. At this time, he pushed the artillery soldiers into the first tower.

The next moment, the teleportation light of Zhongyi Tower lights up!

"Jin Gong teleported to the middle lane to capture the tower and lower troops, while Ran continued to stay in the top lane to clear troops and develop!" Wawa was very excited, "They completed a lane change in the middle and the upper lane, and there was no loss of troops at all!"

The resurrected huni saw that a large number of troops were still on the YM and under the tower, so he simply went online on foot, saving a teleport for later use.

But in this way, YM's upper, middle and jungler all felt happy.

Xiao Tiantian got first blood assists and experience, Lin Ran got an assist and a large wave of troops under the tower, and Jin Gong got first blood.

Lin Ran adjusted the angle, and a universal card killed five long-range soldiers with residual health. The number of gold coins provided by the passive [leaded dice] was beating like crazy.

So cool.

Lin Ran's body couldn't help but tremble.

"The Cards don't seem to want to switch lanes with Jin Gong in a short period of time. If the two sides continue to fight like this, SKT will lose money!" Miller laughed.

"In the top lane, Shen is very uncomfortable with long hands and short hands. In the middle lane, Qinggangying just plays casually. As long as Faker is kicked, he can only run..."

I remember my eyes lit up.

"In this way, YM controls both the middle and upper lanes!"

Originally, Qinggangying was at a disadvantage when playing cautiously in lane rights in the early stage, and the same was true for the card's lane rights, but with such a lane change, YM successfully controlled the lane rights of the two solo lanes!

This is the decision-making strength of YM!

Faker is really annoyed right now.

When Clockwork's skill level and equipment have not been upgraded to a certain level, his clearing speed is not very fast, so he cannot avoid a head-on collision with Qinggang Shadow.

The middle route is very narrow and there are many walls. Qinggangying's hook is not easy to avoid for a non-displacement hero like Clockwork.

Li Sang Hyuk twisted left and right, finally dodging Qinggangying's E skill. Just as he was about to turn around and fight back, Qinggangying kicked out the passive [Adaptive Defense], generating a layer of magic shield that could not be used up at all.

But he was kicked by Jin Gong once, and a set of skills directly wiped out half of his blood.

How does this work?

Faker has learned the skill of quickly switching the screen. He has to switch the screen between replenishing troops to observe the status of his teammates.

Except for the commanding ADC, normal people in the other four positions can do this in the professional arena. Players who don't cut the screen are the outliers.

The reason for switching the screen is to see if there is a suitable teleportation support ward position.

The jungler is to observe the status of the three lanes and make strategies such as counter-crouching, ganking, and invading the jungle based on the rights of the three lanes.

The purpose of the middle lane is to see the positions of other heroes and prevent them from being ganked by those who disappear on the opposite side.

The auxiliary function is to cut the screen and judge the location where the conflict may break out based on the information, so as to rush there in advance to complete the support.

But players who cut the screen like Faker are rare.

He cut it too fast.

It's hard to say whether this is a good thing or a bad thing. The good thing is that he can receive the most information in the shortest time; the bad thing is that he may ignore his own position because he cuts the screen to pay attention to his teammates.

Lee Sang Hyuk found that huni did not dare to move forward due to a large wave of pushback, so he could only huddle under the tower and wait for the troops to come in.

Years of professional experience made him feel bad.

What went wrong?

Faker's perspective switched back to the middle and continued to line up, but he still hadn't found the answer to the question.

Huni chewed gum with a displeased look on his face.

Since there were too many soldiers advancing to the upper tower of YM when he died last time, Lin Ran did not clear out the minions under the tower before the next wave of soldiers arrived.

This resulted in the intersection of the next wave of military lines being on Lin Ran's side. The different times at which the two sides' military lines arrived at the battlefield created this pushback line.

In this situation, he didn't dare to step forward for fear of being chased by the card.

Seeing that the sixth wave of artillery troops was about to come to the line, the push line would be uncontrollably pushed to the bottom of his tower.

At this time, Huni suddenly heard Lee Sang Hyuk's words.

"The spiders should be here soon. They are going to jump over the tower. Please step back a little."

Huni took a look at the position of the army line.

The card master is still slowly clearing the line of soldiers, and is not in a hurry to eat all the soldiers.

The position is also hidden behind the army line, which looks calm.

Huni looks at the mini map again.

At this time, Little Peanut has cleared out the Beak Birds and River Crabs in the lower half of the area, and after protecting the bottom lane duo and controlling a wave of troops, he has eaten the gargoyles to reach level 4, and is counting down the seconds to return to the city to prepare for the upper half of the jungle. The wild monsters will be refreshed in the second round of the area.

The opposite jungler shouldn't be coming, right?

Huni, a Korean player who debuted in European and American leagues, is used to being free-spirited. He is not as adaptable to SKT's mechanized operational rhythm as Little Peanut.

For a top laner, the wave of troops is more important than anything else, and Huni is reluctant to give up the wave of troops that are about to enter the tower.

He decided to follow his own idea - huddle under the tower and eat the troops.

"Hurry up and hit the road!" Seeing that his top laner was not planning to retreat, Faker had no other choice but to pull Little Peanut and hurry up the road.

But at the moment when the military line entered the range of SKT's first tower, the ice unmanned reconnaissance drone from Bang pierced the sky, reflecting the gorgeous figure in the grass behind the first tower!

It's the Spider Queen!

Only then did Huni realize that he was about to suffer, but at this time, his midfielder was still a long way from the previous tower!

"Huni still wants to stay under the tower, don't give him a chance!" Miller looked at Shen Zui shivering under the tower, couldn't help but get excited, clenched his fists and shouted loudly!

The Spider Queen on the screen first released her human form W [Self-Exploding Spider] towards the open space behind, and then rushed towards Shen under the tower.

"Huni taunted and controlled Xiaotian, trying to get the defense tower to cooperate with him to kill him, but the damage was not enough!" Watou yelled!

Xiaotian was forced to perform a basic attack, which attracted the hatred of the defense tower. The warning sound of the defense tower sounded, and then the bombardment fell.

The duration of Shen's taunt is 1.5 seconds, and the attack speed of the previous tower is only 0.83. Xiaotian did not attract the hatred of the defense tower before, so the defense tower can only fire one artillery bomb during this taunt time.

Be careful when opening Q [Secret Truth! Dusk Blade], pulled the Soul Blade to his side and started to chop Xiaotian.

Xiaotian immediately threw the cocoon after the taunting state disappeared.

Huni was captured and handed over to Flash on the wave. At this time, he could only rely on movement to avoid the cocoon. However, the area under the tower for movement was not large, and his movement was very restricted. The spider web with some mucus successfully hit Shen!

"Shen handed over the W sword formation before being hit by the cocoon! But Xiaotian threw out the Q skill in human form, then transformed into a spider form and bit him hard!"

The self-destructive spider that was thrown into the open space before also jumped over because Spider Queen Elise had an attack target, blowing up one bar of Shen's health.

At this time, the second cannon from the defense tower was shot down, and Xiaotian's health dropped to 40%.

The Garlic Bastard saw that Shen's sword array that lasted for 1.75 seconds had not disappeared, and knew that his basic attacks were ineffective against him. After turning into a spider form and biting Q [Poisonous Sting], he immediately handed over Feitian to avoid the defense tower attack.

Lin Ran threw out Q [Universal Card] and hit Shen, then turned on W [Card Selection], and the red, yellow and blue lights above his head flashed.

His basic attack point was on SKT's minions, and he accumulated the passive of E [Card Deception]!

Yellow card locked!

The moment Shen got out of the spider cocoon, he threw it out!

The spider's first level cocoon has a stun effect of 1.6 seconds, Shen's sword formation can only last for 1.75 seconds, and huni cast the sword formation before being hit by the cocoon.

In other words, when the cocoon disappeared, the sword formation also disappeared almost at the same time!

The yellow card with the card trick was slapped on Shen's body, causing extra damage and making a pleasant tinkling sound at the same time!

"The hatred of the defense tower was transferred due to Xiaotian's flying, and the card was hit by the artillery fire!" Wawa yelled excitedly, "But the Spider Queen landed and activated W [Plundering Fury] to increase the attack speed and lower Shen's HP again!"

As we all know, to reach level 5 in a single line, you must consume all the experience of 6 waves of soldiers, but Huni's large wave of pushback lines has not had time to eat, and it is only level 4 at this time.

Shen at level 4 only has 730 health drops, and Dolan's shield only has over 800 health. With the two thunders of cards and spiders plus a bunch of small skill output, Huni can't handle it at all!

The dazed state ended again. Huni looked at the anti-tower cards but was unable to do anything - he had no movement skills with his short hand and could not threaten Lin Ran, who was attacking from a distance.

He could only use the soul blade to slash the spider's body again, splitting her black leather armor and creating a wound on her skin as white as snow.

Lin Ran fired his last basic attack and took down Shen's head.

At this time, the third defense tower bombardment hit him. Lin Ran, who originally had very healthy health, only had one layer of blood skin left!

"Ran handed over the flash and left the range of the defense tower, and Xiaotian also escaped smoothly!" Miller saw that the YM, middle and junglers on the screen were all in a state of residual health, "Perfect anti-tower cooperation! This hatred transfer is too extreme!"

"SKT's midfielder arrived late. They neither protected their teammates nor took the opponent's kills!"

Every kill will ignite the excitement in the hearts of the audience at the scene, and the screams of tens of thousands of people will shake the mountains and rivers together!

Huni watched as a large wave of soldiers under the tower were slowly being depleted by the defensive tower.

"Brother Xianghe, please eat up the army line. I'll go to the middle and mess around." Huni whispered.

He knew he had made a mistake.

If you had just listened to faker's reminder and gave up your troops and waited for your teammates to arrive, you would not have died.

"Farewell, their cards will reach 6 soon, and they will definitely come to the middle. You should just teleport back to the top." Lee Sang Hyuk cleared his throat and said.

Card, a hero, has to use his ultimate move to radiate to the side lanes to drive the rhythm after he has the ultimate move. If he continues to stay in the top lane, he can only radiate half of the jungle area and a middle lane. It is unrealistic to think about it. He will definitely return to the middle lane to continue to earn money and develop. .

But in this way, Shen's troops on the road were completely eaten by Clockwork. After teleporting to the ground for 4.5 seconds, he would probably only be able to eat some leftovers.

Moreover, he can't get the middle line of troops, and his development is even worse.

Huni looked at the data column in the upper right corner. In nearly 5 minutes, he had only made 21 kills in 6 waves of soldiers.

Qinggangying, who was facing him, had first blood in hand, and was nearly 10 last hits ahead of him.

WDNMD, how does this work?

"Brother Ran is awesome," Xiaotian got another assist, saved a lot of money in his pocket, and hurried back to the city to replenish equipment, "You've calculated your time so well!"

Although he only sent out 6 waves of soldiers, Lin Ran got 40 knives - because Jin Gong had let him steal a large wave of soldiers below the tower when he teleported to the middle.

Returning to the city with 1,500 gold coins, Lin Ran bought a lunch box and a dark seal, then waited in the spring for money to automatically jump, bought a true eye and returned to the middle.

"That's not true. People like me use their brains to play games." Lin Ran was very proud of successfully jumping over the tower to train huni.

The last time he dared to take Xiao Tianyue Shen's tower, it was naturally after careful consideration.

It is known that the upper half of Peanut's area is blue, and the fastest time to clear the Demon Swamp Frog without punishment is 2 minutes and 10 seconds.

Since the wild monster refresh time is 150 seconds, this means that the next Demon Swamp Frog will refresh in 4 minutes and 40 seconds.

The sixth wave of troops arrived in the center of the top lane at 4 minutes and 17 seconds. Since Lin Ran had previously saved a wave of slow push lanes in front of SKT's first tower, this wave of artillery troops actually gathered earlier than 4 minutes and 17 seconds. .

This large number of slow-pushing troop lines combined with Lin Ran's red cards and universal cards, although it cannot quickly deal with the artillery soldiers, can allow one's own troop lines to quickly enter the defense tower.

The time at this time is 4 minutes and 20 seconds.

Then comes the problem.

Can Olaf come here at this time?

the answer is negative.

Because Olaf showed his head when protecting the lane control line before.

At that time, Olaf was only level 3.

It is known that Little Peanut’s jungle path is Blue-Magic Marsh Frog-Three Wolves-YM Red. If we look at his last hit count, we know that Little Peanut’s Olaf still has a group of Gargoyles that he has not brushed - otherwise there will be 6 groups of jungle. The monster has been upgraded to level 4.

Based on this information, Lin Ran judged that Peanut must have finished clearing the gargoyles - returned to the city to buy a green jungle knife - and then rushed to the Demon Swamp Frog to start the second round of clearing the jungle.

Because he returned to the city twice to protect the bottom lane and control the lane, he also crossed the jungle area to counter a group of junglers and sprinted to perform a wave of escape.

There was simply not enough time for him.

Therefore, it is absolutely impossible for Little Peanut to arrive at the previous tower at 4 minutes and 20 seconds, and the Demon Swamp Frog will not be refreshed until 4 minutes and 40 seconds. It is useless for him to arrive early. Since he has no line rights in the top and middle, he can only place his eye position. In the river channel.

"Both sides have finally returned to their respective positions. Jin Gong on the road has already made Tiamat + reusable potion, and his equipment is much better than Shen's!"

I remember that my smiling eyes were gone, "The YM team has a 1.5K economic lead. If we continue like this, SKT won't be able to hold on!"

Jack in the bottom lane was already 12 knives behind Bang due to a wave of back-pushing lanes and Braum's weak performance during the laning phase.

But Jack was already humming a song in the team voice.

"I'm jealous of your love~ It's so powerful, like a queen whose popularity remains high..."

Even though the tune was completely off-key and the singing was loud, it was clear that Jack was in a good mood.

He had long known that he was responsible for resisting the pressure in this game. He had just returned to the city after extracting the knife and made Goddess Tears. On the way, he checked the stack count twice.

He is not in a hurry.

Continue to drag until 20 minutes. With the two-piece set in hand, the magic-cut EZ two-piece set can easily defeat the opponent's double C in a one-on-one with two semi-complete sets - unless you are uncertain between fighting and retreating. , empty Q and empty W will be killed by the opponent.

"Don't help Shen, come to the bottom lane and control the dragon. We can jump the tower after level 6."

Wolf knew that Shen had already collapsed in this round, and that Little Peanut's help would not be able to save the situation. He would not help the weak, so he might as well protect the bang.

Little Peanut calmed down.

Five minutes into the game, he realized that his early rhythm was completely dictated by his opponent.

Starting from invading the jungle to exchange for BUFF, and Lin Ran and Xiaotian returning to defend the jungle, YM has been trying to force his position to the upper half, so that he can put as little pressure as possible in the lower half.

Xiaohuahua changed his strategy at the right time and kept launching surprise attacks on YM's bottom lane.

"After Olaf successfully circumvented it, it will be difficult for Jack and the Prophet to escape!"

Finally, he found a chance. Lin Ran had just reached level 6 and the movement distance of his ultimate move was not enough to reach the bottom lane quickly. Xiaohuahua successfully jumped the tower in the bottom lane!

The Prophet tried his best to protect the EZ behind him, but he was still a little short - Braum's passive only forced Wolf's flash and Bang's treatment.

The YM duo died tragically under the tower, and the bottom defense tower was wiped out by nearly half of its health by the SKT duo. Olaf single-handedly ate the first water dragon.

"Xiaotian came to the top lane again! The cocoon was empty. Although he failed to kill Shen, he was disabled!"

The kid on the side gloated, "Huni, this game was so miserable. Why didn't you help your teammates when you were targeted like this?"

Miller's expression now is like "I think of something happy" and he is trying not to laugh.

"Shen, who has not teleported, is losing blood again. Every time he comes, a whole wave of artillery soldiers will be eaten by the defense tower!" Miller said with an uncontrollable smile.

Lin Ran exchanged blood with Faker at this time.

faker is very happy. He hasn't returned to the city to replenish equipment yet, so it would be a good thing to lower the card status before he goes home.

The two sides consumed each other, and Li Sang Hyuk controlled the distance to the extreme, using the magic puppet to cut Lin Ran's health to half.

But he himself was also in a state of empty blood and mana, so he quickly retreated to the second tower and returned to the city to resupply equipment.

The middle line of troops was now in a reset state, and Lin Ran took two steps forward to attract the next wave of hatred from SKT's line of troops.

He drew a wave of soldiers horizontally, absorbed a little damage, and allowed the opponent's 6 soldiers to take the lead in focusing on the first melee soldier of his own. In this way, he successfully created a pushback line.

Lin Ran knocked off the medicine bottle on his body to recover, then retreated to the rear, disappeared within the field of vision provided by the army line, and started sprinting!

Huni had just returned home, emptied his money, forced himself out of Tiamat, and then walked online.

When a normal professional top laner faces such a huge disadvantage, he must first replenish his defensive equipment and use the wretched tower to resist the pressure.

But huni doesn't think so. He has a unique understanding of the company.

He wants to use damage equipment to compete head-on with the opponent and counteract all the disadvantages in the line. This is exactly the same idea as the disadvantaged team in qualifying does not use meat and only uses damage equipment, relying on damage support to make a comeback for the Miracle Team.

It's just that the latter focuses on the overall situation, while huni only cares about himself.

The first thing he wants to do is naked giant hydra!

When he was about to run to the next tower, a scarlet eyeball lit up above Huni's head!

"The card activates the first big move in this game!" Watana shouted excitedly, "Let's fly on the road!"

"This wave of Ran cards wandered around when Faker returned to the city to replenish supplies. Olaf had just returned to the city after eating the dragon. At this time, no one can help Shen resolve this crisis!"

When Huni saw the location of the card behind him, he felt sad for a moment and chewed gum at a faster rate.

To play or not, to play or not?

There is a little person in Huni's heart who is screaming with grief and anger!

The flash was only a few dozen seconds away from turning around. He knew that running home was unrealistic, so he could only bite the bullet and rush back to the first tower on the road.

"The Golden Gong Hook is hung on the wall, and the second stage of E-dodge directly kicks Huni unconscious!"

Lin Ran had already cut the yellow card when the ultimate move was teleported, and threw it out while Jin Gong was kicking Huni unconscious.

Huni once again failed to hand over the sword array to resist the yellow card, and was knocked unconscious by the connection control.

Shen, who was naked with Tiamat, was extremely fragile, and was eventually beheaded by Jin Gong's kick!

"Huni dies again!" Accompanied by the deafening cheers, I remember shouting loudly, "7 minutes 0/3, this Shen is completely useless!"

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