LOL: What is a roaming mid laner?

Chapter 256 254: You can take off at any time!

Lin Ran saw Little Peanut appearing on the top lane and immediately prepared to suppress Li Sang Hyuk.

Faker was caught dead at level 1 and lost 6 minions. The experience provided by these 6 minions determines the crucial level in the early stage.

And level is related to combat effectiveness-skill level, attribute improvement...

Now Lin Ran has just reached level 3, while faker has only level 2. The economic value implied by the level difference at this time is even more exaggerated than the 400 yuan for first blood.

And more importantly, after the previous level 1 gank, Lin Ran and Garlic Bastard pushed the 6 soldiers of the second wave of soldiers and the remaining soldiers of the first wave of soldiers under Li Sanghe's tower.

The third wave of artillery troops just arrived in the middle, helping Ryze clear the YM soldiers under the tower.

But then another wave of Lin Ran's artillery carts pushed back the line.

Lee Sang Hyuk was forced to follow the stacked soldiers forward. Now he was approaching the middle line of the river and was in a dilemma.

If you retreat to the rear, you will miss out on a lot of military line economy.

If you don't retreat, you will be beaten.

Without hesitation, Lin Ran fired W [Valkyrie Dive] and rushed directly in front of Lee Sang Hyuk, using E [Gatling Gun] and Q [Phosphorescent Bomb] to smear Ryze's face.

Since phosphorescent bombs have ballistic flight time, this skill is easier for opponents to avoid at long distances.

But now Lin Ran is launching it directly with his face close to his face, and the flight time of the bomb is almost zero, giving Lee Sang Hyuk no chance to move and avoid it at all!

Lord Thunder's decree was issued, but Ryze's blood volume, which still only had blue crystal, dropped by half in an instant!

Lin Ran was still chasing forward, and the Gatling gun bullets from the plane weakened Ryze's low armor/magic resistance!

Ryze at level 2 has only learned two of the three minor skills.

Moreover, Lee Sang Hyuk learned W [Rune Confinement] at level one.

This caused him to be extremely embarrassed right now.

In order to trigger the shield and acceleration effect of the Q skill passive [Rune Explosion], Ryze must stack two layers of Rune Charge and then cast the Q skill to detonate it.

The first-level cooldown of W [Rune Imprisonment] is reduced to 13 seconds. Without the E skill with a shorter cooldown reduction, Lee Sang Hyuk simply cannot stack two layers of rune charges!

Without the passive shield and acceleration effect, Level 2 Ryze has no combat effectiveness at all. Facing Lin Ran's machine gun fire, he can only run away hastily!

"Ran successfully seized a wave of opportunities!" As the director's camera switched, Miller also saw this scene, "Faker was beaten to a low health, and it seems that it will be difficult to continue the laning!"

Lee Sang Hyuk scratched his head in worry.

There was originally a steady wave of troops advancing, but because several of Lin Ran's skills "accidentally" touched the minions when consuming him, SKT's troops are now only slightly ahead of YM.

With the support of the gun carriage, this became a wave of slow push lines.

If we don't artificially interfere with this wave of soldiers and let nature take its course, the advance of the soldiers will be very slow.

faker returned to the city at this time and immediately rushed back to the line. It is very likely that this wave of soldiers had just reached the Lin Ran Tower.

During this period, the soldier lines are attriting each other, and he will most likely lose more than one wave of minions.

He couldn't accept such a big loss.

As a last resort, Li Sang Hyuk could only call Xiao Huahua to deal with this wave of troops with him.

Seeing Little Peanut appear in the middle, Lin Ran instantly understood the situation of the battle.

"Catch it!" he shouted.

Xiao Tianxin understood, and when the red opened to level three, he made a big circle, trying to catch SKT's bottom lane who was using his long hand advantage to push the lane and suppress it.

He first entered the SKT jungle area, and then went from the top of the dragon pit to the triangular grass in the lower lane, just avoiding the sight of wolf arranged in the river below.

Bang's Han Bing also threw his E [Eagle Strikes the Sky], but the target position was the Demon Marsh Frog in the lower half of YM.

Within the field of view provided by the drone flight, Xiaotian was not seen.

The swamp frog is still alive.

Bang's brain processes known information rapidly.

After the level 2 attack, the blind monk cleared the middle lane and headed towards the lower half of the area, presumably to brush up on the blue BUFF. By this time, he should have reached level 3.

Not farming the Demon Swamp Frog.

The blind monk was not eating river crabs in the view of the lower river arranged by Wolf.

Once the two wrong options are eliminated, only three choices remain.

Xiaotian uses Tianyin waves to go around the field of vision to steal dragons, return to the city and use the harvested first blood money to buy equipment, or come and capture them.

Bang glanced at the front line of troops, and his mind was spinning a thousand times. In just a short moment, he relied on the known information and his excellent sense of smell to detect the dangerous atmosphere.

"Xiaotian has just arrived at the triangle grass, and SKT's bottom lane seems to have realized it and is preparing to retreat to the rear!"

I remember being a little nervous, "But this position is a bit too deep. The prophet has a chance to save someone first!"

The prophet also knew that this was a rare opportunity. Although the SKT duo was aware of the situation, they were slower to retreat.

Coupled with the fact that the bottom lane is so long, SKT's bottom lane has no way to retreat to the tower in time.

The prophet handed over the flash, and the anchor hooked towards the ice of Bang!

Amidst the exclamations of the audience, the bangs flashed simultaneously, and the anchor passed between the artillery soldiers and the ice without touching anything!

Xiaotian was just about to leave the grass, but when he saw the prophet's sky, he immediately gave up the idea of ​​exposing his position and read the message back to the city.

"Ah this..." Jack felt a little surprised.

"My, my, my!" The prophet also realized at this time that his operation was a bit outrageous, and quickly apologized to his teammates.

Lin Ran, who was waiting for Peanut and Li Sang Hyuk to push their troops into the defense tower, was looking at the bottom lane with nothing to do.

It's really outrageous.

The Prophet just used his Q [Clear Channel] to aim at the artillery cart, suck him in, and then flashed to give Han Bing a basic attack immobilization passive, allowing the Garlic Bastard to follow Tian Yinbo.

Coupled with the slowing effect of Jack Verus and Titan E [Undercurrent], it is easy to force the two to flash, and it can also cripple SKT's bottom lane state, making it impossible to continue to develop.

No matter how hard you think, you can't just flash Q and head towards the person.

The mistake was too big.

Domestic live broadcast room barrages also discovered this mistake.

[I think NMB’s operation of this Titan is outrageous! 】

[Did the prophet explode his mentality in the last game? This round of operations has been distorted! 】

[Clear the channel? Clear your intestines! 】

"It's okay, it's okay," Jack controlled the troops in front of the tower, taking time to comfort the prophet, "Just keep an eye on the ice later."

"...No problem." The prophet pursed his lips and gave feedback.

Jack was there to control the line. He had nothing to do. He loosened his hand holding the mouse and wiped away the sweat caused by nervousness.

He felt his mouth was dry and when he raised the paper cup to drink the ice water, the camera on the screen clearly captured the prophet's hands trembling.

The troops in the middle were finally pushed into the tower by Peanut and Li Sang Hyuk, and Lin Ran began the exciting tower sword session.

The heroic tower sword of the aircraft is relatively easy to repair. Lin Ran uses the range damage of E [Gatling Gun] and Q [Phosphorescent Bomb] to lower the health of the remote minions.

As before, the melee soldiers wait for the defense tower to hit twice before replenishing; the dealt with long-range soldiers immediately attack after the defense tower cannon is shot down.

He made up for the two stacked waves of soldiers without missing a single one.

Along with the barrage of "good repair", extracted gold coins jumped out of the killed soldiers.

Obviously, every last hit only gives a reward of 1 gold coin, but why do you always feel an inexplicable sense of refreshment?

Lee Sang Hyuk left the middle lane after pushing the army line, probably to synthesize the Tears of the Goddess.

Lin Ran, who later returned to the city, still wanted to step forward to draw the hatred of the fifth wave of troops and make another wave of push back.

But something suddenly happened on the road.

"Faker's spiritual wandering is on the road!" Miller said urgently, "Does Ryze with this amount of health dare to come to support?"

From the OB perspective, Ryze, controlled by Lee Sang Hyuk, pretended to retreat to the city after pushing away the middle line of troops with Little Peanut, but then turned around and headed towards the top.

The target is Lulu who had flashed before!

Xiaotian has been active in the lower half since level 2. The vision in the upper half is extremely lacking, with only Jin Gong himself setting up an eye position in the triangular grass.

This meant that when he saw Ryze moving around, it was already too late to retreat.

Although he handed over the transformed sheep in time, Huni's crocodile failed to bite W [Cold Hunting] in the first place.

But Ryze's E [Spell Surge] combined with W [Rune Confinement] firmly held him in place!

Huni recovered from the sheep-transformation state and resumed dizziness control!

"Lulu without Flash is desperate!"

The Korean commentator, who was also at the scene, sounded excited.

"Player Faker successfully accepted this head!"

"A very crucial kill!" the Korean commentator could hardly control the smile on his face, "Faker almost quit the game after being killed by a gank at level 1. This head helped him reconnect!"

Lin Ran had no choice but to push forward a wave of soldiers, hoping to make Li Sang Hyuk lose the fifth wave of soldiers.

But the teleportation light came on, and Huni came to the middle to make up the line!

SKT also used one offense and one defense to stabilize the early situation!

"Stay steady and wait for me to develop." Lin Ran returned to the city to resupply equipment and comfort his teammates.

This round must be won.

The Battle of Tianwang Mountain is no joke.

Whoever wins will be one step away from the abyss.

The psychological pressure at this time will cause many professional players to lose their mental balance and deform their operations.

Lin Ran noticed that the prophet's current state was not far from a complete collapse. If this small game failed, the result of the fourth game was destined to be no suspense.

Huni cleared the middle tower and lowered the troop line, then returned to the city to switch lines with Faker.

Li Sang Hyuk replenished his equipment, and as soon as he left the Highland Tower, Lin Ran was already back online.

"What?" Faker was stunned when he saw the aircraft equipment.

He kept clicking on Lin Ran's equipment bar with the left mouse button.

"Did something go wrong?" He didn't know why.

"What is this equipment going to do?" The doll scratched his chin in confusion.

There was a water droplet lying in Lin Ran's equipment slot!

Tears of the Goddess!

"Are you going to be a demon sect?" I remember not sure what Lin Ran was doing.

Since the redesign of the aircraft, professional players have fixed a three-piece set of three items + artillery + infinite blade, and then add semi-defense equipment such as the Demonic Drinking Knife and Mercury Scimitar.

What does the goddess tears mean when you go back to the city for the first time?

(The assembly plan of the aircraft before and after 2017MSI is shown in the picture. The first appearance of the Mozong aircraft was in the BO5 between the Rabbit Team and the Pigeon in the 2020 LEC Spring Playoffs. The operator was the former European French King Febiven)

The players and commentators couldn't understand the situation, and neither could the vast majority of the audience.

[I’m convinced, is this an airplane used as an EZ? 】

[Isn’t this molding too slow? Demon Sect + three items, how long will this be delayed? 】

[Don’t be embarrassed, who said we have to have three items? Can't play Ice Boxing Plane? 】

[Is it a hard fight on the ice fist plane? Then you can play mid laner EZ! 】

However, for Lin Ran, the high cost performance after the Demon Sect was formed was the reason why he chose this equipment.

You only need 2,400 gold coins to buy the Demon Sect. By the time the three-phase power is created, the Demon Cut will be almost ready. When the two are combined, the output will be explosive.

Top laner Lulu, jungler Lee Sin and auxiliary Titan, YM's output in team battles in the mid-to-late stage is very low, and team battles rely on Lin Ran and Jack to provide damage.

Therefore, the output provided by Moqie is essential.

Moreover, Lin Ran's personal development is still quite smooth now, and the Demon Sect will not appear to be too slow in appearance.

Lin Ran returned to the middle lane, relying on his mana capacity of Tears of the Goddess, and used skills to push the lane unscrupulously.

But Ryze is also crying as a goddess now, so Lee Sang Hyuk will naturally not give up the line rights.

"The mid laners of both sides are caught in the rhythm of development. Now it depends on the jungler of the two sides who drives the rhythm first!"

Xiaoyao stood up. He relied on the 400 gold coin equipment advantage of first blood to boldly invade the SKT jungle area. In nearly 7 minutes, he squatted in the grass of SKT's razorbill and crouched down to the little peanut passing by who wanted to brush up the red BUFF!

After the blind monk on the screen hangs the Tianyin Wave, he uses the slowdown of the E skill to slash at the Spider Queen, constantly reducing its health!

"Almost, almost!" Miller looked at Little Peanut, who had only 100 health left and fled to the second tower, and suppressed the cheers in his mouth, looking regretful.

The Spider Queen was not killed, and Xiaoyao did not dare to counterattack this newly refreshed red BUFF - SKT had the right to push the lane in the bottom lane, and would definitely be the first to support it later.

But Xiaotian definitely can't go back empty-handed.

"Come and eat his F6!" Xiaotian beat all five birds to residual health, and then called Lin Ran.

Lin Ran saw that the distance was a bit far away, so he moved over with W [Valkyrie Dive], and a Q [Phosphorescent Bomb] combined with R [Rocket Bombardment] super missile captured all 6 birds.

"I'm sorry!" Xiaotian looked at the empty Sharpbill camp and felt like crying without tears.

"I asked you to eat the bird, and you eat me..." Xiaotian said as he realized something was wrong, and quickly changed the subject, "Why did you eat all the F6?"

Lin Ran, who was in a skill vacuum period, was beaten by faker, and his health volume dropped by less than half.

"Why don't I just eat a group of wild monsters like you?" he said. "At worst, if you eat the F6 at home, I should be the one to compensate you."

"???" Xiaotian's head was full of questions, "The group of wild monsters at home are mine. Why should you compensate me?"

"Don't scream, don't scream," Lin Ran activated the Gatling gun and fired another missile to clear the line of troops. "In this round of my development carry game, I will give you 1/3 of the credit, okay?"

"Let's fight the little dragon. The earth dragon is quite useful." Lin Ran called on Xiaotian to control the map resources.

It happened to be the twelfth wave of troops just now. Due to the protection of Xiaotian in the flanking Sharpbill camp, Li Sang Hyuk did not dare to push the line too quickly.

This caused the artillery soldiers to be pushed away by Lin Ran first, and he was liberated, while Li Sang Hyuk could only stop under the tower and continue to deal with the troop lines.

"SKT's placement was a bit late, and the little peanut just walked out of the Highland Tower. This little dragon has to be given to YM!"

Miller leaned forward slightly.

The firelight flickered out, and gorgeous lines appeared on the rock wall of the Dragon Pit!

"The next one is the Fire Dragon!" He clenched his fist hard, "YM will continue to control Xiaolong until the later stage. SKT's lineup is not strong!"

Just after defeating the dragon, Lin Ran returned to the middle and continued to attack the newly added troops.

However, the bottom duo was seized by SKT.

Bang was stuck at level 6 and at the right time, a magic crystal arrow hit the prophet!

Then Wolf used the Karma W spiritual chain to tie it to Titan, ignited it and hung it on him!

"The prophet made some mistakes in his positioning!"

The three LPL commentators on the stage were a little anxious, "It was obvious that the position just now couldn't be that far forward, and he was still thinking about using the Holy Relic Shield!"

Jin Gong, who is on the road, is still torturing Huni crazily.

The crocodile does not have enough explosive power to kill it instantly in front of Lu Lu. In terms of consumption, Long-Handed Lulu is not afraid of the small Short-Handed Crocodile at all.

Jin Gong manipulated Lulu while consuming it while making a mean taunt.

"Xiaotian's strategy in this round was quite successful." I remember looking at the data panel. It was nearly 10 minutes now. After the prophet died in the bottom lane, there were no more casualties between the two sides.

"He went to the extreme in restricting Little Peanut," Miller nodded in agreement. "If you want to restrict the brainless tower jumping combination of crocodile + spider, the key point is not the crocodile, but the spider."

"Xiaotian has been exploring the jungle of SKT since he reached level 6. As long as he finds the position of the little peanut, Jin Gong on the road can push the lane and grind the tower, and he can continue to do so boldly!"

"Ran has taken out the Demon Sect now. The key point is the power of the three phases of the next piece." Wawa looked at the plane and successfully repaired the 100th sword. The extracted 350 gold coin reward jumped out, "The extraction exploded. This way Ran should have a lot of money in hand."

"Xiaotian is going to directly switch to the meat armor," Miller laughed, "He is really sensible and directly gave up his jungle area!"

Lin Ran, who owned the Demon Sect, was already clearing the line of troops very quickly. It would still take some time before the next wave of soldiers gathered in the middle.

Lin Ran naturally would not waste it, so Xiaotian decisively let all his wild monsters out.

Lin Ran used the first explosive pack he picked up just after returning to the city. The ultra-long-distance [Special Express] allowed him to fly all the way from the red buff camp to his own gargoyle camp.

He fired the Gatling gun and brushed from gargoyles to razorbills, from three wolves to marsh frogs.

There was not even a group of wild monsters left for Xiaotian.

Garlic Bastard felt his heart bleed as he watched the wild monsters that originally belonged to him turn into gold coins one by one and enter Lin Ran's pocket.


You can’t just allow yourself to be disgusted.

"How about we go to the wild area where we fight against Little Peanut?" Garlic Bastard suggested, "The wild monsters we snatched will be divided into three to seven."

Lin Ran hit it off with him right away. Under his cover, Xiaotian positioned his jungle vision to the SKT Sharp Beak and Three Wolves camps, waiting to catch the little peanut.

Lee Sang Hyuk's Ryze took advantage of the gap when YM's midfielder went to the jungle to lay out his vision, and activated his ultimate move and went straight to the bottom lane!

Coupled with Peanut's spider, SKT came up with a four-pack and used the group shield of Kalmar R+E to successfully kill YM in the bottom lane.

"It's okay, it'll be fine soon." Lin Ran comforted his teammates, and then mercilessly ate the largest sharp-beaked bird, leaving the five smaller birds for Xiaotian to digest slowly.

"I can join the team when I'm in the third phase. Just protect me in team battles."

The gold coins on his body have already become stinging and shining, and he is only 1,500 gold coins away from the power of the three phases.

"This aircraft is developing very smoothly!" Miller breathed a sigh of relief after seeing Lin Ran's last strike.

"The last-ditch count in 15 minutes was as high as 175. He also ate up all his own jungle camps while replenishing troops. This amount of economy is definitely ahead of the curve."

"And Little Peanut used YM's bottom lane again!"

The prophet had just come online, and a cocoon suddenly flew out of the grass behind a tower!

The white spider web trapped him, and Ryze and the Spider Queen appeared again.

Another four-for-two!

But this time Jack ran very fast. He handed over all the double summons and the ultimate move [Chain of Corruption], and successfully ran back to the second tower with remaining health.

However, the prophet was not so lucky, and his head was collected by bang again.

"SKT is about to knock down the bottom tower and get the second fire dragon!"

However, Lin Ran was not idle during this period. After a 4-minute gap, the plane's second explosive package had already cooled down.

Lin Ran took advantage of the movement speed bonus provided by the explosive pack and headed straight up the road.

Huni didn't know if he had a short-circuit in his brain. He seemed to think that he could hold the defense tower alone, so he refused to leave.

Xiaotian has never seen such a person before.

Very quickly, there is a heavy left kick, a right whip kick, and a left jab.

The blind monk of Muay Thai has no martial ethics at all, RQQ kicked the crocodile to the wall!

Lin Ran dropped the explosive pack and rushed forward, leaping over two walls and arriving in front of Huni!

"Give the head to Brother Ran!" Xiaotian was afraid that Jin Gong was ignorant, so he quickly reminded him.

Jin Gong, the old slave, naturally knows who is the father in this YM game, and he can’t wait to transfer the gold coins in his backpack to Lin Ran via WeChat!

Lin Ran took away the crocodile head with a super missile, and took advantage of the situation to pull out the first tower of SKT on the road!

"Ran took advantage of Peanut's time to clean up the upper half of SKT's wild area while he was still brushing dragons!"

After that, the two sides switched lanes, and SKT snowballed in the bottom lane and pushed down YM's three outer towers one after another!

The two rhythmic junglers have completed their early tasks, with SKT leading the economy by 2.5K. At this time, Xiaotian took the prophet everywhere to lay out his vision in an attempt to control the map resources.

When the time comes to 20 minutes, the third dragon and the second fire dragon in this game is about to be refreshed.

"Ran already has the Demon Sect + Three Phases + Mercury Shoes + Attack Speed ​​Dagger in his hand. The Demon Sect stack will be full soon, and the strong period is coming!"

Miller watched as the two sides on the screen arranged their vision around the Xiaolong Pit in an orderly manner.

"Lulu also has the Holy Grail + Incense Burner in her hands. Jin Gong didn't even buy shoes, so she forced herself to collect two big items for this wave of team battles!"

Lin Ran returned to the city after following his teammates to insert a bunch of trinket eyes.

A minute and a half ago, the third explosive pack was refreshed, but Lin Ran never picked it up.

He knew that this wave of fire dragons was crucial.

If the explosive pack that lasts for 60 seconds and has a 4-minute cooldown has been used before, it cannot be refreshed in this wave of team battles.

He deliberately saved it until now to pick it up.

This maximizes revenue.

"Get ready to open the dragon, I'll be there soon."

Lin Ran rushed out of the spring while using the skill Stacking Demon Sect. Finally, after firing a missile, Demon Cut appeared!

Now, it's my turn!

"Everyone in SKT moved a lot more cautiously after hearing the sound of planes picking up explosive packets. But if they continue like this and continue to give in, it will be equivalent to giving up the Xiaolong Pit!"

YM wants to take advantage of the red side's terrain advantage at Xiaolong to get everyone in SKT out of Xiaolong's pit!

"We have to pick up this group, otherwise when the aircraft equipment is updated, our chances of winning are not high!" Lee Sang Hyuk kept communicating with his teammates in the team voice!

"Xiaotian used Tianyin waves to enter the dragon pit and decisively killed the dragon!"

Lin Ran passed by the wilderness, "Prophet, you will protect me later. If anything goes wrong, stand in front of me first!"

"No problem!" This task is very simple for the prophet.

"Everyone in SKT wants to fight for this fire dragon!"

"That's true. If this fire dragon is captured by SKT again, the 16% physical and legal output provided by the two fire dragons will be their best weapon to delay the late game!"

"I'll trap them, give me all your protection skills!" Lin Ran finally arrived at the scene!

Lin Ran adjusted the angle and pressed the W key!

You have a special delivery!

Kuchi let out an angry roar and threw out the explosive pack!

The heroic bombardier was flying in the air, with flames rolling underneath him!

"The plane's explosive package directly blocked the Xiaolong Pit!" Miller was extremely anxious. "YM wants to control the fire dragon first and then make a long-term plan!"

Due to the use of explosives to block the road, Lin Ran was also exposed to everyone in SKT at this time!

"Dun, shield, shield!" Lin Ran turned up the volume!

Lulu has two skills: W and E. The attack speed effect given by the blazing incense burner in an instant is quite awesome!

Lee Sang Hyuk and EW take action to imprison Lin Ran!

But Lin Ran ignored it and turned on the Gatling gun, triggering the three-phase power passive, and knocked out nearly 1/3 of the wolf's health with one shot!

The crocodile rolled forward, W [Cold Hunting] ready to stun Lin Ran!

The moment the crocodile bit him, Lin Ran immediately handed over the purification!

After releasing the control, he threw a missile and hit the crocodile, and then hit Karma with another shot!

Wolf immediately shielded himself, but still couldn't withstand the output!

Little Peanut originally thought that his teammates could control Lin Ran, so he held the cocoon in his hand and refused to hand it over.

At this time, he looked at the plane that was still shaking its head and outputting, and finally couldn't hold it back anymore, so he took action!

Lin Ran was always wary of several of SKT's controls while operating the plane and shaking his head to unleash the armor-breaking effect of the Gatling Gun.

Although he said before that he would let the prophet help him block his skills.

But Lin Ran didn't intend to completely trust the prophet who had obvious problems.

When he saw the spider forming a cocoon and throwing it out, he immediately handed over W [Valkyrie Dive]!

The plane passed by Cocoon at low altitude!

The magic crystal arrow shot by Han Bing was dodged by Lin Ran in a flash!

"Beautiful! RAN perfectly avoided SKT's first wave of control!"

Moreover, Lin Ran's flash was aimed at the side and front position!

He will continue to output!

At this time, Jin Gong was stuck at the extreme distance and gave his ultimate move!

Get big quickly!

For a moment, SKT's top two assistants were knocked into the air!

The prophet, who was two beats slow in reacting, caught up with Lin Ran.

He no longer skimps on skills.

Flashing away from the dragon pit, R [Abyss Submarine] aimed at the bang!

The shock wave was smashed into the ground by the anchor and rushed towards the ice!

Lin Ran didn't hesitate, and took advantage of the opportunity when SKT's top assistant was knocked away to throw out the phosphorescent bomb!

Then he followed up with a basic attack, aiming directly at Karma!

"My old swan! What kind of output is this!"

"The damage done by this Magic Cutting Plane is too exaggerated! Kalma is as brittle as paper in front of him!"

"Planes are like monsters descending from the mountain!"

Amid the unbelievable exclamations of the on-site commentators and the audience, Karma's health bar, which had half of its health left, evaporated instantly!

"Ran alone withstood SKT's four control skills and instantly killed Wolf in the midst of thousands of troops! What kind of operation is this!"

The shock wave of Titan's ultimate move knocked Crocodile and Ice away!

Lin Ran took the opportunity to launch a super missile!

Han Bing's blood volume instantly became disabled!

"Withdraw, withdraw, withdraw!" Li Sang Hyuk, like his teammates, did not expect that the plane would take out the Magic Cut at this time to usher in his strong period!

While commanding the retreat, he hit Lin Ran with overload.

But under Lulu's meticulous protection, Lin Ran drove the explosive pack and rushed a thousand yards, and he still had 1/3 of his health left!

"The crocodile was hooked by Titan! Huni can't escape!"

"Both SKT's top assistants were killed!"

The remaining three people from SKT fled in a hurry. Fortunately, Lin Ran didn't have much health and had all his skills, so he didn't continue to pursue them.

But this fire dragon was laughed at by Xiaotian!

Lin Ran led the team towards Dalong Pit, and YM sounded the clarion call for counterattack!

From this moment on, the offense and defense are reversed!

Heroic bombardier Kuchi, ready to take off at any time!

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