LOL: What is a roaming mid laner?

Chapter 271 269: Tactical ideas surrounding Canyon Pioneer

Although they successfully got a good start, everyone in YM looked unhappy when they shook hands after the game.

Lin Ran knew very well that it would have been difficult for them to win this game if Aguang Klie hadn't backed into the warehouse and ruined the team battle.

This way of victory has gone against YM's traditional way of thinking.

If they remain unchanged and continue to play, this summer split will become extremely difficult.

Everyone in YM stopped laughing, and Aguang looked at the word failure on the screen with a sad face.

After taking off his headphones, he could now hear the mocking laughter of the audience.

He originally wanted to play career highlight moments such as Smeb Sky Thunder, Fat General Earth Fire, and Lin Burning Sand Burial. Unexpectedly, it turned out to be a famous funny scene comparable to Gao Dewei's reverse Q.

Aguang was annoyed and angry, and felt ashamed.

If he had not committed this heinous crime, EDG's chances of winning this small round would definitely not be low. If they win this round, they may even hope to overturn YM's dominance in the BO3 group stage.

He is fully responsible.

The host of today's event was still Aftershock. She walked to Lin Ran with her hand card in hand.

"Long time no see," Yu Zhen looked at Lin Ran with a smile, "Shall we say hello to our audience friends first?"

Lin Ran was stunned for a moment. He clearly remembered that Yuzhen was the host assigned by the LPL for the mid-season tournament. Although he did not interview everyone at YM on the main stage, he had met a few times in private.

Aftershock is redefining long time no see?

But Lin Ran didn't say much, "Hello everyone, I'm YM's mid laner Ran."

"What do Ran think of the mouse player's mistake in the last game?"

The first problem aftershocks started to cause trouble.

"What?" Lin Ran started to act stupid.

He didn't really want to comment on A Guang's mistake. It was just a group match, and it wouldn't do him any good to beat up a team in the same division after the game.

Aftershock repeated it again, this time speaking slowly word for word.

It was obvious that Lin Ran was forced to answer this question.

The road of pretending to be stupid was blocked by the aftershocks. Lin Ran could only formulate words and sentences in his mind, thinking about how to answer the question tactfully.

"Maybe Aguang didn't get feedback from his teammates. When he was nervous, his hands shook accidentally, and his big move landed in the wrong place," Lin Ran said the answer quickly, imitating Jay Chou's rap voice. "This is normal. We all make mistakes like this all the time."

He said seriously.

Although the opening game is over, there is still another very popular all-China class RNG game. At this time, there are still many viewers huddled in the live broadcast room. They reacted immediately after hearing Lin Ran's answer.

[Do you often make this mistake? Why haven't I seen you do this before? 】

[Are you starting to talk about B now? 】

[Don't be embarrassed, Ran Yasuo often makes mistakes, he understands. 】

Aftershock didn't expect Lin Ran to be so smooth. Her excellent professionalism kept her smiling. She looked up at Lin Ran and asked the next question:

"This is our LPL's opening game, and it is also the first game of the mid-season version of the LPL. What do you think of the mid-season version?"

Lin Ran pondered for a long time, and then answered while holding the microphone, "It's very innovative, especially the changes to the Canyon Pioneer and tank equipment are quite good,"

He deliberately emphasized the words 'pretty good'.

"I can only say... version changes are a difficult problem that a team must face. I hope we can adapt quickly."

Aftershock asked two more innocuous questions. Lin Ran answered them in turn and then bowed and left the stage. He handed the microphone to the staff and rushed to the backstage lounge.

To his surprise, there was an extra person in the lounge.

"Why are you here?" Lin Ran took the mineral water from Guo Hao and sat next to Su Cheng.

She held a black notebook in her hand and was flipping through the videos on her tablet.

"I'm looking for a solution," Su Cheng said softly without raising his eyes, "otherwise this Canyon Pioneer will drag us down to death."

Several teammates and White Crescent on the other side stood in front of the whiteboard with Summoner's Rift printed on it, discussing the early offensive line.

Jack was lying on the chair alone, his posture as fierce and cool as ever, and he was pointing.

Everyone is working hard and doing their best to adapt to the new version.

This was not the first time for these people to play in a game. There was no need to deliberately celebrate the victory in the opening game. The group simply stayed in the lounge to continue discussing tactics.

"The easiest way to solve the problem now is to reverse the thinking. We focus on the upper half in the first ten minutes..." Bai Yuemo moved the whiteboard over and used a marker to write and draw on it.

"Try to gain an advantage in ten minutes, and then use the strength of the upper half to push the bottom tower with the Rift Herald."

"Then we have to release the first little dragon," Xiaotian held his chin with his palm, "Is this really possible?"

"There's no problem with letting the little dragon go," Lin Ran, who was sitting next to his girlfriend, said, "Even if the first one is a fire dragon or an earth dragon, it's not as important as our first-blood tower."

"That's true." Su Cheng nodded in agreement.

In terms of economic value alone, the 600 gold coins provided by the first-blood tower are undoubtedly not as large as the benefits brought by the other three dragons except the wind dragon.

But the first-blood tower is far more than just 600 gold coins for the team.

Once the defense tower falls, the view of the surrounding wild areas will disappear. The success rate of invasion will naturally be much higher when there is no shelter in the wild area.

This is the favorite of Xiaotian and Lin Ran. They will go to the area where the opponent has lost the first-blood tower, set up an ambush in the jungle or seize the monster economy, and continue to expand the 600 gold coin income.

Moreover, more importantly, dismantling the first-blood tower can liberate online heroes, which is very consistent with YM's general idea of ​​frequent roaming to defeat more and less.

If a fire dragon or an earth dragon could be exchanged for a blood tower, Lin Ran would be willing to do this exchange a hundred times.

"But in the early stage, the disadvantage is also obvious in the upper half," Lin Ran continued. "It is difficult for us to snowball an advantage."

The other team members frowned, and after thinking for a moment, they knew that Lin Ran was right.

Now, except for the prince and a few warrior top laners, the rest are all tanks. Even the junglers are tank heroes like Zhumei and Zac.

You must know that tank heroes are more powerful than other types of heroes in cooperating with teammates in the early stage.

Mainly because one of the core positions of tanks in the league is control.

The control effect in hero skills does not increase with the upgrade of equipment.

For example, the hero Abyssal Titan, whether you cast Sunfire or Anti-Armor, his control time is this long and will not change.

This allows tank heroes to cross the timeline, and their combat ability in the early stage is strong enough when cooperating with teammates - other heroes need to rely on equipment to deal sufficient damage, but control tanks don't have to worry about this.

At first glance, I think the tank hero is very strong and has sufficient control. It is also okay to use mid-field linkage in the early stage.

But the problem lies with the tanks.

Because the opponent is not a passerby player who doesn't pay attention to the version changes, and they must also focus on the version hero.

Then it is very likely that there will be a dual-tank confrontation between the two sides.

In this version, tank heroes will also provide a shield when using control to trigger [Courage of the Colossus].

With the addition of this talent, the current tank hero's already considerable frankness has been raised to a higher level.

Simply relying on melee combat between tanks on both sides, it would take about 15 seconds to determine the winner - a normal professional player would have run away if he couldn't win.

In this case, someone must compensate for the damage.

Another key position in the linkage between the top, middle and jungle, the damage provider mid laner, is also very problematic.

Except for Lucian and Syndra, who are almost guaranteed to be banned in YM games, the strong heroes in the version are Airplane, Kassadin, Clockwork, and Galio. (The usage rate of a single hero in the 2017 LPL summer game is shown in the figure)

Either it is the late-stage core that relies on development, or it is Galio who has control in the early stage but also lacks damage, and his output ability in the early stage is not very high.

Therefore, once the situation of two tanks in the upper and jungle + a hero with no damage in the early stage occurs in the middle, it will definitely result in too much control and insufficient damage.

If the damage is not enough, you won’t be able to kill anyone if you use the mid-jungle linkage.

If you can't gain an advantage by killing the fastest way to snowball in the early stage, then this top, middle and jungle linkage will most likely not gain any big advantage even if it reaches ten minutes.

In this case, they simply didn't dare to open Rift Herald at 10 minutes, and they would fall into the same performance as they faced EDG in the second round today.

White Crescent Moon also reacted and slapped her forehead in annoyance.

"I have an idea..." Seeing that everyone was silent, Su Cheng stood up on his own.

Lin Ran made room for her, and the tall girl took three long steps to the whiteboard in the middle of the lounge.

"In the early stage, we are still the same as before, focusing on the jungle area," Su Cheng began to write on the whiteboard. "Let Lin Ran take the rhythm hero, and we will use our personal strength to blast the opponent's jungle area first."

"But..." Xiaotian planned to speak.

Isn't this similar to their previous play style? Not much has changed at all.

Su Cheng raised her hand to signal him to stop talking, while she continued, "I know what you are worried about. Do you think herbivorous junglers are in power now, and they who focus on functionality will not have much impact even if they are a little behind in level?"

"Yes, Sister Su, that's what I want to say." Garlic Bastard nodded.

For the same reasons mentioned before, herbivorous junglers such as Zhumei and Zach are also known for their functionality.

Heroes such as Blind Monk and Spider are two levels behind in the jungle, and the sky will collapse; Pig Girl Zach can accept being two levels behind, after all, the team-starting skills will not be affected.

"But my idea is not to suppress hierarchy," Su Cheng explained, "but to economy! A very precise economy!"

"We all know that jungle heroes have very strong combat effectiveness in the early stage when they make big jungle knives. The Slag Giant Jungle Knife costs 2,600 gold coins. Excluding the 350 gold coins of the small jungle knives, the jungler still needs to play 2,250 gold coins to bring your equipment to its peak for a short period of time.”

Lin Ran crossed his arms and leaned back on the chair in a comfortable position.

If we say the first peak period of jungle ganking is the period after the double buffs are obtained.

The jungler truly completed the crushing of the combat capabilities of online heroes during the period between the creation of the big jungle knife and the synthesis of the first major piece of online heroes.

The 2600 gold coin large jungle knife improves the jungle combat ability beyond imagination and is a qualitative leap.

Take the current version of the Slag Giant jungle knife as an example.

The red, blue and green small jungle knives are quite limited in improving combat capabilities. After all, there is no substantial attribute improvement.

The [Bambi's Slag] item costs 1,000 gold coins and provides 200 health points and a certain degree of burning effect all over the body.

For an additional 600 gold coins, the Slag Giant Jungle Knife will provide the hero with 300 health, 20% extra health, and higher burning damage.

Anyone with a discerning eye knows that this is not at the same level as the combat effectiveness of small pieces of slag.

"What we have to do is to make the opponent's jungler unable to make a big jungle knife at the time when the Rift Herald is refreshed in 10 minutes! There is a gap in combat capabilities, so we have a disguised advantage."

Su Cheng's eyes were bright, "Coupled with the previous invasion of the wild area, which caused the opponent's level to drop, the opponent's combat ability will be stretched by us!"

Xiaotian suddenly realized, "You mean we have to open the Rift Herald at a time when the opponent's jungler has no time to make a big jungle knife?"

"That's right." Su Cheng nodded.

She started writing a long series of equations with a marker, "What do we need to do to complete this task?"

"The natural jump of gold coins starts from two minutes, and 122 gold coins are given in one minute. By ten minutes, the number of gold coins given is 976."

Su Cheng took the information and factored all the gold coins provided by all the wild monsters in the Summoner's Rift into the equation. (For non-BUFF wild monster data, see this chapter)

"Except for the red and blue buffs which provide 100 gold coins, the average gold coin gain for the other four groups of wild monsters is 107."

"Then we exclude the entry equipment, automatic money jump and the two red and one blue BUFF economy. If we want to make a big jungle knife, we still need 974 gold coins [2600 (total price of the big jungle knife) - 350 (jungle entry equipment) -976 (automatic money jump) -300 (two red and one blue three BUFF economics that the jungler obtained 10 minutes ago)] Ten groups of non-BUFF wild monsters need to be obtained."

Everyone in the lounge was listening carefully, and the jungler, the Garlic Bastard, leaned forward and was extremely focused.

Su Cheng drew a horizontal bar on the equation with a swipe, and continued, "How did these 10 groups of non-BUFF wild monsters come from? Four groups of non-BUFF wild monsters are refreshed in one jungle area every round, which takes two and a half rounds in total. "

"The refresh time of a round of wild monsters is 150 seconds... Just now when you were playing a game, I started a custom test. I used gold coins to return to the city, and the time to make a big jungle sword was 9 minutes and 45 seconds. "

The surrounding YM players nodded repeatedly.

They also know that this is the most ideal situation. Normal junglers can also harvest gold coins through gank and river crabs, but they also need to purchase real eyes.

Moreover, most of the time, junglers will not eat the wild monsters on time as soon as they are refreshed. Returning to the city and setting up the vision will also take up their time.

Calculating several influencing factors, the time it takes professional players to make a big jungle knife in actual combat is not much different from the 9 minutes and 45 seconds Su Cheng tested.

"So what we have to do is to counter at least two groups of wild monsters from our opponent," Su Cheng said his conclusion. "If he gets a kill through gank, then we have to counter him with three groups of wild monsters."

"This is the best way I can think of so far," Su Cheng tilted his head and observed the reactions of everyone at the scene, "But it is difficult. Xiaotian, you have to change your thinking."

Xiaotian looked thoughtful.

Although he would rebel against the wild during the previous invasion, he did so casually.

His main purpose is to obtain the opponent's jungle trends in advance, and then better capture people for gank and feed back to the online heroes.

Therefore, his economic calculations of equipment were not so detailed.

However, due to the revision of Canyon Pioneer, Su Cheng played his due role as an analyst and used various data to clearly arrange the details of the early anti-wild missions for Xiaotian.

His original play style was to use invasion to obtain information about the opponent's jungler in the early stage, and then work with Lin Ran to help the lane heroes, constantly attacking more and less to drive the rhythm of tower pushing and killing.

Now he needs to focus on suppressing the opponent's jungler's economy and reducing ganks appropriately - because this will give the opponent's jungler the opportunity to develop.

To be honest, this feels a bit like a wild core style of play, and this style of play is something Xiaotian has never been good at before.

Bai Yueya nodded repeatedly. He couldn't find any loopholes and looked at the surrounding team members. "If everyone has no problem, we will use this idea to practice when we get back."

Everyone in YM has no objection. As Su Cheng said before, this is the best method they can find.

On June 10, YM faced off against LGD.

The conflict between the star player Gao Dewei of the Lao Gan Daddy team and the management has intensified, and coupled with his addiction to the new game PlayerUnknown's Battlegrounds, he has been completely benched.

Taking over Gao Dewei's position is the veteran Wu State, whose strength has been declining.

Facing an opponent that was not very strong, White Crescent just allowed the team to try new ideas.

Lin Ran chose the rhythmic mid laner, pushed the lane crazily in the early stage, and went to the opposite jungle area with Xiaotian.

However, Garlic Bastard's new ideas in the jungle did not perform satisfactorily.

The wild king who became famous last year in a sword battle with the Vietnamese bandit SofM Huashan is known as the master of stupid defeat, and his elusive jungle route has stunned countless top junglers.

Xiaotian is also a victim.

Originally, he would not have such a disadvantage against the Wild King, but Su Cheng explained all the data to him, and Xiaotian suffered a disaster instead.

Because he is too purposeful now, he just uses the time when the wild monsters are refreshed to sneak into the opposite wild area.

This is exactly the same as SOFM at that time.

The jungle king likes to deal with the jungler who likes to calculate his jungle time, because he himself doesn't know his jungle speed and jungle route, and others still want to know it?


What he is playing is a magic head and a grimace.

YM was defeated in the first game. The rhythm lineup couldn't gain advantage in the early stage, and naturally it couldn't beat the opponent's teamfight lineup in the later stage.

Lin Ran didn't want to lose this group match, so he started to use the late-stage output core in the second game.

One round of Kassadin and one round of Clockwork Demon. YM fought fiercely for two hours and finally won the game.

"Two games, two amazing results!" Zeyuan shouted excitedly on the commentary desk, "Ran's output accounted for more than 40% in both games! What is a middle-finger mid laner!"

"His clockwork also scored four kills, leading the team to defeat the Optimistic Family and continue to move forward!"

On June 15, YM defeated Suning, also 2:1. The process was full of ups and downs and extremely tortuous.

Xiaotian is still not used to this style of play that does not require 4 packs of 2 in the early stage.

After winning the game, many YM fans saw something fishy.

The rhythm of YM is not right. The smooth attack like mercury in the past is gone, replaced by repeated failed invasions and a stalemate in the mid-term.

As the early rhythm engine, Xiaotian was pushed to the forefront of public opinion.

There is a bit less today because there are too many data to check. I will try to write more tomorrow.

This plot about Rift Pioneer will probably end in tomorrow's chapter.

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