LOL: What is a roaming mid laner?

Chapter 276 274: Full of courage!

Miller shouted loudly on the commentary table, his face turned red like a monkey's butt, "YM defeated IG with a crushing force in this game. I saw the shadow of this year's Brazilian mid-season in them!"

"In 21 minutes, in the current version of this brutal game, ending the game at such a speed can only be described as terrifying!" I remember that I couldn't hide the excitement in my tone.

You know, in this version where the upper jungle is more tank-oriented, the jungler's task is more to control the map with grass instead of catching people and ganking.

Nowadays, in most professional competitions, the early economic snowball cannot roll, and Double C is forced to supplement team battle damage heroes, which slows down the pace of the game even more. The average game time in the first two weeks of LPL is even close to 40 minutes.

But in today's game, YM only needed 21 minutes to defeat IG, who was the top player in Group A and had won 8 consecutive games in small games!

"The MVP player of this game..." A boy with delicate features and a slightly fat body appeared on the big screen. On the screen, he had an expressionless face and his hands formed a heart shape on his chest. He looked like he was being forced to do business.

"Crisp came on the bench!" I remember my eyes lit up, "He had a perfect record of 1/0/10 in this game!"

"Especially the team battle in the Dalongkeng Canyon Pioneer," Miller's tone calmed down at this time, "Luo's roaming is so spiritual, that wave of support can be said to determine the direction of the entire game!"

The audience in the audience was already excited.

Although TheShy's operation in the spring game attracted a large number of fans to him, Song Yijin, the director of the old orphanage, even has a lot of dog-son fans.

But these popularity are like a drop in the ocean in front of today's YM.

From last summer to now, YM has won the global finals championship, mid-season championship, LPL spring and summer championship...

These solid honors have brought the number of YM fans to an extremely terrifying level. In addition, the group of people in YM have created a lot of memes, and the effects of the live broadcasts are better than the last...

It is no exaggeration to say that Lin Ran’s fans alone can crush this IG.

Including Super Square at this time, most of the people who came to watch the game were YM people.

Their emotions were suppressed for more than a small game. Since YM lost to JDG, which is at the bottom of the league, at the beginning of last week, many YM fans have begun to shut themselves up.

At this time, the supporting home team interrupted IG's 8-game winning streak in small games with a hearty victory. How could they not be excited?

[Ma Dan is too crazy to be a YM fan now. I didn’t expect that I would be as excited as winning the LPL championship after defeating IG in just one game. 】

[There is nothing I can do about it, Sister Li. My previous grades were indeed not good and fans were worried. 】

[duplicate words? Disgusting! 】

Han Yi, who was watching the battle in the backstage lounge, looked livid.

He didn't expect that Liu Qingsong's Luo would suddenly appear at the critical moment and destroy the team battle with a series of controls.

After watching the entire game, he knew that Liu Qingsong's current laning strength is not top-notch, and even in the LPL, it can only be regarded as average.

However, the awareness of roaming support is much stronger than that of YM's previous starting auxiliary, the Prophet.

Thresh, who has been proficient before, and Luo, who is full of highlights in this round, these two current strong supports make Liu Qingsong extremely suitable for this hard support version.

A response must be made.

According to common sense, the way to deal with this kind of roaming linkage support is very simple - put enough pressure on the line, and it is best to use an advantage to keep the line of troops under the opponent's tower.

In this way, as long as Liu Qingsong wanders away, Jack will be very uncomfortable, and he will either miss a knife or be killed by jumping over the tower.


Hanyi looked at her own Baolan and was immediately troubled.

In fact, Baolan's current strength is pretty good. Like his partner West, his matchup strength is one of the best in the history of the IG team.

But this is mainly because IG’s previous support was too outrageous.

Xiaoxiao Sun Yalong is already considered the eldest brother in the auxiliary position in the history of the IG team. Although his hips were stretched in the later stages of his career, he can at least produce some highlight moments. The rest of the auxiliaries are all valuables.

Together with the child You Shen, he played the 999 Pi Yan Ping She Ke Ke, and with the Rain Emperor, he averaged 12 minutes per game and dropped one tower in the lane...

In comparison, Sapphire is pretty good.

Although it ranks high in the history of the IG team, Baolan's strength is currently only good in the entire league. .

This kind of strength combined with today's IG is not a hindrance, but it is far from the point where combining with west can crush Jack and Liu Qingsong.

There was not much time left for Hanyi to adjust. After a short intermission, the decisive game between IG and YM had begun.

"IG took the initiative to choose the red side in the third game, so YM, who is on the blue side, bans first!"

White Crescent didn't even think about sending Zach to the ban position first. Now this old eight-year-old injector is a well-deserved version of the T0 jungler.

Although Xiaotian's Zach is also good, in terms of priority, it is not as good as Pig Girl Prince Spider. Zach is not a must-play for him.

Anyway, the YM forbidden position on the blue side is completely sufficient, so White Crescent simply bans Zac and does not give it to King Ning on the opposite side.

Hanyi still bans the spider honestly.

White Crescent then banned Syndra and Sword Girl, while Hanyi adapted to the situation and instead of targeting Xiaotian, he banned Rambo and Lucian.

Both heroes are targeting Lin Ran.

Broiler just reflected in the lounge that he couldn't beat this version of Rambo in the lane.

Hanyi still trusts his mid laner very much, because he knows that in this IG, TheShy, Ning Wang and the bottom lane combination can all be sent.

But Song Yi couldn't advance.

If others collapse, they can still count on Broiler. If Broiler collapses, IG will basically have no chance of winning.

Dean Song said he couldn't fight, so Hanyi directly banned him, which solved the problem.

"IG has released all the Xia Luo combination, now it's up to YM to choose." Miller said with a frown.

In the current version, Xia Luo's strength is considered to be at T1 level, but it cannot be said to be a must-have if you are not banned.

But in this game, Xialuo must be the focal point.

Because the bottom lane of both sides is quite proficient in this combination, West and Jack are both good at playing Xia, and Liu Qingsong and Baolan's Luo are also very representative.

Moreover, Hanyi also buried a hole here.

The blue side YM must now take one of Xia Luo first, otherwise the red side IG will snatch all Xia Luo away.

In this way, half of the effect of YM's first selection is abolished.

And if you want to get another convenient hero Thresh for Liu Qingsong, you must choose one among the second and third hands.

As a result, YM was forced to lock in two of the first three heroes, and the remaining two of the three positions in the upper, middle and jungle had to wait until the second round.

Hanyi is giving YM strong support in disguise, in exchange for giving priority to the midfielder in the first round of BP.

This is his countermeasure.

Also let Baolan take the roaming hero, and then focus on the strong midfielder.

As long as Baolan can keep up with Liu Qingsong's support as much as possible, they will be easy to beat in this round.

Bai Yueya thought for a long time about whether to take Xia or Luo.

He finally believed in Jack and let the big-headed Shiba Inu snatch Kasumi first.

"Luo and Prince!" I remember seeing IG locking two heroes instantly, "This lineup is very capable of starting a group first!"

"And it also has a bit of a swing. The princes of TheShy and Ning Wang are both very powerful. They learned from YM in the previous game and should have left this swing position until the end."

The white crescent moon clicked against the spring of the pen barrel, "How about Pig Girl and Thresh?"

"No problem." Liu Qingsong rubbed his fleshy palms with a calm voice.

He is here to prove himself today, and a hero like Thresh is naturally very suitable.

"IG's last pick in the first round was to win the title for Broiler. This way, their teamfight intensity is simply terrifying!"

The clockwork golem paired with the prince and Luo looks very strong no matter how you look at it.

Lin Ran even felt that the team control effect of these three people could make a comeback and win a team battle even if they were 10,000 behind in economy.

In the second round, Hanyi banned Qinggangying and Crocodile.

"It seems like the prince is being used by TheShy..." Miller was a little unsure, but both IG's two bans banned the top lane hero that was difficult for the prince to deal with. It seemed like this.

"YM's side banned Verus and the policewoman, and targeted West!"

Now the only strong ADCs left outside are Big Mouth and Han Bing, and the hero Big Mouth is relatively average with Luo.

Hanyi finally chose the more functional ice.

"YM directly locked the top-mid combination of the plane and Galio!"

Now IG only has one position left that has not been revealed, but Miller, Remember and YM have already guessed that this is the top laner prince.

Not to mention that Hanyi banned those powerful top laners before. Just talk about Jin Gong player's top laner Galio. If the prince is not used, it will be difficult for the top lane heroes placed outside to deal with this forbidden demon stone statue.

"IG finally picked the wine barrel, and it turned out to be the top laner Prince!"

The lineups of both sides have now been determined.

Blue square YM: top laner Galio, fight wild boar girl, mid laner plane, bottom lane Xia + Thresh.

Red square IG: top laner Prince, jungler Barrel, mid laner Clockwork, bottom lane Han Bing + Luo.

In contrast, YM team battles rely more on the unsolvable output of the double shooters in the late stage, and the presence of Galio makes YM's overall lineup bias towards backhand protection.

The lineup on IG's side is going to be a lot more aggressive, and it's best to be on the side that takes the initiative to force the team.

The YM fans in the audience were already wishing that their home team would win this game.

Whether the last game was an accidental flash in the pan for YM or a precursor to its re-emergence depends on this one!

The opponent had too many controls, so Lin Ran naturally brought purification to ensure his output environment in team battles.

After the loading bar ended, Lin Ran and his teammates appeared in Summoner's Rift.

Lin Ran thought about it, but he still wasn't big enough to buy the extract and go out.

Although he still wanted to play the ultimate development route in this game, the aircraft matchup with Clockwork was not easy to play. Coupled with the deterrent power of Rookie's signature Clockwork, Lin Ran still chose Dolan Sword.

"Come to invade the jungle, just follow me!" Liu Qingsong was the first to speak in the team's voice.

The moment he spoke, two 'on the way' signals were already marked at the IG Blue BUFF camp.

It was sent by Lin Ran and Jack.

"Young Master Tear, please talk more in this game. If you can also direct, I can have a good rest." Lin Ran joked.

Now in the team, Lin Ran is the main caller, Jack prefers to dominate the mid-term transition and steal the baron, while Xiaotian takes the initiative to ask his teammates to pay attention to his position during invasion and gank.

Now if Liu Qingsong is added to the team, there will be quite a lot of people involved in decision-making in the team.

Liu Qingsong just hummed, and then didn't say another word.

Looks very aloof.

Lin Ran became interested and leaned forward to see Liu Qingsong's face, but his sight was filled with a huge head.

Liu Qingsong was nowhere to be seen.

"What are you looking at, Brother Ran?" His big head kept shaking as his body, Jack chewed gum and looked at Lin Ran.

"Nothing." The plane he was operating was about to reach the entrance of the river, and Lin Ran quickly turned his eyes back to focus on the game.

After two seconds of silence, Lin Ran couldn't help it anymore.

"Jack, you have such a big head."

"What are you talking about..." Jack was very angry, but before he finished speaking, Liu Qingsong, who was at the front of the team, had already seen Luo on the opposite side!

"Look at me, look at me!" The hook in Liu Qingsong's hand was ready to move.

Miller on the commentary desk naturally saw this scene, and the increased volume lingered around the venue.

"Liu Qingsong flashes directly! Take action with the hook!"

In the surprised voice of the commentator, Liu Qingsong used the flash to close the distance between himself and Baolan, and then Thresh swung and threw the sickle in his hand!

Baolan reacted quickly and immediately handed over W [Grand Appearance] and fled away.

But what surprised him was that Liu Qingsong's target was not the Luo he operated!

The location where the hook was aimed was neither the place where Baolan stood before nor the area he had moved away from now.

But it was the ice shooter that Liu Qingsong discovered just now when he flashed forward!

"This hook is trying to hit the west, it's very tricky!" Miller was also very surprised when he saw Liu Qingsong's performance, "west didn't react at all!"

With a heartbreaking squeaking sound, West was hooked by Liu Qingsong!

West people are confused.

Aren’t you going for Baolan? Why are you hooking me?

It has to be said that Liu Qingsong's reaction was quite fast. He changed the target of Q [Death Sentence] the moment he flashed forward and saw the ice, catching west by surprise!

"Give me the head!" Lin Ran saw a very deep wound left by the scythe on the fair and plump body of Ice Shooter Ai Xi, like a shark that smelled blood.

"Jin Gong's Galio and Taunt Flash continued to control, and the rest of YM focused on fire damage and followed up!"

In the end, Lin Ran's Gatling gun combined with a basic attack and random shooting to take down Han Bing's blood, and he happily flew the plane back to the city.

"I got 400 gold coins, it's hard for me to win the battle!"

The dick in the contestant's camera pursed its lips and looked unhappy. At this moment, he felt that the whole world was against him.

In the previous game, the jungler sent him, and in this game, he sent it to the bottom lane.

You want to make the game more difficult for Raising a Dad, right?

After returning to the city, Lin Ran thought about it and did not buy the red crystal that cost exactly 400 gold coins. Instead, he chose an attack speed dagger and a real eye that cost 300 gold coins, and then went out easily.

"Liu Qingsong really dares to fight, this flash hook is full of courage!" Miller quickly commented before entering the laning period.

"It is indeed Thresh's unique skill. Not only is he highly proficient, but he still dares to operate it." I remember nodding in agreement.

"There is also good news for YM. After Han Bing's death, IG no longer dares to defend the lower half of the area and can only accept YM's forced invasion!"

After Liu Qingsong flashed his hook to help his teammates get first blood, now, the two lower jungle areas have become Xiaotian's back garden!

And this kind of wild area invasion is simply a hotbed for YM's four-pack-two.

King Ning, who was forced to stay in the upper half of the jungle, had no time to care about the bottom lane!

In other words, just one minute into the game, the balance of victory was already tilting slightly towards YM!

I moved a lot of furniture today. It’s so tiring. It’s a bit less today. I’ll go to bed early and try my luck at work tomorrow.

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