LOL: What is a roaming mid laner?

Chapter 28 028: The first MVP (please vote for recommendation!!!)

Watch's excavator died in the bottom lane, and Xiaotian invaded his upper half of the jungle and ate the blue BUFF that had just been refreshed.

Lin Ran and the bottom lane duo ate the spawned dragons. Ggoong's Enchantress didn't ignite her R, so she just spent money in the middle lane.

Half a minute later, he looked at the mercury shoes that the card master on the opposite side had added, and his face almost turned green.

The Enchantress had just made up for the Devil's Code when she returned home. QW hit the card without any pain, but was stunned by the yellow card on her backhand. QA hit Thunder and lost half a tube of blood.

Are there any other people who play games like this? Isn’t it disgusting?

Without the blue BUFF, the ability of the Enchantress to push the line is greatly weakened. The number of dark seal layers on the card gradually increases, and the speed of earning money becomes faster and faster after taking the blue BUFF.

If this goes on and on, Ggoong's enchantress will turn into a super soldier sooner or later.

At 9 minutes and 30 seconds, Xiao Ming helped Lucian push the line and ran to the middle.

"Brother Ran, let me help you catch him once and destroy him directly."

"Come on, come on!" Xiao Tianpianpianpianpian rushed over after finishing F4.

The flash used for single kills had just improved. Lin Ran flashed a yellow card to freeze the enchantress in front of the tower. Xiao Ming and Morgana kept up with the Q skill control. Xiaotian slid forward and AQW inflicted damage, killing the enchantress and her passive avatar. Put it away.

"Come and eat the Canyon Pioneer!" Lin Ran took Ye Fu and the two of them to the jungle area. The Canyon Pioneer is a new wild monster deployed by Riot Games in the Dalong Pit. Killing it will reward each person in the team with 50 gold coins, and the player who kills the Pioneer will also receive Two-minute BUFF effect (S6 pre-season version updated, Rift Herald appears).

Increases damage by 10%, increases movement speed by 40 points, and also strengthens city recall and nearby troops.

Lin Ran's blue card hit the eye behind the Canyon Pioneer and killed him. The card that obtained the Pioneer BUFF was really a blow to his feet.

Ggoong and Watch looked ashen. There was no communication between the midfielders and junglers. They were each doing their own thing. Only the assistant lvmao was left trying his best to adjust the atmosphere in the team.

But no one responded. After the first two rhythms, the top laner and AD gradually became dissatisfied. Is the Korean midfielder that the team spent a lot of money to buy is of this level? Being hung up and beaten by the newcomer on the opposite side?

Lin Ran went home to replenish his supplies and evolved the dark seal into a murderous book.

The card with the vanguard BUFF stood in the middle, and Ggoong felt extremely uncomfortable. The strengthened minions were beyond the ability of a stunted enchantress like him to deal with, and the huge artillery soldier on the opposite side had no lower output than him!

He could only use broken Chinese to ask for a line change in the bottom lane to deal with the card. Kalista glanced at the line of troops that was about to advance into the tower. She was dissatisfied but still rushed to the middle lane with Niutou.

Passing by the red BUFF grass, an unexpected figure emerged from the grass. It was Xiaotian's male gun!

Carrying a shotgun, the Gangster Godfather's basic attack was smoke bombs and hitting the wall with his Q, which triggered thunder and knocked out half of Kalista's blood. At this time, another eye lit up above everyone in the canyon!

The last time he went to the bottom lane to lead the rhythm was 7 minutes, and now it was nearly 10 minutes and 30 seconds. Card R had just turned around, and he chose Kalista's feet as his foothold.

Ggoong rushed here quickly, and Poppy also rushed back to the tower to send support.

"Jin Gong, don't let Poppy fall to the ground!" Xiao Ming commanded. Jin Gong, who looked like he had experienced many years of experience, hit the wall with Titan's Q [Unclog Channel] and got close to Poppy's tower, and then used R [Deep Sea Impact] to send a shock wave into the soil. In the center, extend forward to knock Poppy away, interrupting TP.

Kalista jumped out of the smoke bomb, and Niutou W pushed away Xiaotian, and then pushed up Lin Ran the moment the card landed.

However, the yellow card in Lin Ran's hand still hit Kalista, and Xiaotian fired an ultimate bomb from the side that reduced the skateboard shoe to its remaining health.

Kalista came out of the dazed state and immediately activated R [Call of Destiny] to attract the bull's head to her side. lvmao swung the mouse hard on the card, knocking it away again.

The mercury shoes couldn't reduce the knock-up time. Lin Ran's card stayed in the air for a while. Kalista only had about 100 health left and was about to escape!

"Dududududududu!" Ning Ming rushed to the bottom lane at this time. Lucian [Holy Spear Baptism] fired horizontally at the enemy hero. lvmao's bull head flashed in front of his teammates and ate all the bullets. We need to protect AD thoroughly.

Xiao Ming put a magic shield on Lin Ran, who was in the most dangerous position, and once again failed the plan of the excavator coming from the F4 intersection to knock Lin Ran away.

Lin Ran's universal card was scraped out diagonally. Kalista, who was in the grass of F4, could not avoid it. Her health bar was empty and she had no choice but to drink.

Ggoong's Enchantress W rushed over, QR was thrown on Lin Ran, and as long as the E skill Phantom Chain hit, Lin Ran would definitely be killed!

Lin Ran stared at the computer screen. The moment the chain was released, he instinctively moved at a right angle to unlock the skill!

Many people in the audience who had just become fans of Lin Ran's appearance a quarter of an hour ago burst out in admiration.

Watch became angry and slapped Lin Ran in the face, using three stages of Q combined with the real damage of E skill to kill the card.

However, they paid the price of losing four people. Xiaotian got a double kill and pushed down the first tower in a perfect rhythm. He continued to encroach on the enemy's field of vision, and the ZTR team completely collapsed.

At 20 minutes into the game, everyone in YM who had cleared their sights began to rush the baron. ZTR realized this and it was impossible to win a head-on battle. Watch could only fight to the death and try to grab the baron from Xiaotian.

However, Lin Ran activated his ultimate move and seized the opportunity to land next to the watch excavator. The yellow card and wild card combined with Xiaotian's ultimate bomb from the wall killed it.

Baron roared unwillingly to fall, and also announced the end of the game. The five YM players who had captured Baron's BUFF rushed to the high ground. The enemy Enchantress + Kalista's combination was originally focused on the early and mid-term, and fell into a collapse rhythm. There was no strength left to resist.

After pushing down the battle forest card in front of the main crystal, he got three kills, and the final score stayed at 8/1/7.

After taking off his headphones first, and then dealing with the excited Xiaotian, Lin Ran stood up and went to shake hands with everyone at ZTR.

He ignored Ggoong's stinky face and looked at the opponent's support before he did it.

My hair is not green either, so why is it called lvmao?

Lin Ran was puzzled.

The five YM people came to the stage and bowed side by side to the audience.

The spotlight above his head was slightly moved away, and Lin Ran could see the whole auditorium. Sitting in the center of the first row was a beautiful girl wearing a snow-white down jacket.

It's Su Cheng.

She was videotaping Lin Ran with her mobile phone, and when she saw him looking at her, he stretched out his fingers to make a scissors gesture.

Half an hour later, Lin Ran, who had just won his first MVP in his career, asked for leave and left the venue. It was just a victory in the opening game. Pangdudu didn't plan to hold a celebration banquet. He just asked Lin Ran to return to the base before ten o'clock in the evening. .

"When did you come?" Lin Ran looked at Su Cheng beside him, "You didn't come from Suzhou specifically to watch my game, did you?"

"Stop you!" Su Cheng and Lin Ran were walking side by side in the bustling streets of Shanghai. She rolled her eyes at Lin Ran, "I just had my winter vacation and I signed up for a winter camp in a Shanghai university. If nothing else, I should You can get the independent enrollment qualification with reduced admission score.”

"I didn't hear until I finished doing things that you had a competition today." Su Cheng lowered his head and looked at his feet. In the late afternoon of winter, the sun's rays were not dazzling, and reflected from behind the two of them, showing a long and slender figure in front of him. shadow.

"I definitely didn't come here specifically to see it!"

She stepped on Lin Ran's shadow playfully, and Lin Ran stopped immediately when he noticed this.

"Hurry up and release your feet, I can't walk!" He pretended to be vicious.

"Hahahaha, you are so childish, Lin Ran!" Su Cheng laughed, a pair of cute dimples appearing.

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