LOL: What is a roaming mid laner?

Chapter 284 282: SKT’s response to four packs of two

In the afternoon of the next day, Lin Ran and a group of contestants left the hotel and prepared to go to the Kaohsiung Exhibition Center.

"Will the audience still look hot today?" Xiaohu sat down next to Lin Ran.

Xiaoyao found that Su Cheng was studying today's BP with Bai Yueya and Doom. He was excitedly preparing to sit next to Lin Ran to discuss how to torture Li Xianghe today, and then he realized that someone had jumped in first.

He glared at Midhu with a look full of resentment, and then sat on the seat on the other side of the bus aisle.

I was obviously the one who came first... Why did you, a member of RNG, get in our car?

"Brother Ran did a great job in the Korean broadcast interview yesterday, and now he's putting those viewers on the fire." Jack in the front row turned around and said.

As Lin Ran's influence in the e-sports circle is growing and he is receiving more and more attention, some fans are willing to translate this kind of post-game interview into Chinese and English and post it on various platforms.

Last night, Lin Ran’s interview video was already circulating on domestic and foreign forums.

Domestic marketing accounts will naturally not give up this opportunity to gain popularity, and crazy reposting makes this interview content more and more popular.

Now there are many people gathered in the comment area of ​​the intercontinental competition video, from English to Korean to Simplified Chinese, constantly mocking the audience.

Lin Ran originally thought that the audience would be more restrained today, but he didn't expect that they would become more aggressive.

Today, when WE, the first team in the LPL, faced off against AHQ from the Wanwan Division, the audience was extremely noisy, filling the already small venue to the brim.

As long as the WE camera was shown on the big screen, the audience would boo.

The headphones could not completely isolate these sounds, and the WE players turned pale.

"Oops, why did it backfire?" muttered the account holder sitting next to Lin Ran in the LPL lounge.

In this case, it is impossible for professional players not to be affected by anything, and their performance will definitely fluctuate.

For example, in this game, despite the gap in physical strength between WE and AHQ, they were back and forth in the early and mid-term. WE even made two obvious laning errors.

It wasn't until the 29th minute that Xiye Kassadin seized the opportunity and single-killed Ximen Yeshuo, who was pushing the lane, on the top lane, and the balance of the game was broken. Everyone in WE took advantage of the numerical difference to start a Baron team battle.

"Although ben and 957 died in battle to cover the retreat of their teammates, WE still retained 3 Baron BUFFs!" Seeing Baron being accepted by WE, Miller's heart finally dropped on the commentary table.

The death of Baron Nash allowed WE to successfully widen the economic gap.

The WE players also calmed down at this time and implemented their familiar operating strategies in an orderly manner, slowly bringing down AHQ.

After 37 minutes of fierce battle, WE finally defeated the opponent and won another point for LPL!

"Huh..." WE coach Hongmi let out a long sigh of relief.

Brother Feng looked at Bai Yueya, "Guaranteed second place, right?"

"Now we have three wins and two losses. Even if LMS wins the next few games, it won't be able to surpass us." Bai Yueya made a table on the computer and said.

"But the LCK hasn't lost a game now, which is a bit difficult to handle," Hanyi looked at the upcoming schedule. "If YM wins SKT in the next game, we can also defeat the LCK's second-place MVP..."

He clapped his hands suddenly, "There is still a chance."

Lin Ran packed up his peripherals and took a glass of ice water to undergo the entrance inspection by the staff.

"The reaction from the audience today must be very intense. Just calm down and show your best performance." Su Cheng warned Lin Ran before the YM players came on stage.

"Don't worry, how big of a deal can it be?" Lin Ran was very confident. He patted Su Cheng on the head, "I've never been afraid of these tricks."

He went on stage to change peripherals. Without the obstruction of headphones, he could clearly hear the deafening boos from the audience.

These people were obviously targeting Lin Ran's remarks in an interview yesterday.

The combined voices of two thousand spectators can be considered powerful.

After radio processing, the boos were still transmitted into the live broadcast room. The audience couldn't stand it any longer and started to speak out one after another.

[As expected of the LMS division, the quality of the team is as high as the quality of the audience, hehe. 】

[We can’t teach Wanwan how to be a good person in this year’s World Championships? Let them have a taste of this? 】

[It’s broken, it’s broken. YM won’t have a mental breakdown, right? 】

Many people are paying attention to YM's mentality, worrying that they will be deformed in the early stages like WE in the last round.

You must know that the opponent YM is facing is not a rotten fish like AHQ. If SKT is given a chance in the early stage, it will be very difficult for YM to come back.

However, what surprised them and the audience was that the YM five-member group remained normal despite the boos from the audience. Lin Ran was still smiling and seemed not to be affected at all.

The audience became increasingly angry. They did not believe that the boos in the audience had no impact on YM.

They made more noise, trying to disturb the mentality of YM players, especially Lin Ran.

Liu Qingsong and Lin Ran were discussing what to eat for dinner. Originally, the volume produced by the audience was loud enough. He had to be close to Lin Ran's ear to ensure that the other party heard what he was saying clearly. Now that the volume had increased again, what did he say? Lin Ran couldn't hear clearly.

Liu Qingsong walked to his seat with a stinky face, plugged the keyboard and mouse into the USB port on the desktop, put on headphones to communicate with his teammates, "It's so noisy, why don't you come over to wish his father a happy birthday?"

After that, he dominated the YM team's voice for half a minute.

It is said that people should not be judged by their appearance, and this sentence completely applies to Liu Qingsong.

He looks pretty and has a pink Philco keyboard. At first glance, one would think he is a well-behaved boy.

Lin Ran was deceived by him at first.

But after six months of contact, he discovered that Liu Qingsong was a big troll.

Unlike Xiaotian who uses yin and yang to beat around the bush to disgust people, Liu Qingsong is good at hitting the straight ball - he sprays it directly when he goes up, without any ambiguity.

The audience was obviously annoyed by him today. Now the YM team's voice is full of silenced content that cannot be broadcast or written.

"That's awesome!" Xiaotian almost applauded him, "As expected of you, Mr. Tear, the more fans you have on the keyboard, the more cruel you are when you curse, right?"

Jack chewed gum out of habit and slumped on the gaming chair, his short legs dangling restlessly. He turned his head and looked at Lin Ran.

"If I don't play well one day, I don't need the audience to scold me. Liu Qingsong will have to scold me and retire first."

"That's not the case," Liu Qingsong waved his hand, "As long as you play EZ without jumping into Luo's face, we will be good brothers."

Jack's face turned red with embarrassment at this statement.

He played a game of EZ in the previous training match, and he looked grim throughout the whole process. Not only was he killed in lane, but he also jumped in face output when Luo was on the opposite side. He was forced to hit and died several times.

Lin Ran was explaining to Jin Gong the swear words that Liu Qingsong had just cursed.

"Oh..." Jin Gong nodded in understanding. The meaning of Liu Qingsong's series of curse words was still too obscure for him, a Korean, "Chinese is really broad and profound."

His words still smelled like mutton kebabs. At first glance, there was nothing wrong with Lin Ran, but after thinking about it for a while, he felt something was wrong.

Why did he think Jin Gong was driving?

The team's voice was full of laughter.

The mentality of the five people on the field was as high as their game division, and the boos from the audience did not have a negative impact on them at all.

Although the Garlic Bastard cares about the audience's evaluation of him, it is only after the game. He is so crazy during the game. After all, he is also the person who can say in the post-game interview, "I am me, I am God."

The SKT players entered from the player tunnel at the other end, and the audience gave them applause and cheers.

Lin Ran took a glance and found that most of the Wanwan audience didn't bring any SKT support items, they were just shouting.

He could see through the composition of this group of spectators at a glance—pure passers-by.

SKT is just their tool to disgust YM. These people also know that it is simply unrealistic to rely on the LMS division to win YM. They turn around and run to support SKT, YM's biggest opponent.

The white crescent moon belatedly arrived.

Having just witnessed what happened to the players in the player tunnel, he asked himself that he did not have such a strong ability to withstand pressure.

So he came up with a clever idea.

Let the on-site referee hand him the headphones first. The standard sound-isolating headphone cable used by the fist is long enough. Bai Yueya puts on the headphones first at the entrance of the player's tunnel, and then coils the headphone cable as he walks.

In this way, the voices in the audience suddenly became much quieter, and the white crescent moon was proud of itself.

I'm such a clever little guy.

After he took the stage to confirm that the team was ready, the BP session of this game officially started!

Miller, the two commentators today, looked refreshed. Their main task was to explain this focus battle.

"SKT will give priority to the blue side, and they will ban Pig Girl first!"

Since SKT's starting jungler in this game was Peanut, KKoma had to ban Zhumei - this hero is really average at Peanut. (See this chapter for the hero usage of Little Peanut in the 2017 Summer Split. Pig Girl used it in 1 game, and the winning rate was 0%)

White Crescent banned Zack as usual.

"SKT sent the plane to the ban position again, and YM chose to block Lucian. This ban position feels a bit like the mid-season." Miller said at the side.

Wawa quickly answered, "Yes, in fact, the highlight of this game is a replay of the MSI finals. Everyone wants to see the comparison of the strengths of the No. 1 seeds in the two major regions one month after the start of the summer split."

In the third ban position, SKT gave Spider, while YM banned Luo.

"kkoma plans to first win the T0 version of the wild wine barrel for Little Peanut to ensure the strength of the jungle area," Wawa analyzed while watching the BP panels of both sides, and then seemed to have discovered a new world.

"What does it mean that Xerath is revealed? Is it possible that Ran also wants to play such an unpopular hero when playing against SKT?"

In Jin Gong's hero selection box, Ze Sanpao suddenly appeared.

"Let me show off my skills, hey hey..." Xiaotian didn't expect a usually boring person like Jin Gong to be so playful, "Brother Xiba, you are so coquettish."

Jin Gong grinned. He forgot to shave this morning, and the slightly messy stubble made him look even more aged.

White Crescent Moon was a little helpless.

He had already thought about what heroes he wanted to get, and was about to say it when Jin Gong actually started to make plans.

Xerath flashed in Jin Gong's selection box for 24 seconds, then switched to the prince and locked it.

"Xiaotian shows off Zelas again..." No matter how stupid the doll is, he realizes something is wrong, "YM deliberately showed it to the audience!"

"That's right," Miller laughed. "Yesterday, Ran's Xerath's performance was really impressive, and he played against the Flash Wolves, the card of the host country's LMS division..."

It's just naked ridicule.

The Wanwan audience also realized the purpose of YM Liangzelas, and their boos and angry shouts climbed several steps again.

Lin Ran became more and more excited when he heard the increasingly clear boos from the outside world in his headphones.

He just liked to see those people looking angry but helpless.

Come up and hit me if you can.

Xiaotian also lit up Xerath for 24 seconds, which was exactly the same number of heads and minutes as the last game against Flash Wolves. As professional players, they were full of details.

"Whether YM gets Thresh and Prince in the end, or prefers to attack in the jungle in the early and mid-term."

kkoma was pacing and thinking.

"Calista and Tauren Chief, you two are more aggressive in the bottom lane this game." He patted Wolf's broad shoulder.

This is a BP decision made after research by kkoma and the head coaches of three other teams in the same division.

During this period, the coaching staff of the four LCK teams have also put in a lot of effort. They also want to compete for the honor of the first Asian Championship.

After careful calculation, the LCK division has not won the World Series championship trophy for a full year. They believe that this intercontinental competition is a great opportunity to rebuild the glory of LCK.

Because the intercontinental competition is more about competing for the overall strength of the division, rather than a single team fighting alone.

In the view of the Korean coaching staff, the overall strength of the LCK team is obviously stronger than that of the LPL.

They can't beat YM as a single team, but with the combined strength of the four teams, they have nothing to fear.

Under this circumstance, the extremely dominant LPL talker YM naturally became the target of intensive research by four Korean coaches.

It's best to win, but even if you lose, you have to peel off a layer of YM's skin.

After several days of research, the four coaches tentatively decided on a plan to deal with YM.

The first thing to do is to find a combination that has an advantage in the bottom lane and is not easy to be killed by jumping over the tower. The current version of Kalista with good strength + any hard support can achieve this goal.

In this way, Liu Qingsong's roaming can be restricted with a strong laning, and secondly, it is not easy for YM to kill him quickly with four packs of two, and he can delay it long enough for his teammates to come to support.

Lin Ran still showed off Zeras for 24 seconds, with a pleasant smile on his lips, and the audience in the audience was itching their teeth in anger.

If they didn't have Nongfu Spring in their hands, they would have thrown bottles on the stage.

Lin Ran finally locked in on the hero Bai Yueya wanted.

"Rambo!" Miller calmed down, "Now they've started to make the prince and Rambo a three-way center and jungler again."

In the second round of BP, White Crescent Banned Rock Bird and Clockwork, while kkoma banned Xayah and Han Bing.

"Take Verus first, there is no other hero that can be used." White Crescent frowned.

Nowadays, there are strong ADCs outside and policewomen, but they don’t match the main lineup of YM - Prince and Rambo are both face-attacking heroes, and they cannot provide a strong protection and output environment for the policewoman, like Verus. Heroes with control-type ultimate moves are more in line with YM's lineup system.

"Shen and Snake, SKT has determined its final lineup!"

kkoma showed a handsome smile. In this game, he got the lineup he wanted perfectly. Now it depends on how YM will split up in the end.

His last two choices, Shen and Snake, made up the remaining two hands in the 'YM response plan'.

The second key point of the plan is to choose a mid lane right hero.

Snake woman is undoubtedly one of the best choices.

As long as she returns to the city and holds back tears of the goddess, except for heroes like the version of Sewer Dragon King who can forcefully push her troops, the rest of the mid laners are basically unable to defeat or push the snake girl known as the magic machine gun.

By controlling the mid lane, Lin Ran can be tied up.

If Lin Ran stays in the middle and cannot roam to support his teammates, and can only grow troops, his threat will be greatly reduced.

The third key point is to choose a control tank on the road that can protect and support teammates, either Dashu or Shen.

This kind of hero is not easy to die in the lane. It can also provide good control in small-scale team battles like Rift Herald and is extremely functional.

Three key points, this is the crystallization of the wisdom of the LCK coaching team. They want to block the four-pack-two and multi-player roaming system that YM is proud of.

"YM finally locked the excavator, so the prince should be in the top lane, and Rambo will move in to fight against the snake girl!"

The lineups of both sides have now been determined.

Blue side SKT: top laner Shen, jungle jungler Barrel, mid laner Snake Girl, bottom lane Kalista + Tauren Chief.

Red square YM: top laner Prince, jungler Excavator, mid laner Rambo, bottom lane Verus + Thresh.

When entering the loading screen, a series of shouts suddenly sounded from the audience - SKT Fighting!

"Oh..." Lee Sang Hyuk also heard the cheers from the audience, and was a little smug, "It seems that our fans are all over the world."

"Xianghe, what are you talking about?" Wolf narrowed his eyes and glanced down the stage, "Look down the stage, these people who are taking the lead in cheering for us don't even have any SKT support items, not even a single thing. .”

"We are just tools," Bang understood this deeply. "The teams in their division are so unsatisfactory. If they want to win against YM, we can only rely on us."

"Axi... If they don't cheer for the teams in their own division, why are they here to make noise?" Huni was also annoyed. He felt that these spectators were also putting pressure on him invisibly, "The game between us and YM , does it have anything to do with them?"

"Stop talking about Seunghoon," KKoma patted Huni on the shoulder before taking off his headphones, "Your task is to give away a few less in this set. Don't play like the mid-season game again. Can you be more steady?"

Huni's face darkened again.

Why don't you open which pot and pick up which pot?

The system prompts and the two sides load the game!

"SKT teamed up and wanted to invade YM's blue zone, trying to get Xiaotian to open the jungle in the upper half and change buffs." Miller glanced at the situation at the scene. "It seems that YM's first-level team lineup is not very strong. It should be I have no choice but to give it up.”

Lin Ran had no choice but to watch SKT invade.

Their first-level team is indeed not as strong as SKT. If they insist on holding on to the jungle, they are likely to be forced away by Niutou and Shen.

KKoma, who had just returned to the lounge, was very satisfied with the movements of both junglers and high-fived his colleagues on the side in celebration.

SKT took the first step right.

They successfully forced Xiaotian, who was on the red side, into the top half, so that the Garlic Bastard could not provide any help to the bottom lane until the jungler returned to the city for the first time.

This invisibly cut off the mutually complementary relationship between Xiaotian and Liu Qingsong.

And next, the Wolf Stick combination will give full play to the laning advantage of Skateboard Shoes + Bull Head, constantly suppressing the opponent's health, and can even cooperate with Xiao Peanut's Meat, Egg, Onion and Chicken to jump over the bottom lane in a wave.

The rhythm is just perfect.

YM Yefu's linkage was cut off, and the snake girl in the middle can definitely push Rambo's troops in the early stage.

In this way, the four-guarantee-two system that YM is proud of has been perfectly resolved by them.

Moreover, they are not afraid of YM forcing them to roam to the death, after all, Lu Shen's teleportation and ultimate move can be used to support at any time.

If you think about it, it's wonderful.

kkoma watched the broadcast of the game from God's perspective and felt that he had a high chance of winning this game.

Lin Ran controlled Rambo to wander behind the army line. He could only use the electronic harpoon to try to replenish the troops.

It is not too easy for Snake Girl to fight Rambo in the first three levels. Relying on the linkage effect of E [Twin Fangs] and Q [Plague Explosion], this non-displacement hero is very uncomfortable.

Lin Ran looked at the blue crystal in Li Sang Hyuk's equipment slot and knew something was wrong.

The current Tears of the Goddess only cost 750 gold coins. Faker, the blue crystal, obviously wanted to synthesize the Tears of the Goddess as quickly as possible when he came out, and then relied on the amount of mana to continuously push the troops in the middle, in order to achieve the goal of tying Lin Ran in the middle.

Now Lee Sang Hyuk only needs 400 gold coins to synthesize Goddess Tears. What is the concept?

As long as he eats up the entire third wave of artillery troops, the amount of gold coins will be enough.

If you want to delay faker's return to the city to replenish supplies, you must step forward to suppress him and let him replenish fewer troops.

In this way, if the artillery soldiers have finished replenishing the snake girl and there are still 400 gold coins, it will be difficult for Lee Sang Hyuk to return to the city in a short time - he brought sprint. If he returns to the city during the normal troop line in the early stage without the help of teleportation, he will lose a lot of money. of small soldiers, his ideal return point was naturally postponed until the arrival of the sixth wave of artillery soldiers.

But the crux of the problem is, how can Lin Ran prevent the development of faker?

It is impossible to win head-on.

Lin Ran, who was deep in thought, suddenly thought of a good idea.

There will be leaders from the headquarters coming tomorrow morning, and they have a lot of work to do. I will update 5600 tonight. I will try to make up for it with more updates tomorrow, woo woo woo.

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