LOL: What is a roaming mid laner?

Chapter 301 299: The extremely hot [blazing incense burner]!

"Let's talk now, or should we eat first?" Lin Ran put the chopsticks next to the bowl.

The white crescent moon on the phone was shaken by Su Cheng, making her head dizzy.

But this was all a trivial matter. When he saw Lin Ran walking out of the kitchen wearing an apron, he was as frightened as when he heard Su Cheng mention the [blazing incense burner] before.

Bai Yueyue glanced at the Coke chicken wings and tomato scrambled eggs on the dining table, and could smell the aroma of the food through the screen.

"You guys should eat first." When he heard his stomach growling unsatisfactorily, he coughed twice to cover it up. "I just want to straighten my thoughts. Let's take the day off and have a meeting together tonight."

After saying that, he hung up the video call. Su Cheng stuffed his phone into the pocket of his cropped pants and looked at the dining table, his eyes full of surprise.

"Wow..." She wanted to pick up some eggs with chopsticks and try them, but Lin Ran held her head down with one hand.

"Wash your hands," he said with no doubt in his tone.

Su Cheng turned around on the spot, spread her arms and ran towards the bathroom.

By the time she returned to the dining table, Lin Ran had already taken off her apron and was sitting opposite, unscrewing a bottle of orange juice and pouring it into their glasses.

"It's a pity..." Su Cheng shook his head and realized what he had just missed.

"Huh?" Lin Ran didn't know why.

She narrowed her eyes and smiled, revealing her two sweet dimples. "I should have taken a photo of you in an apron just now. You are so charming."

Lin Ran blushed when his girlfriend praised him so much, and quickly changed the subject, "Eat quickly, it will cool down later."

"Let me have a taste..." Su Cheng geared up, picked up the chopsticks and took a bite of the egg.

"How does it taste?" Lin Ran felt a little uneasy. After all, he hadn't cooked for a long time, and he didn't know whether the taste he made would suit Su Cheng's taste.

"The eggs are so tender," Su Cheng said, saying she was pleasantly surprised by the taste of the dish. "The sourness of the tomatoes and the aroma of the eggs balance each other out... You also added some sugar, right? I think it's just right."

She picked up another piece of chicken wing, tore off a piece of meat and put it in her mouth to taste slowly.

His eyes brightened instantly, "The flavor is delicious, the sauce and cola are mixed together to have a layered texture, the saltiness and sweetness are moderate, and the chicken wings are also very tender and smooth."

"Are you doing a food show here?" Lin Ran looked suspicious. He took a bite of the food and felt that it was not as good as Su Cheng described.

It was the standard of ordinary home-cooked food. Su Cheng was obviously blowing a rainbow fart.

"As long as it's done by you, I like it." Su Cheng looked directly at him.

Lin Ran lowered his head to eat the rice without saying a word, his ears turning slightly red.

Su Cheng seemed to be a different person and suddenly took the initiative, and the relationship between the two was reversed as if Ike had cast a big move.

Could it be the weak BUFF that comes with cooking?

The two sat across from each other at the dining table, and for a while there were only scattered sounds of bowls and chopsticks interacting.

However, the atmosphere did not fall into embarrassment. When a couple gets along, they don't have to talk all the time. It makes them feel more comfortable to keep silent without appearing to be inconsistent.

Lin Ran looked up at Su Cheng across from him from time to time, and for a moment he felt that this would be their life ten or even twenty years from now.

Thinking of the future life of the two of them, he looked forward to it.

Su Cheng put the last morsel of rice in the bowl into her mouth along with the soup from the tomatoes. The portion of the dish cooked by Lin Ran was not large, but now it was completely divided between the two of them.

"I'll wash the dishes," Su Cheng stood up. She planned to help Lin Ran share some housework. It was impossible for him to do it all by himself. "You go play games."

Seeing that she was resolute, Lin Ran didn't raise any objection. He went into the study alone and planned to take advantage of the time before returning to the base to play live broadcast for a while.

Having not paid attention to e-sports news all morning, he found out through the barrage from the audience that the Korean side had announced the punishment results of the qualifying match in the early hours of this morning.

I have to say that the efficiency is quite high, after all, there are too many people reporting in the same game.

In addition to Lin Ran’s English essay, Tarzan, the high-scoring Korean server king, Samsung ADC Ruler and IG assistant Baolan all contributed their own efforts.

There are only so many people who are the master kings of the Korean server. If the cancer is allowed to continue, no one can guarantee their own gaming experience. The remaining nine players in that qualifying match all showed that "everyone is responsible for purifying the ranking environment". consciousness.

A group of professional players' concentrated reports caused the happy game account to be banned for a month. Able who wanted to increase his score could only find another Korean server account and start from scratch.

Lin Ran didn't express any further opinions and silently started the qualifying match.

[Anchor pretending to be cool? Even if he has no head, he is still mute? 】

The barrage summed up Lin Ran's live broadcast status today in one sentence - he didn't turn on the mic or camera.

After washing the dishes, Su Cheng unscrewed the door of the study room. Seeing that he had no use of any live broadcast equipment, he walked in relieved and took his laptop to communicate with the two coaching staff members Bai Yueya and Doom about the focus of tonight's collective meeting.

The two of them didn't disturb each other. Although they didn't communicate too much, they seemed particularly harmonious.

Lin Ran, who has not encountered cancer, is as good as drinking water. He played five ranked games in the afternoon, winning four and losing one, scoring 77 points. He is currently ranked seventh in the Korean Server King with a super high winning rate of 277 wins and 177 losses. .

The only top league player ahead of him is SKT jungler Peanut, and the other five are all high-scoring players who are now unknown.

Due to various reasons, they are currently unable to enter the top league stage - they are too young, and their team is still struggling in the secondary league...

Lin Ran often ranks among these people. Young people who have not played in top-level competitions are very crazy. They realize their dreams in these qualifying matches and regard these as entertainment projects after training games by star players. Formal competition to deal with.

In addition to the monster jungler Tarzan, who is approaching 1500 points, another mid laner with the ID ShowMaker also attracted Lin Ran's attention.

The main reason is that this ID seems a bit weird to him.

It's not bad when used purely in English, but Lin Ran always thinks it's weird when he translates it into Chinese - "Zhenghuozhe".

It's more like the earthy videos that Lin Weixiang likes to watch.

If it were transliterated, it would sound even more awkward: eyebrow trimmer, it sounds like it specializes in serving people with big eyebrows like Lin Weixiang.

After five sets of qualifying, Lin Ran saw that the time had reached four in the afternoon. Su Cheng and his colleagues on the coaching staff had sorted out all the information and turned off the live broadcast to prepare to go.

Su Cheng went upstairs to drag out her suitcase, planning to stay at the YM base for a month at Guo Hao's invitation.

Anyway, she has nothing to do during the summer vacation, and Lin Ran is unlikely to have a vacation in the next month - because the busy playoffs are about to come, and YM is aiming for the summer championship. Definitely be prepared.

As a team analyst, Su Cheng still wanted to do his best.

The summer competition will be one of the few remaining major events in her career - when this year's competition is over, she will step down from her position in the YM club to concentrate on studying and preparing for studying abroad.

Lin Ran carried her suitcase and walked to the elevator, "Did you leave anything behind?"

"Probably not," Su Cheng pressed the button on the first floor of the elevator and counted on his fingers, "Computer, notebook, change of clothes, a few books..."

"Did you tell Brother Hao whether you would live in a single room or with other female employees?" Lin Ran put his arm around her shoulders and asked.

"Single room," Su Cheng responded, flipping the broken hair around her ear, "I'm afraid that if my schedule is different from others, it would be bad if I disturb others."

At five o'clock in the afternoon, the taxi arrived at the entrance of the YM base. Guo Hao and several colleagues from the operations department stood at the door to welcome them. He took the suitcase attentively and took Su Cheng to see her new room.

"Since you are the only girl in the training department of our club," Guo Hao pushed the suitcase's rollers to lead the way, "I will arrange your dormitory next to the operations department..."

Several people walked through the closed air corridor and arrived at the club's annex building.

The three floors of the main building are the YM youth training and the training ground and dormitories for the first team. The auxiliary building is also three floors, but the floor height is shorter during the design. It looks like a foil to the competition training building.

Lin Ran rarely comes here except for taking some special photos, so he took this opportunity to visit.

Su Cheng was also very curious, but she couldn't look around blatantly. She just twisted her head implicitly, trying to observe the area with her peripheral vision.

Guo Hao saw what the two were thinking and introduced them to the overall operation of the club on the way to the dormitory.

The auxiliary building is further divided into operations (official account management of the online platform), publicity and planning group (artists are responsible for pre-match posters, cameramen and post-production teams are responsible for club promotional videos such as vlogs), business group (undertakes commercial advertisements and sponsorships for team members), human resources Resource Management, Finance Department, etc.

On the surface, YM used to have only a dozen players, but in fact, this club is also a team of hundreds of people.

"Su Cheng, your room is located relatively outside, making it convenient for you to go to the main building." Guo Hao led the two of them to the dormitory area of ​​the auxiliary building, took out a key from his pocket and handed it to Su Cheng, "This is the room. .”

"You are going to save the world, Cheng Zi." Lin Ran smiled teasingly.

The three of them looked up at the room number - B007.

Lin Ran hummed James Bond's classic music. Su Cheng ignored her boyfriend's bad joke and opened the door with the key.

The windows are bright and clean, and a table with a three-layer bookshelf and a single bed occupy a smaller half of the room.

"The private bathroom is here, and there is hot water 24 hours a day." Guo Hao opened another door. "The network cable interface is under the table... By the way, did you bring a quilt cover?"

"It's all in the suitcase." Su Cheng was prepared.

Guo Hao nodded, "For dinner, you can order takeout and deliver it to the front desk; if you want to cook by yourself, there is a public kitchen in the corridor; or you can come to the training department, where the cooking aunt will prepare meals on time at 7pm every night."

He looked around to make sure he hadn't forgotten anything before he was about to leave. "We will have a meeting at 8 o'clock tonight. You can go directly to the training room on the third floor of the main building."

The door closed, Lin Ran opened the silver suitcase, took out the bedroll and unfolded it.

This hard work was left to Lin Ran, while Su Cheng placed his laptop, notebooks and books on the desk.

Although there was not much luggage, the two of them still struggled for nearly half an hour to get it done.

"Would you like to order takeout?" Su Cheng folded the quilt and glanced out the window. It was already dark at this time, and there were no other buildings near the YM base. Only a few lonely street lamps were left, projecting light onto the ground instead of the sun.

It looks much deserted than Tongji Beiyuan.

"It now takes an hour for the takeout to be delivered here," Lin Ran looked at the time. "It's definitely too late. Let's just go to the main building for dinner."

"Okay," Su Cheng held Lin Ran's arm, "This is my first time eating dinner here."

Entering the main building again along the corridor, the restaurant outside the training room is already wrapped in the aroma of rice.

Several YM members were sitting at the dining table, and there were 8 steaming dishes and 1 soup on the wooden round dining table.

"Hello, Sister Su!" The Garlic Bastard looked at Su Cheng as if he were seeing his boss, with a respectful tone.

"Where's Jack?" Lin Ran looked up and saw that all the team members except Big Tou's son were gathered here.

"He went to find the spicy hotpot to eat the spicy hotpot." Lin Weixiang seemed to be telling a tongue twister.

Lin Ran understood and moved a chair from the side and handed it to Su Cheng, "Try these dishes. This is made by the aunt that Brother Hao paid a lot of money to hire. Her craftsmanship is quite good."

The cuisine on the table is mainly Shanghainese cuisine, which is somewhat different from Subang cuisine, but it can be adapted to it.

Su Cheng took a few bites and said against her will: "I don't think it's as delicious as yours."

"You can pull me down..." Lin Ran didn't believe it himself, "I didn't go to New Oriental, how could I be so good at cooking?"

"New Oriental?" The prophet was stunned. "Isn't that a place that teaches English? Why has its business expanded to chefs now?"

"The chef still has to look at our Lan Xiang," Xiaoyao pretended to imitate the advertising slogan, "Free trial for one month, no fees!"

"Lan Xiang... is really powerful. Hidden Dragon and Crouching Tiger. It is said to be the base of the Dragon Group of the special agent organization." Lin Ransha said matter-of-factly.

"Is it true?" Lin Weixiang asked naively, "Is there really a dragon group?"

"Yes, that happened in 1999... We all signed a confidentiality agreement, so we can't talk about it." Su Cheng said while suppressing a smile.

"What happened in 1999... I wonder what you are talking about!" Lin Weixiang, no matter how naive he was, found that he had been fooled.

Jin Gong was left alone and didn't know what was going on. He could pass Mandarin, but he couldn't understand what these teammates were talking about.

He could only scoop another spoonful of beef balls from the basin and let himself focus all his attention on the food in front of him.

After eating and drinking, Jack also rushed back from the city. All the team members gathered in the training room, waiting for the head coach Bai Yueya to preside over the meeting.

Su Cheng's thin body was curled up in the gaming chair, sitting back and watching Lin Ran and Xiaotian's solo.

There is no suspense, the solo competition is all about laning strength, and an old guy like Lin Ran is definitely much better than Xiao Tian.

In three consecutive games, Xiaotian's blind monk lost to Lin Ran's Rambo, and everyone was about to be roasted silly.

"I give up!" Garlic Bastard handed Lin Ran a can of Lay's potato chips on the table, "Here you go, here you go."

This can of potato chips was the prize for their solo match. Lin Ran took it and turned around and handed it to Su Cheng.

The girl happily opened the potato chips and started to eat them.

At 7:55, White Crescent finally rushed back to the base.

After a short break, the group meeting officially began.

"This morning, Su Cheng and Lin Ran came up with a new tactical idea because of a qualifying match..." Bai Yueya turned on the projector, "Let's take a look at the video of yesterday's match first."

After seeing Lin Ran leave the incense burner naked and go to the canyon pioneer to cooperate with the blind monk in a wave of brainless blood recovery kills, White Crescent Moon paused the video.

"This is it, the blazing incense burner." He placed another picture, which was the attribute map of the blazing censer.

The synthesis cost of Forbidden Statue (800 gold) + Ether Soul (850 gold) + 650 gold. This piece of equipment only costs 2,300 gold coins, which is quite cheap.

"Su Cheng and Lin Ran have tested the bonus effect of the incense burner on ADC. All I can say is," Bai Yueya looked at the team members sitting around, "it's very, very exaggerated."

He showed a table and said, "This is a specific data comparison. You two, Jack and Lin Weixiang, who play AD, must be more sensitive to this kind of data. Do you know what you are doing?"

"I***." Jack, who was used to swearing, continued to spit out sweet things.

Su Cheng stood up and explained to the other team members, "The passive effect of this incense burner is equivalent to providing people with the attack speed of a pair of attack speed shoes and the effect of restoring 20-35 health points per attack."

"There is nothing to study in detail about the attack speed. There will be a certain difference based on the hero's basic attack speed, but that's it." Su Cheng posted another picture in the table he made, "The point is this Life-draining effect.”

Su Cheng is good at this kind of data compilation work. At this moment, she was even more coherent, "This blood recovery effect is too ridiculous. The most important thing is that [Luana's Hurricane] Split Arrow can also be triggered." (Both You know this hot knowledge... Just in case, I’ll post the picture above)

"Normally, a normal attack will restore 20 points of health. But after a hurricane, a full normal attack will restore 60 health points. What is this concept?" Su Cheng amplified his voice to ensure that everyone in the training room could hear it. "The blood-drinking sword has a 20% life-stealing effect. If the ADC has 300 points of attack power, it can recover 60 points of health under ideal conditions!"

Each of the players noticed something strange and sat upright.

"The faster the attack speed and the higher the attack frequency, the more exaggerated the recovery effect of this incense burner!" Su Cheng continued, "Now our ideal situation is for the ADC to use attack speed boots, ruin, Luana's hurricane, and sheep knife."

"Add the attack speed and the protection of the incense burner soft assistant, and the ADC's output environment will be extremely healthy!"

Jack's eyes were shining, as if he was staring at a piece of braised pork.

Although the current ADC has a lot of influence in the battle due to the strengthening of the broken King's Blade in the spring split, it still depends on the support and the upper midfielder.

Once this blazing incense burner routine appears, the ADC no longer needs to be trembling, and the shooters will stand up from now on!

As long as they are tied together with the support, there will be no situation where the two of them cannot beat the opponent's top laner dad.

Jack was so excited that he slapped his belly suddenly, making a dull sound like cracking a watermelon.

Lin Weixiang even used thick eyebrows to demonstrate the meaning of the word "browsing with joy".

Su Cheng opened another picture, which was about the [Redemption] changes in version 7.12. "This is the second focus of our incense burner system." (I posted the picture in the last chapter, and I will post it again in this chapter)

"Redemption has been cut, and anyone with a discerning eye will know it, but pay attention to this sentence," Su Cheng stared at the picture and read word for word, "'The treatment and shield enhancement effects will triple the amount of [Redemption]'s treatment." "

The team members looked puzzled. This sentence sounded weird at first, and they didn't realize what it meant at first.

"This sentence sounds a bit awkward, but it's easy to understand with an example," Su Cheng took a sip of water to moisten his throat and continued, "One of the cornerstone talents [Wind Whisperer's Blessing] is, '+10 % Healing and Shield Strength', if you bring Windspeaker now and use Redemption, the healing amount of Redemption will not be increased by 10%, but the effect will be tripled, which is 30%."

With this said, the truth becomes simple and easy to understand.

"All the analysts in our five major regions ignored this information before, because the redemption value was severely reduced, and the emergence of other equipment such as Zeke's Herald has undoubtedly strengthened the hard support. Everyone is It’s all about playing hardball, that’s what we thought at the beginning.”

Su Cheng frankly admitted his problem, "But after the incense burner appeared, salvation and it had a linked effect."

Seeing that they all understood clearly, Su Cheng continued.

"This 'healing and shield strength' improvement effect can be superimposed," Su Cheng switched to another picture, "Wind Whisperer, Incense Burner, Crucible and small equipment [Forbidden Statue] all come with this improvement of treatment and protection. The effect of shield volume even has the effect of redemption itself."

(Readers who liked playing soft assistants back then should be aware of this effect. It is worth mentioning that although [Forbidden Statue] can be synthesized into incense burner and salvation, the passives of small and large pieces do not conflict with each other, and the effects can be superimposed. Figure Let’s talk about it all in this chapter, warning for more pictures)

She began to list the data to make sense, "Windspeaker, Incense Burner, and Redemption all have a 10% bonus, the Crucible is 20%, and the Forbidden Statue is 8%. The total is 58%. It doesn't seem like much, but it is tripled. What about after the treatment amount is increased?"

"174%," she said a shocking number. "In the past, the maximum amount of milk that could be redeemed was 490, but after it was shaved, the maximum amount of milk could be 370."

"But after being boosted by the 174% value, the milk becomes 1014 [370* (1+174%)], which is more than double what it was before it was weakened."

"Is this amount of milk still a human being..." All the contestants present were shocked by this number.

In an ideal world, a normal level 18 ADC would only have 2,000 full health. With the support of a soft assistant and various equipment, this mouthful of redemption can help the ADC regain half of its health. How exaggerated is it?

Coupled with the incense burner's own passive attack and blood recovery effect, the ADC cannot die at all!

"More importantly, the group health recovery effect of Redemption will allow everyone to apply the passive attack speed and life-draining effect of the incense burner," Su Cheng said quietly, "The same goes for the healing technique."

Now everyone present understands that once this incense burner system comes out, a storm will be set off in the entire professional arena!

This storm is enough to affect all today's powerful hero selections, equipment plans, vision arrangements and even the competition for strategic resource points!

The entire competition version environment will be turned upside down and unsettled!

After a brief period of shock and excitement, they fell into unease.

Can they still adapt to the drastic changes in versions and systems?

You know, they have just gone through the pain period, and after a week of running-in, they have adapted to the rhythm of Rift Pioneer and once again became the strongest team in the world.

But the good times don't last long, and they have to adapt to a new tactical system.

Although professional players must adapt to the version, they cannot let the version adapt to you.

But if the situation is not forced, who would want to jump out of the comfort zone?

Everyone in YM wants to stay in the version that suits them for the rest of their lives.

"It's okay, it's okay," Bai Yueya noticed their concerns, knocked on the table and said, "Our coaching team has already thought about how to play this incense burner system. It's easy to adapt to it. After all, everyone's strength lies here."

"And it seems that we are the first team to discover the incense burner routine and develop it into a system. Everyone should have confidence." Bai Yueya comforted the players.

After Su Cheng finished explaining the numerical analysis, White Crescent began to analyze higher-level tactical strategies.

"The specific implementation plan is as follows...the ADC has a barrier to enhance its life-saving ability. The hero should choose a fast-attack shooter, such as Big Mouth, Rat, Verus, Spear of Vengeance...all of them are acceptable. The equipment should be Destruction, Hurricane, Sheep Knife. Lord.”

"As an auxiliary, you need to choose a hero who can apply the censer shield and healing effect, such as Organ Star Nalu, with healing, so that the special effect of the censer can be triggered at a higher rate.

The first piece is the naked incense burner, the second piece is the eye patching stone, and then the order of equipment is CD shoes, redemption, crucible, and forbidden statue. There are a total of six pieces of equipment here. You don’t need the forbidden statue. Leave a space to buy real eyes. . "

Bai Yueya saw Liu Qingsong and the Prophet memorizing notes with high spirits, and couldn't help but nodded with satisfaction. As a coach, he admired the players' hard-working attitude.

Liu Qingsong really had no choice.

He felt he was being targeted.

Before his position as YM's starting support was even warmed up, the incense burner system suitable for soft support was born.

Liu Qingsong's soft assistant has only been practicing for two days, and his proficiency is naturally not as good as the prophet who is proficient in soft assistant.

He was afraid that he would be replaced, so he listened carefully and took notes.

"I have a question." Liu Qingsong raised his hand to ask after hearing Bai Yueya's words.


"If the first thing doesn't catch the eye, will the early vision pressure in the lower half be too great?"

White Crescent Moon nodded, "A few of us have discussed this issue before, and it is completely feasible not to reveal the eye stone first."

"When we play this system, there will be no fighting in the early stage of the bottom lane. After all, we have a soft support, and the shield and healing effects will also keep the health of the bottom duo healthy, so they are not afraid of being caught by the jungle."

"As for the first dragon, we choose to let go directly. With this incense burner system, the strategic resource point in the early stage is not the dragon, but the canyon pioneer." Bai Yueya took a sip of strong tea, which refreshed him but also made him feel astringent. Yin frowned, "It would be great if the opponent assists with the Eye Stone. Let's take advantage of the combat advantage of launching the Blazing Censer first, and the bottom duo will switch lanes to the top to start a vanguard team battle."

"Take the vanguard and help the duo gain economy by hitting the tower and continue to expand their advantage," Bai Yueya continued. "The key to this incense burner routine is to protect the duo, and the highest priority is the support, because as long as the support remains alive, teammates will always be With the special effects of the incense burner, the combat effectiveness will be greatly improved."

Hearing this, Jack was unhappy.

"Has co-authoring become an auxiliary version again?" He patted the armrest of the chair hard, "Does Edisi still have human rights? We are output tool people enhanced by the incense burner, right?"

When the word "tool man" was mentioned, Jin Gong looked over subconsciously.

"That's right, you know it very well." Lin Ran looked at Jack with a look that seemed to say, 'You are quite self-aware.'

"Lin Ran is right," Bai Yueya nodded in agreement, "In the incense burner system, the highest strategic position is naturally the support, followed by the ADC, and finally the midfielder."

"And the soft assistant looks very fragile, but in the current version, she is difficult to kill instantly. The shield and healing effect she has are one of the reasons," Bai Yueya said. "What's more important is that now the top, middle and jungle positions are in the front." There is a lack of damage in the mid-term.”

All players understand this.

After the weakening of armor-piercing armor and the enhancement of tank heroes and equipment in the mid-season in May, the top lane has become a battle between flesh and blood. Heroes like Prince Crocodile are a special case in the top lane. This type of heavy-armed warrior is very popular among professional players. The field is still dominated by half-tank items, and it is difficult to get past the enemy's front row to kill the support.

The popular ones in the jungle position are Pig Girl, Pure Meat Barrel, and Zach. Except for spiders, their damage capabilities are relatively low and they don't pose much of a threat to the back row.

What about the mid laner?

The output capabilities of support-oriented heroes such as Rock Bird and Galio are relatively average; Snake Girl is short-handed; Airplane and Lucian also pose little threat to the back row; the remaining Kassadin has to wait until level 16 to defeat the opponent. The base explodes, which is completely useless in the early and mid-term.

Looking at the three positions in the upper, middle and jungle, the only ones that can effectively threaten the back row are Spider, Syndra, and Kassadin after level 16.

The changes in the previous versions have made the current living environment of soft assistants extremely superior.

This is also one of the reasons why the YM coaching staff has confidence in the Xianglu system.

The output of the top, middle and jungle is seriously insufficient, and the own support can produce incense burners to help the ADC deal continuous damage. The tactical status and resources will naturally be tilted towards the lower lane.

"Do you understand these ideas?" Bai Yueya glanced at the time. Unknowingly, they had been talking for nearly two hours, which was quite long for a tactical meeting.

"Time is limited. We, the coaching staff, discussed it for half a day and sorted out this information." Bai Yueya drank the strong tea in the cup in one gulp, and a sense of bitterness came to his brows. "That's it for today. We’ll think about what we can add and improve in the next two days.”

"This incense burner system can be practiced with the second team in private. The official competition will be left to RNG next week." Bai Yueya, who is inseparable from the infamous Oscar night, is definitely an old Yin coin. He revealed With a sly smile, "Prepare a big surprise for them this time!"

"It's so dirty..." Xiaotian smiled mischievously, "But I like it."

The two of them had a similar odor and burst into laughter. Their terrifying and treacherous smile made goosebumps appear on Lin Ran's forearms.

However, he is full of expectations and is waiting for next week's game. He can't wait to start a bloody storm with YM.

The emergence of the incense burner system is not only because of the power of the incense burner.

Rather, it is the product of several versions that have accumulated over time.

In March of this year, the changes to Blade of the Ruined King made heroes like Jhin and EZ fall off the altar, and the attack speed special effects ADC began to rise.

The weakening of armor-piercing armor in the 7.9 mid-season version has led to the decline of assassins who can cut into the back row, and the prevalence of tank heroes.

The changes in Redemption in version 7.12 make it a reality for Soft Support to launch a series of equipment that enhances the healing effect.

Everything together builds this extremely deformed version of the incense burner.

In 8,200 words, I will try my best to explain the Incense Burner version as thoroughly as possible. Starting from the ruined enhancement in March and ending with the redemption changes, a series of actions made the Incense Burner perfectly adapted to the version. Naturally, it is extremely popular.

The game starts tomorrow.

Ps: Merry Christmas

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