LOL: What is a roaming mid laner?

Chapter 308 Chapter 306: Kandi, who has everything to deal with every day

An hour after the game ended, Lin Ran and others, led by Guo Hao, went to a local restaurant and sat down along the round table in the private room. The refreshing air-conditioning blew, Liu Qingsong and Lin Weixiang entered sage mode with their eyes closed and their heads resting on the backrests. .

Lin Ran wanted to bow three times to them.

"Let's order first." He opened the menu on the table.

Of all the people present, only Jack couldn't eat seafood. The others were not taboos about meat and vegetables, so ordering was not difficult - Lin Ran chose the special dishes and ordered two plates of seafood, and then just added braised pork and vegetables for Jack.

He's very familiar with it.

The three members of the coaching staff are still gathering together to watch the computer. The video of the last game has been uploaded. They will carefully watch the Mala Xiang Guo jungle route again, trying to find some loopholes, and prepare for the possible playoffs. Meet and prepare.

"Can't we watch it again when we go back to review?" Jack couldn't help but said, "Now let's eat, you guys doing this makes me so nervous."

The post-game dinner party, which he originally regarded as an entertainment and relaxation activity, suddenly became tense when the coaching staff took it upon himself to do it.

What should I do if it affects my appetite?

The Shiba Inu patted his belly that was gradually getting closer to the beer man, feeling dissatisfied.

Before the food was served, Lin Ranpa opened the competition forums in major software.

Su Cheng and Garlic Bastard, one on the left and one on the right, rested their heads on Lin Ran's shoulder and clavicle, staring intently at the screen of his mobile phone.

The software containing the tournament forum on their mobile phones was completely deleted by Lin Ran last time. If you want to know the public opinion of the outside world, you have to check his mobile phone.

[How do you evaluate the soft-auxiliary incense burner system used by YM against RNG in the summer game? 】

The following answers are mixed with some jokes such as "laxatives, people just got off the plane in the United States". Most of them are praising YM's research on new routines, but there are also many serious answers.

After all, this is the most watched group match in this year's regular season. The number of viewers has already exceeded one million. After the game, the hot topics discussed by the audience are not only the player's operation and Jack's pentakill, but also the incense burner system shown by YM today. .

The big gift from RNG - Mala Xiang Guo's hunger strike style has not been discovered by the public yet. Everyone just thinks that his gank is more fierce today, his presence is stronger in the early stage, and his food economy is less than before.

This will not trigger a large-scale discussion, not to mention that the YM Incense Burner style of play in this regular season is undoubtedly more eye-catching. The hunger strike discussion thread has been covered up, and the current e-sports area is being slaughtered by the auxiliary equipment of the Incense Burner.

"Hurry up, I want to see this!" Xiaotian pointed his slender finger at the top answer and ordered.

Lin Ran pointed his finger and felt that the Garlic Bastard had become a little more arrogant recently, and even dared to add "Master" in his tone.

He didn't intend to coddle Xiaotian, and just as he was about to slide down to browse the highly praised answer, another long, white finger tapped on the phone screen with great precision, opening the answer.

Lin Ran tilted his head and heard a cry of pain - his and Su Cheng's foreheads collided hard.

"Hahahaha..." The garlic bastard laughed proudly, but when he saw Lin Ran gently rubbing Su Cheng's forehead and blowing a breath, he couldn't laugh anymore.

The three of them looked at the answers honestly. The answerer's label read 'Excellent answerer on the topic of e-sports', and he looked like a game review writer.

There was no thank you for the invitation, so I got straight to the point.

[The soft assistant is the first one to come out with the incense burner. To be honest, I have encountered this before in qualifying. The most typical one is to play Lulu with a big mouth in double queue. This is not a strange thing.

The focus is on the system.

The professional arena requires a lot of lineups and coordination. Unlike ranked games, the incense burner is just a piece of equipment. It is not easy to match it with a suitable lineup and move it to the professional arena. YM has shown their strong lineup. Building capabilities, the coaching staff built the edifice of the incense burner system from scratch...]

When Su Cheng saw someone praising her, she immediately felt happy, and the pain on her forehead subsided a lot.

At this time, the waiter opened the private room door, and the trolley in front of him was filled with various dishes.

Jack quickly put down his cell phone and posted anonymously on the forum to brag about himself or eat, choosing the latter without hesitation.

If you don't work hard, you are destined to be a melon.

Lin Ran and the others continued reading. This answer was very long, and the answerer was probably the reincarnation of a code machine.

[... Having said that, let me talk about my humble opinion on this incense burner system. I am not guaranteed to be correct, so everyone is just having fun.

Since the bottom lane must be a combination of shooter + soft support, the offensive nature is not very strong, and the support must rely on the lane to save money in the early stage to get out of the incense burner first, so the early rhythm can only be driven by the midfielder.

YM's idea in the second game was very positive. They got the combination of Prince + Spider + Galio, which has good offensive ability in the early stage. It also has the ability to protect the back row in team battles, and can even rush in to break up the enemy's formation.

I think if Riot does not weaken in the future, all teams will build their lineup around the incense burner soft support. The top, middle and jungle will choose to control heroes who can drive the early rhythm to increase the tankiness of the front row; choose attack speed AD in the bottom lane. Pair it with soft assistants, give up setting up early vision, and get out to the incense burner as early as possible...]

The incense burner system was born in the professional arena only two hours ago. Being able to write such an answer is already considered a good game review writer.

The response speed of professional teams is much faster. That night, Lin Ran heard that WE was practicing the incense burner lineup with IG.

The two ancient giants of the League of Legends were at odds with each other back then. 140ping and Nongfu Spring are now also famous jokes talked about by the audience.

But all the grudges and grudges disappeared with the retirement of the older generation of e-sports players. Su Xiaoluo also picked up TheShy from the WE youth training during the transfer period last year, and the relationship between the two companies is not bad.

YM got off to a good start. On the second day of the LPL regular season, hundreds of flowers bloomed, and the coaches of each team showed their understanding.

Prince Galio is considered the most classic combination, and WE also used the returning jungler of the Goddess of Green - this invincible long-legged man can produce incense burners as well as salvation, and has no shortcomings except for his brittle body.

Jingdong’s old mid laner, doinb, started to play Lulu in the mid lane. Although he used to be Victor’s unique skill brother, in recent years, because his teammates have generally stretched their hips, they have been choosing to use output-type big cores, but this Lulu can also play well. Looks good, not inferior to another Pixar jinchuriki.

SKT tasted the benefits of the incense burner in the training match against YM, and kkoma took the lead in setting off a whirlwind of the incense burner system in the LCK.

For a time, the systems of all the teams in the five major regions were facing huge changes. Thresh and other hard assistants directly withdrew from the league stage. Fengnu Lululuo and the other three took charge of the top three positions of bottom lane assistants.

What is even more tragic is the original protagonist of the alliance, the little yellow-haired Ezreal.

He didn't do anything, and Riot's father didn't weaken his own son. However, due to the popularity of incense burner support, his skill-based ADC has directly become a sewer, facing the dilemma of no one paying attention.

Riot designers in North America couldn't sit still.

They previously weakened the basic healing value of Redemption and enhanced the healing enhancement effect it received, just because they didn't want those people to forcefully support this OP equipment.

Without cutting off the basic values, auxiliaries such as Thresh and Braum have salvation in hand, which is a bit too strong.

The designers originally wanted to use this change to distinguish the equipment of hard assists and soft assists. The soft assists will provide redemption, while the hard assists will honestly buy [Kike's Herald].

More importantly, this change can weaken YM's midfielder and jungler linkage - which is also their important task after the mid-season.

The value of hard support's redemption will be weakened, and their influence on the map will be reduced, and there will no longer be a situation where the support will use redemption to help teammates halfway across the map in the early 10 minutes.

Through equipment changes, the strong position of the hard assistant is weakened in disguise, and a way is left for the soft assistant who relies on the lane. This can reduce the frequency and efficiency of YM's four-pack two.

But the designer never expected that things would turn out to be polar opposites.

Now they have to beg these soft assistants to leave a way for the cumbersome hard assistants.

In just one week, the ranking data of major servers have undergone earth-shaking changes. Auxiliary heroes such as Niutou, Braum, and Tammu, who originally had high selection rates and winning rates, have now all been reduced to the bottom.

The selection rate of Evergreen Thresh has also dropped to the middle level.

Soft Assistant dominates the list!

Moreover, the YM team they wanted to weaken actually took the lead in using the incense burner system.

Li Zai Gan is the devil?

I'm going to cut you, brother. What's going on with your backhand and coming up with another version of the answer?

"Do you want another blow?" A designer tentatively proposed a simple and crude solution, "There is still a little time before the final version."

By convention, the finals will use the 18th/19th version of the season. For example, last year’s global finals used version 6.18.

Currently, the version update has reached 7.13, and there are still 5 minor versions for designers to adjust.

Chunli, the villain designer boss, stared at the data collected in front of him of the professional competitions in various major competitions and the ranking matches of each server.

As real officials, they can collect these data without any obstacles, and the level of detail is much higher than that of members of the coaching staff such as Su Cheng.

When there is too much data, these designers find it even more difficult.

Because every fine-tuning may drastically change the version situation, affecting the whole body.

For example, they previously gave the stone beetle the split attribute and added two small sharpbills, which didn't seem like a big deal.

But RNG used these two changes combined with the spicy pot's own attributes to develop a hunger strike style.

Chunli breathed a sigh of relief and carefully considered the current version situation.

Hard assistants are in total decline, while soft assistants dominate the server...

Looking at it from the outside, doesn’t this just achieve their goal of weakening YM?

Although it seems that YM built the incense burner system first, it may not be the best one.

If the version is changed indiscriminately, YM may take advantage again. Chunli still remembers the S5 that modified the version and gave birth to two monsters, the captain and Tetsuo.

"Forget it," Chunli shook her head, "Let's leave it like this for now."

Having given up on the big change plan, he plans to make a slight adjustment to the version. The overall strategy is very clear - let the incense burner system continue to develop, and on this basis, make some changes to other positions.

Although he gave up the general direction of modifying the version, Chunli still felt sullen in his heart. He looked at the sword girl on the table, and his eyes gradually became fierce.

YM's Group B challenge journey is still going on. Their schedule in the past two weeks is very intensive - due to a week's delay in the intercontinental competition, they must make up for the missed games in the second half.

After challenging TOP and RNG successively, they ushered in their old rival IM.

Last year, IM was still able to compete for a spot in the S6 World Finals, and they only gave up after a fierce battle in the bubble game.

However, their performance has declined very seriously this year and they have fallen into the relegation zone.

The entire team is supported by AJ and Athena. The Korean jungler's strength is average. He only has diligent vision arrangement. He maintains the luxurious data of 1.11 wards per minute just like the spring game. Ranked among the best in the league with SOFM.

Speaking of the data of ward placement per point, Xiaotian's score is 0.95, which is considered to be in the middle of the league, while Ning's score is 0.9, which is at the bottom of the league. Although the arrival of Hanyi made IG start to pay attention to vision, the results have been minimal.

Xiaofu, who only knows how to ward, was destroyed by Xiaotian in the match against YM. He only killed Garlic Bastard 4 times in two games, which was really a good way to brush up the data.

Without a fight, YM continues to lead the league.

On July 25, YM faced the Snakes.

The star player in the opposing team is undoubtedly Brother Shengqiang, a man who is known as the third best player in the world after Fujian Waizui Zhenlong.

He has a bad habit that he can't get rid of - he doesn't like to do wards. He averages 0.42 wards per minute, ranking last in the league.

However, it is worth mentioning that TheShy, the best top laner in the world, does not suffer in this data - an average of 0.53 eyes. Although it is very small compared to the jungle, he is a top laner after all. This ward Data ranks 6th among the 19 top laners in the league. (see this chapter)

The data is not bad, and with the help of King Ning, the vision on the road is basically guaranteed.

The main reason why TheShy dares to catch and die is that his personal play style is too aggressive. At present, the vision problem is not really big.

In this game, Lin Ran made full use of the shortcomings of Brother Holy Spear who doesn't like to arrange his vision. He used the rock bird to keep catching, and Taliya on the skateboard looked like a star-struck girl who was eager to meet her idol.

Brother Shengqiang, a real groupie and girl group lover, complained endlessly.

In 21 minutes, his Rambo successfully achieved a super ghost record of 1 kill and 8 kills.

The only kill was because the opponent's Jack counter-tower gave him one.

The Vietnamese wild king sofm tried his best to play C in this game, but unfortunately, this is destined to be a herbivorous version, and it is difficult for him to display his original aggressiveness.

Once again defeating the opponent 2:0, YM regained its strong dominance in last summer split.

Their penultimate opponent in the different group competition is WE, who is second in Group B.

At 7 pm on July 27, Shanghai Super Brand Square.

“Welcome to the live broadcast of the 2017 LPL Summer Split, hello everyone, I’m Zeyuan!”

The familiar opening words sounded again, and a very energetic-looking Zeyuan appeared in the live broadcast.

Today's commentary partners are him and Su Xiaoyan. One is too excited when explaining, and the other is relatively cold. The combination is quite effective.

"Today is the first match day of the new version 7.14 in the LPL. The two teams are YM and WE." Su Xiaoyan habitually used her fingers to ruffle her short hair. "The current situation of the two teams is exactly the opposite."

Zeyuan answered from the side, "Yes, YM struggled a little in the first half of the Summer Split. Recently, their status has been improving and they have maintained a winning streak in small games; while WE suffered two consecutive losses and only won one after the intercontinental competition.”

After returning from the intercontinental competition, WE's current state is quite unstable, with ups and downs. It can fight RNG for 50 minutes at first, and fight LGD Fishpond at bottom.

They don't seem to be comfortable with this version.

Jungler Kandi, in particular, struggled extremely. Lin Ran watched his game video before the game and didn't know exactly what went wrong.

Maybe life is a bit busy with so many things to do every day.

As the referee gives the order, the BP session officially begins!

"WE chose the blue side and took the lead in banning Rock Bird!"

The white crescent moon on the red side remains unchanged forever, sending Zach to the ban position.

Redmi then banned Lucian, while YM banned Kalista.

The potential value of the hero Skate Shoes was immediately discovered after Jack Hao scored five kills.

It can provide laning strength, vision protection, protection assistance and other functions. The jumping function provided by its passive [Martial Arts Stance] allows Kalista to better find the output environment in team battles.

It's simply the perfect hero for the Incense Burner version.

It is impossible to put it, the red side must be disabled.

"The last ban spot in the first round of WE was given to Luo!"

There are still many strong heroes left out there, and among them, WE's most proud double C pairing of Galio + Big Mouth is still out there.

White Crescent can only ban one no matter what, so Redmi can grab a core position first.

And he didn't want the YM on the red side to directly get Xia Luo's incense burner version of the T1 bottom lane team, so he decisively banned one of them.

It would be easier to deal with just putting out one Kasumi.

Zeyuan looked at the BP panel and said loudly: "YM chose to ban the prince and released all the other powerful heroes!"

White Crescent kicked the ball back again.

There are many powerful heroes outside, but WE on the blue side can only get one of them first, while YM can pack two.

Hongmi didn’t hesitate and took Galio directly.

He believes that this is the strongest character in the current version. It is difficult to restrain in the lane, and its ability to protect the back row in team battles is also very powerful.

"YM also locked Spider and Big Mouth in seconds, taking apart the system that the opponent was good at!"

Hongmi smiled and accepted the two heroes Xia and Fengnu. They all picked strong heroes and no one was afraid of the other.

"In the end, YM chose Lulu, which is currently the most suitable incense burner support besides Luo and Fengnu!"

In the second round, White Crescent, an old yin coin, directly sprinkled salt on WE's wounds. Seeing that Kandi was in poor condition recently, he banned all two heroes, Excavator and Wine Barrel.

That leaves him with a pig girl.

Hongmi, on the other hand, tried to block Lin Ran's hero pool, although he knew that Lin Ran's hero pool was weird, and due to strength issues, it would normally be difficult to restrict him.

But Hongmi still wanted Xiye to play more comfortably, so he finally disabled airplanes and Syndra.

"YM won Chogas in the fourth choice!" Zeyuan was not surprised. "This is also a hero that will be strengthened after the new version 7.14!"

When the new version goes online, a large number of powerful heroes will emerge, and many heroes will be eliminated along with the patch.

The coaches and players of professional teams have to adapt to new heroes and make corresponding tactical adjustments.

Cho'Gath, the Void Terror, nicknamed the Big Worm, is the favorite that has been reborn in the patch.

In version 7.4 in February this year, he has already received an enhancement - R [Feast] can have unlimited stacks and will not be lost after death. At the same time, the damage bonus has been changed from 0.7AP to 0.5AP plus 10% extra life. value. (See picture in this chapter)

This change to the ultimate move is undoubtedly an enhancement to the tanky bug. The higher the HP, the higher the output of the ultimate move.

You must know that R [Feast] is real damage, the most real damage in the alliance.

But at that time, the professional arena was still not very welcoming of this big guy.

The reason is simple, it's too bulky. Except for Q [Rupture] which provides a knock-up effect that allows him to get close, there are no other immobilizing skills.

This kind of hero is treated like a dog in the professional arena.

The designer had an idea and enhanced the big bug in the newly updated version 7.14.

E [Stab of Fear] can now increase the attack range and reset the basic attack, and also adds a slowing effect.

Then reduce the mana consumption of Q [Rupture]. (See picture in this chapter)

This time the big bug instantly became a sewer and a son of version.

YM will naturally not miss this kind of hero and lock it down first.

"WE got Big Tree and Pig Girl," Su Xiaoyan frowned, "This lineup has a lot of control and openness, but the team battle output depends entirely on the brother-in-law."

"But this is also the status quo of the version." Zeyuan, who has been accustomed to the incense burner version for a week, is not surprised. "Now everyone is competing to see who can die earlier with the incense burner monster on both sides, and who can resist more in the front row."

"Let's see what hero YM chooses..." Su Xiaoyan was noncommittal and changed the topic, "There aren't many mid laners left out there."

"Karma," Zeyuan saw the hero displayed in YM's selection box, "YM also wants to play four guarantees and one!"

"Do you want Lulu or Kalma?" Liu Qingsong asked, tilting his head.

Both of these heroes can be used as mid-support swings, so Lin Ran can use them whatever he wants.

"Give me Karma." Lin Ran switched heroes with him and got the Karma that Liu Qingsong finally chose. "It's better to cooperate with Lulu in the laning with Big Mouth."

The lineups of both sides are confirmed.

Blue side WE: top laner Dashu, fighting wild boar girl, mid laner Galio, bottom laner Lu Xia and Feng Nu.

Red square YM: top laner Big Bug, jungle spider, mid laner Karma, bottom lane Big Mouth + Lulu.

"Both sides seem to have more AP output," Zeyuan analyzed, "but it has no impact. The competition in this game is whose ADC dies first. The team whose AD dies first will not be hurt in the team battle!"

Amidst the deafening cheers of the audience, Summoner's Rift has arrived!

It’s the last day of 2020. The author wishes everyone a Happy New Year.

I am also lazy, so I will update 6K today. I went out for a late night snack with my friends, and will continue to update on the 1st of next year.

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