LOL: What is a roaming mid laner?

Chapter 316 314: Rumble is saying hello!

"Brother Ran, you are so awesome..." Garlic Bastard saw the news of success coming from the middle road before he finished clearing the Sharp Beak Camp. He squirmed in his seat excitedly and said in a hypocritical tone.

In the early stage, the midfielder and jungler were integrated, and the midlaner took advantage of himself. As a jungler, Xiaotian did not have to worry about Guijiaoqi's constant invasion attacks like in the previous game.

"Xiaotian, you are so disgusting," Jack, who was facing the lane honestly in the bottom lane, joked, "I'm going to vomit."

The person involved, Lin Ran, didn't answer. He used the passive explosion damage of E [Explosion Spark] to quickly push out the line of troops.

The factory director has long been keeping an eye on the position of the army line in the middle. After seeing the junior boy being killed alone, he immediately rushed to the middle lane, hoping to help Scout get the army line stuck in front of the tower and help him stop his losses as much as possible.

But as soon as he reached the middle, the Garlic Bastard came.

Having been with Lin Ran for such a long time, Xiaotian knew him inside and out. He didn't even need to ask for help from the mid laner. He just rushed to the middle lane to help push the troops and gain some experience at the same time.

"This wave of army commanders can't stand up to the YM midfielder." Miller glanced at the small map. Lucian, who had just been resurrected, was still on his way here. "The junior brother will lose a lot of soldiers."

As we all know, it takes 27 seconds for a hero to reach the middle tower from the spring without shoes. If you include the wait for resurrection, it is almost the same as the time it takes for a wave of soldiers to refresh.

It would be okay if there were artillery vehicles that could help withstand the attacks from the defense towers, but the young boy was killed just after he upgraded to level 2, and the belated artillery vehicles soldiers just arrived in the middle.

The five remaining minions in the previous second wave of troops were all pushed under the middle tower of EDG, and Gui Jiao Qi had to withdraw his troops in tears.

"Do you still want to push?" Xiaotian looked at the line of artillery vehicles spread out under the opposite tower, feeling a little greedy.

Lin Ran took a look at the number of gold coins in his backpack and said decisively: "Tui, push, push, you hand over your punishment to me!"

"Okay!" Xiao Tianle's eyes narrowed into slits.

Even though he was punished, the artillery and carriage soldiers were not his responsibility, but he had experience!

After eating this wave of soldiers, you can upgrade yourself to level 3, why not?

The punishment fell on the artillery soldier, and Lin Ran ate it. With the help of his previous experience of killing one-blood heads, he upgraded to level 3. He turned on Q [Rapid Fire] to increase his attack speed and killed all the remaining minions.

After all the troops were eaten up, Lin Ran just walked to a safe position and returned to the city. The economy of the three waves of troops was 350, and the first blood money was 400. Plus the 122 gold coins issued by the system every minute starting from 2 minutes, Lin Ran returned to the city and bought a pickaxe to go online. .

Lucian didn't have any extra equipment on him. The junior ate a total of 7 minions. In addition, the system automatically added money and could only buy reusable potions.

"The difference in combat effectiveness between the two mid laners is very big," Wawa couldn't help but say, "The pickaxe's 25 attack points will allow Ran to carry out unscrupulous suppression later!"

Moreover, the consequences of the factory director's previous failure to help block the army line have already appeared.

A large wave of troops from the YM side gathered under the tower of the junior student. Because the artillery soldiers resisted the attack of the defense tower, the troops stayed under the tower for a very long time.

The fourth wave of EDG troops arrived under the primary school tower and spread out, helping the defensive tower to clean up the remaining troops, and then intertwined with the YM side's troops in front of the tower.

The YM side's pushback line was formed again.

Because Lin Ran pushed a wave of artillery soldiers, his speed back to the line was slower. When he got online, Lucian had already pushed the line of soldiers under his tower.

The junior student looked at the lines of soldiers pouring into the YM middle tower and breathed a sigh of relief.

In any case, this wave of soldiers has at least advanced...

But when he saw the small cannon that had just come online in front of the soldiers, he raised the barrel of the cannon and mounted E [Explosion Spark] on himself, and it was a cannon!

The junior knew that Lin Ran was much stronger than him in terms of burst damage and sustained output. He didn't dare to turn around to exchange blood, so he could only retreat to distance himself.

However, Lin Ran took two steps forward and chased him relentlessly until he reached the position in front of the tower before giving up.

Scout noticed that because the cannons were attacking him, the few soldiers who had previously pushed into the defense tower had shifted their hatred value, and they were also following Lin Ran while attacking him.

Under the tug of the cannon, he pulled four soldiers out of the defense tower!

Later, these four soldiers will become the helpers of the next wave of EDG soldiers. Under ideal conditions, the position of the soldiers will be stuck in front of Lin Ran Tower!

Cheap or not!

The junior student cursed in his heart, but he didn't dare to step forward and push the line - Lin Ran's range and combat power were much further than him now. If he forced his way forward, he would be beaten in vain.

Fortunately, the passive effect of Cannon E [Explosive Spark] cannot be turned off. As long as the spark is last hit, the troops will be exploded and the lane will be pushed.

If he waits, the army line will always come.

"Scout is feeling very uncomfortable right now," Miller noted the situation of the soldiers in the middle. "He can't even make a move with his sword. He can only stand back and watch the soldiers being eaten away bit by bit!"

The small artillery really couldn't control the line, but Lin Ran didn't panic. As usual, he first took the long-range soldiers and then slowly replenished the melee soldiers, trying to hoard the line of troops.

The four small soldiers that were stuck outside the tower before, coupled with Lin Ran's deliberate hoarding of troops, although the small artillery pushed the line very quickly, it was not until the sixth wave of artillery soldiers arrived that these hoarded soldiers were able to squeeze in. EDG's defense tower.

Since the junior student only had experience with three waves of soldiers before and after, he was just halfway through the third level. Looking at the small cannon that had been upgraded to level 5, the ominous premonition in his heart gradually grew.

"I'll be there soon, don't be afraid!" Gui Jiao Qi's calm voice came from the headset.

The wine barrel that had just eaten the Demon Swamp Frog and the River Crab below passed by the river to help the middle road.

Lin Ran used this wave of accumulated slow-pushing troops to widen the level gap between himself and his junior. The director did not believe that Lin Ran would remain unmoved when facing Lucian, who was two levels behind him!

He knows the situation in the middle lane well. His old father who joined the KT team taught him everything. Now the factory director uses this knowledge to protect his younger brother.

When I grow up, I will be you... Gragas, who was holding the wine barrel, burped and passed through the middle road and under the grass for a moment to protect his own line of soldiers.

Lin Ran saw the wine barrel appearing from behind, but this did not make him give up his thoughts. Instead, he acted more decisively!

Operating the small cannon to follow the line of troops into the defense tower, Lin Ran looked at Lucian who was circling under the tower, and without hesitation put on E [Explosive Spark] followed by a basic attack!

The director noticed the battle that broke out in the middle and immediately switched the perspective.

"What's going on?" Wawa was still startled, "The level 5 cannon is going to jump over the tower!"

"Isn't this too crazy? The factory director is right behind you!" Miller found it unbelievable when he saw this scene. Everyone in the professional arena plays very steadily, and the junglers are here, and you still have to jump over the tower in front of them. ? Husband is currently committing a crime?

After the cannon fired a cannon shell at Lucian, the defense tower immediately sounded a warning sound, and at the same time a cannon shot down!

But Lin Ran ignored it and used Q [Rapid Fire] to increase the attack speed and hit Lucian with another shot!

The young boy looked at Lin Ran who was less than 400 yards away from him. He didn't dare to turn E and slide to escape - the displacement distance of Xiaopao W [Rocket Jump] was a full 900 yards. Even if he slid out, he would still be caught up. !

The top priority now is to prevent Lin Ran from successfully stacking up 4 layers of damage from E [Explosive Spark].

At level 3, Lucian's basic health is 698, and with Dolan Sword and talent runes, it is 780. Lin Ran stole a shot from him when he was stuck in the lane, so Lucian's current health is only 700.

The attack power of the small cannon is as high as 110 with the bonus of the pickaxe, and the damage is extremely high.

If 4 shots were fired in a row to stack up enough layers of explosive sparks, the damage would definitely kill Lucian!

The junior student immediately realized that if he just stayed under the tower, he wouldn't be able to stop Lin Ran from killing him, and he wouldn't even be able to change his head!

When the defense tower faces this almost full-blooded cannon, it will take at least 4 attacks to kill it.

The attack speed of the first tower is 0.83, and the attack speed of the small cannon reaches 1.09 after turning on Q [Rapid Fire]. (The video is placed on the easter egg chapter as usual)

No matter what, before the middle tower fires 4 shells, the small cannon can fully stack the explosion sparks on Lucian!

Now the factory director's wine barrel is still some distance away from the middle tower, so it's difficult to help. He can only rely on himself!

Scout roughly calculated the blood volume, decisively activated Q [Penetrating Holy Light] to follow up with two basic attacks, and planned to fight Lin Ran to the death!

"Ran has no intention of retreating at all, he's still doing A!" Miller turned up the volume.

After Lucian shot the passive bullet into Xiaopao's body, the YM soldiers who were originally competing with the defense tower all changed their attack targets, protected their heroes conscientiously, and threw their attack light bombs at the junior!

The damage caused by a single minion is not high, but a single spark can start a prairie fire. The damage caused by a whole wave of minion is not inferior to that of the hero!

With the addition of a cannon truck, Lucian's health is still declining rapidly!

Lin Ran carried the cannon and fired the third bombardment. Since the attack on the defense tower started after Lin Ran's first bombardment hit the elementary school student, the second bombardment on the defense tower had not yet fallen.

The three layers of superimposed explosive sparks and the attack from the army line were theoretically enough to kill the young boy, but Lin Ran did not retreat directly.

Because the factory director will be here soon, once he cooperates with punishment and skills to clean up the army line and let the juniors upgrade, then all his plans will be in vain.

Seeing that he still had half of his health left, he decisively chose to continue attacking.

"Scout slid to distance himself, forcing Ran to jump forward and pursue!"

In panic, the junior finally made a mistake.

He knew that as long as Lin Ran's next basic attack hit him, he would definitely be dead or alive, so he used his sliding step to distance himself in an attempt to prevent Lin Ran's A from coming out.

But the moment he saw Lucian slide in the direction of the barrel, Lin Ran handed over W [Rocket Jump], and the 900-yard displacement allowed him to step on Lucian's face!

In addition to basic attacks, the skills of the cannon can also be stacked with E [Explosive Spark]!

Lin Ran's step directly caused layers of explosive sparks on Lucian's body to explode!

Although the damage of the rocket jump is not as high as the basic attack after the pickaxe, the soldiers help Lin Ran make up for the damage! (See this chapter for damage calculator)

"Lucian was killed, and Xiaopao's W was refreshed again!"

In the voice of the doll's faintly broken voice, the third defense tower cannon shot down, and the talent [Dangerous Game] also worked!

Although the little boy tried his best to resist and deal out the damage, the 5% of the blood recovered left a trace of blood on the cannon without dying!

Lin Ran was very fast and immediately handed over the refreshed W [Rocket Jump], and also wanted to jump out of the tower in EDG's sharp-beak jungle area.

The furious factory director held the wine barrel in his arms and flashed across the vast military lines. E [Meat Bomb Impact] pressed his belly heavily on the little gun girl's body!

The small cannon in mid-air let out a wail, and the cannon barrel fell to the ground helplessly!

"1 for 1!" Miller couldn't help but say, "EDG got one more assist, but Scout lost blood, and Xiao Pao's head was taken away by the factory director!"

Not only this head, but also a large wave of minions under the tower will all be eaten by the wine barrel.

Lucian was able to reach level 4 with just this assist, but he only had 18 last hits.

You know, the game has now reached 4 minutes and 30 seconds, and the opponent's small cannon has a whopping 38 last hits!

Everyone knows that EDG's middle lane has exploded.

[Let Lucian go play in the mud? He was killed twice in four and a half minutes? 】

[He was killed by someone jumping over the tower in 4 minutes. This Lu Xian was so clever! 】

[In the last game, I used Lucian to suppress a stone man in the lane. Wouldn’t it give Scout confidence? It's really funny. 】

"Xiaotian took the opportunity to come to the top lane and gank Aguang," Wawa watched as Xiaotian Zhumei used the high resistance of the passive pigskin to cooperate with Jin Gong's anti-tower to force out the big tree flash, "EDG looks like it is going to collapse in this game. Ah, the disadvantage in the middle is too big!"

By the time the junior boy resurrected and went out to rush to the middle, the time had already reached 5 minutes.

All he has on his body is Dolan Sword + Long Sword + Reusable Potion, and one real eye.

After returning to the city, Xiaopao took out a smart cloak, which gave him an infinite equipment advantage.

Fortunately, the factory director ate all the minions under the tower in time before the next wave of soldiers reached the middle, and repositioned the handover position of the soldiers to the middle line. Otherwise, another wave of YM pushing back the line would be formed, and the junior would really be blown through.

But now Scout is also suffering. He doesn't dare to approach Lin Ran at all. Now as long as Lin Ran moves forward, he has to retreat, for fear of being ridiculed in the face.

But as mentioned before, the experience gain range of LOL is 1,600 yards, which is slightly longer than the distance from the center of the canyon to the first tower.

Lin Ran kept pressing forward, and the junior could only retreat to the foot of the tower, but in this way he would gain no experience at all!

"Can you come and help me?" The junior boy blushed and asked his teammates for help.

"I can't come now." The factory director rejected him.

In the last wave, when the equipment gap between the mid laners between the two sides was not big, he could come and help catch him once. Now that Xiaotian is so fat, once he is caught and Xiaotian counterattacks, it will not only be the younger brother who will be bombed, but also himself. Go in.

Now as long as Xiaotian doesn't expose his position, the factory director won't dare to make a move against Lin Ran.

Now, as the small cannons become more powerful, the clearing ability continues to increase, and the center's ability to radiate the entire wild area is also improving.

The factory director now has to be careful when entering the river. Once he is stuck by the pig girl, it will only take a few seconds for the cannon to reach the battlefield.

In this way, he couldn't arrange his vision, and the possibility of discovering Pig Girl's movements was quite low.

But this turned into a vicious cycle: there was no way to detect the movements of the pig girls - the factory director was afraid of being counterattacked and did not dare to catch her - Lin Ran's suppression became more and more unscrupulous, and his control over the wild area became stronger and stronger - The view of the river was lost, and there was no way to find Pig Girl's location.

"The factory director wandered around the middle lane for a while, but decided to grab the bottom lane and do his job!"

But in the last wave, he used Flash to kill Lin Ran in the middle lane. This time, he couldn't use E Flash when he was in the bottom lane. He just used Jack's Flash.

Suddenly, the sharp-eyed doll noticed something strange in the mini map. The small cannon appeared under the EDG middle tower and overlapped with Lucian's portrait. "What's going on in the middle!"

The director quickly switched the camera, and Lin Ran, who had just been promoted to level 6, came to the first tower with a wave of artillery soldiers.

He did nothing and walked forward until he reached the middle tower of EDG.

It was obviously to force Lucian, who had not yet reached level 5, out of the experience zone again.

The younger boy's face turned blue and white.

That's too much!

This is my tower. Are you driving me to the second tower?

But after scout saw Lin Ran's pickaxe and dexterity cloak, he decided to grit his teeth and accept this reality.

But just as he retreated, a woman riding a Poro Pig suddenly emerged from the EDG Sharpbill camp!

"Xiaotian rushed to the middle, without giving him a chance to react, and decisively knocked Lucian unconscious with a Q dodge, and the small cannon made up for the output!" Miller sighed, "Scout is dead again!"

"In less than 6 minutes, Lucian started at 0/3. It is difficult for him to play any role in this game!"

The factory director gave up the defense and chose to capture, but a flaw was exposed in the middle.

Moreover, this time he died, the junior boy was about to fall down with a large wave of soldiers. The time had come to 6 minutes, but Scout's last hit was only 20!

[Isn’t this Lu Xian too miserable? 】

[I feel sorry for him so much, what about you? 】

[But is this too cruel? Leave a way for the younger brother to survive. Wuwuwu...]

"Lucian died in battle, and the YM midfielder used this large wave of troops to quickly demolish the tower!"

The small cannon can demolish towers very quickly, no less than Man Yixin. The explosion of explosive sparks reduces the health of EDG's middle tower to half.

At this time, the wine barrel arrived belatedly and wanted to clear the military line.

"How many soldiers are there to be promoted to level 6?" Lin Ran suddenly asked.

"... Let's share the experience together, three melee soldiers." Xiaotian glanced at his experience bar. In this round, except for catching him once and helping him once, he spent the rest of the time farming. He had shared the experience before. Lin Ran's large wave of artillery and carriage troops increased in experience very quickly, not much different from the single-player line.

"The next wave of troops has arrived. Let's continue killing this wine barrel." Lin Ran said calmly.

He activated Q [Rapid Fire] to increase his attack speed, and while the factory manager was still cleaning up the minions under the tower, he beat three melee soldiers to residual health, and then a cannonball successfully triggered the passive of Explosive Sparks, killing all three soldiers. .

The pig girl suddenly rose to level 6 and successfully hit the wine barrel under the tower with R [Ultimate Ice Prison]!

The factory director was caught off guard!

"YM Nakano will continue to kill!" Wawa's exaggerated emotions surfaced, and all the viewers watching the live broadcast could hear it, "They treat the EDG middle tower as if it's nothing!"

In the dazed state, Lin Ran used E [Explosive Spark], then followed up with a basic attack, W [Rocket Jump] stepped on the face of the wine barrel, followed up with a basic attack, and finally R [Destructive Shot] to finish.

[Flame Ambition] Firefighter Tristana fired a high-pressure water cannon from her cannon, bombarding the barrel with just four layers of explosive sparks.

The plump Gragas was pushed away violently and flew into the air. The sparks above his head suddenly exploded, taking away the last 1/3 of his health.

"Ah this..." Miller was speechless for a moment, but his excellent professionalism allowed him to quickly adjust, "How are EDG going to deal with this little cannon!"

Lin Ran collected two heads again, while Pig Girl and Xiao Pao on the screen were still pushing the tower!

Even though the factory director had cleared all the troops under the tower before being knocked unconscious by Pig Girl's big move, the next wave of troops had already come up.

The resurrected Lucian looked at the fierce-looking YM midfielder under his own tower and did not dare to step forward at all!

The elementary school student felt aggrieved.

Frustrated, he could only eat a set of F6 from the factory director to supplement his growth.

Lin Ran attached another set of explosive sparks. Seeing that the defense tower's health was at its lowest, he started blasting people, "I can eat the money of one tower for myself. I'm just short of a few gold coins."

Xiaotian dared not speak out in anger, so he could only run back and control Xiaolong to vent his anger.

"If Ran doesn't push it away immediately, he will let the defense towers swallow up all the troops," the baby yelled in a familiar voice, "In this way, Lucian will lose two more waves of troops!"

Two waves, two waves, and two waves again. The young boy watched his ruthless defense tower eat the last YM soldier, feeling sad and angry in his heart.

Sir, I don’t have any place to spend money. I want to save my life so that we can meet again in the future!

Lin Ran didn't care so much and ate the 300 extra bounty from the first blood tower alone.

Before that, he had taken away two heads of Lucian and Wine Barrel, and the army economy and system automatically increased the money. Lin Ran returned to the city and made an Infinity Blade in less than 8 minutes.

Lucian, on the other hand, didn't even have a Bilgewater scimitar, and his equipment was shabby, so he could only share it with the factory director to eat wild monsters.

【? ? ? This equipment gap? Be human! 】

[Can Lucian also become a scavenger? I suggest that Scout compete with the Wild King for the starting position of Lao Gan Daddy in the jungle. I think there is a good chance of it! 】

[It’s over, it’s over, what else is there to play in this game? I ordered Brother Mingkai! 】

[Mingkai: I initiated it! 】

"I'll come directly to the bottom lane, tear down the bottom tower and let's go to the vanguard." Lin Ran was still making arrangements in the team voice, "They don't dare to defend."

8 minutes of endless cannons made no sense at all. The EDG bottom lane duo decisively abandoned the tower and planned to change lanes and go to the top lane, allowing Aguang to come down and resist the pressure.

"EDG's next tower was demolished, and the three YM bottom laners returned to the city where they were. They plan to go to Canyon Pioneer again."

Lin Ran had just returned to the city to replenish equipment, and the gold coins provided by dismantling the bottom defensive tower were not enough to allow him to make more equipment.

He simply rushed back to the middle lane from the bottom lane, slowly eating up the troop line pushed by the younger brother, and accumulated a wave of troops. He waited for the artillery troop line at 10 minutes and 8 seconds to reach the middle lane, and pushed them all over.

Since EDG does not have the first tower, this large number of soldiers are sent directly into the second tower. As the soldiers advance, EDG's field of vision in the middle is quickly eroded.

"The EDG wild area is dark, they are giving up on this Canyon Pioneer!"

With the rapid commentary, YM successfully captured the Canyon Pioneer!

"You push up the tower, Xiaotian, come and squat with me." Lin Ran did not pick up the Pioneer BUFF, but took the Garlic Bastard deep into the upper half of EDG.

He is waiting for a destined person.

"EDG obviously realizes that YM wants to gather and push the defense tower on the road. They don't want to give up easily and plan to struggle again!"

The factory director didn't want YM to demolish the three outer towers so easily. You must know that it was only 11 minutes, and the accumulated economy of the three outer towers was a quite exaggerated figure.

The advantage of small guns is already quite terrifying. If Lin Ran can successfully spread this advantage to everyone in YM, then EDG will really have no chance of winning.

The factory director was very alert. Unlike the founder of the ADC Damage Measurement Unit who recklessly poked his face into the grass, he inserted a false eye into the blue BUFF grass through the wall.

No one was seen.

He breathed a sigh of relief and took his younger brother on the road to try to defend the tower. Even if they couldn't defend the tower, EDG would still have to force out the Canyon Herald that YM had just obtained.

The YM duo Lulu and Xia were already pushing the lane quickly and were about to threaten the defense tower. EDG's midfielder put down their vigilance and quickly headed to the top lane.

Just when they were passing by the blue zone and trying to rush to the top tower, two people suddenly emerged from the innermost corner of the Demon Swamp Frog camp!

Xiao Pao and Pig Girl!

Zhu suddenly advances with R [Extreme Ice Prison]!

When the pig girl saw him, he threw out his ice lasso. There was only a crisp sound, and Lucian, who had just been pushed away by the poro pig, fell into dizziness!

Lin Ran didn't even bother with explosion sparks. He turned on Q [Rapid Fire] to increase his attack speed. He blasted the cannon under him hard, and used the force to eject it into the face of the young boy. He raised the barrel and started shooting wildly!

"Four shots, just four shots, Lucian fell to the ground!" Miller showed signs of being infected by his partner's doll and shouted, "What kind of damage is this?"

Infinity Blade's bonus to small cannons is too great. Although it does not provide attack speed attributes, the high attack speed increased by small cannon Q [Rapid Fire] is completely sufficient.

Get the most critical hits in the shortest time, and the small cannon can deal the highest damage.

The ice prison formed by Pig Girl's ultimate move slowed down the wine barrel. Lin Ran decisively jumped up high again, landed behind the factory director, twisted the barrel and fired a high-pressure water cannon to push the wine barrel back to Xiao Tian's face. superior!

"The factory director can't escape either. Xiaotian is stuck in his position and doesn't want him to leave!"

Lin Ran collected two more heads and successfully improved his record to 6 kills and 1 death!

"The ADC's damage is particularly high when it is ahead of an Infinity Blade!" The doll shouted loudly, "That's true!"

"EDG has no defensive personnel and can't defend the top tower," Miller frowned and looked at the numbers on the economic panel. "The economic gap between the two sides has reached 5K!"

Not only did he have one tower on the top lane, Liu Qingsong saw that EDG's midfielder was dead, so he decisively summoned the Canyon Herald and cooperated with his teammates and soldiers to destroy two defensive towers on EDG's top lane.

Lin Ran took the opportunity to plunder all the factory director's wild area resources, then ran back to the middle to recruit two groups of soldiers. When he returned to the city, he had more attack speed boots and yellow crosses.

I saw the electric knife on the road.

At this time, 3 minutes had passed since the last team battle broke out. After replenishing their equipment, the three YM players came to the middle lane. Jin Gong was alone in the bottom lane, and Lin Ran led the way.

A typical 131 point putt.

But EDG can't control it at all.

No one of them can compete with Xiaopao and Kennan alone. If they use more people to defend, the middle road will be wide open.

Xia, Lulu and Zhumei kept pushing the lane in the middle, making EDG tired of dealing with a steady stream of minions.

Lin Ran was about to bring his troops to the high ground on the road. There was no doubt about the speed of the small cannon in demolishing towers. If they didn't defend, the high ground tower would be destroyed by just one or two waves of troops.

"EDG chose three people to defend the high ground in the top lane and gave up the second tower in the middle, but YM refused to give up. After they demolished the second tower in the middle, they switched to the bottom lane, drove Aguang away and demolished the second tower!"

In 18 minutes, all six defense towers outside the EDG highlands were destroyed, and YM's economic lead was as high as 7.7K.

After Lin Ran accompanied his teammates to eat the Fire Dragon, he received another blue buff. His current record is 6/1. Although he killed many people, he did not miss a last hit and ate a lot of wild monsters in the jungle.

Under the rain and dew, he added 200 troops, returned to the city and took out his electric knife and artillery.

Electric knife + artillery + endless + attack speed shoes, the small cannon's equipment is extremely luxurious, while Lucian on the opposite side only has ruin + net erosion + burning gems.

In fact, the junior has developed quite well during this period, and he has gradually caught up with his last hits without dying.

This was also due to the help of his teammates. iboy and Aguang gave him a lot of troops. Even Guijiaoqi gave him a group of F6 that he had managed to defend under YM's fierce jungle invasion offensive. .

Everyone in EDG knows that Lucian, as the backbone of the early and mid-term team, must never leave the game. If resources are not given to Lu Xian, then they will be equivalent to 4 on 5, and the advantages of the double-shooter lineup will be wasted. net.

"Can you show us the economic situation of each position on both sides?" Wawa rubbed his hands excitedly, "Xiao Pao's current equipment is very luxurious..."

The backstage staff of Fengfenghuohuo did not write any ink, and immediately arranged the economic histograms of the ten people on the field and placed them in the upper left corner of the screen.

The economies of both parties are still changing, and the director only captured the economic value of this moment.

YM on the red side firmly occupies the top four positions, followed by iboy at fifth, assistant Liu Qingsong after that, and the remaining four EDG players from seventh to tenth.

Merlin Gunner-10029

Holy Lance Ranger-5633

"This difference..." Miller's verbal calculation ability was still guaranteed, and he blurted out, "4396!"

This number makes the barrage explode instantly!

[My dear, do you really have some hidden intention? 】

【real or fake? Metaphysics LOL? 】

[Then just wait a little longer, the game starts at 5pm, and the next round starts at 7pm, everyone will be seated! 】

EDG clung to the high ground, and YM did not want to rush directly to the high ground to start a group. They rushed to the Dalong Pit at the time when Baron Nash was born in 20 minutes to force a group.

But EDG carried forward their style of giving in to everything and did not compete for this dragon at all.

They still want to continue to delay and wait for their own Verus three-piece set to join the team.

But EDG ignored YM's determination to end the battle quickly.

The five YM people gathered together and, under the leadership of Pig Girl, rushed to the EDG high ground!

"Pig Girl QR drove to the Aguang Tree from a long distance, Kenan flashed E to accelerate and entered the field with the Rocket Belt!"

Although meiko’s Karma immediately provided RE group shield, that was all!

The range of Lin Ran's level 14 cannon reached a terrifying 641. After Liu Qing Truffle used W [Fantasy] and activated his own Q skill, the attack speed reached the limit of 2.5!

Tristana can fire 5 shots in two seconds!

The small cannon with Pixar held the barrel and fired at the fattest tree in front of EDG!

Aguang didn't even have a two-piece set, so he relied on the cloth-armored shoes to reduce damage from basic attacks and tried to survive.

But he soon discovered that the output of this small cannon was too high!

"Dashu, who had recovered from the stun of Pig Girl's ultimate move, tried to stop everyone in YM after using his ultimate move, but he had already lost his health!"

The high damage of the small cannon was too much for A Guang. Lin Ranjiao flashed past the vines of the big tree's ultimate move, and rocket jumped straight to the back row of EDG!

"Lulu used her ultimate move to help Xiaopao bounce away the surrounding EDG people," the doll's voice was loud, "Kenan has entered the field again!"

Jin Gong, who had just been blown away by the factory's big move, saw everyone in EDG being knocked away, so he decisively followed up and used the big move's output at the last second to create a harvesting environment for Lin Ran!

Although Lin Ran was hung up by the R [Chain of Corruption] by the quick-eyed and quick-handed iboy, it did not affect his attack at all.

The two basic attacks with the electric knife all hit Karma who was knocked away!

Two critical hits, coupled with Kennen's damage, Meiko was reduced to residual health. Lin Ran shook the barrel and killed Karma with one shot from his ultimate move!

"The director's meat bomb impact stunned the cannon. Everyone in EDG wanted to kill Ran, but the output was obviously insufficient!"

Lin Ran's weakness came in handy, and when he hit iboy, the amount of damage dealt to him was significantly reduced.

The shield and salvation given by Lulu made Xiaopao's health increase again, and the serious injury effect of Verus's evil spirit arrow rain was useless!

Lin Ran, who had recovered from the dizziness, lifted up the cannon barrel and continued to jump. The cannonballs at the maximum attack speed hit Verus' fragile body!

"It's useless to have a barrier, the output of the small cannon is too high, it's too high!"

It can shoot 5 shells in 2 seconds, and Verus's health cannot support it at all!

The audience in the audience became noisy. Xiao Pao had already scored three kills, and now only the junior and the factory manager were trying to escape!

"Lucian still wants to run, but there is still a long way to go from the spring. Even if the purification is released and the deceleration is released, he will not be able to escape the fate of being chased all the way!"

The four cannons hit three critical hits, and the junior boy flashed out, but Lin Ran had already raised the barrel and sent him back to the spring with one shot!

Lin Ran scored four kills!

"Only the factory director was left to escape back to the spring, but the five YM people never gave up. They wanted to resist the tower and help Xiaopao get this pentakill!"

Pig Girl, who had higher HP, took the lead and bumped into her. The others swarmed in, and Lin Ran opened the cannon from behind and fired hard!

"Zhu Mei and Kenan were killed in battle, but the factory director's health can no longer withstand it!"

Gui Jiao Qi, who was still full of blood in the spring, watched with despair as Lin Ran emptied his blood volume with one shot!

Mailin Gunner scored five kills!

"Look, Rumble is saying hello!" Tristana called out affectionately.

The cannon barrel she named "Boom" in her hand was hot, proving her strength to the owner!

The audience was buzzing with cheers and applause, sweeping the entire venue like thunder!

The live broadcast room was filled with 666s crossing the screen!

[EDG is wiped out again, the factory manager can't even save KDA, Ye Qingjie! 】

[This five kills is too easy, the equipment is completely crushing it, there is no difficulty at all. 】

[Those who don’t even have two big pieces when playing EDG in a 3-piece set, aren’t they killing pigs? 】

"The remaining three people in YM must use the Baron BUFF to flatten the EDG main crystal!"

With Xiao Pao and Xia here, combined with the incense burner attack speed bonus provided by Lulu, the tower push speed was extremely fast, and the Highland Crystal and two incisor towers were pulled out in the blink of an eye.

The moment the big tree came back to life, the EDG base was shattered!

"YM made another victory, leading 2:0, with three match points in hand!" Wawa's face flushed with excitement.

Miller couldn't help himself, "With only one round left, they can reach the finals and get the first LPL global finals ticket!"

2900 votes, 5.8W words are owed, totaling 7.8W words including the leader, update progress bar in January (5.6w+0.9w=6.5w/25.8W)

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