LOL: What is a roaming mid laner?

Chapter 318 316: Weird team battle!

The artillery and carriage soldiers of both sides faced each other, and their blood volume continued to decrease.

Lucian was still standing in the center of the military line, watching eagerly. If Lin Ran stepped forward, he would definitely take a set of skills.

But the artillery soldiers cannot but eat it. This is the dignity of online players.

Lin Ran turned on the skill range indicator to see clearly the limit distance of Clockwork Demon Q [Command: Attack], which was 825.

The distance is not very long, and Lucian can enter the shooting range by sliding up.

He took another look at the troop line. Since the artillery soldiers were thick-skinned in the early stage, the two of them had a tacit understanding not to deal with the artillery vehicles first, but to attack the melee soldiers first.

This resulted in the health of the two artillery soldiers being almost the same, and both were about to have residual health.

Lin Ran planned to take advantage of Lucian's hand to repair the artillery vehicle, and use the Q puppet to eat the artillery vehicle on the opposite side.

If Lucian insists on stepping forward to suppress him, the junior student will not be able to make up the troops himself.

A perfect plan.

Lin Ran watched Lucian raise his hand as if he was going to attack with a basic attack, and controlled the clockwork demon to take a small step forward, bringing the artillery soldiers into the attack range of his demon doll.

But Lu Xian suddenly pressed S to cancel the basic attack. He put away his guns and slid forward suddenly!

At the same time, a fat body emerged from the grass with a beer bucket under its arm and a big belly!

"The factory director came to catch him at level 3, but Ran didn't realize it and was knocked unconscious by the barrel's E-dodge!"

Amid the exclamations of the audience, the factory director, who had been blessed by the 7 o'clock BUFF, successfully raided the middle!

Since EDG's lineup didn't have much hard control in this game, Lin Ran didn't bring purge but instead brought sprint as usual to prepare for mid-term fighting. Therefore, after he was stunned, he could only eat a full set of bursts from EDG's midfielder!

"Ran put a layer of shield on himself, handed over the flash and entered the defense tower and still wanted to run," Miller spoke very fast, and the sonorous and powerful voice was accompanied by the bullets hitting the Lucian champion's skin in the [Winter Wonderland] On the flawless white body of the demon spirit, "But the clockwork is too brittle now and can't withstand the damage at all!"

Factory Director Jiugong resisted the tower twice first. Although he was hit by Lin Ran's skills, he still had 1/3 of his health left. He safely withdrew from the defense tower, and then let the junior enter the tower to make up for the last two shots.

The clockwork demon fell helplessly under the tower, and the first drop of blood was born!

"The little boy handed over the flash, and escaped with the factory director's remaining health out of the range of the defense tower!"

Starch Piggy, who had been silent in the audience for two hours, finally felt elated. After Clockwork was killed, their shouts instantly broke out and swept the entire audience!

【7777777! 】

[Guodian at 7 o'clock, so scary! 】

[I didn’t believe it before, but now I have doubts...]

"The factory director didn't choose the right time to catch someone. It was a regular three-speed arrest," Wawa commented. "But Ran didn't notice it. I can only say he was careless."

It wasn't that Lin Ran didn't realize it, but the factory director's jungle clearing route was too weird.

His anti-gank position has always been relatively low, because he is sure that the factory director will not appear from below.

Because in Lin Ran's view, top laner Rambo needs the help of the jungler in the early stage, and this hero is at the strongest level at levels three, four and five. After the damage and shield value were increased in version 7.12, Rambo at these three levels Not even crocodiles are afraid, let alone Qinggangying.

At this time, if the factory director goes to the top lane and performs counter-crouching, the probability of winning in 2V2 after squatting until YM goes to the jungle is quite high.

But Lin Ran didn't expect that the factory director didn't care about Aguang Rambo's life or death. With the help of the duo, he went around directly from below with the help of the red buff-stone beetle-sharp beak bird speed three to catch him.

As a result, Lin Ran's lower position was just caught by the factory director.

"And this death in battle, without the teleportation clockwork, we will lose a lot of soldiers." Miller frowned. The remaining blood artillery soldiers used golems to clean up Lin Ran before he was knocked unconscious by the wine barrel. The wine barrel and Lucian were still If you want to push the fourth wave of soldiers completely into the YM defense tower, without the obstruction of the artillery soldiers, the defense tower will erode the soldiers under the tower very quickly.

It is estimated that before Lin Ran is resurrected and rushes to the middle, the remaining 9 minions, 6 far and 3 near, will all be swallowed up by the defense tower.

Before his death this time, he had eaten two and a half waves of troops, including the cannon truck. Plus the salary automatically paid by the system, it was just enough to buy a Dolan Ring.

After buying the equipment, Lin Ran glanced at the middle line of troops and decisively started sprinting.

Since he weakened sprinting in last year's global finals, the acceleration effect became a gradual increase instead of giving the hero the maximum movement speed bonus from the beginning, so he didn't activate it when he was first caught.

Unexpectedly, it came in handy at this time.

Lin Ran was not stingy with skills either. He knew that it would be difficult for him to use sprinting when facing Lucian in the laning phase, so he simply used it to make up for the damage.

"Ran Ran was very decisive," the director's camera pointed at Lin Ran. All the audience watched as Clockwork started sprinting and left the spring quickly, "He was able to kill three or four more soldiers!"

Just when the audience was impressed by Lin Ran's decisiveness, a battle suddenly broke out on the road.

"The factory director grabs the middle lane, and Xiaotian comes to help Jin Gong grab the upper lane," Miller said in a hurry, "The blue steel shadow wall returns to the tower and kicks Rambo unconscious. A-link pulls up to deal real damage!"

Garlic Bastard Pig Girl goes forward to continue the control, and then tries to stack the frost effect.

However, the two made mistakes in their cooperation. Jin Gong had already handed over Q [Precision Etiquette] in advance and could not refresh his basic attack.

This caused Qinggangying and Zhumei to slow down the speed of adding 4 layers of frost effects for a moment.

"Aguang didn't even flash, he just activated W [Broken Shield] and shrank into the tower, not giving YM a chance to go to the jungle and kill him!"

Rambo still had half of his health. Qinggangying and Zhumei, who had exchanged skills, would definitely not be able to jump over the tower and kill him. The Garlic Bastard could only leave in frustration.

However, Xiaotian immediately invaded the upper half of the Factory Director - when Gui Jiao hit the seventh capture just now, the excessive number of last hits exposed his opening route. He knew that the Factory Director's upper half had not been brushed. of.

(It wasn’t until version 7.22 in mid-November 2017 that each group of wild camps was calculated as 4 standard wild monsters, that is, farming a group of wild monsters became 4 swords. The route of farming in the wild area is even more elusive. See this chapter for the updated map. explain)

He was sure to win this invasion, and even called Jin Gong to escort him.

The junior boy in the middle road had only residual health left after jumping over the tower and killing Lin Ran. He had already returned to the city to replenish his supplies. The remaining Rambo, who had little health, would definitely not be able to help Gui Jiao Qi defend the wild area.

But when he rode the Poro Pig into the wild area, he only saw three groups of safe and sound wild monsters, but no meaty wine barrels!

"The factory director has a very sensitive sense of smell," Miller said, seeing the movement of the wine barrels on the map and unable to hold back his excitement. "He foresaw in advance that Xiaotian would bring people to invade his jungle area, and after helping the mid laner to catch the wind, he After pushing down the troop line, I didn’t go up at all, but chose to brush the lower river crabs, and then entered the lower jungle area of ​​​​YM to exchange resources!”

Gui Jiao Qi showed up in the middle, and the number of last hits was exposed. From then on, he knew that his jungle route had been judged by Xiaotian.

He believed that the Garlic Bastard would take the opportunity to catch Rambo and then invade his upper half, so the director first reminded his top order Aguang, and then he ate the lower river crab.

As expected, Xiaotian went to the top lane intending to help Jin Gong establish an advantage. Not only did he fail to play Aguang Flash, he also exposed his number of junglers.

The factory director quickly determined that Xiaotian's jungle clearing route was blue buff-sharp-beaked bird-red buff. Knowing that the two wild monsters of the three wolves and the magic swamp frog in the lower half of YM had not been killed, he decisively invaded the jungle alone. District, exchange resources with Xiaotian.

In this way, two groups of wild monsters were replaced by three groups of wild monsters. The director only lost one blue buff, but after clearing 5 groups of wild monsters, he still gained first blood and army line experience in the middle, and successfully upgraded to level 4.

Nowadays, the words 777 are all in the barrage. Standing on the edge of the cliff, the factory director is the first to stand up!

"Xiaoyao, you don't have to come and help me, just keep an eye on the road and catch him." Lin Ran quickly dissuaded Xiaotian from this idea after he finished eating the three groups of wild monsters in the upper half of EDG and planned to gank.

The factory director is so elusive now that he has no idea where he is. Once he comes to capture the middle and is caught by him, everything will explode.

After all, the early fighting ability of Pig Girl + Clockwork is definitely not as strong as that of Wine Barrel + Lucian.

Garlic Bastard also figured out this truth, so he could only change his direction to brush his own stone beetles.

The junior who got the first blood updated two long swords, and the equipment is much better than Lin Ran of Double Dolan. Coupled with Lucian's early strength, his laning suppression power is even more obvious.

Under this pressure, Lin Ran was forced to give up some soldiers. More than two minutes passed, and there was a gap of 10 knives between him and Lucian's reinforcements.

However, the ninth wave of artillery soldiers will soon arrive in the middle. After Lin Ran finishes this wave of soldiers, he can be upgraded to level 6, even if he has passed the most difficult period in the early stage.

However, he did not relax his vigilance. Lin Ran knew that the younger brother had a certain experience advantage after killing him once and would definitely reach level 6 before him.

Therefore, he did not rush forward rashly, but huddled under the tower and planned to wait for the army line to advance in front of him.

But when the troops entered the range of the defense tower, Lucian, who had been promoted to level 6, walked toward him with two guns in hand!

Lin Ran immediately sensed something was wrong.

The director's wine barrel emerged from the sharp edge of the two walls surrounding the Sharpbill camp!

It's this wall again, where he and Xiaotian used to have a false vision and crouched down at Xiaohu. Unexpectedly, in the reincarnation of heaven, it would be his turn to suffer disaster today!

He wanted to retreat but it was too late. Neither sprinting nor flashing improved, and Lin Ran had no way to escape.

"The factory director still wants to catch Ran. Xiaotian is still eating stone beetles and is a bit far away. Jin Gong's Qinggangying handed over the teleportation in time to protect his mid laner..."

Lin Ran glanced at the experience bar and wanted to take advantage of the time when EDG's midfielder and jungler had not yet taken action to clear the tower's bottom line of troops to see if he could upgrade to level 6 to help him escape.

Gragas blatantly forced the Clockwork Demon into a blind corner and pushed it with his belly.

Before being knocked unconscious, Lin Ran controlled the puppet to put a shield on his head, hoping to withstand more damage.

However, the three skills of Wine Barrel combined with Lucian's output can be said to cause astonishing damage. Lin Ran, who had not yet reached level 6, had already reduced his health when he recovered from the dizzy state.

But the effect of his own efforts to clear the line of troops before being knocked unconscious finally showed up. The defense tower fired the last shell at the artillery soldiers before transferring its hatred to the barrel.

Together with the three melee soldiers that Lin Ran had cleared out before, he successfully reached level 6!

The blood volume and resistance have all been improved, and a skill point has also been obtained.

Lin Ran learned the ultimate move in seconds, and pressed the R key without hesitation.

Command: Shockwave!

The power of space strangulation bloomed on the demon doll above the clockwork demon, knocking the wine barrel close to his body flying and rolling to his side!

"Cancel the teleportation, you can't get down!" Lin Ran reminded Jin Gong, while using his basic attack, he threw the clockwork parts and hit the wine barrel.

The factory director didn't expect that Lin Ran was actually promoted to level 6. Without flashing, he forced himself to take the wind-up ultimate move and two defense tower shells, and his health was reduced.

Gui Jiao Qi, who knew he could never run away, did not hesitate and stood still and continued to compensate for the damage.

At this time, Scout, who had just finished firing regular skills and passive bullets, raised his two guns and fired the Holy Spear towards Clockwork's cheek, clearing Lin Ran's health bar!

"Clockwork was upgraded to level 6 at the critical moment. His ultimate move brought the factory director back, and he cooperated with the defense tower to kill him!" Miller's voice was loud and clear. "Jin Gong, who was still about a second away from landing, also canceled the teleportation. Junior brother, leave the defense tower with full health!"

"1 for 1," Wawa frowned, "Although Ran did his best before dying, he still suffered a loss."

EDG not only received an extra assist, but also caused Lin Ran to lose a lot of troops - the sixth wave of artillery soldiers had been cleared by him, and only three lonely long-range soldiers were still under the tower.

The next wave of ordinary troops without artillery carts will be smoothly pushed into their own defense towers by the junior students.

But there is good news.

The sprint that Lin Ran handed over when the fourth wave of soldiers entered the tower was completely cooled down when the tenth wave of soldiers entered the defense tower - refreshing the cooldown of 7 waves of soldiers by exactly 210 seconds.

With the help of the replaced head, Lin Ran successfully bought the [Lost Chapter], and then started sprinting towards the middle without stopping.

"But it was a bit miserable to be targeted in this game," Miller laughed when he saw this scene. "The two sprints were all used to repair the line."

The audience also burst into good-natured laughter.

Wawa took over the conversation, "I have to say that the factory director has a really keen sense of smell this time. He seized the opportunity twice."

"That's right..." Miller also felt that something was fishy. "Ran's anti-gank awareness has always been in place, but he was caught to death twice by the factory director in this game."

The factory director went back to the city to buy straw sandals and [Bambi's Slag], and continued walking down the road, preparing to eat the red buff he was about to refresh, with an incomprehensible smile on his face, even his usually dull fish eyes. All with a bit of smile.

I don’t know if it was the big piggy immortal who secretly transmitted his skills to him at 7 o’clock in the evening. The factory director just feels that his thinking is particularly clear now, and his condition is not inferior to that of the 2015 MSI two years ago.

The over-the-tower gank just now was planned by him early. The idea came from the jungle route that Xiaotian exposed when he went to the top lane for a gank in 3 minutes.

Gui Jiao Qi knows that Garlic Bastard is the blue buff-sharp-beak bird-red buff jungle route, and professional junglers basically follow the 20 seconds except for getting heroes like Leopard Girl and Male Gun who are extremely fast to clear the jungle. The 20 seconds of the jungle clearing efficiency of a group of jungle includes the movement time between camps in the jungle - of course, the exception is the founder of Subject 2 who clears the jungle in special circumstances.

The BUFF is refreshed in 1 minute and 40 seconds. According to the 20-second rule, Xiaotian will finish the sharp-beaked bird in 2 minutes and 20 seconds.

The factory director knew that the actual time was earlier - after all, Xiaotian's normal blue opener would be much faster with a duo to help clear the jungle.

Taking 2 minutes and 20 seconds as the time baseline, the current version's 150-second jungle camp refresh time will cause YM's next set of Sharpbill camps to be refreshed around 4 minutes and 50 seconds.

Recently, Xiaotian has not done anything else except going to the top lane to catch Aguang's flash, so he will definitely clear the jungle as soon as possible.

It was almost 5 minutes and 10 seconds before Pig Girl cleaned up the sharp-beaked bird and left.

The factory director used this time to sneak into the YM Beak Bird camp, and took advantage of Lin Ran's mentality that "this jungle area has just been brushed by Xiaotian, and the opponent's jungler will definitely not come", and successfully completed a gank.

Although Lin Ran used sprinting twice to replenish his line, he still missed a lot of troops. Now the gap between him and his junior brother has widened to more than 15 knives.

Xiaotian was not one to sit still and wait for death. After clearing the stone beetles, he went straight to the road and cooperated with Jin Gong, who had just been promoted to level 6, to catch Rambo to death.

"The factory director finished swiping the three groups of wild monsters in the lower half of his area and upgraded them to level 6, and headed straight for the bottom lane!"

Mingkai's own flash still had a little time to improve, but it was this opportunity that stuck him - after the opponent learned that he did not have the extremely important flash to gank the wine barrel, his positioning would definitely not be so cautious.

He really got a chance. Liu Qingsong's Luo wanted to W [Grand Appearance] to lift Meiko up for a wave of consumption, but the wine barrel crouching in the grass in the line pushed him up with his belly!

iboy manipulated Xia to kill his friend Luo Tong, and WAQE continued to imprison him, making Liu Qingsong unable to move!

"The head was taken by iboy, and the factory director was able to control another fire dragon." Miller watched from God's perspective as the economic gap between the two sides gradually widened. "He is in hot shape in this game!"

After taking away the Fire Dragon, the Factory Director still did not go to the upper half, but chose to reverse YM's blue BUFF and gave it to Lucian, who was well developed in this round.

Then, the frantic factory director calculated that EDG was about to have a wave of pushback troops in the bottom lane, and squatted in the grass on the edge of the bottom lane for half a minute.

The precise experience distance control prevented him from gaining any experience from iboy. The EDG duo's normal level improvement made Jack and Liu Qingsong relax their vigilance, and even Xiaotian planned to have a gank.

As a result, the pig girl who was a bastard had just used the explosive fruit to bounce over the wall from her own jungle area when she saw Gragas rushing out with a wine barrel under his arm.

"Barrel E hit Jack with a flash, and the big move blew him into Xayah's face!"

The director's E flash R combo was decisive and fast, without any delay. Jack Verus' health bottomed out instantly under the concentrated fire of the three EDG players.

Xiaotian and Liu Qingsong could only sell their Edici and let EDG kill Jack.

"Zhu Mei and Luo's tower defense abilities are almost zero," Watana said in an exaggerated tone. "Although they have sufficient control, they can't do any damage. They can only watch EDG go to the wild and demolish the tower!"

Jin Gong handed over the teleport before when trying to protect Lin Ran who was jumped over the tower in the middle. At this time, he couldn't get down at all.

"At 8 minutes and 30 seconds, EDG successfully pushed down the first blood tower of YM's bottom lane!" Miller's voice was extremely excited. "The time limit is just right. Iboy can take another wave of troops, return to the city, change lanes, and rush to the Canyon Pioneer! "

In the first ten minutes, the factory director ganked twice in the middle and twice in the bottom lane. He collected Xiaolong and took a health tower. A set of aggressive combination punches stunned YM.

The audience found it outrageous.

EDG's early rhythm is extremely smooth. Is this the seventh ghost?

[It’s outrageous if EDG makes it into a YM style. Is the director possessed by a peanut? 】

[Mingkai at 7 o'clock is so scary! 】

[Oh no, no, no, EDG won’t really win this round, right? 】

In 10 minutes, the Canyon Pioneer was born, but everyone in YM had no intention of fighting. Xia had already taken out his blue-sucking knife. If they had to fight in the upper river, their chances of winning were very low.

With a roar, the Canyon Pioneer was successfully accepted by the factory director.

"EDG didn't stop for a moment and decisively summoned the just-captured Canyon Herald to advance into the middle tower." Miller looked at EDG's fast offensive. "They didn't want to give YM a chance to develop a single belt!"

The YM middle tower, which was originally dissatisfied with its health, was hit by the Canyon Pioneer and suddenly became shaky.

Lin Ran looked at the factory director who was watching eagerly from the side and knew that his ultimate move had improved. He had no other choice but to give up the first tower in the middle.

"The economic gap has reached 4K, and YM is currently at a big disadvantage." Wawa feels that the situation is very serious for YM. "Lucian's strong period will last about 15 minutes. In the later stage, Rambo and Xia will dominate the battle, and cooperate with Feng Nu's strength. Protective ability, YM’s comeback situation is not optimistic!”

Under the camera, the factory director stared at the screen and kept communicating with his teammates.

"Mouse, just come down here and use your ultimate move to intimidate us into demolishing his second tower!"

Gui Jiao Qi's tone was fierce. He wanted to take advantage of the Canyon Pioneer, who still had 30% of his health.

Aguang was very obedient. He first pretended to fight with Jin Gong, depleting himself and Qinggangying. Then he returned to the city to replace the big mask and teleported to protect the artillery soldiers who entered the range of the second tower in YM.

"Hey, mouse teleported!" Miller was very surprised. "Did he treat himself as a tank? This position is too far forward!"

When Lin Ran saw this transmission that was obviously out of touch with EDG, he was stunned for a moment and figured out that mouse, who looked like an invisible man in the first 14 minutes, was playing Rambo instead of the big tree, "Kill Rambo first!"

While commanding his teammates, he placed the golem next to the artillery trooper that was covered in teleportation light.

Aguang also realized his mistake at this time, and the sequelae of playing with big trees appeared. He always placed himself in the front row to fight.

But can this transmission be canceled?

If it is not cancelled, he will definitely die when he lands; if it is cancelled, EDG's plan to use the Rift Herald to hit the second tower of YM will be ruined, and his teleportation will also go into cooling down.

At the insistence of the factory director, Aguang decided to teleport to the ground and use his physical body to help his teammates start this wave of team battles.

"Rambo was hit by Verus' ultimate move as soon as he landed and was imprisoned in place. YM output followed up and killed him instantly!"

But as soon as Aguang landed, he started pressing R hard, dragging the mouse, and before dying, he poured out Rambo's ultimate move that was set to non-intelligent casting!

The flames are scorching and the team battle begins!

The factory director took the lead, as usual, using meat, eggs, onions and chickens in conjunction with his ultimate move to blast the garlic bastard who had just hit A Guang into the EDG crowd.

"Rambo flames blocked the road, and everyone in YM had no choice but to sell Xiaotian. They even gave up the second tower!"

Seeing that Xiaotian was killed, Lin Ran wanted to delay for a while to create time for Jin Gong who was still on the road to lead alone, so he operated the Clockwork Demon's puppet to pull out the shock wave of his ultimate move, knocking out the remaining health vanguard and artillery soldiers under the tower. Clean them all up.

Although he died twice, he got a head in exchange for a head. During the time when the factory director was attacking the bottom lane just now, he also used troops to develop. Currently, he also has the book of ghosts in hand, and the amount of damage can be guaranteed to a certain extent.

But it only lasted 30 seconds. After the next wave of soldiers came up, EDG still pushed down the second tower of YM.

"1 for 1, YM fell to the second tower again, and Jin Gong pushed down the first tower of EDG alone..." Wawa thought for a moment and then analyzed, "This wave of exchanges for YM is still a loss, the strategy of the second tower The value is much higher than the previous tower!”

The director then caught Liu Qingsong in the jungle who came to lay out his vision, and cooperated with iboy to kill him again.

When the time came to 15 minutes, the head ratio was 6:3, and EDG had an economic lead of 5K!

"What a huge advantage!" Miller couldn't help but sigh. "The factory director has controlled another earth dragon. Currently, EDG has two elemental dragons, one fire and one earth. What's more important is that the next one is still an earth dragon!"

"Take your time, don't be in a hurry," Lin Ran controlled the Clockwork Demon Spirit to eat troops in front of the high ground in the middle, "Don't join the team now, we can still grow for at least 5 minutes!"

Currently, among the canyon map resources, only Baron Nash, who refreshes in 20 minutes, is worth fighting for. YM can give up all its neutral resources before that to seek stable development for 5 minutes.

"Now EDG has slowed down the pace, but it has not stopped invading the jungle," Wawa looked at the director's movements, "Ran's clockwork can't get the blue buff at all now!"

Lin Ran won't take a step into the jungle now - his jungle is all in EDG's field of vision. He, an unpurified clockwork demon, is seeking death if he goes in hastily.

Five minutes may seem like a long time, but to everyone in YM who urgently needs to develop and replenish their equipment, it flies by like a fleeting moment.

"EDG took a position near the dragon pit. They want to crouch down and lay out the YM enemies first!"

"Do you want to fight? Do you want to fight?" Liu Qingsong asked his conductor's opinion.

Lin Ran and Jack used vision transformation to illuminate the area near the Dragon Pit, and saw the whereabouts of the EDG people. Then their vision was cleared, and the Dragon Pit fell into darkness again.

Although it is just a glimpse, the system has been updated with the EDG personnel and equipment that just appeared in the far-sighted transformation.

Kasumi already has Blue Sword + Hurricane + Attack Speed ​​Shoes in hand, Lucian also has Black Cut + Ruin + Attack Speed ​​Shoes, not to mention the double C two-piece set, Meiko's Feng Nu actually made two pieces of Fiery Incense + Redemption in the current version. The soft auxiliary magic outfit!

what's the situation?

Lin Ran glanced at it again, and then he realized that Feng Nu didn't have an eye stone. Apart from her salary clothes, she only had this two-piece incense burner and redemption set.

EDG asked Feng Nu to give up the Eye Stone to synthesize redemption. This was obviously prepared, and asked Meiko to use her strongest combat power to prepare for a decisive battle with YM in the Dalong Pit. It would be best to kill the game in a team battle.

"Let it go." Lin Ran looked at the dark dragon pit and knew that even if he led his teammates towards the dragon, they might be ambushed.

Rambo's ultimate move is simply devastating in the wild river. If they pick up the team at a time when their equipment, vision, and lineup are inferior, they will die faster.

"Let's give them the high ground in the middle later," Jack suggested while eating the top line of soldiers. "This will give them more super soldiers to eat."

"We can only give way, not more," Lin Ran decided, "otherwise the pressure on the military line will be too great."

"Jin Gong, you continue to lead the line. You don't need to join the group for the time being."

The Xiba man responded dully. He was taking advantage of the five EDG players to fight the Baron and demolish the Luyi tower.

"YM gave up this big dragon. They plan to defend the high ground and let Jin Gong continue to lead the lane in the bottom lane!"

When the barrage saw the indifferent YM crowd, they suddenly became anxious.

[I don’t believe that YM was really taken away by EDG. Can Baron let him do it? 】

[Guigui, if our roles were reversed, I would show you what cruelty is? 】

EDG, which used the Baron BUFF to accelerate their return to the city to resupply equipment, began to execute a 41-point push, letting Rambo, who had teleported, guard Qinggangying in the bottom lane, and the remaining four people rushed to the YM middle highland tower as a team.

"It is difficult to clean up the minions with the Baron BUFF. YM wants to give up the high ground in the middle to EDG," Miller saw the YM people fighting and retreating. "But EDG is not satisfied, they want more! "

After pushing down the Highland Crystal in the middle lane of YM, they teamed up to push the top lane, intending to continue to expand their advantage!

YM had no time to take care of the defense towers outside the two highlands and left them all to the opponent.

But when the factory director and his teammates wanted to take advantage of the last moment of the Baron BUFF to push down the YM highland tower on the road, Lin Ran stood up.

Hiding near the narrow gate of the high ground above, he successfully found a blind spot in EDG's field of vision. Knowing that the opponent Nosuke would definitely fill up his field of vision in the area, he saw the right moment and threw the golem and used the shock wave to successfully roll up the wine barrel wind girl. Together!

QRW hit thunder three times in a row, reducing Meiko Feng Nu's health to a trace!

The next moment, Jack controlled Verus to kill Feng Nu with a precise arrow from a long distance!

"The incense burner monster has fallen!" Watou shouted loudly, "EDG's group push attack has been forced to a halt now!"

This version's real core incense burner assist fell to the ground. The remaining three people on EDG's front battlefield were also afraid of the sudden attack of the group by the bastard pig girl, so they had no choice but to give up and retreat to resupply equipment.

"The economic gap between the two sides has reached the 1W mark," Miller looked at the economic panel with some worry. "This is equivalent to EDG leading more than half of the molding equipment in each matchup!"

Not only the commentators, but many viewers also felt that this game was very cool for YM. In less than 25 minutes, 1W was in a bad economic situation. How could they get the upper hand?

"Keep leading, let's add another line of troops," Lin Ran licked his dry lips, took a sip of ice water from the paper cup during the break to replenish troops, to keep his brain awake enough, "Just drag it down."

The shattering of the high ground in the middle symbolizes EDG's complete dominance of this line, but it also leaves them without a line of troops to develop.

Because the emergence of super soldiers will completely affect the balance of the army line, EDG's small soldiers will push all the way behind the extremely strong super soldiers and move the handover position of the army line to the YM high ground.

No matter how crazy EDG is, they don't dare to develop soldiers on other people's high ground in front of everyone in YM. They can only watch YM's mid-lane soldiers being beaten to death by their own super soldiers.

If the enemy's super soldiers are always present in the middle, the economic gap between the two sides will gradually narrow. In addition, YM's lineup is strong enough in the later stage, and there is no chance of a comeback if it continues.

With several waves of seesawing, the game has progressed to 25 minutes and 30 seconds.

"Jin Gong is very happy leading the bottom lane. Rambo can't control him alone..." From the director's perspective, Jin Gong continued the second Q [Precision Etiquette], and the E wall hook hook was kicked with the help of the wall and shrank in the bottom lane. Rambo in the second tower, A kicked up and kicked away a full 1/3 of Aguang's health!

Aguang didn't have much health. In order to avoid being killed by Jin Gong's tower, he could only return to the city temporarily to replenish his supplies.

At this time, Jin Gong, who had already made three phases + Hydra + Mercury Shoes + Purple Rain Forest Fist, demolished the tower very quickly. After two rounds of A, he pulled up the second tower in the bottom lane and the second tower was reduced to residual health.

"Come and take care of him, let him carry him like this, he will lose the high ground in the bottom lane!" A Guang wanted his teammates to help him once.

The factory director also knows that this Camille will disgust them to death if he doesn't care about it now. He has never liked to help the top laner and suffered big losses in the single belt system in the previous two years of the World Championship.

"Come and catch him once, and then we will set up the dragon's vision!" He gave the order after taking over Meiko's command after his comeback.

The dragon still has one and a half minutes to refresh, and this time is more than enough time to kill the Qinggang Shadow.

However, when Jin Gong saw the EDG people coming from the jungle, he did not panic. Instead, he demolished the lower two towers in front of the enemy, and then walked back unsteadily.

"After the factory director used a rolling wine barrel to slow down her, he also wanted to knock Camille unconscious with a meat bomb impact, but Jin Gong's hook had already been stretched out when he was knocked unconscious!"

Amidst the doll's surprised explanation, Qinggang Ying, who was in a dazed state, was still pulled to the wall by the hook!

Jin Gong successfully used the skill mechanism of "the green steel shadow hook will not be interrupted before it is attached to the wall" to offset the impact of the wine barrel's flesh bullets!

Although the subsequent stages of Qinggang Shadow itself being absorbed to the wall and handing over the second E [Wall Return] from the wall will be interrupted, EDG does not have enough control at this time!

The half-healthy Jin Gong distanced himself and disappeared into the fog of war.

The factory director just wanted to leave, but the ghost of the green steel shadow lingered on and reappeared in his field of vision!

With the YM team logo above his head, a pair of leg blades as sharp as knives hovered in the air, and Jin Gong's taunting attribute was fully charged.

Gui Jiao Qi turned around and came back, and Jin Gong immediately retreated.

Mingkai turned around and left, and Xibaren ran back and continued to dance and show signs.

How disgusting!

"We must catch him to death, otherwise if we fight the dragon, we will lose the high ground in the bottom lane!" A Guang said in a hurry.

As time went by, the threat he posed to Qinggang Ying in single combat became smaller and smaller, and the burned blood was easily restored by Jin Gong relying on the Hydra to suck blood.

Aguang has no doubt that when his teammates go to fight the dragon later, this Qinggangying can take out the highland tower with his own output.

"The factory director turned around and planned to cooperate with the other four teammates to kill Jin Gong who has been single-playing!"

Hitting him again with the impact of a flesh bomb, Qinggangying directly activated R [Hex Ultimatum], putting himself into an unselectable state and avoiding the control of the wine barrel!

"Qinggangying AQ uses the passive [Adaptive Shield] to help him withstand the damage, and W [Tactical Sweep] to restore health..."

The factory director on the screen learned a lesson this time. He didn't use his ultimate move to blast the barrel, preventing Qinggang Ying from countervailing and controlling the escape show again.

"Xia followed up and swung her feathers, trying to control Qinggang Ying with her barb, but she was dodged by a flash!"

Jin Gong finally showed off his powerful strength that is still at its peak. Qinggang Ying looked extremely cool in his hands. He used his ultimate move, flash and hook to evade the control of EDG. The whole process was extremely smooth. Smooth!

The audience in the audience exclaimed non-stop, and the screen in the live broadcast room was filled with 666. Everyone saw the power of this top laner who was often sacrificed in the YM tactical system and chose to resist pressure!

"EDG's control chain can't be maintained. They don't have the right skills to retain players. This lineup is too weak!"

Even the baby saw the shortcomings of EDG's lineup. Except for the barrel, which can start a group, the other four players cannot enter the field first to provide control.

On the team fight side, they can't force a team fight, and they can't keep people when dealing with single points.

As time passed by, Jin Gong finally made a positioning error and caught Rambo's electronic harpoon.

Jin Gong, who was affected by the slowdown, finally fell under the fire of everyone in EDG.

But at this time, Jin Gong, who was in the bottom lane, had delayed the five EDG players for nearly a minute.

There are still 35 seconds until the dragon is refreshed.

"EDG is working non-stop, reporting a group to the Big Dragon Pit, hoping to take advantage of Jin Gong's resurrection to rush this big dragon!"

Many fans who support YM feel full of despair at this time.

With such a huge economic disadvantage and one person missing, how can we make a comeback?

Coming to the middle lane with his teammates, the factory director suddenly felt something was wrong.

This is the experience he has accumulated over many years of work.

Because too much time was wasted in catching Jin Gong in the bottom lane, no one went to the upper half to lay out their vision.

This caused the upper half of the area to be completely covered by the fog of war, and they did not get any forward vision information at all.

"Push the middle line over first. There is still some time before the Baron is refreshed. We are not in a hurry!" The factory director planned to be steady. While directing his teammates, he planned to go to the Ueno area to lay out his vision.

Just when he wanted to move upward, the other four EDG members were clearing the artillery carts accumulated in the middle.

A young and handsome figure suddenly emerged from the grass in the river on the middle road!

Huan Ling Luo!

He exuded an irresistible extraordinary charm, and his movement speed increased to a terrifying level.

This obviously turns on R [Jinghong Gap]!

"Retreat!!!" The factory director's anxiety amplified to the extreme, and he roared at the top of his lungs.

But it was too late.

"Luo R flashes W [grand debut] and successfully entered the arena from a long distance..." Before Miller could finish his words, he heard the screams of his partner next to him!

"Oh my god, Luo Meimei has charmed all four EDG people except Xia!"

Only iboy used his ultimate skill, Storm Feather Blade, to drift in the air, while the others were all caught up in Luo's beauty and unable to extricate themselves.

Meiko Feng Nu's reaction was a bit slow, and he failed to use his ultimate move to block Luo's entry!

The charm of the ultimate move is not over yet, Luo's grand appearance knocked everyone back in EDG!

The next moment, Pig Girl also emerged from the grass, and the QR drift threw the extreme cold hell into EDG's dense formation!

Jack and Lin Ran, who had started sprinting, emerged from the grass at the same time and joined the battle!

This is their long-planned ambush!

The reason why Jin Gong was delayed in the bottom lane for so long before was to make EDG lose their vision in the upper half, so that their group of proactive control heroes could be used!

Lin Ran [Command: Defense] put a layer of shield on Luo, and the next moment, the huge space force of the shock wave swept in all four EDG people who were either knocked away or stunned!

Lin Ran's development through this period of time is also a two-piece suit in hand. The shock wave that hit four people caused a huge area damage of more than 2,000 points!

In an instant, all four team control ultimate moves of Luo, Zhumei, Clockwork, and Verus were hit. YM played perfect control and output, which can be said to be devastating!

There were exclamations from the audience, and YM's picturesque team battle attracted countless onlookers and cheers!

No one could have imagined that YM would seize such an opportunity 5 seconds ago!

"Verus increased the output, EDG couldn't hold it anymore, and the wine barrel was poured very quickly!"

Although EDG is well equipped, there is one problem - they have no front row except for barrels!

Normally it would be okay with Feng Nu around, but just now Meiko was shot to death by an arrow from Jack who synthesized the hurricane!

At this point, no one can protect EDG's fragile back-row double shooters!

No matter how luxurious the equipment in the back row is, they are simply unable to deal the damage they should due to YM's continuous control and connection!

Lin Ran waited for iboy to land, and the demon QW combined with Verus' damage to kill him instantly!

"EDG made a fatal vision error!" Wawa yelled heartbreakingly, "YM used their first team control lineup to the fullest, all key group control, combined with double C damage to instantly destroy EDG!"

The live broadcast room has completely gone crazy, and YM staged an incredible 0-for-5 comeback under their noses!

YM fans fell into a carnival, and EDG was so happy that they yelled and cursed each other. The mentality of everyone in the live broadcast room was clearly visible!

【? ? ? ? ? 】

【What happened? 】

[He was destroyed by the group? I'm so stupid, brothers! 】

[10,000 behind in economy, 0 for 5 groups to destroy EDG? What is this EDG playing? Go home and raise pigs! 】

【Guaiguai is on fire! 】

[What a handsome Luo, what a handsome clockwork! 】

"The five YM players advanced with great success, flattening three defensive towers in the middle of EDG one after another, and then moved on to fight Baron!"

The moment Baron Nash died in battle, the economic gap between the two sides was reduced from the previous 10,000 to 3.5K!

In just one team battle, the economic disadvantage of 6,500 gold coins was wiped out!

At this time, the game has reached the 28th minute, and the 3.5K economy is of no use at all!

Moreover, Lucian's strong period has been delayed, and now it is the turn of the double C combination of YM Clockwork + Verus to show off!

Lin Ran took full advantage of his long hands and harassed the EDG people who were defending the high ground over and over again.

After the weird 0-for-5 game just now, the five EDG players were ashen-faced, and the morale they had just gained from this game was swept away.

They couldn't understand why the equipment advantages they had worked so hard to establish were wiped out in the blink of an eye.

The EDG people, who had no fighting spirit, had no idea of ​​resistance. Lin Ran, who had just returned to the city to replace his hat, hid in the dark. QRW once again killed Feng Nu who wanted to set up her sights on the high ground and underground!

Luo RW entered the field and cooperated with Zhu Mei to control the back row of EDG. Jin Gong, who had been playing alone for the whole game, arrived. R then pulled up and kicked Xia to death with real damage!

In a devastating team battle, YM crushed it, and the team defeated EDG and flattened the base!

3100 votes, 6.2W of updates are owed, a total of 8.2W including the leader, and an update progress bar will be added in January (7W+1.08w=8.08w/26.2W)

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