LOL: What is a roaming mid laner?

Chapter 322 320: For conspiracy, choose Galio!

"Congratulations to YM," Miller said loudly as he watched RNG's main crystal shatter. "They took the lead and won the first round of the Summer Finals!"

Audiences in the stands on all sides saw the players from both teams taking off their sound-isolating headphones and rushing across the stage to the lounge. They quickly waved their cheer sticks to cheer them on.

There were also fans who were shouting something loudly, trying to convey their overflowing emotions to the players, but they were covered in the noise of the huge venue and no one could hear them clearly.

When the MVP information of this game was displayed on the big screen, the originally chaotic noise disappeared and was replaced by heartfelt admiration.

Lin Ran, who was wearing a black and red team uniform, put his left hand in his pocket and put his right hand in front of his body on his left chest. Behind him stood a huge statue of justice!

The record is 3/0/9, the team participation rate is 100%, and the team injury rate is 43.9%...

"Ran's performance is as stable as ever," Miller said with emotion. "This is simply Galio's teaching game."

"He was everywhere," I remember using four big moles to evaluate Lin Ran's performance. "He blocked countless attacks launched by RNG. Xiangguo and Xiaohu desperately tried to find opportunities to delay Uzi's development in the mid-term. , but without exception, they all failed, and they simply could not break through the iron wall built by Galio."

Wawa also added, "If RNG still wants to use Incense Pot to attack the jungle in the early stage, I think Galio deserves a ban."

In the RNG lounge.

"Xiaohu, do you think Galio will be let go next time?" Firefox, who was wearing a crisp suit, sat on a chair and stared at Midhu closely.

Xiaohu was still thinking, and he didn't say anything.

"If we don't ban Galio, will it be difficult for us to advance in the next game if we take the policewoman?" Uzi frowned when he saw Xiaohu not speaking.

If it weren't for the double teleportation of Galio and Gnar in this game, they could have taken advantage of the gun carriage line at 8 minutes and 48 seconds to directly take the first blood tower of YM's bottom lane.

However, the sudden 5-pack of 3 from the double teleport completely disrupted their plan. Galio then cooperated with Gnar to fish with the bottom-lane first-blood tower, and caught him to death again.

With 0 kills and 2 kills in 10 minutes, the policewoman's rhythm was completely interrupted before she even demolished the bottom defense tower.

Canyon Pioneer was also captured by YM. Throughout the game, Uzi Policewoman didn't even take the first step of the three steps.

The culprit of everything is this Galio flying around.

Now that Uzi is back in the lounge, his mind is still filled with the special effects images of Galio's heroic appearance.

What he means now is very clear: Galio will not be released in the next game.

Seeing that Xiaohu remained silent, Malaxiang Guo pursed his lips.

He and Midhu are old teammates. After working together for several years, they know the character of Can Hu very well - he is soft and soft, and he is usually a good guy, but this kind of character does more harm than good in professional competitions.

Meadhu rarely opposes the suggestions of coaches or teammates with words. If he feels bad, he will not say it outright. Basically, he will keep a straight face and remain silent. As long as his teammates and coaches are a little tougher, he will obey.

This is clearly the case now.

Xiangguo opened his mouth and proposed another solution, "I think there was a problem with the handling of Galio in the last game, mainly because the pressure given in the early stage was not enough, and he was allowed to use large traffic to teleport everywhere for support."

Xiangguo looked at Xiaohu, "Put Galio in the next game. I'll help you put pressure on him so that he can't move. Then we'll help the puppy dismantle the tower."

"Is this plan okay?" Firefox looked at his mid laner. He still likes to give his players a high degree of freedom in terms of BP. This was also the case when he led the Optimistic Family.

The gloomy-looking salesperson nodded heavily.

Judging from his expression, it was obvious that he had been holding back for a long time.

Xiang Guo just sighed heavily.

With his direct and fiery temper, I don't understand why Xiaohu can hold back and remain silent.

Just say what you have to say?

How can we understand what you are thinking if you don't tell us?

Fortunately, there are two people in the team, himself and Uzi, who can make decisions. If they wait until the two of them retire, there will be no players who will listen to him if he becomes the leader of the team.

The core player Ruofeng sitting in the commentary box expressed his views on the previous game and looked forward to the upcoming second game. The camera then cut back to the commentary box.

"Welcome back to Beijing Wukesong Stadium!" Watou said loudly. As he was sitting in the commentary box today, he didn't have to read sponsor advertisements. He suddenly felt that his role was less than half, and he could only do his best to heat up the atmosphere.

Under his leadership, the already enthusiastic Beijing audience cheered even more enthusiastically, and an overwhelming sound erupted from the surrounding stands and rushed to the ears of the ten contestants on the central stage!

"In the second game, YM chose the blue side, and their first ban slot was directly given to the Prince of Demacia!"

Firefox's face suddenly darkened when he saw this move to ban people.

The difference between the playoffs and the regular season lies in this. The team is constantly improving from the BP outside the Summoner's Rift to the specific execution inside the Rift.

From tactical counterattack to counterattack, both sides carried out the tactical game to the extreme.

In the end, the competition is all about tactical reserves and lineup depth. This is why many established and strong teams, despite repeated overturns in the regular season, are like tigers in the playoffs and the bubble stage. Buddha's reasons.

Because the tactical reserves of these strong teams are enough to exhaust all their opponents' cards in the BO5 knockout matches, and then use their richer experience to defeat their opponents.

White Crescent Moon's BP is obviously improving in this round.

As one of the developers of the Hunger Strike style, Firefox is well aware of the importance of the prince.

It is no exaggeration to say that the prince is the T0 jungler in the hunger strike system, and his strength can even crush the wine barrel and pig girl.

Because this hero can provide good effects in the early, middle and late stages of the game.

In the early stage, Prince is the only jungler in the current version who can do things at level 2. Spider, Barrel, and Pig Girl have to wait until level 3 to have certain control and damage capabilities.

This level of time difference gives Mala Xiangguo unlimited opportunities to perform. He can gank or invade unscrupulously, because it is absolutely impossible for the opposite jungler to beat him.

If Lin Ran hadn't set up a deception in the last game, once the spicy hot pot invasion was successful, Xiao Tianye District would have been defeated early.

In the middle and late stages, the prince can start a team without thinking after making [Gargoyle Stone Plate Armor]. The resistance and health value increase provided by the equipment combined with the percentage shield effect of W [Golden Holy Shield] are just a disgusting mess. Meat.

The flatness of the two-piece set of the Prince is comparable to that of a three-piece set of tanks, and its economic efficiency is extremely high. It can be called a model of grazing and milking, and is perfectly adapted to the hunger strike flow.

White Crescent Moon was obviously aware of this. He was on the blue side with little pressure in Ban's position, so he immediately blocked it.

Firefox will first ban the Spear of Vengeance, and prepare to wait and see what happens, and then look at a ban position.

"YM gave Xiao Pao the second ban spot!" Miller thought for a moment, "This is obviously paving the way for mid laner Galio."

Firefox held the notebook and walked around behind the team members. After thinking for a long time, he finally sent the Spider Queen to the ban position.

White Crescent gave the last ban spot of the first round to Luo, dismantling the Xia Luo combination.

"The BP of YM is telling you clearly - I want to take Galio," I remember saying, "Why don't RNG ban the hero Ran who was so hot in the last game..."

Firefox, who had discussed the countermeasures in the lounge, naturally did not do this, and instead disabled Rek'Sai.

In this way, the remaining strong junglers outside are Pig Girl and Wine Barrel.

White Crescent Moon laid her plan of choosing Galio naked in front of him, and Firefox naturally wanted to retaliate.

If you want to choose Galio, you can, but I will choose the jungle position first.

White Crescent doesn't care about him at all. Lin Ran's hand is hot. There is no reason not to choose a hero like Galio who dares to let him go.

"YM did not hesitate to lock Galio in seconds!" Wawa shook his head and sighed, "Let's see if RNG can make a better response in the lineup."

The barrage's reaction to this was not as dramatic as the commentary. Many viewers felt that leaving Galio was unsatisfying. After all, it was just a wonderful performance in one game. Maybe this game can revive his glory and come back?

"Wine Barrel + Feng Nu, RNG also got two powerful heroes in their respective positions!"

White Crescent Moon has supplemented the two heroes Zhumei and Lulu. He is not in a hurry to play ADC. Currently, all the strong shooters except Xiaopao are outside, and RNG will not be able to ban them in the second round; the remaining strong characters of Nosuke are Not many, if you don't choose first, you may be targeted by Firefox.

"RNG got Syndra in the last pick of the first round!" I remember pondering for two seconds, "RNG thought there was nothing wrong with Syndra's choice in the last game..."

"Actually, the laning was okay," Wawa continued. "Xiaohu had a certain advantage in last-hitting damage and health in the early stage, and his combination with the fragrant pot also caused some trouble for Ran."

"The key is that Ran failed to keep up with the rhythm in the two key waves of roaming, which caused Xiang Guo to send first blood in the jungle, and Uzi also cut off his own development..."

In the second round of banning, Firefox aimed at Jin Gong, who YM had not yet selected a hero to attack. Gnar + Qinggang Shadow, two heroes who tended to be single-player and could be matched with Galio's entrance, were all pressed; White Crescent Moon was also very targeted. Shen + Big Chongzi, don’t play any of letme.

Both parties have a tacit understanding not to use the shooter position, because they are confident enough: RNG thinks that no matter what shooter you use, Uzi will definitely crush Xiao Ming's Fengnu with the female policeman; and YM is also plotting, releasing the female policeman is capable Just take it, and you'll be done with it later if we, the three upper, middle and wild brothers, can do it to you.

"RNG's fourth choice is to lock the policewoman in seconds," Miller said with a little worry. "Except for the jungle position being replaced by a barrel, the other three heroes in RNG's lineup are exactly the same as in the previous game. Their specific tactical execution must be changed, otherwise It’s hard to deal with YM’s…”

White Crescent saw that the opponent left the top unit to be chosen last, so he didn't hesitate.

Now that Big Chongzi, Shen, Gnar and Qinggangying have all been pressed down, the remaining strong top laners are Kennen, Rambo and Dashu.

According to the information obtained before the game, whether letme is AD Kennen or AP Kennen, both are terrible, and it is unlikely that they will be chosen rashly on a stage like the finals.

Rambo needs resources and jungle care. Originally, Xiangguo's play style could protect the top lane. Letme has also played Rambo many times, but it didn't work in this round.

Because Uzi has already selected the policewoman, this is a well-known bottom lane speed push lineup. You must know that it is difficult for junglers to catch the 3rd lane. Even if they go hungry, there is not enough time.

The focus of this round of Mala Xiang Guo must be on the bottom and middle lanes. After all, Uzi in the bottom lane took the policewoman, a hero with its own lane push system, and it would be unrealistic not to help her.

Rambo is not easy to choose either, so only big trees are left.

"Would you like to play Sword Princess?" White Crescent Moon provided an option, "Or Captain?"

Anyway, let Jin Gong suppress his opponents with his personal strength, and then use side tactics in the mid-term, which will drag down RNG's life and make it unable to take care of itself.

"Sword Girl, Sword Girl, Sword Girl." Jin Gong thought for two seconds and decided to use the more flexible Unparalleled Sword Girl.

As soon as the hero was locked in, the cheers of the audience in the stands from all directions rose to a higher level, echoing in Wukesong Stadium!

The audience likes to see this kind of hero who can show off his skills. Lin Ran plays a bulky guy like Galio. Although his tactical status is very high, it does not meet the aesthetics of most viewers at all.

Otherwise, why would the four sisters in the top lane, jungler Lee Sin, mid laner Yasuo, bottom lane VN and Thresh be so popular in ranked matches in any version?

"Brother Gongzi showed off his sword!" Wawa yelled excitedly, "This game is about to go solo again. RNG's lineup is not good at limiting Sword Girl. He has a lot of room to play!"

White Crescent Moon then took out Verus for Jack to match Lulu.

Verus is a very strong ADC in the laning phase, mainly because his shooting range is longer than that of ordinary shooters.

Although not as perverted as the policewoman, there is no big problem with defensive line clearing.

In the end, Firefox thought for a long time and chose a big tree for letme.

The lineups of both sides are as follows.

Blue square YM: top laner Sword Girl, hunting wild boar girl, mid laner Galio, bottom lane Verus + Lulu.

Red square RNG: top laner Dashu, jungler Barrel, mid laner Syndra, bottom lane policewoman + Feng Nu.

"The second round of the 2017 LPL Summer Finals is about to begin, let's see who wins..."

Since there were many more spectators at the venue today than at Supermarket Square, and the oversized venue space also dispersed the flow of people, there was no dedicated person responsible for leading the cheers for the supporting teams before the game.

But this did not dampen the enthusiasm of the audience. Their scattered cheers accumulated and gathered together, desperately getting into the ears of the players.

I don’t know how much higher the momentum is than that of Shanghai Zhengda Plaza!

Lin Ran adjusted his headphones, trying to isolate outside sounds and concentrate on preparing for the game.

The screen lit up, and the familiar Summoner's Rift spring appeared in front of him.

This time he did not choose the Corruption Potion, but the Dolan Ring + two blood bottles, and took the lead and led the four teammates behind him into the RNG jungle.

"YM wanted to use the strength of their first-level team to invade the jungle and gain an advantage," Miller analyzed after taking a look at the lineups of both sides. "But RNG realized this in advance. They inserted wards in advance and crouched under their own Half of the area, I want to use Feng Nu’s blow to knock me away to take over this battle!”

YM was wary of Feng Nu, but Lin Ran was caught by the attack alone. After being blown up, he ate the policewoman's Peace Messenger and Syndra's Dark Sphere.

The blood volume dropped a bit.

"Xiangguo gave up his lower jungle area, but Ran only has half of his health left. At this time, he has to teleport back to the city to supply supplies. He is a little embarrassed!"

Lin Ran decided to continue laning with half health, which was not a big problem.

After get off work, I watched a movie and had a meal with someone. I took a little time to come back. I will update less today and be more provocative tomorrow.

3200 votes, 6.4W of updates are owed, and the total number of franchisees is 8.4W.

January update progress bar (10.18w+0.4W=10.58W/26.4W)

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