LOL: What is a roaming mid laner?

Chapter 334 332: Suffocating rhythm! Good start

Lin Ran bought the Dolan sword and blood bottle from Grandpa Teemo in Spring Water, and led his teammates to the river in the center of the map.

"YM is standing at the river pass. They don't seem to have any intention of invading. They just want to defend their wild area!"

In terms of the lineup strength of the first-level team, there is not much difference between YM and Samsung - although Jack's Big Mouth is stronger than Verus at the first level with the help of W [Biochemical Barrage], and he also has Galio and Barrel in hand, but The prince's German flag on the opposite side increases the attack speed and combined with the troll's Q [Sharp Teeth Bite] to steal the attack power is also quite powerful.

In this situation, stability is the priority, Lin Ran doesn't want anything to happen.

Samsung thinks so too. Their style of play is to steadily shrink their defense in the early stage, and wait until the C-position equipment is formed in the mid-to-late stage before seeking to join the team and single-handedly play on the wing.

Crown's not-so-tall body moved twice on the gaming chair, leaning forward so that his waist was away from the back of the chair, and his four eyes were focused on the 24-inch display in front of him.

In the opening match, he had to show his best to face the most powerful opponent. Today, he was particularly confident against Lin Ran's Qinggang Shadow.

In addition to studying their opponents in their own divisions this year, Crown and Samsung also pay most attention to the overseas league team YM.

Playing the role of Avengers, they are very concerned about the dynamics of YM. Naturally, they also know that Lin Ran has a mid-lane Camille. Crown also specifically asked cuvee for the laning details of dealing with Qinggang Shadow.

When Cuvee started custom practice with Cuvee, he felt very frustrated. I, a mid laner, have to learn how to play Qinggang Shadow in lane. Is there any reason for this?

But when YM selected Qinggang Ying and handed it over to Lin Ran to operate, Crown immediately felt comfortable, and all the hard work he had put in before was in vain.

He followed the military line away from the defense tower and saw the green steel shadow holding YM Ran on the opposite side dangling behind his military line. Crown wanted to find Lin Ran's movement pattern.

Five seconds passed and he found nothing.

The opponent's positioning is not just a blind habit of clicking the floor. Every time he moves forward or retreats, he seems to have an ulterior motive: he moves laterally away from the soldier line because he wants to take advantage of his own troops to replenish troops, and he wants to exchange blood without damage; he moves closer to the melee soldiers in the front row because he wants to use W. [Tactical Sweep] to consume...

Crown was already trying hard to think about the hidden meaning behind Lin Ran's every move, but he was still a little slow.

Lin Ran took a step to the side and back. Qinggang Ying just left the protection of the melee soldiers. Crown's eyes lit up. He took a step forward and cast Q [Stone Penetration] at the same time. The rock shot towards Qinggang Ying's body. .

When casting the skill, Yanque raised his arm and wanted to throw a basic attack. Crown didn't want to miss this golden opportunity. The basic attack + skill exchange at level 1 would definitely make a lot of money. He wanted to eat himself in one bite. Become an Uzi!

But Lin Ran had already planned the move of the crown. The moment he saw the stone piercing the rock, he moved in the opposite direction to avoid the second rock shot by the rock. At the same time, he raised the sharp Hextech leg blade. , W [tactical sweep]!

Crown still wanted to move to dodge at this time, but the tactical sweep was cone-shaped, and the outer circle was extremely wide. It would be impossible to dodge by moving sideways, and there was no point in retreating.

The rock bird's basic attack range is 525 yards, while the Qinggang Shadow's tactical sweep range is 610 yards. It is simply unrealistic for the Crown to retreat 100 yards before the leg blade cuts itself.

The rich experience accumulated by Crown for many years in the professional league allowed him to respond in time - the rock bird moved sideways simultaneously with the Qinggang Shadow, allowing the stone penetration he cast to continue to hit Lin Ran.

The leg blade cut down, and the crown's health was reduced. At the same time, Lin Ran's health bar that had just fallen rose a little, almost replenishing the health lost by the rock bird's basic attack and the rock hit.

80% of the huge deceleration effect was attached to the rock bird. Lin Ran took the opportunity to continue walking sideways, widening the distance between himself and the rock bird, and avoiding the remaining rocks behind.

After a wave of blood changes, Crown found that it had suffered a lot - Camille's tactical sweep, like the range damage of other heroes, would not attract the hatred of minions, which resulted in Lin Ran's state being maintained quite well.

He knew that he must not be impatient when facing Lin Ran, so he quickly stabilized his mind and calmed down.

As the two continued to face each other, Lin Ran also discovered that something was wrong with Crown's performance.

This person is obviously very familiar with Qinggang Shadow. Since the loss of blood exchange at level 1, he no longer uses Q [Stone Penetration] to push the line. He only slowly replenishes the tail blade, and then uses basic attacks while he steps forward to replenish troops. To consume.

Crown's doing this will make Lin Ran feel very uncomfortable.

First, the army line has not been pushed forward, and the rock bird has also remained in a relatively safe position. Qinggangying's combat ability at the second level is extremely powerful. Although it is not as abnormal as the red angry crocodile, it relies on the passive adaptive shield and W The two small skills of E and E can also be regarded as the existence of the first level.

If the crown is in a safe position in front of the tower, Lin Ran will definitely not dare to use the hook rope to rush forward for blood exchange at level 2 - once he is pushed under the defense tower by the rock protrusion of the rock bird, it will be over.

The second is the detailed basic attack consumption of Yanque, which deceived the system.

Qinggang Shadow now has a unique adaptive shield in the entire league. Different from Raven's ordinary shield and Morgana's magic black shield, Qinggang Shadow's adaptive shield will change according to the opponent's damage type. There are two types of physical shields and magic shields, and they can only withstand a single form of damage.

According to the designers, the smart adaptive shield makes them feel very coooooool.

Regarding the triggering mechanism of the adaptive shield, the specific form is "the main damage type received by the target", and it is not triggered according to the target hero's magic power or attack power.

For example, Crown's Rock Bird has hit a stone penetration and a basic attack at level 1. The magic damage caused is greater than the physical damage. Logically speaking, what Lin Ran kicks out will be a magic shield.

But now he took the opportunity to use basic attacks to cause damage to Lin Ran, and the physical damage exceeded the magic damage.

Although Yanque is a mage at this time, Qinggang Shadow will kick out a physical shield. The famous animation "Camille kicks the fox out of the physical shield" is the ultimate version of Qinggang Shadow's adaptive shield mechanism. Good explanation.

But Yanque is not the scrapping queen Ahri. If Lin Ran comes forward to exchange blood with Crown with a physical shield, the result will definitely be a loss.

Crown's two detailed operations made it impossible for Lin Ran to take advantage of Qinggangying's strongest early period to exchange blood and gain an advantage.

Moreover, Lin Ran also noticed that Crown's summoner skill this time included healing, while he himself used teleportation in order to keep up with the possible ultimate support after the rock bird reached level 6.

The Crown's healing spell will have a crucial impact on the midfield conflict that is most likely to break out in the early stages.

The matchup in the middle of the two sides is Yanque vs. Qinggangying, and the jungler matchup is Prince vs. Keg. The situation is obvious. YM has an advantage in the middle in the early collision, while the jungler is slightly at a disadvantage. When combined together, YM's midfielder relies on control and control. The outburst will take advantage.

However, the Crown has healing skills, which can provide a certain amount of healing for itself and the jungler during battles, thereby changing the entire midfield battle pattern.

Lin Ranbu Zhubing was puzzled. Crown had obviously studied Qinggang Shadow, and the details of the early laning were almost full.

Are you playing as a mid laner or as a top laner?

Lin Ran didn't know that he had become the obsession and inner demon of Crown and even Samsung in the past year. This group of people had been studying the playing styles of himself and YM during their free time, so they were naturally prepared.

When the middle lane of both sides reached level 3, Yanque's combat ability improved significantly after possessing three small skills. He even dared to step forward and frequently use skills to consume Lin Ran.

"Hiss, Brother Crown's laning was very good today, his blood volume was very healthy, and he was a little bit ahead of Ran with last-ditch hits..." From God's point of view, the director's camera kept switching, and he didn't see the laning in the middle. Of course, even if you see the specific details, you probably won’t be able to understand them.

He praised it seriously, "As expected of Brother Yanque's unique skill, his proficiency is quite high."

Lin Ran hung the hook on the wall, looking for an opportunity to rush to Crown's face to exchange blood, but since he reached level 2, Yanque's position has been in the middle.

Although there are many walls in the middle, Qinggangying can use the hook to reach every land in the middle, but there is a big difference. The place where Yanque is standing now will definitely not be kicked by Qinggangying in the first place.

This gave Crown time to react. He could place the E [Stone Array] between himself and Lin Ran. As long as the Qinggang Shadow's second section of the E wall kicked back, it would trigger the Stone Array's trap and take damage.

Moreover, as long as Qinggang Ying gives him a long reaction time, Crown can place W [Rock Burst] at his feet, and Qinggang Ying will be bounced away if he dares to kick it.

It can be said that Crown has handled all the details to the best, and even if it is operated by Alpha Dog, it cannot be more perfect.

Lin Ran had no choice but to withstand the damage from the rock bird and try to reach level 6 as soon as possible.

Fortunately, Qinggang Shadow's W [Tactical Sweep] provided a reply, and the burst damage of the rock bird when it missed the rock protrusion was not very high, and Lin Ran's HP could barely keep up.

"Brother Gongzi on the road is not feeling well either. The trolls are just squeezing Galio casually!" Miller frowned. He did not expect that YM would face a situation where both the middle and upper lanes were suppressed at the same time.

Leader An even took advantage of the opportunity for the middle and upper lanes to seize the line rights and attack the upper half of YM's jungle area, successfully grabbing 3 small sharp-beaked birds from Xiaowei.

In the early stage, Big Mouth + Feng Nu on the bottom lane could not benefit from the three-star Verus + Lulu.

For a time, YM was somewhat passive in all three lanes in the early stage.

Most of the comments were aimed at encouraging people to cheer up. They believed that the small disadvantage in the early stage was not worth mentioning because they didn't even get a first blood burst. However, as more people watched the game, some people were finally venting their dissatisfaction.

[If the mid laner insists on playing tricks on Qinggang Ying, why not just play Galio honestly? Changing heroes destroyed all of his family, Ueno and Jungle! 】

Before the barrage floated off the screen, the battle started.

Xiaotian saw Leader An grab his bird and continue walking upwards, thinking he wanted to gank Jin Gong.

Xiaotian knew the conspiracy of Leader An and hurried up, but before he could make the green jungle knife, he was afraid of being ambushed by the cunning Leader An on the way, so he could only make a circle in the jungle and rush to the road.

This delayed a little time and gave Leader An the opportunity to take action.

The cuvee troll shouted loudly, and the [Ice Pillar] emerged from the soil on the surface, and hit Galio's butt hard, pushing Jin Gong forward.

Leader An came from the triangular grass on the top road at this time, and the EQ Second Company wanted to challenge the Xiba people.

But Jin Gong, who had received Xiaotian's warning in advance, was very calm at this time. He was good at facing this kind of gank. When he saw the opposite Ueno and Jungle coming to catch him, his expression suddenly became stern.

My DNA has moved!

"Jin Gong's hand speed is very fast. Before he was knocked away, he accumulated taunts and stacked damage reduction BUFFs to withstand the prince's explosion!"

The passive magic shield provided by Durang Shield withstood the magic damage from Prince E [Debon Banner], keeping Jin Gong's health at around half health.

"After Brother Gongzi taunted, he first hit a passive punch, and then used E [Justice Punch] to knock the prince away!"

Not only did he save the status, but he also delayed it for 3 seconds until Xiaoyao arrived.

A wave of conflicts broke out between the two sides on the field, and the hearts of the audience were instantly raised.

But at the critical moment, the damn director switched the camera again, and the focus quickly came to the upper half of the river!

what happens?

As soon as questions came into the audience's mind, they saw Qinggangying chasing the rock bird in the grass on the upper river and beating him violently!

In the regular hexagonal area of ​​[Hexian Ultimatum], the crown was guarding the wall he had built previously and had nowhere to hide!

Since the middle line of troops arrives 10 seconds earlier than the top line, Lin Ran and Crown have both reached level 6 at this time.

Crown looked at the ferocious green steel shadow but could do nothing. The other end of the wall was blocked by Qinggangying's ultimate move. He couldn't get through at all and could only be beaten in the regular hexagonal area.

Hex's ultimatum finally ended. Crown handed over the flash treatment and wanted to run away, but Lin Ran's W [Tactical Sweep] hung on the outer ring to slow him down. After the wall curtain disappeared, he caught up and went to A to pull up. The real damage caused Lin Ran to Successfully harvested the first blood of Rock Bird!

Although the audience in the audience still didn't know the reason for the fight in the middle, the result was clearly before their eyes!

The Wuhan Sports Center Gymnasium boiled instantly, and the cheers from the audience filled the airtight space!

Crown's expression was autistic, and he put his hand on his forehead helplessly.

"Solo kill, this is a wave of solo kills!" Miller was very excited. "The crown was stable for nearly 6 minutes, but Ran still seized the opportunity!"

At this time, the battle that broke out on the road came to an end. Cuvee finally flashed into the tower, and smoothly AQA reset the basic attack to kill the remaining health Jin Gong, but he was also killed by the defense tower - Xiaoyao did not compensate for the damage in detail. Otherwise, the head will be taken by him.

He knew that one of the key points of this game was not to allow Cuvee's top laner to develop and lead in advance, otherwise it would be difficult for Qinggangying and Galio alone to pose a strong threat to him. Catching this single-band troll will also affect YM's formation.

Therefore, it is necessary to feed the Xiba people with heads. They can be at a disadvantage in the top lane, but they must not collapse.

"Can you play it back and see how the crown was caught by Ran?" Wawa was puzzled.

Many viewers also felt puzzled, and the director fully satisfied their curiosity.

In the replay, An Bixin's prince is walking up the road, while Xiaotian's wine barrel is circling, and Crown's begins to cross Q [Stone Penetration] to push the line.

It was 5 minutes and 38 seconds at this time, and the artillery soldiers in the middle had been handed over. With the level 3 Q skill, Yanque cleared the soldiers very quickly. He threw five rocks and killed the close combat soldiers.

Rock Bird successfully reached level 6. Crown knew that a wave of 2V2 was about to break out on the top lane, so he left the lane and tried to find a position to activate his ultimate move.

Rockbird's R [Wall Curtain] only requires one second of delay to ride, while Qinggang Shadow's teleportation takes 4.5 seconds to land. As a rockbird with unique skills, Crown has a very keen sense of the speed of support.

If Lin Ran wanted to reach level 6 before going on the road, YM Ueno would have been killed by them when the teleportation landed; if he teleported directly, the crown would arrive first, and then he would have a level 6 rock bird to cooperate with the prince and the troll. Two good players in small-scale team fights can definitely win this conflict.

But he didn't expect that Lin Ran didn't choose to support, but chose another path.

When the green steel shadow on the screen was about to disappear, AQAAQ quickly killed the key melee minions, raised it to level 6, and then immediately walked upwards.

At this time, the director narrowed the angle of view and included the rock bird that had walked near the grass in the river and was about to activate his ultimate move and the green steel shadow that had not yet entered the grass above the middle road into the screen. The two were more than 1,500 yards apart!

Lin Ran walked into the grass, stretched out the hook rope and hit the wall, driving Camille to climb on the wall. At this time, the Rock Bird R [Wall Curtain] had been pushed out and was about to ride the Wall Curtain Surf to the battle location on the road.

But Camille suddenly handed over the flash, and when she left the wall, she triggered the second stage of E [Wall Return]!

Qinggang Ying, who has shortened the distance by flashing, has triggered the skill indicator of wall return at this time, and has detected the presence of enemies around him. If he rushes towards the enemy's position, he will gain double the displacement distance!

I'm here to catch you!

Like the gangster godfather Gunslinger, the source code Qinggangying, who is known as the original skin of the hero, has a strong sense of threat in his words.

With the help of the lengthened wall, Lin Ran successfully crossed the wall curtain constructed by the rock bird and kicked off the crown on the other side of the wall that had just climbed onto the rock wall!

E flash E, classic replica!

At this moment, the audience in the audience screamed in surprise!

The leg blade cut heavily on the rock bird, whose thick eyebrows resembled Lin Weixiang's, and whose square face resembled a garlic bastard. After the wall hit, Qinggangying's attack speed was greatly increased for 5 seconds!

Crown's screen was cut to the road at that time, and he was preparing to observe the team battle situation to decide the order of combos after arriving. Unexpectedly, the wall curtain he had built illegally was immediately ordered to be demolished by Qing Gangying, an employee of the Planning Bureau!

Crown, who had recovered from the dizzy state, panicked. Although Camille was repeatedly weakened by Riot designers, the strength of the duel dropped a lot. It was difficult to face many top lane heroes, but against a mage like Yanque , still extremely threatening!

As long as they fight face to face, Yanque's chance of winning is close to 0!

Crown could only hand over W [Rock Burst] in order to send Lin Ran flying, but Lin Ran, who had just reached level 6, decisively handed over R [Hex Ultimatum], and Qinggang Shadow, who became unselectable in the air, succeeded. Avoided the delayed rock burst skill.

After that, the Qinggang Shadow beat up the rock bird that the audience had seen before. The method was extremely cruel. Hex's ultimatum added extra magic damage to each of Qinggang Shadow's basic attacks. Unable to bear it, he finally handed over the double summons and still died miserably in the jungle.

Miller took a deep breath, "The familiar E flash E, Ran really dares to operate it, I just saw that the rock bird has already put up the wall!"

"If you miss just one step, the rock bird will be able to run out, and the one who will be embarrassed will be Qinggangying!" The doll plays a qualified role of admiration, trying hard to exaggerate the thrilling and exciting atmosphere.

[What a handsome Qinggangying! 】

[Hey, dear, is your brother-in-law watching the game backstage? You have to let him finish the game and ask fellow Crowners what they think. 】

[I thought I saw a barrage targeting Dan Qinggangying before. Does your face hurt now? Just wait while I dig around to find the body and whip it...]

"Crown was single-killed. The mid lane that had been stable for nearly 6 minutes was a little bit crumbling." Miller said he was thinking about Samsung, but his gloating tone had already revealed everything. "The 400 gold coins for first blood made Ran... The development has been completed and surpassed!"

Since a conflict had just broken out on the road, Lin Ran knew the movements of Sanxing Ueno, and naturally knew that he would not be caught to death. He confidently pushed the wave of artillery troops into the Crown's defense tower.

There were a total of 57 minions in the 9-wave army line. Lin Ran paid 50 knives for replenishment. Plus the first blood money and the salary paid by the system, Lin Ran had a total of 1,800 gold coins.

He glanced at the artillery cart that was fighting the newly added three-star soldiers under the opposite tower. Instead of choosing Tiamat, which had a stronger line clearing ability, he bought Yao Guang (1050) + Long Sword (350) + Straw Shoes. (300) and a true eye.

The money was almost spent. Lin Ran didn't use teleportation and went online on foot.

Crown only has [Lost Chapters], and the combat power provided by the equipment is far from Lin Ran.

However, he didn't want to compete with Lin Ran in this round. After being single-killed, Crown became more and more cautious. He just wanted to push the line of troops away and leave the middle.

But Lin Ran had previously pushed the ninth wave of artillery troops into the defense tower, and Samsung's newly added troops, together with the defense tower, dealt with the thick-skinned sports car troops.

However, YM's newly added troops did not find any trace of the three-star soldiers at the scheduled handover position. They marched all the way to the three-star tower and met the enemy in close combat.

In this way, Lin Ran's pushback line was formed.

Crown wants to use Q [Stone Penetration] to quickly deal with this wave of pushing back troops.

But just as the military line crossed the center of the river, Lin Ran suddenly handed over his E [Hook Rope] to the wall next to him, and it seemed that he wanted to kick him.

Crown frowned, and laid the E [Stone Array] under his feet. At the same time, he pressed his finger on the W key, preparing to wait for Lin Ran's second section of the E wall to kick back and bounce him away.

"Gario is missing, be careful!" cuvee suddenly shouted in the team voiceover.

Initially, he didn't take it seriously when he saw Jin Gong moving up the triangular bush on the road, because Cuvee saw that the Xiba man still had a real eye in his backpack, and subconsciously thought that Galio was setting up his vision to prevent being bypassed and ganked by the leader An. .

But 5 seconds passed, and Galio did not return to the line. This was the normal time to go to and from the triangle grass online. Cuvee saw this and immediately issued a warning without hesitation.

Crown was suddenly shocked when he heard his teammates' prompt, but in the flash of lightning, he had no time to care about other things. He could only stare at Lin Ran's movements. There was a certain delay in his W [Rock Burst], and he wanted to rebound. To fly Camille, you must cast it in advance.

W [tactical sweep], Qinggangying's sharp leg blade cutting area suddenly opened, and then the second section of E [wall return] rushed forward!

There was a crackling sound, and Lin Ran stepped on the stone traps one after another, losing a lot of health. However, the outer edge of the cone of the tactical sweep hit the rock bird and restored his health by one bar.

"Another conflict broke out in the middle. The Crown deployed W [Rock Thrust] under its feet in an attempt to bounce Qinggang Shadow away..." The doll yelled, "But Qinggang Shadow didn't kick him at all!"

On the screen, the second wall of Qinggang Shadow Camille did not rush straight towards the rock bird, but towards the back of the crown, as if to block his retreat!

Since the skill indicator of Qinggang Shadow's second wall return is very wide, as long as the direction of the dash is around the opponent's hero, you can enjoy a double dash distance bonus. Therefore, Lin Ran's displacement distance is not short at all, and he is now right behind the crown. .

Was it the wrong direction?

Many viewers felt that Lin Ran had made a mistake.

The rock protruded from the surface without lifting anything, leaving only a sonic boom.

But it was like a switch was triggered, and a huge green circle quickly expanded and formed with the green steel shadow as the center, completely blocking the crown's retreat!

"Gario! Jin Gong's Galio is here!" Miller looked excited, "YM's top and middle teams are working together to catch this rock bird that didn't flash!"

Cuvee didn't find Jin Gong's position. He knew that Crown couldn't escape without flashing, so he simply didn't even teleport and continued to push the lane in an attempt to wear down YM's top tower.

"The rock bird has no means of escape and is still wearing the slowdown of Qinggangying W [tactical sweep]. Even Galio's ultimate move cannot escape. Crown can only wait for death!"

Jin Gong sat down and shook the rock bird up. W [Dulang Shield] continued to taunt and control, Lin Ran with radiance did full damage, and finally he pulled up the leg blade to deal real damage to Gang who could not be revived. The 1 minute rock bird returns to the spring.

Leader An arrived very quickly, but still failed to save the unshielded crown. He hid in the grass and witnessed the cruel Gray Lady Camille and the Forbidden Demon Stone Colossus killing his teammates.

Seeing YM opening up the situation, Miller was so excited that he blushed, "Qinggangying handed over the teleport and rushed to the top lane to make up the lane, while Jin Gong stayed in the middle lane to develop!"

Cuvee's face turned half green when he saw two heads of Camille whose heads were higher than his own.

Is this still NM?

"A magical change of lanes, Samsung was fooled around, and there was absolutely no way!" Wawa shouted excitedly, "YM's proud early tactics crushed Samsung!"

[Signature rock bird? Just beaten! 】

[I thought how strong he was, but I didn’t expect that he could withstand YM for 6 minutes? 】

[The original cast was swept away by YM last year. What are you worried about? 】

[Does anyone really think YM will lose? 】

With Crown dying twice in a row, the combat situation in the first half of the area has undergone earth-shaking changes. Cuvee can still compete with Lin Ran by relying on the strong troll position, but Crown's Rock Bird in the middle is completely useless. Jin Gong can easily occupy the central route right.

Xiaotian took the opportunity to start making small moves. The hero Troll had good one-on-one abilities, but his mobility was not comparable to that of Qinggangying.

This also means that as long as the troops are not under the YM tower, Lin Ran's support speed will be faster than Cuvee.

"Headmaster An can only rush to the lower half of the area, but it is also difficult to cause a kill!"

An Bixin looked at Jack and Liu Qingsong who were clinging to the tower, and immediately lost the desire to kill them.

Feng Nu's protective ability is too strong, and the output of three stars in the jungle is simply not enough. If you want to get over the tower, you have to shake another person.

However, Cuvee in the top lane and Crown in the middle lane were both stuck in the quagmire and had no time to take care of the bottom lane. He could only brush a small dragon.

Two minutes later, Lin Ran and Jin Gong returned to the city to resupply equipment and then replaced the branch lines.

When Crown saw Lin Ran returning to the middle with Yao Guang + Net Erosion + Straw Shoes and an attack speed dagger in his backpack, he felt that he was finished.

Even if Lin Ran didn't make Tiamat to improve his line clearing ability, he wouldn't dare to continue pushing the line.

Qinggangying's ultimate move has improved, and now he doesn't dare to leave the defense tower at all. W [Rock Burst] has no effect at all against Camille whose ultimate move is activated as unselectable. Crown also knows that Lin Ran wants to kill him now. He is just a set of EWEAQAAQ, and the damage can be overflowed without any fancy tricks.

"The support roaming ability of Yanjai is not reflected at all. He is firmly trapped in the middle and cannot move!" Miller's face burst into laughter, and his forehead lines looked like "I will bring my talents to the South Coast" NBA Famous players are quite similar.

"YM will make big moves if you don't move. They will never let their opponents breathe and develop!"

Lin Ran saved up 8 minutes and 38 seconds to reach the artillery line in the middle, slowly pushed it into the Crown's defense tower, and then immediately walked down!

"YM's signature 4 packs of 2 are here!" Miller's heart suddenly lifted when he saw Qinggang Ying running down with the wine barrel.

Cuvee was too lazy to save his teammates, so he chose to continue pressing the line.

Crown had no choice. He had to take down the large wave of soldiers in front of him, otherwise he would fall two levels behind Lin Ran.

This is conspiracy.

However, the SSG bottom lane was still slow to retreat. When they returned to the tower, Lin Ran and Xiao Yao had already poked their heads out of the grass behind the tower, blocking their retreat.

Qinggang Ying and Wine Barrel have ultimate moves, and their extremely fast combo speed instantly melts the three-star bottom lane!

"With 3 kills, 0 deaths and 1 assist, Qinggangying completely dominated the early rhythm!"

The voice of the commentator was mixed in with the manic cheers at the scene, and everyone still heard it clearly!

"Liu Qingsong Fengnu collected a human head, used the salary previously provided by Jack to synthesize a blazing incense burner, and rushed to the canyon pioneer in the upper half of the area with her teammates!"

Leader An looked at Lulu who didn't have an incense burner, and Yanque who didn't have a ghost book, so he could only reluctantly command his teammates to let go of the vanguard.

YM eats the vanguard and directly summons it to hit a tower!

Samsung still dare not engage in a head-on battle. This wave of Galio has a big move. As long as Qinggang Shadow opens up and brings Galio into the field, the person trapped by Hex's Ultimatum will die!

And they really may not be able to kill this Qinggang shadow who has improved in a flash.

They can only retreat and give way to the first tower, and then wait for opportunities to seek development opportunities elsewhere.

But Lin Ran didn't give them a chance to breathe at all. He was both dodgy and powerful. How could you let a tower think everything was fine?

"YM also wants to push the second tower in the middle. They don't want to leave a way for Samsung to survive, they just want to fight in a team!"

Lin Ran was walking in the front alone, Qinggangying's sharp leg blades carved deep marks in the soil, and his walking posture was extremely arrogant.

"Give it, give it!" Leader An was forced to have no choice but to continue to command his teammates.

There is no way, the chance of winning the team now is too low, Lin Ran has already used the three-phase power, and his combat power can completely crush the three-star people.

The Canyon Pioneer roared with excitement and hit another head. The second tower of the three-star center was crumbling, and finally fell under the spray of the big mouth!

There were cheers and laughter in the YM lounge, and three members of the coaching staff high-fived Guo Hao to celebrate.

In their view, Samsung no longer has the conditions to make a comeback.

【Give in, give in! 】

[Although EDG did not come to the World Championship, the shadow of my country Electronics is everywhere, and the will of 7 will never end! 】

[Pioneer, let! Hit the first tower, let! The second tower continues to give way! Will you give up the high ground? 】

[The base explosion is not a big problem, let’s develop it for a while hahahaha. 】

Samsung wants to trade space for time and strive to let its team members make ready-made equipment.

But the two defensive towers they gave up in the early stage in the middle were too damaging. The hub building connecting the upper and lower roads was destroyed, and the map resources outside the Samsung Highlands were completely separated!

Lin Ran directed his teammates to destroy the previous tower and the next tower in turn, and continued to put pressure on the second tower.

Now he has the power of three phases + mercury shoes + Tiamat, and his equipment is quite luxurious. Only Cuvee's troll can barely hold on to the side lane.

But Lin Ran never talks about martial arts and doesn't engage in any one-on-one duels. When he saw Cuvee defending the second tower in the bottom lane alone, he took Xiaoyao to jump over the tower.

Cuvee also wanted to use the pillar to slow down the enemy to help him escape, but Lin Ran directly hung the hook on the pillar to kick the troll unconscious, and cooperated with Xiaotian's belly control to kill it!

The lower second tower and the upper second tower were defeated one after another, and the economic gap between the two sides was as high as 8K!

At 20 minutes, YM opened the baron on time. Samsung was fighting to the death and used the rock wall curtain to separate YM's formation.

But Lin Ran was merciless. He hooked the rope on the wall curtain and directly used E to flash and E to launch a super long-distance team kick to stun the two of them, leading Galio to the stage with justice!

The economic advantage of 8K is equally distributed to everyone and everyone has 1.6K. Samsung is unable to resist the forced opening and can only swallow the bitter pill of being wiped out!

In the 21st minute, YM took over the baron, and in the 23rd minute, it defeated the opponent's three-way high ground, and the economic gap reached 1.6W!

Lin Ran casually started the team and led Galio into the field without any thought, like a general charging forward without any hesitation!

At 25 minutes, YM led three super soldiers to attack the Samsung incisor tower. Leader An tried to enter the field to control, but Feng Nu blew up Jack's violent output and killed him instantly!

The Samsung team battle formation collapsed and was blocked by YM at the entrance of the spring!

The next moment, they watched the main crystal turn into fragments!

4300 votes, 8.6W of updates are owed, and the total number of franchisees is 10.6W.

January update progress bar (18.85w+0.87w=19.72w/28.6W)

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