LOL: What is a roaming mid laner?

Chapter 339 337: Lin Ran’s arson feast! (1.1W big chapter!)

On October 8, the sky was clear in Wuhan.

The fierce sunlight shines through the thin clouds and mixes with the humid air near the city's rivers and lakes, pressing down on the human body until it makes people breathless.

Lin Ran broke out into a thin layer of sweat just by being exposed to the sun for a moment when he got out of the car.

Garlic Bastard has lived in Weihai since he was a child, where the climate is much cooler in autumn. He cannot adapt to the hot and humid weather in Wuhan at all. The sweat sticks his long bangs to his forehead, making him look droopy and listless.

However, this did not affect the fans who came to watch the game. They arrived at the Wuhan Sports Center an hour in advance. While waiting in line to check in, they could also receive free support items from YM staff.

Before Lin Ran entered the venue from the side passage, he glanced at the long queue. He didn't know if the fans brought their own binoculars. They could spot Lin Ran's whereabouts from a distance of dozens of meters and saw their favorite players paying attention. He even cheered for him loudly.

Lin Ran waved his arms to greet them, and followed Liu Qingsong into the venue to stay away from the scorching sun.

The pre-game process was still nothing new. Kung Fu Riot staff took advantage of the makeup to test the peripherals brought by the players to prevent them from imitating Shan Ni Ruokai's high-tech plug-ins.

GAM's strength is not strong. White Crescent Moon only emphasized in the pre-game meeting to pay attention to the movements of the opposing jungler and the real core of the team, Captain Levi, and then roughly gave two jungle routes commonly used by the captain, so that Xiao Think about it yourself.

The garlic bastard became more energetic after blowing on the air conditioner. While looking at the route map of the Nagano area in his hand, he started customization and simulated it.

The other team members ignored Xiaoyao. They were not the ones facing the big brother of GAM anyway. They gathered in a circle and watched the game on the big screen in the lounge.

The red team SKT faced Europe's second seed MSF.

The two teams had also won two consecutive games before, and this game will determine the group leader in the first round.

Lin Ran originally thought SKT would win quickly, but MSF's performance was surprising.

They were like the vicious-looking rabbit with the red eyepatch on the team logo, biting SKT's butt.

Mid laner PowerOfEvil is also a new generation of star players that has emerged in Europe in recent years. He, caps, and perkz, the patriarch of the European optimistic family, are known as the three kings of Europe.

These three people took over the banner from the older generation of e-sports people, xPeke, who first tortured dade and then beheaded Gao Dewei, nicknamed the e-sports white beard, and vowed to restore the glory of the ancient European kings.

In terms of strength, Ah P is undoubtedly the strongest, but PowerOfEvil also successfully suppressed Caps in this year's summer split, firmly ranking as the second best player.

In this game, he used his unique skill Clockwork Demon, but his outfit was very different.

Use the Staff of Time first to support mana and tankiness, and gain considerable growth attributes - European kings prefer props with growth capabilities such as the Staff of Time and Seraph, which is in line with their late-game carry style. .

But for the second big piece, he started to work on it.

Fang of Nash.

While PowerOfEvil has used Nashor's Fang Clockwork before in the league, things are completely different now.

The Rabbitohs are now facing SKT, and the person he wants to challenge is Faker!

In this case, PowerOfEvil actually wants to use non-mainstream equipment?

But as the clockwork time wands reached full stack, the Rabbit Team unexpectedly took the initiative on the field!

In team battles, Clockwork Demon uses the demon puppet's deterrent power as protection, while he constantly consumes the opponent's blood with basic attacks and skills!

Nash's Fang passively provides a certain amount of magic damage for each hero's basic attack. Combined with Clockwork Demon's passive [Clockwork Consonance], the attack speed provided by this equipment can be maximized.

Huni's big bug took a few basic attacks, and then was rolled up by Clockwork's ultimate move. The Rabbit Team poured the damage into Huni's body, and the big bug died suddenly in the air.

SKT actually ushered in a wave of defeat. The Rabbit Team chased the little peanut again and sent him to the spring water, and was about to launch the Baron!

The audience immediately became excited. Although SKT is very popular in China, it is not a team from its own division after all. Who doesn't want to see an upset?

"This equipment is interesting to understand," Su Cheng, who was sitting aside, muttered, "This version can be used."

"It depends on the lineup. If the opponent's lineup has shorter hands, Nash's Fang can indeed be used." Lin Ran nodded and felt that the feasibility of this equipment was very high.

Moreover, basic attacks can trigger the effect of [Blazing Incense Burner]. Originally, mages were not very prone to basic attacks, so even if they were shielded, they would not be able to trigger much of the recovery amount of the censer.

But what if you buy Nash's Fang? The high attack speed will increase the frequency of Clockwork triggering the incense burner. Although the effect is not as good as ADC, it is better than nothing.

Lin Ran was still thinking about the problem of Nash's Fang, and the competition on the big screen was still fierce.

After winning the Baron, the Rabbitohs rushed to the high ground with their troops, trying to bulldoze SKT's base.

SKT is still holding on tenaciously, and Bang's ability to steal development in disadvantageous games is still strong. The number of last hits in 35 minutes is close to 400. Lee Sang Hyuk even gave up his own troops to give him money to replenish equipment.

In the highland team battle that was a matter of life and death, Bang finally burst out with his energy.

During the entire team battle, he used the spread control effect of Verus R [Chain of Corruption] to provide himself with a safe output environment. With the 575 range, he went crazy and poured all his output on everyone in the Rabbit Team.

Then, at the moment when Clockwork Demon wanted to roll him up with the shock wave of his ultimate move, he flashed to the side and continued to adjust his output position by taking advantage of the gap between dodging skills!

"No one can stop Bang's output. He is simply the pinnacle of SKT!" I remember the same shocked cry as the audience.

With the dilapidated hurricane sheep knife, Verus triggered his passive [Desire for Revenge] after killing a hero first, his attack speed was greatly increased, and arrows kept shooting at everyone in the Rabbit Team!

"SKT actually won this team battle with MSF's Baron BUFF!" Zeyuan's voice was high and powerful, "It's unbelievable!"

The two sides began to fight again, with the Baron and the Ancient Dragon, and team battles targeting neutral resources broke out.

Lin Ran found that the trend of the game was a bit similar to RNG's match against Longzhu yesterday. In the end, it was the shooter who decided the outcome of the game. Neither mid laner PowerOfEvil nor Faker could dominate the battle.

This is indeed in line with the YM coaching staff's analysis and understanding of the version before the game. The role of the mid laner in this World Championship is considered to be the lowest in recent years.

Although heroes like Galio look very bluffing, his impact on the game in the middle and late stages is still not as good as the traditional mages in S6 and S5.

There was always something vaguely wrong in his heart, as if there was some key point that he had overlooked.

Lin Ran frowned and thought carefully, this focus battle was over. Bang, who had no meditation, finally relied on his outstanding performance to lead SKT to a difficult comeback.

Although they won the game, Lee Sang Hyuk and others looked solemn. Being dragged to 50 minutes by the No. 2 seed in the European Division was really not a glorious thing.

After all, the teams they are competing against are YM and Longzhu, which are the biggest opponents of the World Championships that SKT's coaching staff and players agree on. If it takes so long to defeat a rabbit team and still feel complacent, then it is really over.

Before Lin Ran could figure out the key point that he had forgotten, Riot staff had already knocked on the door to remind them to get ready to compete on stage.

He could only hide these inexplicable thoughts and prepare for the upcoming game.

"Next we will play the fifth game on the fourth match day of the group stage," Ren Dong stood in the center of the stage in a rose red suit with a smile, "LPL No. 1 seed YM vs. Vietnam Division No. 1 seed GAM!"

"We invite both teams to appear!"

Jin Gong, who was standing at the front of the line, took the YM players on stage to enjoy the cheers from the audience. Since there were no other two LPL teams playing today, almost all of the people who came to the Wuhan Sports Center to watch the game were YM fans.

They were just waiting for YM to come on stage, and the moment they saw Lin Ran and others, they burst out with all the energy they had saved, cheering for their favorite team and players!

The support sticks collided with each other and made a muffled sound. Countless support banners were pulled open by pairs of hands. The cloth vibrated in the air and made a low sound. Everything was mixed into the screams and rushed into Lin Ran's ears.

Without sound-isolating headphones, he can now truly feel the audience's support for him.

Compared to the cheers of YM, GAM on the other side is much shabby in comparison.

Except for their jungler Levi, who has performed well in international competitions in the past two years and attracted a wave of fans, the other four players are all transparent.

Only a sporadic audience applauded and cheered for GAM in the friendly spirit of being a guest from afar and a competitive sport. Compared with the support YM received, it was like a small boat in the ocean that was submerged in the turbulent waves in an instant.

The big Vietnamese brother standing on the stage had no complaints about this, and was even a little surprised.

Hey, I didn’t expect that there would be people willing to cheer me up in a foreign country!

"Today's game, some people on the Internet joked that it was a battle between the team with the highest value and the team with the lowest value in the global finals," Zeyuan joked with a smile, "These YM players are all very popular now."

"Yes, that's right," I remember nodding in agreement, "It is said that the keyboard GAM is using now was bought in Brazil during this year's mid-season."

"A $5 keyboard and a $1 mouse, and the training conditions are also very difficult. In interviews, they said that if they get the bonus, the first thing they do is upgrade their peripheral equipment."

The director specially pointed the camera at the tables of GAM players. As expected, they were all the most simplified versions of mechanical keyboards. They were as good as membrane ones, but the quality was not as good as the basic Daryou sold in the Taobao store of core player Ruofeng.

On the other side of the YM desktop are colorful peripheral equipment.

Lin Ran’s peripherals are the most ordinary kind. The K70 red switch and the Logitech G903 were just released in September this year. The special lighting effects of the pirate ship, which is known as the only lighting manufacturer in the keyboard industry, are very cool, but Lin Ran is usually used to driving a single Red light - mainly looks more festive and can bring good luck.

Jack's keyboard is the same as his, but the mouse uses a shot put G502, which is said to be able to kill an ox with one punch after a year of continuous use. Although Jin Gong's keyboard doesn't look flashy, the truth is not cheap either.

Nosuke Xiaotian and Liu Qingsong are both wearing the same big F Philco, but they are not using the black and white tones that many boys like, but the pink that looks very cute, which perfectly explains "the pinker the keyboard, the harsher the curse" the rules.

Five people can buy the whole GAM team's keyboard and mouse with whatever peripherals they have, and maybe they can spare a few team uniforms.

Although League of Legends does not require keyboards, mice, and headsets like FPS eSports, players are still shabby enough to use such peripherals.

"Really or not?" Lin Ran, who had not put on his headphones just now, heard what he remembered and turned his head to look at the GAM player seats, "Is it that exaggerated?"

"It seems to be true." Liu Qingsong, who was close to the GAM player seat, licked his lips habitually and took a sip of water from the paper cup.

"I said, why don't our brothers pay to give them some peripherals?" Jack couldn't sit still. At the beginning, he had an economic lead of 2,000 per capita. It was hard to win.

Except for Lin Ran, the four teammates are all examples of people who are kind-hearted the more foul-mouthed they are, and they all donated generously when they heard about this kind of thing.

"Let's just hold a donation event," Lin Ran suggested before BP started. "For every head taken or a defense tower knocked down, donate a little money."

"Brother Hao, can you hear me? Wai Wai Wai Wai Wai Wai Wai Wai Wai Wai Wai Wai Wai Wai Wai Wai Wai Wai Wai Wai Wai Wai Wai Wai Wai Wai Wai Wai Wai Wai Wai Wai Wai Wai Wai Wai Wai Wai Wai Wai Wai.

Guo Hao thinks this is indeed a good idea.

After YM Club gradually got on the right track, it also donated some money sporadically, but it did not hold any special donation activities. The suggestions put forward by the team members were a good thing for society, the club and themselves.

"Brother Hao's silence will be taken as acquiescence," Garlic Bastard's voice still sounded like he was trapped and weak, "Let Brother Ran donate more when the time comes, he will make too much."

"The main reason is that I don't have much to spend money on," Lin Ran said with a smile. "Except for the mortgage and rent money, I don't have any major expenses every month."

As soon as he finished speaking, Jin Gong started the game under the referee's instructions.

White Crescent can deal with GAM's BP quite easily, and it doesn't even require much preparation.

Lin Ran, who wanted to donate more money to become a positive e-sports player, did not let go on the field and decisively took out mid laner Rambo.

The lineups of both sides are confirmed.

Blue side YM: top laner Gnar, jungle digger, mid laner Rambo, bottom lane cannon + Karma.

Red side GAM: top laner Crocodile, jungler Kayn, mid laner Ryze, bottom laner Verus + Lulu.

"Kayin!" Zeyuan was quite excited to see such a rare character on the field. "The soldier commander came up with a jungle hero that does not conform to the standard selection of the version!"

Scythe of Shadow Stream, this is the hero that the commander himself will use in this World Championship.

"This hero can be said to be a lucky one," Zeyuan said eloquently after making sufficient preparations in advance. "The 7.14 version has landed in the league and has become the last new hero to enter the global finals this year."

In fact, in the previous update of the global finals version, another hero joined the Alliance family-Ornn, the Flame of the Hidden Mountain.

But Uncle Sheep seemed to be born with bad luck and was targeted by designers. One month before the start of the finals, Riot designers announced that Ornn would miss the World Championship. Uncle Sheep could only stay in his hometown and silently smash iron.

"Let's see what tactics GAM will prepare for the commander to start..." Zeyuan geared up to learn more.

The expression he remembered was very relaxed. He and the audience knew clearly that in terms of hard power, GAM was definitely no match for YM. As long as they didn't mess around, they would basically win.

When Lin Ran went out, he hesitated for 10 seconds between the Dolan Shield and the Killing Ring. Seeing that the spring gate was about to open, he decided to be on the safe side and bought a more stable Dolan Shield for Rambo.

The Rambo he played in this game was restrained by the red side's GAM. A hero like Ryze, who has a shield, long control hands and long hands, can easily face Rambo and can suppress him without any accidents.

Lin Ran has never played a training match with GAM. The last time he played against the big brothers from Vietnam was in the mid-season championship half a year ago. He doesn't know whether his opponent will become stronger in half a year.

Unless it was purely for entertainment, it was impossible for Lin Ran to let loose. Once he was upset, it would be a big loss of face, and he might be regarded as a black history and be whipped into retirement.

The middle line of troops had already passed the first tower and was about to be handed over. He controlled Rambo to leave the river and prepared to step forward to gain experience.

But Ryze didn't appear online for the first time.

Lin Ran sent a warning signal to the Sharp Beak camp on the red side of GAM, and stepped forward to prepare for the attack.

Due to the mechanism of Q [Scythe Sweep], Kayn can farm F6 and Stone Beetle very fast. At this time, Ryze is not here, so he is likely to help the jungle.

Lin Ran could only sigh in his heart, why did the eldest brother of other people's team get such treatment, while he himself was sometimes blamed by the yin and yang for eating Xiaotian's two groups of wild monsters.

The Garlic Bastard with the red BUFF roughly judged the movement of Commander Kayn in the jungle. The signal was directly marked on the blue BUFF of GAM, and he planned to grab the blue BUFF later.

Ryze came online after losing 50 drops of blood. When he saw Lin Ran guarding the line of soldiers and wanted to hit the target, he immediately activated W [Rune Imprisonment] and followed the basic attack to lower his blood volume.

"We fought fiercely in the middle. Ryze used the immobilization effect to lower Brother Ran's health..."

Lin Ran knew very well that when Ryze played WA's consumption, the match in the middle of the game was over.

Although he lost one bar of blood, his stomach was still full.

Because Ryze's WA attracts the hatred of the minions, the YM minions will attack Ryze, while the GAM side's troops will still attack the YM minions.

In this way, the GAM side's soldiers will have a health advantage, and the soldiers' line position will definitely advance towards the Lin Ran Tower.

He just needs to control the line of troops next, and then move someone over to help with the mid-field linkage, and the game is over.

As soon as they played against each other, he knew that GAM's mid laner was really good. Putting aside the communication in team battles and the rhythm linkage with teammates, in terms of laning alone, he might not be able to keep up with the group of passerby kings at the top of the canyon.

Lin Ran huddled back and waited quietly for Dolan Shield to slowly restore his health. When he saw the remaining health soldier, he stepped forward again and used E [Electronic Harpoon] to mend his tail.

Ruiz also realized that something was wrong. Looking at Rambo's current movements, he knew that Lin Ran was deliberately controlling the line of troops.

If the trend of the army line is allowed to continue to develop steadily, the risk of him being ganked by the excavator will increase several times. The best situation is to advance the army line as soon as possible, and then reset or push back the army line.

However, Ryze, who learns W [Rune Imprisonment] at level 1, obviously does not have this ability. Even if he reaches level 2, his ability to push the lane is very average. He must wait until he has the two skills of QE at level 3.

Now he can only try his best to use basic attacks to push the army line forward a little bit.

The effect is not obvious, because his own minions, which are crucial to pushing the line in the early stage, are also being cleaned up by Lin Ran. From time to time, he will try to poke Ryze's body with an electronic harpoon to attract the hatred of the minions.

Once the GAM minions attack Lin Ran, they have no way to attack the YM minions, so the progress of the push will naturally slow down.

There will be a wave of artillery troops soon. How will Ryze push the troops into the YM defense tower against the thick-skinned artillery in the early stage?

He can only call the jungler.

The soldier commander is living a very comfortable life now. The top laner helped him fight off two red BUFFs at the beginning, and the mid laner helped him fight off two sharp beaks. It can be called an imperial start.

He easily defeated two groups of wild monsters without taking any damage, and the last group of stone beetles did not pose much of a threat to Kayn.

Upon hearing the mid laner's request to push the lane, the soldier commander immediately agreed. He was eager to come to the middle at level 3 and leave again at level 18.

Fortunately, he doesn't have body odor, a blue school bag, or a flight attendant breakup fee, otherwise the soldier commander would be the professional version of my brother.

"The soldier commander reached level 3. He didn't choose to grab the upper road nearby, but went around in a circle and rushed to the middle road!" I remember looking at the camera that the director switched to and said quickly, "Xiao Yao also rushed over quickly... It looks like the two sides are going to have a conflict in the middle!"

Lin Ran glanced at Ryze's movements and reminded him at the right time, "Their junglers may be here."

"It's okay, just do the hard work. Why do you care so much?" Garlic Bastard said confidently, "Let's just kill Ryze first."

If the opponent was a team like Longzhu and SKT, Xiaotian might still be afraid, but the opponent is a wild card from the Vietnam Division, why should he be afraid of them?

Lin Ran controlled the temperature and ate the third melee soldier in the artillery line, successfully rising to level 3. Xiaotian, who had previously hidden far away in order to ignore his experience, finally entered the grass below.

Since the soldier commander follows the jungle route of Red BUFF-Beak Bird-Stone Beetle, even with the help of his teammates, he still has to make a big circle to get to the middle, and the speed he finally reaches the middle is about the same as Xiaotian.

Both sides know that the opponent's jungler may be there, but they both believe that they have a better chance of winning.

Although the midfielder of Ryze and Kayn is weaker than YM, GAM is confident with the help of a wave of forward-pushing artillery troops and Ryze's healing skills.

"Xiao Yao was the first to show up. He dug a tunnel to get close to Ryze and jumped up directly!"

In Zeyuan's explanation, the battle broke out completely.

The moment Xiaotian emerged from the grass under the middle road, the soldier activated E [Glimpse Step] and appeared from the grass above. Both junglers were equipped with red BUFF. This wave vowed to fight to the death!

"Ran turned on acceleration and stuck it on Ryze's face, WQE combined with basic attacks to deal high damage..." Zeyuan's voice was strong, "Very detailed operation, temperature control is just right!"

The temperature of the Rambo previously operated by Lin Ran was 40, which was still 10 points away from the 50-point temperature line where dangerous temperature triggers skill increase benefits.

He first used W [Broken Shield] to raise the temperature to 60, and then turned on Q [Arson Feast] and E [Electronic Harpoon], using the 50% extra damage given by the dangerous temperature to crazily roast the things that had not fallen from the sky. Ryze.

Combined with the excavator's Q [Queen's Wrath], the damage explodes instantly!

Ryze was already fragile when he came out with Blue Crystal, but this set of damage directly reduced Ryze's health to only a layer of blood skin left!

"I was just a little bit close to killing Ryze instantly, just a little bit!" I remember watching Ryze successfully land and cast a healing spell, I couldn't help but feel sorry for YM Nakano.

GAM's mid laner took advantage of the situation and flashed to widen the distance. E [Spell Surge] combined with W [Rune Confinement] to trap Xiaoyao in place, stacking two layers of rune charges, and wanted to use Q [Overload] to detonate it. Refresh the shield and movement speed effects to escape.

"The damage from Kayin's WQ skills is also poured into the body of the excavator. Xiaoyao seems to be unable to handle the output!" Although Zeyuan was very optimistic about YM before the game, as the hero's blood volume decreased, he was still worried.

At this moment, Lin Ran saw [Until Death Do Us Part] Ryze raise his arm, and knew that this was Q [Overload]'s hand-raising action. He immediately handed over the flash he had held in his hand!

"Ran's critical flash forward helped Xiaoyao block Ryze's skills, allowing the excavator to survive temporarily!" Zeyuan's voice suddenly rose, "Following it was another electronic harpoon!"

Under dangerous temperatures, a harpoon with 50% increased damage and deceleration shot out of Rambo's hand and shot towards Ryze!

The GAM mid laner was shocked. He instinctively wanted to use his position to twist away the skill, but the Q [Overload] thrown before had a hand-raising action!

Lin Ran was stuck with the electronic harpoon at the moment when he raised his hand, so he didn't even have a chance to move!

The harpoon hit, and the shield that Ryze had just used to superimpose was instantly shattered, leaving him with only a little bit of health left to rely on the healing spell.

More importantly, after the harpoon hit, he could not move even an inch!

After Rambo reached the temperature of 60, he used Q [Arson Feast] and two harpoons to successfully reach the overheating state.

Lin Ran was unable to cast skills for the next 6 seconds, but his normal attacks received a huge bonus (25+5*level+0.3AP). Now Rambo can cause more than 100 points of damage with every basic attack!

"Rambo chased after him and killed Ryze with two basic attacks of drills blessed with superheated temperatures!"

The first blood was born, and the audience cheered, but the battle between the two sides in the middle and jungle was not over yet. Kayn continued to step forward to kill Xiaoyao.

Although the Garlic Bastard has recovered a certain amount of HP with the talent of [Dangerous Game], his condition is still not good. If he is chased by Kayn with the red BUFF and slashed twice, he will be killed.

But now that the confinement state imposed on him by Ryze has ended, he quickly lowered his head and the excavator successfully drilled into the ground.

Then after Kayn slashed with a basic attack, he pressed W again, and Rek'Sai burst out of the ground and lifted Kayn into the sky!

"The soldier commander was successfully knocked away, Ran's Rambo turned around and continued his basic attack!"

When overheated, Rambo's damage was frighteningly high. Xiaotian and E [Wild Bite] dealt a lot of damage, and then immediately retreated behind the tower.

After landing, the soldier commander looked at the excavator which was still some distance away from him. He could only grit his teeth and keep up with the flash. He used the slowing effect of the red BUFF to catch up and chop twice.

"The head has been replaced, but the commander himself is also in a very dangerous position!" Zeyuan's voice was filled with joy, "Ran continues to pursue and it is very possible to get another head!"

Kayn, who had passed E [Glimpse Step], did not flash, and was now located between Lin Ran himself and the middle tower of YM. He felt it was unreasonable not to take away this head.

After recovering from the overheating state, he activated W [Broken Shield] and continued to pursue.

"The soldier wanted to move around and twist his waist to try and avoid the electronic harpoon..." I remember looking at the screen and clenching my fist, "Can you dodge it?!"

The cooled down electronic harpoon hit again. Although there was no dangerous temperature bonus this time, the damage hit on Kayn was not low at all!

Q [Arson Feast] started again, and the flames engulfed Kayn's body!

"One for the goose!" I remember yelling angrily, "Rambo eats two heads by himself!"

The cheers that had been suppressed in the audience's throats finally erupted. YM supporters in the audience worked hard to make a variety of sounds to vent their emotions!

[Good temperature control, this Lambo is strong! 】

[Seeing that Ran's operation is really stable, he won't be able to take down Ryze this time as long as the temperature is a little lower without triggering overheating! 】

【But it's too thin! It's too thin! 】

"Wuhu, take off!" Lin Ran looked at the extra 700 economy in his backpack and suddenly became happy.

"You took off, and all of dad's red BUFFs are gone." Garlic Bastard's voice was full of resentment. He handed in the flash but only got two assists. It seemed that the economy he got was about the same as Kayn, but in fact he had... A small loss.

After all, he is using an excavator that is strong in the early stage, and his opponent is Kayn who is powerful in the mid-term. It is not profitable to exchange the economy in the early stage.

Lin Ran took a look at the army line. Since he cast Q [Arson Feast] twice, the health of the soldiers was severely burned. Now the YM side's army line is obviously dominant.

If you rush back to the city without taking care of it, the YM soldiers will slowly advance towards the GAM middle tower, and then there will be a whole wave of GAM soldiers that will be depleted by the many YM soldiers who bully the few.

Lin Ran did not return to the city, but tried his best to advance the troops, trying to push them into GAM's defense tower first.

Fortunately, the next fourth wave of troops did not contain artillery troops, so it was not difficult for Lin Ran to handle it.

Use W [Broken Shield] to control the temperature, then harpoon a minion, successfully upgrade to level 4 with the help of the experience of two previous heads, and learn level 2 Q [Arson Feast] to increase the damage, but it only takes a few seconds. Then he pushed all the soldiers in.

At this time, Ryze, who was the first to die in battle, had already walked out of the high ground. Although the three waves of troops were not finished, he still synthesized the blue crystal into the Tears of the Goddess with the assist worth 150 gold coins and the salary paid by the system.

Lin Ran had a sudden idea. After clearing the troops, he retreated and disappeared from GAM's sight.

Knowing that his opponent had not set up a line eye, Lin Ran deliberately avoided the sight of the defense tower, made a circle in the lower river channel, and then inserted a jewelry eye in the GAM blue buff camp through the wall.

The sturdy blue glyphed golem was still alive and well. When the battle started, Lin Ran knew that the captain had only eaten three groups of wild monsters in the upper half of the wild area.

He didn't intend to leave this blue BUFF to his opponent, "Xiaotian, just rush over here, let's continue fighting."

"It's coming, it's coming!" Xiaoyao, who was still a little resentful just now, immediately became energetic after hearing Lin Ran's words, her face flushed with excitement.

He operated the excavator to drill through the tunnel and leave the spring, running towards GAM's blue BUFF.

Lin Ran squatted in the grass and counted the seconds to return to the city. Two heads cost 700 gold coins. He had eaten 24 knives in 4 waves of soldiers. Including the gold coins issued by the system, the total was 1,600 gold coins.

He returned to the spring and saw that the soldier commander had not yet appeared in his field of vision, so he immediately handed over the teleportation to the eye position in the blue buff camp.

As the rotating light flickered, Lin Ran began to think about what equipment to buy, so as not to delay the transmission time and prevent the fighter from being delayed - there was only one requirement, buy the equipment quickly.

With 1,600 gold coins in hand, Lin Ran hesitated for two seconds between wearing magic shoes + amplifying books or directly making a ghost mask.

In the end, he chose a small mask, which has spell penetration, health and spell power, and the equipment is very cost-effective.

It's just that the movement speed is a little slower, but Lin Ran knows that Kayn handed over Flash in the previous wave, so he is not too worried.

Lin Ran teleported to the hinterland of GAM, hid in the grass next to the blue buff and waited for Levi.

The big Vietnamese brother never expected that Lin Ran would squat in such a place. Since the teleportation was far away from the main battlefield of the three lines, no one discovered Rambo's whereabouts.

"Brother Ran is going to squat for a while, he is already controlling the temperature..." I remember looking a little excited, "Levi didn't flash!"

The director stretched the shot to show Levi rushing out of the narrow gate of the highland.

Level 1 Shadow Step only lasts 7 seconds, and Kayn's movement speed is simply not enough for him to reach the blue buff camp directly.

Since the Glimpse Step can be used to explore the grass in the wall, the soldier is very careful not to use it when going out. Instead, he waits until he leaves the narrow gate of the high ground before casting it.

But the soldier commander obviously didn't realize that someone would be squatting on him at his blue buff camp. He drove his E [Glimpse Step] and accelerated through the narrow wall opposite the three wolf camp towards the blue buff camp.

Levi still feels that his development is going well in this game. After all, Kayn is very profitable when he gets kills in the early stage. He plans to turn into Blue Kai as an assassin to steal people in team battles. At this time, he only has a blue jungle knife and a real weapon. Eye, there is no health equipment blessing.

The Vietnamese commander who was good at jungle warfare was like a harmless little white rabbit in front of Lin Ran, until he used the sneak step to pass through the wall of the Blue BUFF camp and saw Rambo in the grass!

"We've got it!" Zeyuan was as happy as picking up 1,000 yuan. "Soldier, you're still too young!"

It was too late for the commander to run away at this time. The electronic harpoon stabbed him, interrupting the Shadow Step state!

Immediately after turning on W [Broken Shield], Rambo accelerated and chased after a barbecue.

The flames are raging!

The arson feast, fueled by damage at dangerous temperatures, scorched Kayn's fragile body mercilessly.

The game was only 4 minutes old, and before the sixth wave of soldiers reached the middle, Lin Ran had already bought a small mask. The damage could only be described in two words - explosion!

With 15 points of magic penetration and the penetration of Lin Ran's own rune talent, the flames burning on the soldier commander's body now cause him the same real damage!

"One more electronic harpoon, and Levi is destined not to survive. He wants to ask for the help of his teammates to double-team this Rambo!"

Kayn, who didn't flash and didn't have E [Glimpse Step], was the next piece of meat on the chopping board. W [Blade Pierce] swung the sickle upward to slow down Lin Burning, but he himself was also in a slowing down state and was caught up by Lin. Burn two basic attacks and take him away.

"3/0!" I remember being very excited, "Now I'm invincible!"

"GAM's middle and lower three people don't dare to double-team this Rambo. They can only retreat!" Zeyuan was also very excited. Today is the LPL competition. If you miss it, you will have to wait for two more days. He was naturally excited.

"Xiaotian can also eat the entire lower jungle area of ​​GAM, making up for a lot of growth!"

Xiaotian didn't expect that levi would fall down before he exerted any force. He could only pretend to shake his head and sigh.

"Hey, you can't even defeat Lin Ran, so what are you going to use to fight me?"

Lin Ran did not return to the city. Because he had pushed his soldiers deep into the opponent's defense tower before intervening, now that he was rushing back to the middle on foot, he was once again faced with a wave of soldiers pushing back.

He didn't know the line, so he relied on his small mask to have high magic power. He turned on W [Broken Shield] and pulled the line of soldiers beside him to prevent the soldiers from entering his defense tower.

Everyone in Ryze is numb.

Now that he didn't have flash, he didn't dare to step forward at all. Once Rambo's electronic harpoon slowed him down, even if he used EWQ to raise the shield, he wouldn't be able to withstand such high damage.

If he wanted to clear the line of troops, he could only ask the jungler to help, but wouldn't Lin Ran on the other side know how to win?

In the last wave, their midfielder and jungler stood on the same starting line. They had the advantages of soldiers and healing skills but couldn't win. Now how can they dare to mess with this Rambo who has three heads in hand?

Ryze can only go shopping near the middle lane, help his jungler fight monsters, and then arrange his vision.

Lin Ran wasn't worried when he saw Ryze roaming offline. Ryze, who didn't even have straw sandals or a big move, would be at a loss if he wandered around in this situation.

It is difficult for him to use his strength now. He has to wait until he has the ultimate move at level 6 before linking up with his teammates. Therefore, Lin Ran simply blocked the line of troops in front of him.

Anyway, with Dolan Shield, the loss of blood is nothing at all.

At 6 minutes, Lin Ran finally lost control of the movement of his troops and activated Q [Arson Feast] to push an artillery soldier and 10 soldiers into GAM's defense tower.

He had 48 knives at this time, but Ryze's last hit count was only 22!

Level 6 fights level 4!

"This Ryze is useless," Zeyuan gloated, "If he dares to leave the tower with this equipment, he will die."

"To be able to turn a disadvantage into an advantage, I can only say that there is a big gap in the strength of the two mid laners." I remember not to shy away from it.

As a commentator in the civil war, he must try to be fair and impartial. Now it is the world championship, and all he encounters are opponents. During the external war, remember to hope that the opponent will die.

[I was laughing so hard, Ryze was beaten by Rambo? 】

【That's it? The counter position is useless to you, right? 】

"But now we have to take Xiaotian to the bottom lane for 4 packs of 2," Zeyuan said cheerfully, "Isn't this too cruel?"

Lin Ran made a circle and double-teamed GAM from behind.

The gap in strength was highlighted. Verus + Lulu didn't react at all. They didn't realize the seriousness of the problem until they saw Rambo appearing behind them.

Lin Ran didn't bother with them, he used his ultimate move to directly seal the position of the two of them, and the flames roasted them casually and put their heads in his bag.

"I vomited, leave some soup for my brother!" Jack was very dissatisfied. Now all five heads of the team were on Lin Ran. "What will happen if you die suddenly later? The heads must be distributed evenly, evenly!"

"When I go back and publish a murder note, I won't be able to die." Lin Ran felt that what Jack said made sense.

Shiba Inu:? ? ?

What’s the point of not being able to die if you write a murder letter?

But three minutes later, he realized that Lin Ran had become an old Yin coin after publishing the murder book. A Rambo cowered behind him, and he actually asked him to go out and seduce his opponent like Eddie Xi!

The soldier commander also knew that YM's best target was this Big Mouth, who happened to be a long-range hero, and his transformation into Lan Kai also benefited a lot.

He has a soft spot for killing ADC. After all, if he is underdeveloped, he can just find the opponent's AD to make up for it.

Lin Ran huddled in the grass behind Jack and killed the soldier twice more.

Levi people have been screwed, why are there so many old Yin coins?

Lin Ran looked at the 8-layer book in his hand and raised his lips in delight. The tactic of letting Jack fish was a great success!

At 12 minutes, the first tower in the middle of GAM was defeated first, and then YM took down the Canyon Pioneer and moved to the bottom lane to advance. Jin Gong led the top lane alone and scored another solo kill.

In 15 minutes, GAM lost all three lanes and one tower, the head ratio was 1:13, and the economic gap reached nearly 7K!

The five Vietnamese brothers had pale faces. They knew they had no chance of winning, but they didn't expect to be beaten so badly!

Lin Ran crouched down to Ryze in the jungle at 19 minutes, killed him, and successfully stacked his kill book!

【Noble scholar! 】

[Good boy, 19 minutes of big mask + magic piercing staff + useless stick + magic piercing shoes + 25-layer murder book, please save some face for my Vietnamese brother, woo woo woo]

[Is this a gentle or heavy move? 】

"YM started to fight the dragon, and GAM wanted to make a final resistance. They took a detour into the river, but they didn't notice Rambo in the grass above the dragon pit!"

Zeyuan shouted loudly, and all the audience watched Rambo above the dragon pit using his skills to perfectly control the temperature.

After the five GAM people entered the river in batches, Lin Ran took action decisively!

A row of rockets poured down from the sky, and flames burned under GAM Ryze and Verus!

Lin Ran flashed over the wall and stuffed his flamethrower into the mouths of the other three GAM players!

In 20 minutes, Rambo in this outfit destroyed the world!

In just a moment, GAM's double C fell to the ground, and even Lulu couldn't save their lives!

The electronic harpoon takes action and kills the top crocodile again!

The broken shield increases the movement speed. Rambo, who has entered an overheated state, gets close to Lulu's body and transforms into a sheep+slows down+accelerates himself. The GAM-assisted desire to survive is very strong!

"But it's of no use. Liu Qingsong flashes the flames of the soul, just to slow people down!"

"Ran's head has been collected again. He has gained 4 kills!" I remember shouting loudly, "Where are the 5 kills?"

Captain Lan Kai is running very fast. He doesn't want to be the professional version of Zhang Jiawen. At this moment, Levi just wants to be possessed by the ancestor Saiwen who is from Wuhan!

"Come on, come on, I'll give you my head!" Jin Gong, who had worked hard and remained invisible for the whole game, teleported to the second tower on the upper road of GAM and surrounded the soldier commander from the front.

When Lin Ran saw this, he also handed over his own teleportation. Jin Gong and the Gnar operated by him let out a wailing cry simultaneously, knocking Lan Kai unconscious against the wall!

"Ran teleported to the ground, turned on the broken shield acceleration, and took the head with an electronic harpoon followed by an arson feast!" Zeyuan's voice became more and more excited, "Penta kill! The first penta kill in this year's global finals! "

A tsunami of celebrations erupted from the audience below the stage, and the Wuhan Sports Center burst into flames!

Question marks were flying wildly in the live broadcast room’s barrage.

[This mid laner Rambo has a unique skill! 】

[Vietnamese people are already having a hard time, why do they still treat them like this? Wuwuwu, Lin Ran, you have no heart! 】

[Fire roasting the Vietnamese forest, you are so cruel! 】

"YM flattened the opponent's base. Congratulations to them. They maintained a complete victory in the first cycle and ranked first in the group!" I remember being satisfied and "looking forward to their wonderful performance in the future!"

1.1W, that’s a lot, right?

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