LOL: What is a roaming mid laner?

Chapter 340 338: New ideas, new system!

Lin Ran took off his headphones and shook hands with his teammates across the stage to the GAM player seats on the other side.

Captain Levi and the others looked disgusting. It would be hard for anyone to be suppressed for the whole game, let alone Lin Ran who scored the first pentakill of this World Championship on top of them!

These are all famous scenes that need to be recorded. Even if the GAM team is disbanded in the future, when Riot Games produces the World Championship highlights, YM's pentakill against them will be edited into it.

Who can't be angry about this?

Everyone came all the way here to prove themselves and not to be masochists.

Although Yue Lun failed to participate in this year's World Championships, who wants to be the next him?

"Can't they just let it go?" GAM's mid laner complained in jabbering Vietnamese. In this game, he used Ryze to slash 0/8/1, with a KDA as high as 0.125. "You've suppressed me like this and you still have to get a pentakill." …”

The soldier commander was also very angry. Now that he stood up, he could still recall the omnipresent Rambo. People said that Lan Kai was hiding in the wall and was hiding in the wall. It was disgusting to play the disappearing skill of the health bar. Why was the guy opposite Lan Kai meaner than Lan Kai?

In the end, he had to attack the middle double from front to back and teleport to get his pentakill. I couldn't bear it!

"The local gang is so rude!" he said through gritted teeth.

Of course, these are not Levi's original words, but that's the meaning.

He looked at Lin Ran with raging anger. Unless he led his team to defeat YM in the next showdown, he would not be able to calm down.

Lin Ran, who had just scored five kills, was full of joy, which was in sharp contrast to GAM, who was in a state of Sima's face.

While shaking hands, Lin Ran said to Levi, who seemed most likely to speak English: "Our club plans to give away some keyboard and mouse peripherals for free. Do you need them?"

Sure enough, Levi can understand this simple English.

When he heard the word 'free', he was as excited as a Westerner. His originally lazy body suddenly stood up straight. He took his left hand out of his trouser pocket and placed it on Lin Ran's right hand.

Now the soldier commander's two palms clamped Lin Ran's right palm and kept shaking.

Lin Ran always felt that something was wrong, it was too tight.

He quickly pulled his hand back, and the soldier's excitement reached forward as if he didn't realize it. Lin Ran managed to pull it out with great effort.

The originally angry and bitter expression on Levi's face changed at the speed of light, and the corners of his mouth couldn't help but turn up into a bright smile.

"I need it so much, I need it so much!" He replied cheerfully in English. How can he defeat YM and save face? As long as you give us peripherals, we will become good brothers!

This scene was recorded on camera and made the audience laugh.

[Sichuan Opera Face Changing? Did Levi come from Wuhan or Chengdu? 】

[Hoo ho ho, I’m really going to die laughing. I’ll make a gif when I play back the video later]

[So the stomach god and demon changed his face? 】

Levi happily followed Lin Ran to get peripherals after the game.

Jack moved closer to Xiaotian. Since both of them were 169.5cm tall, the Shiba Inu could reach the Garlic Bastard's ears without even using his feet.

"I suddenly remembered something. Is this considered a bribe?"

"This definitely doesn't count..." Xiao Yan said, but when he looked up, he saw that the Vietnamese brother walking in front was so brisk that he could take off if he was given wings.

The Garlic Bastard's tone instantly became uncertain.

However, Vincent from Riot China was also waiting outside the YM lounge, along with Yi Cun and another foreigner cameraman.

Guo Hao made arrangements after hearing the team's voice. He only sent the gift after asking Vincent about the relevant matters and making sure it did not violate the rules of the competition.

After receiving BMW's capital injection, the club has a lot of money and has no shortage of peripherals. They gave Levi five sets of unopened keyboards and mice, and also left a few photos with him.

"Come on, try to drag Samsung down in the second round of the group stage." Lin Ran patted the commander on the shoulder during the group photo and said sincerely.

As long as Samsung loses to GAM and YM wins the two teams TSM and GAM in the second round, then YM will secure the top spot in the group in advance. In the second meeting with Samsung, they can hide some tactics and save them for the knockout rounds. Of course It is also possible to follow the example of some teams and hide it to S8.

"Absolutely." The soldier smiled happily. After collecting the things, he naturally had to do something. Besides, Lin Ran didn't ask them to do something that went against the spirit of e-sports.

Isn’t it reasonable to use all your strength against an opponent like Samsung?

After the game, GAM interacted with YM on Twitter to express their gratitude. The news spread to China, and the audience just understood why the soldier was able to change his face at the speed of light during the handshake.

[555 brought a kind person to YM. He came all the way and gave me peripherals for free. I was so moved that I cried! 】

[If Brother Ran hadn't taken advantage of him and got five kills, I would have believed this nonsense. 】

[Give me a stick first and then a sweet date? So classic]

[GAM has now become YM’s water ghost. Let’s see who he can drag into the water in the second round? 】

[I just hope that GAM can bring out some things from Samsung and remove some obstacles for YM. Of course, it would be better if we win...]

According to Riot Games regulations, the second cycle of the global finals group stage will be even more brutal.

There will be a group match every day for 4 days, which means that each team will play at least 3 BO1 matches in one day.

This schedule is extremely dense and leaves little time for teams to adapt to changes. Some teams may lose 3 games in a row in the second cycle because they are not able to adjust well. After losing the first game, they become dizzy and get worse as they play. The difference plummeted in the end.

It can be said that the second round has higher requirements for the team, and as the group stage progresses, everyone will face a life-and-death game. Once they lose the game, they may waste their hard work for a year.

A bloody fight is coming.

They can rest for 6 days during the YM period. They will compete with the other three teams in Group A on the last match day of the group stage to conclude the Wuhan stage.

The schedule at the door of the training room showed the schedule of non-stop training matches as usual, but before that, Lin Ran had to figure out a problem that he had not thought about before.

The first round of competition among the four groups ended, especially after watching the two games between RNG and Longzhu and SKT and MSF, he always felt that something was unspeakably weird.

On the night of the victory over GAM, Lin Ran rarely started ranking, but went to the coaching staff.

Su Cheng nestled in the e-sports chair and concentrated on watching Samsung's previous game against TSM, holding the oatmeal porridge brought from the hotel restaurant.

"Can we watch the game between RNG and Dragon Ball together?" Lin Ran asked, "I feel something is wrong."

Su Cheng hummed in confusion, used keyboard shortcuts to call up the previous game video, and called Bai Yueyue, who was watching Xiaoyao's ranking, over.

"What's the problem?" Bai Yueyue pulled up a chair and sat down.

Lin Ran increased the playback speed of the video, "I felt weird when I watched the live broadcast before. Why do you think RNG can make a comeback?"

"The bottom lane advantage," Su Cheng frowned, "Uzi had a small advantage in the early stage. Longzhu had been playing in the middle and jungle at that time, and then when Xiang Guo started to starve for resources, Uzi Mouse's development suddenly accelerated, and the game was over. During the team battle, RNG relied on ADC's advanced development to complete the comeback."

Bai Yueya also nodded beside him. He and Su Cheng had the same view.

"Yes," Lin Ran didn't look relaxed, "but that's not what I'm talking about..."

A flash of inspiration flashed through his mind, but when he tried to grab it, he found that it had already disappeared without a trace.

Lin furiously hammered the armrest of the chair, his eyes fixed on the video.

Although he didn't know what his protagonist wanted to express, neither Su Cheng nor Bai Yueyue bothered him. The girl put down the oatmeal in her hand and stared at the screen, trying to find any clues.

Lin Ran rubbed his temples with his thumbs, trying to relax himself with this unconscious movement.

In the video, Longzhu attacked quickly in the early stage. The opponent's economic lead in the middle, upper and jungle was around 1000, and the sharp dragon claws tore the upper half of RNG to pieces.

Lin Ran watched the video of this game more than once on his way to and from the venue and hotel. He knew that in the next 5 minutes, Longzhu not only failed to expand its economic lead, but instead gave away an economic advantage of nearly 2K - Uzi took Shi Senming Khan was killed twice in a row.

Khan's own mistakes can never be washed away, and Lin Ran also knew that these two heads with the team's bounty gave RNG a chance to breathe.

But he was looking for more than just the two heads on the surface, because this was not a planned tactic.

After all, not all top laners are Khans, and Khans will not provide warmth to the opponent in every game.

Moreover, from the perspective of hindsight, Khan sent these two heads, which only advanced the time for RNG's comeback by two minutes. Even if he did not send them, Longzhu would not be able to win this game until the later stage.

The inspiration in his mind suddenly became clear, and this time Lin Ran grasped it hard.

"Change the angle... This time it's not 'Why did RNG make a comeback', but 'Why didn't Longzhu win this game'?" Lin Ran's eyes wandered on the faces of Su Cheng and Bai Yueya.

The two frowned for a moment, and Bai Yueya subconsciously pressed the penholder in his hand, causing the spring to make a clicking sound.

"...The midfield and upper jungle advantages are not grasped, allowing RNG to initiate team battles too easily?" Bai Yueya first put forward his own idea.

In the Incense Burner version, team battles rely more on the performance of the ADC and support. Although the top, middle and jungle are also important, they are definitely not as critical as the bottom duo.

Uzi and Xiao Ming gained a considerable equipment advantage in the early laning and mid-term steal. Once RNG forced a team fight, the advantage of the bottom lane duo would reduce Longzhu's original economic lead by more than half.

"What you want to say is that in Dragon Ball, the top jungler had the advantage but didn't support the bottom lane?" Su Cheng curled up her two long, thin legs and rested her head on her knees, "Didn't we emphasize this idea before?"

After Lin Ran listened to the thoughts of the two coaching staff members, the little inspiration in his mind quickly became clear, "What you both said is correct, but this is not the same concept as the tactical focus we emphasized before..."

"Look at the game between SKT and MSF this afternoon!" He kicked hard on the ground with the soles of his feet and let the chair rollers take him to the Summoner's Rift whiteboard in the center of the training room.

Lin Ran picked up the marker and scribbled on it.

Although Su Cheng didn't understand yet, it didn't stop her from following the instructions. The video of the Rabbits' game against SKT was also retrieved.

She used split-screen operation to split the videos of the two games on both ends of the screen, and then played them simultaneously.

"The two games have one thing in common. When RNG and SKT were at a disadvantage in the early stage, they both waited for their own ADC equipment to complete the matchup and take the lead before trying to take over the team." Lin Ran did not stop his handwork and oral skills, "But It seems like the two teams' ADCs put themselves ahead of each other in different ways."

"Uzi led his teammates to steal people and used their heads to make up for his own economy; Bang ate up all Faker's soldiers on the high ground and only used small soldiers to develop... But in fact, if it weren't for Khan sending two With a small head, the Uzi should develop in the same way as a Bang.”

Lin Ran spoke quickly, unfolding the ideas in his mind bit by bit. At this time, several players who were not ranked at the top of the canyon also noticed the situation in the center of the training room and turned their chairs to face the center of the training room.

"The main reason why they can complete the economic match-up lead in a defensive state is that the opponent's ADC does not have much economy, and the tactical status of Bang and Uzi in the team allows them to eat the most troops and monsters."

Everyone nodded. Needless to say, Uzi’s status in the team. The main reason why Xiangguo practiced hunger strike style was to provide Uzi with more money.

Although Bang is usually quiet, he was able to make faker willing to play Lulu as a green leaf, playing four guarantees and one Lucian, and finally ended the game with five kills. He was definitely the savior of SKT in the later stage, and the team's status can be imagined.

The two ADCs are the resource-eating cores of the team, but this is not the case for Longzhu and MSF who were defeated by them.

Rat King Pray is a typical Korean ADC. He prefers steady development and has a very low number of deaths. He will not take the risk of going to dangerous areas to eat economy without the protection of his team members.

They usually engage in as much damage as they want in economic team fights. This is also consistent with the style of Dragon Ball and ROX back then. The team mainly focuses on the top half, and the Rat King who can mix team fights without dying suddenly is the shooter that best meets their requirements.

The situation of the Rabbitohs' shooter Hans Sama was slightly better, but the protagonist in the early and middle stages of the game against SKT was obviously the mid laner POE, and he did not eat more economy.

The two ADCs don't have many resources in the advantageous round, and the problem is exposed when it comes to team battles - their equipment is not luxurious enough, and their damage cannot keep up.

The shooter position is very special in League of Legends, because in most cases they rely on basic attacks or skills with basic attack special effects (such as EZ) for output.

Compared with mage heroes who may have no skills and assassin heroes who rely too much on entering the field, the linear output method of basic attack is destined to cause shooters to deal extremely stable damage-unless the average Jax on the opponent changes hands.

In a head-on 5V5 team battle, assuming both Cs can survive, the ADC can produce higher output than a traditional mage with the same economy.

The ADC's dilemma is that his body is too fragile, and the possibility of being killed instantly in a team battle is too high. After all, the output range of most shooters is only about 550 yards. This distance is not exaggerated for warriors, and their rush skills can threaten the ADC.

Due to the characteristics of linear and stable output, the ADC cannot do much damage before being killed, while the mage can still produce a set of bursts before death even if he is killed by focused fire.

Therefore, in the fast-paced version of the game, the team is more inclined to raise a mage. Regardless of whether it is blocked or not, the burst damage of the skills can provide good help to the team; but raising an Edici will be the end of the team battle once it dies suddenly.

However, the arrival of the soft auxiliary version of the Incense Burner allows the auxiliary to better protect the shooter. In addition, the domineering upper, middle and jungle tank heroes themselves are not a big threat to the ADC.

One positive and one negative fully guarantees the output environment of the shooter position. In this way, the team battle formation with ADC as the core will have no shortcomings.

This is also the basis for the comeback of SKT and RNG.

According to the lineup economics of a famous LPL commentator, a lineup with ADC as its core operation will be worth endless money until the later stage. It is still worthy of the opponent even though it is 2K-3K behind in economy. Once the economy is equal or even overtakes, then the teamwork of both sides will be The intensity of the battle will be out of balance.

"After looking at the first cycle of the group stage, everyone must be aware of the importance of ADC development. The focus of this version is very clear. Maintain the development of supports and shooters. As long as they can get the lead in the matchup, team battles will be easy to handle. Alright..." Lin Ran organized the words in his mind.

"Previously, our coaching staff proposed to focus on the midfielder in the early stage and then feed the advantage back to the bottom lane. It is a common method that everyone is using, but this method is relatively risky. The two teams MSF and Longzhu obviously did not succeed."

Everyone nodded. In these two games, Longzhu and Rabbits had some advantages in the upper, middle and jungle in the early stage, but in the end they did not allow the bottom lane to develop quickly. The economy provided by the defense tower was not enough.

"Are these two teams not clear that they want the ADC to take over the game in this version?" Lin Ran asked and answered, "This is definitely impossible. The point of their failure was that the tactical literacy they had developed previously made the team subconsciously unable to Develop the habit of a shooter.”

Longzhu tends to link up in the upper half to create conditions for a 41-point push in the mid-term; not to mention the European Rabbits, who are rich in French kings, naturally use the mid laner as the core of their resources.

Although the coaching staff may have emphasized giving ADC room to develop before the game, it cannot be implemented every time.

Players are not robots. They will also be nervous on the field and will subconsciously implement the tactical system they are best at.

"The key is that we are the same," Lin Ran expressed his doubts, "Can we accurately transfer the advantages of the top, middle and jungle to the bottom lane every time? We can even guarantee that we can win in the first half of every game. Can you get an advantage in the district battle?"

"We use Dragon Ball as the imaginary enemy. I don't need to say how strong they are in the upper, middle and jungle, right? Once we fall into an early disadvantage in the top half, Jack's ability to find resources for development is not top-notch, and we will most likely be defeated across the board. In the suppressed rhythm, there was no chance of a comeback.”

After hearing Lin Ran's words, everyone in YM started discussing in low voices, and Jack nodded repeatedly after hearing the words.

It sounds like this style of play is indeed quite risky.

RNG was crushed by Longzhu's powerful upper midfielder in the early stage, and its comeback relied entirely on Uzi to crush the Rat King in a team fight.

But Jack is no Uzi.

He is famous for his high damage conversion rate. From another perspective, Jack's proportion of the team's economy is not large, and he is a typical grazer.

For example, the damage conversion rate of resource-absorbing monsters like Uzi has never been ideal.

The shooter's ability to find resources and develop in the later stage is not top-notch. If YM really encounters Dragon Ball and has a disadvantage in the middle and jungle in the early stage, it will be over.

Only then did everyone realize how big the hidden trouble was.

They were able to beat Samsung in the group stage because their opponent only had a strong point of contact with Cuvee in the first half, and YM could easily gain the upper, middle and jungle advantage.

But Longzhu, their fierce rival on the road to winning the championship, is not this kind of team!

"Now I have another simpler plan." Lin Ran's words made the lounge quiet again.

Bai Yueyue and Su Cheng, who were sitting on the chairs, straightened their backs and listened intently to Lin Ran's continued words.

Due to various factors, the average level of the coaching staff in the e-sports field is actually not as high as that of traditional sports. This is also the reason why many domestic players dissatisfied with the coaching staff in the past few years - you are a dirty diamond and teach me how to play games with 1000 points?

Now relying on various data tools, a more efficient and formal coaching staff system is gradually taking shape. While professionalism has improved, the threshold has also been much higher than before. There are fewer and fewer coaching staff who can at least order takeout - of course. IG analysts are the exception.

However, game understanding is often difficult to improve through various technical means. Professional players' game understanding ability alone is much better than that of the coaching staff.

Although it is not a common situation like today's situation of players giving lessons to the coaching staff, it is definitely not rare.

Lin Ran put forward his own plan, "We can use BP to gain advantage around the lower half."

Bai Yueya's eyes lit up, "You said RNG pushed the policewoman quickly in Xia Jue?"

"The policewoman is not good, the policewoman is not good," Jack waved his hands repeatedly, "Liu Qingsong and I have average pressure in the line, and besides, Xiaotian doesn't go on a hunger strike..."

YM also studied RNG's "Uzi Three Steps" after the summer finals. At that time, they had the same view as the RNG coaching staff and felt that only RNG could play this system successfully.

First, the bot lane player must have strong enough suppression, so that when paired with the female police officer, the tower can be demolished very quickly with twice the result with half the effort; second, it is best for the jungler to play hunger strike style, so that the female police officer can quickly earn money and develop if there are wild monsters to eat.

The current YM is unable to do both of these. Jack and Liu Qingsong's strengths are not in laning, and the policewoman cannot exert ultimate suppression in their hands; and Xiaotian's specialty is not hunger strike style.

Lin Ran was stunned. He originally thought of another idea, but he didn't expect that Bai Yueya actually had a new plan.

White Crescent Moon didn't take Jack's words to heart. He continued to boldly imagine, "The feasibility is not low."

"You take the policewoman in the bottom lane, and Lin Ran takes mid lane heroes like Karma and Lulu who can control the lane in the early stage. They keep roaming to the bottom lane to help you establish a lane advantage and push down the bottom lane as soon as possible. tower."

"Although Xiaotian is not a hunger striker, he usually gives up a lot of wild monsters to Brother Ran. As long as Brother Ran takes a less economical mid laner like Lulu Karma, won't those wild monsters belong to you? "White Crescent said matter-of-factly.

"Haha." Garlic Bastard laughed mockingly. White Crescent Moon's words were not very lethal, but extremely humiliating. He felt that his last dignity as a jungler had been torn to pieces.

"... Coach Bai's idea can be used as an alternative plan," Lin Ran did not deny the coach's idea, "My plan is another one, starting with support."

Liu Qingsong immediately became energetic when he heard that it was related to him.

"We don't necessarily have to use soft assistants," Lin Ran said, "hard assistants are also good."

"If you choose a hard assist with ignition, not only can you roam, but you can also gank online with the jungler and mid laner very easily. After all, it provides enough control..." Lin Ran continued, and Liu Qingsong's eyes grew brighter.

"Our play style can be similar to that in the early and mid-term of the summer game, using Liu Qingsong's roaming to ensure that we can gain an advantage in the upper, middle and jungle collisions in the early and mid-term."

"Then I will implement the four-pack-two strategy and give Jack kills and defensive tower bounties to help him widen the economic gap."

"As for the incense burner... I can repair it anyway," Lin Ran said, not minding sacrificing himself. "Karma Lulu can do it, and I have a military line economy, so I can produce equipment faster than support."

"Sounds good," Su Cheng thought for a moment and responded, "I think we can give it a try with a training group."

There was a bit of joy on the faces of the YM team members, especially Liu Qingsong, who almost burst into laughter.

Originally, the soft auxiliary version of the incense burner suppressed his roaming ability, but now there is a way to free him. This is simply a great thing!

"I can't guarantee the strength. Whether it can be put on the field depends on the training matches." Lin Ran still has a conservative attitude towards this kind of semi-finished experimental product.

"Let's go, let's go find the sparring group!" Liu Qingsong couldn't hold back his excitement and ran out, preparing to go to the training room of the sparring group.

IG just crushed another round of Dragon Ball with ease, and several people were taking a rest.

There was silence in the Longzhu training room. It was already very hurt to be defeated by RNG in the main game and lose the first place in the group. Now they are also beaten by IG in the training game, and the team members are all numb.

Khan, BDD and Cuzz are all entering the World Championship for the first time, and they are incomparable to the Xuan Ming duo who have suffered repeated defeats. But even the Rat King has a mental collapse, let alone the junior top, middle and jungle trio. .

Under high pressure, they even began to doubt themselves, and then fell into an endless loop. The results of training matches became increasingly unstable, and the winning rate of training matches against IG became lower and lower.

Longzhu coach Kim Jing-soo was forced to let the players rest first and at least adjust their mentality before talking about the training match.

YM happened to take the opportunity to practice a BO3 with IG, using the hard assist system developed by Lin Ran.

Even Lin Ran himself didn't expect that the effect was surprisingly good.

Liu Qingsong directly stunned IG. Every time King Ning collided with the Garlic Bastard in the jungle, Xiaotian was always followed by Thresh.

Moreover, sometimes Lin Ran, who is operating Lulu Karma, will take the lead in pushing the lane to rush to support. In this way, IG's jungle area will have to face the pressure from the three YM Nakano Assistants.

Baolan was still on the line at this moment. Nicknamed Pokémon, he had learned to use soft support in team battles to survive, but he had forgotten the skill of roaming support.

At this time, King Ning was like a mantis triggering the isolated and helpless passive. One hit three in the jungle, and he was known as Northeastern Little Ye Wen.

WDNMD, do you want to play or not?

Once the jungle area explodes, it will indirectly affect the lane. Broiler and TheShy will also have a uncomfortable life. Then YM Nakanosuke rushes to the bottom lane and directly 4 packs 2.

While West was still there to finish off his attack, three men with vicious looks came out from behind and killed him with their swords in hand.

Take advantage of the situation and push down the first blood tower on the bottom lane, then switch lanes to collect the Canyon Herald.

The entire training match was smooth. YM Meng returned to the strong rhythm before the Incense Burner version. Except for Lin Ran changing the hero to a soft support who can produce the Incense Burner, the lineup has almost remained unchanged!

"Comfortable!" Liu Qingsong flushed. He saw the GG message on the IG public screen and took one last look at his perfect record of 1/1/13 before exiting the game.

The new system is a great success!

The YM competition training department is still in full swing testing new tactics, while the operations department has already planned and put online the donation activities proposed by the previous team members.

During the World Championship, YM will donate 500 RMB to charity for every head harvested, and 1,000 RMB for every dragon/Rift Herald/Baron harvested.

In addition, there is a follow-up donation plan from qualifying in the group stage/entering the semi-finals/entering the finals/finally winning the championship, in which the players voluntarily donate part of the amount, and the remaining amount is made up by the club.

The current donation target is schools in remote mountainous areas, and the funds are mainly used to purchase computers, striving to allow more children to enjoy higher educational conditions.

The donation event received acclaim, and several official media outlets joined in the fun in the comment area. However, the YM players and coaching staff, who were too busy to surf, did not know the outside reaction.

In the blink of an eye, it was the evening of October 11th.

Lin Ran was still playing the rankings conscientiously. He controlled the mid laner Rambo to push off the troops and go to the top lane to catch and kill the dazzling Jayce whose ID was Last.

Looking at the opposite Jace who was caught 0/5/0 by him in 10 minutes, Lin Ran felt sad for him from the bottom of his heart.

Why are you being targeted by me?

Lin Ran let out a long sigh, mainly because the ID of the opponent, Jace, was so familiar. He was often ranked before he started playing professionally. He was also a frequent player in the King's game. Lin Ran naturally knew how valuable the S6 King was. I feel uneasy even if I catch him.

But there are all tough guys at the top of the canyon. If you dare to catch me, I will press Alt+F4.

After Xuan Shen hung up, Lin Ran won easily with another +28 points, successfully reaching the 7th place at the top of the canyon.

He took off his wristband while waiting in line for the next game and wanted to rest for a while, when he heard Jack sitting by the window calling loudly.

"Look out the window, what's that?"

A group of people in the training room looked out the window.

Wuhan's landmark Yellow Crane Tower on the other side of the Yangtze River has turned into red and blue colors symbolizing the confrontation between the two sides in the canyon!

Only then did Lin Ran realize what the big operation Vincent had mentioned before was.

He could even hear the excited monkey calls from the big European brothers downstairs through the window, and the bursts of light from mobile phone flashlights merged into one in the dark night.

Looking across the river, the red and blue tones of the Yellow Crane Tower are so conspicuous. The lights are reflected in the Wuhan Yangtze River Bridge under the Snake Mountain. The endless stream of vehicles roaring past with bright red and blue colors and driving into the distance, as if they want to send this bright light into Wuhan City. Every corner.

Tengjing, who is wealthy and wealthy, once again put this matter on the Weibo hot search to stir up the heat. The city landmarks for the group stage have been arranged. Many viewers are looking forward to watching it in the next three hosting cities of the World Championship - Guangzhou, Shanghai and even Beijing. Go to the landmark lighting event!

Lin Ran later found two lines of words under the Yellow Crane Tower in a picture sent from a village.

League of Legends S7

Come on Team China

The illuminated Yellow Crane Tower added another fire to the competition. Wuhan's sultry heat was burned by this fire, with no signs of relief. The air seemed to be pressing on everyone's heart, making it difficult to breathe, and the atmosphere in the hotel became increasingly depressing. nervous.

On October 12, the second round of the global finals group stage officially begins. Only 8 teams can win tickets to the quarterfinals in Guangzhou. The winner cannot be determined until the last moment!

600 votes, 1.2W owed, plus 7.8W owed in January, a total of 9W.

February update progress bar (0.8W/18W+9W=27W)

The editor said that there will be a side event for the New Year, and the author is also lucky enough to participate. It will probably be coded in the next two days.

Do you have any thoughts on the extra content? Ask for everyone's opinions.

Daily dog ​​food, the life of players after retirement, etc. (you have to crawl hard when driving^^)

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