LOL: What is a roaming mid laner?

Chapter 354 352: The whole life!

"YM scored another victory and took the lead in getting the match point of this top 8 match 2:0!"

The moment the dragon ball crystal shattered, the audience supporting YM erupted in a shout that could reach the sky!

"Successful black technology, Leona with passion for war!"

[LCK No. 1 seed is 10% off? 】

[Fast forward to RNG’s victory over Samsung and LPL meeting up with the Bird’s Nest! 】

[Two games total 50 minutes? RNM refunds money! It took me two hours to run here! 】

[Can YM give it a try? Come on, you can't let us go home in an hour and a half, right? 】

Unlike the LPL division, which was so excited that it was beyond words, the South Korean LCK commentary box fell into dead silence.

CloudTemplar, who once won the runner-up in the S2 Global Finals with Azubu Frost, held the microphone and pondered for a long time before speaking.

"At this time, I know that LZ's players and coaching staff must be facing huge psychological pressure..." He paused and continued: "But this is the World Championship, and YM will not wait for you to be ready before launching an attack. They must We have to adjust in time.”

Quan Yongquan, who was dubbed by netizens as the Roaring Emperor, nodded in agreement with his partner, "Although no team in the League of Legends Global Finals has yet been able to complete the feat of beating a second to third in the knockout round, records are set by people after all. We still have the last bit of hope for Dragon Ball...especially the Cuzz players, please cheer up!"

Cuzz was stunned. He scored 0/6/0 in the last game. In the two games combined, he had 0 kills, 14 deaths and 0 assists.

The participation rate in the two games was 0%, which is unique in the history of League of Legends.

In fact, it's not Xiaotian who is so strong, but the overall gap in the team.

Every time Cuzz wants to do something, the opposite jungler is always followed by a support.

The hard assistant with multiple controls was invincible in the jungle encounters. He was tortured to death by the combination of Liu Qingsong and Xiaotian.

Moreover, the two teams currently have different tactical ideas.

Longzhu's main focus on the upper, middle and jungle offense in the early stage is that Cuzz himself uses the strong personal strength of the players in the middle and upper lanes to conduct small-scale team battles such as jungle invasion or gank raids.

In the early stage of YM, YM focuses on the jungle area. Whether it is Jin Gong, Lin Ran or Liu Qingsong, their primary goal is to protect the jungle area, using Garlic Bastard as the starting point for early and mid-term attacks.

The two different ideas make it easy for Cuzz to fall into an embarrassing situation of being isolated and helpless in the jungle. The top and middle roads can rarely help him. Once there is a slight disadvantage, BDD and Khan will be as if they have taken root under their feet. , Lai stayed still on the line and allowed him to be chased and beaten in the jungle.

Cuzz also suffered a lot in these two games.

The two eldest brothers in the team clearly didn't play this way before. When they were in the LCK, they liked to support the jungle. How comfortable was your life at that time? He can even beat last year's world-class jungler Xiao Peanut!

However, after playing a training match with IG for a month, Khan and BDD felt as if they were overtaken by the opponent's mid-range. Their style became more and more focused on the lane. They had to fight to the death with their opponents online, regardless of the game experience of the jungle. .

Who can withstand this?

"Are you okay?" Cuzz, who was squatting on the ground with his head down, heard the concerned greeting.

You need to ask me if it's okay? 0/14/0, will you be happy?

But then he thought about it, and it seemed that there was an exception for him. The more the IG top laner they had scheduled a training match with died, the happier they would be.

But I am a normal professional player!

Cuzz, who was already in a bad mood, almost opened his mouth to curse, but when he looked up and saw that it was his head coach, he quickly swallowed the curse words.

"...I'm actually fine." He hesitated for a moment and replied.

Cuzz couldn't directly say that his mentality was broken. Longzhu's only substitute was top laner Rascal, and there was no way to change to the jungle.

"Kwanghee," Jin Jingzhu turned to look at the substitute, "do you want to play? This way Nukan can focus on the lower half."

Rascal was happy when he heard this.

Focus on the bottom half? Just say you can just throw me up there and let me go free.

If I go on the road, isn't it just that I am about to lose before my eyes, and let me take the blame in the last game?

Rascal scolds you, brat, do you think you don’t know what you want to do? You want me to take the blame and return to China to retire, right?

"Coach," although Jin Jingzhu scolded him in his heart, he still said the honorific honestly, "I haven't played a training match for a long time. I will definitely not perform well on the field at this time."

The answer is no surprise.

Had he not been in a desperate situation, Jin Jingzhu would not have asked such idiotic questions.

In the next game, it will be YM's turn to choose a side. Dragon Ball will be on the red side. In addition to Kalista's fixed ban position, there will also be restricted AD mid laners Kennen, Thresh and Leona...

There are simply not enough ban seats!

He was completely acting as a doctor before he could think of letting substitute Rascal play.

The intermission time passed quickly, and 10 players took the stage again.

The Guangzhou Gymnasium was brightly lit, but because Longzhu was really unbeatable, the sun hadn't even set yet after the two games of the quarter-finals, which started at 4 p.m.

Viewed from a distance, the red lighting effects outside the venue intertwined with the bloody setting sun, leaving a thrilling red line at the end of the sky in Guangzhou.

The audience in the venue couldn't appreciate this beautiful scenery. They were happily preparing for the third game!

"Welcome back to the live broadcast of the 2017 League of Legends Global Finals. Now we are playing the second match day of the quarterfinals. The two sides are YM, the No. 1 seed in the local division, and LZ, the No. 1 seed in the LCK division. YM has already won 2 games. 0 lead..."

There was no extra time to prepare. There was a crisp sound and the BP screen appeared!

Miller's expression brightened, "YM took advantage of the right to prioritize side selection to get the blue side for himself, and pressed Jace first!"

Jin Jingzhu still suppressed Kalista. Although the ban position was tight, he could not release such an outrageously strong hero.

White Crescent then disabled Xayah, taking the Phoenix Legend apart.

"Dragon Ball banned Kennen, but they still didn't want to give Ran an ADC mid laner like Lucian Cannon." Miller saw it more clearly.

"In their opinion, Xiaopao and Lucian are easier to deal with than the auxiliary position," Wawa continued, "But I am very curious about Longzhu's auxiliary processing method. Liu Qingsong's performance today was too exaggerated."

The MVP of the previous game was still given to Liu Qingsong. Leona, with 4/0/10, took the most credit for her level 1 double kill in the bottom lane, several roams in the mid-term, and the final solo kill of the Rat King.

Bai Yueya clicked his tongue, "What do you think we should ban in the end? It's no use having too many bans?"

The tone was full of embarrassment, but fortunately Jin Jingzhu couldn't hear it, otherwise he would have to be punched to death.

"Ban Yanque, or restrict the opponent's mid laner." Lin Ran didn't want to mess with people's mentality with empty bans - anyway, after being crushed for two consecutive games, the opponent's mentality was basically broken.

BDD's strength is indeed very strong. This strength does not simply refer to the ability to suppress the line, but also the overall control of the battle situation, tactical arrangements, etc.

In all aspects, he was a competent opponent, and Lin Ran felt that he needed to give his opponent some respect.

Bai Yueya was worried about what to do. After Lin Ran suggested it, he just thought about it briefly and nodded in agreement.

"Dragon Ball finally chose to ban Syndra..." Miller was shocked, "Don't they ban Thresh and Leona?"

All the audience present did not expect that Dragon Ball’s countermeasures would be revealed in full!

[Crazy, crazy, crazy! 】

[After 0 to 2, I put the opponent’s best hero, I admire this courage]

[Ai Yamei’s problem, I’ll swim back to Korea after this round. What are you afraid of? Let it go, let it all go! 】

"What is all this?" Watanabe couldn't believe it. He was just telling the audience that LZ must find a way to deal with Liu Qingsong, and then none of your three bans are assists?

Even though he has been working as a game commentator for more than ten years, he still blushed when he was slapped in the face like this.

"Do you want to rob Luo?" Jin Gong asked.

Bai Yueya put forward his own opinion, "Gario or Prince, I don't want to let the opponent have this kind of midfield combination."

"Then Prince, I can go to the opposite jungle area and blow up Cuzz's mentality directly." Garlic Bastard is eager to give it a try.

"That's okay, so the opponent has to grab Galio, and I can turn around and take the counter position." Lin Ran nodded in agreement.

Normally, the Dragon Ball on the red side would definitely give the counter position to BDD, trying to make the passerby in the middle more comfortable, and it would be best to restrict Lin Ran.

But in this case, Longzhu must snatch Galio, otherwise YM will get the powerful combination of Prince + Galio, and they have basically no chance of winning.

As soon as he grabbed the prince, Miller also saw what YM was thinking. As soon as he explained the logic to his partner, the audience, Dragon Ball took down Galio and Gnar.

White Crescent Moon fell into deep thought.

The opponent did not take away Rakan, who was very popular in the version and could be paired with Galio. Instead, they chose Gnar, who favored a single belt.

This is obviously a precaution.

Sunshine girl Leona is very restrained to Luo. After all, not many people can refuse a girl as passionate and beautiful as the sun to get close to her... Seriously speaking, Luo's W [Grand Entry] is easy to be released when entering the field due to its delayed release. Interrupted by Leona's Q [Shield of Dawn], once Crispy Luo is charged, he can easily be killed instantly by adding skills.

Jin Jingzhu's solution is very simple. I have already decided on the choice of mid laner Galio on the red side, and I will take the auxiliary position last, so that I can avoid being restrained by Liu Qingsong.

"Jingong, how about you use Shen?" White Crescent first communicated with Xiba, the top laner. Gnar is also a strong top laner in this version of the global finals. Except for Jace, the arrogant little yordle can handle it. Everything will be suppressed.

And Shen Suan is one of the better choices. First of all, he relies on Q [Second Truth! Dusk Blade]'s percentage damage and W Sword Array's ability to block normal attack damage, the laning ability is not inferior to Gnar; and in the mid-term, you can rely on R [Secret! Mercy Saves the Soul] Quickly support teammates.

Compared to Gnar, who relies more on anger to enter the field, Shen has a lower upper limit for entering the field and cannot perform team-fight winning operations such as Tathagata Palm, but his victory is that he has a high fault tolerance rate and is easier to control.

Jin Gong also knew that the captain and swordswoman that he was good at would not be able to get an advantage when facing Nall, so he nodded and agreed with the coach's choice.

In the last position left in the first round, White Crescent took out a small cannon for Jack to guard against the possible entry of the opponent Galio.

"Dragon Ball finally got the jungle barrel, which will increase the intensity of the mid-field battle in the early stage!"

In the second round of BP, Jin Jingzhu finally began to ban Liu Qingsong's heroes. Thresh, as one of his unique skills, will naturally not be released; and the other ban position was given to Lulu, who can be used as a mid-support swing by YM. He didn't know how many auxiliary heroes Liu Qingsong still had that were at the bottom of the box. This Lulu must be banned.

White Crescent Moon is staring closely at Pray's hero pool. Verus and Big Mouth have all been pressed down. In addition to the previously banned Xayah and the robbed Cannon, the only mainstream ADC heroes left for him are Mouse and Female. police.

They happen to be the two extremes of the line, one is too weak and the other is too strong.

Bai Yueya knows that Dragon Ball currently has no choice but the duo. This is a trap he deliberately set.

The duo complements each other, especially in the professional arena. For example, the mouse is too weak in the lane, and it would be outrageous to have a Rakan as a lane support. Normal coaches would not choose it...

What, is that because some people dare not take Xia? That's okay.

All in all, in most cases the coach will pair a bot lane combination with moderate strength and certain line-clearing and combat capabilities.

If you take VN, it would be good to pair up with Lulu, who has stronger laning and has the ability to protect and clear waves as an assistant, but you will definitely not choose Luo. If such a two-person lane does not drop a health tower for 10 minutes, it will be considered an extraordinary performance by the player.

The red side chooses the fourth move first, and White Crescent wants to roughly guess the enemy's counter position style through one of the Dragon Ball bottom lane heroes.

"Longzhu has been thinking about it for a long time, and they are obviously in a dilemma when it comes to choosing the ADC in the bottom lane..."

The countdown is about to end. The Rat King under the camera looks gloomy and finally locks on the policewoman.

They are not sure what kind of support YM will use. If they rashly choose a rat with extremely poor laning ability, once the opponent comes with a small cannon + Karma combination in the bottom lane, Dragon Ball will self-destruct all the way.

But if you choose a female police officer, you will suffer a loss if you develop smoothly in the lane. However, once you suppress the opponent, you must ask your teammates to protect you, and the entire team's tactical focus must move to the lower half.

This is contrary to the upper-middle-field offensive system that Longzhu has been implementing this summer.

"Brother Ran, use Karma. If the opponent is a soft support, you can only use Feng Nu. Luo is not very good with the policewoman..." Bai Yueya then realized that he seemed to have missed a hero before, "They may also produce gems. , Liu Qingsong, what are you going to get?"

"If I take Feng Nu, wouldn't this lineup be bad?" Liu Qingsong licked his lips and planned to ask his teammates first.

"Feng Nu is not good, don't you want to roam and support?" Jack asked, "You can also let me go, just put the vanguard in the lane and let me roll the tower snowball."

Leona is also difficult to get. If the dragon ball is released, the Zenith Blade can easily be cut off by Q [Hurricane Roar], and it is basically impossible to rush into the opponent's face.

"How about Titan?" Liu Qingsong said to himself, "No, this hero has a hard time hitting gems..."

"Is the robot good? I can play gems and wind girls." He likes to play the hook hero, which can better tear open the opponent's wounds.

"How do you play a robot against a policewoman in the lane? Brother, we can't push the lane," Jack subconsciously retorted, but when he looked up he saw that there was less than 5 seconds left in the selection countdown, "Let the robot be a robot."

Miller, who was analyzing the final selection of Dragon Ball with his partner, heard the exclamations from the audience and turned around to see YM working hard again.

"Blitzcrank the robot?!" He and the doll said in unison, and the surprise was conveyed to the audience's ears through the screen.

"This choice... I think it's average," Miller thought before expressing his judgment. "Dragon Ball 1 is Gnar and Galio. The robot's hook is very difficult to cast during team battles. If it is not operated properly, it is very likely to happen. Bring disaster to YM!"

Many viewers also felt that the robot's choice was too reckless. If Galio or Gnar came over in a team battle, wouldn't it explode instantly?

Although many people think that robots are unreasonable, this unexpected choice still set off a barrage!

Because this hero has not appeared in the professional arena for a long time.

[Oh my god, do you really just play hard support to start a group? 】

[Are the robots here? Are you having fun? 】

[Don’t treat Xuanming and Xuanming as human beings]

Gloria's face moved closer to the Rat King. Who would be disgusted by choosing a robot?

"Gem, give me gem!" He had to regain his position today, and he had to let the assistant on the other side who looked so cute know why the flower was so red!

The lineups of both sides are confirmed.

Blue square YM: top laner Shen, jungler Prince, mid laner Karma, bottom lane cannon + robot.

Red side LZ: top laner Gnar, jungler Barrel, mid laner Galio, bottom lane policewoman + gems.

Accompanied by deafening cheers, the third round of YM vs. LZ officially began!

"Do you want to hook someone up?" Lin Ran was eager to try.

He hasn't seen much robot assistance in the professional arena, but he usually appears in rank, and it is a routine operation to use the hook to get the prize during the initial invasion.

"Come with me to the opposite jungle area. If you can hook, kill. It doesn't matter if you can't." Liu Qingsong replied.

"Jin Gong, go to the red zone on the opposite side and be a ward," Lin Ran directed his teammates, "Just don't die. I'll protect you in the grass in the middle."

He needs to use the advantage of early robots to detect the opponent's opening route.

Liu Qingsong's ward was inserted into the Dragon Ball blue BUFF camp through the wall, while Jin Gong lit up the red BUFF camp.

The next moment he inserted the ornament into his eye, he saw the pot-bellied Gragas appearing in his field of vision holding a wine barrel.

"Do you still want to arrest me?" Garlic Bastard asked.

"You can catch it, but the wine barrel has an eye here. Liu Qingsong, please remember to go around." Lin Ran gave the eye position mark at the entrance of Longzhu's Sharp Beak Camp near the river.

He just saw Cuzz coming from the Sharpbill camp and stuck in time to insert an ornament eye.

The current version of the jewelry eye lasts for only 1 minute at level 1. If it is inserted too early, it may not be effective.

But after 40 seconds of arranging it, Lin Ran in the grass looked at him.

"Nar's eyes are on the triangular grass on the upper road." Jin Gong said angrily.

Just now, he deliberately ran to the top lane and had a fight with Khan.

Although Shen's level 1 explosive power is high, he will definitely be pulled by Gnar.

Jin Gong retreated into the triangular grass. Khan, who had been trained by TheShy to be a laning madman, adhered to the concept of extreme laning suppression and directly inserted the jewelry eye into it, and the boomerang hit again.

In the end, Jin Gong exchanged 40% of his blood volume for this vision information.

"Two accessory eyes in the Triangular Grass and the Sharpbill Camp Pass..." Liu Qingsong rushed up the road while observing the small map, trying to find a way to invade.

"Do you want to flash up directly from the Dalong Pit?" Lin Ran's thoughts were wild and unconstrained.

"Ah, this..." Garlic Bastard started to retreat inwardly, "Isn't it too aggressive?"

"It's okay, just go in and you'll be sure of it!" Lin Ran was very sure of his judgment.

Dragon Ball Ueno's eye position has been discovered by them. In Lin Ran's opinion, there is no risk at all in invading at this time!

"Okay, okay." Seeing that Lin Ran, the eldest brother of the team, was talking about this, Xiao Yan also strengthened his attitude.

"YM Shimono didn't gain anything by getting into the blue zone of Dragon Ball before, but the prince and the robot don't seem to be giving up yet. They are moving to the upper half of the zone..."

Amid Miller's steady explanation, Xiaoyao and Liu Qingsong came to the edge of Dalong Pit.

The two stood here motionless.

"Eh? YM Nosuke is making big moves!" Wawa noticed something was wrong with his sharp eyes.

At 1 minute and 38 seconds, two dazzling golden lights flashed in Summoner's Rift!

The prince and the robot used flash together to break into the wild area from Dragon Ball's vision blockade!

The audience immediately fell silent after a brief exclamation, leaving only whispers of exchanges.

They know that soundproof headphones cannot completely isolate the sounds outside the stadium. Although there is a short picture delay between the live broadcast and the real game that the audience sees, there is still a risk of exposure.

[Crazy, crazy, these people are crazy! 】

[What the hell kind of trick is this? What weird stuff has YM been researching this month? 】

"My geniuses flashed in double directions, avoiding the field of vision to invade the wild area!" The doll was so excited that he couldn't control himself, but he was always careful to control his volume.

In fact, there is no need at all. Professional players basically do not use off-field information to make decisions. After all, there are too many influencing factors. Especially when Lin Ran took off a prosthetic eye when playing against YM, the audience cheered. How to judge the information in this situation?

Cuzz relied on the protection of his view of the triangular grass on the upper road and the pass of the Sharpbill Camp below, and he leisurely brushed up the red BUFF.

In order not to delay Khan's line suppression, he could only open the field alone.

Fortunately, the wine barrel W [Drunken Fury] can trigger the recovery of the passive [Happy Hour] and provide percentage damage.

Coupled with the short cool-down time, Cuzz's single-player brushing speed is not too slow.

"Jiugong hasn't noticed YM Nosuke's movements yet," Miller's heart skipped a beat, "They are crouching in the grass next to the Red BUFF camp!"

The red BUFF is refreshed in 1 minute and 40 seconds, and the bottom lane arrival time is 1 minute and 48 seconds.

If they help open the jungle, the bottom lane duo will go online around 1 minute and 52 seconds.

In other words, during these 12 seconds, Cuzz will not become suspicious!

YM Nosuke watched coldly as Gragas burped and lowered the health of the wild monster.

At 1 minute and 48 seconds, Longzhu's bottom lane was the first to go online. When the Rat King's policewoman came up, she used Q [Peacemaker] to push the line.

Cuzz chooses the upper half of the area to open red. In addition to avoiding the possible invasion of robots, the other purpose is to go all the way and reach the lower half of level 3 to protect the development of the Rat King Policewoman.

Since BP was forced to make concessions in this game, Longzhu could only temporarily change its tactics. In the early stage, it focused on the lower half to ensure that the Rat King Policewoman could gain the advantage in the line.

Cuzz still maintained a good habit of cutting the screen when farming. He watched all three lanes and the blood volume of the red buff also dropped a lot.

At 1 minute and 53 seconds, Gloria saw Jack Xiaopao online alone and immediately gave a reminder.

"Robots might be wandering around!"

But Cuzz is still not vigilant. If the robot wants to catch it, it must be in the middle. Our two wards have blocked the entrance to the upper half of the wild area. Can heroes like the robot and the prince, who are level 1 and have no movement, flash into the dragon pit and invade me?

The next moment, Fengxian and the ring emperor Blitzcrank, who were holding Fang Tian's painted halberd, emerged from the grass!

what's the situation?

Cuzz looked confused.

The prince's basic attack with passive [Rhythm of War] percentage damage reduced the red BUFF's health to 380 points!

At the same time, a thunderbolt fell, and the red BUFF was punished by Xiaoyao and successfully received it!

Blue swirling light surrounded the prince's body, and he successfully reached level 2!

"Where are your teammates? Help!" Cuzz quickly called for help from his teammates.

"The prince used the red BUFF to stick to the wine barrel and kept knocking it, and Liu Qingsong was also beside him to make up for the output!"

Level 1 Cuzz's blood volume was already low after single-handedly challenging the red BUFF. Then he was besieged by YM wild assistants, and his blood volume dropped rapidly. In desperation, he chose to rush to the stone beetle camp, intending to use flash across the wall to avoid disaster.

But at the moment when the wine barrel with 1/3 health flashed across the wall, Xiaoyao glanced at the location of Cuzz, and EQ flew the wine barrel over the wall for the second time!

"Cuzz handed over Punishment to regain health!" Miller looked excited, "But he will have to delay for a long time. The Khan who is pressing the line is still on his way!"

Although the more than 100 points of blood restored were not much, it relieved his urgent need. Cuzz held the wine barrel and drank W [Drunk Fury], using the damage reduction effect to resist for a while.

Seeing that the prey he had obtained was about to run away, Liu Qingsong couldn't hold himself back. While adjusting his angle to avoid the stone beetle, he stretched out his Q [Mechanical Flying Claw]!

Blitzcrank's glove grabbed Gragas' waistband and brought him to him!

"The robot followed up with two more basic attacks and successfully gained first blood!"

At this time, the Guangzhou Stadium was noisy and noisy, and everyone was cheering for YM!

1600 owes 3.2W, plus the 7.8W due in January, the total is 11W.

February update progress bar (9.58w+0.66w=10.24w/29W)

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