LOL: What is a roaming mid laner?

Chapter 356 354: Sweep!

BDD stared at his screen with a gloomy expression.

When Cuzz asked him to use his ultimate to support him, he opened R without saying a word or even looking at the position of the army line. And then you did this to me?

If I die once, Tandu won’t be able to get up later. How can I fight in a team fight?

During the game, the two positions of jungler and mid laner have the greatest impact on each other, and BDD feels this deeply.

To be fair, he basically never gave Xiaotian a chance to gank, and his roaming rhythm could barely keep up with Lin Ran. It was not easy to maintain his own development under such circumstances.

But the jungle gap is too big.

Sometimes he didn't even know what Cuzz had done, and the jungle collapsed inexplicably. Then YM switched lanes and kept suppressing himself, leaving him no room to play at all.

The resentment in the first two games coupled with Cuzz's betrayal of his teammates just now made BDD sullen and silent.

Grella was keenly aware that something was not right about the atmosphere in the team, "Nukan, hurry up and come to the bottom lane, protect Zhongren and demolish the tower!"

Just now, when Liu Qingsong went to roam the upper half of the area to support, Grilla walked halfway and saw that the situation was not right, so he went back and cooperated with the Rat King to reduce the HP of YM's lower tower a lot.

Cuzz obeyed and planned to head down the road after his resurrection, but he didn't expect YM to be one step faster.

"Ran and Jin Gong's teleportation landed in the triangular grass on the bottom lane. They will be the first to launch an offensive on the bottom lane!"

"Khan's anger is pretty good, but he can't teleport it!"

After Khan was killed at level 2, he handed over his teleportation in order to replenish the line. The cooldown time of the S7 version of teleportation is the same as flash, which is 300 seconds...

He looked at the teleport in his summoner's skill bar and saw that it would be ready in just 20 seconds!

But it was these 20 seconds that prevented him from reaching the bottom battlefield in time!

"Not only Khan, but BDD and Cuzz can't catch up!"

BDD previously handed over the teleport at the beginning of 3 minutes in order to make up for the double ring clearing. The cooldown time of his summoner skills was even later than that of Khan.

Lin Ran was very calculating, and the timing was just right!

"Dragon Ball Nakano is rushing down the road on foot, trying to provide shelter to the policewoman, but it doesn't work, Jack just jumps in to save someone!"

The rocket jump of the small cannon just hit the Gem Knight, and the slowing effect kept the Dragon Ball duo!

The Rat King and Grella also wanted to take advantage of the upper and middle teleportation of YM to focus their fire and kill Jack instantly, but the plan failed.

When the policewoman doesn't use a clamp to trap the opponent, her burst damage can only be accomplished by relying on two consecutive EQ attacks plus a single normal attack with a headshot.

However, after the Rat King died once in the early stage, he failed to make the Storm Sword when he returned to the city for the first time. Now he is covered with an 875 pickaxe and an attack speed dagger.

The attack power is not very high, and it cannot cause fatal damage to Jack.

"Grilla Gem opened E [Dazzle] to stun Xiaopao..." Miller's voice suddenly rose, "Liu Qingsong's hook caught him to him!"

Tariq's glare was cast from himself and the policewoman connected to W [Fortress of Fortitude], but because Grella himself was pulled in front of Liu Qingsong, the policewoman had just handed over E [90 Caliber Rope Net] Withdraw, Jack started treatment after his position was pulled away, and easily avoided the key stun control by accelerating his position!

This time, the small cannon won't drop for a second, and the upper YM was about to hit the ground, and the Rat King began to think about retreating.

But Grella, who was hooked to Liu Qingsong, was definitely destined to die. Pray chose to betray his teammates and retreat.

"The policewoman still wanted to run, but YM didn't give her a chance. Shen and Karma accelerated towards the Rat King with E [Inspiration]!"

Pray wished he could turn into a crab and have more legs to run around, but in order to push the tower more efficiently, he bought an attack speed dagger instead of straw sandals for 300 gold coins, but now he regrets it!

The policewoman moves too slowly!

Lin Ran had just used R [Mantra] when accelerating himself and Shen. At this time, only Q [Inner Flame] could have a deceleration effect.

His skills were impartial. Looking at the ring of fire coming towards him, the Rat King could only stand by it!

His flash was used when he was killed for the first time, and he still had 7 seconds left before he could get better!

It was these 7 seconds that made it impossible for him to escape the clutches of YM at this moment.

"Shen taunted and followed the control, Xiaopao jumped over again!"

Jack activated Q [Rapid Fire] in a moment, and fully stacked the E [Explosion Spark] on the gem to refresh his rocket jump.

The small cannon jumped in the air, and the cannon successfully killed the disabled policewoman!

"Good K!" Lin Ran praised sincerely, "Jack, you are like a dog with a human head!"

Grella also wanted to take the opportunity to escape, but Xiaopao refreshed his rocket jump after getting the kill and jumped on his face again!

"Jack collected two more heads," Wawa couldn't help but sigh, "With the 3/0 small cannon, Liu Qingsong's last hit economy that was suppressed when he roamed was instantly made up for."

"How can a soldier have such a fragrant head?"

Lin Ran and Wawa Yingxiong saw the same thing.

Two heads were given to Jack, so he accepted the wave of troops.

"I'll tell you not to touch my troops!" Jack was extremely jealous.

"No, you've already eaten two heads and you still want to defend your troops?" Lin Ran felt that he had exhausted all his benevolence, "I can't just accept assists when I come here, right?"

Jack's tone was serious, "You don't understand, the soldier line is the dignity of the ADC."

"Dignity, you big-headed devil." Lin Ran was rude. Taking advantage of the time when Jack had not returned to the line after chasing Grilla, he used his body to hold the line of troops and started to eat by himself.

The Shiba Inu hesitated to speak, but in the end he dared not speak in anger.

The voices in the YM team were relaxed and joyful, while the other Dragon Ball fell into dead silence.

The female police officer died twice in less than 8 minutes, completely breaking the rhythm from economy to tower pushing.

Their only strong point at present is Khan on the road, but this advantage is very small. Although Jin Gong has a lot of support, his last hit and experience are slightly worse than Khan, but after all, he has received a lot of assists, and his economy is almost the same. .

Xiaoyao, who did not go to the lower half to catch Xuan Ming and the two elders, cleaned up the upper half of Cuzz's wild area, and then continued to wait on the top lane. He got stuck on the edge of the field of vision provided by the minion and got into the line grass.

Now Khan is very anxious. He knows that he is the only one in the team who currently holds a slight advantage. It is very important whether he can use this first-blood tower to achieve a complete lead in the opponent's economy.

He controlled Gnar to clean up the army line all the time, hoping to wear down the enemy's top tower's health as quickly as possible before Jin Gong returned to the top lane.

"The Khan is still pushing the thread without realizing it, while the prince is hiding in the grass!" Miller shouted, "Xiaotian is waiting for Ran and Jin Gong to arrive!"

This time when he returned to the city, Lin Ran did not directly buy the Little Holy Grail. Instead, he bought mercury shoes and used the second-level shoes and the movement speed bonus given by his E [Inspiration] to quickly rush up the road.

Due to the movement speed provided by skills and shoes, it is difficult for BDD to accurately estimate the time when Lin Ran will go online.

There was no early warning given in time. As a result, when Lin Ran and Jin Gong were about to reach Nar's face, Khan knew that the other party was coming to catch him.

Khan took his time and threw the boomerang to slow down while jumping backwards, trying to distance himself.

With the help of his military line, Little Gnar jumped twice in the air, but at the moment he landed, a German military flag was planted at his feet!

Dragon Crash!

The prince rushed out of the grass and immediately knocked the Khan into the air!

"Shen used taunt, Karma used Soul Flame to slow down, Khan handed over Flash and tried to escape, but YM's slowing control was too much, and he couldn't move at all!"

Miller's expression was extremely excited. He also knew that this was Longzhu's last comeback point. As long as Nal's rhythm was interrupted, YM would be greeted with victory!

"Khan, where are you running?"

In the midst of the hoarse explanation, Little Nar was struck to death by Shen with a knife!

With a gloomy look on his face, Khan took his hands away from the keyboard and mouse, and ran his fingers through his short hair on his temples, trying to use this unconscious action to wake himself up.

Lin Ran applied acceleration to himself and quickly moved to the middle, "Kill him again later to completely interrupt Gnar's rhythm. Let's use the vanguard to push the tower head-on."

"No problem, no problem, Brother Ran comes here often." Jin Gong felt relieved when he saw that Lin Ran came over and didn't help push the troops.

YM's main attack point quickly changed to the upper half. This sudden change was too much for Longzhu. Cuzz watched helplessly as his opponent mercilessly caught Khan to death again and again.

"Khan died three times in five minutes, and even the top tower was removed!"

Khan hammered the table angrily, but he did not escape the pursuit of the camera, and everything was seen by the audience.

[Classic military training is here! 】

[Ask a question, why doesn’t Khan have any teammates? What are cuzz and BDD doing? 】

[I’m thinking it’s been almost 15 minutes, and the Rat King hasn’t pushed down a tower yet. What’s the use of helping this policewoman now? 】

[On the road, three people jumped the tower, why didn't BDD go? 】

It just so happened that Khan also complained in the team voice that his teammates did not give him more help.

He didn't even ask Cuzz and BDD to help him catch him once. If he could counter-crouch or protect himself once, he wouldn't die so miserably.

BDD frowned. During this period of time, he helped the Rat King kill Liu Qingsong in the bottom lane, and also played Jack's flash. Although he did not save top laner Khan, it was not like he did nothing.

But Cuzz is still farming. He was still taking the red BUFF when Khan was jumped from the tower just now. Now the red mark under the barrel looks like a mark for Khan to collect his body.

BDD took a deep breath.

"On the road, three people jumped the tower and were out of the jungle. How can I go there?"

"Cuzz isn't even here, why should I go?"

This is of course not BDD's original words, but that's what it means.

He had been brewing for a long time and finally broke out. All the dissatisfaction accumulated in these three games was vented. Although he did not curse anyone openly, his tone was extremely sharp. The other four people knew that BDD was definitely very angry now.

This startled Khan.

"...I just said a few words, don't be angry." Although Khan is much older and more senior than BDD, and according to Korean culture, he is definitely BDD's elder, but he has a softer temper and does not often bully based on his seniority. As a newbie, he is a little scared when he gets angry in the BDD competition.

Cuzz, who blushed like a red duck, remained silent. Although he was a weakling, he was not stupid. When BDD broke out just now, he was obviously complaining that he, the jungler, was not doing anything.

Although I felt very unhappy inside, I couldn't find any reason to refute it.

His BO5 was indeed beaten to pieces by YM.

"Don't be like this. If we are more stable, we can still fight." Grela used to smooth things over.

BDD habitually glances to the upper right corner.

The head-to-head ratio is 3:9, and the gap in defense towers is 1:1. On the surface, the economic gap is just over 2,000.

But he knew that there was a more important last-minute hit. The gap between the three lines was not big. The basic skills of everyone in Longzhu were quite solid. The problem lay with the jungler.

Cuzz currently has only one assist, but his jungle clearing count is nearly 20 dollars less than that of 1/0/6 Prince.

Just NMB is outrageous.

The economic gap in the jungle position alone costs more than a thousand gold coins, and you have to remember that this is less than 15 minutes.

Even if you don't arrest people, you can't swipe the other side?

BDD's brain is going to explode.

However, he didn't say anything anymore. Those two sentences just now were considered the limit. If he continued, it would easily cause internal strife among his teammates and affect the progress of the game.

Although the chances of winning a comeback are not high now, BDD does not want to give up even if there is a glimmer of hope left.

Although this is his first time participating in the World Championship, BDD does not want to stop at the quarterfinals.

The top four are barely successful.

BDD thought that forbearance would bring hope of a comeback, but YM immediately shattered this senseless fantasy.

"Liu Qingsong's hook hit the wine barrel that was trying to arrange the canyon pioneer's vision through the wall!" The doll on the commentary table suddenly clenched his fist, "Can you kill him instantly?"

Although he disliked his own jungler in his heart, BDD still handed over his ultimate move right away.

Galio in the distance rose into the sky, preparing to fly to the river in the upper half of the area where the wine barrel was; Khan also handed over the teleport in the wild area; Grilla and the Rat King were also rushing to the battlefield.

They don't want to delay, because Karma hasn't made the incense burner yet, which means that YM currently does not have the attributes of the incense burner monster, and Grilla's gems bring the incense burner, which increases the team's combat effectiveness considerably.

If you wait another two minutes, Lin Rankarma will rely on the Holy Grail + Incense Burner. As soon as the team fight starts, RE will set 5 incense burner effects on his teammates. Coupled with the economic advantage accumulated previously, Dragon Ball will not be able to stop it at all.

If you continue to delay, the small cannon is the ADC with the longest range in the late stage. Coupled with its strong life-saving ability, the late team battle will definitely be worthy of the policewoman.

After thinking about it, they simply took advantage of the fact that Cuzz was fired and forcibly took over the group.

"Hold on, you must hold on until I come down!" BDD shouted, wanting Cuzz to hold on for a little longer.

Grabbing the fat wine barrel, Liu Qingsong punched Cuzz into the sky.

Cuzz seemed to have roots under his feet, and he couldn't take advantage of Robot E's uppercut to hand over Flash - but it was useless to hand it over. There was still a distance from the wall, and Flash could only hit the wall but couldn't help him escape. .

Upon seeing this, Jack also put on explosive sparks and began to output. The high attack speed granted by Q [Rapid Fire] made the explosive spark mark on the top of the barrel almost full.

At this time, Jin Gong, who was leading the line on the wing, also retreated to a safe place, R [Secret Secret! Mercy Saves Souls] was put on Jack.

This is their most important output point in team battles, and they must not die.

"Prince EQ flies the wine barrel, YM's control chain is quite perfect!" Miller praised repeatedly.

In Summoner's Rift, Garlic Bastard and other robots caught up with EQ's second company just when their uppercut flying effect was about to end.

The dragon's impact was just stuck at the limit of time and the wine barrel flew away.

Control after control, Cuzz can't even release any skills!

He could only watch his health bar drop in mid-air.

Although Jin Gong is not here, YM only has 4 people on the front battlefield now, but he can't bear it because he is too fragile!

At 17 minutes, Wine Barrel only had the Slag Giant jungle knife and mercury shoes, and his equipment was extremely shabby.

Even with the damage reduction BUFF provided by Galio's ultimate move, Cuzz can't stand it!

"The wine barrel is about to be defeated. Even if the Dragon Balls gather together at this time, it will still be 4 vs. 5!"

The sparks created by the cannon exploded above Cuzz's head. Not only that, Tristana also set off the heated atmosphere at the scene!

The moment the wine barrel's health bar was emptied, the Guangzhou Stadium turned into a boiling ocean!

"Cuzz was killed!"

Before BDD could say anything out loud, the Galio he was controlling had already landed on the body of the wine barrel!

Under the monstrous green flames, the bodies of the four YM people were all knocked into the air!

"Gario's entry is perfect. If he can drag the other three people from Longzhu to the frontal battlefield, then LZ will still have a glimmer of hope!"

BDD first punched Lin Ran passively, and then W [Dulang Shield] began to charge up and taunt!

After Liu Qingsong landed, he took the lead in turning on R [Electrostatic Field] to silence Galio.

Galio's Durand Shield currently cannot be interrupted, and Blitzcrank's silence seems to have little effect.

But the next moment, Tristana, who also landed, took out her cannon, loaded it with a giant cannonball, and fired it.

R【Destroy Shot】!

The Fireman Cannon in the Flame Ambition skin fired a high-pressure water cannon, trying to push Galio into the river and away from everyone in Dragon Ball!

Only then did BDD realize that something was wrong. Although Blitzcrank's silence effect could not interrupt Durang's shield, he could not flash himself!

If the cannon's destructive shot knocks him back, then Galio's Durand Shield won't be able to taunt even one person!

Knowing that he had no better solution, BDD immediately ended the charge of Durang's shield, but having been repelled, he could only control Lin Ran and Liu Qingsong.

"The tacit cooperation of Jack and Liu Qingsong's ultimate moves created an excellent output environment for Xiao Pao. The two elders Xuan Ming came to the battlefield, but were stopped by Xiao Yao!"

The Prince of Demacia shouted loudly, and R [Heaven and Earth Shattered] successfully stopped the Rat King and Gloria. The Rat King used the reverse rope net displacement to escape from the prince's obstacle, and Gloria's gem has no displacement skills. If you want to enter the field, You must hand over the flash!

Grela handed over her summoner skills without hesitation.

He knew that if Longzhu wanted to make a comeback, this team battle had to be won.

The Gem Knight Tarik is a veritable comeback player in the auxiliary position. After last year's revision, he relied on R [Cosmic Glory]'s delayed group invincibility BUFF to repeatedly help the team complete comebacks against the wind.

Grella felt that it was not impossible for the three of them to team up with Galio and Gnar to form a comeback teamfight as long as they were invincible.

Lin Ran noticed that Khan on the other side of the river had landed. Gnar's anger level was faintly red, and he would transform into a giant monster in a few moments!

He knew what Longzhu was thinking, "Don't let the gems in!"

The next moment, Jin Gong's Shen finally landed smoothly after the 3-second guide time for his ultimate move expired. He heard Lin Ran's words and stared at Grella's position. When the gem was about to enter the river battlefield, Shen transformed into There was a flash of lightning, and the mockery followed!

"Grella wanted to twist, but she didn't!"

The taunting time was as long as 1.5 seconds. He was still some distance away from the frontal battlefield and could only watch helplessly as everyone in YM beat up Gnar and Galio!

"Karma, who recovered from the taunting state, cast W [Unwavering] to tie the gem's body with a spiritual chain!"

The spirit chain takes effect for two seconds.

In other words, the time left for Gloria to get out of the range of the spiritual chain is less than 1 second, which is simply unrealistic.

"Grella was completely blocked. He couldn't come in and use the big move on his teammates!" Miller was overjoyed.

From God's perspective, he saw clearly that Gem R [Glory of the Universe] was Longzhu's only hope for a comeback in this team battle.

As long as Grella's ultimate move cannot protect his teammates, it will be impossible for Dragon Ball to defeat more with less!

Already making endless small cannon outputs at the side, neither Galio nor Gnar paid any attention to Jack at this moment.

They were trying their best to get closer to the gem, but Lin Ran's RQ [Soul Flame] was placed in the middle of the river. Golden lotuses were blooming, and the dragon ball moved extremely slowly up and down with the petals flying!

"Nar jumps forward..." The doll stared at the screen, "He wants to rely on the wall of the river to hit Tathagata Palm!"

Nowadays, the positions of the five YM players are very scattered. Shen and Prince are blocking the positions of Xuan Ming and Xuan Ming at the edge of the pass between the river and the upper half of Dragon Ball. Jack is shooting in the middle of the river; while Lin Ran and Liu Qingsong are standing. At the entrance to the river.

Khan's target was Lin Ran. He didn't want to knock Karma unconscious against the wall, but planned to push Lin Ran to the center of the river.

Gloria was taunted by Shen and could not move freely, so he had to slap Lin Ran away so that the gem would not fall into the subsequent control chain and be able to move smoothly to activate his ultimate move.

Gnar, whose anger had turned blood red, jumped up and let out a howl in the air, turning into a beast with gnarled muscles and ferocious-looking fangs!

Flashing forward, the giant claw swung back violently, and the river instantly stirred up waves, intersecting with the brilliant lotus flowers behind him!

The entire operation was extremely fast. Gnar's E flashed and R broke through the thousand-yard distance and came to Karma's side in an instant, leaving the opponent with very little reaction time!

Water splashed everywhere, and even Khan's eyes staring at the screen were dyed with a bit of lotus golden light...


Khan, who originally thought that this unexpected move would definitely succeed, tightened his back suddenly, and the corners of his slightly raised mouth were already solidified.

This is indeed the golden light that appears when Karma, Order of the Lotus, casts his skills, but it is not the residual light effect of Q [Inner Flame].

But flash!

With a soft sound, Karma's position instantly moved back, getting close to the gem while dodging Gnar's ultimate move at the extreme distance!

Amid the uncontrollable exclamations of the audience in the venue, Khan only photographed Liu Qingsong!

"Brother Ran reacted too fast!" The baby said with a familiar feeling of surprise, "The intention of Khan's ultimate move is not obvious, can you avoid it like this?"

[This reaction must be said to be 1/3 of my peak level]

[You can’t say this B-word without drinking two kilograms of Erguotou, right? 】

【Another piece of happy cephalosporin? I guarantee you that Yasuo will be awesome tonight]

"Nar's ultimate move misses the target, so Grella will really have to stand still!" Miller spoke quickly, "Besides, he is being beaten by Xiaotian and Jin Gong, and his health is in danger!"

Warrior jungle knife + mercury shoes + net erosion + red crystal, Xiaotian's equipment is quite luxurious. If no one cares about it, it only takes a few seconds to match the gems of Jin Gong to kill the naked incense burner.

No one in YM paid attention to the Rat King. At the 17-minute mid-term time point, the policewoman's combat effectiveness was quite poor, and hitting Shen and the prince was almost like scraping.

"Grela, who was still in a state of health, had no choice but to activate her ultimate move, but in this case, it would be difficult for Khan and BDD to use the Gem Knight's ultimate move!"

It takes two seconds for the light of R [Cosmic Glory] to fall. Grella is still moving desperately towards the river, trying to let the light shine on more teammates, but the confinement effect makes it difficult for him to move forward.

The cosmic energy spilled over Taric, the Shield of Valoran, and the Piltover Policewoman, but Gnar and Galio, who were the most powerful at this time, were not protected!

"Jack's cannon is left alone, he's about to jump!"

The big-headed son couldn't hold back at that time. He jumped next to Gnar with a rocket jump. At that time, he was annoyed and felt that he would die suddenly again.

But the next moment everyone was stunned. Gnar and Galio didn't care about him at all. Instead, they all ran to Grilla, trying to find ways to bathe themselves in the gem's ultimate move.

After playing professionally for more than a year, Jack has never seen an opponent who didn't chase him.

He felt insulted. You didn't kill the ADC first in a team fight? Even if I jump on your face, you can't kill me?

Jack is a very simple man, and his brain is basically a diode.

I stand at the front. If you don’t beat me to death, I will beat you to death.

The more the two of them ignored him, the more he pushed forward and acted like a heavily armored warrior.

This radical positioning ensured his maximum damage output. The small cannon that had killed many people before was well developed, and the damage gradually added up and it was simply too much for Longzhu's upper middle!

At this time, it was no longer realistic for BDD and Khan to focus their firepower to kill Jack instantly.

"Brother Ran put on the acceleration shield in time, and Jack moved to twist away Gnar's W [Blow]. He is still dealing damage, and he is still alive!"

The cannon barrel was raised again and again, each time taking away considerable health points from Khan and BDD.

Galio, whose health was not very healthy, fell to the ground first. Jack refreshed his rocket jump and once again stood up and long jumped to adjust his output position.

"Take off!" Jack shouted.

"Big Gnar has no flash and no ultimate move. It's hard to catch up with the cannon. He can only be kited all the time!"

At this moment, the victory of the team battle has been decided, and the deafening cheers from the audience set off a storm in the crowd!

"The radiance of the universe provides the gem and the policewoman with an invincible effect, but the damage to them is really not high, and they have to be chased by Karma with acceleration!"

Miller was extremely excited, "0 for 5, YM relied on wonderful team battle cooperation to achieve a wave of team destruction!"

"The details of their team battle are so exquisite," Wawa lamented on the sidelines, "Everyone performed their duties without any panic..."

"This is the strength of the defending champion!"

Liu Qingsong was responsible for pulling Cuzz to start the team battle. In the middle, he also used R [Electrostatic Field] to cooperate with Jack to destroy BDD's team control taunt;

Jin Gong and Xiaoyao used their key control skills to retain the gems and prevent Grilla from inflicting ultimate moves on their teammates.

Lin Ran mainly plays a supporting role, slowing down the enemy, accelerating his own side, binding with spiritual chains... He also uses Flash to avoid Gnar's ultimate move at the critical moment.

As for Jack? He is responsible for the output.

This kind of tacit teamwork requires day after day training and simulation, as well as the strong execution ability of each team member.

I don’t know how much better YM’s team coordination skills are now than last year.

Especially compared with Longzhu, this LCK super team, which has just confirmed its lineup for half a year, is completely different from YM in terms of teamfight coordination.

There is nothing I can do about it, I can only say too young, too naive.

The audience spontaneously burst into cheers and waves in the stands. Now the head count ratio is 14:3 in 18 minutes, and the economic gap is as high as 7K!

It was simply a naked crushing!

"YM successfully took over this Canyon Pioneer and directly summoned it to smash the first and second towers in the middle of Longzhu Road. The economic gap exceeded 8K!"

The defeat in this team battle completely sentenced Longzhu to death, and they could never find any chance to make a comeback.

The countdown to the World Championships of LCK No. 1 seed Longzhu has begun.

The atmosphere in the Korean commentary booth has solidified.

The Roaring Emperor fell into silence, CloudTemplar's Adam's apple rolled, and he stopped talking.

It’s not okay to stay silent for a long time. There are hundreds of thousands of viewers watching the Korean stream.

"Can the players of Dragon Ball hold on a little longer? Maybe there will be a chance..." Although he said this, the Roaring Emperor's own voice was no longer as exciting as it was at the beginning.

Yesterday, Samsung severely whipped WE, which lifted the spirits of the commentators and the audience in the Korean division. Many viewers also imagined that today's LCK number one seed, Dragon Ball, the pride of the Republic of Korea, could overturn YM's dominance.

But an unsuspicious 3:0 was about to happen, and YM swept the dragon ball into the trash can like the autumn wind sweeping away fallen leaves.

The entire quarterfinals process was a one-sided beating of Longzhu. Their economic lead in the three games was estimated to be less than 1 minute in total.

CloudTemplar looked at the commentary screen with the YM team swarming onto Dragon Ball Highlands with the Baron BUFF, his tone full of bitterness.

"It seems that it will be difficult to stop the powerful YM. I have to say that the overall gap between the two teams is really huge..."

He spoke eloquently. At this time, Liu Qingsong hooked Cuzz who was careless again, and the team battle started again.

However, due to the huge equipment disadvantage, this team battle completely turned into a crushing one-sided victory.

0 for 4, only BDD is left huddled in the spring and refuses to come out!

YM5 people obviously want to end this game with the Baron BUFF!

There was a bit of crying in CloudTemplar's voice, "Longzhu, who we had high hopes for, fell on the eight-to-four stage..."

On the other side, the LPL commentary desk was beaming with joy!

"Congratulations to YM, for sweeping and eliminating Dragon Ball!" Wawa was happy, "Anyway, it's three to zero, I can do it!"

"YM successfully got the second ticket to the semi-finals. The opponent they have to face is the winner between SKT and C9!" Miller said loudly.

The Dragon Ball Base was shattered and turned into bright crystals scattered everywhere!

Thank you to the leaders of ‘Early Morning Overlord’

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