LOL: What is a roaming mid laner?

Chapter 359 357: Repaying others with their own methods?

A palm stretched out from the darkness, and the next moment it clenched into a fist, smashing the glass-like barrier between it and reality!

The Riot Games logo appeared in front of everyone in the venue and square.

Fans cheered non-stop, and all 18,000 seats in the three-floor stands of the Oriental Sports Center were packed. The cheers were loud enough to penetrate the screens and reach the ears of millions of viewers watching the live broadcast!

At four o'clock in the afternoon Beijing time, countless viewers flooded into the event live broadcast rooms on major domestic and foreign platforms. The total number of viewers in the rat Taichung, Korean and English trilingual live broadcast room easily exceeded one million, and this number is still growing upwards.

The bandwidth of the live broadcast rooms of several major domestic platforms is no longer sufficient. Seeing that the backend numbers easily exceeded the expected peak before the game, the department heads can only bite the bullet and grab resources from other major anchors who are live broadcasting at the same time to supply the demand for the event.

"Come on YM!" in the front row of the infield, a sturdy man holding the black and red team flag of YM shouted loudly. The sea of ​​spectators behind him instantly boiled, and the voices of cheering for YM gathered together and lingered in everyone in the Oriental Sports Center. A corner!

The game hasn't even started yet, but they are already in a frenzy!

The black and red flags symbolizing YM cover more than 80% of the stadium area, and the remaining 20% ​​will get SKT.

It’s a completely different scene from last year’s World Championship.

Fans tell everyone with practical actions that this is the home court of LPL!

Western reporters used cameras to record all this. They did not dare to add any underworld filters. If something goes wrong, they will be held responsible in the future.

The main stage was already dark, and the fist logo on the big screen gradually disappeared into the darkness, replaced by the Oriental Pearl Tower that shone brightly at night.

The background music of "Is This The End" sounded, and the perspective on the big screen slowly moved down, and Faker appeared with his own narration.

"One year ago, we lost the title of the strongest team in the world," he said with a stern expression, remembering the rule of putting your hands in your pockets when taking photos. "Today I stand here not to prove anything, but to lose something. I must I have to take it back with my own hands!”

"I am more confident this time. No team has a stronger desire to win than us..." He pointed to his chest, and the two golden five-pointed stars printed on the team logo shone brightly, "Because we are SKT, because , I am Faker."

These domineering words came out of Faker's mouth, which naturally attracted many screams from the audience.

[My name is Ma Ge, and faker is my brother Li? 】

[Who is Brother Li? Sisika Li Haoyu? 】

[Not me, Anshan Faker? 】

The barrage was still arguing fiercely, and the little peanut with delicate features slowly walked into the camera from the side.

"I lost to Tian in the S6 semi-finals, and now it's another semi-final. I'm here with ROX's determination to take revenge."

"Today, I will prove on this stage who is the best jungler in the world!" Little Peanut raised his head slightly and stood beside Faker with his arms folded.

[Little Peanut, are you starting again? 】

[I think this is the translator causing trouble, bullying me for not understanding Korean? 】

[Ancestor Seven: Even beating me to 4396 last year is not enough, right? 】

Six SKT players stood in front of the Oriental Pearl Tower.

Then the camera switched, and on the other side of the Bund, Xiaotian, who looked like he hadn't woken up with his eyes narrowed, appeared in everyone's field of vision.

"As we all know, SKT is the top super team in the world..." Garlic King Basu leaned against the red brick wall of the Shanghai alley, "But last year YM added 'one' to their title. I think today's game The results of the semi-finals will not change either."

The camera instantly moved 90°, and even if Lin Ran looked down at the camera from a high position, there was nothing wrong with Lin Ran's handsome face.

"I think for the League of Legends Global Finals, which has been held for its seventh year, a double World Championship title can barely be called a dynasty. If we win two consecutive championships, the gold content will be even higher..."

His calm and calm voice was conveyed to the ears of every spectator in the stadium through the live sound effects.

"And if YM can still win the championship this year, then the global finals championships in 2016 and 2017 will belong to LPL. At that time, we can confidently say that the world's number one team is YM, and LPL is the world's number one division."

The noise in the audience suddenly swelled!

The LPL audience has been longing for this first division for a long time. It has taken them 6 years from S2 in ancient times to today.

YM's victory in the darkest moment in 2016 gave them confidence. Now that dawn has arrived, they are full of confidence and ready to welcome the bright light!

[YM rush rush rush! 】

Tens of thousands of spectators waved their cheer sticks, and the sound swept through the Oriental Sports Center like a mountain.

In the last scene of the promotional video, Lin Ran stood on the Bund riverside, looking towards the other side with several other teammates.

On the other side of the Huangpu River, Lee Sang Hyuk stood in front of his teammates, with his arms folded against the cold wind of late autumn, his eyes as focused as lightning.

The two world-class mid laners looking at each other across the river pushed the atmosphere to a climax again!

The big screen fell into darkness again, and the cheers gradually died down, but the hot atmosphere did not subside at all. The audience could even hear each other's heavy breathing.

The background music switched again, and "Worlds Championship 2017" echoed in the surrounding stands through outstanding sound effects.

The sound is melodious and the melody is majestic. Riot is worthy of the title of a music company. This song has been used in the world competition since it came out in 2016.

What is different from last year is that this year Riot has added ancient musical instruments of the host China to the melody to commemorate the host place of this world championship.

The next moment, the lights were turned on again, and the stage suddenly appeared in front of all the audience!

A giant dragon occupies the innermost wall, and the Summoner's Trophy is firmly trapped in its arms. The camera slowly zooms out, and Ren Dong, wearing a straight black Tang suit, comes to the stage.

"Good afternoon to all summoners in Shanghai!" he said loudly, "After four weeks of fierce fighting, there are currently only four teams left in the 2017 League of Legends Global Finals. Today, two top teams with high reputations at home and abroad will compete. An exciting showdown at the Oriental Sports Center!”

"SKT and YM, from the historical battle records to the match-ups between star players, the two teams have a deep connection..."

At this time, the director gave the previous match records between the two teams.

2016 Global Finals YM3-2SKT

2017 Mid-Season Invitational YM3-1SKT

The audience once again let out deafening shouts. The two final victories between YM and SKT fulfilled the dreams of many people. The memory is deep and indelible!

"Although SKT suffered two defeats against YM, they have reached the top 4 of the global finals for the third consecutive year. No one will doubt their ambition to win the championship. On the other hand, our local team in the LPL, YM, aims to defend the title. ," Ren Dong looked at the audience in the stands, "But at the end of this game, only one team can get the final ticket to the Bird's Nest!"

"There is another partner at the scene today who is also my opponent..." Ren Dong waved his arm, "Let us invite OGN to commentate, the Roaring Emperor Caster Jun!"

Amid thunderous applause from the audience, Roaring Emperor Quan Yongyun quickly stepped onto the stage.

He bowed around to thank the audience for their applause, and then said in the broken Mandarin he learned now, "Hello Peng Youmeng, everyone!"

The YM team members who were waiting backstage to prepare laughed out loud when they heard this sentence, and the originally tense and serious atmosphere was instantly washed away.

"This guy is really funny. His Mandarin skills are on par with Knight's." Garlic Bastard said one black and two black, this is his normal operation.

Roaring Emperor also knew that the Chinese he was currently learning was very awkward, so he decisively switched back to his native language.

After introducing the glorious history of SKT this year, he opened his arms and shouted loudly, "Let us welcome the 2013 and 2015 League of Legends Global Finals champion teams..."

"SKTelecom T1!"

He dragged the last syllable to the limit, and his angry voice instantly ignited the atmosphere of the scene.

Following the introduction of the team by Roaring Emperor, everyone from SKT filed out and stepped onto the stage with steady steps.

"Top laner Huni, jungler Peanut, mid laner Faker!"

As one of the most popular foreign players in the League of Legends e-sports circle, Lee Sang-hyuk's appearance on the stage was not surprising and won a lot of cheers. Even many spectators holding YM support light signs did not hesitate to applaud!

Lee Sang Hyuk has experienced peaks and troughs over the years, and he is not surprised by his warm welcome to a foreign country after having washed away his glory. He waves with a calm expression.

Faker is considered to be one of the star players with the most casual fans in the league. In his early years, he pursued high-profile cup competitions and attracted a large number of fans by relying on his operation and hard power.

In recent years, he has acted more maturely and restrainedly, and he is also a fool in real life. Even if his performance over the past year has not been as brilliant as before, it will not affect the rapid increase in the number of his fans.

"Bang in the bottom lane, support Wolf! As well as their head coach Kkoma and substitute Blank!"

Li Zaiwan tilted his head and bent the middle and ring fingers of his left hand, making a classic gesture that looked extremely abstract. It looked like he had seen too much 6+1.

"Let us welcome you with applause again, SKTelecom T1!"

The Roaring Emperor ended his team introduction with a long sound.

Amid the brief cheers, Ren Dong picked up the microphone and looked excited, "I think every audience at the scene is very familiar with the team that will appear next."

"Let us shout their names together..."

The sound that erupted from the stands at this moment was enough to destroy all obstacles and soar into the sky!

"Young Miracles!"

The seven YM members stepped onto the stage one after another, and the cheers and cheers from the surrounding audience rose again!

"Gimgoon in the top lane, Tian in the jungle, Ran in the mid lane..." Ren Dong was forced to put down the microphone to pause the introduction of the players, because the moment the audience saw Lin Ran, they burst into cheers more than any other player before. All loud!

Even with the help of a microphone, Ren Dong was not sure that his voice could cover the huge sound that filled the sky.

Lin Mingdong in the hotel suite glanced at the time, closed the document in his hand and rubbed his eyebrows. As soon as he clicked on the live event room, he heard the audience chanting Lin Ran's name.

The boy on the stage was calm and composed, with countless high spirits and indomitable energy in his brows.

He smiled with satisfaction, turned his head and saw through the floor-to-ceiling mirror in the room that his hair on the temples was getting lighter and lighter.

Lin Mingdong suddenly remembered something and opened the online shopping software.

Ten seconds later, the audience's voices gradually dropped, and Ren Dongfang continued, "Bot lane Jackeylove, assistant Crisp, as well as their coach Crescent and substitute LWX!"

He waved his arms vigorously and roared with all his strength:

"Let us once again welcome the 2016 League of Legends Global Finals champion team, Young Miracles, with applause!"

The audience had endless energy today, and they burst into shouts and cheers again and again!

Although Ren Dong's team introduction was not as passionate as Roaring Emperor, the enthusiastic audience at the scene made up for the gap between them!

"Heroes strive for legends, let us look forward to today's peak showdown together!"

The screens of the audience watching the live broadcast were once again plunged into darkness, and another version of Riot's event trailer appeared in front of them.

China's unique ink painting style gave the Bund and Oriental Pearl Tower a unique charm. Then the 10 semi-finalists and their respective heroes appeared one after another. The ink painting style made everything antique.

After Faker and Ryze disappeared from the audience's sight, a yordle riding a Galaxy Demon Armor broke through the fog and jumped out. The weapon in his hand kept spraying blazing flames. In the ink painting, these masses of flames looked like Fainted away the clouds.

One of the clouds quickly zoomed in, and the audience could see Lin Ran standing sideways in the cloud, looking tall and handsome.

【Handsome, handsome! 】

[I want to slide on Lin Ran’s nose! 】

[This ink style is so handsome that I was so scared that I quickly touched my face to make sure I was better before I felt relieved]

Today's commentators are still Wawa, Miller and Remember.

The commentary box, which was previously composed of Ze Yuan and legal pioneer Zhang Dapao, had already finished reading the advertiser's spoken words. The three commentators did not hesitate and immediately chose to get to the point.

"Today's focus show has attracted the attention of millions of people around the world, and it will be easy to break the ratings record of Riot Games in recent years..." Wawa has previously obtained the approximate data of simultaneous live broadcast viewing around the world from the director, and he is confident about this. .

"After all, the two teams facing each other in this game have monopolized all the world championships in the past two years. Whether it is the team honors or the quality of the star players, they are considered to be the top level in the world." I remember explaining to the side.

Miller answered, "There are many voices on the Internet these days, saying that this game is a preview of the S7 finals, and the winner will win the Summoner's Trophy at the Bird's Nest."

"It's true that YM and SKT are in the lower half of the league with so many strong players. Longzhu, which has been swept out before, is also the favorite to win this year." Watanabe nodded, and he received the prompt from the director through the headset, "But The final winner is still unknown, but today we can know who will win the first finals spot into the Bird’s Nest!”

With a crisp sound, the BP of the first round of the semi-finals has begun!

The audience in the audience could no longer hold back. They waved their wrists and made the cheering sticks collide with each other and make a muffled sound!

"SKT got the priority to choose sides in this semi-final, and they banned Kennen first!"

White Crescent took a deep breath to adjust herself, and sent Kalista to the ban position.

kkoma was obviously well prepared, and he banned Xayah in his second move, not wanting to give Jack the version of the powerful hero he was comfortable with.

Miller was not surprised by YM's second-hand ban, "Jace...this is to limit Huni's single belt."

Although armor-piercing armor was somewhat weakened in the mid-season version, Jayce began to shine in the second half of the summer split in major leagues.

This has something to do with the popularity of incense burners. Since the mainstream auxiliary positions are occupied by crispy players like Karma and Rakan, the upper, midfielder and jungler must assume the front-row function.

It is not impossible for a team to choose four late-stage output cores and a crispy support team. IG likes to play this way, but after all, it is not the mainstream play style of the current version.

Coupled with the introduction of tank equipment [Gargoyle Stone Plate Armor] and [Adaptive Helmet], the top laner's ecology seems to have become a world dominated by tanks.

But in fact it’s not that simple. After two weeks of running in the Incense Burner version, professional teams quickly took the top ecological chain a step further.

Tank heroes generally have short hands, which has something to do with Riot's hero design principles. There are three core points: survival, control, and output. Most heroes can only gain one or two points.

There are very few heroes who can get three points - Daomei and Qinggangying are rare all-round heroes, but they also suffered a lot of punches because if the basic values ​​are not reduced, these two heroes will be disabled for a long time. Dominate the professional game.

Tanks basically need control skills, and their survivability and smoothness are guaranteed, so the output must be weakened. As the range is an important part of the output environment, it is naturally limited by fists.

Tanks with short arms became popular, and top laners Jayce and Gnar came into being.

These two heroes are both long-handed heroes in the top lane ecosystem. The advantage of the difference in range is more obvious in the hands of players with higher levels. If professional players are allowed to get these two heroes to face tanks, through the range Frequent pulling and the suppressive power displayed will make the opponent unable to breathe.

Gnar's early laning is relatively gentle, and its suppression of tank heroes is mainly reflected in the single lane lane in the later stage. The percentage damage of W [Excitement] combined with the slowing effect of the big ice hammer, as long as the enemy is caught when laning Just one, you can stick to it all the way to death.

And Jace is a hero from another dimension. He specializes in dealing with short-handed players in the lane.

The upper route is very long, and professional Jace can even use the hatred range of the minions to squeeze out the experience zone of the opponent at level 1.

As long as he has a certain ability to control the troop line and wait for the third wave of artillery troops to arrive before pushing the troop line into the opponent's defense tower, Jayce can take advantage of the short-handed tank in front of the tower to replenish troops and do whatever he wants with his hands, constantly consuming the opponent's top laner.

If you are more aggressive, you can change the jungler. Then it will be no difficulty at all for two level 3 tanks to defeat a level 1 tank that has not gained any experience.

For a line tyrant like Jess to play a top laner, it's simply a dimensionality reduction attack. This idea is very simple and crude - suppress the development of the opponent's top laner through laning.

Tank equipment is indeed very cost-effective now, but you have to have money to pay for it!

As long as the suppression is successful in the early stage, the status of the tank hero will become very embarrassing. He can't beat Jace in the lead line, and he can barely fight under the tower to take troops; his team-fighting effect cannot keep up with the invincible Jace in the mid-term.

It's unrealistic to delay the game in the later stages. At this time, Jace's single-line advantage is likely to lead a large piece of equipment. With this kind of equipment gap, the opponent has already begun to use Jace's enhanced cannon poke to try to force Baron Nash.

After all, you can't expect every opponent to torture Baron like EDG, right?

"SKT's last ban spot in the first round was given to Karma!" I remember being very surprised by this. "Is this to restrict Ran's mid laner?"

"It should be..." Miller pondered for two seconds before speaking, "If we want to limit Liu Qingsong's incense burner soft assistant, Feng Nu, who currently has a higher overall winning rate in the competition, should be a good choice."

Bai Crescent raised his eyebrows, he didn't understand KKoma's intention.

If we want to limit the mid laner of Incense Burner, there is still Lulu out there, and the super-powerful system of Prince + Galio has not been broken down yet.

If YM does not choose to ban these three heroes, the blue side SKT can only choose between Prince and Galioli, but then Lulu will be released; if Kkoma insists on grabbing Lulu, then YM will You can get Prince + Galio.

No matter how you calculate YM, Bai Yueya thought for a long time and decided to continue targeting Huni and block Shen, who has both single belt and team battle support capabilities.

"SKT's first choice, they snatched the prince!"

White Crescent Moon frowned, "How about Galio and... Lulu?"

"彳亍." Lin Ran lowered his head and adjusted the position of the wrist guard without raising any objection.

Now that Kalma is blocked, the powerful Incense Burner soft assistants outside still have Lulu and Feng Nu. Judging from the winning rate, Feng Nu is indeed higher.

But they still tend to take Lulu.

First of all, Lulu's laning ability is much stronger than Feng Nu, which is good news for YM's bottom lane - the laning strength of Liu Qingsong and Jack obviously cannot be compared with the 55-55 Wolfstick combination without meditation.

It is not a loss to exchange Lulu for Fengnu, and exchange weaker teamfight performance for superior laning ability.

Secondly, this hand can also be used to prevent Faker from using it to play the mid laner. This hero is invincible in controlling the lane power in the early stage, and Galio is no match at all.

Lin Ran is also not sure whether Faker has learned Lulu from his old teammate Anshan Astros OTTO, or whether he should take it away and feel at ease.

Seeing the opponent's hero selection, KKoma's mouth almost turned to the sky.

"Rambo and..." Miller's eyes widened when he saw SKT's selection, and his forehead lines tended to move closer to James, "Lucian!"

"SKT took Lucian!"

There was an uproar in the stands on all sides.

Although Bang's Lucian is very strong, it is almost impossible for the incense burner version of Lu Xian to go down now.

Although Huni was the pioneer of solo Lucian in the professional arena, double lance logging was poorly taught by Dashu at that time, and it was not considered a regular tactic of SKT.

In this choice, there is a high probability that Faker will take the middle position against Galio!

【Teaching others what they have done to others? 】

[To put it bluntly, just steal it and that’s it! 】

[Hoo ho ho, Brother Ran was the one who killed Faker in front of Lucian last year. Do you really want to take revenge today? 】

The voices in the YM team saw this somewhat unexpected choice and kept communicating.

Bai Yueya wiped away the cold sweat on his forehead, knowing that he had just been fooled.

SKT obviously deliberately released Lulu and Galio, letting YM grab these two heroes. In this way, Liu Qingsong's roaming hard support was trapped by YM himself!

This week, SKT has obviously not been idle.

Everyone knew that there might be a shortage of bans in the face of YM, but they found another way and used another method to tie Liu Qingsong to the line and unable to move!

"Do you want to move Galio to the top lane?" White Crescent Moon's biggest task in this semi-final is to make Lin Ran play comfortably. "Can I get you a hero that's easier to fight?"

Galio's fight against Lu Xian was so exaggerated that even soldiers would not dare to fight against it.

"...It's not good either. This puts too much pressure on Jin Gong. Besides, except for the ADC mid laner like Xiaopao, there are no heroes that can beat Lucian." Lin Ran took a sip of water, "I'll just take Galio."

Having said that, a dark thought flashed through Lin Ran's mind.

However, a flash of inspiration occurred and the countdown to selection was about to end, so Lin Ran had to put this idea aside for the time being.

White Crescent supplemented Xiaotian's wine barrel to increase the resistance in the jungle. Otherwise, SKT's Lucian + Prince's midfield combination would have given them no chance to breathe.

In the second round, YM and SKT attacked their opponents' weak points as usual.

White Crescent disables Luo and Feng Nu, two versions of heroes that Wolf is good at; while KKoma blocks Gnar and Big Bug.

"YM's fourth choice, take out Verus first!"

White Crescent finally left the counter position for Jin Gong to use at the end. Although the opponent showed Rambo, the hidden danger of changing lanes was still there.

Kkoma chose small guns and gems, showing off his entire lineup.

"Is Qinggang Ying okay?" Bai Yueya made a firm judgment in his heart. Although he was tricked, he breathed a sigh of relief, "We need a hero who can bring Galio into the field."

"But it's difficult for me to play Rambo in the lane," Jin Gong said matter-of-factly. "You can't win with blood."

That being said, he ultimately complied with the team's needs.

The lineups of both sides were now determined, and SKT finally chose to let Faker operate Lucian.

Blue side SKT: top laner Rambo, jungler Prince, mid laner Lucian, bottom lane cannon + gems.

Red square YM: top laner Qinggangying, jungler Barrel, mid laner Galio, bottom laner Verus and Lulu!

"Remember to complete the tactics arranged before the game, take your time and don't panic..." Bai Yueya warned, "As long as you execute the tactics well, you can win the game."

After saying all this, he took off his earphones and went to shake hands with KKoma.

Amidst the non-stop cheers from the audience, Summoner's Rift suddenly arrived!

I have a headache. I need to go to bed early today.

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