LOL: What is a roaming mid laner?

Chapter 386 Chapter 384: First meeting with a powerful enemy

In the early morning of December 2, Pudong International Airport was as busy as ever with a constant flow of people and vehicles.

Lin Ran got out of the car and went to the trunk to get his luggage. Su Cheng had a professional class this morning, so he rushed over alone to meet up with his All-Star teammates, and then took a plane to Los Angeles on the other side of the ocean.

After sitting in the waiting room and waiting for a while, he picked up his phone and received the book list from Su Cheng.

I was studying an English word that I couldn't understand when I was suddenly tapped on the shoulder.

Lin Ran glanced back.

The pair of S6YM Nosuke, Shi Senming and Xiao Wei, were standing behind them, dragging their suitcases.

"You didn't come with Uzi?" Lin Ran hugged his old teammates and said hello, but was surprised not to see Uzi.

"He met 957, and they are probably still chatting outside." Shi Senming chuckled.

Lin Ran knew in his heart that since he rejected RNG's transfer proposal, they had given up the idea of ​​canceling their account and switching to the road.

And Uzi has always wanted top laners like 957 and Jin Gong. Their current abilities crush Letme, and they can resist and fight. They are all top blue-collar players.

This kind of top laner does not require the team to provide too many resources, they can stabilize the lane by themselves, and can also play a super role in team battles.

In short, it is very suitable for RNG.

Uzi has always wanted to win over them. Fortunately, Jin Gong is Korean, and the RNG management, who has changed his taste and likes to smoke Huazi over the years, will not contact him.

The 957, which looks very mature and stable, became their main target.

RNG tried to propose a transfer to WE through the club, but the Red and White Army had finally managed to cultivate a top top laner. How could they let him go?

There is no point in giving money. Although WE is known as E-Sports Grandet, it will not sell its top order for transfer fees.

WE, with the contract in hand, rejected RNG without even thinking about it. Uzi was very distressed, and the club's reinforcement plan was forced to come to an end.

He decided to establish a good relationship with 957 first and see how the two of them cooperated during the All-Star competition. He treated it as an uninformed trial.

Once the results are good, RNG can wait until 957's contract expires next year before trying to make a move.

The two of them walked into the waiting room arm in arm. Wuzi looked a little unnatural when he saw Lin Ran, and the smile on his face also faded a little.

In this All-Star voting, YM won the votes for the four positions of top, jungle, mid and ADC. The only remaining support position was that current Liu Qingsong lost to the former champion support Shi Senming with a slight disadvantage of 0.3%.

Firstly, because of the influence of the first championship in the division, and secondly because his personality is more likable than Liu Qingsong. Shi Senminglu, who is silly and can only giggle, is really popular.

The top five vote-getters were S6YM's winning lineup. However, due to the rule that "each team can only have two players participating," in the end only Lin Ran and Garlic King Ba, who received the highest votes, came to the All-Stars.

Although Jack, the old unlucky guy, won 4.396% of the votes, he could only stay at the YM base, enjoying himself and saying that he would live broadcast his teammates' All-Star game for a while.

Uzi was chosen to participate in the All-Stars. Lin Ran was naturally a little embarrassed when he saw his expression, but it wasn't just because of the All-Star quota.

There was also the controversy surrounding the ‘ADC of the Year’ award.

On the night of the award ceremony, RNG's Weibo was flooded - the management posted a photo of Uzi on stage to accept the award. Jack's fans were very unhappy and felt that the award had to be given to them both emotionally and rationally.

S7 has a grand slam of all official events, why can’t it win the honor?

Although Mr. Dai, the best ADC last year, had mediocre results in the World Championship, he crushed all the bot lane combinations in the LPL with real matchups, and he returned to Korea after winning the award. The right to win the best ADC should be given to Mr. Dai. A farewell gift from the hero of MSI who has been playing for EDG for two years.

Jack fans are wondering, isn’t Uzi S8 retired? The data is not impressive, is it?

They and Uzi fans were at loggerheads under RNG's Weibo post celebrating the win.

Both sides were very sensible at the beginning and were looking for data and records.

But as they talked, there were more and more people, and no one knew who started the personal attack first, igniting the powder keg with a bang.

The feud between the two sides intensified.

But in the end, it was Uzi fans who lost.

The popularity of two consecutive championships is really ridiculous, and Jack's off-field negative news is not as much as Uzi's, causing the number of fans to continue to expand. In addition, fans of other YM team members are still helping out, and they can visit everywhere except their own Weibo. Piggy also came over to add fuel to the fire.

The fighting prowess of the two sides was completely different. One night, the entire comment area was turned upside down.

Although RNG operates and evaluates quickly, the players who have nothing to do and high-intensity surfing during the offseason have long since eaten up the melons.

This kind of fan quarrel, if the relationship between the two players was better, they could laugh it off, or even use it as a joke in private to tease each other.

But the crux of the matter is that he is really not close to YM Nakano Lin Ran and Garlic Bastard.

They are not considered players of the same era, and they have no business contacts and have never met each other, so how can they become familiar with each other?

Lin Ran noticed his embarrassment and extended his hand first to show friendship.

After all, he gave up the half-month vacation with Su Cheng and traveled tens of thousands of kilometers to Los Angeles. He went there all the time. The ultimate goal was definitely to win the championship.

He also didn't want this improvised little broken ship to create rifts over unnecessary matters and affect the relationship between them.

Uzi just put his hand up, and before he could use any force, he heard someone calling them.

"Is everyone here?" White Crescent Moon said with a spring breeze on her face, followed by Doom, the original assistant analyst.

He is the coach of this LPL All-Star team.

This Los Angeles All-Star Game is very interesting. The five players voted to choose the coach based on the principle of majority submission, but they could not choose the coaching staff of the club they played for.

Previously, Lin Ran and Xiaotian combined their votes to vote for Hongmi, thinking that before the start of the new season, they would meet with their future coach to learn about his coaching style and skills and tactics.

They collected two votes, which means that with one more vote, Hongmi will become the coach of the LPL All-Star team.

But the world is so funny. Uzi Shisenming and 957 all gave their votes to White Crescent.

The reason is simple, their team also lacks a coach.

Needless to say, WE is Redmi's old club. Naturally, they have to find a replacement after their coach leaves.

RNG's Firefox also plans to leave. Ever since Lin Ran and Galio were released in Summer Finals 3, the management has been dissatisfied with him.

Even though the release of Galio was caused by various reasons, the blame cannot be placed entirely on Firefox alone, but these professional managers don't care about so many things.

Who told you to have a criminal record? You played Tetsuo in S5, now you play Galio?

Besides, it doesn't matter whether the management can bear it or not. For them, fans are the key to supporting this all-China class.

After Xia Jue, a fan of the All-China Class team, posted on the official blog that he wanted to change the coach, so he was short of crowdfunding for the club.

Galio's impact on RNG was extremely bad. In order to stabilize fans, RNG put the coaching change on the agenda early.

But the problem is, the World Championships are approaching after the Summer Finals, and a coaching change before the battle will definitely shake the morale of the army.

How to change? Can't change!

Think about it, it was only a few years ago that the last S5 No. 1 seed who fired his coach near the World Championships hanged himself on the Eiffel Tower in Paris, France. Forgot!

RNG management can only let Firefox lead the team through the World Championship first.

The first half of the game was smooth sailing, but Firefox didn't have many major problems except that he was too obedient to the demands of his teammates in desperate situations and had little courage.

Until the five-game fierce battle with Samsung in the semifinals, the problem was not a big one.

Although it was RNG's second trip to the World Championship, reaching the top 4 was barely considered a success and achieved the club's expected season goal.

But when the management saw the Bird's Nest finals, they were instantly confused.

They sat in front of the computer and watched Lin Ran frantically ordering food and ravaging Samsung. A ridiculous idea came to their minds - wouldn't it be enough to ban Grasshopper and Galio in the semi-finals? The level of this crown is outrageous. Can it withstand the cancellation of its account?

The management felt that the semi-final defeat was Firefox's problem.

Being swept away can also be said to be a disparity in all aspects, and the hard power cannot compare.

But this is 2:3, it’s just that one breath didn’t hit it!

If Grasshopper and Galio are banned and allowed to order in the middle, if this BO5 is successful in one round, they can join forces with YM in the Bird's Nest!

Although the RNG management knew that it would be difficult to defeat YM in the finals, the all-China class entering the Bird's Nest was already invincible.

If you fan the flames a little, naturally a very small number of viewers with some brain problems will come out and be disgusting - YM, you are not in the all-China class, why can't you give up the championship to RNG?

No matter how it ends, RNG traffic is absolutely right.

In the minds of the management of Drainage Master, Firefox’s BP ruined their drainage plan.

This made RNG more determined to replace Firefox in the new season.

But instead of banning Grasshopper and Galio, Firefox also has a reason to say, who is the white crescent moon leading? YM Champion Team, who are you? You asked me to lead you.

YM top laner Jin Gong can squeeze out two ban positions for the mid laner, can you RNG do that? You can get half of the three big-dad-level heroes of Jace Kenannar alone. I will use the ban position to block the heroes in the middle, and the top laner will self-destruct in 10 minutes, right?

But Huohu couldn't understand this group of people, and he, who was already arrogant, didn't bother to say anything. When the contract expired, he packed up and returned to Taiwan.

This is great, RNG naturally focuses on Bai Yueya - a domestic player, a championship coach, and still unyielding.

There is no household registration in the coaching profession, and domestic coaches are relatively cheaper. Even though bsyy won the world championship, the price quoted is within RNG's affordability.

This time the All-Star coach selection became a game between three parties. In the end, WE and RNG defeated the YM midfielder 3 to 2.

At this time, Vincent, the head of professional player management at Riot China, also ran over and took a few of them to check in.

From Shanghai to Los Angeles, the flight distance was tens of thousands of kilometers and the total duration was 20 hours. As soon as Lin Ran got on the plane, he took out his tablet and started watching videos and qualifying data.

Riot Games made a major change to the rune system in the pre-season of S8. It was during the offseason and many players had not figured it out, so Lin Ran had to slowly adapt.

The old version of runes and talents are completely gone, replaced by a new rune recasting system.

Now there will not be 3 rows of attributes for the summoner to choose freely, but fixed combinations through rune paths.

The rune tree is divided into a main system and a secondary system, including the determination system, dominance system, precision system, witchcraft system and enlightenment system. You can freely choose two of the five branches to match them together. Different branches will get different bonuses.

The Resolute system (Grasp of Immortality, Aftershock, Guardian) is used as the main system, and when paired with any secondary system, a 130-point health bonus is obtained;

As the main system, the Domination system (Electrocution, Predator, Dark Harvest) will provide an adaptive bonus of 11 attack power or 18 ability power;

Sorcery system (Aery, Arcane Comet, Phase Rush), provides 15 attack power or 25 spell power adaptive power;

The precision system (powerful attack, fatal rhythm, swift pace) is the main system, with a bonus of 18% attack speed.

The last special one is the enlightenment system (unsealed cheats, glacial amplification and thief omen). As the main system, it will provide 20% of the duration of potions and mixtures, and then depending on the secondary system selected, additional numerical bonuses will be obtained.

The secondary system of Resolute will provide 145 health points; the secondary system of Domination/Witch, 16 attack power or 27 spell power adaptive power; the secondary system of Precision will provide 20% attack speed.

Lin Ran noticed that the initial attribute bonuses provided by the Enlightenment runes were higher, probably because the combat power provided by the [Enlightenment] runes was too weak. If the initial attributes were not compensated, it would lead to an imbalance in early strength.

In short, the main system selection symbolizes the strong green determination, which provides health (front row of tanks); the blue wizardry system and the red domination system provide attack power/power (mages, warriors); the yellow precision system provides attack power Speed ​​(applicable to ADC); while enlightenment itself only has the effect of increasing the duration of the potion, and its main attributes come from the 4 different choices of the secondary system.

By the time he arrived in Los Angeles, it was already December 3, local time.

Under the influence of the Mediterranean climate, the daytime temperature in Los Angeles is still as high as 20°C, and the warm and gentle breeze ruffles everyone's clothes.

"Oh, it's so warm." Uzi was still wearing a velvet sweatshirt. He was blown by the warm wind and quickly wiped the sweat on his forehead.

He is two times fatter than a Shiba Inu, and he gets a little swollen when the temperature is slightly warm. The familiar Guan Gong is back again.

957, an honest man, couldn't help it. He was sweating all over his body and quickly took off his coat.

Lin Ran, Xiao Yan and Shi Senming wore short-sleeved team uniforms when they got off the plane, letting their forearms bathe in the bright sunshine of Los Angeles.

The three of them were quite proud.

"Hahaha, luckily I was prepared..." Lin Ran couldn't help but laugh out loud when he saw 957 and Uzi looking embarrassed, "The last time I came to Los Angeles, it was very hot."

It took 957 and Uzi a full second to think before they realized that Lin Ran was talking about playing in the S6 Global Finals at the Staples Center in Los Angeles last November.

One of them was in Garytown, and the other was in the semifinals. Neither of them had won a ticket to the Los Angeles finals, so they couldn't talk to each other at all.

I'm so angry, being shown to someone's face but unable to refute!

Xiaotian squinted his eyes to look at the sun, and began to feel the familiar yin and yang mood again, "Brother Ran, please tell us the story of S6FMVP."

"Nabo, Nabo will sweep Samsung first, fight five rounds and then defeat ROX, and finally the flag of command will determine the outcome!" Lin Ran waved his hand, with a sense of scolding Fang Qiu, "Do you understand S6? What’s the gold content?”

Shi Senming chuckled, returning to his old place after a year, and the S6 YM seemed to stay in Los Angeles forever.

"Stop talking, we have to rush to the hotel to check in first." Vincent, wearing a black T-shirt with the fist logo printed on it, led them out.

Vincent is familiar with this area. After all, it is the headquarters of Riot Games. He travels between Shanghai and Los Angeles several times every year.

The e-sports stars wearing different team uniforms following behind him were so eye-catching that many passers-by had already recognized Lin Ran and wanted to come up and take photos.

At first it was just two young men wearing Teemo's cuckold, but then more and more people came, surrounding Lin Ran and attracting many tourists of other ages.

This is Los Angeles, the seat of Hollywood. Seeing Lin Ran's face, they thought he was some movie star from the East.

Ridiculously handsome.

The white girl, who could easily crush Xiaotian, waved her strong arms and accidentally ran over the garlic bastard.

She grabbed Lin Ran's arm and asked her friends who were traveling with her to take a photo with her.

"I seem to have seen this brother somewhere!" The white girl suddenly said to Lin Ran with her big eyes flashing.

This is naturally not her original sentence, but the English is profound and profound, and this is what it means when translated.

The strong smell of perfume hit his face, and Lin Ran almost suffocated.

I can't Breathe!

At this time, Uzi's role finally came into play. He was worthy of being a dormitory boxing champion, and he fished Lin Ran out with three strikes, five strikes, and five strikes.

Lin Ran looked at Uzi with grateful eyes.

I usually chase you to kill you, but I didn’t expect that I would have to rely on you to rescue me in the end!

He always repays favor and decided to feed Uzi two more heads during the All-Star Game.

"Ran, haven't you considered coming to LCS.NA?" The boy wearing Teemo's cuckold tried to slow down his speech and raise his volume so that Lin Ran could hear his words clearly.

"Team Liquid is rich and we need you!"

Lin Ran waved his hand without giving a clear answer, dragging his suitcase and following his teammates out of the airport.

Riot specially sent a bus to pick them up and take the LPL players and coaching staff to Santa Monica, where Riot is headquartered.

The distance was only a dozen kilometers, but it was already dusk when the bus arrived at the Kagateway Hotel. The sound of waves crashing on the beach in the distance was clear and could be heard. The crowd density in the streets was far less dense than in Shanghai, which made it feel a bit leisurely and comfortable.

With the sea to the south and Riot Games to the north, the environment and location are quite advantageous.

"Breakfast is served every day, and the hotel has a buffet for the other two meals. Then you can go to the restaurant with your coupons..." Vincent returned his passport to them. "If you are not used to it, there are also ramen restaurants and Wal-Mart nearby."

"If you want to eat Chinese food, you can tell me in advance," Vincent said before leaving. "I have several takeaway phone numbers for Chinese restaurants. Just go and pick up the food after ordering it."

"You guys go to bed early today. My colleagues can set up the training room tomorrow." Vincent said before leaving.

Lin Ran and Xiaotian, the middle and wild couple, slept in the same room as usual, and they laid out the clothes in their suitcases.

"Hurry up and wash it first. I'll use it later." Lin Ran prepared toiletries and a change of clothes for Garlic Bastard, and then pushed the messy-haired Xiaoyao into the bathroom.

Half an hour later, Lin Ran finally washed away the strong and pungent perfume smell from his body, sat on the bed and blew dry his short hair.

The hair dryer made a low hum, stimulating the sleepiness hidden in Lin Ran's body, and he fell asleep after a long flight.

When he got up the next day, it was already noon. Lin Ran first pulled Xiao Yao up and went to the restaurant downstairs to fill his stomach.

The LCK team probably landed at night, and they haven't adjusted to the jet lag yet, so Xuan Ming and Xuan Ming were still eating tacos with sleepy eyes.

The people from the LMS probably arrived early, and Karsa was still chatting and laughing with Edisi Bebe, the hero of their division.

This is the only Dou Emperor bloodline left in S2 Assassination Star, and the owner of the skin ‘King of Giggling Ize Bibi’.

Of course, for some viewers, the famous scene that left the deepest impression on them was Bebe's operation of a small cannon in the S4 World Championship, which was crouched in the Uzlu grass grass and sent 8 shots back to the spring in one second.

As soon as Kasa saw Lin Ran entering the restaurant, his eyes suddenly lit up, revealing his signature Kasa stare.

Then he rushed over directly.

"It's him again, Kasa!" Xiaotian murmured. This was the jungler in his family who had the best connections with outsiders, so he had to be more vigilant.

"Have you found the team?" Lin Ran had been in intermittent contact with Casa during this period, so he simply got straight to the point.

"Well... I went to find TOP as you said. The results of the trial training were not bad, but I don't want to go." Casa went to get a glass of ice water from the side.

"Why?" Lin Ran was putting beef on the plate and was stunned for a second when he heard Kasa's words.

Xiaoyao's movements were synchronized, and he also paused while picking up tortillas. His eyes hidden under his glasses flashed coldly, and he looked very average.

Alertness is at full alert.

"RNG wants me to come, and I promise to rotate with Xiangguo," Kasa said with a smile on his face, "because... the hunger strike stream has been cut."

Lin Ran and Xiaoyao showed expressions of realization.

On November 14th, version 7.22 was updated, and Riot’s first attack on the powerful genres and heroes in the S7 World Championship was cut down.

The catching-up mechanism in the jungle has changed from the original 'Each wild monster will gain 30 experience points for each level behind' to 'Each large and epic wild monster will gain 50 experience points for each level behind'.

The knife struck directly on the main artery of Xiangguo.

Originally there were 10 stone beetles in total. When you were one level behind, you could spawn a group and get an extra 300 experience points.

What now? Brushing a group gives 50 experience points, and the experience gap between this group of wild monsters is as high as 250 points!

How else to play hunger strike?

RNG obviously noticed something was wrong. Fortunately, this version was updated before the transfer period, so they still had enough time to find a new jungler in the free market.

Casa is their target.

Xiaoyao secretly rejoiced, "RNG is great. With Uzi here, can you win easily?"

"But I don't want to go to RNG either," Casa said with stern eyes, "I want to come to YM, do you still want to be a substitute?"

I'm your brother!

When the Garlic Bastard heard RNG Zhongyi Kasa's raised mouth, the corners of his mouth dropped quickly, and he was horrified in his heart.

In front of a tauren, right?

"Ah?" Lin Ran didn't expect Kasa to have such an idea, "Do you really want to come?"

"I just want to win," Casa paused again, "Of course it's better to have money."

He can be regarded as an old man in e-sports. He has to leave the competition area halfway through his career just to pursue his dreams and make money.

The operation of the fist to weaken the experience catch-up mechanism in the jungle made him ecstatic. Hunger Strike Liutian, led by Xiangguo, defeated his own radar-type jungler who relied on experience and sense of smell to judge the opponent's position.

Because the Hunger Strike style is unreasonable and will jump directly in your face, but you just can't do anything about it, and it will overwhelm the veteran jungler's experience-based style of play with an extremely violent attitude.

Casa feels like he has a good chance this year.

Even the selection of teams during the transfer period has slowed down.

I'm not in a hurry!

With a copy of RNG's intention in hand, Casar has no worries about not having a team want it.

"Money... may be a financial burden," Lin Ran took out his phone, "Do you have WeChat?"

"Yes, yes." Casa has been in frequent contact with clubs in the LPL division these days, so this chat tool is naturally a must.

"I'll push the manager's WeChat account to you, and you two can chat." Lin Ran didn't want to continue to get involved in transfer matters, especially matters involving the rotation of players. He could just ignore it as much as possible without interfering.

"Do you have time today?" Casa added as a friend, then raised his head and asked, "We can make an appointment for a training match."

"It's a tough afternoon, Xiaoyao and I have to go to the fist," Lin Ran looked at Casa's confused eyes and couldn't help but sigh in his heart at the ignorance of this group of people, "Let's talk about the champion skin."

Previously, they were planning to discuss hero and skin design intentions with designers at Riot China, but they did not expect that the designer team headed by Chunli would fly back to the headquarters at the end of the year to work.

There is no other way. Lin Ran and Xiao Yan, the two All-Star players, can go directly to Riot headquarters in Los Angeles, while the remaining YM players can only stay at the base and communicate with Riot via remote video.

"Ah..." Some desire emerged in Kasa's heart, and he took a sip of ice water to suppress his emotions.

Vincent led them into Riot's office building, which was extremely empty and many times wider than the studio in Shanghai. After all, Riot was worthy of the word "rich and wealthy".

What Lin Ran saw face to face was the giant statue of Annie and Tibbers. The giant bear was extremely ferocious. It looked like it could crush the bear to death with one hand, and it might even take King Jiji with it.

"We have a total of 7 similar statues. Their locations change every week and are distributed in various corners of the office area. They are also regarded as easter eggs to enhance the freshness of employees' work."

Vincent acted as a tour guide. Before returning to Riot China's Shanghai office, he worked here for several years and was quite familiar with it.

"The photos hanging on the wall are of historical significance... and some of them are yours, by the way."

Following Vincent's fingers, Lin Ran and Xiaotian saw their own photos on the wall.

This is Riot’s official wall of honor.

The S1 Internet Cafe Championship champion FNC, and later TPA, SKT, SSW... the photos of all official event champions when they won the trophy are saved here.

Lin Ran has three.

In the S6, S7 MSI and S7 World Championships, he is on an equal footing with Lee Sang Hyuk.

"Our office area is fully open, and you can also bring a few people together to play 5V5 in the battle area."

"Then you won't update it honestly, right?" Xiaoyao suddenly asked.

Vincent laughed twice but did not respond.

"Chunli, Chunli!" He greeted the man passing by with a stack of documents in his arms.

The man who showed off his strength with his hairline turned around following the voice. Lin Ran looked at him, sparking lightning all the way.

You guys don't look like good people!

"Hello." Chunli stretched out her right hand calmly, and Lin Ran looked at it carefully.

The right index finger is missing.

However, his expression remained as usual, and he stretched out his palm to hold it.

Xiaotian also obviously noticed this detail, but also didn't say much.

"This is Chunli, the designer director of Riot Games, and also the operations director of Riot Games China," Vincent introduced. "No need to say more about these two world champions, right?"

Chunli nodded, "Of course, we're old acquaintances."

Vincent showed off his ability to talk a lot. He led a few people to the location of the designer group, chattering non-stop on the way.

"Chunli was ranked fourth in the US server rankings at that time. The person with the highest score here is him. He plays custom solo every day and tortures the boss. If he had gone professional at that time, he might have won a world championship!"

"Awesome." Lin Ran looked at him with admiration. The missing index finger on his right hand will definitely affect the mouse movement. Can he be ranked fourth in the US server?

"This is also a model of cross-border employment in our company. He was studying EE at Shanghai Jiao Tong University at the time, but he didn't expect that he would become a coder when he joined the job..."

Lin Ran was even more in awe. The Department of Electrical Engineering at Shanghai University was originally called the Department of Electrical Engineering, and its famous alumni could only be described as rave reviews.

Vincent sent the two to the office of the designer team group and said goodbye. He also had to report to the president, so he was very busy.

"I'm in charge of patch balance, not champion skins. I'll find a person in charge for you, and then get a few painters and artists, and you go to the innermost conference room to chat." Chunli was very courageous and looked like a boss.

A group of people were sitting in the conference room, and someone poured a glass of ice water for Lin Ran and Xiaoyao.

"Do you have any ideas for the champion skin?" The designer turned on the computer and prepared to record the players' ideas. Those that were too absurd would not be adopted, and the rest could be discussed.

"I just want...a little yellow duck." Lin Ran simply communicated with him in English.

"You speak Chinese, I will translate for you." A well-proportioned boy who spoke casually with a bit of Beijing flavor said, "My nickname is Lux, you can also call me Reksai."

"Little yellow duck?" The bearded designer frowned, "Can reach duck?"

"This won't work, Pokémon copyright is too expensive..."

Lin Ran could understand English, but it was a bit difficult to explain, "It's not a duck, it's just an ordinary little yellow duck."

"Like this!" Lin Ran pulled out the photo from his phone and showed it to the designer.

The bearded brother's expression suddenly brightened, "That's good, that's good."

He couldn't figure out why the little yellow duck was used, but he didn't ask much. He probably had some strange hobby.

By the time they finished talking about their thoughts on skin, it was almost time to get off work.

Vincent walked over with a tired look on his face.

"You've finished chatting..." He continued after seeing the two of them nodding, "There is a surrounding shopping mall in the office building. You don't want to come here in vain. Pick something as a souvenir gift."

The surrounding shopping mall occupies a corner of the office building, but there are many products inside.

"Many things are not available in China, such as Lulu's staff..."

Vincent was pulled by them.

Lin Ran saw the familiar green Teemo hat and didn't dare to put it on his head.

He finally chose a clockwork golem-shaped keychain, which was more practical.

"Look at me, look at me!"

Xiaoyao shouted from behind.

Lin Ran was startled when he turned around.

"What the hell is this?"

"Helmet!" Xiaoyao retracted into the huge glass helmet. The garlic bastard seemed to have dived into a fish tank, and the sound was blocked, making it sound like a roar.

"Ah... we can't make a real space suit for the skin prop of astronaut Deep Sea Titan Nautilus, so we can only use a helmet as a replacement." Vincent laughed.

"That's it, it's so fun!" Xiaoyao took off his helmet and put it on again, like a turtle poking its head repeatedly, "You don't have to worry about getting your head shot when you go out... Vincent, is your helmet strong?"

"We all use the best materials, which are of course strong." Vincent said seriously.

Lin Ran and Xiao Tian hurried back to the hotel after taking away the souvenirs.

The training room has been set up, and 957 Shi Senming and Uzi are already practicing in the rankings. The two of them do not dare to waste any more time. It is business to increase the amount of practice to restore their condition.

On December 8th, the All-Star Division Competition officially begins!

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