LOL: What is a roaming mid laner?

Chapter 402 Chapter 400: Operational Play

"Kandi flashed in the first place, he can actually run!" The director's camera showed the playback, and Wawa felt that he had discovered a blind spot.

"But it's a bit unrealistic for a half-blooded pig girl to flash herself when she sees the blind monk touching her eyes..." Miller chuckled.

The white crescent moon in the WE lounge has more information than the two commentators on the stage.

He knew that this was a problem with Kandi's jungle route. With the strength of both sides in the upper, middle and jungle, Kandi would have already lost as long as Xiaotian caught his whereabouts.

The key is, how dare Kandi dare to brush the jungle all the way up from the red BUFF in a formulaic way?

Xiaotian couldn't understand it, and neither could Bai Yueya.

Is there something wrong?

"Wake up!" White Crescent Moon roared, he was so anxious that he looked a bit like an emoticon.

But Mr. Kang definitely couldn't hear it. After his resurrection, he didn't dare to go to the upper half of the area and rode the Poro Pig towards the stone beetle camp below.

Xiye in the middle is in trouble. How can he defeat Ryze who has two buffs in his hands with only one plane? If he was accidentally clicked, the burning effect of the red BUFF would make him very uncomfortable.

Lin Ran knew that Kandi Zhumei had not flashed now, and it was impossible to catch him without reaching level 6, so his style of play became more and more crazy.

With the blue BUFF, he used double E [Spell Surge] to spread the surge effect to the line of soldiers, and hit Q [Overload] to deal high area damage, while gaining shield and acceleration effects.

Lin Ran stepped forward quickly and started fighting with Xiye again.

In fact, it was Xiye who was beaten unilaterally. His Q [Phosphorescent Bomb] shattered Lin Ran's shield, and then Ruiz hit AWQA, and his health instantly dropped by more than 1/3.

At the same time, the phase rush effect was triggered, and Lin Ran continued to move forward with the remaining three WE soldiers, making it clear that he would chase them all the way.

Put E [Spell Surge] on, hit an overload, and added another basic attack. Xiye's health was reduced to less than 30%.

"We have to go back to the city," Wawa sighed, "Xiye only took 4 waves of soldiers, and he shouldn't have many gold coins on him..."

Xiye passed the basic skill of replenishing troops. Four waves of troops replenished 24 knives. Excluding the two bins missed during the support, the rest were all collected.

With this economy and the wages paid by the system, Xiye has about 750 gold coins in his backpack, which can buy a long sword and red crystal.

But he did not choose to return to the city as Wawa said.

Because the game time is just 3 minutes and 30 seconds now, the next wave of soldiers arriving in the middle is a short wave without artillery soldiers.

In this kind of situation, if the troops return to the city, they will lose blood. Normal online players will not choose to return to the spring at this time to replenish their supplies in the early stage.

Once you return to the city, you will have no artillery soldiers to cover your side, and your opponent will push the line very quickly. You can take advantage of the gap between returning to the city to push all the lines under the tower.

And the opponent does not have thick-skinned artillery vehicles to resist the bombardment of the defense towers, causing the defense towers to clear out the minions very quickly.

Returning to the city means losing an entire wave of troops.

In the early stage, although the experience and economy lost by a wave of soldiers is not as much as being killed alone, it is still very hurtful.

Naturally, Xiye would not leave the middle. He called Kandi to help push the line and get through the fifth wave of soldiers. Before the arrival of the sixth wave of artillery soldiers, he would get a time point to return to the city.

But the commentators definitely didn't understand. They thought that the gold coins in Xiye's backpack were not enough to return to the city to replenish the equipment they wanted, so they asked people to help push the troops out.

The moment Lin Ran saw Kandi appear in the middle, he immediately marked the signal to notify Xiaotian.

The Garlic Bastard had previously eaten the wild monsters in the first half of WE and had returned to the city to replenish equipment.

He was originally going to come to the lower half of his team to clear the jungle, but he suddenly changed his mind and rushed to the bottom lane to launch a gank.

WE's bottom lane combination of EZ and Niutou had no line rights at all. Jack and Liu Qingsong easily pushed the line under the WE tower.

"Xiaoyu appears from behind the tower, Liu Qingsong makes a move!"

The WE duo had been forced into a corner under the tower. Liu Qingsong directly launched his Q. Ben took a step forward and helped his brother-in-law gain control. At the same time, a ignition mark appeared above his head.

At the same time, 957 on the road lights up and teleports!

"Take your time, take your time," Jack shouted in his voice, "Trick him out of the aftershocks first!"

Sure enough, Ben, who was full of desire for survival, used Q dodge, aiming directly at Liu Qingsong, who was resisting the tower!

He was very detailed and did not use WQ - after all, professional players' flashing and dodging bull's head in two consecutive operations are basic operations. In comparison, the reaction time of flashing Q is much shorter.

"The Bullhead pushed Thresh into the defense tower, but the damage was a little short!"

Ben has aftershocks, and so does Liu Qingsong. The double resistance to increase the hard-cap damage is useless.

"Jack gave treatment, Liu Qingsong had a ignition on his head, and he flashed out of the tower with residual blood," Miller spoke quickly, "Xiao Xiantian's sound wave successfully hit the bull's head!"

The aftershock effect disappeared, and the bull's head became extremely fragile. Even if the brother-in-law provided treatment, the effect of igniting serious injuries was here, and the amount of recovery was quite pitiful.

Xiaoyao's second stage Q combined with thunder and basic attacks, electrocution plus Jack Jin's fourth shot to kill, Liu Qingsong ignited the damage and took the head of the Tauren chief!

"Retreat, retreat, retreat!" Xiaoyao resisted the tower twice and successfully retreated by touching Liu Qingsong.

"I can't wait for the 957 teleportation to land. The 4.5 seconds to guide the landing is too long!" Watana yelled, "The EZ output is also ridiculously low!"

The disadvantage of the Enlightenment-type Stealing Omen is that it has no output in the early stage, and none of the talents are helpful for early combat effectiveness.

In addition, in this version, Xiao Huangmao's W still increases the attack speed, and the burst damage caused by relying only on Q and basic attacks is extremely low.

"Except EZ Flash, all other skills have been handed in." Liu Qingsong typed to record the opponent's summoner's skill time.

Lin Ran glanced at it and gave up the idea of ​​returning to the city to make up for the tears of the goddess. Anyway, his double buffs had not disappeared yet and he continued to mix lanes in the middle.

On the opposite side, Xiye had already pushed the line back to the city with the help of Kandi. Lin Ran was not in a hurry and slowly stocked up the line of troops.

As usual, kill the soldiers in the back row first, and let the melee soldiers in the front row with higher blood volume block the position of the soldiers.

By slowly accumulating like this, probably when the 8th or 9th wave of soldiers arrives, they will be pushed under the opponent's tower with an unstoppable force.

Lin Ran deliberately stuck the line like this because he would be promoted to level 6 by then.

This is an excellent time to travel.

Xiye's plane's explosive package cannot be picked up until 8 minutes, and 957 Shen's teleportation is also cooling down.

In other words, when Lin Ran reaches level 6, no one will be able to stop Lin Ran from supporting him.

"Jin Gong, can you push the line more slowly?" Lin Ran thought for a moment and said, "During the ninth wave of soldiers, it's best to push the line farther away, as long as it doesn't enter the tower."

"Well... I'll give it a try, it should be fine." Jin Gong pondered for two seconds before replying.

If the jungler doesn't come to catch him, it's relatively easy for the captain to defeat Shen. After all, oranges can resolve taunts. With explosive barrels placed at his feet, the captain can pull them as he pleases.

Jin Gong even brought the Stealing Omen in this game to increase his development speed, and the lane control is now completely in his hands.

The task assigned to him by Lin Ran was not too difficult, so the Xiba people just tried to move forward slowly.

Xiye returned to the middle again with a long sword + red crystal + real eyes. His combat effectiveness had improved to a certain extent, but after taking a look at Lin Ran, he didn't dare to step forward to exchange blood.

Because the gap in the strength of the soldier lines was so big, Xiye made a rough estimate and found that the damage caused by one of his basic attacks could not keep up with the concentrated fire launched by this group of soldiers against him.

"Come and help me deal with the army line!" Xiye started to play in the jungle.

He felt that something was fishy. The gold coins on Lin Ran's body when Blue Crystal went out had already been enough to make the tears of the goddess.

If you didn't return to the city before, it could be said that you wanted to use the double BUFF to suppress yourself. Now that you have returned to the city once to replenish supplies, Ryze is still stuck in the middle and won't go back?

Although Lin Ran still has more than half of his health and a healthy amount of mana, Ryze is a hero who takes a long time to form Seraph's Staff. Logically speaking, the sooner he can make Tears of the Goddess, the better.

In Xiye's eyes, Lin Ran was now full of doubts. He wanted to call Kandi to help, at least to stop his opponent's intention of pushing the line.

But when Kandi rushed to the middle, the 8th wave of soldiers had already reached the middle.

Lin Ran huddled among a bunch of melee soldiers, making the WE midfielder dare not attack him. He used Ryze's two E [Spell Surge] to hit the same minion. After the surge effect spread, he overloaded and detonated it!

With the help of your own troops, you can easily push the artillery-free troops into the WE defense tower!

At the moment when the last soldier was killed, Lin Ran successfully rose to level 6.

Originally, in order to reach level 6 after gaining full experience in the solo line, he needed to kill the first soldier of the ninth wave of minions, but Lin Ran had gained first blood and blue BUFF experience before, which caused his upgrade time to be advanced!

"Ran turned around and walked down. After Xiaotian finished brushing his own sharp-beaked bird, he also went down the road!" Miller looked at the small map in the God's perspective. The signal there had been destroyed by YM, and everyone was on their way. 'Hit my brother-in-law and Ben in the face!

As soon as Xiye and Kandi saw Lin Ran moving down the lane, they alerted their duo.

"Ben and Mystic are already retreating," Wawa stared closely at the scene shown by the director, "But it's a little late!"

This version of Ryze's Level 1 R [Warp Jump] has a range of 1,750 yards. Lin Ran activated his ultimate move when he reached the bottom edge of the WE red buff camp. The teleportation array just blocked the position between the first and second towers in the bottom lane. .

The brother-in-law and Ben could only return to the tower and continue to be autistic.

But except for EZ's flash, the other three summoner skills are all on cooldown. How are they going to survive?

"Where are my teammates?" After asking his teammates for help, the brother-in-law couldn't help complaining in Korean, "Help me!"

Although these are not the original words of my brother-in-law, the Korean language is profound and profound, and this is almost what it means when translated.

But no one can help them now. Kandi and Xiye are still helping clear the lane in the middle, and 957 on the top has not yet reached level 6!

After Jin Gong learned Kandi's location information, he firmly suppressed his troops in front of the 957 tower.

This causes YM's ninth wave of top troops to move along a longer path than usual and take more time.

Theoretically, the troop lines will converge at the center of the top lane at 5 minutes and 37 seconds. However, due to the forward position of the troop line handover, the time for 957 to capture the YM minions will be later!

Just such a gap of a few seconds makes it impossible for 957 to upgrade to level 6 to support the bottom lane!

On the other side, Xiaotian rushed to Lin Ran's side at the last moment when the teleportation array was generated, and caught the last bus to the bottom road.

"We are standing under the tower in the bottom lane waiting to die." Miller glanced at the status bar and roughly knew the situation. "It depends on how the heads are distributed..."

Jack took a deep breath, and his dignity as an ADC made him apply to eat these two heads, but Lin Ran ruthlessly rejected it.

"Don't eat, don't eat!" the big brother in the mid lane said righteously, "What kind of head does Jhin eat? Who can you defeat in a team fight?"

When Jack looked at it this way, he saw that Shan Shen and Zhu Mei were in the front row with a very high level of openness, but he couldn't touch the plane and EZ behind them.

As a Jhin, his mission in team battles seems to be to use big moves to retain players in team battles.

"Then I'll give it to you." Shiba Inu compromised.

"Brother Ran takes two more heads, and now the first tower on the road can wipe out half of the health!" Miller was very excited. "What equipment can Ryze with three heads make when he returns to the city?"

The audience looked at the data panel and witnessed Lin Ran taking out the equipment as if by magic.

Goddess Tears, Eternal Catalyst Stone, Straw Sandals and Killing Ring!

"Good boy, this equipment is back in the middle, Xiye can't control him at all!" Wawa praised in surprise.

Xi Yeren was about to vomit. He touched Lin Ran twice, but Ryze's backhand EWQ knocked out the shield. The life recovery provided by the lunch box quickly brought up the health volume.

How does this work?

After Ryze took away his blue buff at the beginning of 8 minutes, the situation in the middle was completely out of balance.

Lin Ran didn't try to kill at all. He just used two E to bring out the spread effect, and then used an overload to clean up the minions, and immediately left the lane to fight Kandi.

In a fight, you have to specifically look for your opponent's wounds and tear them open to win.

Lin Ran knew that Mr. Kang was not in good condition today, so he would not miss this opportunity.

Kandi rode the pig around in the lower half of the wild area, but there was no grass growing here, which made him look stupid.

What the hell?

Where is my wild monster?

He was at a loss and clicked the mouse twice unconsciously before realizing that all his wild monsters had been looted by his opponents.

[What a miserable pig girl! 】

[I have to say that Ryze is really fast in farming, this F6 is gone in the blink of an eye]

[What else is going on? 】

Kandi is also curious about this question, and now he is far away from the Slag Jungle Knife.

Although he helped Xiye advance two waves of troops and gained a lot of experience, he was not a male gunner. He couldn't act like a pig girl and act like a dirty soldier, right?

Without soldiers and monsters, where would he get the economy?

Lin Ran had a full meal and returned to the middle lane to push the lane. The blue BUFF + Goddess Tears and the blue amount of the lunch box gave him unlimited battery life.

Even if Xiye took the explosive pack now, he still had to stay in the middle to bind the spirits and deal with the continuous line of troops.

However, Wangzi obviously understood this truth, and he simply kept the explosive bag and picked it up when needed.

"I can't find a chance," Watana couldn't help but sigh, "The Canyon Pioneer will be born soon. Will the two sides have a team battle here?"

Xiye returned to the city after pushing a wave of artillery troops, made up the radiant light and synthesized the net erosion, and then picked up the explosive pack.

The bombing warning sounded throughout the Summoner's Rift, and Couch drove a plane full of ammunition to the line!

"It's coming, it's coming..." Miller was still a little confused, "But now the economic gap between the two sides is quite big. Are we sure we want to take on this wave of vanguard team battles?"

Lin Ran also felt that his opponent would not take it, and he was not afraid even if WE came. His ultimate move had already improved and he could retreat at any time.

Xiye's target was indeed not the Canyon Pioneer. He took the explosive pack and captured it directly!

"The bull's head flashed and WQ raised the ashes twice, and the plane's special express rushed in directly!"

Jack's blood volume continued to drop amid the roar. Liu Qingsong ran away in a flash, turned around and dropped the lantern.

But the three eye positions, two fake and one real, were instantly inserted!

"I can't do it!" With Jack's helpless sigh, he was found dead on the spot!

"You catch me in the bottom lane, and I'll backhand you to the top lane!" The doll became excited, "Ryze's ultimate move leads the blind monk to the top lane!"

Captain Jin Gong's big move hit, slowing down and limiting the pace of 957's retreat. When Lin Ran landed, EW connected with the confinement control. Xiaotian easily hit the skill, and the head was finally taken away by the Xiba people.

"Are you releasing the vanguard?" Xiaotian helped intercept WE's top lane.

"No need, let's push normally, we'll be faster than them." Lin Ran glanced at the lower lane and knew with a little calculation that his own speed was faster.

After all, our side is overcoming the tower, and the troop line is already under the tower; while Xiye is intercepting the enemy halfway, and the troop line is still close to the WE defense tower.

In this case, there is no need to use Vanguard, Lin Ran is still useful.

"The two sides exchanged one tower, but YM earned one more blood tower bounty..." Miller glanced twice, "The next focus is how WE defends this vanguard advance!"

Liu Qingsong bought five-speed shoes and started walking directly.

The next tower pushed down by the three people in WE indirectly liberated him. At this time, he seized the opportunity and quickly went to other places.

Lin Ran was wandering around the middle lane with the Vanguard BUFF. After the bottom lane defense tower was destroyed, his brother-in-law ran over.

Ezreal's ability to defend the tower is still guaranteed, but Lin Ran has never found a suitable opportunity to cast Vanguard.

Seeing time passing by, Lin Ran felt that he should take the initiative to find a rhythm, otherwise, as the YM coaching staff said, the Canyon Pioneer would only hit one end and be of little value.

"Come with me and continue into the jungle to catch this pig girl!" Lin Ran took Liu Qingsong and Xiaotian, and the three of them wandered around, inserting all their wards into the WE jungle camp to light up their vision.

Kandi was about to faint. He didn't dare to enter the wild area now, so he could only pull Ben's bull head and go with him.

However, these two people had good control and did not cause any damage. Xiye's plane had just made three moves. In order to protect the jungle area where they were junglers, they were forced to wander around the jungle with them.

When Lin Ran saw the appearance of WE Nakano and Fu, he immediately changed his tactics.

"Drag him, drag him!" he ordered his teammates while running back.

"YM Thresh and Blind Sin are standing in front and harassing us, there is nothing WE can do against them!"

Bull Head Flash was used in the previous wave to drive Jack, causing him to be pulled wildly by YM Nosuke; Kandi, who was so angry that he threw out his ultimate move, was seen through by Xiaotian when he raised his hand and shook it forward, and easily escaped by touching Thresh.

"But Ezreal is also on his way here on horseback, and WE wants to surround and suppress the YM trio!"

But the two commentators soon discovered that there was one person missing on the battlefield!

"Ran away alone...what is he going to do?"

The audience can feel the confusion through Miller's voice.

But then, the bald Ryze raised his arm and started to perform the technique. Following a period of twitching and then feeling dull, the Canyon Pioneer was born!

"Come on, come on, get in the car!" Lin Ran saw Nosuke and the two approaching, opened the rune book, and slapped it hard on the ground. The rune circle was instantly generated, and another teleportation point in the twists and turns was pointed directly at the middle!

Ben also wanted to step forward to interrupt Lin Ran's ultimate move, but Xiaotian kicked him away with a fierce dragon tail swing.

"Jian Jian Jian!" Liu Qingsong threw down the lantern and shouted loudly.

"Xiaotian and Liu Qingsong got on the last bus to the middle road at the last moment!"

Along with the three YM Nakanosuke, there was also a huge and ugly Canyon Pioneer rushing to the middle!

"The vanguard was also sent over, and YM Nakano Assistant moved to the first tower!"

My brother-in-law, Ezreal, had already come to the jungle. I didn't expect that YM would actually use a trick to trick him out of the middle!

"The vanguard crashed into a tower in WE, and the three DPS began to demolish the tower frantically!"

Amid the roar of the commentary, the noise in the auditorium became even more exaggerated!

Before everyone in WE rushed back to the middle from the jungle, the first tower had been destroyed. The Canyon Pioneer took two steps forward, twisted his butt and hit the second tower in WE!

"WE is losing blood!" Wawa watched as the Canyon Pioneer who completed its mission was finally cleared by Xiye, "The Pioneer was hit twice, and the upper and lower defense towers are also in danger!"

Jin Gong was alone in the bottom lane, holding down 957, and used Q to steal money from time to time; Jack was alone in pushing lanes and demolishing towers, with no one paying attention to him.

"YM's strategy of pretending to attack in the jungle, but actually trying to demolish the tower was very successful. WE was fooled and confused!"

[Is this brain still interested in operations? I almost want to laugh]

[Why do I feel that WE operators can’t beat YM? This Ryze led a vanguard and showed off all of them]

[Is this the result of White Crescent and Red Rice swapping teams? It can only be said that championship coaches also have differences]

[What kind of pot can be given to the coach? Kandi played like a human being today? Just gotta deliver it tomorrow! 】

The barrage was noisy, but YM's advantage continued to expand. At 22 minutes into the game, the head ratio between the two sides was 11:4, and the economic gap was 6.5k.

This economic gap is much lower than YM's previous games, but Lin Ran feels very relieved.

This kind of snowball rolls without any burden. Originally, YM would make dangerous moves during the game. Although the potential benefits are very exaggerated, the risks are also not small.

After their arrival, Hongmi and Gouba made adjustments to their early snowballing abilities.

Let them not be too aggressive and expose their flaws, nor be too conservative and dare not start a group.

Generally speaking, it reduces the income, but it also reduces the possibility of capsizing in the gutter.

"Is Brother Xiba okay?" Lin Ran asked as he and his teammates checked the field of view near the Dalong Pit.

"Okay, okay, come on!" Jin Gong returned to the city to make up for his losses. He did not take the pure output flow captain. After all, his overall lineup was fragile, and appropriate frankness was necessary.

"The captain is level 13, YM must be waiting for this key level node!" After seven or eight minutes of dullness, the baby finally cheered up, "Both sides are moving closer to the big dragon pit!"

The warning sound of the plane picking up the explosive package resounded throughout the audience, Xiye now also has a two-piece suit, and Kuqi is reaching the peak of his combat power step by step!

YM's position was very fast. After all, it had a certain advantage in the early stage. The field of vision was almost in front of everyone in WE. It was smooth all the way to the river.

WE also need to use scanning to provide protection for its forward investigation, so the speed will naturally be a bit slower.

"Let's not fight the opponent head-on," Jack suggested, "just pull it out!"

"I'm squatting here, you guys put people in!" Jin Gong followed the direction of the army's forward push, ran to the grass behind the tower on WE, and inserted a real eye to ensure that the opponent had no vision.

The whole process was silent.

"YM comes to beat Baron, and Ryze is very fast!"

The spell machine gun's output ability is quite strong when facing the standing wild monsters. WE has accelerated its pace, but the formation is still very solid, with the two core outputs of Brother-in-law and Xiye standing at the back.

At this time, the brother-in-law, through vision transformation, saw that Baron Nash's blood volume continued to decrease, and he was inevitably a little anxious, so he led his teammates into the river.

The field of vision provided by the far-sighted transformation just now was too small, and now everything in the dragon pit was finally exposed before their eyes.

One of the most crucial pieces of information is that the captain is missing.

Something is wrong.

As soon as this thought came to Xiye's mind, a giant circle appeared under him, and the cannon barrage from the pirate ship covered everyone in WE!

The next moment, gorgeous background music sounded, the sniper scope was turned on, and Jhin's perfect curtain call came into full bloom!

Ben threw an eye through the wall into the grass behind the tower above his house. I saw Jin Gong’s location!

"Get out, get out!" He shouted hoarsely in fluent Chinese.

But it was too late.

The powder keg is placed at the feet of everyone in WE, and it is successfully connected to the powder keg next to Jin Gong!

The basic attack of the Fiery Knife Technique detonated the gunpowder barrel, and the health of everyone in WE dropped visibly!

Jin Gong placed an explosive barrel at the feet of everyone in WE, ready to detonate it with Q!

Fortunately, Xiye and his brother-in-law attacked quickly enough. They immediately raised their hands to attack and ignite the powder keg.

"WE's health has been damaged and we must retreat!"

And the blue rune teleportation circle blocked everyone's escape route in WE!

Jack's sniper rifle was still firing bullets, and the super bullets kept the bull's head!

Kandi threw his ultimate move at the end of the teleportation array's guidance, and 957 Shen also taunted him at the same time.

Lin Ran purified and released the control, flashed to the side and distanced himself, EW locked the little yellow-haired EZ in place!

"The captain took my brother-in-law away with one shot!"

Ben used the Bull Head to knock Lin Ran away with WQ, but a golden light flashed and with a crisp sound, Ryze threw Q [Overload] and turned into a golden man!

The new prop stopwatch added to S8 comes in handy at this moment!

"Xiye's special delivery is laid out at his feet, but his teammates can't escape at all!"

Lin Ran attracted enough control and damage, allowing Xiaotian to adjust the angle. R dodged and kicked the pig girl away and hit Shen at the same time!

EZ was killed, the plane escaped, and WE was left with three lumps of flesh that were defenseless and were harvested by Lin Ran and Jin Gong!

"Why did you kill everyone?" Jack, who was still in Dalong Pit, was very dissatisfied. His record was stuck at 0/1/11, highlighting the mercy of the Buddha.

He watched his teammates go straight to the WE base, so he could only put away the barrel of his gun, and Operator Jhin limped behind, acting as his tower demolition tool.

"YM's big dragon fishing really tricked WE into taking the bait!"

With more than thirty seconds of resurrection time, YM bulldozed the WE main crystal in one go!

Thanks to ‘Not Seeing the Moonlight Dying Tianlan’ for the 10W coin reward.

Ps: There are no monthly tickets for additional updates in March, so the excess word count should be used as debt repayment - the total updated word count in March was 23.3W, excluding the basic word count of 18W, which is equivalent to repaying 5.3W.

As of February 28th, 18W was owed, excluding the 5.3W, there was still 12.7W left.

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