LOL: What is a roaming mid laner?

Chapter 405 403: How could the bright moon ever be the two towns?

When Lin Ran woke up again, it was already bright outside the window. The bright sunshine of Suzhou, which he had not enjoyed for a long time, reflected through the gauze curtains, leaving a bright golden streak on the bed.

He stretched and glanced at the mobile phone on the bedside table. The breathing light kept flashing.

Lin Ran thought there was something important, but when he opened it and took a look, he discovered that it was the YM Training Department group chat that was making a fool of himself.

In the early hours of the morning, Jack wanted to catch up on his sleep and catch the plane back to Wuhan this afternoon, but he had no idea how to have fun and insisted on pulling the Shiba Inu solo.

Jack refused at first.

Xiangxiang QAQ: [You don’t dare to go solo, do you? I knew you couldn’t keep up with Uzi at your level, no wonder they all said...]

There is no further explanation at the end, but the implication is that Jack's vegetables are a bit green.

Lin Ran was also curious about where Lin Weixiang learned provocation. Based on his understanding of Big Eyebrow, this person should not have such a bright mind.

On second thought, it was probably Liu Qingsong who drafted the copy. After all, a few days ago he and Jack were arguing over whether to add sugar to tomatoes or not.

Yuki Judai: [Does a dog have the nerve to bark even though it’s a stinky dog? Your father will never stay in Diamond for more than 7 days in his entire life]

Jack was aroused with the desire to win. He got up from the bed and went to the training room to turn on the computer.

But in the early morning, Lin Weixiang made a fierce attack, and the Shiba Inu was stunned and lost the BO5 one-on-one match.

Lin Weixiang proudly posted pictures in the group chat of the training department, and he was extremely arrogant.

[Do you know how valuable it is to get a local and the God of War in the early hours of the morning? 】

The Shiba Inu started to pretend to be dead and stopped talking, letting Lin Weixiang jump around in the group.

Lin Ran glanced at it and put away his phone, changed his clothes and got out of bed.

He brushed his teeth and wandered around the house. He had not lived in this house for a few days since it was renovated, so it seemed a bit strange now.

Slowly closing the gauze curtains, the obstruction in front of his eyes completely disappeared, and what appeared in front of Lin Ran with the full sunlight was a girl.

Su Cheng's originally thin figure was wrapped in thick home clothes. She was sitting sideways at the desk by the window, wearing headphones and mumbling something, as if she was listening to English.

Lin Ran just remembered that the two houses were not far apart. There was only a corridor between the houses, and the bedroom windows were only a few meters apart. He could see Su Cheng's delicate profile.

The sunlight reflected on her jade-like gentle face, and her focused and serious eyes were filled with light.

"Good morning!" Lin Ran opened the window, and fresh air mixed with the scent of the grass from the garden downstairs came in.

He originally expected to get a response from his girlfriend through the window. The first thing a couple does when they get up every morning is to open the window and say hello to each other. It's quite romantic when he thinks about it.

Then the reality was different from the expectation. Su Cheng looked forward as if unaware, not even a flicker of his peripheral vision was given to Lin Ran.

Fortunately, the community was empty and no one witnessed Lin Ran's embarrassing situation just now.

He knew it was the noise-cancelling headphones that were to blame, and his body, which had been so excited that his limbs were stretched out, shrank again.

There was no other way, so Lin Ran could only send a WeChat message to notify his girlfriend.

Su Cheng picked up the phone on the desk and turned around after reading the message. She took off her headphones and a stupid hair stood up on top of her head, looking a little silly.

"Are you awake?"

Countless emoticons suddenly appeared in Lin Ran's mind.

"Come on, come on, don't you want to go out and play?" Lin Ran urged, running back to the bathroom to rinse his mouth.

After he finished packing and put on his coat, Su Cheng also came downstairs.

Her winter attire is relatively simple. She wears a loose gray sweatshirt under a white down jacket. The lower body of blue jeans looks simple and capable, but it is lifted a little high, revealing a small part of her snow-white and delicate ankles.

Su Cheng also specially wore a beige baseball cap, probably to suppress her stupid hair.

"Aren't you afraid of the cold?" Lin Ran reached out and tugged down her pants, "Why are your ankles exposed in the winter..."

"It shows your long legs," Su Cheng hummed, "Don't you understand?"

It looks very ordinary, but you still have to be a little more careful when dressing up.

"No, your legs are quite long." Lin Ran insisted on her pulling down her pants, but Su Cheng couldn't resist and had to obey.

"Let's go to Shuanghu Plaza. It's relatively close. You can watch movies and eat." Su Cheng took out a bottle of orange juice from the beige backpack behind her and handed it to him, then she took her boyfriend's arm.

Neither of them had breakfast, so they first went to Shuanghu Plaza to find a Chaoshan casserole porridge restaurant, and ordered a portion of scallop and ribs porridge and a drawer of quicksand buns. Judging from the weight, it should be just right for two people.

But I didn't expect to step on a thunderbolt. I originally thought that the ribs and scallops would neutralize each other and taste more delicious. But after waiting for half an hour and seeing the porridge being served, Su Cheng pursed her lips.

She bit into a piece of spareribs and tore them apart hard but failed to bite off the meat, "Well..."

"You eat scallops and give me the ribs." Lin Ran regretted.

He was so sleepy after taking a shower last night that he didn't check his appointment schedule, so he got off to a bad start.

Su Cheng frowned and said, "You can pick two pieces that you can eat. It's too tiring."

There may also be a problem with the selection of rice ingredients in the porridge. It swelled so much just 10 minutes after it was served, absorbing all the water. It looked like a simplified version of soup rice, which suddenly made people lose their appetite.

Fortunately, the quicksand buns were pretty good, and the two of them didn't dare to order any other breakfast items. For fear of staying up for another half an hour, they had no choice but to eat their fill, pay the bill, and leave, heading straight to the cinema upstairs.

While Su Cheng was choosing a movie, Lin Ran went to buy a big popcorn from the counter next to him, holding two bottles of water in his hand. "We'll have something good for lunch. You can use the popcorn to cushion the meal first."

Both of them are usually used to having breakfast in the morning, but sometimes they feel uncomfortable if they don't eat.

Su Cheng grabbed a few and stuffed them into her mouth, then handed over her phone with her other hand, "Can you watch this movie?"

"Wonder of the West" looks like a Tsinghua promotional video from the introduction, but judging from the cast, it's considered a big production on the eve of the Spring Festival.

"彳亍, I have no objection." Lin Ran held his girlfriend's hand and walked to the ticket machine.

Today is a working day, and the movie has been released for half a month, so it has already passed the peak of movie-watching period.

The huge cinema hall was empty, with only a few spectators. The seats were spread out, and they were all in pairs. It was obvious that their motives were not that pure.

But Su Cheng really wanted to watch a movie. After the winter vacation, all the roommates she had known during military training ran back to their hometowns. She was alone and too lazy to go to the cinema.

This time, she finally waited until Lin Ran was on vacation, and she decisively invited her boyfriend to keep her company.

Su Cheng stared at the screen intently, stretched out her hand and grabbed two popcorns from the bucket placed between her and Lin Ran's seats.

Lin Ran saw that his girlfriend was looking seriously, so he didn't bother her. He leaned on the back of the chair and watched the movie slowly unfold in front of him.

A couple in the front row were still muttering something in a low voice. Lin Ran couldn't hear clearly, but it didn't stop the charming atmosphere from gradually spreading.

But this time Lin Ran had no thoughts and focused on the movie.

Two seconds later, he suddenly recalled what Su Cheng was thinking when he asked him which movie to watch last night - who really wants to watch a movie in a theater on a date...

He unscrewed the bottle cap and poured mineral water into his mouth.

Four stories were interspersed with flashbacks on the screen. Lin Ran didn't understand film art and was just a pure spectator. In his opinion, this film was not satisfactory.

By the time the show ended, it was already past one in the afternoon, just in time for the waiting period during the lunch rush, so I ran downstairs to find the grilled fish that Su Cheng had been craving for.

The fish was processed very well, and the earthy smell was covered up as much as possible. Lin Ran put a piece of fish soaked in the soup, put a stick of potato starch on it, and then ate it with rice.

The extremely rich soy sauce flavor bursts in the mouth, the smooth and tender fish meat, the tenacity of the potato powder, and the mellow aroma of the rice with distinct grains, the taste is unparalleled.

"This is much better than that casserole porridge, that restaurant's pork ribs..." Su Cheng was still worried about the dining experience this morning.

Lin Ran took two more bites of fish and then put down his chopsticks. He was the main output of destroying popcorn when watching movies, and now his stomach is unavoidably full.

He looked at Su Cheng across the table through the steam rising from the grilled fish. She had taken off her down jacket early, leaving only a loose velvet gray sweatshirt.

However, the warm air in the shop was very strong, and with the heat of the grilled fish, two touches of bright red quietly climbed up the fair and slender neck to the cheeks. There were still one or two beads of sweat on the tip of the nose, and even the smart and clear eyes were A wet patch.

The face is like a peach blossom with a breathtaking beauty. In Lin Ran's opinion, it is undoubtedly worthy of the evaluation of being beautiful and delicious.

"What are you planning to do this afternoon?" Su Cheng picked out the fish and asked casually.

"Well..." Lin Ran realized that he had nothing to do. He applied to a driving school in Shanghai. He couldn't take the high-speed train between the two cities every day just to learn to drive.

"Start a live broadcast?" It seemed like this was the only choice he had left. Thinking about it carefully, he felt bored.

Su Cheng had already expected her boyfriend's answer, "Let's go buy clothes first. In addition to the team uniforms in your wardrobe, there are black and white sweatshirts. I have already agreed to pick two for you."

"Alright." Lin Ran agreed happily.

After shopping for half an hour to pick out clothes, you can still make up for the live broadcast time when you go back.

"This suit is not bad... Go ahead and put this on and let me see." Su Cheng looked at Lin Ran who came out of the locker room with a look of despair, and handed over another set of matching clothes.

Lin Ran looked at the lemon yellow plaid hooded shirt and blue patchwork jeans in his hand, and he was almost stunned.

In the past two hours, he was dragged by Su Cheng to visit 10 stores. The girl was looking for clothes very quickly, so he spent most of the time in the dressing room.

The plan to make up for the live broadcast was scrapped, and Lin Ran felt like a dress-up game model, specially used to satisfy his girlfriend's various little fetishes.

But he wasn't bored either. After all, the two of them didn't get together much since they fell in love. They often talked about Lin Ran's professional work.

Although Lin Ran is a novice when it comes to dating, he also understands that this kind of thing cannot be done unilaterally by one party and the other party accepts it with peace of mind. That kind of approach is called licking at worst.

So every time Lin Ran goes out on a date, he tries his best to comply with the girl's ideas. The nature of his work means that he cannot be like other college couple, who get tired of hanging out with their partner after dinner, so he can only make appropriate compensation elsewhere.

When he came out after changing his clothes, Su Cheng held another khaki long windbreaker in his hand.

"I think a windbreaker is most suitable for a figure like yours in autumn and winter," she said excitedly, "if you wear those gold-rimmed glasses..."

The shopping guide on the side had a sincere smile on his face. This couple was so good-looking, especially the boy. It wouldn’t be surprising if they could be made to become movie stars.

Although the pile of clothes has not yet revealed a clear purchase need, the sharp-eyed shopping guide can tell from the clothes and trinkets on the two people that the couple is not short of money.

"How's it going?" Lin Ran turned sideways in front of the mirror, his long and slim windbreaker restrained his waist, his back as straight as a pine tree.

"It's pretty good," Su Cheng was very satisfied. "The lemon plaid shirt from before was also pretty good, and those two pairs of pants..."

Ten minutes later, Lin Ran and Su Cheng carried a bunch of shopping bags and left the store with the shopping guide's bright smile.

As the two of them were walking down the escalator, Lin Ran saw a gradient sky blue high-waisted A-line skirt on display in the boutique.

"I think you will look good in this." He said bluntly.

Su Cheng hesitated, "But when will I wear it?"

"Isn't spring and summer okay?" Lin Ran encouraged, "Shanghai is very warm."

His girlfriend was a little moved by what he said.

By the time they left the mall, it was getting dark.

"My bank card balance..." Su Cheng cried sadly. She felt a little distressed after buying the dress. A dress made her relatively wealthy bank card balance disappear in an instant.

"It's okay," Lin Ran put his arm around the girl's shoulders, "The money has not disappeared, it just changed its way to continue to be with you."

The problem of dressing is solved, now we have to fill our stomachs.

During the evening rush hour, various restaurants in Shuanghu Plaza began to queue up again. Lin Ran, who had been shopping all day, didn't want to wait outside. After a tiring day, he just wanted to go home and take a bath and rest.

Su Cheng felt fine. She had just gone on a shopping spree to fill up her health bar again. However, she noticed that Lin Ran's face was tired and decided to go home and order takeout.

When the two took a taxi back to Lakeside Four Seasons, Su's mother had not returned yet. The two villas were completely dark, with only the street lights on the green belt lengthening and then shortening their shadows.

Su Cheng made a phone call to make sure that her mother was staying in Shanghai tonight and would not come back for dinner, so she felt relieved.

"Don't worry about her. How about we order a casserole?" she suggested.

"You're competing with casserole today, right?" Lin Ran found it funny, "The casserole porridge in the morning..."

Su Cheng gritted his teeth, "Don't mention that pot of porridge! It's more than seventy yuan, my fists get hard just thinking about it!"

After the two of them placed their orders, they went to take a shower and change clothes while waiting for the takeout to be delivered.

Lin Ran spent twenty minutes washing away his fatigue, dried his body and sat in the living room to wait for a while. After confirming that Su Cheng had finished washing, he knocked on the door of his girlfriend's house wearing a coat.

"Eh..." The door opened, and Lin Ran saw the familiar little yellow duck appear on Su Cheng's nightgown, and couldn't help but raise his eyebrows, "What's going on?"

"I bought several pieces, but the styles are different." Su Cheng tugged at the fabric on her body. She was thin and her nightgown seemed a bit empty.

By the time the takeout was delivered, the two of them had already turned on the live broadcast of the event and watched it for a while.

At 7 p.m., RNG played against RW. This was also the last game on the last match day of the LPL. Su Xiaoyan and Zeyuan were still conducting forward-looking analysis in the commentary box.

"RNG's competition did not go well last year. After losing to IG on the opening day, they lost to SN again. The current points situation is not optimistic..."

Su Xiaoyan continued to flip through her notebook and pull up the data she had prepared before the game, "After the puppy truce, RNG replaced the A-type monster, but after a few games, the effect was average, especially the 15-minute CS difference, Able was lagging behind on average per game. 15.57 soldiers, this is already a very exaggerated number."

"That's right," Zeyuan nodded and confirmed his partner's opinion, "Able is famous for his A-level explosive output in team battles, but as of now, his laning ability is indeed very weak, and he will definitely be caught and beaten in the professional arena. "

In the professional arena, although the players are more stable than in the pub game, the frequency of blood exchange is much lower. Except for the sporadic rhythm, everyone focuses on last-hit development in the early stage.

But this is based on the fact that the two sides' line-up strength is at a similar level. If one side's strength has loopholes, it will definitely be ordered by the opponent.

For example, Able, after facing IG on the opening day and being beaten violently by Sima Laothief and Baolan, all teams knew that this monster A's basic laning skills were not good.

Xiao Ming is now the league's leading offensive support in laning, but now he can only hang up under the tower to resist the pressure with monster A, which is enough to prove how good the ADC's laning and coordination are.

The A move he was so proud of would have no use at all without the support of formed equipment.

Because there is not much room for this skill to be used in the early stage. After all, moving A is the basic skill of all professional ADCs. Able's advantage over other players is that he can combine positioning with Kapu attack and back swing, so as to achieve as many moves as possible. Double-click the basic attack to maximize the output in a team battle where the 3-piece set breaks out.

Other LPL teams quickly found a way to deal with RNG - catch it.

It's the same as dealing with Uzi, but Uzi has been caught all year round, and his ability to control the line of troops he has developed allows him to not lose many soldiers even if he is killed in battle.

But the young A monster is obviously not good at it. He lacks experience and does not have this ability at all. The game is often over after being caught in two waves.

Lin Ran opened the takeout box, and the charming aroma immediately filled the living room.

Shrimp cakes, fried fish, bacon, egg dumplings...a variety of ingredients are combined together, and they are all filled with the delicious soup.

Lin Ran poured all the ingredients into the pot, and then turned on the induction cooker. Although it was not as good as the traditional warm casserole in the store that retained residual heat, it could still make the ingredients and the soup boil.

"Where's the cured chicken, my cured chicken!" Su Cheng muttered, and with extremely precise chopsticks, he inserted a piece of cured chicken into the pot.

Lin Ran turned his chopsticks away from the bacon chicken and picked up an egg dumpling.

The thick soup is wrapped between golden egg slices and meat filling, and the effect is almost like bursting with juice when you bite it.

During the live broadcast of the game, Han Yi, as expected, also imitated a tactic around the bottom lane - 4 packs of 2.

"Doinb is a bit powerful now." Lin Ran took a spoonful of soup and stared at the TV screen in the living room.

A man as skinny as a monkey controls Ryze to launch his R from the dragon pit, and takes the jungler straight to the bottom lane!

At this time, Xiaohu was still dealing with the troops in the middle. Although Kasa counter-crouched in the lower half, he was still a step too slow. Monster A and Xiao Ming were held back by the point control, and the damage and control were connected to kill them instantly!

"Asura accepts two heads!" Zeyuan was very excited, "This is about to take off!"

What attracted Lin Ran's attention more than the RW bottom duo's takeoff was the ownership of the lane rights in the middle.

Lin Ran always felt that Doinb's style of play seemed a bit familiar - the opponent's mid laner was underdeveloped, so he would hold the line and control the line to catch his four teammates.

"Hanyi has transplanted your style of play," Su Cheng sandwiched a piece of cabbage, "He and Doinb seem to match well."

After his girlfriend reminded him, he recalled that this was clearly his way of playing in the S6 season!

The unsolvable roaming of heroes such as Dragon King and Titan supported the bottom lane and successfully defeated a number of powerful enemies.

Han Yi was YM's coach at the time, so he was naturally very good at this set of tactics.

Now Doinb is also trying to control the line and roam the wing, which perfectly matches Hanyi's own tactical reserves. The two hit it off and began to study a new four-pack-two play.

The overall implementation idea is to raise a bottom ADC daddy to take over in the mid-term and end the game.

Although Asura is a newcomer, he is quite reliable. The team can carry the whole game by tilting its resources. In this game, his Ezreal took out the Demon Sect in 7 minutes.

At 15 minutes into the game, Monster A was already 35 dollars behind. This meant that the ADC matchup was somewhat broken in the professional arena. After all, these 35 CS were roughly equivalent to two heads.

"What's going on with this ADC?" Su Cheng felt outrageous watching the game. She felt so immersed in the game that she was filled with anger. "There is a line of troops on the top lane, why doesn't he eat it? Just hang up in the middle lane? "

Lin Ran couldn't figure out the reason. Monster A was squatting in the middle. Without clear vision on both sides, he didn't dare to cross the middle line to suppress his opponent.

After the game entered the middle stage, the ADC was very efficient in clearing troops. It could clear a wave of troops without artillery carts in about ten seconds.

Many ADCs will take advantage of the free time when their troops are replenished to go to the jungle to develop, or to improve their vision. It is also a good choice to accompany teammates to invade the jungle.

But if you take monster A, hang it in the middle. Not to mention the local spirit binding, you still have to connect the line to eat.

Lin Ran glanced at the bacon tumbling in the pot and said nothing.

The middle lane, which has the greatest impact on the entire map's vision, was suppressed, and RNG couldn't find any chance at all.

Kasa sometimes dares not start a team fight when he catches lone opponents in the river - the ADC in the middle is hanging up under the tower. If they start a team fight, they are equivalent to missing an output point, and the probability of winning is quite low.

"If you drag it on like this, you will die slowly," Lin Ran muttered, picked up a piece of pork belly and stuffed it into his mouth, "Kasa, this is too miserable."

Su Cheng also nodded seriously.

Nowadays, the RNG team's performance is very poor. It's still the same principle. Those with more fans compete with those with fewer fans.

Although Casa is very capable, the number of fans has never been very large, and since he is an outsider, he is naturally the number one choice in the hearts of fans to take the blame.

Why doesn't the jungler grab the bottom lane? Why doesn't the jungler help the mid lane? Why doesn't the jungler protect the bottom lane? Why doesn't the jungler invade?

Even if the game enters the middle of the game, if the dragon is lost and the vanguard is lost, the blame belongs to Casa.

Fortunately, Kasa doesn't read the forum often now, otherwise he would be bleeding out.

The top lane is naturally suppressed, and the bottom lane is blocked by the ground-bending spirit tower. Except for the middle lane, which performed well in the spring, no lane has a line right.

The current running-in between him and Guanhu is relatively average, not as good as Mala Xiangguo. The latter can force Xiaohu to go to the jungle to help drive the rhythm and create advantages. Casa does not have the courage.

How to play this kind of game in the professional arena?

Without line rights, no matter where you go to gank your opponent, everyone else will rush to the battlefield first, and once they are counter-crouched, the combat power gap provided by the inferior line will most likely end the game directly.

To invade, the road with lane rights on the opposite side can also take the lead in supporting. Once caught in the wild area, it will be a death.

If lane rights are lost online, the jungler cannot even control neutral resources, and it is difficult to accomplish anything.

In this case, Casa's most famous early rhythm driving ability cannot be used at all in the current RNG.

In the eyes of many viewers, Casa is just checking the steps on WeChat, sleepwalking with nothing to do.

"RW executed the 4-pack-2 strategy perfectly!" Zeyuan is now a ten-year-old fan of RW. He is very familiar with this style of play. At this time, he is even more angry and roaring, "Asura has taken over the game!"

The two-piece set of Ezreal is so terrifying, the white turbid liquid shot out of the gloves easily defeats the RNG defense line!

In 28 minutes, RW operated steadily. After accepting the two dragons, they went to the high ground together and destroyed the RNG main crystal!

The barrage was very active, and the audience expressed their opinions.

[RNG 10% off water bottles? 】

[Can this piece of rubbish Kasa get out of here? If you call me jungler, you really can only farm jungle? 】

[Can this pot be given to Casa? Bullying someone who is a newbie and having few fans, right? No one said anything about Able's playing such rubbish? 】

[XSWL, this ADC is replaced by Uzi and Jack, the forum has been slaughtered long ago]

[I started bragging before the game started. I thought I could step on Jack and punch Xiaotian, and be on par with Brother Ran. I didn’t expect that I only have this little strength]

Lin Ran knew that there was no suspense in this game, even if it was replaced by spicy hot pot.

RNG's problems cannot be solved by just one jungler.

The absence of core players in the team made RNG difficult to compete in the previous year.

Sure enough, in the second game, RNG was beaten throughout the whole game without fighting back, and its last game of the year came to an end in 33 minutes.

The two of them also cleared away all the dishes in the casserole.

Lin Ran took the dishes and went to the kitchen, while Su Cheng cleaned up the takeout boxes and threw them into the trash can, with a clear division of labor as always.

The voice of the commentary passed through the empty living room and faintly reached their ears.

"The New Year is approaching, and many people may have new goals, new wishes, and new ideas..."

Zeyuan seemed to be brewing something, even his voice was trembling.

At first glance, Lin Ran thought these were ordinary New Year greetings, and thought there was some live broadcast accident, so he turned his head to watch the excitement; Su Cheng also pinched the little yellow duck on her nightgown and stared at the TV screen.

"Thank you to those who have worked hard for me this year..." Zeyuan was a little incoherent.

Su Xiaoyan, who had short hair, took over the topic, still with a smile as warm as the spring breeze on her face, "Thank you also for everyone's support for us this year."

"I hope everyone can have smooth sailing in the new year," she said, subconsciously tossing her short chestnut hair. "I also wish LPL another great success in the new year."

"Today's live broadcast ends here, good night everyone." Her voice was gentle, and her eyes showed a bit of nostalgia.

"...See you next year." said his partner Ze Yuan.

This time Su Xiaoyan did not agree, but just tightened her fingers slightly on the notebook in front of her.

The commentary career that started in the OGN League in 2012 will come to an end.

Regardless of positive or negative reviews, the discussion about her will come to an end.

She once gained love, but accidentally lost it along the way.

But Su Xiaoyan has no regrets.

From then on, the mountains were high and the roads were far away, and the bright moon was never the same as the two towns.

The director's camera slowly zoomed away from the commentary box, and Su Xiaoyan smiled.

This is the last scene she leaves to the audience, just like it was back then.

You are beautiful when you smile.

"Will there be one less person in the commentary team next year?" Su Cheng sighed.

"I just hope there won't be any monsters," Lin Ran shook off the water stains on the pot, "Can you do something professional?"

Su Cheng's eyes lit up when he heard this, "If you retire in the future, can you become a commentator?"

"...It's a good idea. When the time comes, I will seize the jobs of these people and follow their path so that they have nowhere to go." Lin Ran felt that he had another way out of retirement and re-employment.

All competitions this year have ended, and Su Cheng, who was bored, offered to help Lin Ran tidy up the cloakroom.

"If you don't know how to wear regular clothes when you go out in the future, just follow the instructions I gave you..."

Su Cheng was very diligent and matched the clothes she bought today. She put her tops and pants together and placed them in a row.

In this way, Lin Ran doesn't have to worry about dressing. He can just put one on, which is convenient and simple.

When Lin Ran saw this pile of clothes now, he could recall the dress-up game this afternoon.

While his scalp was numb, a pile of yellow waste also emerged in his mind.


"What's wrong?" Su Cheng hung up his khaki windbreaker and asked without looking back.

"Do you like studying outfits?"

Su Cheng pondered for two seconds, "It should be related to playing with Barbie dolls when I was a child."

"Then let's play a game?" Lin Ran said seductively, "It's about dressing up."

Su Cheng was really curious and came over to listen.

After a moment, she punched Lin Ran.

"Do u wanna die?"

Lin Ran saw two wisps of pink on her cheeks and struck while the iron was hot to keep up his efforts.

"No way," Su Cheng shook his head like a rattle, and the little yellow duck on his body was shaking slightly, "I can never do such a thing in my life!"

"You should give up!" She said firmly.

I’ll stop here today, there should be a 10,000-word chapter tomorrow.

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