LOL: What is a roaming mid laner?

Chapter 408 406: Where is my oxygen bottle?

"Blue side YM first bans the Czar and sends this mid lane brush to the ban position." Miller looked at the BP screen of both sides on the screen and quickly entered into working mode. "This young hero is very good at it, and it also fits their profile. Tactical rhythm.”

The Tsar's passive [Legacy of Shurima] can build a sun disk, which can be used as a defensive tower to hinder the opponent's advancement; and the Tsar's ability to defend the tower as a team in the mid-term is too strong, and his backhand defensive big move is also disgusting, so Redmi doesn't want to use it This version gives the opponent a powerful mid-lane mage.

EDG coach NoFe also knows YM well. The team he coaches has played against YM several times since the S6 World Championship.

Although he has never won once, he sometimes gains experience after losing. Now he glances at YM's game video and knows what this group of people will do next.

"Zoe, ban Zoe." He mumbled in Korean to Ray.

Ray suppressed his expression and looked unhappy.

He previously signed a long-term contract with EDG, and then was bought by Baidu Cloud C9. He had a good time in North America, playing BO1 twice a week and taking two days off. He could still live in a big house. Have a party.

Isn't this delicious?

Unexpectedly, EDG's original starting top laner Aguang left the team, and the team manager had no choice but to look for a replacement.

It turns out that they like to play the Korean Double C. Although they have been criticized by many viewers, they are really strong. Now the ADC has become iboy, which just opens up a Korean player spot.

In line with the principle of saving money, EDG bought Ray's contract back, and the first Korean starting top laner in team history made his debut.

Ray was not very happy. Last year, I stayed in C9 and served as a substitute for Mr. Omu. This year, Mr. Omu went to TL and he was about to secure his starting position. He was dragged back to the LPL with one move [Beyond the Fear of Death].

Even if he returns to LPL, he still plays top lane in EDG. How annoying?

He still remembered the first words that Abu said to him after he came to the EDG base for inspection:

"Can you play with big trees?"

Although NoFe later developed two sets of split-pushing tactics for himself, allowing him to try to use Gnar to show his personal strength, but whenever late at night came, Ray would have these words echoing in his mind, and he, who was already sensitive, would huddle under the covers. Shivering.

It's so scary.

The word "big tree" has almost become Ray's nightmare. He sat on the gaming chair and flicked the mouse around, subconsciously clicking on the twisted tree spirit.

"Huh?" The four teammates and the coach were all confused. They all turned their heads to look at their top laner, and their movements were very consistent.

Little brother, what's the matter with you?

I'm talking about banning Zoe... Besides, when will our EDG need to ban Dashu? You look down on people, right?

The cameraman didn't connect to the EDG team's voice and didn't know what happened, but it didn't stop him from filming the scene and keeping it as a famous scene.

"I clicked the wrong button." Ray recovered and quickly apologized.

Fortunately, it was not locked just now, and there was still a chance to make amends at this time. Ray quickly sent Zoe to the ban position.

All this is unclear to the audience and commentators watching from OB's perspective.

Miller was still analyzing honestly, "YM gave Tahm Kench their second ban spot. It can be seen that their ban position on the blue side is quite generous."

NoFe held his chin in his hand, and the BP of Red Rice was almost like a bright card - Ban Tam, the protective hero, and then grabbed Thresh on the blue side.

This is one of Liu Qingsong's unique heroes, and he can also be paired with the midfielder. He is also a good player in roaming and pacing.

With Tahm Kench disabled, it will be difficult for them to limit Thresh's rhythm.

There is nothing you can do about it. When facing YM, once your side is on the red side, it will be very difficult for BP to do it.

"EDG chose to block Ornn. Although this hero has been weakened once, it is still a big BUG..." Wawa was not surprised by this.

At this time, the director gave Ornn's update details in version 8.2. The unstoppable state of W [Bellows Breath] when casting has been removed, and the cooldown of R [Call of the Forged God] has been greatly increased.

But as long as the shield provided by W Bellows Breath is not cut down, Uncle Sheep will be the god of blood exchange in the top lane position. The output of a batch of meat is still high, and he can also equip his teammates in the mid-to-late stage.

The third ban position of Redmi was given to Bron, but Meiko was still restricted.

For him, EDG is no match for YM in the four shooting positions in the middle, field, and only the auxiliary position is relatively close in strength.

Limiting Meiko's hero pool is Redmi's top priority in this game.

NoFe paced back and forth behind the players' table, and finally decided to release both the prince and Thresh.

If YM wants to choose Thresh, then they will take Prince, and exchange strong heroes for one. They can also grab an extra version of the hero in their second choice, which is not a loss no matter what.

"Take the prince," Hongmi had already prepared. There were still pitfalls waiting for NoFe to jump. He said to Xiaotian, "Just keep invading this game."

The garlic bastard stretched out his slender fingers and pushed his long bangs to both sides - otherwise the hair would block his eyes and obstruct his sight.

But now Xiaotian's forehead bangs have been evenly moved to both temples, exposing a portion of his forehead, which looks like a Japanese hairstyle.

Lin Ran felt quite uncomfortable looking at it, "Can you go back and cut your hair?"

"Alas..." Xiaotian sighed softly and stroked his hair out of habit, "The main reason is that I always feel insecure when I cut it short. It feels more comfortable when my hair is longer."

"Why do you feel safe if you keep your hair?" Jack started shaking his legs again as he watched the other side take down the female gun and Thresh, "Are you afraid that others will smash your head in?"

Xiaotian didn't say anything, still thinking about whether he could win this round without grabbing the bottom lane, and planned to let Shiba Inu experience the treatment of IG's bottom lane.

"Get the captain, and then... Lin Ran, can you go out first?" Hongmi couldn't understand the communication between several team members, and was still minding his own BP.

Lin Ran thought for a while, they were on the blue side anyway, and EDG had to leave the counter position to the junior player no matter what. It didn't make any difference whether he picked early or late.

"Okay... let's take a plane, how about it?" The hero went out first, so there was no need to worry. Except for Kassadin who was not feeling well, everything else was fine.

Hongmi had no objections and allowed Lin Ran to choose the hero, while EDG made up for Mantis in the last move.

Among the top, middle and jungle trio currently exposed by YM, only the prince himself has control, and the EQ second company is not stable in front of Mantis.

Assassin heroes like to face lineups with few controls. In this game, Haro, the second prince, has a big stage and can play as he pleases.

"In the second round of banning, both sides are still aiming for positions that their opponents have not yet chosen..."

Redmi put Gnar and EDG's ancestral trees, which Ray was very comfortable with years ago, into the ban position to avoid any mistakes.

NoFe banned Tauren Chieftain and Rakan.

Both of these heroes are Liu Qingsong's specialty roles, and they have a certain ability to initiate, which makes them a good match for YM's upper midfielder.

And NoFe knows that YM's lineup is very lacking in hard control, and Niutou and Luo are both very suitable choices.

"EDG takes Ryze first... why don't you choose Kassadin?" Wawa started again, "I think if the junior kid takes Kassadin, the development environment of this game will be very smooth. Several heroes on YM's side are not there. Way to put pressure on him to come in."

Miller praised him, "The main reason is that if EDG takes Kassadin, the middle and jungle will be too difficult to coordinate. Kassadin and Mantis are not easy to match. If you want to win against YM, you must kill these two points in the early stage."

"After all, Ryze has control, so it's not difficult to masturbate in lane."

On the other side, Hongmi was still communicating with the bottom duo. Liu Qingsong was very excited and nodded repeatedly. The Shiba Inu’s eyes were full of distrust.

"YM gave Verus to Jack, leaving Liu Qingsong's assistant..." Miller's tone suddenly rose.


The audience was in an uproar.

[Come, come, Liu Qingsong! 】

[You must use a hook to defeat the hook]

[The robot counters Thresh, EDG’s double C’s haven’t moved at all yet, some will take a look]

"The auxiliary control of this hand is very unstable." Miller entered the sage mode after a short period of excitement and carefully considered the lineups of both sides. "If the robot's hook hit rate is not high, the team battle will definitely not be as good as EDG!"

"Liu Qingsong, don't do it," Jack kept mumbling, "You must be sure of the line before hooking, otherwise I will be too uncomfortable if the hook is empty..."

"Don't bark, you stinky dog. Are you teaching me how to do things?" He was very impatient with his wounds. "You don't know I'm a support person, right?"

The Shiba Inu was very timid. He shrank his head and kept silent.

The main reason is that he is not as good as Liu Qingsong, and he is too cruel to tear open wounds and curse people, which is completely different from the lethality of Xiaoyao's yin and yang aura.

"EDG finally brought out Shen to supplement the control of the team!" Miller thought for a moment, "I think I like EDG's lineup better."

He expressed his thoughts, "It's so stable, it can even be said that there are no flaws. When it comes to team battles, as long as you stand with a good view and are not attacked by robots, it is impossible to lose in a 5V5 head-on battle."

The audience followed his words and thought about the lineups of both sides again.

Blue square YM: top lane captain, jungle prince, mid lane plane, bottom lane Verus + robot.

Red square EDG: top laner Shen, jungler Mantis, mid laner Ryze, bottom lane female gun + Thresh.

It seems that Guodian's lineup is indeed much better. After all, it is very stable and has full control of all three lanes. It is easy to catch Mantis wherever it goes.

But Hongmi and YM players were very satisfied, and Jack was just worried about Liu Qingsong's hook hit rate.

Because this lineup can perfectly utilize their early offensive capabilities.

This was the first game of the LPL after a three-week break after the new year. The audience in the audience could no longer contain their excitement. After all ten heroes from both sides arrived on Summoner's Rift, they used all their strength to cheer for the team they supported. !

Lin Ran had already thought about the choice of starting equipment during the loading stage. He did not choose to extract, but bought the Dolan Sword.

"Let's go to their lower area!" The moment the spring opened the door, Liu Qingsong rushed out.

The five YM players lined up in a line and headed straight for the opposite jungle area.

"YM assists with scanning..." Wawa saw the robot rushing forward in the canyon, "EDG has to retreat, their level 1 team is not very capable!"

Meiko cursed secretly in his heart. The eye of the jewelry he had just placed in the blue buff camp in the lower half of the area was directly illuminated by YM's two scans, and was emptied in an instant.

"How many people share the experience?" Ray and his juniors all asked in the voice channel.

It’s just that one speaks Korean and the other speaks Mandarin with a Wuhan accent.

But Wusuwei, Meiko is still very good at Korean. I don’t understand complicated sentences, but I can understand such short sentences very easily.

"...I don't know." He told the truth, "When I took the eyes apart, I saw airplanes and robots."

The experience gain range is a full 1,600 yards, and it is impossible to provide such a far field of vision when the prosthetic eyes are removed.


If three people share eye position experience, Lin Ran and Jin Gong can reach level 2 in one wave.

They were unable to obtain this key information. No one in EDG even dared to look at the jungle area for fear of being hooked away by the robot and giving them first blood.

"Let's give it a try and push the line to Level 1." Junior junior Jili Gulu said to Ray in Korean.

If you are attacked by a wave of opponents when pushing the line, you will definitely lose a lot of blood, which may cause a chain reaction.

Faced with unknown information, their two single-player lines can only choose to live in peace for the time being.

Ray felt aggrieved. He played Shen against the captain because it was easy to fight in the early stage. As both sides leveled up, Shen did not dare to go up and exchange blood with the captain.

Being blasted by the barrel, the captain's Fiery Knife skills were really damaging, and Shen's body could not hold on.

"YM has seized the lower half of EDG's jungle area. Haro has been prepared to open the jungle with the blue BUFF in the upper half of the opposite area..."

At the same time, the equipment data panels of both sides rose from the OB perspective, and Miller immediately noticed something was wrong with the YM equipment column.

"Why are they all..."

Perfect timing!

All five of them have stopwatch talents!

There were also whispers of discussion in the audience. The stopwatch talent has been around for a while, but it has never been taken seriously. Many people like the [somewhat magical boots].

After all, although the stopwatch can provide a golden body effect once, it can only be used after synthesizing Zhonya's Hourglass and Resurrection Armor.

It doesn’t look like a good deal as the 300 yuan for shoes.

At present, except for the mid lane mage who wants to play Zhongya's hourglass and the warrior who makes resurrection armor, the other players are like King Ning - they prefer shoes.

"What is this for?" Wawa was confused.

Everyone in EDG who was facing YM also saw their opponent's equipment, and felt uneasy in their hearts.

Their intuition told them that this matter was definitely not that simple.

The junior boy looked at Lin Ran who was swaggering forward, and he had a vague guess in his mind - YM would never have more than 3 people in the eye position experience, and this plane obviously knew that he could take second place!

He didn't dare to make a mistake and could only continue to retreat. The younger brother used Ryze in this round, with an enhanced and very powerful teleport. Therefore, he also chose Sapphire Crystal as his starting outfit. He tried to clear the third wave of soldiers before going back to synthesize the Tears of the Goddess. .

Lin Ran looked at Ryze hiding in the back and could only turn back to deal with the troops.

If it were S7, Lin Ran would definitely carry the troops forward to exchange blood, and he could easily trigger the thunder by firing the E Gatling gun.

But it doesn't work anymore. Although the electrocution after the rune revision is also triggered by 3 damage, the word "independence" is added to the precondition.

This results in continuous damage such as Aircraft E, Gunslinger E and Morgana W being unable to trigger electrocution, and the ability to exchange blood in the line is much worse than before.

Lin Ran can only bring the mainstream [Swift Step], which is equivalent to the original [War Lord's Bloodthirst], focusing on lane recovery.

He first clicked on the opposite line of soldiers, causing the EDG soldier to become disabled first. After using the aircraft to make up for it, the three YM melee soldiers became disabled.

In this way, once the junior brother comes forward and wants to replenish his troops, Lin Ran can consume them without worrying about missing a kill.

Scout resisted two basic attacks and E [Gatling Gun], cleaned up the three melee soldiers, and then immediately retreated.

He wasn't too afraid of this kind of small friction. After all, he had reusable potions on him, and with the recovery items and his own blood volume, there would be no problem in holding on until the artillery soldiers returned to the city.

The junior student was afraid that Lin Ran would turn into a reckless man and attack him directly, which would definitely not be enough for him.

The two sides' long-range soldiers began to attack each other. Lin Ran was staring at him from the side and in front, his stance was extremely arrogant, and the junior boy did not dare to step forward when he saw this.

He felt more and more that his guess was correct, Lin Ran was obviously trying to grab 2!

He had no choice but to take two steps back, giving up on recruiting troops and only intending to gain experience.

At this time, the second wave of soldiers came to the middle to converge and collide. The young boy watched three of his own long-range soldiers being killed one after another...

When all the soldiers in the first wave were killed, Colonel Kuchi on the opposite side was no different from before, and the rotating light symbolizing upgrade did not rise at all!

Fake, all fake!

YM obviously has a bunch of people who got eye experience!

Scout's face instantly turned as red as a Uzi, and he, who was usually elegant and easy-going, had a thousand curse words in his mind.

Burn (R) burn (S) your (N) (D) dream (M), and leave it here with me to pretend?

He was furious as he looked at Lin Ran, who was retreating happily.

However, because Lin Ran attracted the hatred of the minions during the previous blood exchange, YM's three long-range minions suffered a round of focused fire. At this time, they still had a little health left and were not killed.

The junior boy subconsciously moved forward, trying to kill these three soldiers.

The moment he took a step forward and raised his hand to hand over his skills, the German flag fell from the sky!

Dragon Crash!

"Xiao Tian, ​​Level 2, come directly to the middle to catch..." The doll's high-pitched voice stopped abruptly as soon as it came out of his throat, "But the junior's reaction is so fast!"

Amidst the screams of the fans in the audience, there was a golden light appearing in the middle with the prince!

Scout threw out E [Spell Surge] and immediately handed over Flash, narrowly avoiding the prince's second EQ combo!

After escaping to a safe position, he moved his wrists, and the muscles in his back that had suddenly become tense relaxed.

If he had been picked up by the prince just now, his fragile body with blue crystal would definitely be reduced to residual health after a set of YM midfielder damage, and he would probably be killed by the follow-up flash when he flashed.

"Tsk," Xiaotian said quietly as he carried the halberd to help push the line, "This person's reaction is a bit fast."

Lin Ran also felt a little regretful. He had deliberately created the opportunity just now, pretending to grab 2 disgusting opponents. After the ruse was seen through, he retreated and coaxed the hot-headed junior to step forward to replenish his troops.

As long as he dares to leave the range of the defense tower, Xiaotian can take action.

But he didn't expect that this wave of inevitable killing opportunities would be dodged by the junior student with lightning-fast dodge!

Lin Ran wrote down '6.58MID F' in the chat channel, easily made up for the second wave of troops, and followed Xiaotian towards the upper half of EDG.

"What are you doing?" the doll yelled, "YM Nakano wants to steal this red buff!"

The second prince, Haro, was stunned. Now that the YM middle and jungle groups were invading, he was unable to return to the defense.

The second-level Mantis has no combat effectiveness at all, and the junior mid laner still has a large wave of troops under the tower at this time; Ray on the top lane also adopts the strategy of releasing lanes because he is afraid of being robbed of second place.

Jin Gong also knew that it was impossible for the level 2 mantis to catch him, and the troops were pressed very far forward.

The positions of the middle and upper lanes are very poor. Even if he wants to defend, his teammates cannot withstand the pressure from the lanes.

"Give in, give in," the junior's Wuhan accent sounded a little joyful, "I didn't show up!"

As long as Ryze, who has not flashed, is provoked by the opponent's prince EQ twice, he will die. Naturally, the junior will not go to the wild area.

"I'll go to the red side." Haro made a quick decision and came up with a way to stop the loss, otherwise he would have to open a single buff. "You guys can help me in the bottom lane."

The female gun and Thresh are both long-range, and their pushing speed must be faster than the YM duo.

"Mantis upgraded to level 3 after clearing the three wolves, and jumped directly between the first and second towers in the middle of YM!"

Haro was hit by a defensive tower bombardment, and his health dropped a bit.

"Jack learned of Haro's movements and went directly to the jungle!"

Before the troops entered the tower, Shiba Inu controlled Verus and ran to the stone beetle camp, inserting an ornamental eye into the red BUFF grass through the wall.

"Haro's mantis is not scanned, and his red-stealing moves are all under YM's control!"

In order to avoid being hooked by the robot, the second prince pulled the red buff upwards, but he could only pull it a little, otherwise the monster's hatred value would be lost.

"Liu Qingsong is here!"

In the slightly excited voice of the commentator, the robot shook its body and turned on W [overload operation], accelerating towards the red zone!

With the blessing of the Land King 4WD skin, Blitzcrank's horn kept blaring as he accelerated, rushing to the battlefield before the EDG duo!

The second prince never expected that Liu Qingsong could be so mean. The second level robot didn't learn to do uppercuts, but instead learned to speed up and come over, it's disgusting!

He wanted to stand between the red buff and the robot, using his body to block the hook, but he didn't have much health at this time.

Starting from the single blue BUFF in the YM jungle area, he was already very injured. He was bombarded by a defensive tower. At this time, he was hit several times by the red BUFF, and his health was only less than half.

The crux of the problem is that the second punishment that can restore blood will not improve until 3 minutes, and now it is still 10 seconds away!

"Haro's punishment is not good, he is in a dilemma!"

Miller also saw Mantis' embarrassment.

Liu Qingsong also knew this was an opportunity, so he took the bait decisively!

Blitzcrank's glove stretched out, and Haro subconsciously ducked to the side. As a result, the red BUFF's strong body was hooked to Liu Qingsong's side.

He just rushed over to take away the red BUFF, but in the shadow area in the distance, a piercing arrow with a corrosive aura crossed the space and hit the crimson mark tree monster with residual blood!

"I got it!" Doll's voice of exclamation even overwhelmed the deafening screams of the audience.

A red circle with rune patterns appeared under Jack Verus!

"Fight, fight, fight!" Lin Ran's voice sounded in the team's voice, "We'll be there soon!"

At this time, he and Xiaotian, who had double buffs, were cleaning up the artillery troop line that had arrived in the middle at 2 minutes and 27 seconds.

The junior student who did not flash could only watch helplessly under the protection of the defense tower as a large wave of soldiers swarmed in front of him again.

"Jack started healing and accelerating, Liu Qingsong's basic attack followed by ignition and hung on Mantis, directly forcing Haro to hand over the flash!"

Meiko arrived late with Flounder. Although iboy immediately handed over the healing technique, the effect was not good after being ignited!

As we all know, when the bottom duo share experience equally, to upgrade to 2, you need the first three melee soldiers of the second wave of soldiers, and to upgrade to 3, you need to take the first three melee soldiers of the fourth wave of minions.

It's less than 3 minutes now, where can we get the fourth wave of minions?

iboy is only level 2, and the basic recovery amount of the healing spell is 105. After being seriously injured, the recovery amount of blood is only 50 points. At most, it can resist one of Verus's basic attacks!

"I don't have a lantern, retreat, retreat!" Meiko shouted. The Thresh he was operating only had two skills, QE, and could not provide a shield. Haro was not in combat mode at all!

"Meiko hooked..." Another golden light flashed, "Jack dodged it!"

Shiba Inu's Verus didn't step back at all when he saw the hook, he flashed forward and directly hit the three EDG faces!

An old gambler.

"Verus leveled A+E [Evil Spirit Arrow Rain], then added another basic attack, and the red BUFF burning effect took away the mantis head!"

Jack was very irritable, "Come on, come on, beat me to death if you dare!"

"Meiko's pendulum of doom brushed Jack away, but he was already slowed down!"

The rain of evil spirit arrows spreads on the ground causing slowdown, and the Shiba Inu kills the red BUFF and the mantis one after another, triggering the passive [Desire for Revenge], and the attack speed continues to increase!

The arrow with the red BUFF hit iboy, and traces of YM Nakano appeared in the big-headed fish's field of vision!

"It's useless for me to teleport, you guys need to retreat quickly!" Ray babbled in Korean, requiring his junior to translate.

He finally found the teleportation location, but even if he rushed to the battlefield at this time, it would be 3 vs 4 - the junior boy was fighting with the artillery truck in the middle, and he would not be able to get through for a while.

Besides, Verus also has double BUFFs, and the comparison of combat power between the two sides is completely unbalanced. Even if he goes down, he will die.

"Prince EQ Second Company stepped forward... and directly shot out the flashes of Thresh and the female gunner!"

Make money with blood!

Xiaoyao took advantage of the situation and returned to the lower half. With punishment and double BUFF, he could take away all the EDG Three Wolves and Demon Marsh Frog that he had not eaten before.

To sum up, Haro Mantis only brushed 3 groups of wild monsters in the upper half of YM in the first round, and a group of its own stone beetle camps were not brushed.

After Garlic Bastard finished clearing the EDG jungle area, as well as the stone beetles and razorbills in the lower half of his own area, he was able to clear 8 groups of wild monsters in the first round!

Over and over again, 4 groups of wild monsters bring about a level of experience gap, and there is also an economy of 400 yuan!

"It's a bit of a collapse..." Miller was tactful.

In fact, in his opinion, Haro's game is over.

Assassins like Mantis are very economical. In the professional arena, the undeveloped Mantis is just a tool that evolves W [Void Sting] and pokes on the flanks.

The young piggies are still imagining a beautiful comeback for the team, but the old piggies have begun to divide the pot.

[Mantis: Is this still ticking eight? /ff! 】

[The jungler was destroyed, the gap is too big]

[Does this have anything to do with jungle hunting? Not Midgap? 】

[Can this pot be passed on to the middle? When the prince is grabbing people in the middle and pushing the lane, what is this mantis doing? 】

The audience who supported YM happily made barrages, mingled in pig skins, kept stirring up dissension, and watched the piglets kill each other.

Lin Ran finally returned to the middle. He and Xiaotian's two cooperations perfectly liberated himself and put enough pressure on his opponents, but he did not gain much money himself.

Xiaotian pushed the line twice, sharing a lot of his experience, and even accidentally ate two bins.

Currently, Lin Ran is still far behind his junior classmates.

But he doesn't have anything to worry about - the junior hasn't returned to the city yet, and he only has a blue crystal on his body, so it won't pose much of a threat to him.

Lin Ran knew clearly that Scout wanted to slowly push the line, and when the sixth wave of artillery soldiers arrived, he would push the line into his own defense tower.

In this way, he will create a wave of excellent opportunities to return to the city, and since the troops line enters the tower, the junior does not even have to hand in teleportation, and can save time to support other routes.

Lin Ran knew this very well, and he did not try to stop his opponent. Instead, he took advantage of the fact that the army line had not yet pushed forward, and planted an eye in the grass along the river.

He knew that Haro's Mantis only had the option of farming the Stone Beetles in the upper half of the area, and if the junior boy without flash dared to push the lane like this, the jungler would definitely come to protect him, and he could also gain some experience so that he would not fall behind the Garlic Bastard. many.

Sure enough, 5 seconds later, Haro's mantis appeared in the grass in the river.

"Xiaoyao, just steal Xiaolong and help him look over at the bottom of the road!" Lin Ran commanded.

Xiaoyao had just finished playing EDG's Demon Swamp Frog and discovered that the mantis appeared in the upper half of the area. He decisively followed the advice and came to the Xiaolong Pit to start stealing the dragon.

"YM's first dragon opened very early," Miller glanced at the mini-map, "Jack and Liu Qingsong in the bottom lane are still pressing the line, and EDG doesn't dare to look at the dragon at all!"

Shiba Inu took full advantage of his double BUFF. With Haro at the top and Xiao Tian at the bottom, he was even more unscrupulous in his suppression.

What does it mean to fight against human power?

iboy's face, which looked like a flounder, was full of frustration. He was really disgusted, and the mug boy opposite wanted to cross the line and confront him.

The fire dragon roared unwillingly and died in Xiaotian's hands!

"Haro tried to go on the road, but got nothing." Miller was impressed by YM's rigor. "Jingong didn't give him a chance at all!"

"He can only wait for the YM Demon Swamp Frog to refresh!"

The Demon Swamp Frog that died in the early two minutes will reset exactly at four and a half minutes according to the 150-second wild monster refresh time.

But as soon as Haro stole the Demon Marsh Frog, Xiaotian, who had replenished his equipment, came with a halberd!

"If we can't defeat the three wolves, Mantis is really uncomfortable, being chased away in the wild area!"

Lin Ran looked at the sixth wave of soldiers advancing under the tower. He didn't clean them up quickly. Instead, he only repaired his tail sword and allowed the numerous soldiers to attack his own defense tower.

In this way, the seventh wave of lines will definitely converge under Lin Ran Tower.

Due to the existence of the defense tower, all EDG's seventh wave of minions will be killed, and then the YM soldier line will gather together, and the snowball will continue to snowball...

In short, Lin Ran also wants to create a pushback line.

Everything is a long-planned conspiracy.

"Prepare to freeze your hands, prepare to freeze your hands!" he shouted in the team voice.

"Coming, coming!" Liu Qingsong helped Jack push the line of troops under the EDG tower, and then prepared to go to the middle.

In this way, Jack will also have a wave of artillery carts to push back the line later. The EDG bottom lane duo will not advance very fast. He can rest assured to roam and wait for the line to reach the tower before going back to accompany the Shiba Inu.

"Xiaotian finished eating his F6 and was also walking towards the middle..." Wawa noticed something was wrong, "YM wants 3 people to be included!"

The robot and the prince crouched below, in the grass separated by a wall from the EDG central tower.

The junior boy was still staying under the tower. His real eye was stuck in the grass in the river. There were no vision items in his backpack at this time, but he felt that the chance of the opposite midfielder who had not reached level 6 catching him to death was quite low.

Just pay attention to your position to avoid the robot's hook. Thinking of this, the little boy's position became more and more erratic.

"EDG is alert, Haro is already heading towards the middle!"

But the moment the troops entered the tower, Liu Qingsong took action.

"The robot flashed into the tower, E uppercutted Ryze!"

Which position to take? Can you dodge basic attacks?

Lin Ran fired the Gatling gun, and his Q [phosphorescent bomb] successfully hit, while Xiaotian's EQ 2 continued to control!

The moment YM took action, Shen's teleportation also landed on the EDG middle tower!

At the same time, the mantis also rushed over!

"Ritz didn't have a meat suit, and he was electrocuted to death by the prince..." Miller suddenly realized something was wrong. "YM didn't want to leave at all, they want to kill him!"

Lin Ran received experience points, and when he reached level 6, he frantically handed over W [Valkyrie Dive] under the opponent's tower!

"Mantis didn't dodge, kill, kill, kill!" Liu Qingsong shouted loudly, and the flying claw hook in his hand hit Mantis who had already handed over E [leap attack]!

He used the armor and passive shield provided by Aftershock to resist towers!

"Level 4 Mantis can't withstand the output at all, and Haro will fall to the ground!"

The moment Ray teleports to the ground, Mantis kills again!

"Shen taunted and held the robot, easily taking away Blitzcrank's head...but there was nothing he could do against the YM midfielder!"

Baby's voice was high-pitched, "One for two, EDG handed over a teleport, Jin Gong can still develop and push the lane on the top lane!"

The resurrected junior boy was sent to the road to make up for the damage, and he would switch back with Ray later.

"But in this way, EDG handed over their very crucial double teleportation in the early stage!" Miller saw that something was wrong. "YM will definitely have an offensive later. What will they do then?"

"YM's rhythm is so suffocating," Wawa repeatedly praised, "EDG was beaten passively throughout the whole process and couldn't even fight back!"

[Suffocation... Where is my oxygen bottle? Get it quickly! 】

[NM is really scary. In less than 6 minutes, you are 2.2k ahead in economy? 】

A spectator with an RNG avatar on his head is still making trouble, [After this round, Piggy will pretend to be dead again on the forum]

Some EDG fans immediately counterattacked, "Are you calling me crazy?" Will you still be able to laugh when YM beats RNG? Returning the sword, the top four are so shameless]

Maybe you can actually laugh.

The real identity of the viewer wearing the RNG icon is Dog Son.

They are proficient in cross-fertilization fishing and can easily make the pigs in the event live broadcast room verbally criticize RNG.

Then came the counterattack from RNG fans, [I was laughing so hard. Can a team that has been in the top eight every year mock the top four? Mingkai has never touched the floor of the semi-finals in his life, so he smiled so cutely! 】

In an instant, the entire live broadcast room was in chaos.

In Summoner's Rift, Lin Ran and his teammates were still planning the next round of offensive, preparing to kill EDG with one blow.

8800 words, okay? The author's promise is very real.

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