LOL: What is a roaming mid laner?

Chapter 418 416: A murder caused by an eye

"Brother Ran is trying to jump over the tower for a solo kill!" After Miller said this, the two people in the God's perspective had already begun to fight. During the game between the two sides, the situation was changing rapidly, and he could only increase his speaking speed again. .

"The broiler is full of blood... He seems to want to eat troops under the tower, and he doesn't have much defense against Qinggangying's tower leap!"

Lin Ran did not use E to flash E this time. He knew that Ryze's W [Rune Imprisonment] could interrupt his wall return, so kicking the chicken as quickly as possible was what he had to consider.

EE flash can extend his dash distance by 400 yards, and these 400 yards of flash dash will hardly give the opponent time to react.

This is an advantage that Qinggang Shadow E Flash E does not have.

The casting range of Ryze W is only 615 yards, which means that even if Broiler reacts, Lin Ran has already flashed into his face.

After kicking Song Yijin unconscious who was still replenishing his troops under the tower, Lin Ran took a step towards the back of the tower, blocking the escape path of the broiler. At the same time, AQ Tiamat exploded instantly, and combined with Comet's output, Ryze's health was reduced by nearly half!

Broiler was in a panic. He was reluctant to let this wave of troops go down from the tower, and wanted to capture this wave of soldiers while King Ning was clearing the jungle. However, he did not expect that Lin Ran would dare to jump over the tower at level 6 to kill him.

The Qinggang shadow leaping over the tower signified that Prince Ning's position had been exposed.

The broiler knows this information, but to no avail.

Both of his summons were handed over when he was crouched in the jungle before. At this time, he could only try EW to immobilize Lin Ran, hit a Q to trigger Overload and prepare to run away.

"Come to me!" King Ning gave up on the half-battered Demon Swamp Frog and rushed straight to the middle, hoping to use the exploding cones outside the wall of the blue BUFF camp to rush to the battlefield.

"Ryze triggered the dual acceleration of phase dash and rune burst, and rushed towards his lower jungle area!"

Lin Ran took two hits from the defense tower, but because he had just triggered the passive [Adaptive Shield] with his normal attack, the magic shield based on 20% of his maximum health helped resist Ryze's output.

Now his blood volume is still healthy and he is not in a hurry. He watches coldly as the chicken runs around him and runs outside the tower.

When the third shelling from the defense tower was about to fall on him, Lin Ran released his confinement state, jumped into the air, entered the unselectable state, and rushed towards the escaping broiler!

Hex Ultimatum!

A hexagon with Ryze as the center appears, and the Green Steel Shadow traps the Rune Mage in it!

Song Yijin felt a chill in his heart. Without double summons, he had already taken the matter of escape to the extreme.

But he didn't expect that he still couldn't escape Qinggang Ying's pursuit.

Broiler could see it clearly. Just now, Qinggangying's ultimate move had reached a distance of 475 yards, which was close to the limit. He remembered Lin Ran's backward movement after the EE flash...

If he hadn't been stuck, he would have definitely taken advantage of the acceleration and confinement time to escape!

But it was too late now, and Lin Ran was not in a hurry when he landed. He first waited for the defense tower's hatred to transfer to the soldiers, and has been following the broiler during this period.

Don't come over here!

The cock growled internally.

But it didn't have any effect. He could only huddle in the edge corner of Hex's Ultimatum. When the defense tower fired cannonballs at the soldiers, Lin Ran pulled up!

Coupled with the basic attack damage bonus given by the ultimate move, the real damage will reduce the chicken's health to the limit!

Broiler knew he was desperate, so he threw E [Spell Surge] before dying, trying to take more damage from Lin Ran.

The ruthless leg blade made a sharp sound as it cut through the air, and the last bit of blood on the top of the chicken's head was emptied with two knives!

The screams of YM fans in the stands were endless, and the faces of the dogs and girls mixed in were ashen.

The soul of their home team fell to Qinggangying's sharp leg blade so easily!

"This is too exaggerated..." Miller looked at the health gap between the two mid laners and sighed repeatedly, "After the Qinggang Shadow climbed over the tower and killed, he still had 40% health left!"

Qinggang Shadow's adaptive shield is very effective, and combined with R [Hexian Ultimatum], Lin Ran can kill Ryze without double summons as easily as a tanker.

He used Qinggang Shadow to easily leave the range of the middle defense tower.

"Jian Ji went down, I didn't teleport!" Jin Gong reminded in the voice immediately when he saw TheShy disappear.

Lin Ran glanced at it and immediately walked down.

"But we will bump into Prince Ning on this road!"

In the baby's loud explanation, Lin Ran turned around the pass and collided head-on with King Ning's Olaf!

"Qinggangying is not passive, it is difficult to beat Olaf in this fight!"

Although King Ning has not yet reached level 6, Olaf's one-on-one ability is too strong, and Lin Ran has already used his ultimate move, so the combat effectiveness of the two sides is obviously not equal.

"Brother Ran walked at a right angle, turned around to dodge an axe..."

Prince Ning didn't intend to hit the target with his axe. In his opinion, Lin Ran didn't dodge, teleport, and there was no reason to defeat him.

This Qinggang Shadow Biss!

Throwing the ax, King Ning tried to force him to move closer to Lin Ran, then picked up the ax and started to deal damage.

The script was all written. He walked over and used E [Reckless Swipe] to deal real damage, and then opened W [Cruel Strike] to increase his attack speed and try to slash.

"The next ax hit was successful!" I remember being as frightened as the audience, and my eyes were focused on the health bars of the two of them, "Brother Ran's blood volume is running low!"

Lin Ran saw the ax falling a little behind him, and decisively moved in the opposite direction, close to Olaf's body.

Now if King Ning chooses to pick up the axe, then he will be separated by a small distance from Lin Ran; if he does not pick up the axe, his only output method is basic attack.

Prince Ning calculated Lin Ran's skill CD in his mind and felt that the Qinggang Ying, who was slowed down by his ax, could not run far.

He moved forward, staggered his position with Lin Ran, picked up the ax to reduce the cooldown of Q [Countercurrent Throw], and turned around to see the Qinggang Shadow Leg Blade raised high.

W [tactical sweep]!

King Ning saw the right moment and swung the ax.

According to the famous canyon theory of relativity, as long as he and Lin Ran are slowed down at the same time, it means that he is not affected by the slowing debuff.

But just as Prince Ning pressed the Q key, he suddenly realized a possibility!

He quickly moved forward, trying to get into the inner edge of the tactical sweep.

The next moment, amid the exclamations of the audience, the green steel figure waving its leg blade in the air turned into a golden statue!

Camille's posture was frozen as she leaped high, noble and elegant. The ax thrown by Olaf passed through the body with a sound of breaking through the air, without causing any harm!

"The stopwatch dodged Olaf's ax!" I remember speaking very fast, with my mouth pouring out words like Gatling's crazy thoughts, "Although the Qinggang Shadow entered the immune state, Tactical Sweep was still used!"

Being cut by the outer edge of the leg blade, Olaf's health dropped a bit, and at the same time, Lin Ran's health bar increased by a small bar!

Prince Ning looked at Lin Ran, who had less than 300 health left, and tried to move forward to pick up the ax despite being slowed down.

He must kill this green steel shadow!

But the screams of the IG fans in the audience resounded throughout the audience. Naturally, this was not an early celebration of King Ning’s harvest...

The moment before Lin Ran ended his golden state, a German military flag fell from the sky, and the figure of the Demacia prince suddenly appeared in the shadow corner below!

"The golden body of Qinggangying was delayed until Xiaotian arrived!"

Prince Ning reacted very quickly. He immediately handed over the second company of EQ that had dodged the prince's way.

But Xiaotian's German military flag was planted under his own feet. In order to avoid being knocked away, King Ning could only keep himself away from Lin Ran temporarily.

"Olav threw his ax and got up, and the timing was very precise!"

Lin Ran, who had no chance of flashing, could only take the sharp ax head-on. However, he had previously relied on tactical sweeps to recover his health, and he still had a trace of blood left after being hit by this axe.

"Ran is not dead yet, Prince Ning must make another stab!"

But Xiaotian activated W [Golden Holy Shield] at the critical moment, slowing down Olaf's progress!

Now the situation is that Lin Ran is running out with remaining blood, King Ning is chasing after him, but Xiaotian insists on stopping him.

Amid the roaring cheers from the audience, the three men sawed each other for several seconds.

"Olav picked up the ax slowly and threw it hard!"

This ax is extremely accurate. In the narrow pass in the jungle, Lin Ran has no room to move!

Prince Ning looked at the sharp ax that was about to hit the green steel shadow, and there was a hint of joy in his eyes behind the lenses.

As long as Lin Ran can be killed, this wave of cross-flash is not a loss!

But in his screen, the green steel shadow suddenly stretched out the hook and clung to the wall, using a small displacement effect to avoid the sharp axe!

"It took so long, but Qinggangying was dragged to the second E!" The doll's voice echoed through the speakers in the closed venue together with the audience's deafening cheers!

Prince Ning watched helplessly as Lin Ran disappeared from his sight!

"Look at me, look at me!" At this moment, Baolan's voice sounded in the team's voice.

Immediately afterwards, the green soul-inducing lantern was thrown at his feet. Prince Ning reacted very quickly and raised the lantern!

"Baolan arrived very quickly this time. He flashed and took Prince Ning to fly a little further, chasing after Qinggang Ying!"

Prince Ning raised his sword and slashed it to death with an axe, killing the remaining green steel shadow!

"But Baolan wandered ahead of time, allowing the YM bottom lane duo to successfully push their troops deep into the tower, and then they also ran over." Miller looked at Lin Weixiang and Liu Qingsong who were moving quickly on the mini-map, "Both IG Nosuke There’s no flash!”

"The Tauren Chief used the healing technique given by the policewoman to accelerate and quickly approached. The WQ Second Company lifted Thresh and Olaf up!"

Xiaotian and Lin Weixiang kept up with the output, and IG Yesuke struggled on the spot for a few seconds, and finally both rushed to the spring!

Lin Ran looked at his black and white screen and laughed out loud.

He jumped over the tower and killed the chickens without thinking of returning to the spring safely.

In the professional arena, where cooperation and communication are more tacit, it is difficult for Lin Ran to complete the operation of one against many before his equipment reaches the level of crushing. After all, the opponent is not the kind of fool to stand still and let him operate.

Lin Ran knew that he would die this time, but he just wanted to hold him back.

When all teammates arrive, YM can use his own death to obtain more map resources.

For example, in this jungle battle that started with his solo kill over the tower, except for the top laners of both sides and the old thief Sima who was handling the bottom lane of the tower, all the other seven people were present.

In the end, it was a wave of 1 for 3. More importantly, Xiaotian could also plunder the wild monsters in the lower half that King Ning had not finished.

Over and over again, the economic gap approaches 1,000 gold coins.

This gap is already quite exaggerated in a professional arena of just 6 minutes.

Summoner's Rift finally returned to a brief silence, and the audience in the event live broadcast room recalled the previous wave of encounters under the director's lens.

[This Qinggang Shadow is so vicious, killing Ryze is like killing Chicken Little]

[Is this the broiler chicken? I think he is useless! 】

[Brother Ran, this W golden body, almost showed off a cerebral hemorrhage to Prince Ning]

[It’s really cruel, one versus two can delay it for so long, YM makes a lot of money! 】

"My, my, my..." Broiler also knew that after this wave of team battles, he felt very uncomfortable, and he felt a little guilty after thinking about it.

He was greedy for soldiers under the tower. Unexpectedly, YM learned the location of Prince Ning early, and was killed by Lin Ran's Qinggang Shadow directly over the tower.

"Steady, steady," TheShy pondered for two seconds and said in Korean, "Ning, come and help me kill this Rambo."

He doesn't really want to trouble others. He usually likes to make a fortune alone, but at this time, he has no way to get the gold tribute.

Every time he stepped forward to poke a weak point, Rambo would activate W [Broken Shield]. Before Sword Princess had the power of the Three Phases, the damage was not very high, and exchanging blood with Rambo without a blue bar would not bring much advantage.

Seeing that both sides had to replenish troops so steadily until the mid-term, TheShy, who loves growth, couldn't help it.

If everyone replenishes troops together, how can I develop?

In his understanding, development means that my economy is better than my opponent's, either through the pressure of the line to let the opponent miss the attack; or passionate melee fighting, so that both sides frequently return to the city to replenish supplies - TheShy then uses his skilled military line Operational skills suppress opponents.

Now he can't open up the situation and has to shake people.

King Ning also felt that he should change his mind. Jin Gong chose Rambo, why not arrest him?

He ran up the road to find the Xiba people. I have to say that the hero Rambo was still easy to catch. After receiving a series of Xiba greetings from Jin Gong, TheShy successfully gained his first head of the game!

But King Ning showed up on the top road, and good news spread frequently on other roads.

"Xiaotian EQ Second Company came directly from behind the wall to the defense tower, and used his ultimate move to cover the broiler in the circular obstacle!"

Lin Ran grabbed IG's middle tower with the hook rope, kicked the broiler to the second wall, and AQ Tiamat hit a burst. After Q [Precision Etiquette] turned around, A continued to pull real damage and pocket Ryze's head. !

Broiler's face was full of helplessness. After passing the flash, he had no way to line up without the protection of the jungler.

YM doesn't even have to wait for the troops to enter the tower, he can just be reckless. He has no ability to resist at all. If he is controlled and retained, he will die.

"Liu Qingsong from the bottom lane handed over the flash that he had just converted, and WQ's second company was so quick that he knocked the Sapphire under the tower into the air!"

In the midst of the excited commentary, Lin Weixiang threw EW at Baolan at the extreme distance.

Big Eyebrow raised his hand and hit the headshot provided by E [90 Caliber Rope Net] first, and then the clamp successfully trapped Thresh in mid-air.

Following Q [Peace Messenger]'s puncture bomb, another headshot, EWAQA, the policewoman's instant burst killed Bao Lan on the spot!

"Verus hasn't reached level 6 yet, and the old thief can't keep anyone at all!"

When Lin Weixiang saw the extra 300 gold coins in his backpack, he tilted his mouth and started to laugh, "Ten percent off?"

"Do you understand the value of world champion Edici?"

With an extremely arrogant expression, he cooperated with Liu Qingsong and Xiaotian who rushed to the bottom lane to pull out the bottom tower together.

The policewoman got the first blood tower 10 minutes ago, and the rhythm was like taking off in Wuhu.

Lin Weixiang hummed a song, sold the blood medicine on his body for financial management, and took out an Infinity Blade.

"Let's go straight to the road. I'll take advantage of Ryze's flash to see if I can kill him again." Lin Ran gave them a signal.

"Isn't this too harsh?" Lin Weixiang said with a hint of smile in his tone, "Do you insist on beating the cock?"

Lin Ran and Liu Qingsong learned a trick, starting from the opponent's weakest point and tearing the wound violently.

Commonly known as a la carte.

Normally, a Broiler's strength would hardly be called a talent, but in this round his Ryze showed signs of collapse. Thinking about this situation, if Lin Ran were to control Ryze, he would be powerless and helpless.

Now, as long as Ryze dares to look at Qinggangying, he will be jumped over the tower and killed alone.

Lin Ran used his real eye and the eye position provided by his own accessories to occupy the field of vision near the IG middle tower.

He still wanted to look for opportunities, but King Ning finally realized that his mid laner could not die anymore, otherwise he would not be able to raise TheShy as fast as Lin Ran could kill him.

"Olav lives in the middle now. King Ning must help relieve the pressure on Broiler. It is difficult for Brother Ran to find any suitable killing opportunities..."

Although Lin Ran didn't dare to move his rat-defying weapon, the vision he provided allowed YM to easily develop and suppress the other two sidelines after catching King Ning's movements.

In 11 minutes, Xiaotian easily got the Canyon Pioneer, and then helped to destroy the defense tower on the road.

As soon as the upper and lower outer towers fell, the game gradually entered the middle stage.

After the players from the two teams changed lanes, Lin Ran faced TheShy's Sword Girl in the bottom lane.

Now he has the power of the three phases plus Tiamat, while TheShy has the brilliance + net erosion + Tiamat. There is a certain equipment gap between the two sides.

Lin Ran wasn't afraid of him either, he went up to show off blatantly, and the combination of W [Tactical Sweep] and AQ Tiamat was too much for Sword Girl to bear.

TheShy was powerless. In the single-line confrontation starting in the mid-term, Jian Ji did have a certain advantage against Qinggang Ying, but it was not as exaggerated as imagined.

As long as Qinggangying is not a pig-nose, it will be difficult for Sword Girl to kill him without handing over E [Hook Rope].

"The two single points have slowed down the rhythm. Both sides plan to continue to develop for a while, and the Fire Dragon IG that will be refreshed later does not plan to compete..."

The development period lasted until 22 minutes. IG showed super resilience in split-pushing from the side. They took advantage of Sword Girl vs. Qinggangying and Ryze vs. Rambo, just on the side and YM Pull.

The remaining three people push each other with YM in the middle.

The two sides faced each other until Liu Qingsong found an excellent opportunity.

"Follow up, keep up!"

He opened the wound and shouted loudly. He just caught the loophole in IG's field of vision, opened the scanning operation Niutou and stood in the IG red buff camp. Through the wall, he saw Sima Laothi and Baolan brushing F6.

The tauren began to twitch, and after two seconds of guidance, Liu Qingsong used Hex Technology to flash and appear not far in front of the IG duo!

"Liu Qingsong's second WQ company shot away Verus and Thresh at the same time. Lin Weixiang used the policewoman to follow up quickly!"

Damei couldn't help but his eyes lit up when he saw Verus flying in mid-air. He was clearing the line in the middle and crossed the wall to the Sharp Beak Camp.

He placed a clip under his feet and hit Verus with one shot first. Unexpectedly, he received a critical hit. The old thief Sima's health dropped by a large amount, and Lin Weixiang's face was filled with joy.

Didn't he just kill Verus casually with this injury?

While the duo on both sides were engaged in a fierce battle at the F6 camp, other people in the Summoner's Rift also showed their talents and went to the battlefield.

Three teleportation lights from Lin Ran, Jin Gong and TheShy flashed at their respective eye positions, and Ryze's R [Turning Realm Warp] teleportation array also lit up on the flanks of the battlefield!

The jungle princes and Olaf from both sides also came from the river respectively!

"The old thief ran to the grass at the Sharpbill camp before the clamp caught him!"

Before leaving, the old thief Sima also handed over R [Chain of Corruption] to trap Liu Qingsong. Although Shao Shao immediately activated R [Strong Will] to release the control, Sapphire Thresh finally showed his own ability.

R [Netherworld Prison] and E [Pendulum of Doom] worked together to retain the Tauren Chieftain.

Lin Weixiang wanted to save Flash to dodge Thresh's hook, so he raised his hand and shot Verus first.

As a result, the barrel of the sniper rifle was raised, golden light flashed, and the old thief Sima rushed into the grass!

The problem is that YM has no eye position in the grass of the Sharpbill Camp!

Da Mei raised his gun, but because he lost sight of the old thief Sima, his basic attack was blocked.

The old thief uses his basic attack to follow up with E [Evil Spirit Rain of Arrows], and while using the wither passive, he also gives Big Eyebrow a slowdown.

Lin Weixiang frowned, feeling that something was not quite right.

At this moment, Thresh was unhooked, and he was about to experience the spreading confinement effect of Verus's corrupt chain. He decisively handed over Flash and rushed into the grass!

He raised his hand and hit the old thief with another shot, then inserted a real eye into the ground.

"The ADCs of both sides began to snipe." Miller was very interested in this 1V1 battle. "They all handed over treatment, but it seems that Lin Weixiang's damage is higher!"

The economic advantage brought by the early snowballing is still useful. Lin Weixiang is now half ahead of the big items, and the old thief can't bear it with one shot!

Lin Weixiang looked at the old thief whose health bar was gradually disappearing. On the other side, he saw other players approaching the battlefield. Damei, who had little health left, decided to pull towards the second tower in IG.

He quickly walked A, hitting the floor as the bullet was released, and wanted to leave the grass of the Sharpbill camp.

But the moment he stepped out of the grass, Da Mei was completely confused.

He raised the barrel of the gun, but lost sight of the old thief Sima again!

Only then did Lin Weixiang notice that the real eye he had placed on the ground was not inserted into the grass, but at the edge!

A slight difference can make a difference of a thousand miles.

This true eye was less than 50 yards away, and it directly blocked his basic attack!

Lin Weixiang's blood ran cold all over his body.

Amid the exclamations from the audience, Old Thief Sima calmly took action, A+Q [Piercing Arrow], an arrow stacked with layers of withering, piercing the heart of Piltover policewoman Caitlin!

"My old swan!" I remember blurting out in disbelief and uncontrollably, "Did I see gods and demons?"

Lin Weixiang's mouth is slightly longer, and with thick eyebrows he looks even more stupid.

"This is being shown off by the old thief!" the doll shouted.

The old thief Sima was also confused. He originally planned to wait for death, but he just wanted to do more output before the screen turned black and white.

Unexpectedly, Lin Weixiang was stunned and missed two of his basic attacks.

Is this showing off a hammer? He didn't do anything, the other person did it himself!

The old thief Sima couldn't help but want to laugh, but he pursed his lips stubbornly and wanted to maintain his aloof persona.

But he was not happy for long.

After Lin Ran teleported to the ground, the E hook rope climbed onto the wall, and then followed the second section of the E wall back!

Qinggangying traveled thousands of yards and successfully reached the old thief Sima, and took him away with a basic attack!

"Kill Ryze, kill Ryze!" Lin Ran knew that as long as he eliminated the opponent's upper, middle and lower output positions, he would win.

"Xiaotian EQ crossed the wall, blocked Ryze with his ultimate move, and successfully forced him to flash out!"

Jin Gong, TheShy and King Ning also came to the battlefield.

On the other side, Lin Ran flashed his ultimate move to cover Ryze, and AQ Hydra's burst damage was extremely high!

"Rambo unleashes his ultimate move... This constant-temperature burning position is quite good, covering IG Sword Princess, Thresh and Olaf!"

The jungle is simply Rambo's paradise. Although Jin Gong's development is average, the damage from this ultimate move is not something IG can handle.

"Brother Ran wants to cut the broiler alone, and the IG's frontal output is simply not enough!"

One of the IG double Cs is waiting for resurrection in the spring, and the other is being chased and beaten by Lin Ran on the side of the battlefield.

This resulted in IG's frontal output relying entirely on Jian Ji alone. King Ning's development was average in this round, and he also started to use meat equipment in the mid-term, and the damage was quite pitiful.

Liu Qingsong, who uses his ultimate move [Strong Will] to reduce damage, is like a stick stirring up trouble, pulling and harassing him back and forth in the middle of the battlefield.

Lin Ran A continued to pull up, cooperated with the tactical sweep to kill the broiler, and then came back to clean up the mess.

Jin Gong was already dead at this time, but Bao Lan, who had exhausted all his skills, was not spared and returned to the spring water.

Lin Ran, who was almost in full condition, entered the field, like a wolf entering a flock of sheep, as if entering a deserted land!

"The true damage of this Qinggang Shadow is too high, too high!" The baby was so excited that he almost slapped the commentary table, "IG is losing ground!"

Sword Princess's weakness in the frontal battle was clearly visible, and she had no way of entering the field.

In the end, Lin Raner kicked away TheShy, and together with his teammates, he successfully defeated IG!

The fans in the audience could no longer control their screams.

Now the situation is one-sided towards YM!

After losing one game in this focus battle, YM was full of resilience and was about to win this regular season victory!

"YM ran towards the big dragon pit. Although they didn't have an ADC, they were not too slow in beating the dragon..."

After IG was wiped out by the team, it was destined that no one would interfere with YM getting the baron.

The director took the opportunity to play the replay, the highlight of which was the shot of Lin Weixiang being killed in the grass.

"Ah this..." Playing it back again, the doll finally realized the problem, "Lin Weixiang made a mistake with his real eye insertion!"

[This made me laugh so hard. Can this be counter-attacked? 】

[This is the champion ADC! 】

[The real eye is not inserted crookedly, or you can't get out of the grass by walking A. If the two conditions are normal, you won't step on them all, right? 】

【Lin Weixiang? Come to Wanxiang! 】

[I can’t move A in silver, I think I will definitely win this wave]

[You Baiyin are right, do you know why? 】

[What you said in Shirogane is like...]

The voices in the YM team were also noisy.

"Is this an operation that a professional player can perform?" Liu Qingsong kept saying, "The ADC pulled and was blocked by two basic attacks. Really Lin Weixiang, please retire quickly, don't lose the face of professional players."

Xiaotian and Jin Gong narrowed their eyes and laughed, their voices were loud and sounded very real.

"Stop barking, I beg you!" Lin Weixiang blushed and knew that his mistake was a bit outrageous, "Have you never spoken in your last life? Are you so excited?"

"Besides, isn't it normal to make mistakes?" Big Eyebrow was furious, "What's so funny about this?"

Lin Ran was really stunned and quickly drank water to suppress his smile.

"It's okay, it's okay, push it quickly," he said seriously, "I'm hungry."

"Push, push, push," the Garlic Bastard smoothed his bangs, "Brothers, follow me!"

YM, with the Baron BUFF, rushed to the high ground in the middle of IG, and then Xiaotian risked his life to start a team, and cooperated with Liu Qingsong Niutou to forcefully enter the field!

Da Mei finally became reliable in this wave of team battles. He scored three kills through normal operations, and cooperated with his teammates to level the IG base at 26 minutes!

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