LOL: What is a roaming mid laner?

Chapter 429 427: Is this lineup disgusting?

Zeyuan followed the footage given by the director and looked at the situation of the bottom lane troops, and found that the crocodile could only stay in the second tower of the bottom lane and shut himself up. "Zoom is very uncomfortable. He doesn't dare to step forward to take troops!"

Although Zoom was very stable online and did not give the opponent a chance to kill him, his reinforcements were still suppressed by Jin Gong.

Although he came out with cloth armor shoes first, which was an artifact against the single-belt flow Quinn, it could not make up for the equipment gap between the two sides.

There is no other way, Zoom can only rely on the second tower connection.

A master like Jin Gong who plays with the line of soldiers will naturally not push the line blindly. He slowly lets the soldiers accumulate, preparing to save a big wave and transport it to the second tower of the TOP.

During this period, the soldiers of both sides attacked and damaged each other. Every YM soldier who died was like a knife in Zoom's heart, and the wounds were torn and stabbed, causing him to bleed.

The line of soldiers is the lifeblood of every top laner.

Fortunately, Sadness also noticed the current embarrassing situation of his top laner, and after understanding the opponent's idea of ​​pushing the lane, he decided to come to the bottom lane to help.

"Look at my position before taking action, don't go up too early!" Sadness manipulated the prince to go down the road, and reminded his teammates in the team voice, "Keep W until I am in position before handing it over."

"Okay, okay, let's let this pioneer go. If you catch Quinn to death, Sadness, we'll find a little dragon to stop the loss!"

ppgod, who was huddled in the previous tower, also gave instructions.

With TOP's current lineup and equipment configuration, there is definitely no way to compete for this Rift Pioneer, which is about to be refreshed.

The reason is also very simple, there is no big brother.

No matter whether it was Crocodile who came out first with cloth armor shoes and poor equipment, or whether Clockwork and Verus were killed in succession, they could not lead the team to fight against YM in the Dalong Pit.

In this case, it is better to continue with resource replacement.

Now TOP knows that Xiaotian will definitely go to the upper half, preparing to get the Rift Herald, and they just find the right opportunity to attack the bottom lane.

"Sadness is squatting at the pass of the blue buff area, and zoom is already testing it forward!"

Seeing the crocodile uncharacteristically stepping forward to take advantage of the enemy, Jin Gong frowned and sensed something was wrong.

somebody is coming?

He turned on W [Sensitive Perception] to detect the surrounding movements, and Valor the Falcon let out a soft chirp. With Quinn as the center of the circle, all enemies within 2100 yards around him had nowhere to hide.

But nothing was found!

Jin Gong relaxed his vigilance and felt that no one was crouching down on him. He just thought that Zoom didn't want the number of soldiers hoarded to be too large, so he came to deal with it with his body and blood.

His E [Spiral Strike] kicked the crocodile, and the crossbow had a vulnerable effect, reducing Zoom's health by one bar.

"Brother Gongzi has been fooled!" I remember blurting out.

From God's perspective, Jarvan IV was standing less than 300 yards outside of Valor's extreme detection range!

This is obviously sad and intentional!

"The prince used exploding cones to bounce over the wall and circled behind to double-team Quinn!"

When Jin Gong discovered Sadness, he had no way to escape. He could only purify and unlock the crocodile's stun, and then try his best to clean up the TOP soldiers in front of him.

"Prince EQ uses his ultimate move to cover Quinn, and Crocodile Red Fury Q takes it away!"

The TOP fans in the audience breathed a sigh of relief when they saw this.

No matter what, I finally got a head and got rid of the trouble of being zero.

At this moment, the director suddenly switched the screen and came to the middle of Summoner's Rift again.

Zhuo Ding was clearing the artillery line under the tower, while Lin Ran was squatting in TOP's Sharpbill camp, looking coldly at Clockwork from a wall away. He had just returned to the city, and now there was another useless weapon in the equipment column. Great, perfectly developed.

Knight knew that Xiaotian and Liu Qingsong were in the upper half, so he stood very low, even close to the defense tower, because he didn't want to give his opponent a chance.

But Lin Ran took a sip of Q [Blood Conversion] at F6, and when the energy bar was about to be replenished to half, he saw Zhuo Ding throw out the demon to replenish his troops, and immediately started to charge E [Tide of Blood].

After the blood nova was fully charged with energy, he violently took action!

Golden light flashed, Vladimir crossed the wall and broke into the shooting range of the TOP central tower.

The bloody lotus of R [Blood Plague] blooms on the clockwork body!

Followed by blood conversion hit damage!

E flashes RQ, and all the vampire damage bursts out!

Zhuo Ding was ambushed and killed by YM Nakano Fu before. After his resurrection, he bought a real eye. It is now inserted in the grass on the upper river to monitor the enemy's movements.

But he didn't expect that Lin Ran could flash from the Sharp Beak Camp to the Tower to kill his full-blooded clockwork!

Are you crazy?

Zhuo Ding knew that he couldn't give himself E [Command: Defense] first, since the vampire had already unleashed a set of bursts.

If he panics and sets E on himself first, then when he throws out the golem later, the double resistance provided will disappear and he will suffer more burst damage.

Zhuo Ding must make the most reasonable use of the shield and double resistance provided by the golem.

"Clockwork throws the golem first, QR clears the minions under the tower!"

Lin Ran's basic attack was triggered at the same time, and Zhuo Ding's shock wave also rolled up and killed the minions. Clockwork successfully reached level 8!

Zhuo Ding was well prepared for this. He invested his skill points in E, and then used the skill to recall the golem, providing himself with up to 20 double resistance and a full shield. The shield value provided by level 3 E is terrifying. !

Lin Ran didn't care, he had to take the opportunity to kill this clockwork that didn't flash!

He used the triggered phase rush to get close to him, and his basic attack point was on Chongzhang. Before the defense tower bombarded him again, his whole body turned into a pool of blood and stuck under Chongzhang!

"Clockwork was forced to hand over his healing skills, but he still couldn't get rid of the blood pool at his feet," Zeyuan's voice was urgent, "The vampire's ultimate move exploded!"

The moment Lin Ran recovered from the blood pool state, the blood plague bloomed, once again reducing the clockwork demon's health bar.

And the blood volume that Lin Ran had lost after resisting the tower twice was filled up again!

He carried the defense tower and continued to sprint forward, using the movement speed provided by the Boots of Brightness, and then launched a basic attack.

Now the TOP duo is on the top lane, while zoom and sadness are on the bottom lane.

There was only Zhuo Ding around, so there was absolutely no reason not to kill him!

At this time, with the blessing of 25% cooldown reduction, the color of Lin Ran's Q blood conversion bar gradually became darker, from yellow to scarlet!

With the help of the short-term acceleration effect, Lin Ran closed the distance again, took a sip of AQ, restored his blood volume, and drained Zhuo Ding to residual blood!

The final basic attack, coupled with the ignition effect at the last second, emptied the HP of Zhuoding Clockwork Demon!

After resisting the bombardment for a while, Lin Ran, who had less than half of his health left, walked out of the defense tower leisurely amid the exclamations from the audience!

"Ah? Can you kill this?" I remember being dumbfounded with my partner Ze Yuan, "Knight has a healer, can he really jump over the tower with full health and kill?"

Zhuo Ding was also confused.

He looked at the black and white screen in disbelief, feeling that he needed to reshape his understanding of vampires.

Is this hero's damage so high?

His clockwork has level 3 E, plus the recovery effect provided by the healing spell and time warp tonic...

Was he killed by jumping over the tower with full health?

Is there any justice?

The director gave the replay again, which caused an uproar in the barrage. The audience watching the live broadcast couldn't believe their eyes.

[Turtle, vampire is really the big daddy]

[Why just kill him? It’s simply baffling]

[Didn’t this NM enable a damage plug-in? Playing with vampires as assassins, right? 】

【Harmful plug-in? I suggest checking Knight first, his shield is ridiculously thick! 】

[There won’t be any team in the playoffs that lets the RAN vampire out again, right? Don’t be disgusted with me]

"Xiaotian and the duo took over the Rift Pioneer together," the director's camera switched again, remembering to quickly suppress the shock in his heart and focus on the Summoner's Rift, "YM looks like he is going to release the Pioneer directly. Crash the middle tower!”

"I'm going to stop them here and not let them come. You guys push quickly!" Liu Qingsong controlled Thresh and walked towards the grass next to the TOP Beak Bird camp, blocking the way for Jiumeng and ppgod to retreat from the top lane to the middle lane.

With a scream, the ugly-looking Canyon Pioneer crashed into a tower in the middle of TOP, and the defense tower's health dropped by half in an instant!

"The policewoman pushed the tower so fast that TOP had no time to return to defense!"

Sadness and Zoom wanted to rush back to the middle road through their three wolf camp, but Garlic Bastard, who had been prepared, sent an Optimus Prime in advance, sealing the narrow pass.

"The prince and crocodile can only use displacement skills to cross the wall and escape to the second tower, but the vanguard's health is quite healthy, and they can still collide with each other!"

The dull voice echoed through the speakers and echoed in the scene again. The policewoman fired several shots, and the second tower in the middle road only had less than 50% of its health left.

"YM collectively retreated to take down the fire dragon that Sadness had not wiped out before!"

Zhuo Ding had just been resurrected at this time, and TOP was unable to break into the Xiaolong Pit to fight with YM without anyone.

The fire dragon fell, and YM has expanded its economic lead to 3.5K!

The policewoman's advancement rhythm is not over yet. After Jack bought the Infinity Blade, he led his teammates to push the tower crazily. Jin Gong no longer tried to rely on the lane to suppress Zoom. After pushing the lane, he used Quinn to fly into the jungle to find other TOP players. people.

YM's offense unfolded in an orderly manner. In comparison, TOP was like a toddler.

Bugs, all bugs.

Lin Ran and others' attacks were sophisticated and vicious. After controlling the TOP jungle area with their ward position, they easily obtained the opponent's defensive layout, and continued to use Quinn's mobility to attack more and less, creating a huge economic snowball. .

"The tempo of the TOP team is still biased towards the early and mid-term," Zeyuan said when he saw the full-blooded old dream being taken away by Lin Ran, who had activated the magic-binding orb, and said, "They can't get it once the laning phase begins. If you have an advantage, you will start to get lost, and even blindly drive the rhythm, which will in turn expand your disadvantages.”

This is a common problem for new players and new teams.

Since the laning phase more tests the players' basic game skills and the coaching staff's tactical arrangements, many times new teams can also perform well.

As the game entered the middle and late stages, due to the too complex and changeable situation, the five people in the Summoner's Rift were no longer fixed on three lines. Everyone was wandering around in the canyon, and the coaching staff's influence became smaller and smaller.

Many times the coach can only give macro tactics, such as using the top laner to split push, and the other four people to arrange around the baron.

If it were placed on teams like SKT and SSG, the players would be able to implement this tactic with perfect execution.

They have a very thorough understanding of split pushing, and when they know where the top laner is, the four people in front of them can start to force the Baron team.

Including how to use ward position to ensure the safety of the top laner when split-pushing, and how to find the opportunity to attack from the front...

This is an ability that players have honed through thousands of training games and hundreds of official games. They know how to win the game correctly.

This is also where the gap between high-scoring laners and professional players is the biggest - if the lineup is the same and the economy is equal, and it is delayed until the mid-term, and five high-scoring laners face five players with LDL game experience, the winning rate may be only 20%.

Under normal circumstances, as a player's career continues to progress, he will become more sophisticated in mastering this kind of mid- to late-stage tactics, and his responses will be more in line with the requirements of the coaching staff.

This is also often referred to as game experience, and the role of veterans is fully reflected here.

TOP, which has been established for less than a year, obviously does not meet this condition. Their coach was recruited from the RNG youth training, and it is the first time to coach an LPL team. He does not have much actual combat experience; the oldest player among the players is Zoom, an LPL professional. The career lasted only 9 months.

This has resulted in TOP still playing a very typical Rank style in the middle and late stages. The advantage is to use the Baron to quickly end the game, and the disadvantage is to use the Baron to fight. All with the purpose of accelerating the progress of the game.

The team's tactical core, Zhuo Ding, had his confidence destroyed by Lin Ran's unreasonable tower jump. Now his head was spinning and he didn't know what to do.

As a result, TOP's performance became worse and worse. In the early 20 minutes, all three inner towers were pushed down.

At 25 minutes, YM prepared to gather fire to take down the dragon. TOP finally waited for Double C's two-piece suit. They knew that this was the last chance to make a comeback. If it continued, YM vampires and policewomen would enter a strong period.

As a result, they broke into the Dalongkeng river as a group, and Lin Ran opened the magic-binding orb and rushed out of the dragonkeng!

R [Blood Plague] was sprinkled among the crowd, and after E [Blood Tide] was charged, Vladimir shrank into the blood pool!

Amidst the screams all over the sky, the health of the three people on the front battlefield of TOP was reduced by 1/3 in the blink of an eye!

"Remove, retreat, retreat!" Sadness clicked on the data panel out of habit, and saw a Death Cap of the World Destroyer lying in the vampire's equipment column!

The vampire's magic power is now approaching the 700 mark, and Crispy Skin can't even withstand his set of output!

"Everyone from TOP surrendered and fled in a hurry..." Zeyuan's voice was loud and clear, "But the damage of this vampire is too high!"

Before the blood pool that lasted for two seconds ended, Lin Ran's E [Tide of Blood] turned better again, and the blood nova that charged up in seconds burst out again.

Without giving the opponent a chance to interrupt, the double E of the blood pool easily blew up the health of everyone on the front battlefield of TOP!

"Old dreams give healing techniques and pull back..."

I remember the high-pitched shouting suddenly stopped.

The bloody lotus bloomed on TOP, and the damage of the blood plague broke out completely. Amidst the loud noise from the audience, the life of the old dream was ruthlessly taken away!

Because Zhuo Ding put a layer of shield on himself, he still had a layer of blood skin left and was not killed in battle.

But then, a sniper scope lit up overhead.

Caitlin's ultimate move!

"Block it!"

Needless to say, Sadness naturally stood in front of Zhuo Ding with his halberd, trying to resist the sniper bullet with his body.

But then the sound of an eagle's chirping came, and Hua Luo, flying at high speed, came to harvest their lives like the god of death!

Swirling and plundering!

Quinn's crossbow aimed at the clockwork, and the crossbow arrows with the fragile effect emptied Zhuo Ding's remaining health bar!

"Double C are all killed, TOP has no power to fight back!"

At this time, Sadness, Zoom and ppgod still want to retreat, but Xiaotian and Liu Qingsong have quite a few restrictive skills, making it difficult for TOP Uenosuke!

As the system prompts that the group was wiped out, the five YM people turned around and took over the dragon!

TOP was no longer able to fight back, and YM used the Baron BUFF to widen the economic gap to nearly 1.4W. Lin Ran, who then renovated his equipment, led his teammates to flatten the TOP base in one go!

"This vampire..." After the game, I remember looking at the statistics of Lin Ran, who had just won the MVP, and couldn't help but exclaimed, "If TOP can't be solved, we must consider giving him a ban."

KDA of 8/0/7, damage conversion rate of 220%, leading opponent economy of 6596, team output ratio of 41.1%...

So scary!

Zeyuan felt that the atmosphere of this final battle was a bit serious, and joked with a smile, "I think TOP should consider banning Brother Ran directly, which will have a more significant effect."

The ten contestants who had just returned to the stage after the intermission were still typing away in their seats to reminisce.

TOPBeishang: [Brother Ran, can you please be gentle? The shark is so cruel]

YMRan: [Didn’t Zhuo Ding say that he should strike harder and prove on this stage who is the best mid laner in the world? 】

TOPppgod: [So Brother Ran, go kill Zhuo Ding, just kill him, don’t come to us, Qiuqiu, come back and ask Zhang Xingran to treat you to a hotpot in a bungalow]

TOPZoom: [? If you treat Brother Ran to a meal, I'll have to chip in half a month's salary. Let Zhuo Ding treat him. He's a BO3 and can definitely learn something. Why don't he have to pay some tuition? 】

When Zhuo Ding saw what his teammate said, he felt helpless and sent an ellipsis in the chat channel.

I've done so many great things for the team, got beat up for you, and finally have to treat you?

Am I the only one who is unlucky in the end from co-writing?

Lin Ran smiled and typed, [Let's go, let's go to the bungalow tonight, I'll treat you]

Jack patted his belly and burped, "You pay, I'll do it"

Lin Ran's words were unanimously welcomed by all the contestants on the channel. They have always been very skilled in sugar daddy matters.

The Garlic Bastard was happily squirming in his chair after having dinner, and decided to mock his friend.

[Listen to your uncle Gao’s advice, the water in mid lane is too deep and you can’t control it]

This time, before Zhuo Ding could answer, the referee informed them in the team voice message to start BP.

He could only adjust his breathing and strive to be in the best condition to face this game.

Zoom is indeed right. He can indeed learn a lot from Lin Ran.

Painful and happy, maybe that's how it can be described.

Zhuo Ding tried hard to recall the details of Lin Ran's last game, and wanted to learn and apply this knowledge now in the upcoming second game.

"TOP chose the blue side for themselves in this game, and still pressed down the Qinggang Shadow with the first move!"

Redmi blocked Olaf.

TOP coach Bobby banned Xia Luo in the second move, not giving the red side YM a chance to get Xia Luo in the first and second picks.

"YM's second ban slot was given to Crow. It seems that they don't want Zoom to get such a mage hero with both tankiness and output ability." Zeyuan nodded to himself.

"How about we disable Ryze and then grab the vampires?" Bobby was still asking Zhuo Ding for his opinion.

Zhuo Ding thought for two seconds, "Yes, yes, but if he chooses Zoe..."

In this version, the natural enemies of vampires in the professional arena are Ryze and Zoe. Whether it is pushing speed or fighting ability, Vladimir is at an absolute disadvantage.

"Then give me the vampire," Zoom said. He was very frustrated in the last game. The output of a crocodile in the game was less than 1 plant. It was simply a shame. If Zhuo Ding hadn't attracted the firepower to him, he would have been destroyed long ago. , "The top laner on the other side can't suppress me."

After getting the first line right, Zoom is now confident.

Is Jin Gong strong?

With two world championships in hand as the main player, the answer to this question seems to require no explanation.

But strong is also a category.

Some people are extremely fierce in laning, and you can tell at a glance that they are a weird operator, and TheShy is one of them; some people have outstanding command skills and can be called the brains of the team, but their operations are not so impressive in comparison, and Mata is a typical example...

People like Jin Gong belong to another group. They develop steadily in the lane and wait until the mid-to-late stage to stand up and win the game with their teammates.

Except for team battles, the numerical value of each of his abilities is not the best, but when combined together, he becomes a reduced version of the hexagonal warrior.

According to Zoom, Jin Gong appears to be too stable in the lane. Sometimes, in order to maintain his condition, he will even not replenish his troops for 3 minutes.

To deal with this kind of top laner, Zoom's strategy is very simple. Use a hero that is extremely developed in the laning and will only be effective in the mid-term.

Originally, it was difficult for a top lane hero with too weak early abilities to enter the professional arena, but now that the vampire is domineering in the top lane, he has been given a chance.

Poppy nodded in agreement, patted Zhuo Ding on the shoulder, and asked him to ban Ryze.

Hongmi saw Ryze's ban position and paced back and forth behind the players' bench, thinking about countermeasures.

"We banned the prince, and then..."

The plan revealed by Hongmi made the five YM players couldn't help but smile.

"As we thought, TOP won the vampire by grabbing instead of banning," Zeyuan analyzed as usual, "but this is a mid-to-upper swing choice, and there is no way to determine the split."

But YM’s first- and second-hand selection is very fast, and they are already prepared!

"Zoe and... Jess!" I remember hissing, "YM is going to use the Poke lineup this game?"

If the commentators can see it, the TOP coach will naturally know it too.

"Let's take Luo and Zach, okay?" Bobby has no qualifications, but he is very approachable when working with this group of players. BP fully considers the players' ideas.

The best way to deal with poke is to force it. In this ability, Luo and Zac are definitely the perfect heroes in their respective positions.

"But won't the matchup be too weak?" Sadness felt it was wrong, "What should we do in the early stage?"

Bobby was also hesitant.

Luo and Zach's early strength is indeed too weak, but there's nothing they can do about it.

According to the balance settings of Riot, heroes with top-notch force-opening abilities must not be that strong in the early stage, otherwise they will become bug characters.

Prince, the most outstanding team-starting tool, has been banned by Redmi, leaving him with not many options.

"Take the Bull Head, Bull Head and Zach." Bobby felt that he still had to consider the lineup from the perspective of team battle, but at the same time he made a compromise.

Niutou's ability to start a team is not as strong as Luo's, but the advantage is that he can be more comfortable in the lane.

"YM took Morgana in the third choice!" Zeyuan became excited, "The black shield is very helpful in defending against TOP's forced group start!"

Bobby realized that the problem was a bit big. The poke lineup formed by Redmi was gradually taking shape, and he had to stop it.

For this reason, he banned both poke heroes Verus and EZ.

Redmi has banned Kled and Thain. Both of them also have good ability to rush into the formation and force open, which will cause certain obstacles to the YM formation.

"YM red side's fourth choice, win the Troll King!"

The troll's ultimate move extracts resistance and health, providing tankiness to the YM lineup. In addition, E [Ice Pillar] has the function of blocking attacks, so it can be considered a high-quality choice.

"Are you going to take Lu Xian?" Poppy was now sure of YM's mid-to-upper split, and asked over Zoom, "It's easy for Lu Xian to beat Jace."

If the opponent YM shows this kind of lineup, they will definitely not be able to sway Zoom with vampires.

In the first 10 minutes when the vampire hits Jace, he is looking for death, and it is difficult to even fight back. Moreover, once the opponent Jace comes out with a demon-drinking knife to counter the double AP of top Ueno Zack + Vampire, Jace has no way to catch it, so he might as well give it to him. Zhuo Ding plays the mid laner.

"Ornn, Ornn," Zoom found the hero he wanted to use, "I think Lu Xian is too unstable."

Bobby glanced at his lineup and felt that there was no core in the early stage, "In the old dream, you can use small guns, okay?"

The small cannon and the bull head can be considered a powerful combination, and she is also the main force in pushing down towers, which is really good.

"YM has the last choice left, giving it to ADC...Jack won Jhin!"

"This poke lineup is a bit strong!" Ze Yuan shouted loudly, "Although the ADC failed to get Ezreal, Jhin can be considered a qualified substitute!"

The lineups of both sides are confirmed.

Top of the blue side: top laner Ornn, jungler Zach, mid laner Vampire, bottom lane cannon + bull head.

Red square YM: top laner Jace, jungler Troll, mid laner Zoe, bottom lane Jhin + Morgana.

Bobby took a look at the lineups of both sides, and when he entered, he felt that his team was going to be in danger.

Isn’t this poke lineup just disgusting?

The audience in the audience waved their cheer sticks, and before the scattered cheers gathered into a large scale, Summoner's Rift had already arrived!

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