LOL: What is a roaming mid laner?

Chapter 456 454: Ionia, high and everlasting!

LPL official commentary station.

Zeyuan and Zhou Shuyi were reminded by the director to get ready for the appearance of YM, the representative team from their division.

"On the first match day of the MSI main stage, YM's schedule is quite easy," Zeyuan said first. "They will face the champion Flash Wolves from the LMS division and EVS from the Vietnam VCS division."

Zhou Shuyi's voice was hoarse, and she sounded as good as Yang Kun. "Yes, today's game is mainly for YM to adjust and recover. After all, it has been two weeks since the spring finals and it has not been officially exposed to the game."

At this time, the director gave the performance of both sides in their respective divisions.

The audience has seen YM's data before, and it is already considered the top level of LPL.

The Flash Wolves have completely crushed YM in all statistics!

The first tower rate is 81.8%, the control rate of Baron Nash is 85.4%, and the average economy leading per game is +8443...

This extremely luxurious data aroused heated discussion among the audience at the scene and even in the live broadcast room!

[Hey, dear, what the hell is this? 】

[Dark Master F is joking with you? 】

[This is the real fantasy god of civil war. You can still be invincible in the league even if you leave Casa. This is the most outrageous thing about NMB]

Zeyuan had seen the data comparison between the two sides in advance and was prepared for this, "Mainly because the Flash Wolves' dominance in the league is so amazing. They achieved a record of 13 wins and 1 loss this spring, with a winning rate of 93%. This is It is the only team in the world, and it is the only team among the five major regions with a winning rate of over 90%."

Zhou Shuyi added, "I think it would be a bad thing if a team like Flash Wolves appears in the league that is outstanding."

"Because other teams appear to be just like soy sauce, the overall competitiveness of the entire division is actually declining."

Zeyuan nodded, "For example, YM in S6, they won wildly in the league. Although they won the global finals in the end, the overall strength of the LPL that year was undoubtedly weaker than the LCK."

His words sparked heated discussions in the live broadcast room. The viewers who had just rushed in to see that the game had not yet started focused all their attention on the commentary.

[If you win the championship, your competitiveness will not be as good as LCK, right? 】

[That’s no problem, right? Besides YM, there were other teams that could beat ROX and SKT? Very blue]

[There is a saying that you can’t expect 4396 and S6 to not burn Uzi]

The two commentators were still chatting on the stage, and the ten players on the stage were ready.

With a crisp sound, the blue and red teams in the custom room entered the BP session of recruitment mode!

"The Flash Wolves have priority in choosing sides in this game, and they chose the blue side for themselves!"

Zeyuan's expression perked up and he said loudly: "FW will disable Camille first, so as not to give YM a chance to swing in the upper double figures!"

"YM on the other side blocked Ezreal," Zhou Shuyi's serious look looked much more stable than when she was live broadcasting. "Now the double-edited EZ is sweeping the rankings of all major servers, and the winning rate and selection rate remain high. Absolutely It’s the current T0 Edici.”

"When I played this hero myself," Zeyuan revealed his classic habit, "I also felt that the intensity was a bit exaggerated. From around 20 minutes when the magic slices were stacked up to about 40 minutes, it was his strong period."

He relied on his speaking speed to be fast enough, and took advantage of the fact that Flash Wolf's next ban position had not yet been revealed, so he continued, "Not only does it deal high damage, but it also has a shield to protect your life. The current EZ is a bit like the version of the Retribution Rune Broadsword back then. , so strong that he tilted his head."

[Why did I produce two Goddess Tears? After one of them was combined with Magic Cut, why did the other Goddess Tears have zero mana? How does this routine work? 】

[The one who made two goddesses cry, hey, hey, you made me laugh]

[I’m afraid you’re not fishing, are there really such stupid people? 】

"Flash Wolves gave Luo the second ban spot in an attempt to break up the Xia Luo combination," Zhou Shuyi shifted the topic to BP, "If we take Xia alone, the laning intensity will not be that strong."

Zeyuan agreed with his partner's view, "Especially in the 8.8 version implemented in the mid-season, the piercing damage of Xia's passive sharp cut has been weakened, which undoubtedly makes her already weak laning ability even worse."

Redmi then disabled another version of the powerful ADC Kai'Sa, leaving everyone with Verus, Big Mouth, Policewoman and Xiaopao.

The strength of the four shooters is not much different, and there is no priority.

"For the last ban spot in the first round, the Flash Wolves chose the Tauren Chief!" Zeyuan thought for a moment, "With two support bans, it seems they are eyeing Liu Qingsong!"

"I've banned Tambo. There's a high chance that Zoe will appear in the opponent's first pick. How about I give you Morgana?" Hongmi made his own response.

"Okay, I can do it." Liu Qingsong leaned his head on the back of the chair and tried to relax his body.

"Tahm Kench was sent to the ban position, and the best support character to restrain Zoe disappeared. Flash Wolf decisively locked the Twilight Protoss in his mid laner!"

The script is going according to Hongmi's expectations. He chose Policewoman + Morgana for his bottom lane combination. This combination has a quite complete control chain, taking into account the line pressing and counterattack capabilities, and can cooperate with the jungler or mid laner to catch people. The efficiency is extremely high.

"Flash Wolf chose Raven for top laner Hanabi, and then got the hero Troll for the jungler," Zhou Shuyi thought for a moment and found that she couldn't analyze anything, so she could only say dryly, "The top three heroes I got in the first three hands were The intensity in the middle and jungle is quite high.”

"That's right," Zeyuan is good at this. He prepared a draft and analyzed it calmly, "And the most important thing is that the Troll King who is the most restrained from the crow's entry has been selected by Flash Wolf himself, and the only one left is Karl. Ma can limit Swain at this point, but Liu Qingsong has already shown support..."

When he said this, he suddenly thought of a possibility, and blurted out in a surprised voice, "No way?!"

On the big screen, Lin Ran on the third floor of YM locked the Apocalypse Karma!

"This hand of Karma will continue to swing for YM!"

Flash Wolf coach Steak had a solemn expression on his chubby face.

YM's weird branching swing was too much for him.

Is this Karma walking in the middle or walking up?

Or is it Karma as support and Morgana as mid laner?

He recalled the MSI three years ago, when Fat General's midfielder Morgana cured Lee Sang Hyuk's Enchantress.

Morgana can restrain more than just Enchantress. The magic immune black shield is absolutely effective against a hero like Zoe who is extremely controlled by E [Hypnosis Bubble].

Steak's heart was in a mess and he couldn't figure out YM's way out.

"YM banned Verus and Cannon in the second round!" Zhou Shuyi is worthy of being a great anchor, and she has found her position in a short period of time.


The job responsibilities are similar to that of Doll.

She was not very good at understanding the game and competition, so she was responsible for echoing Zeyuan, and then pointed out some obvious points in the game and BP, and left the rest of the in-depth analysis and team battle commentary to her partner.

This way Zhou Shuyi doesn't have to show her timidity, and Zeyuan can also take the microphone. After all, he hates others competing with him the most.

But Zeyuan couldn't analyze anything against YM's BP.

He couldn't understand that there were only three versions of shooters, Big Mouth, Verus and Small Cannon, that were still available, but YM banned two of them - Verus and Small Cannon.

But since they have already selected policewoman Caitlin as their ADC, they can't make any big claims anymore.

Then Flash Wolves can still choose a version of Edici that is not weak?

The steak has been replaced by Sima's face, but with his weight almost the same as PDD, he looks naive when he pulls down his face.

He, like the other 10 people on the stage, knew the reason why Hongmi was the only one to let out his big mouth.

Because YM has already taken Kalma.

The hero Kog'Maw with the Big Mouth relies on this version of Sheep Knife + Hurricane, and his mid-term output is extremely powerful.

The most important thing is that with the percentage output of W [Biochemical Barrage], it can cause sufficient damage to the front row of tanks in the mid-term.

This is unmatched by Kai'Sa and Varus. Since Vayne has been unable to play in many versions, before the four-piece set, Kog'Maw was the fastest hero in the professional arena to eliminate the front row.

But Kog'Maw is not a hero with perfect mechanics like Kai'Sa and Qinggang Shadow.

In addition to having a brittle body and short legs with no movement, making it easy to be killed first by concentrated fire, it also has another disadvantage.

Team battle output relies heavily on W [Biochemical Barrage].

The biochemical barrage will not only provide a percentage damage effect to the Maw, but also increase its length and range.

Kog'Maw is a very weak hero. Once there is no biochemical barrage, he is just a short-handed hero with a 500-yard range.

W [Biochemical Barrage] has a cooldown of 17 seconds at all levels, and the effect lasts for 8 seconds.

Big Mouth currently does not produce any cooldown reducing equipment, which means that Kog'Maw will enter Sage Mode for 9 seconds after receiving the 8-second enhanced state blessing.

Therefore, Lulu's equipment pendant is very profitable when paired with the big mouth. It can not only protect, but also provide movement speed and attack speed bonuses for Kog'Maw, who has short legs and no means of movement, allowing it to use W [Biochemical Bomb] [Act] to catch up with the opponent within the limited duration and produce as much output as possible.

And Kalma is, in a sense, Big Mouth’s natural enemy.

Because she can walk the dog.

Q [Inner Flame] has deceleration, W [Unwavering] has a dog leash, and E [Inspire] can also speed up teammates.

If you have a big mouth and there is Karma on the opposite side, there will often be an embarrassing scene - you open W [Biochemical Barrage] and you are ambitious and ready to show off your skills. As a result, the RE group of Karma on the opposite side speeds up and leads his teammates to distance themselves.

Kog'Maw was drooling, but he could do nothing. He could only watch his opponent speed away from him. When the biochemical barrage ended, the opponent came back to pick up the team, which seemed very embarrassing for him.

In other words, Karma is considered a regular counter to Kog'Maw the Big Mouth in the professional arena.

Steak naturally knew this, but the red side YM got Kalma with the last pick in the first round, giving him no chance to respond.

He could only suffer the consequences.

"Which one has the faster acceleration, Lulu or Karma?" After banning the recently enhanced male gun, Steak put Zhumei, the jungler in the group, into the ban position, and asked his own assistant Snake.

He doesn't know some of the data himself, so he still has to rely on the professionals playing on the field.

"Well..." Snake's posture was like that of a good student who listens carefully in class. His forearms were almost parallel to the edge of the table, and even his elbows were resting on the table. He recalled the acceleration skills of the two heroes in his mind.

Of course, it is impossible for professional players to memorize the specific data of skills. They mainly make judgments and comparisons based on the experience gained from thousands of qualifying games.

"Kama is faster, but the acceleration time is not as long as Lulu," Snake replied, "But once Kama uses RE group acceleration, it will be much faster than Lulu."

They were discussing and asking, and Redmi had already obtained Zac in the fourth pick. The purpose was obviously to make up for the first move to start a team, to restrain maple Zoe's poke.

"How about we take Zaya and Braum?" Steak stood behind Snake, frowning and proposed the idea of ​​Xayah + Braum, but the next second he vetoed himself, "No, the strength of the line is too weak. …”

"It doesn't matter, I'm super brave!" Betty Aidixi straightened her chest, feeling that she needed to stand up.

"Are you crazy?" Snake glanced sideways at him. Although the words were fierce, her voice was sweet and soft, "The opponent is Caitlin. Are you going to have a tower destroyed in the lane?"

"Okay, Jhin and Thresh, how are you?" Steak thought of a countermeasure at the end of the BP countdown, Jhin and Thresh, "Snake, please pay attention, your main task is to protect your teammates, don't be alone. People move forward.”

Snake knows that this combination is still very difficult to beat YM, but this is the best choice they can find.

There is no other way. In the first round, we first get strong heroes for the middle and upper jungle. The disadvantage is that it makes the bottom lane very uncomfortable in BP selection.

"YM's last choice..." Zeyuan was full of expectations and his voice was strong, "I don't think this Karma is for Brother Ran. He must use a powerful hero to face Maple's Zoe!"

【Who said that? The sight of Gary O'Sain being re-elected as a stoner is still fresh in my mind, I haven't forgotten it]

【What do you think? Brother Ran is an iron slave, as long as he can win, it will be boring to be a dog, and he can use a tank to start a group protection. Although it is not eye-catching, it stands out as a solid one, and the sense of security when being his teammate is too strong]

[Who are you hinting at, you bastard? 】

Lin Ran was still discussing with his teammates. He turned his head and looked at Jin Gong, "Brother Xiba, can you play Karma?"

"...I can't!" Jin Gong's answer was plain and simple.

"It's okay, you'll get used to it as you practice," Lin Ran said with a straight face after hearing this, "Besides, how can you not be a regular hero like top laner Karma?"

"But it doesn't matter, everything can be remedied." He didn't want to use Karma in this round because there were more suitable choices. "You can practice it in this round."

"Ah?!" Jin Gong quickly turned his attention to Hongmi, "Coach, please take care of him!"

Hongmi chattered a lot, and Jiang Chenglu took full advantage of the broad and profound Chinese language to express his meaning clearly in just one sentence.

"Brother Ran is right."

Jin Gong cried sadly, feeling that his coach had become an accomplice.

He was forced to use this Karma, which he had no proficiency at all.

From the audience's perspective, Liu Qingsong flashed his face under the camera, then licked his lips and muttered something.

Then lock another hero in seconds.

Fight for the birthplace!

The female voice is cold and crisp, and contains endless fighting spirit!

The audience was in an uproar!

"My old swan!" Ximen Ye said with wide eyes on the LMS commentary desk, "Irelia? You really dare to choose!"

The barbecued pork next to him curled his lips, "Wow, Ran is so courageous, come on Irelia has just redone it not long ago, now you have to choose?!"

Zhou Shuyi also had a big mouth and looked quite surprised.

"Blade Dancer Irelia!" Zeyuan took a deep breath, "This is the first time the new Blade Dancer has appeared on the professional stage since the remake!"

The LPL playoffs, which has the longest schedule among the five major regions, uses version 8.6, while the mid-season championship uses version 8.8. During the two minor versions, two heroes were redone and adjusted.

The Sword Girl and the Enchantress.

Both of these heroes are due to the abnormal mechanics of the original version.

Dao Mei takes into account all the advantages and strengths of the top laner, control, recovery, displacement, toughness...

Since Enchantress was redone last year, she has become a mid lane monster that combines wave clearing ability, damage, and displacement.

With this strange mechanism, the hardest thing to do is to change the numerical values.

Once you cut it too much, you will have no chance to play at all; if you slightly improve the skill damage and own attributes, you will dominate the professional arena.

Riot had no choice but to redo Irelia, and Enchantress was returned to the version before the redo.

It has to be said that Sword Girl's luck is much better than that of Uncle Sheep, who landed in the league before last year's World Championship. The latter missed S7, but Irelia was able to successfully compete on the stage of this mid-season tournament.

[Get it directly after redoing it? that's amazing】

[Brother Ran is using the competition to make a teaching video for the audience. He is so gentle. I really cried to death...]

【Almost done】

[I played two games of New Sword Girl before, and I still feel pretty good about it, mainly because I can show off my skills better now than before]

Zeyuan was also about to show his understanding of the game to Zhou Shuyi, "When YM was on vacation a few days ago, Brother Ran and I had dinner together and we talked about how the upper limit of Sword Girl's operation after the redesign is indeed very high, especially for big guns. The disarming effect provided by [Vanguard Blade] is miraculous in team battles."

"Ah?" This sentence really aroused Zhou Shuyi's interest, but her focus was not on Dao Mei's ultimate move, "Have you ever had dinner with Brother Ran?"

Zeyuan showed an inscrutable smile.

In the S7 World Championship last year, the Samsung team he supported was about to face the dilemma of not being able to qualify in the group, and YM, who was in the same group, helped SSG enter the knockout round as the second place in the group.

Zeyuan excitedly promised to treat Lin Ran to dinner, but everyone was busy later, so the matter was put on hold for the time being.

Until the end of this year's spring competition, Lin Ran stayed in Shanghai in order to take the driver's license test, and the two sides just found an opportunity.

Zeyuan called Aftershock, and Lin Ran also called Su Cheng, and the four of them went to Nanjing West Road to have a meal at Xin Rong Ji, which was supposed to be an exchange of feelings.

The audience was also distracted by Zhou Shuyi.

【real or fake? 】

[Is this still possible for a dinner date? 】

[Am I the only one curious about what they talk about while eating? Guan Zeyuan: You know, when I played this hero myself...]

[Hahahahaha, I suggest that Guan Zeyuan’s oral habits be turned into quotations. I think they will become popular]

While the commentators and the audience were chatting and chatting, Lin Ran glanced at the lineups of both sides.

Blue side FW: top laner Crow, jungler Troll, mid laner Zoe, bottom lane Jhin + Thresh.

Red square YM: top laner Karma, jungler Zach, mid laner Dao Mei, bottom lane policewoman + Morgana.

Lin Ran thought for a while, and added the green and resolute skeleton plating and resurgent wind to the secondary system, while the precision small runes of the main system included [Legend: Resilience].

In order to reduce the control as much as possible, he also plans to make a pair of mercury shoes.

Summoner skills are flash + teleport.

After doing all this, Lin Ran leaned back slightly, picked up the paper cup with the 2018MSI logo and took a sip, waiting for the game to load.

After Jin Gong adjusted the runes, he still asked his teammates for their opinions, "What will I do after the Holy Grail?"

Xiaoyao shook Nuan Baobao and answered him, "Incense burner, salvation... You can also buy a murder ring. If the game goes well, then combine the murder book."

The Xiba people made a no problem gesture, and the referee was already behind them to remind them that the game had started.

Lin Ran bought the corruption potion and drove the knife girl to the middle road.

It has to be said that Irelia after the model rework is indeed not as beautiful as the previous version, especially the Frost Blade. The skin of this sword girl who had the top, middle, and even one hand before the remodel is now very ugly. There is no sense of beauty at all.

Just make do with it, what else can you do?

"Brother Ran is also bringing the recently launched Conqueror here." Zeyuan looked at the rune choices of both sides given by the director and was not surprised. "This talent can provide a lot of combat power 4 seconds after entering the battle. , it can even convert 20% of the output into real damage, and melee heroes can always refresh this conqueror talent. For warrior characters, it is indeed the best choice at the moment."

"On the other hand, Maple chose to unseal the secret book, and the summoner skills were even more weak. It was obvious that she was very afraid of Brother Ran's Dao Mei Tu face." Zhou Shuyi said.

The first-level group is naturally the Lightning Wolves, and Snake also wants to drag the jungler and Edisi to find out the jungle movements of Little Zac.

Since FW Thresh + Jhin beat YM's policewoman + Morgana will definitely be pushed to the lane, the pressure on Flash Wolf's bottom lane vision is not great in the early stage.

So Snake went out directly and brought the scanner. In the 8.8 version update, the scanning lens was directly removed, leaving only the [Oracle Lens] as a scanning prop, and originally the latter could only be obtained after level 9. , now you can take it with you when you go out.

The biggest difference between the two scanning accessories is that the Oracle Lens can follow the hero's head and move at will, and the information obtained by scanning is more.

For example, during this invasion of the YM blue zone, Snake successfully illuminated a jewelry eye inserted by Liu Qingsong, and the three people in the field shared the eye experience.

"Flash Wolves' jungle troll starts blue from the lower half of YM, and Xiaoyao has already been prepared. He made a plan in advance to start blue from the upper half of FW. The two sides exchange jungle areas and get along well with each other."

After Lin Ran came online, he stood behind and remained motionless, watching Zoe pull in flying stars from the side and inflict damage on the three long-range soldiers.

Maple's intention of being exposed is quite obvious, taking advantage of Zoe's first-level push ability and shooting range advantage, trying to grab the second hit and take the initiative on the scene.

After pulling up the flying stars, he was not in a hurry to hand over the basic attack with passive fireworks. Instead, he took two steps forward and forced Lin Ran back.

Seeing that his opponent did not want to compete with him, Fengtang just focused his basic attack on the soldiers and continued to reduce the health of the soldiers.

Zoe handed over her skills, and Lin Ran became more courageous. He took two steps forward and swung his blade to hit the melee soldier.

For this reason, he took Zoe's basic attack and knocked off the bone plating on his body.

But this was expected by Lin Ran. He brought the bone plating just for now.

Without taking a step back, he swung his blade and slashed the melee soldier again.

Seeing this, Maple could only retreat. He continued to use basic attacks, but also hit the bone coating, which was unable to reduce much HP.

Moreover, he also needs to take advantage of the hatred of the minions.

In this way, he was equivalent to giving up the position of the military line to Lin Ran.

After four basic attacks, the melee minion was reduced to residual health, and Lin Ran handed over Q [Blade Impact] to take it away.

While resetting his skills, Lin Ran also gained a little blood recovery, and the passive [Ionian Zeal] also provided Lin Ran with attack speed.

Lin Ran now controlled the sword girl to stand forward and use basic attacks to reduce the health of the minions, ensuring that he could take them away with one sharp blade attack.

As a result, Maple didn't dare to move forward at all, for fear that the sword girl would continuously use the Q blade to charge up her passive, and then put it on her face to exchange blood.

He pulled out a flying star from a distance, trying to drain Lin Ran's blood.

As a result, the sword girl used a sharp blade to move him to the side of another soldier, easily dodging the skill.

Maple clicked his tongue, his tone quite helpless.

Dao Mei's technique of using residual health minions to perform multiple movements is too restrictive for Zoe.

It's hard for him to hit Irelia with his skills.

In the middle, Lin Ran succeeded in the second grab. While killing the minion with his Q, he upgraded and learned the E skill, and used his double-winged blades to cast a little behind Zoe.

The second blade is cast at his feet. The two blades echo each other and stun the heroes between them!

This combo of moves was executed extremely quickly. Maple wanted to move at a right angle to avoid it, but as soon as he moved his steps, he was knocked unconscious on the spot!

"What a fast sword!" At this time, the director pointed the camera at the middle. Zhou Shuyi couldn't help but admire Lin Ran's speed of casting Biyi's double blades.

The blade mark was hung on Zoe, Lin Ran took the corruption potion and used the sharp blade to rush in!

Swinging the blade, the basic attack with full stack of passive [Ionian Zeal] hit Zoe. Combined with the previous two skills and the burning effect of the corruption potion, Maple's health dropped by nearly 40%!

"Maple still wants to retreat on foot, but Dao Mei's basic attack range is too far!"

After the redesign, Irelia has an attack range of up to 200 yards. Compared with the average melee hero of 125 yards, the gap is quite obvious!

Lin Ran used the passively increased attack speed to chase and hit two more knives. Seeing that Zoe had escaped from his attack range, he stabbed in with a sharp blade impact!

"The Conqueror's damage triggered, and Zoe was forced out of weakness!"

The German audience in the audience let out bursts of exclamations!

【This is too fierce! 】

[It only took two minutes to get weak. Is this Zoe playing with a hammer? 】

Fengtang had no choice. He also went out with the corruption potion. Zoe, who was only level 1, was too fragile. If she didn't deal with this weakness, Lin Ran would most likely enter the tower and forcefully kill her.

After all, the first blood cost 400 gold coins, and Lin Ran had teleportation, so the head would definitely be worth it.

Lin Ran resisted the tower's bombardment for a while, then turned around and continued to deal with the troops, while Fengtang drank two layers of corruption potion to maintain his blood volume at about half.

After suffering a loss this time, Fengtang finally became honest. He just stood behind and filled up the flying stars, only to eat some minions, and stopped trying to suppress him.

Five minutes passed, and the last-hit difference in the middle had widened to 10.

In every sense of the word, this is a big gap.

The main reason is that it is too easy for the hero Dao Mei to replenish troops, and Fengtang has many soldiers who dare not take them.

Moreover, Lin Ran in the middle also extended his advantage to the jungle.

Although the jungler Troll of Flash Wolves now has the advantage in the jungle, due to the health disadvantage and loss of lane power in the middle, he has to give up the idea of ​​​​invading and develop smoothly with the Garlic Bastard.

"Guigui, Brother Ran's suppressive power..." Zhou Shuyi drawled in surprise after seeing Lin Ran go to the FW Beak Bird camp and drive away the trolls again.

"Brother Ran has a big stage in this game," Zeyuan also said. "Sword Girl is very restrained by Zoe, and as the level continues to increase, it will only become easier and easier to fight."

"The main reason is that Zoe is afraid of tough-faced heroes like Dao Mei. Once she gets close, she will be powerless."

The director shot everything, and a conflict broke out in the bottom lane!

The FW duo, who had been under pressure before, wanted to resist in order to protect the defense tower, but were stopped in place by Liu Qingsong and Morgana's Q [Dark Imprisonment]!

"Jack manipulated the policewoman to give out the clamp, and cooperated with the rope net and Q [Peacemaker] to beat Thresh to the last bit of blood!"

Betty was forced to hand over her healing skills to save the assistant.

When Lin Ran saw this scene, he ate the first soldier in the ninth wave of soldiers. When he reached level 6, he immediately ran down!

"Be careful!" Fengtang marked the signal while using the minion remover to kill melee soldiers to reach level 6.

He wanted to go from his red buff camp to the bottom lane to cover and help.

"The FW bottom lane duo is already retreating. Since they were originally under the tower, this retreat seems to come in time..."

Zeyuan suddenly realized something, "No, Brother Ran's target is this Zoe!"

Fengtang also carefully inserted a jewelry eye into the grass of the red BUFF camp she was about to pass by.

But when he came face to face, he saw Irelia squatting inside with sharp blades floating around her!

"Ionia, high and everlasting!"

With an angry roar and golden light, the Pioneer Blade shot towards Zoe, causing the audience to scream!

This chapter is trying a new way of writing to see how it works.

ps: Recommend this book, "My Girlfriend is the Number One Top Order"

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