LOL: What is a roaming mid laner?

Chapter 458 456: Big trouble

The sound of the base breaking resounded throughout the audience, and the foreign audience's faces turned red with excitement!

Compared with the unfamiliar Flash Wolves, they support YM, which has won consecutive championships in international competitions.

The reworked new Sword Girl, combined with this pentakill, is enough to become a major hit for MSI!

Many domestic international students also held YM team flags and shouted loudly in the venue to vent their inner excitement!

"Congratulations to YM!" Zhou Shuyi finally found her sense of presence after the game and immediately turned up the volume, "Winning her first victory cleanly on the first day of the MSI main stage!"

"The sword girl shown by Brother Ran is very likely to become a big killer in this mid-season championship!" Zeyuan's focus has always been on Lin Ran, "I wonder if other teams can find it before the start of the knockout rounds. How to deal with her?"

Lin Ran happily took off his headphones and took a look at the data panel. He found that with the explosive output of the last wave of team battles, he narrowly suppressed the Shiba Inu and became the output king of this game.

"You must have 1/3 of the credit for your five kills, right?" Jin Gong happily looked at Karma's 0/0/10 record on the data panel. He felt that he could change his belief in Buddhism and not kill any living things. To take credit, "How am I doing, huh?"

"You're great! What about me? Is my operation full?" Lin Ran replied with a smile.

If Jin Gong hadn't set him up with a shield with the effect of a censer, and then used teleportation to cut off the retreat of the Lightning Wolf's double C, he might not have been able to get this pentakill.

"Brother Ran, why did you get another five kills?" On the other side, Jack obviously noticed the slight difference in damage between the two, and his tone was slightly dissatisfied.

"Just be satisfied!" The Garlic Bastard was furious, "All the five kills were obtained by your laners, and the jungler will be responsible for wiping your butts, right?"

Lin Ran drank the drink in the paper cup and patted the boy on the shoulder, "If you knew how to play with a man's gun, wouldn't you be free from this problem?"

"Three lines of troops plus red and blue, I'm so annoyed by the idea of ​​​​fighting in a group!"

"Yes, Gao Tianliang, this version of the male gun has just been strengthened. Don't you think about it?" Liu Qingsong wanted to laugh, but was afraid of being caught by the camera. He gritted his teeth and made a sullen face, but he was teasing mercilessly, "Oh, I Forget, you can’t play this hero.”

"I'm playing **!" Xiaoyao was irritated, "If you bark again, my employer will stuff your head into the toilet tonight!"

Lin Ran didn't care about the disappointed Xiaotian, and happily ran to the Lightning Wolf to shake hands with everyone.

The camera shifted to the other side of the player bench. Ximen and Char Siu on the LMS commentary desk were relieved when they saw that the faces of the Flash Wolves players were normal and not too frustrated.

"Dian Wolves still need to adjust their status..." S5, which has risen strongly in the LMS, Char Siu was the coach of Flash Wolves at the time. It is unrealistic to say that he has no feelings, including sympathy, for this team.

"If you lose this game, you will lose. It will not affect the ranking of Lightning Wolf," Char Siu said matter-of-factly, "Anyway, several other teams will also give points to YM. Everyone loses, so relatively speaking, Lightning Wolf Didn’t lose."

"Viewers should be more optimistic."

He is well versed in the knowledge of integral relativity. This sentence immediately made the Wanwan audience who were worried about the prospects of the Flash Wolves in this mid-season heave a sigh of relief.

"...I hope they can work hard," Ximen Ye said after pondering for two seconds, "try to win TL in the second game today."

Ximen has joined AHQ since 2013. Although he and Flash Wolf have no deep hatred, their relationship is not that close.

But now that the LMS is declining day by day, and only one team in the entire division, Flash Wolves, can take advantage of it, it is inevitable that Ximen will feel sad that the rabbit will die and the fox will die.

Lin Ran removed the keyboard and mouse cables from the USB interface on the desktop, rolled them up neatly on the device, then wrapped them with a mouse pad and clamped them under his arm, while holding a water glass in his other hand and walking down the stage. go.

"If there are interviews on the main stage, just give them the peripherals." Vincent grabbed Lin Ran and asked him to hand over the keyboard and mouse to his teammates, while he handed over a microphone.

Lin Ran was leaning against the wall of the exit passage. There was a period of preparation for the main stage interview, so he simply looked at the big screen in the distance with nothing to do.

The MVP of this game was awarded to myself for scoring five kills.

10 kills, 0 deaths and 3 assists, the damage ratio is 32.43%, and the team participation rate is as high as 87.5%. Such exaggerated data leaves no suspense about the MVP!

"Let's go." Vincent received the signal from the backstage director and knew that the post-match interview was about to begin.

Lin Ran reluctantly looked away from his handsome and unrestrained makeup photo, and strode up the steps to return to the stage.

"First of all, congratulations to YM for winning this game!" The female host Sjokz stood in the center of the stage holding a microphone. She was tall in high heels and looked only slightly shorter than Lin Ran. "We invited YM Ran, the mid laner, is here for an interview, would you like to say hello to everyone first?”

"Good afternoon, audience friends in Berlin." As soon as Lin Ran opened his mouth, the fans in the audience screamed non-stop, and some people were waving support banners for him, which they probably got from colleagues in the YM operations department before the game. of.

"First question," Sjokz glanced at the cards in his hand, "This is the first time Irelia has entered the professional arena after the redo and update, and she scored five kills in her debut. Why did Player Ran think of choosing this hero?"

The most outrageous thing is that LCSEU's home stadium is in Berlin, Germany. Although the popularity of English here is quite high, Sjokz still has to use German in official occasions.

Therefore, as a German, she first said the interview questions in her native language, and then asked Vincent in English.

Finally, Vincent translated the question into Chinese and asked Lin Ran to answer.

This led to Lin Ran already thinking about the answer to the question during the translation process. He picked up the microphone and responded calmly: "The lineup is more suitable. I don't want to use Karma to beat Zoe. Sword Girl is easier to beat, and this hero Now the ultimate move has a disarming effect, and the passive even has a shield-breaking effect, so the intensity is relatively high."

At this time, the audience in the LPL live broadcast room was talking a lot.

[Qie's Que's family, five kills are really strong]

[New Sword Girl, aren’t you going to cut it now? This disarmament gave me a cerebral hemorrhage! 】

[Betty: I can’t come out! 】

[ @Riot Games, hurry up and show off your traditional skills, machete girl! 】

[Don’t be embarrassed, Chunli resigned, Machete Girl’s people are gone]

The man who was sitting at the computer desk eating instant noodles saw this barrage and almost choked himself.

His face turned red and he coughed violently twice. The spicy taste in his mouth spread uncontrollably and reached his nose.

The man took off his glasses and wiped the tears that overflowed from his nose. His missing fingers had proved his identity.

Chun-Li has resigned from Riot Games.

He looked at the YM crowd on the computer screen, feeling filled with dissatisfaction. The spicy beef noodles in the bowl were no longer fragrant.

The 8.4 version was his final cut, weakening the 5-stop watch tower-leaping tactic used by YM years ago.

But YM reacted quickly after a brief period of confusion, and everyone was impressed by the ability to adapt to the version.

Chunli was numbed.

He found that no matter how much he cut, YM could always react the fastest.

Do people like YM really respect themselves?

You can make it for a year!

Feeling that he could not get any sense of professional fulfillment in the designer field, he resolutely resigned and joined the FPX club.

He would like to experience for himself how outrageous this YM is.

Chunli couldn't help but snorted when she thought of this.

The person who took over the designer's job was a ruthless person. He had the same goal as himself, which was to do his best to prevent YM from continuing to win.

The 8.9 version of the test server will be launched soon, which will definitely give them a surprise.

Sjokz on the LCSEU studio stage listened to Vincent's English translation, and then translated it into German for the audience.

She took advantage of the situation and asked her second question, "Do you think Dao Mei will become the most popular mid laner in this MSI?"

If this answer can deceive other participating teams, Lin Ran would like to use 'yes' as the answer.

But it is a pity that the coaching staff of other teams are not vegetarians. They must have done a lot of research on Dao Mei. Lin Ran can become the first hero to use Dao Mei in this MSI, mainly because he takes advantage of the schedule. I feel that BDD and caps will definitely use Irelia in the next games.

Seeing that he couldn't get any benefits from the interview, Lin Ran could only choose to answer truthfully.

"The limitations of the hero Dao Mei are still too obvious, and there is no way to enter the field in team battles..."

After hearing Lin Ran's answer, there were disturbing barrages in the LPL live broadcast room.

[Indeed, there is no way to enter the venue - I killed all five FW people]

Lin Ran also realized that his statement did not seem to be consistent with the performance in the previous game, and specifically added, "Of course, with the overwhelming equipment and level, as well as the double protection of Morgana and Karma, normal warrior heroes I can rush in like this."

"But if the team's economy is evenly balanced or only has a small advantage, Dao Mei will be very embarrassed. Unless she can make the disarming effect hit the enemy's back row, she will die quickly when she enters the battlefield," he commented pertinently. "This hero is easy to Winning the line does not win the game, just like Draven, so I don’t think the MSI Sword Girl’s pick rate will be particularly high this time.”

Sjokz listened to Vincent's translation for a long time, nodded to indicate that he understood, and translated the answer in fluent German.

"Last question," she raised her head slightly and looked up at Lin Ran, "in this mid-season championship, the European team FNC played very strongly. They completely crushed the TL team in the opening game..."

At this point, she was interrupted by loud cheers from several spectators.

The scene was like being detonated by the captain's powder keg. The audience kept shouting EU\u003eNA. At first, it was just a few people celebrating, but by the end, the whole venue joined in, and it was very rhythmic. Mixed with the dull slapping sound of the support stick.

In the Mouse Channel live broadcast room, the Europeans who could not reach the scene used various expressions to mercilessly ridicule the North American division.

The North American audience felt as if they had taken a bite of Lao Ba's secret recipe, their cheeks turned the color of pig liver. In the end, they were so helpless and furious that they went to TL's Twitter to curse.

Sjokz was very happy with the rhythm she drove. The corners of her mouth turned up with a bright smile, "How does Player Ran evaluate FNC's performance?"

The sentence structure is relatively simple. When Sjokz communicated with Vincent in English, Lin Ran understood the question.

He knew it in his heart.

Every time he went to a competition in the past two years, a bunch of people would come up to ask Lin Ran what he thought of the local teams or well-known players.

It seemed as if getting his praise was a special achievement.

However, Lin Ran would not be stingy with his words of praise most of the time. After all, he would not lose anything by praising his opponent.

"FNC is a long-standing and powerful team," Lin Ran pondered for two seconds to think of an answer. "They even won the S1 World Championship. Caps has grown a lot this year, and with the help of bwipo and rekkles, I think FNC will achieve good results in this mid-season."

Sjokz and the audience were quite satisfied with this, and there were long-lasting applause and cheers when Lin Ran left the stage.

Next up are KZ and EVS.

Khan's championship face reappeared, and he seemed to have won the game in advance.

The poor Vietnamese brothers have a gloomy face. Today is a devilish schedule for them.

After beating KZ, they will face YM later.

This is destined to be two tortures.

Sure enough, KZ completely defeated the Vietnamese team in the laning phase. Khan used Qinggang Shadow to complete three solo kills. BDD and Xuan Ming were also very successful. In the end, there was no room for Xiao Peanut to play - he Just brush the jungle and win.

Lin Ran was sitting in the backstage lounge and witnessed the entire process of this murder.

"This doesn't show anything at all!" Jack sighed.

As they expected, KZ will definitely not use any tactics in the game against EVS. It will just be a regular three-way crushing, and they can win by relying on their personal operation strength.

"The level of the Vietnamese team is a bit green." Guo Hao saw that the time had reached one o'clock at noon and felt a little hungry. "Shall we order something to eat?"

According to the schedule, YM's next game against the Vietnamese team is at 4 p.m. local time. If they play against a team of KZ's level, they will probably have to suffer some more pain in their stomachs and endure not eating to maintain the blood flow in their brains.

But this Vietnamese team seems to have lost its sights and is lying flat on its face, with little intention to resist.

In this case, it makes sense to have something to fill your stomach.

"Can I eat elbow?" When it came to dry rice, Jack changed his face at the speed of light and raised his hand to ask.

"Let's go tonight. If you order this thing as takeout, the taste will be too different." Guo Hao planned to go to Vincent and ask if there was a delivery number for the burger restaurant.

He ran back and asked the team members one by one what they wanted to eat. Lin Ran ordered a burger with white bread + ham beef patty and arugula, a glass of lemonade and a sweet potato fries. He felt that he could eat all the food in this set meal. accept.

"Lin Weixiang, what do you want to eat?" He raised his voice and asked Da Mei, but did not receive any reply.

Lin Ran had no choice but to cast his gaze over and found that Lin Weixiang, who had not played yet, was playing European server rankings on the computer and network provided by Riot Games. The big eyebrow wearing headphones was concentrating and his brows were lightly furrowed, looking very focused.

Lin Ran was very interested and wandered around like an old man walking in the park with his hands behind his back.

Lin Weixiang is playing Sword Girl.

After he witnessed Lin Ran using the redesigned Dao Mei to cut down the MVP, he also felt itchy.

Two minutes later, Da Mei complained dissatisfiedly, and finally watched helplessly as his main crystal shattered into pieces.

"These teammates in the European server are really cheating!" Lin Weixiang's face turned red with anger, "They can't even help them!"

Lin Ran remained silent.

If he hadn't seen the big eyebrow sword girl's final record of 0 kills and 10 deaths, he would have really believed Lin Weixiang's lies.

"Boxes, boxes, boxes..." Jack ordered two hamburger sets and ran over to join in the fun. Just before Lin Weixiang turned off the data panel after the game, he was caught by the Shiba Inu, and he immediately laughed.

"How can a person like you be called a teammate?" He said without mercy, "Brother Ran is a god and you are a ghost. You made the whole family laugh!"

"If I were your teammate, I could ping you to death!"

Lin Weixiang glanced at the Shiba Inu lightly, "What I'm angry about is 'My teammates can't lead me', not 'I can't lead my teammates'. Do you have a problem with your reading comprehension?"

Jack was stunned.

After recalling what Lin Weixiang said, it seems that there is nothing wrong with understanding it according to what he said.

But why is this guy so confident that he can't bring his teammates down 0/10 times?

At nearly two o'clock in the afternoon, the takeaways everyone ordered were finally delivered to their hands. Lin Ran took off the burger wrapper and filled his stomach while watching the game.

It has to be said that the burger tastes beyond his imagination.

The soft white bread is slightly sweet, and the arugula is slightly bitter but has a unique flavor. It is absolutely delicious when paired with juicy freshly fried beef patties and warm mayonnaise.

"This burger tastes great," Jack, an old foodie, also praised repeatedly, "the sweet potato fries taste good too!"

This was the first time Lin Ran ate fried sweet potato fries. He dipped some ketchup into his mouth and stuffed it into his mouth. As Jack said, it was indeed sweet, delicious and had a unique flavor.

Even Hongmi was full of praise for the taste of this burger. Seeing everyone's reaction, Guo Hao decided to include this store as a must-have takeaway store for this trip to Berlin, just in case.

In the next game, FNC easily defeated Flash Wolves, while TL lost to KZ.

These two games ended very quickly, which caused YM's game time to be greatly advanced.

In the rental house in Tongji Beiyuan, Shanghai, the crisp sound of typing on the keyboard suddenly stopped.

Su Cheng, who was sitting cross-legged on the chair, stretched out in an awkward manner.

The pajamas moved upward as the arms stretched, revealing the alluring white waistline.

She scanned the paper once and made sure the format and content were correct before sending it to the teacher's mailbox.

After completing her week's homework, she glanced at the time in the lower right corner of her computer. It was already 10 p.m. sharp.

As Germany implements daylight saving time in May, the time difference between the two places shrinks by one hour.

In other words, it is now exactly 4 pm in Berlin.

Su Cheng remembered her boyfriend's game schedule, which was the last game on the first day of MSI.

YM vs. EVS.

Although the Vietnam Division has been booming in the past two years, it is still a wild card division after all, and there is a huge gap in strength with teams like YM.

According to audience standards, if this game is delayed to 25 minutes, then YM can have a meeting at the e-sports forum tonight.

If YM loses, they will probably be beaten until the end of MSI. No matter how many fans they have, it won't work.

Su Cheng is very confident about her boyfriend's strength.

She was certain that YM would win this game, so she chose to open the live broadcast room before going to bed, preparing to watch the game to give herself a good dream.

Su Cheng ran to the bathroom to squeeze out toothpaste and returned to the bedroom while brushing her teeth, intending to see how BP was going.

As a result, she discovered that what was playing in the live broadcast room was actually the replay of the opening game between TL and FNC!

what's going on?

Is this the end of the fight?

Su Cheng frowned, holding a toothbrush in his mouth and hurried to the e-sports forum to read comments on current affairs.

There was quite a fuss.

The game lasted 15 minutes and 57 seconds, and the head ratio was 21:3.

The shark is crazy.

I'm moving today. I'm in my last year as a management trainee. I'm going to live in another city. I'm exhausted after I finish it. I'll make up for it tomorrow.

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