LOL: What is a roaming mid laner?

Chapter 466 464: Who was fooled?

"Congratulations to YM for winning their seventh victory!" Kris said that he was not sick this time and was much more normal. "It seems that the suspense of the battle for the top spot will really be left to the last match day of the group stage! "

Although FNC lost the game, they were not a little angry. Happy Hat was still discussing with Ou Cheng his handsome moves of Yasuo's seamless E.

Caps was so happy that his nasolabial folds were laughing.

It has to be said that the European and American teams are indeed much better than the East Asian teams in this regard, and the public opinion environment is much more relaxed.

The Berlin audience at the scene was still recalling the last game, and the 55-head brawl really fed them.

But it's really cool. When professional players give up their tactical skills and start showing off their operations, the spectacle is no worse than a rigorous and orderly operation.

The only person who was dissatisfied was Lin Ran at the contestants' table.

He looked at his 11/6/18 record and felt extremely upset.

Although there were many kills, KDA was lost!

Lin Ran's battle-to-loss ratio remained around 8 during the entire MSI group stage, which means that the average number of kills + assists was 8 times the number of deaths.

But in this big brawl against FNC, 6 deaths were enough to lower the battle loss ratio by several notches!

Lin Ran sighed, while Jack, who was sitting on his left, happily drank two sips of iced Coke.

Shiba Inu likes this kind of chaos. The more chaotic the fight, the happier he is.

It can only be said that the joys and sorrows of human beings are not the same.

However, as soon as he came off stage, he dialed Su Cheng's video call and tried to claim credit.

"Am I strong today, huh?"

Although the KDA of Lord of Shadow Stream in the last game was not high, Lin Ran successfully completed the solo kill of Caps and Rekkles, and his performance was not bad.

Su Cheng had no classes today and had nothing to do in her free time. She stayed at home and watched the whole day's game, and naturally also witnessed Lin Ran's outstanding performance.

When I heard my boyfriend's words at this time, I knew that he wanted to seek praise from me.

"It's just so so. You've lost too many people in this disaster." Su Cheng said what he meant.

Lin Ran looked at her with disgust, "Hey... Teacher Su, you are dishonest."

"Where is it?"

"Your ears are all red." Lin Ran hit the nail on the head.

"Really or not?" Su Cheng touched her ears subconsciously. How could she not know that she had this wonderful physical reaction when she lied?

"Of course it's fake," Lin Ran sat on a chair in the lounge, stuffing the mouse and keyboard into a backpack with the YM logo, "Quickly praise me."

"In Suzhou dialect." He added.

"Oh..." Su Cheng subconsciously refused, "Don't make trouble."

"Hurry up, hurry up," Lin Ran said reluctantly, "I didn't even mention you when you took a screenshot of my dark history video."

"Then put on your headphones." Su Cheng couldn't resist him, so she had to agree, her cheeks slightly drunk and her eyes looking around, trying to see if there was anyone else around Lin Ran.

She was about to speak when Vincent suddenly handed over a YM uniform, "Brother Ran, please sign this uniform. Caps wants to come over and exchange uniforms later."

"彳亍." Lin Ran took the marker and traced it on the back of the team uniform, and took out the earphone box from the side pocket of his backpack with his left hand.

Vincent met Su Cheng twice. He greeted her across the phone screen and left in a hurry to find the cameraman Yi Cun.

Su Cheng wanted to finish her sentence while her boyfriend's attention was not diverted, but as soon as she started speaking, Jack ran into the lounge after the interview, sat down and hugged Lin Ran.

"Brother Ran, what are you doing?"

As soon as he finished speaking, he saw Su Cheng with a red face on the screen of his mobile phone.

"Oh oh oh..." Jack crows like a rooster. Even if he is a light bulb, he realizes that something is wrong.

"You guys chat, I'm going to eat." Shiba Inu raised his butt and went to the table to find the burger he ordered.

"There's no one left now." Lin Ran was full of expectations.

Su Cheng was interrupted twice in a row, and now she felt regretful, "I won't say it anymore! There won't be this store after passing this village. The opportunity has been wasted!"

Lin Ran still wanted to persist, but Su Cheng successfully made him give up the idea by threatening to close the video.

"Wait until I go back to take care of you." Lin Ran was unhappy when he failed to achieve his goal.

Su Cheng suddenly became bolder when she saw that Lin Ran was wearing headphones and that the two of them were thousands of miles apart.

"Come on," she deliberately pinched her throat and spoke softly in Suzhou dialect, "Let's see who can deal with who."

Lin Ran's ears felt hot, and the soft tone seemed to be integrated into his body through the earphones, flowing along the blood to his limbs, making his whole body itchy and numb, as if there were ants crawling around.

His heart was struck by this sentence and he immediately pretended to be dead and remained silent.

"Eh?" Seeing Lin Ran on the screen motionless, Su Cheng thought the scene was frozen, "Is the network not good?"

"No, no, no," Lin Ran coughed, picked up a paper cup and poured ice water into his mouth, trying his best to prevent the redness at the base of his ears from spreading to his cheeks, "I was thinking about something just now."

" are you preparing for tomorrow's game against KZ?" Su Cheng asked for a topic.

"That must be no problem," Lin Ran finally came to his senses after talking about this, "KZ will be absolutely disgusted tomorrow."

He is full of confidence.

"Welcome back to the live broadcast on the last match day of the 2018 Mid-Season Invitational group stage. Hello everyone, I am Wawa!"

"Hello everyone, I'm Miller!"

In the heavyweight final battle, the commentator is naturally the inescapable doll Miller.

"The five group stage games played earlier today have been decided," the director gave out the group stage points at this time, and Wawa increased his speaking speed, "Flash Wolves and FNC ranked third and fourth, while TL and EVS have been declared eliminated. …”

"Elder brother is still miserable. He didn't advance again this year." Miller cheerfully teased an old acquaintance.

"It's a pity that we can only see our senior brother again on the stage of the S8 Global Finals," said the admirer, "Can he enter the World Championship?"

"Are you kidding me?" Miller cooperated with him very well, and arranged Doublelift clearly. "Elder brother may not be able to advance to the quarterfinals, but he will definitely be able to go to the World Championships!"

The doll was extremely happy, but after all, he had received professional training. No matter how funny it was, he would never laugh.

"Getting back to the subject, this final battle between YM and KZ will determine who will advance as the group leader and gain the right to select their semi-final opponents!"

There was no extra preparation time, and with a crisp sound, the BP screen suddenly appeared in front of the audience!

【Come on YM! 】

[Go, go, go, KZ is dead! 】

[ @YM-Homme, can you ban Xiao Huang Mao, Qiuli Cream]

The barrage is still cheering for YM who is far away in Berlin. The audience desperately needs this victory. Otherwise, YM will enter the knockout round with a record of being double-killed by KZ in the group stage. Their hearts will probably be half-hearted.

"KZ has the priority to choose the side in this game. It chose the blue side for itself. Come up and press down the Qinggang Shadow swinging in the middle first!"

And YM's next ban selection made fans breathe a sigh of relief!

"Ezreal!" Miller's tight back muscles suddenly relaxed, "Ban is so beautiful!"

Domestic audiences lamented that the YM coaching staff was finally no longer stubborn and their confidence in this final game was doubled!

KZ head coach Hirai thought for a moment and decided to send Luo to the ban position.

"YM backhandedly knocked down the Troll King," Miller analyzed. "It seems likely that he will choose Crow!"

KZ obviously didn't want to pick Swain on the blue side, and they didn't want to give this OP hero to YM, so they simply sent him to the last ban position in the first round.

"YM chose to ban Ryze," Wawa said immediately, "KZ got the powerful version of Kai'Sa in the first pick!"

Hongmi had already responded. He deliberately released the Daughter of the Void to the Rat King.

"Policewoman and Morgana!" The doll started yelling again, "YM is going to push early in the bottom lane!"

Miller Ying and his partner said, "You must know that Kai'Sa's early laning ability is several levels weaker than that of the policewoman. No matter what support is paired with it, Pray will not be very comfortable in this game!"

Hiari was pacing behind the players' table. If Hongmi deliberately let Kai'Sa choose the policewoman + Morgana's speed promotion system, then he did it deliberately knowing that YM would take the policewoman.

He is not stupid, and he was naturally well prepared before the game.

At present, every step of YM's BP is in his plan.

"Nanqiang and Yanque, KZ will show off the middle and jungle first!" Baby rubbed his chin, "This combination is very capable of pushing and supporting..."

When Hongmi saw Xiaohuatuan's choice, she couldn't help but smile crookedly, like a son-in-law to the Dragon King.

"Vampire!" Miller frowned slightly when he saw YM's last pick in the first round, "This should be for top laner Jin Gong, right?"

"After all, when KZ takes the lead on Rock Bird, it's not a good choice to move the vampire to the mid lane."

Hiari also thinks so. If Lin Ran uses Vladimir to face BDD's Rock Bird, he will basically be imprisoned under the tower in the middle, with no chance to fight back, and will be pushed to death by Taliya.

He took advantage of the gap between the second round of BP and KZ's turn to plan countermeasures on his notebook.

"Lulu, a soft assistant with both protection and offense, was first disabled by YM, and KZ blocked Mantis, which has strong offensive attributes..." Wataba completely recited the BP scene to the audience without any explanation or analysis.

However, Miller was used to it, and he smoothly added in the analysis that his partner had missed, "The mantis can mainly conduct ambushes and solo kills in the wild, which greatly limits the wandering ability of the rock bird!"

Especially after level 6, Mantis refreshes its passive with the help of its ultimate move, and can even kill Rock Bird instantly with a set of skills.

You must know that the casting range of Taliyah's level one ultimate move is only 3,000 yards, and there is no way to directly reach the two side roads from the middle. In other words, if the rock bird wants to swim up and down the two roads, it must pass through the wild area. Once the mantis catches If you seize the opportunity, you can complete the interception halfway.

"In the last ban position, YM disabled the glacier Thane used by Khan in the first confrontation, while KZ chose to block Lucian!"

This last ban position was purely added by Hiari's flexibility. He was afraid that Lin Ran would use such heroes with strong laning abilities to suppress BDD's roaming efficiency.

"If you have a chance, I'll get Jace for you, and you can suppress the vampire to death!" He patted Khan on the shoulder.

Khan also feels that he has a big stage in this game. Jess is his famous hero. In last summer season, he relied on the heavy artillery of Piltover's second battalion commander to destroy SKT.

If he was allowed to get Jace, Khan was confident that he would level Jin Gong's previous tower 10 minutes ago!

But Khan was destined to be disappointed in this round.

He's not the only one on both teams who is proficient in Jace!

The handsome Jace's avatar appears in Jack's hero selection box and is immediately locked!

"Jace!" Miller blurted out, "In this way, YM has basically determined its splitting situation. The vampire in the top lane will be paired with Jace in the middle!"

Everyone in KZ thought hard for a long time, and Khan was still discussing hero selection with the coach while holding Nuan Baobao.

Ornn is obviously not suitable. Uncle Sheep cannot stop the development of vampires at all, and the remaining captains are also characters countered by Vladimir...

"Jax, coach nim, do you think it's okay?"

Khan has spent a long time in his career in China, and his thinking has been somewhat affected. He has a lot of say in BP, and he can be regarded as one of the few alternative Korean players.

Hiari thought about it and felt that this was indeed a good choice.

"The last two choices of KZ were Feng Nu and Jax..." Miller hissed, "In my opinion, Jax is not good at fighting vampires, right?"

"Especially when Vampire brings Phase Rush, it's very easy to pull Jax away during the laning phase!"

"Huh?!" When Doll heard what his partner said, his first reaction was confusion, "Why do I think Jax is so good at fighting vampires?"

"In the laning phase, when the vampires have not yet made cooldown reduction equipment, the cooldown times of E [Counterattack Storm] and Q [Leap Slash] are much shorter than the blood pool," Wawa has his own understanding, "Jacques As soon as the skill CD is good, jump up and exchange blood, there is no way the vampire will win!"

[I didn’t expect to jump up directly and fight against the soldiers, right? 】

[That’s almost it. Vampires have a phase and aren’t they just pulling Jax? And the weapon master hasn’t replied yet. After two rounds of blood, the vampire still has half of his blood left, so you have to go back to the city]

[Except for Jax winning a one-on-one duel and a side-to-side lead in the middle and late stages, I can’t think of any other winning points! 】

The barrage has long been disgusted with the doll. They feel that this kind of bastard who can't even play 100 ranked games a year is not worthy of being a commentator. If you don't even understand the relationship between heroes and restraints, just don't go on stage to show your shame, okay?

But the point made by Wawa this time is really right.

In Khan's opinion, Jax does hold his own against vampires.

But the reason is different from what the doll said.

The method he mentioned is the method used by Jax to fight vampires in the patient bureau. All you need to do is face-attack without thinking. Anyway, the vampire in that segment will not be stuck in the blood pool for cooling, so it is very easy to kill.

If the level is slightly higher, vampires who can pull can easily attack Jax. They can use the movement speed provided by Phase Rush to keep their distance and use normal attacks. After spending two more waves, Jax will be unable to withstand it.

This is also the view of Miller and many barrages.

But Khan was already standing in the atmosphere.

The key to completing the pull in the early stage of the vampire is undoubtedly the talent [Phase Rush]. What Jax has to do is to prevent Vladimir from easily dealing three damage to obtain the acceleration effect.

When laning, what Jax avoids the most is that after being stuck in attack range by a vampire and hitting a basic attack in vain, he becomes angry and jumps over to exchange blood.

Because of this, Vladimir's Q + second E, combined with the previous basic attack, can deal three damage, successfully trigger the phase rush, and pull the blood to exchange Jax, which will undoubtedly fall behind, and the operation is almost even the blood pool. Can't force it out.

For a top professional player of Khan's level, the solution is simple:

Jax can either use E to jump up when the vampire is attacking him, or he can activate Counter Storm to exchange blood when the vampire's minion is frozen and stuck.

These two coping methods can prevent the vampire from dealing basic attack damage on Jax. Only the two small skills of QE obviously cannot trigger phase rush.

If it's a mid-range unit, it's okay. Vladimir can bring ignition, but if it doesn't work, he can also use summoner skills to phase.

But the vampire in the upper unit must be equipped with teleportation. The vampire is stuck in Jax's face and jumps in time, and the phase acceleration cannot be triggered by normal operations.

At this time, the vampire has only one way, to cross the blood pool, use the damage to phase, and avoid the dizziness of the counterattack storm.

But Vladimir, who has a healthy blood volume, will lose a lot of blood volume in vain when he surrenders the blood pool. After the blood pool recovers, his vacuum period will be 28 seconds, and Jax can play with him at will.

In short, it's the details that make vampires fight Jax.

Khan is obviously a professional player with this kind of operational ability.

However, the Haier brothers on the commentary desk obviously didn't understand the details. They insisted on their own opinions and said a few words to each other and stopped entangled on this issue.

"YM's last choice should be Xiaotian for the jungle position," Wawa looked forward to it. "Now that Troll is gone, should we choose Olaf?"

Miller was a little hesitant, "Olav is easy to pull when playing a male gun. There are too many walls in the wild area, and the male gun can use sliding steps to avoid pursuit, which makes Olaf look bulkier. "

At the players' table, Garlic Bastard was still discussing the choice of jungle hero with coach Hongmi.

"Blind monk, if KZ wants to hit the middle and jungle, then fight them!" The boy cracked his knuckles and made a clicking sound.

He was still suffocating in his heart. When the two teams met in the first round, the scene where he was chased and beaten by Khan's Glacier Thain Level 1 was still vivid in his mind.

He came here for revenge in this game.

"Blind Sin!" Seeing this choice, Wawa's eyes lit up, "This is going to be a head-to-head confrontation. YM and KZ will focus on the middle and jungle competition in this game!"

The lineups of both sides are confirmed.

Blue square KZ: top lane weapon master, jungler gunner, middle lane rock bird, bottom lane Kai'Sa + Feng Nu.

Red square YM: top lane vampire, jungler Lee Sin, mid laner Jace, bottom lane policewoman + Morgana.

"Except for the collision between the middle and jungle in the early stage, YM's lineup emphasizes the pace of advancement in the early and mid-term. Whether they can control the Rift Pioneer who was born in 10 minutes is the key to their victory in this round."

Miller was still analyzing the lineup in a serious manner, "KZ is more defensive in the early stage. After stabilizing the bottom lane and establishing an advantage in the middle and jungle, Khan can lead alone on the wing."

"Remember the tactics we talked about before the game, don't forget them."

Hiari and Hongmi, who were standing on both sides of the stage, emphasized this sentence. It was not until they heard that all the team members responded that they took off their headphones with confidence and satisfaction and went to shake hands with each other.

The camera focused on the two coaches in the center of the stage, and then the scene switched to include the entire LCSEU studio!

When the audience saw the camera pointed at them, they excitedly waved their support sticks and player support banners!

Although many Korean students came to the scene to cheer for KZ, YM's cheers still managed to overwhelm their opponents.

Excluding the already larger number of Chinese students, the local audience in Berlin also supports YM more. After all, with their familiar faces and excellent reputation, it is difficult not to attract fans from the outside.

Amidst the deafening cheers, Summoner's Rift descended!

Lin Ran used Phase Rush as usual in this round, and his summoner skill used Teleport instead of Ignite.

With runes that have no harmful ability and teleportation, Jace is harmless at first glance.

The main system of BDD's Rock Bird is Sorcery Alley, and the secondary system is Resolute's Bone Plating and Chrysalis.

The summoner skill is flash healing. Although the cooldown period of the healing spell has been increased by 30 seconds in version 8.6, there is really no other skill for the rock bird.

"YM teamed up to plan an invasion, and Liu Qingsong directly led the scan!"

In Summoner's Rift, Morgana turned on the Oracle Lens, clicked Q [Dark Imprisonment], and took the lead in rushing towards the KZ jungle.

"The first-level control ability here in KZ is not high, and the damage caused by the duel is not high. He should avoid the battle... The Rat King standing in the grass in the river has already seen Morgana!"

Pray ran back immediately. Liu Qingsong wanted to win the prize, but was twisted away by Kai'Sa's small movement!

"YM drives straight in and enters the lower half of KZ!"

When Little Peanut saw thieves entering his jungle area, he also started to shake people, "Don't give up your position to them so easily!"

In this game, Xuanming and Ming used Kai'Sa and Fengnu against the policewoman and Morgana.

Under normal circumstances, Jack and Liu Qingsong must have the line rights, and they will continue to press the line and push the tower.

If Little Peanut's lower half of the wild area is invaded, he will have to go to the upper half to open the jungle, and it will be difficult for Little Peanut to take care of the bottom lane duo until all the wild monsters are eaten in the first round.

Once you're beaten by two, it's over.

"KZ doesn't want YM to invade the wild area so easily. They are crouching in the grass next to their red buff camp, waiting for them to take the bait!"

Liu Qingsong and his teammates, seemingly intentionally or unintentionally, stepped on the trap set by KZ for them!

"The first-level battle between the two sides has begun!" Miller shouted loudly, "Morgana's skills will take a while to improve, so they will simply fight hand to hand!"

Although Grella used Q [Hurricane Roar] to blow up Jack and Jin Gong, the combat effectiveness of Jace's blind monk operated by Lin Ran and Garlic King Ba was really amazing in the first-level regiment, and the two sides were evenly matched.

"The remaining blood Jin Gong handed over the flash, and used the phase dash that he had previously played to speed up his escape!"

Liu Qingsong's Dark Imprisonment finally got better, and his skills were shot towards Khan who was at the front!

"Give me your flash!" he said fiercely as he tore the wound.

Khan has handed over Counterattack Storm before, and he also knows that he must not take this control, otherwise he will definitely give it here.

"Khan also flashed and escaped. The top laners of both sides handed over their escape skills to each other. KZ gave up its plan to defend its red BUFF and let the little peanut blue BUFF open!"

"Will this flash trigger any chain reaction..." Miller said worriedly.

The players standing in YM and KZ all laughed, and even the coaching staff of both teams in the lounge looked relaxed.

They feel that their tactical arrangements have been perfectly executed by the players.

Please give me a monthly pass...Brothers who are taking the college entrance examination, come on tomorrow

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