LOL: What is a roaming mid laner?

Chapter 477 475: The curtain is lifted!

I remember taking over the work of my partner, "The FNC duo first ran to the lower river channel, trying to occupy the Scorpion's crystal spire, while the YM guys headed to the upper river channel. Both sides got along well, and neither of them had any plans to fight for the first-level group!" "

Despite this, YM and FNC still placed wards in the opponent's jungle area, trying to lock the jungler's opening route with just a little effort.

"Xiao Wei's Scorpion is brushed all the way up from Lankai. With the help of teammates in the bottom lane, the jungle brushing efficiency will be faster."

Caps' jewelry focus was on the YM blue zone, and Broxah directly saw the Garlic Bastard's opening route.

He thought for a moment and quickly ran to his red buff camp. Although the position was not exposed, YM saw the empty FNC blue buff camp and could guess that the trolls were attacking from the lower half.

"It seems that Broxah is still thinking of rebelling against the jungle," Zhuo Ding guessed, "He and Xiaoyao will go up together. If there is a chance, they will invade. If there is no chance, they will take advantage of the situation and take advantage of the wave."

Zeyuan was still hiding from the limelight. He planned to pretend to be a quail and keep silent for these two minutes.

"With this FNC lineup, until Yasuo reaches level 6, he can only help the top laner to catch people," I remember saying. "After all, there is no hard control in the middle and bottom lanes, and their combat effectiveness is not strong."

Caps left the middle defense tower with the troops, but Lin Ran was at the front, and the sharp blade in Nightmare's hand was ready to move.

He could only take two steps forward to see if there was a chance to use Q [Steel Flash] to poke and exchange blood.

But Lin Ran's positioning has no flaws. Although he is a mid laner who uses long-handed mage most of the time, his distance control of melee heroes is still at the top level in the world.

Caps gave up the idea after two small moves back and forth.

Moreover, Lin Ran did not use the passive slash of [Shadow Blade], but kept it in his hand. Caps did not dare to step forward to fight with him.

This allowed Nightmare to take the lead in the middle. Lin Ran took this opportunity to force Caps out of the handover position little by little, and stood next to the three FNC melee soldiers as a deterrent.

It wasn't until the three melee soldiers turned to blood that Lin Ran struck out with the Shadow Blade and killed the soldiers.

Caps took the opportunity to step forward and hit the last hit with Steel Cut, while Lin Ran threw out Q [Nightmare Path], shattering Yasuo's shield while moving on the shadow path, using the acceleration effect to pursue him.

"Yasuo doesn't dare to fight against Nightmare. He has no chance of winning at this time and can only be chased by Brother Ran!"

Level 1 Q [Nightmare Path] can provide Nocturne with 20 points of attack power. This damage increase is much higher than that of Conqueror. Coupled with the attack speed bonus of Fatal Rhythm, Caps will only have water in his head. Lin Ran beat.

Lin Ran stepped forward and struck twice before retreating. Caps took advantage of the gap between Nightmare's departure and stabbed him with Zhan Steel Flash.

But in terms of blood volume, Yasuo still loses.

Caps frowned and clicked his tongue.

This familiar feeling of oppression came to my mind again.

In his opinion, Lin Ran is very good at using the heroes and the team's strong periods to accumulate advantages, and he can attack and defend properly without being too reckless or too cautious.

The timing of every blood change and control was just right. Caps found that he couldn't find Lin Ran's flaw at all, which made him even more irritated.

Now, in order to make up for the three minions, he had to pay more than a hundred blood points.

It doesn't seem like much, but if you accumulate it bit by bit, a long stream of water can be enough to change the situation of the battle.

He suffered a lot against Lin Ran in the first two games. Caps was a little timid under the high pressure. He thought for a moment and chose to take two steps back.

"Caps is very far back," Zhuo Ding looked at Yasuo's position in the middle, then observed the army line and jungle movements, and immediately came to a conclusion, "Yasuo took two steps back, and the lane is over. "

The knight's words were so shocking that Zeyuan didn't care to continue practicing the closed-mouth meditation. He widened his eyes and made a confused voice:


I remember having a reaction with my partner, and the barrage in the live broadcast room was full of question marks.

[This sentence seems familiar]

[Dopa, get out from under the table quickly! 】

[Have you started K night too? 】

[The little murloc hit the minion, and the match is over.JPG]

Zhuo Ding saw the reactions of his two commentary partners and immediately patiently explained, "Yasuo's retreating means giving up the second position based on his range."

"The Nightmare's level 2 combat power still crushes Yasuo. W [Dark Asylum] can not only block Steel Flash, but also increase his attack speed." He tried to speak clearly, "At that time, Yasuo will completely lose his line. Quan, Brother Ran just needs to wait until the artillery soldiers arrive in the middle, and then push forward the Caps defense tower."

I remember that my eyes were shining, and I took up Knight's topic and continued, "When the artillery soldiers enter the tower, Brother Ran can roam in the jungle, but Caps can only bind spirits in the middle!"

"That's right," Zhuo Ding agreed, "and too many minions poured into the FNC middle tower. Even with Yasuo's troop clearing efficiency, it would be difficult to clear them out before the next wave of troops arrives."

Zeyuan also came to his senses, "In this way, a wave of pushback lines from Brother Ran will be formed!"

"Once the pushback line is formed, Yasuo can't solve it by himself... As long as he crosses the middle line, he will be chased by Nightmare," Zhuo Ding had a clear idea. "The only way is to shake the jungler to help."

"Broxah's position is exposed in the middle, and YM will find another opportunity to attack!" He stayed with Lin Ran and the others for a long time, and knew that YM would definitely seize the opponent's sore spot and hit hard.

The two steps taken by the Caps to ensure their status have completely changed the situation.

Remember to digest all this information, and then asked Zhuo Ding a new question, "If you were Caps, how would you respond?"

He feels that as a professional player, Knight may not necessarily be better than Caps, but he should have his own way of dealing with it.

What's more, they are still from God's perspective, and they will definitely get more ideas, and they will be more sound and complete.

Zhuo Ding blurted out, "If it were me, it would be a good choice to use my body to sell blood and block lines. I would pay some blood to clear out the minions, so that Nightmare could not smoothly hoard a large wave of soldiers to come in. After all, Yasuo fights heroes like Nightmare. It is most comfortable to place the handover position in front of your own tower..."

The sound stopped suddenly.

Before, Knight was condescending and thought while standing on the OB screen in full-picture mode, but when he put himself in Caps's shoes, he found that his previous theory didn't work!

Would someone like Caps not know how Yasuo can fight Nightmare more comfortably?

Even if Nocturne appears very rarely in the middle and he has not undergone targeted training, he can still respond by thinking of replacing Nightmare with a melee hero such as Crocodile.

Pull the minion to transfer the position, but not too much, only a little.

The minions are close to their side but do not enter the tower. This is Yasuo's favorite position of the minions.

A happy old man like Caps must know this.

As Zhuo Ding said before, Yasuo, who is at a disadvantage in the line, has to pay a certain amount of blood if he wants to hold the line.

You must know that Yasuo is not the kind of mage with the ability to clear the line explosively. If you want to pull the line, you must keep stepping forward and use Steel Flash to output.

This gives Nightmare the opportunity to exchange blood frequently for consumption.

And Caps is indeed unlikely to be single-killed by Nightmare with Purification.

But when Lin Ran saw Yasuo pulling the string, would he choose to fight to the end?

Nightmare has a certain advantage in the early stage. If the minions and Yasuo fight each other, there is a high probability that both sides will lose.

The key to the problem is that Lin Ran holds teleportation, and Caps holds purification!

Lin Ran returns to the city to replenish supplies. When he has full health again, what will happen when he faces Yasuo who is still at low health?

Not only will the army line be pushed into the tower, but the wild area will also be lost!

Zhuo Ding found that his method of exchanging blood volume to pull the string was completely unrealistic. Lin Ran must know how to deal with it.

And Caps also knows that Lin Ran knows how to deal with Yasuo's string...

That's why he chose to take two steps back to give up his position.

Zhuo Ding's brain was working very fast. Although he scored 100 points in 7 subjects in the high school entrance examination, he was really smart in League of Legends.

After simulating several processing methods in my mind, if I think about it carefully, Caps' approach is already the optimal solution for Yasuo.

Although the lane control will be completely handed over to Nightmare, the advantage is that it still has a certain degree of autonomy, its health is still healthy, and it still has enough energy to protect the jungle.

But even if it is handled in this way, it is still impossible to avoid the disadvantages of the online and jungle areas.

Knight bit his lip, feeling his scalp numb.

The battlefield situation changes rapidly. In most cases, players only have one chance to think, and there is no chance to review the situation from a God's perspective like Knight.

Zhuo Ding realized that he still had a lot of room for growth.

To put it in terms of low emotional intelligence, he is too good at it.

If he goes on the field to operate, no matter whether he faces Caps or Lin Ran, he will only be beaten.

Remembering that he didn't know what kind of psychological changes had happened to Zhuo Ding just now, he focused his attention on the Summoner's Canyon, "Brother Ran has indeed hoarded his troops and is preparing to wait for the artillery truck to arrive before pushing into the tower!"

Caps chattered endlessly in the FNC voice, and was still discussing with his teammates how to deal with the middle line of troops.

"I'll help you pull the string when I reach level 3. Just hold on!" Broxah proposed a solution. He gave up the idea of ​​​​invading or grabbing the top lane, and instead planned to go to the middle lane.

"Troll Punishment has eaten up the blue BUFF, upgraded to level 3 and rushed to the middle..." I remember hissing, "But it seems a little late, Brother Ran has already eaten the cannon truck, and the army line is advancing towards Yasuo Tower! "

Lin Ran started to clear the line quickly when the artillery soldiers arrived in the middle. Q [Nightmare Path] combined with the passive attack speed provided by W Dark Shelter, coupled with the range damage of the passive Shadow Blade, Nightmare's ability to push the line is terrifying. .

During this period, Caps wanted to step forward and block him with his body, but this strengthened Lin Ran's idea of ​​pushing the lane. He believed that the opponent had reinforcements and would rush to the middle to help, so he hurriedly cleared the minions with Yasuo's output.

At this time, the soldiers on the YM side had already gathered up. When Caps stepped forward to stop him, the soldiers concentrated fire for a round, and he lost a hundred health points.

He knew that blocking the line was no longer realistic - now Yasuo couldn't even defeat this group of minions, and running around in the pile of minions was looking for death.

"Retreat, retreat, help the barrel!" Caps said as he put out a warning signal at the troll's feet, trying to persuade his jungler to retreat.

As soon as Broxah reached the three-way intersection between the blue zone and the middle lane, he saw piles of YM soldiers rushing into the middle defense tower with irreversible momentum, and he immediately changed direction and rushed to the top lane.

"The nightmare is also going up..." The director suddenly zoomed out and noticed that there was an extra character at the edge of the camera!

"The scorpion is coming quickly with the speed of the crystal spire at the upper river!" He spoke faster, "YM Nakano wants to attack Broxah!"

Crystal Pioneer Skarner's early jungle clearing efficiency is very fast. Xiaoyao has successively eaten three groups of wild monsters: blue BUFF, sharp-beaked bird and red BUFF. He has made full use of the two crystal spiers in the upper and lower half areas, which is faster than the troll in the early stage. 3 needs to be done faster.

Now he got Lin Ran's tip and rushed to invade the top half of FNC.

"The troll was discovered by Brother Ran!" Zeyuan shouted loudly, as if he wanted to provide some strength to YM in this way.

Broxah is not stupid. When he saw that Nightmare dared to come to him alone, he knew that things were definitely not that simple.

He concluded that there must be someone behind Lin Ran.

At this time, Caps in the middle is still clearing out minions under the tower and cannot come over to help him.

Broxah didn't want to have a meaningless conflict with the opponent, so he directly wanted to use the exploding cones between the blue buff and the three wolves' camp to retreat.

But with a flash of golden light, Nightmare rushed directly in front of him!

E [Silent Fear] + Q [Nightmare Path]!

This extremely decisive operation made Broxah panic.

He wanted to use E [Pillar of Ice] to get stuck between himself and the nightmare, but at the intersection of the river and the upper half of his house, a scorpion Lailai suddenly jumped out!

"Two seconds are about to pass and the troll is about to fall into fear!"

Broxah knew he had no time to hesitate. He had to make a decision quickly. If Nightmare stayed here and cooperated with Scorpion's E [Crystal Shatter], he might have to give out first blood.

"The troll used Flash to distance himself, swung his big stick to hit the exploding cones, and successfully moved over the wall and entered the three wolves' camp!" I remember feeling a little regretful, "What a pity, Broxah lost his skill when switching from Flash to Flash."

Zhuo Ding regained his composure and said now, "But this way, it will be difficult for the troll to launch an offensive on the top lane. His position has been firmly locked by YM."

Caps also took advantage of his jungler being forced to dodge to clear out the minions under the tower.

Waiting for him will be a wave of slowly advancing troops.

Troll quickly found a new job - protecting the mid laner's line of troops as he pushed forward.

"Broxah finished eating the three wolves, then turned to the middle to back up Yasuo!"

Feng Nan was protected by his teammates, and his actions became more and more arrogant. He was very happy to rush back and forth among the soldiers, and quickly pushed the army line across the river.

Lin Ran wanted to use Q [Nightmare Path] to reduce the health of the minions, but was blocked by Yasuo's wind wall.

The fifth wave of minions arrived at the critical moment, blocking the troops from advancing towards Lin Ran Tower. Broxah quickly used basic attacks to help advance in order not to affect his jungle farming rhythm.

"What are you doing, Xiaoyao?" Zeyuan's voice revealed a bit of nervousness.

Crystal Pioneer Skarner is now hiding in the gap between the YM Square Sharpbill Camp and the grass on the middle road, blocking the FNC soldiers' vision and not being discovered by the opponent!

When the Troll King took a step forward and planned to attack YM's back row long-range soldiers, Garlic Bastard suddenly activated his W Crystal Scorpion Armor, gained a layer of shield and acceleration effect, and appeared in front of the FNC midfielder!

"Brother Ran hands over E [Silent Fear] again to keep the troll!"

Nocturne threw a Shadow Blade, forming a shadow path. This time, without the obstruction of the wind wall, the Nightmare Path not only hit the troll, but also easily passed through the line of soldiers, harvesting several minions with residual health.

"The nightmare uses the shadow path to accelerate, keeping the troll within the range of silent fear!"

Broxah panicked.

He didn't expect that his opponent would actually focus on the troll like him.

Doesn't this mean that Yasuo's hatred value is higher?

"The King of Trolls who did not flash was kept in place by Brother Ran's fear!" Zeyuan instantly changed from silent words to roaring Tianzun, "Scorpion flashed forward, E [Crystal Shatter] hit broxah!"

"Yasuo had accumulated a gust of wind and wanted to help the troll stop the enemy," he remembered, raising his voice like his partner, "but Nightmare's W [Dark Asylum] blocked the knockback!"

Moreover, after the nightmare magic shield blocked the skill, it also received an additional benefit of doubling the passive attack speed. At this moment, it kept swinging the blade to slash the troll in conjunction with the deadly rhythm!

Caps didn't dare to step forward, for fear of being involved - mainly because there were no soldiers from the YM side to move him, and Yasuo was not very flexible. Once he was stuck by Scorpion's red BUFF, he would probably have to hand over the purification.

"The scorpion triggered the crystal poison, knocked the troll unconscious in place, and used Q [Crystal Sweep] to deal damage!"

Broxah was reduced to residual blood, and Lin Ran took his life with a knife!

"First blood is born!" I remember clenching my fists fiercely and shouting amidst the continuous excited cheers of YM fans in the audience: "In the early stage, Nightmare relied on its lane advantage to force out the troll's flash, and now it has paid off. !”

Caps clicked his tongue. Although the army line was pushed in, the nightmare that got the first blood bounty would obviously put more pressure on him later.

What's more important is that the troll also has double BUFFs on his head!

How to play this?

The director's camera suddenly switched to the top lane, where Jin Gong was chasing Bwipo and beating him up!

"What's going on?!" Zeyuan's sharp voice echoed through the receiver in the event live broadcast room, "Rize wants to eat the wine barrel alone!"

Whitebeard Ryze's pursuit ability is very fierce after triggering the phase rush. He uses the two small skills of WE to reset the Q [Overload] cooling time mechanism, pouring out his remaining mana and turning it into arcane energy. On the barrel!

"Bwipo's health has been reduced. He used meat, eggs, onions and chickens to move towards his defense tower and at the same time threw a rolling wine barrel..."

Gragas in Summoner's Rift played a fadeaway jumper, hoping to slow down Ryze and complete his escape.

But the golden light flashed, and the rune mage's old body suddenly appeared in front of him, blocking the meat, eggs, onions and chickens!

"Jin Gong flashed and blocked the escape route of the wine barrel!" I remember glancing at Ryze's status bar in the lower left corner during my busy schedule and found that W [Rune Imprisonment] was about to turn around, "Bwipo is gone!"

Jiugong found that his retreat was blocked by someone, and wanted to escape with a flash, but the 400-yard displacement distance was too short. Jin Gong easily caught up with him. EW locked him in place, overloaded him with an understated basic attack, and cleared the air. The blood tank of the wine barrel!

"Single kill in the matchup!" I remember being excited, "Do you like to play non-mainstream top laners? Do you like to use wine barrels?"

There was also a slight fluctuation in Zhuo Ding's voice. It was not that Jin Gong's single kill was unexpected, but that YM had taken two heads in a row. He felt that he could get the money in advance and leave work:

"The main reason is that Broxah's route of action was interfered with. He wanted to go to the road before, but Brother Ran flashed him in the jungle first, and then he was forced to go to the middle to help Caps deal with the army line. He would definitely be forced to stock the wine barrel by Rui. This is torture!”

This version of Ryze triggers two layers of rune marks to provide a very thick shield. Facing a non-warrior melee hero like Barrel, he is a naked blood exchange machine. Gragas is just drunk and does not attack lightly or hard. , nor is it a match for the Rune Mage.

"You mean Brother Ran is responsible for 1/3 of this wave of solo kills on the road?" Zhuo Ding was confused by Zeyuan's question in just one sentence.

Knight didn't feel much about this solo kill, but the YM team's voice sounded as happy as the New Year.

"Something's wrong, Brother Xiba!" Lin Ran, who was still clearing troops under the middle tower, watched the whole process of Jin Gong's solo kill and joked cheerfully, "I suggest you take a urine test!"

"It turns out that this stimulant is full of urine." Garlic Bastard said in a weak tone while brushing FNC's sharp beak.

"Don't be disgusting," Jin Gong said after pushing the army line and chose to return to the city, "What's wrong with me killing others alone?"

Jack, who was still replenishing his lane and developing in the bottom lane, used a hypnotic trick, "Jin Gong, you are the best top laner in the world!"

"Damn it, don't say that," the Xiba man trembled, "I can't bear it. I can't bear it."

"I said you are the one you are!" The Shiba Inu danced its paws with a boldness that scolded Fang Qiu.

"That's right, that's right..." Lin Ran's tone was perfunctory. After getting double BUFF, he still pushed the lane in the middle. Now Nightmare doesn't have to worry about the recovery problem. He can use his skills casually, but Yasuo can't bear it at all.

It wasn't until he cleared the eighth wave of soldiers at 5 minutes and 7 seconds, and inserted an ornamental eye near the midline, that he brought the topic to the right track, "Xiaotian, I will kill you for a set of F6."

"Give you F6? Can I stuff your head into the toilet?" The boy was very dissatisfied. The big bird in F6 is the lifeblood of every jungler. How can he give it away so easily?

"I just want to inform you, and I have no intention of discussing it with you." Lin Ran retreated directly behind the tower, took a detour to his own Sharpbill camp, used his passive and Q [Nightmare Path] to quickly clean up F6, and then immediately returned city.

Zhuo Ding on the commentary desk was the first to discover Hua Dian, "Huh? Brother Ran secretly ate this group of wild monsters and rose to level 6!"

Originally, there was no way for a single-player line with 8 waves of soldiers to reach level 6, even if it took all the experience of the minions.

Although Lin Ran had gained the experience of Broxah's first-blood kill before, he was also divided up by Xiaoyao who came to gank a lot of minions at that time, and his experience was still a little short of reaching level 6.

However, Lin Ran made a prompt decision and chose to clear the line of troops, bypassing the FNC's field of view and brushing his own F6, and upgraded to level 6 in advance.

"Poor Caps thought Brother Ran was only level 5!" Zeyuan noticed that Yasuo was still happily clearing minions in the middle, and he was overjoyed. "He has no idea what he will face later!"

European commentator Deficio also discovered that Nightmare was promoted to 6 ahead of schedule. At this time, he sounded desperate, "Caps, run!"

FNC fans in the audience also screamed.

From God's perspective, they clearly know who YM is targeting!

But Caps still wants to push the middle wave of artillery troops into the tower quickly. He still thinks that Lin Ran's behavior of returning to the city in front of the artillery car just now is nothing to be wary of. After all, this is also a regular supply time point.

Lin Ran took out a sawed dagger and a pair of straw sandals, and used the remaining gold coins to buy the real eye.

When he arrived at a position not far from one of his own towers, Caps had already cleaned up all the minions and was preparing to return to the city to resupply equipment.

Even though all the soldiers were killed, Lin Ran's line of sight was still working diligently to provide him with Yasuo's vision!

"Get ready to freeze your hands! Prepare to freeze your hands!" Lin Ran confirmed that Yasuo was within the range of his ultimate move and immediately called Xiaoyao.


Lift the curtain!

The deep murmurs of the ancient war spirit Noman Teng spread throughout the Summoner's Rift.

The sky darkened instantly!

Caps was shocked when he saw his vision shrinking instantly.

After a brief moment of surprise, he already figured out how Lin Ran reached level 6.

But a scarlet wolf head mark suddenly appeared above his head!

The unique predator sound effects echo in Caps’ ears!

"Scorpion Lailai returned to the city and bought a pair of shoes. Now he rushes to the middle lane and is ready to attack Yasuo!"

Caps glanced this way and that, trying to catch traces of the nightmare from his teammates' monitors. He had the utmost hope and prayed that Lin Ran wouldn't do anything to him.

But he will eventually be disappointed.

Thanks to the predator's movement speed, Scorpion ran very fast. It wasn't until Xiaoyao walked up to Caps' face that his field of vision shrunk so much that he realized there was an extra person on his face!

"Crystal shattering combined with basic attacks to knock out Yasuo, Brother Ran flew over!"

Nocturne broke free from the shackles of the spiritual world and rushed to Yasuo's face to plant a nightmare in him!

"Where are your teammates? Where are your teammates?" Caps yelled, "Help!"

"I can't teleport!" Bwipo was also very anxious. He held the teleport in his hand but couldn't use it.

"Yasuo used purification to relieve the fear of nightmares, handed over Flash and still wanted to run away..."

But there was no army line around to give him E. Lin Ran used Shadow Path's acceleration to step forward and take away Yasuo's head with a knife!

"Another linkage from YM's midfielder!" Zeyuan raised his arms and shouted, "FNC is showing signs of collapse!"

The director switched the camera and found that the wine barrel on the road was being beaten by Ryze again!

"Nightmare deceived the wine barrel pushing the line when he turned it up. Brother Gongzi relied on his vision of turning off the lights to bully others, making Bwipo think that Nightmare was going to fly him!"

The innocent Bwipo ran away in a hurry. It wasn't until he heard the reminder from his mid laner Caps that he realized that the nightmare was in the middle!

I remember keeping my eyes fixed on Gragas, "Barrel reacted and wanted to turn around and fight back, but he didn't have much health left!"

Bwipo became angry and felt that his intelligence had been insulted.

But there was nothing he could do.

In order to make up for the team's scarce spell damage, he was forced to use magic-powerful equipment. Now his body was so brittle that he couldn't stand being chased by Ryze for two sets.

"Jiugong is totally puffy!" Zeyuan shouted loudly, "Jin Gong wants to complete his second solo kill of this game!"

With the overloaded precise hit, the wine barrel fell to the ground with regret!

"It's collapsed, it's collapsed," Zhuo Ding glanced at the economic panel, "Zero to two was beaten like this. There is basically no possibility of a comeback."

In 10 minutes, YM expanded its advantage to 3k!

"FNC was defeated like a mountain. They seem to have lost their fighting spirit!" Zeyuan's tone was full of pride.

The European commentator Deficio is still encouraging FNC players to continue fighting, "There is still a glimmer of hope, don't give up!"

However, the FNC players fighting on their own are like a piece of scattered sand, and the well-trained YM keeps picking up singles and rolling the snowball.

After Lin Ran came out with the Boots of Mingming, with Youmeng, Blue BUFF and Ultimate Hunter, his ultimate CD was reduced to the extreme!

Every minute, the sky in Summoner's Rift darkens, and with it comes a human head.

In 17 minutes, the economic gap between the two sides went straight to 8K!

The LPL commentary station and live broadcast room audience are already celebrating YM's early entry into the finals.

Ou Cheng is still farming money in the bottom lane. His game is quite stable, and his data is still 0/0/0.

Lin Ran felt that ADC's zero death was a humiliation to himself as an assassin.

He snatched FNC's red BUFF, then left a ward position and counted down the seconds to return to the city to replenish equipment.

And this scene happened to be caught by Ou Cheng's far-sighted transformation.

When he saw Lin Ran leaving, he felt a little relieved. He felt that his life would not be in danger in a short time, so he simply left the high ground and continued to make money.

He just wants to wait until 20 minutes, and when YM wins the baron, he can end the game.

As soon as he walked down the high ground and began to brush the cannons and soldiers, the sky in the Summoner's Rift suddenly turned dark!

what's going on?

Pressed the wrong skill?

This was Ou Cheng's first reaction.

He saw with his own eyes that Lin Ran had returned to the city to replenish supplies, and Nightmare's ultimate move was not all about flying around the map. Rekkles clearly remembered that his teammates were staying safe in their own jungle areas. Who could Lin Ran fly to?

But 4 seconds later, the terrifying eternal nightmare appeared on his face!

"What the f..." He almost threw the mouse!

"My old swan!" I remember shouting angrily, "Brother Ran, this is R+TP! Turn off the lights first and then teleport. In this way, you can achieve your full map attack!"

"Ou Cheng had no idea that Nightmare would actually teleport to the ward in the FNC red zone, and he was caught unawares!"

However, although Ou Cheng was shocked, he still reacted very quickly. He operated Sivir to open the magic shield to block the skill.

But before Lin Ran's ultimate move, Ghost Shadow, flew heavily into Ou Cheng's face, he threw Q [Nightmare Path] in the air!

"Sivir blocked the Q skill, but still took the damage from the ultimate move!"

This is Nightmare's regular combo of seconds after landing. The ultimate move is in the air and Q is activated, which can shorten the time for the explosion.

Moreover, level five Nightmare Path can provide Nocturne with 60 attack points, and casting Q in the air can also increase the damage of Nightmare's ultimate move.

After landing, Lin Ran struck out passively with a knife, and combined with the damage done by the curtain blade just now, most of Sivir's health bar disappeared in an instant!

"Ou Cheng used his ultimate move to flash and heal and wanted to escape, but he was kept in place by the fear effect!"

Lin Ran took his life away with two swords!

"Still want to protect KDA? Dream on, brother." He sneered dismissively.

The audience in the event live broadcast room felt extremely strange when they saw Lin Ran teleporting from the spring water and instantly losing Sivir.

[This R+ teleportation slips! 】

[I’ve given up studying, I’m going to start ranking tonight]

[Don’t go, you can’t beat Yasuo]

[Hey, dear, is there still such an operation? Are you trying to support the whole map by playing Nightmare? 】

In 22 minutes, YM successfully captured the Baron, and with the help of the BUFF provided by Baron Nash, they pushed FNC to the high ground!

In the team battle that broke out before the Incisor Tower, FNC played 2 for 5. After being wiped out by the team, they watched helplessly as their opponents flattened their main crystal!

The final starts tomorrow

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