LOL: What is a roaming mid laner?

Chapter 480 478: Precise barrage!

Miller's surprise was palpable, "Lock EZ in seconds?!"

After the broadcast, there were still incredible exclamations from the audience, which proved that the audience, like Miller, did not expect YM to choose this hero for Jack!

"Ouch, Jack's EZ feels unstable!" The doll was very anxious, "It's not as stable as Kai'Sa!"

The barrage was also very dissatisfied with YM's EZ. Jack Ezreal's classic sudden death was still vivid in his mind. During this period, all the major e-sports forums were talking about his hero pool. Unexpectedly, in the first game of today's finals, Lock EZ directly!

[Oops, it’s not like Jack has been surfing for the past two days and found that everyone is scolding him for being an EZ. He has to prove himself in this game, right? 】

[The key here is, don’t cause trouble! 】

[It’s over, it’s over (makes the voice of Brother Ba)]

[Why are you always thinking about that BEZ? 】

[In the front, there is Dabuliucha to add C to AD, and in the back, there is Jack to add B to EZ? 】

Hiari, who was standing behind the KZ player bench, was stunned for a moment. When he was drafting, he had thought that YM would pick Ezreal, so he specifically left an escape route for himself in the last ban.

But you are too decisive to lock it in seconds, right?

Hiari suddenly felt uneasy and felt uneasy all over.

Is there something wrong?

His Adam's apple rolled, remembering that last night, BDD was ranked in a game of Jack in the European Server Ranking. At that time, Ezreal's mid-term face-jumping death technique made him eat two big bowls of rice.

Jack's EZ has never improved much. This is a fact that everyone generally agrees on. When he didn't come to Paris before, he practiced 39 games in 5 days. From the end of the group stage to now, he only played two or three EZ games every day. This is obviously starting to fail. .

In addition, during this period of time, YM interviews were all smoke bombs. Although Hiari did not pay too much attention to these contents, in addition to the KZ training department, there were also Korean reporters and LCK employees who went to Paris with the team!

Thinking of the interview content that these people had passed down from mouth to mouth, Hiari calmed down a lot and arranged for the team members to select Crow and Kalma according to the plan.

On the commentary table, Miller looked at the heroes appearing on the BP panel and continued to analyze, "YM chose to take out Olaf and Tahm Kench. It seems that Ezreal is really going to be the core!"

He and Wawa Changmao looked at each other. Although they felt something was wrong in their hearts, they still did not say these demoralizing words in the face of a powerful enemy.

"KZ's third choice was Kai'Sa for Pray...Why do I think Karma won't be used by Grella?" Changmao's voice was very flat when he spoke. One or two words were okay, but every time All this will only make the audience feel dull and lack passion.

Wawa also agreed, "Yes, and there is a very strange statistic - since entering the mid-season championship, Grella has never used Karma, and only BDD has used this hero in the KZ team!"

"This is understandable," he explained immediately. "After all, KZ's bottom lane is not for suppression. Most of the time, it is connected in the bottom lane. If Kalma is used purely for defense, the effect will not be as good as Bu's. Heroes like Long and Feng Nu.”

"It can be said that once Karma shows up, he can only swing in the middle and upper lane, and will not be placed in the bottom lane!" Wawa felt that he had the data in hand, and he had the world, and he was very sure at this time.

In the second round of BP, both sides found the positions that their opponents had not chosen yet and targeted them.

KZ disabled Rambo and Jayce, two swing positions often used by YM; Redmi also seemed to think that Karma would not be used by Grilla. He first pressed down the auxiliary Braum, and then disabled Kindred. Prevent Peanut from using this extremely flexible hero to drag down Xiaotian in the jungle.

"Little Peanut was targeted, and the three heroes Turtle, Gunslinger, Troll, and Kindred were all blocked by YM!" Miller lamented.

"KZ first determines the jungle position... Scorpion? This can be considered the best solution at present," Watana said. "Currently, there are not many choices left for Peanut, and there is no easy choice to beat Olaf. "

Hiari frowned.

He knew he was being tricked.

After YM grabbed EZ, he wanted to ensure that Crow could enter the field smoothly in the team battle, so he was forced to pick Kalma instead of ban.

This fell into YM's BP trap. Redmi was waiting for him to get into it from the beginning - if you want to get the Crow, you have to pick Kalma together. The last pick of Hiari in the first round can only be between the jungler and the shooter. Make a choice.

As a result, Hiari, the third choice, chose Kai'Sa for the Rat King in order to ensure the intensity of the bottom lane and mid-term team battles.

Now all three selection slots in the first round are occupied, and Little Peanut can only take the jungler in the second round.

Hiari still underestimated Redmi's determination to limit peanut. He even banned Kindred, who was not popular in the version but was better at beating Olaf in the jungle.

It’s so heartbreaking!

In the end, Hiari could only choose the scorpion Lailai from the remaining jungle heroes, who had a good first gank ability.

Now the problem lies before us.

If he gives Karma to BDD, then KZ's top, middle and jungle will be Crow + Scorpion + Karma, and the amount of damage is really not enough.

Especially Olaf, when R [Twilight of the Gods] is activated, it is very possible for one person to kill two or three!

Hiari watched his opponent choose Yanque and Thain, but he was still hesitant.

He wasn't sure if his idea would work.

But as he watched the BP countdown gradually pass, he could only make up his mind.

Fight for the birthplace!

The clear and boundless female voice ignited the enthusiasm of the audience!

"Will of Blades Irelia!" The doll was stunned for a moment, "KZ is going to give Karma to the support position?!"

He was dumbfounded.

For today's final, Wawa has indeed prepared a lot of information and reviewed some data. For a person like him who doesn't even play games, he has taken great pains.

But who would have imagined it? As soon as he said that KZ would not give Karma to Grella in the support position, he was slapped in the face!

The baby's face turned red and he immediately didn't want to say anything anymore.

[Hey, hey, this is what the doll said. Is Karma definitely swinging from the middle to the top? 】

[Don’t be embarrassed, who said it must be the mid laner of Dao Mei? Can't it be the Sword Girl's assistant? 】

[Let you manually @go down the mountain to Niruo, the game understanding exceeds hundreds of versions]

[I hold back my words because I don’t understand. There’s also that long hair. The sound makes me want to sleep. If you don’t know how to explain, don’t explain. Just learn from others’ explanations]

[One thing to say is that this finals combination is not as good as Miller remembering Zeyuan. If it doesn't work, you can bring back the Afghan mid laner. Although he is arrogant, his level is here and he will not take the lead.]

"But to be honest, Sword Girl is still pretty good at beating Rock Bird," Miller thought for a moment and said, "In the mid-term when both sides are roaming for support, once Sword Girl catches Rock Bird, a set of damage will kill her. It doesn't matter. It makes sense.”

"That's right," Changmao agreed with his partner, "so the key still depends on how Ran handles it."

The lineups of both sides are confirmed.

Blue square YM: top laner Sion, jungler Olaf, mid laner Rockbird, bottom lane Ezreal + Tamm.

Red square KZ: top laner Crow, jungler Scorpion, mid laner Sword Girl, bottom lane Kai'Sa + Karma.

Hongmi was still emphasizing the game ideas with the team members before she took off her headphones.

"The Karma on the opposite side is a hard swing for support. Don't be fooled. This game we focus on the bottom lane, and the output task is also on Jack." He closed the notebook and patted the Shiba Inu on the shoulder. "Remember this. Lessons learned from two days of custom practice.”

After listening to Jiang Chenglu's translation, Jack pinched his knuckles and nodded to indicate that he understood.

"Lin Ran, be careful to keep the lane in the middle. You might as well sacrifice yourself in this game." Hongmi went to find the mid laner again.

"Coach, coach, take off your earphones and shake hands..." The referee behind him was already reminding him, and Hongmi started to adjust.

He took off his earphones extremely slowly, and at the same time, he used the time he was delaying to chatter into the microphone, "Link up with the jungle more, don't stay still even if you are at a disadvantage in the line! Swim, and you will win if you swim!" "

Jiang Chenglu was dumbfounded. He was still too young and too simple. He didn't expect Hongmi to have such a trick.

He had been receiving the death stare from the referee and had taken off his sound-isolating headphones. The noisy sound from the scene instantly flooded into his ears. Jiang Chenglu could barely hear what Hongmi was saying, but he was disarmed and unable to convey these words through the microphone. To the players present.

Before he could come up with a solution, Jimu Gong was translating loudly, adding a lot of personal emotions during the process.

Although Jin Gong's Chinese is not as good as Jiang Chenglu's, fortunately, the meaning of the translation is almost the same, and Lin Ran can understand it.

Jiang Chenglu relaxed, but then he felt something was wrong.

Why do I feel that I am dispensable?

Then I leave?

Lin Ran, who had his back turned to him, naturally had no idea what the translator was thinking. He was still chatting and joking with Jin Gong, "Brother Xiba is still a model worker. He works two jobs for one salary, which is touching!"

"You just found out?" Jimu Gong looked disdainful, "I have worked so hard, why don't you Nakano Xiba come to catch me on the road?"

"It's impossible to catch it. You will never catch it in this life..." Xiaoyao muttered, before the game was loaded, he checked his runes.

Lin Ran took a sip of water and tried to hide the smile on his lips.

Since KZ was swinging wildly and insisted on letting BDD counter him with Dao Mei, then Lin Ran wouldn't mind giving him a big gift.

The two fans in the stands on all sides are also competing for momentum, and the sound of cheering one after another lingers in the Zenith Stadium!

Miller laughed and joked, "YM fans obviously have the upper hand. This is completely different from the semifinals."

"After all, the opponent in the semi-finals was Fnatic, so the host country will definitely receive enthusiastic support locally," Changmao echoed, "But now everyone is competing for overseas popularity. YM has performed well in the past two years, and naturally has more fans than KZ."

The sound of Summoner's Rift coming echoed in everyone's ears, and with the noise created by several fans taking the lead in shouting, the 2018 MSI finals officially kicked off!

While the ten heroes were leaving the spring, the director gave the players specific rune combinations.

Miller originally planned to brush it off in a routine manner. After all, the rune system has been redone for half a year, and the choices of professional players are also the same, with nothing new.

But he glanced at it and was stunned.

"Brother Ran, what is this?!" The doll also noticed the difference in the rune matching, and immediately shouted in disbelief, "Did he really bring it correctly?"

There is a green paw print lying in the main cornerstone rune slot of Rock Bird.

The Grasp of Immortality!

【? ? ? ? 】

【Start the whole life? 】

[What is this understanding? Can anyone tell me? 】

[For the purpose of fighting and consuming power? After all, Alley is too stretched]

"We haven't received any feedback from players that the runes are wrongly matched..." Changmao shook his head repeatedly, and the director in the background also repeated that he did not pick up the wrong runes, so there is only one answer, "Brother Ran should have brought it himself. Immortal.”

"Immortal Rock Bird?" Monk Miller Zhang Er was confused, "Is this really useful?"

Before the game was loaded into Summoner's Rift, BDD discovered that something was not right with Lin Ran's rune, and his already iconic bun face became more and more bulging.

Currently, Rock Bird's mainstream choice of cornerstone runes is [Summon: Alley], but this is a helpless move.

After the rune revision, Thunder became Electrocution and added a prerequisite of "independent attack or skill hit" to be triggered.

This makes it impossible for Rock Bird to directly use Q [Stone Penetration] to trigger it, and Electrocution has therefore withdrawn from the choice of Rock Bird's cornerstone rune.

The remaining Arcane Comet and Rock Bird skills do not have stable control, so naturally the hit rate cannot be guaranteed; Phase Rush is also useless.

Among the three cornerstone runes of the witchcraft system, only Alley can barely use it. However, since the hero Rock Sparrow does not have any recovery or shielding skills, Alley is not completely suitable for her.

There were no runes available, so Lin Ran simply used the Grasp of Immortality in this round.

It has damage, recovery, and health boost. He feels that the Grasp of Immortality will be miraculous when facing warriors with rush skills like Dao Mei.

Among the remaining small runes in the Resolute system, he chose Chrysalis+Skeleton Plating+Overgrowth.

As for the secondary department, Lin Ran brought the swiftness and mana flow belts of the witchcraft department, plus the healing spell of the summoner skill, which made him stand out.

On the other side, BDD's runes are much more normal. Conqueror + Resolute secondary system is considered the standard configuration of Sword Girl.

The three people on the LPL commentary desk discussed the Rock Bird Rune for a long time, but in the end they did not come to a conclusion that convinced everyone. Miller simply did not continue to struggle with this aspect and turned his attention to the Summoner's Rift:

"YM performed quite strongly. They relied on the strong first-level team abilities of Thain and Olaf and went straight to the lower half of KZ!"

Jin Gong followed suit in this game, imitating the routine that Khan used in the group stage before, with a glacier increase.

With this rune and the deterrent power of Thain's corpse, KZ did not dare to confront YM head-on. Grela lost an RQ slowdown from a long distance, and could only allow the opponent to invade its lower half.

"Don't give the opponent a chance to breathe. Come with us to counter KZ's red buff, Master Tear!" Lin Ran never shows mercy to his opponents, so using his own strength to kill is the most correct choice.

"Coming, coming!" Liu Qingsong followed Lin Ran, clinging to the wall of the river near his defense tower in the middle lane all the way up. When entering the upper half of the KZ jungle, he also turned on scanning to ensure that his position would not be discovered by his opponents.

"Tahm's operation looks familiar!" Miller's eyes lit up. "Isn't this YM's routine for facing RNG in the spring finals?"

In the first round of the Spring Finals, Liu Qingsong made perfect use of [Unsealed Secret Code] to free Tahm from the shackles of the bottom lane, come to the top half to help his teammates grab the red, and then return to the city to change teleports before running to fight with the ADC.

And in the final stage of the Mid-Season Championship, he obviously had to use this trick again to deal with KZ!

"But KZ is obviously prepared. Little Peanut is standing in a tower in his home, waiting for Liu Qingsong to expose his position before taking action!"

It is difficult to defeat two top teams with the same trick. Although the KZ coaching staff is not as good as YM, they have done a lot of preparation work.

Gloria inserted an ornamental eye into her blue BUFF camp through the wall, hoping to see Tam's movements.

But as soon as the eye position fell, Ezreal demolished it with two basic attacks and Olaf's axe.

"No, no, I can't see Tahm here at all. You have to keep an eye out!" Grilla was forced to give up the idea of ​​exploring. It was impossible to exchange all the jewelry eyes in the bottom lane, otherwise they wouldn't have it before 3 minutes. Any vision protection is simply looking for a catch.

BDD had no choice but to throw his jewelry eye into the red zone and finally found Liu Qingsong.

"Little Peanut is moving to the lower half, trying to protect his blue buff!" The originally lazy long hair finally raised his voice, "Since Tahm is not here, there is one more person in the lower half of KZ!"

The Garlic Bastard saw Scorpion rushing over from the opposite side and knew that his plan was exposed. Fortunately, it was still early and he would not waste too much time by changing direction and returning to the lower half of his home.

"Little Olaf crossed the river and went to eat his own wild area," Miller stared at the small map, "But this little peanut is still at a loss. Jin Gong will eat his red buff!"

Jin Gong used his body to resist the wild monsters alone, and let the crimson mark tree monster beat him severely. While being beaten, he pulled the red buff and left the camp. E [Killer's Roar] hit the bird closest to him, successfully attracting the sharp beak. Bird hatred.

The two groups of wild monsters were flanking each other, causing Thane's health to drop rapidly!

"BDD and Khan are greedy for this head, but they can't rush over. Tam and Yanque block their way!"

Thain finally fell under the beating of wild monsters. Jin Gong let out several excited monkey screams. It was suspected that he was atavistic. He turned into a corpse and punched the red buff.

"Tahm is still helping to attack the Sharpbill..." Watanabe was surprised, "Is this going to give Jin Gong an imperial start?"

Under normal circumstances, Thane's corpse can steal the blue buff and the marsh frog, but if he chooses to steal the red, even if the operation is full, he can only eat the red buff and 5 small sharp-beaked birds. The big bird is It's impossible to brush it off.

But now Liu Qingsong feels that five is not enough.

He wants Jin Gong to eat all 6 birds.

"That's a good lick, Tam!" Miller was extremely excited, "Jingong is going to collect a lot of money this time!"

Both groups of wild monsters have been eaten. Although Jin Gong has not been promoted to level 2, he still has the red BUFF on his body after resurrection. He will feel much more comfortable on the road to withstand the pressure.

Little Peanut sighed helplessly. With Jin Gong's actions, he only had a group of stone beetles left in the upper half of the area.

And he, the scorpion, didn't dare to fight against Olaf's wild monsters, so he could only suffer the consequences.

"Liu Qingsong returned to the city with half health. He used the summoner skill fragments he obtained in two minutes, exchanged them for teleportation and rushed back to the bottom lane to help save lanes!"

In order to protect Little Peanut from eating his own blue BUFF, the two elders Xuanming and Ming did not go online immediately, and they were unable to block the line of soldiers that artificially created a pushback line to make Jack lose more.

Jack huddled behind and took advantage of Ezreal's range, using Q [Secret Shot] to replenish the remaining health soldiers.

Grella didn't dare to stand in front of the minion to take skills. He had studied YM's videos before and knew that in the LPL spring finals, Xiao Ming used his body to take the secret shot for the minion with low health. Although Jack lost the minion, the theft was still The omen rune gave the Shiba Inu another money bag.

Dad doesn’t dare to gamble.

This led to the fact that when Liu Qingsong returned to the bottom lane, Jack was only one last hit behind the Rat King. However, after finishing the first wave of minions alone, he had a lead in experience, so he basically did not suffer a loss.

Lin Ran also controlled the rock bird to come to the middle. Because he was protecting Jin Gong from the wild, he missed the three melee soldiers in the first wave of troops, but it was not a big problem.

After all, with the first three minions, it is impossible for the rock bird to push the sword sister line - once Irelia uses the remaining health minions as a stepping stone and uses Q [Blade Impact] to get close to Taliyah, after the passive superposition, the rock bird has no chance of winning.

It's a good thing to put the line in this way.

Lin Ran saw that the health of the long-range soldier was still very healthy, and he was not afraid that the sword girl would suddenly come over to him, so the old god hit the minion while he was there.

He watched the preparation countdown of the Immortal Grip on the status bar begin to spin, and took another step forward.

When BDD saw the bone coating on Lin Ran's body, he knew that he would definitely be held down and beaten if he stepped forward, so he had no choice but to retreat.

"Brother Ran is still walking forward, what is he going to do?" Wawa said in an exaggerated tone, "Now Taliyah is standing next to the three long-range soldiers of KZ!"

"How can there be a level 1 rock bird that beats the sword girl like this?!" Changmao's voice rarely became excited, "He clicks on the minion again to renew the grip of immortality!"

That's too much!

BDD's face turned red with anger.

He chose to withstand Lin Ran's attack and move forward. He first used basic attacks to remove the bone plating, and then attacked with a sharp blade to take away the three remaining health ranged soldiers.

"Sister Dao knocked away the corruption potion and then struck Brother Ran in the face with a sharp blade impact!"

Lin Ran had not used skills before. Instead, he first used the basic attack point with the Grasp of Immortality on BDD, and then took advantage of the gap between Dao Mei to kill the long-range soldier and then stole another basic attack. When Dao Mei rushed in, When he was in front of him, he just threw out Q [Stone Piercer]!

Under the power of Dolan Ring, the damage caused by the stones is considerable!

"The rock bird threw out the skill and drank the blood bottle at the same time, and still retreated backwards to ensure that the stone can hit the sword girl!"

BDD saw that he had 4 layers of passives on his body, and the rock bird's skeleton coating had been broken. Knowing that he had the advantage in the fight, he pursued all the way forward, but at this time the second wave of minions had appeared at the edge of his field of vision.

If he continued to pursue, although he could attack Lin Ran, he would still be attacked by a wave of soldiers.

not worth.

"BDD slashes again and moves sideways to avoid the rock bird's skill!"

But the movement speeds of Dao Mei and Yan Que were almost the same, so Lin Ran easily adjusted the distance to ensure that all five stones hit.

At the same time, when he saw BDD retreating, he stopped and fired a carbine.

The Grasp of Eternity, which was ready again, was accompanied by a basic attack by Rock Bird, draining Dao Mei's health.

"After a wave of blood exchanges, Yanque is very profitable!" Miller looked at the comparison of the health bars of the two mid laners and couldn't help but beam with joy. "Brother Ran still has nearly 70% of his health left, while BDD's health bar is less than 60%. Got it!"

In addition to the damage caused by the Stone Piercer twice, the sword girl and the rock bird actually lost about the same amount of blood.

However, the Dolan Ring of Lin Burning Belt also has the health bonus provided by the Resolute Main System and Chrysalis, with a health value of up to 712; while BDD is a corruption potion, and there is a certain gap in the length of the health bar, so now it looks visual The effect is that Lin Ran can make more money by exchanging blood.

BDD clicked his tongue irritably.

He has never met such a shameless mid laner. Why does the mage bring the Grasp of Immortality?

You're such a fool, you can just play Ornn as a mid laner!

"There's something about Jack's laning!" Baby followed the director's camera and looked down the lane, and found that after Ezreal reached level 2 first, he was stuck in the five-layer passive [Spell Energy Increase] and jumped in face output.

The EZ's output ability, which has a much higher attack speed, is quite terrifying. The Rat King was stunned and didn't dare to raise his head!

"Grilla used the inner flame to slow down Jack, and the Rat King used the Icathian rainstorm to eat the melee soldiers with residual blood, and they were also upgraded to level 2!"

The two elders of Xuan Ming still wanted to fight back, but Tam licked Karma directly with his tongue, preventing the KZ duo from continuing to pursue!

"You're really brave," Miller couldn't help but sigh, "He just grabbed Xuan Ming and had no control over him to keep him, so he just slapped it on his face!"

Little Peanut's scorpion couldn't be caught with a classic level 2 move. He would definitely have to clean up the lower half of his house. Jack estimated the time and felt that he was not in danger before jumping up.

This time, he successfully harvested a money bag. After opening it, he received 70 gold coins. In addition, there was also a bottle of blue medicine, which provided him with good battery life.

"Little Peanut upgraded to level 3 after completing the Three Wolves. After returning to the city, he bought a pair of shoes. Instead of rushing to the upper half of the area, he continued walking down." Changmao looked at Peanut's movements and was a little worried, "He knows that Ran I placed jewelry eyes in the grass on the lower river, so I made a long circle around Xiaolongkeng, passed through the triangular grass on the lower lane, broke into the lower half of YM, and then rushed to the middle lane for a long distance!"

"Peanut has obviously done some research!" Miller became nervous, "He knows Brother Ran's eye-piercing habit!"

Lin Ran's jewelry eye in the lower half of the area always likes to be inserted at the edge closest to the top of the grass in the lower river. If this eye is inserted slightly downward, it will not be able to light up the entire area and will leave a blind spot in the field of vision.

Not only Lin Ran, but most professional players were also used to inserting grass eyes in the lower river. Little Peanut knew that if he rushed directly along the river to the middle, Lin Ran would definitely find him.

So he chose to go in a big circle.

He was bound to win this gank. Lin Ran would never have imagined that he would launch a surprise attack from the lower half at this time.

"Brother Ran is still very low down. He thinks that the lower river channel has his own eye position, and Little Peanut is likely to run into the upper half, but his judgment is wrong!"

The YM fans in the stands let out unbearable low screams, and many viewers felt that Lin Ran's first blood was destined to be lost.

In the Summoner's Canyon, Little Peanut saw Lin Ran taking a step forward, and immediately activated the Predator and rushed to the line!

A wolf head mark appeared on the rock bird's head, and Lin Ran panicked.

At this time, Dao Mei also used W [Dance of Distance Breaking] to cut the two bins to residual health, and then used the sharp blade impact to close the distance between herself and Lin Ran!

"BDD also hid the twin blades while charging forward!"

He is obviously also an experienced swordsman. The Q-Bing Hidden Sword is so skillful that Lin Ran can't dodge his flash with just displacement!

"Biyi's double blades stunned Brother Ran, and Scorpion also seized the opportunity to use E [Crystal Shatter], and wanted to connect the control!"

The LCK commentator next door has already begun to celebrate the birth of First Blood.

But the soldier next to Yanque suddenly had a teleportation light!

This blue light that symbolized hope instantly made the audience supporting YM burst into thunderous applause!

"It's Ezreal's teleportation!" Miller was ecstatic, "The TP brought by Jack actually came in handy at this moment!"

"These are good brothers!" Upon seeing this, Wawa also answered, "A rescue operation between YM and C!"

Gloria initially wanted to follow up and use the W dog leash to interrupt the teleportation, but Jack retreated very far and he could not interfere at all.

"The KZ midfielder is about to retreat, and their burst is not enough to kill the Immortal Rock Bird in an instant!"

Lin Ran, who handed over the healing spell to replenish his blood, knew that Scorpion had no skills, so he took advantage of the human strength and pursued forward. He used W Rock Thrust and the Stone Formation to hit Scorpion with a set of damage. Before leaving, he did not forget to use the Grasp of Immortality to attack with a basic attack. .

On the LCK commentary stage, Roaring Emperor Quan Yongjun was still analyzing, "Scorpion returned in vain this time, but it was still quite profitable. After all, Skarner's peak period is after level 6."

"It's already good to be able to use EZ's teleportation and Rock Bird's healing skills in the early stage."

Watching Scorpion Lai Lai leave, Lin Qi's teeth started to itch.

Call someone if you can't win in the middle?

Who doesn’t have teammates anymore?

He called Xiaotian to arrange a wave of BDD, using sharp axes and stone penetration, beating the knife girl until she was trembling and begging for mercy!

But BDD used the cooperation between the sharp blade impact and the twin blades to perfectly escape the pursuit.

But flashing is still necessary, and even teleportation is used to make up the line.

"Olav will go to the lower half again and help the YM duo put pressure on their opponents!"

The Garlic Bastard transferred the jungle advantage gained in the early stage to the middle and lower lanes.

He has a thorough view of the game. The key point of this game is whether Lin Ran can roam and whether Jack can carry the team's output banner.

"But Scorpion has also made up for his own development during this period, and his level is about to reach level 6!" Miller was worried.

"If Scorpion can get kills in the first wave of big moves, Little Peanut's rhythm in this game will be pretty good..."

When the time came to nearly 8 minutes, YM's economic lead was less than 1k, and the economies of both sides were still locked in a tight grip.

"Xiao Yao came to the middle again, blue punishment kept the sword girl, and at the same time threw a countercurrent throw!"

The sharp ax failed to hit BDD. He used the sharp blade impact to kill a minion with residual health next to him, and avoided the skill with the help of displacement!

But just a moment ago, a rock outcrop appeared under his feet!

The sword girl who did not flash had no ability to resist and was thrown into the air by the rock attack!

A burst of cheers suddenly erupted from the stands!

"Brother Ran's predicted rock burst!" Miller's blood boiled. "He had already guessed that BDD would use a sharp blade to attack the little soldier with residual health!"

The teleportation light lights up again in the middle.

But this time, the color is as scarlet as blood!

"Khan ran back to the tower and handed over the teleport, trying to cover his mid laner!"

"Sword girl throws out her ultimate move, and uses the disarmed state to save her health and retreat back!" The baby yelled like the audience, "Khan Crow has a ultimate move, and his combat power is very strong. YM midfielders don't dare to be tough. bump!"

Lin Ran could only watch Dao Mei, who only had 100 health left, escape calmly under the cover of top laner Khan and a wave of troops.

"Did BDD run away?" Changmao couldn't hide his disappointment.

"Gan!" The boy cursed in a low voice, very unhappy.

Lin Ran noticed that Ezreal suddenly rose to level 6 in the status bar. It symbolized that the R skill had been improved by a green dot, which made him overjoyed!

"The sword girl in the middle still has some health. Can I use a big move? Maybe I can collect the first blood." He gave the general location of the sword girl's return to the city.

"You can't brush it like this." Jack took a look.

He pretended to move towards the triangular grass on the lower road, pretending to arrange his vision to prevent being caught by Scorpion Lailai, but in fact he was secretly calculating the angle!

Ezreal bent down and drew the bow suddenly, and fired out precise barrages!

The director showed Jack's picture, and then cut the screen to take a look at the sword girl counting down the seconds to return to the city under the middle tower.

"Eh? This EZ ultimate move is crooked!" Wawa said subconsciously.

But then they followed the guide camera, followed the precise barrage and flew all the way, heading straight for the spring!

"This is to pressure Dao Sister to return to the city!" Miller's voice broke immediately after he reacted!

"And it's very concealed. The precise barrage starts from the triangular grass in the lower lane. The whole way is an uninhabited wilderness area. Dao Mei didn't realize it at all!"

In order to prevent his opponent from sneaking up on him while he was returning to the city, BDD watched for two seconds. It was only when the opponent's Rock Bird and Olaf seemed to have no murderous intentions that he started shopping on Taobao.

"Be careful with the EZ ultimate move in the mid lane!" Grella, who could see six directions without replenishing troops, saw the precise barrage rushing into his high ground along the narrow door, and quickly reminded him loudly!

"What?!" BDD finally reacted, but it was already too late.

The audience who realized what was about to happen started shouting with excitement!

The moment Irelia successfully returned to the spring, the golden crescent moon swept across her body and emptied the last bit of the sword girl's health bar!

Accurate barrage!

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