LOL: What is a roaming mid laner?

Chapter 489 487: Translate for me, what is a surprise?

"Congratulations YM!" Miller breathed out. The moment he saw the KZ base exploded, he was filled with unspeakable joy and excitement. "Victory against the LCK representative team KingZone three to one!"

Amidst the overwhelming noise from the audience, the ribbons symbolizing celebration fell from the dome of the Paris Zenith Stadium. Under the flashing spotlights, it looked like a golden rain in the sky!

"MSI has won the title twice," Wawa was very excited. "This is an unprecedented and amazing result, even SKT has not achieved it!"

"This also marks that YM's performance in international competitions has completely surpassed SKT!" After the game, Changmao stopped paddling and said loudly: "Two S championships + two MSI championships, this is already considered The only achievement in the world!"

In the LPL event live broadcast room, the huge audience base and the constant number of barrages caused the live broadcast to collapse.

[Brother Guiguiran is such a ruthless enchantress! 】

[The last game is called MidGap. BDD takes a weak Ryze and eats it. In the middle game, he lets this enchantress wander around while he sleepwalks throughout the game]

[Is this the current top mid laner in South Korea? It’s not what I said, it’s far different from Lee Sang Hyuk two years ago! 】

[KZ is really bad, why not play SKT/SSG/KT? If you play Faker/Showmaker/PawN, you will lose? 】

[Hey guys, it’s a wheel battle, right? 】

[One thing to say, Fat General might actually be good. I remember he beat Brother Ran 50-50 in the 2016 LPL Summer Finals]

[Come on, do you know that it was 2016? Now that pawn's starting position is almost unsecured, how can he win the first place in the world? 】

Su Cheng, who was lying on the bed in a rental house in Shanghai, breathed a sigh of relief when he saw the KZ base explode. The heavy boulder in his heart finally disappeared. A pair of white and slender legs were bent, hanging in the air like a duck wading through water. There was a bit of a comfortable smile on the corner of his mouth.

The mobile phone placed on the bedside table suddenly vibrated. Su Cheng supported the bed with one hand and stretched out the other arm. With strong flexibility, he bent his whole body into a graceful arc and took the mobile phone over.

When she clicked on the screensaver, she was greeted by a WeChat message that made Su Cheng's breathing stop for a moment.

"Really?" she muttered.

Lin Ran heard the thunderous cheers from the audience, calmly took off his headphones, drank the Red Bull from the paper cup, and glanced at the output panel.

Throughout the whole process, his expression was calm and calm, highlighting his calmness.

"Are you still pretending?" The boy smoothed his bangs, adjusted the position of his helmet, and immediately rushed up to hug him.

Then Jin Gong hit him with a Taishan pressure.

"Holy shit!" The boy didn't expect that he would become a meat pad. He was so dizzy after being hit by Jin Gong, "You paratrooper, get out of here!"

Jack and Liu Qingsong hugged each other, and Lin Weixiang and others from backstage had already rushed up.

Hongmi walked at the end, waving his arms to the stands, enjoying the applause and cheers given to him by the audience!

This is the first MSI championship in his coaching career!

The three people in the LCK commentary box looked at each other in silence. Quan Yongjun struggled to speak, and all kinds of words came to his lips, but in the end they turned into a sigh.

CloudTemplar adjusted quickly, picked up the microphone and said: "I have to say that YM still maintained their strong dominance this year. After the introduction of Homme, the operation of the entire team has become more scientific and reasonable..."

"Now YM is like a combination of LPL offensive style and LCK defensive style," Quan Yongjun said helplessly, "It's really too strong."

Imp frowned, "I think the main reason is that the current LCK players are not competitive enough."

"We are not blindly defensive. Starting from OGN, SKT and SSW, which won the S championship, which one started by defending?" Although he is currently serving in the LPL competition area, he is quite unhappy with Korean extreme netizens and some players, but After all, I felt bad seeing the LCK division that I had nurtured so hard, failing to recover.

The other two partners were silent again.

As imp said, none of the three world championships from S3 to S5 relied on pure defense to win the game. Most of them relied on personal strength to gain an advantage in the laning period, and then used Korean-style operations in the mid-term, and the line involvement began. A big snowball rolls, and the final wave ends the game.

If you think about it carefully, it is quite similar to KZ.

But KZ, who had high hopes for them, fell in the last step of winning the championship. In the final analysis, there was a gap between the personal strengths of the players.

KZ is already the best in Korea, but it is still not enough in front of the double champion YM.

After a short celebration, the members of the YM training department ran to shake hands with the KZ players on the other side of the stage.

The faces of the two elders Xuan Ming were extremely ugly.

The S6 semi-finals, the S7 quarter-finals, and the S8 MSI finals. In all the international competitions the two participated in, they all fell at YM's feet. They were almost treated like sons.

Who can bear this?

Little Peanut's delicate facial features froze. As mentioned in the previous barrage, he was now only one S competition runner-up away from Damanya.

How humiliating is it to fall down closest to the championship every time and watch your opponent hold the cup?

BDD rubbed his eyes, puffed up his face and said nothing. He just stretched out his right hand and shook hands with everyone in YM.

If he barely managed to pull Lin Ran into the middle in the first three games, then in the last game there was a stark gap in the middle. After being eaten by Lin Ran, his Ryze stood in the middle to bind spirits, mainly responsible for notifying his teammates of the other side. Where did the enchantress go?

This is not just about sending signals. Even if everyone in KZ wants to retreat, YM has Luo's forceful means to keep them. Lin Ran is acting recklessly in the jungle, and BDD can only watch the Enchantress's murder book slowly stack up. , but there is nothing I can do.

Throughout the finals, Lin Ran felt to him like a big mountain in the middle. He had to walk on thin ice and be careful, otherwise it would become a breakthrough.

The only thing he can comfort himself about now is that he is younger than Lin Ran. Maybe when his opponent retires, this mountain will move away from him.

Lin Ran followed the boy all the way forward until he reached Khan, where the road was blocked.

Khan's championship face has long since disappeared, and he is now communicating with Jin Gong with a frown on his face.

"What are these two people doing?" Lin Ran looked curious.

"I'm not Meiko, how can I understand Korean?" Xiaoyao replied matter-of-factly, and then made a slight distinction, "Oh, he speaks Chinese."

"Two Koreans communicated in Chinese in Paris, right?" Jack smiled, and his chubby face looked quite cute.

During the three years he stayed at YM, he quickly grew from a handsome boy to a steamed bun, and it really seemed like he spent these three years like a Shiba Inu - after all, dogs grow several years older every year.

Xiaoyao also wanted to listen to what the two Korean top laners were saying, but the noise at the scene was too noisy, and Jin Gong and Khan both had strong Chinese accents, so it was impossible to hear clearly.

Within two seconds, Khan let go of Jin Gong's hand, and the long line of handshakes was once again unimpeded.

When Lin Ran held hands with him, he felt that this man had been stealing glances at him, and his gaze could even be described as burning.


Lin Ran suddenly panicked and stepped forward to pat Jin Gong on the shoulder, "What did he tell you?"

Unexpectedly, Xibaren shook his head and did not respond directly, "This is a secret that cannot be told."

Why are you still making jokes?

Is your name Gui Lunmei?

Lin Ran couldn't help but complain, but Jin Gong didn't want to say anything, so he didn't ask any more questions - because he saw Khan staring at Jack with the same passionate eyes.

The five of them rushed to the center of the stage.

"Come together..." Lin Ran was still calling the members of the training department to form a circle, "Gouba, what are you doing? Hurry!"

The analyst smiled shyly and walked quickly to the stage.

Guo Hao, who was beaming with joy, put the YM team flag on the shoulders of several team members.

"Can you call 321 this time?" Jack joked, "Give everyone some time to prepare."

"Hey," Lin Ran remembered the teasing between Liu Qingsong and Jack about starting a 321 group during the match, and immediately stopped, "Just shout."

This time he opened the wound and spoke actively, "3, 2, 1..."

Everyone placed their palms on the golden championship trophy, bathed in the golden rain from the dome, and raised the trophy high!

"This MSI trophy is really small, I can't even feel it when I hold it!" Jack couldn't help complaining. He also wanted to tell the story of the Summoner's Trophy, but several of his teammates present had won the S Championship. A place for him to show off.

"Gouchigouha!" The Shiba Inu looked around and finally found someone who had not won the Summoner's Trophy. He quickly showed off, with an invisible tail wagging behind him.

"Baibei, hello motorcycle." Gou Ba didn't want to hear him talk about the value of the S6 at all, and looked up at the big screen.

The MVP candidate for this game is displayed there.

In the makeup photo, Lin Ran wears gold-rimmed glasses and has a stern expression that looks a bit ascetic.

A perfect record of 12/0/7, 41.76% damage ratio, 100% team participation rate, +6596 opponent economic difference...

A perfect crushing record.

I don't know who started it, shouting Lin Ran's ID in the stands. The voice was sparse at first, but after a while, more and more people joined in, and the voice merged into a mighty torrent, hitting the ceiling. The walls of the gymnasium echoed wildly!

Lin Ran let go of the trophy and waved to the stands around him, but this did not make the audience stop shouting. Instead, it made the sound louder and louder, and the atmosphere became heated again!

The broiler who stayed in the training room of the Shanghai IG Club was full of envy. He also wanted to stand on the stage and enjoy the cheers of the audience.

TheShy is also a bit sour. The gap is encouraging. How can you win if you don’t work hard?

The host sjokz and Tryndamere, one of the founders of Riot Games, came to the stage, with a cart containing championship medals placed behind them.

"Let us shout the name of the champion again!" Sjokz was tall and powerful, and his voice was extremely loud.

Amid unanimous shouts from the audience, the winning members lined up in front of Tryndamere and allowed him to hang the gold medal with a blue ribbon around his neck.

"Before the interview, we have to present an award..." Sjokz held the microphone and faced the stands, "The winner of the FMVP of the Mid-Season Championship is——"

She opened the envelope in her hand and wanted to give it a try.

I have to say, this trick was very successful.

Not only were the audience shouting out the IDs of the players they supported, but even the chat content in the major live broadcast rooms was related to the FMVP candidates.

There is no doubt that the FMVP candidate for last year's Brazilian mid-season tournament was awarded to Lin Ran, who defeated Faker head-on and created a lot of famous scenes; at this MSI, the performance of YM's generals was quite amazing, and Jin Gong and Jack were even better in the finals. It's a bold five kills.

It can be said that no one is surprised to get this FMVP.

Sjokz was so pleased with the audience's enthusiastic response that she looked down at the envelope.

"YM...Ran, congratulations!"

Lin Ran was slightly surprised.

Jack, who was standing next to him, gave him an elbow. Lin Ran just calmed down and stood up to receive the trophy from Tryndamere amid the roar of cheers from the audience.

At this time, the director also gave Lin Ran's statistics for this mid-season.

28 kills, 5 kills, 22 assists, KDA10, and an average output ratio of 28.7% per game.

Sjokz put the microphone to Lin Ran's mouth, "Winning the mid-season FMVP for the second time, is there anything you want to say to everyone?"

"...I didn't expect that the award would be given to me," Lin Ran said honestly, "I think my performance was just okay, not that outstanding."

[Not that brilliant = 12 kills, 0 deaths, 25 layers of murder books in the final game]

[The performance of the enchantress in the last game, BDD will never be able to beat it in a lifetime]

[As a matter of fact, Shiba Inu and Jimu Gong also performed very well]

[If you think about it carefully, Jin Gong is indeed difficult. Except for Lu Xian’s game where the shark went crazy, the remaining three games basically resisted the pressure, and the opponent Khan also won an MVP]

[There is no way, the difference is only in the last game. The MVP value of the previous games is definitely not as good as the decisive game]

"This FMVP belongs to the YM team and coaching staff, and I would like to thank them for their hard work in the past six months." Lin Ran is quite Buddhist about this. He has enough personal honors, not less than one or two, "Everyone has a mutual understanding of each other." Only by achieving mutual trust can we win the championship.”

After Vincent finished speaking, the staff next to him translated from English into French.

It has to be said that this translation doll is really awesome. Lin Ran saw the two translators translating the content of his interview into different languages ​​​​like beating drums to spread flowers. He was afraid that they would be taken out of context, so he stared at them nervously.

It wasn't until he heard the applause from the Parisian audience that he relaxed a little.

Sjokz asked the next question, "After winning the mid-season championship, what are the next plans for the individual and the team?"

"Let's go back and take a rest before preparing for the summer season," Lin Ran couldn't help complaining at this point, "We really have very little rest time, and the events in the second half of the year are too intensive."

The mid-season ends at the end of May, followed by the LPL Summer Split in early June, the Intercontinental Split in early July, and the Asian Games and playoffs in August.

If nothing else happens, they will participate in the global finals at the end of September.

All in all, the number of games that await Lin Ran can only be described as outrageous.

Tryndamere could only smile and shrug when he heard Vincent's translation.

There was nothing he could do about it.

There is no way, if you exclude the Asian Games, the schedule is actually quite acceptable, but this is the first time that League of Legends has been shortlisted for performance events, and the above is still paying attention to it, and the training camp will definitely not be missed.

The LPL League can adjust the schedule for YM, but every game that should be played is indispensable.

Lin Ran vented the negative energy in his heart for a while, and then continued, "The schedule is very intensive, but the team's ultimate goal this year will definitely not change."

"Three consecutive championships, I want to engrave my and YM's names at the highest point in the history of League of Legends."

Before Vincent could translate this sentence into English, many international students present shouted and screamed excitedly!

[Niu Niu Niu, very arrogant]

[Grass (a kind of plant), let him pretend again]

[Is there no team that can stop me? Let’s do something.]

[If we really win three consecutive championships, this historical status will be the only one.]

[Faker also has two crowns. It’s not difficult to win the third crown.]

[I suggest Tanza worry about how the home team will advance to S8 first. Faker is obviously not in good shape. It is normal to retire with this result]

Tryndamere heard the translation, and the smile he had originally had disappeared in the blink of an eye.

What's the meaning?

You provoke us in person, right?

For Riot, if a team can win three consecutive championships, it is simply a naked humiliation for them!

"Excuse me, JackeyLove player. Did you prepare for Ezreal, the one you selected in the first game of today's finals, or..." During the group interview after the game, a Korean reporter took the initiative to ask a question.

"I really don't know how to play EZ," Jack widened his eyes and pretended to be innocent. "I have to choose Redmi in the first game. I'm trying to catch a duck!"

Reporters are numb.

The EZ that was brought out on the spur of the moment, scored five kills in the game, right?

He immediately questioned it.

Shiba Inu was so shameless that he refused to admit it, "Penta-kill? That's because I was so lucky. As we all know, EZ is a hero with ineffective output. I just threw Q casually from behind, and accidentally got a penta-kill."

He criticized him in a serious manner, but the Korean reporters had nothing to do with him, leaving only a group of YM players and coaching staff laughing.

After the group interview ended, Lin Ran just wanted to have a video call with his girlfriend while it was still late at night in China, but Jack hugged him.

"Brother Ran, what are we going to eat tomorrow night?" Shiba Inu was still thinking about what he said before the game that FMVP would treat him to French food.

"...Snails?" Lin Ran didn't know much about French cuisine.

"Foie gras, oysters, scallops and duck confit," Jack said, obviously having done some research. He licked his fingers and said, "Don't even think about running away tomorrow."

"Aren't you allergic to seafood?" Liu Qingsong probed.

"I ordered this for you, do you understand my good intentions?" Jack patted his chest, "Brother Ran is treating you to a treat, so you have to get something serious!"

"Okay, okay, you have the final say." Lin Ran didn't take it to heart, shook him off, took out his phone and made a video call.

Su Cheng answered quickly.

"Hey Hey hey?"

Lin Ran felt relieved when he heard his girlfriend's voice.

"Did you see that I won the championship?" He couldn't help but want to show off.

"I see, I see," Su Cheng turned over on the bed. The hem of her short-sleeved pajamas was rolled up, revealing a soft, white belly. She complimented in an adoring voice: "You are so amazing."

"That's it," Lin Ran's self-confidence was fully satisfied, and he showed the gold medal on his chest, "This is the gift I promised you."

"And this FMVP trophy is also yours."

Su Cheng laughed softly and joked with Lin Ran.

"When will you return home?"

Lin Ran thought about it, and remembered that Guo Hao had said this, but he had forgotten it.

"Brother Hao, when are we setting off?" He turned to ask the manager who was carrying a school bag for Garlic Bastard.

"Go back on the 23rd!" Guo Hao replied, "We have been preparing for the game since we came to Paris. We haven't had time to go shopping before, so we just take advantage of the game to end and travel to relax."

"That's fine," Lin Ran also felt that it was time to take a rest. The continuous games had almost exhausted all their energy. He said to Su Cheng on the screen of his mobile phone, "I will take a few more pictures for you then." look."

Su Cheng hummed, "I also want to give you a surprise..."

"Again?" Lin Ran was stunned. He still remembered the last time his girlfriend said this, when BMW gave him a car.

Can this thing be repeated?

Although he could guess that what his girlfriend wanted to express was different from what he had imagined, Lin Ran became distracted again when he saw Su Cheng's white belly that was inadvertently exposed.

It should feel pretty good when kneaded.

Su Cheng glanced at Lin Ran's expression and knew that this person was thinking wrongly, "I'm talking about business, what do you think?"

"What do you think? You translate for me, what is a surprise?" Lin Ran immediately countered, "I will buy two clothes online later, please remember to sign for them."

"Ah..." Su Cheng seemed to have triggered a certain memory, his face was burning hot, he put himself in front of the camera and said fiercely: "I'm warning you, don't push yourself too far!"

He has a very soft demeanor, and at first glance he is pretending to be fierce.

Lin Ran felt his mouth was dry, so he opened the cap of the mineral water bottle and poured a large mouthful of ice water into his mouth to calm down.

He said with a straight face and a serious tone, "I'm buying couple's clothes, what do you think?"

"Head full of yellow crap."

Su Cheng was choked by his words, "Hey, Lin Ran, wait until you come back and see how I deal with you."

On the other side, Guo Hao took out his mobile phone and took a look at it, and the corners of his originally grinning mouth quickly converged.

"I'll go..." He lowered his voice in a low voice, "Is it true or not?"

"What's wrong?" Lin Ran asked quickly when he saw that Guo Hao's expression was not right.

"The Asian Games roster is out."

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