LOL: What is a roaming mid laner?

Chapter 492 490: New discoveries in the youth training camp

Su Cheng kicked his feet on the ground and brought the entire ergonomic chair to Lin Ran's side.

"What's wrong?" She was very curious about Lin Ran's reaction just now.

Lin Ran just pointed at his monitor.

Following her boyfriend's gaze, Su Cheng, who had also not played games for a long time, also saw the full version update.

The content of this mid-season change is unexpected.

The first is Dolan's Ring. After the change, the cost-effective King no longer provides basic mana recovery, and killing minions will not replenish mana for the hero.

Instead, attacking minions will cause 5 extra points of damage and a 5-point mana recovery effect every 5 seconds.

Su Cheng knew that the recovery of 5 mana points in 5 seconds was of no use at all. The mage's basic mana recovery attribute was basically 8 points every 5 seconds. Previously, when the Dolan Ring restored 50% of the basic mana, it would recover 50% of the mana every 5 seconds. Can return 4 points of mana.

The changes to Dolan's Ring are equivalent to cutting off the attribute of mana recovery when replenishing troops, and giving a buff effect that increases damage to minions.

If it is a late game, this attribute of replenishing troops and restoring mana may not be of much use. After all, the average number of players missing is 1, but if it is placed in a professional league that starts at 90 dollars per 10 minutes, it will be completely different.

Originally, replenishing a soldier would return 4 mana, and 90 replenishments would be 360 ​​mana, which would allow 9 Ryze's Q [Overload] to be used.

For going out, this is a valuable attribute.

"The price of [Lost Chapter] has been increased by 200 gold coins, and the magic power has increased by 15 points," Su Cheng looked at the subsequent version updates, "Goddess Tears has become 850 gold coins..."

"This is to kill traditional mages."

The attributes of the Dolan Ring have been reduced, and the price of blue equipment such as the Tears of the Goddess has increased. The first one to bear the brunt is the Snake Girl, and then there is the evergreen mid laner brush like Clockwork that resembles the Earthbound Spirit.

The weakening of mana equipment has reduced the status of the brush mage in the middle in disguise, and the appearance rate of heroes such as Enchantress and Zoe will be greatly increased.

"Dual Cultivation EZ is just gone?" Su Cheng swallowed the seedless watermelon in her mouth and couldn't hide her surprise when she saw the next change.

[In the last version, we already informed you that there was a possibility of nerfing Ezreal, and we thought that targeting the Twin Tears build would be a better solution than nerfing Ezreal itself, which seems cool. 】

[New]: If you own one of [Demon Sect] (/[Magic Cut]) or [Archangel's Staff] (/[Seraph's Embrace]), you will not be able to purchase the other (or another [Archangel's Embrace]). Tears of the Goddess]).

The blow from the fist was so cruel that I didn't even bother to weaken it, so I just cut off the dual cultivation method.

In addition, Kai'Sa, another ADC who was favored in the mid-season, also suffered a cruel attack. The number of void missiles in Q [Icathia Heavy Rain] changed from 12 to 10. This is just a small fight. In the end, The most important thing is that [Runaa's Hurricane]'s extra arrow basic attack cannot provide cooldown reduction for E [Extreme Overload].

It is also an equipment plan that cuts out Kai'Sa's first Sheep Knife and then Hurricane.

The others were all unnecessary changes to heroes and equipment. Lin Ran's eyes flickered over them in a hurry, and what he had seen so far was less than half of the mid-season version update.

The Rift Herald update takes up quite a bit of space.

Lin Ran became more and more frightened as he watched.

The refresh time has been changed from the original 10 minutes to 8 minutes, and a new rebirth attribute has been added - 6 minutes after killing the Herald, as long as the original exit time of 19:30 has not yet reached, the Canyon Herald will be reborn again.

The channeling time of [Eye of the Vanguard] has also been reduced from the original 4 seconds to 1 second. Now there will be basically no embarrassing situation where the ancestor of Seven will release the vanguard like a beast and end up being exploded by the wine barrel.

At the same time, the attributes of the vanguard have also been weakened a lot. Whether it is the one crouching in the dragon pit or the summoned purple garlic, its health value has been reduced to a certain extent, making it easier to be captured by the team. Behead.

The Vanguard summoned through the Eye of the Vanguard uses Rocket Headbutt at the defense tower, and the damage caused to itself changes from 25% of the current health value to 66% - based on this health consumption, the revised Canyon Pioneer is basically You can only hit one defensive tower, and those who can hit it twice are considered top-notch.

In short, it is to raise the impact of Rift Herald on the entire game to a higher level. With its rebirth attribute, it will inevitably allow the red and blue sides to compete and confront each other in the early stage of the Dragon Pit.

"The designer is still emphasizing early confrontation, using the vanguard to allow the two sides to fight hand-to-hand and clash," Su Cheng finally understood, "Why do I think the LCK is going to be over?"

Since the deformed incense burner version of S7, the LCK has been like Mo Zhengli, constantly emphasizing development and operation, but this has deviated from the designer's change direction in recent years.

In order to enhance the viewing experience of the event, Riot continues to increase the level of bloodshed, forcing professional teams to kill heads and giving the audience more intuitive visual stimulation.

KZ is already considered an alternative in the league, but other than that, SKT and Samsung's renamed Gen.G are standard late-stage operation teams, and their main tactics are defensive counterattacks.

Lin Ran can imagine that this mid-season version change will cause the competitiveness of most LCK teams to plummet.

"Dalong has also changed." He slid the scroll wheel and moved to the next update. He picked up the iron spoon and dug out a large piece of watermelon, letting the refreshing, crispy and sweet taste burst out in his mouth. "The health value has been increased, and the health value has been reduced. harm……"

Su Cheng speculated from the side, "In this way, the advantageous side will be slower to defeat Baron Nash, giving the disadvantaged side enough time to rush to the Dalong Pit to fight, and increase the possibility of their comeback against the wind?"

Although she has been away from the professional scene for a while, her sensitivity to the impact of version updates has not diminished significantly.

Lin Ran put forward another conjecture, "The attack power of the dragon has been reduced. If the team starts on time in 20 minutes, there should be no need for tanks to resist..."

Originally, in order to ensure that the team's status was not greatly affected, a front-row hero with good tankiness was basically chosen to withstand Baron Nash's output.

But Lin Ran feels that after this version change, times have changed.

"You mean, it's the warrior's turn to top lane?" Su Cheng followed his train of thought and came to such a conclusion.

"Personally," Lin Ran didn't dare to make any guarantees, "it's better to wait and see what Hongmi says when we get back."

Thinking of this, his frown suddenly relaxed, "Hey, this is the benefit of having a top coaching staff. You don't have to worry about this kind of thing, unlike before..."

Before he finished speaking, Su Cheng pounced on him and bit him.

"What did I do that dissatisfied you last year?" the girl said viciously, "What else do you worry about?"

"It's not that I didn't, you're just talking nonsense!" Lin Ran denied, "I was talking about the year before last."

"I was there the year before last!" Su Cheng didn't let him go. He kept scratching Lin Ran's lower back with both hands, making the engineering chair creak under the load.

Within a moment, Lin Ran grabbed both Su Cheng's wrists with one hand and successfully turned the tables.

In fact, he didn't use much force, for fear of hurting his girlfriend; Su Cheng was not helpless, and it wasn't that difficult to break free, but she still let Lin Ran catch her honestly. .

Professional players rely on handwork to earn a living. If she tried too hard to break free, she might hurt Lin Ran.

The two of them had a good fight, but gradually their style started to go wrong.

Su Cheng, who was lying on her boyfriend's body, could clearly feel something strange underneath.

"...let me go first."

Lin Ran coughed lightly, quickly let go of her wrist, and let the soft body move away from him.

"I'll play two ranked games to see what the version situation is." He took a big mouthful of watermelon, letting the cool pulp suppress his burning heart.

Lin Ran takes the game very seriously. Now the version has been greatly changed. Although it is the offseason, he still has to find a suitable strong hero, otherwise it will be too late to practice until the holidays are over.

Su Cheng went to the bathroom without saying a word.

When he came back, he had sly eyes, staring at her boyfriend's back, and humming a little sloppily.

At the end of the four qualifying games, Lin Ran had two wins and two losses. He only gained 10 victory points thanks to the super high hidden score of the super number.

Although the winning rate is not high, he still figured out a little bit about the new version - just pick a hero with strong laning in the middle.

Even in the Korean server qualifying match, which is known for its stability and has a small number of kills, it is extremely easy to snowball in this version. Once all two vanguards are controlled in the early stage and the defensive tower is knocked down, the team's mid-term vision advantage will be unlimited. expand.

Lin Ran looked at the time and saw that it was already ten o'clock in the evening, but there was still half of the watermelon left. Determined to catch up on sleep during the offseason, he didn't want to stay up late, so he quickly used an iron spoon to chop off all the pale pink flesh on the edge of the watermelon's rind.

Don't waste it. The 50 yuan you bought can buy two cups of milk tea in Shanghai.

Suddenly he felt his calf being rubbed by something soft.

"What are you doing?" Lin Ran was concentrating on chopping the watermelon. He didn't have to think twice to know that Su Cheng was causing trouble. Thinking it was a revengeful prank, he looked away.

His girlfriend didn't reply. The gentle and numbing feeling spread all the way up, as if it was going to blend into the blood through the skin and reach the heart.

Lin Ran glanced down and saw Su Cheng's white and smooth feet rubbing against his calf, and her five toes were gently scratching his heart like a cat's claws.

"What are you going to do?" Lin Ran stretched out his right hand and grabbed his girlfriend's leg.

"What do you think?" Su Cheng hummed twice, with a hint of charm in her tone.

This voice sounded fake at first glance. Su Cheng's usual voice was completely different from what it sounded like now.

But Lin Ran just did this.

The sharp contrast between the original clear voice and the artificial charm ignited the small fire in his heart that had been suppressed before.

Lin Ran gently scratched his girlfriend's calf with the fingertips of his right hand, and his voice was full of confidence:

"I do not guess you guess guess?"

"Ah?" Su Cheng didn't expect that the script would develop like this, so she blurted out, "Guess, do you guess?"

After saying that, she frowned and said, "Oh, so childish."

Lin Ran watched her eyes move, and her eyes seemed to be filled with a handful of crystal clear spring water. There were sparkling lights in her eyes. Maybe it was the chandelier above her head that left a little light in Su Cheng's eyes.

These water-like eyes, coupled with the highly contrasting voice and soft touch, combined the three senses of sight, hearing and touch. Lin Ran immediately put down the iron spoon he used to dig watermelon.

"Let's go." He hurriedly pulled his girlfriend towards the bedroom.

"You haven't finished eating the watermelon yet," Su Cheng looked back at the watermelon on the table, "If you eat it later, you can just stay up tonight."

Lin Ran understood that there was nothing he could do to stop Lin Ran. He ran to take a shower, then turned off the lights and prepared to sleep first.

Su Cheng was full of expectations and even chuckled.

"Why are you laughing?" Lin Ran realized belatedly that something was not right with his girlfriend tonight.

"...It's okay." Su Cheng could hardly control the raised corners of her lips, and had to suppress her voice, trying to sound like everything was normal.

Lin Ran had no doubt that he was there when a rustling sound came.

Then there was no movement, and an awkward atmosphere filled the dark room.

Su Cheng froze, holding her stomach and arching her body like cooked shrimp, her shoulders still twitching.

Seduce Cheng Kun!

"When did you come?" Lin Ran woke up as if a bucket of cold water had been poured on him.

"Just when you were playing ranked in the evening," Su Cheng laughed so hard that his face turned red, "You also have today..."

She is playing a big game of chess.

From scratching her boyfriend's calf with her toes, Lin Ran was fooled.

Su Cheng insisted on letting her boyfriend suffer once.

But she smiled and stopped talking, holding her stomach and turning pale.

Lin Ran sighed, patted Su Cheng's forehead, and found that there was a thin layer of cold sweat on it. It was probably the ice watermelon he ate tonight that caused a chain reaction, "I remember buying brown sugar before, and there was still some ginger left. …”

"It's no big deal." Su Cheng felt that there was no big problem, "Just wrap yourself up in a quilt and sleep."

Lin Ran didn't listen to her and ran to the kitchen to put a pot of cold water in it, added brown sugar and ginger, brought it to a boil over high heat and poured it into a bowl.

"I raised the temperature of the air conditioner to 27. You don't need to be wrapped too tightly in the quilt." He was afraid that Su Cheng would kick the quilt when he fell asleep in the middle of the night, so he might as well raise the temperature to his stomach.

"Don't drink too much of this brown sugar water," Lin Ran looked at his girlfriend who was blowing on the edge of the bowl and said with a hint of smile in her tone, "otherwise you will have to wake up all night tonight."

The roots of Su Cheng's ears were red.

She didn't expect that these words would be returned to her.

Lin Ran took advantage of her drinking water to turn off the computer in the study, ate the watermelon, brushed her teeth and washed her face, and then lay down in 10 minutes.

"Shall I rub it for you?" He took his girlfriend's body and gently caressed her soft and flat belly with his palm.

Su Cheng narrowed her eyes with satisfaction. The scorching temperature of her boyfriend's palms merged through her pajamas and the brown sugar water she just drank, forming a warm current flowing quietly in her heart.

"Have you had a good holiday?" Guo Hao, who was waiting downstairs, saw Lin Ran coming downstairs and quickly helped him open the passenger door and said casually.

Lin Ran's face was full of joy, "It's pretty good. Have you had breakfast?"

"No." As the manager of the training department, Guo Hao has a schedule that matches that of a professional player, and he doesn't have the habit of eating breakfast all year round.

As soon as he finished speaking, Lin Ran handed him a bag of steamed buns, which were steaming with the aroma of pork.

"Huh, this is..." Guo Hao opened it and saw that the shape of the buns was not so regular, and the rich soup soaked into the dough, leaving dark marks.

"We made it at home last night," Lin Ran took one out of the bag. "I mixed the stuffing and rolled the dough, and Orange made it by hand. It may not look very good, but it tastes really good."

Seeing him leaning against the car door and biting into a bun with a comfortable expression on his face, Guo Hao couldn't help it anymore, took out the bun and started to chew on it.

As Lin Ran said, the steamed buns taste really good, with moderate saltiness. The thin dough is filled with the flavor of pork fillings, and the juices overflow in one bite, which is extremely satisfying.

Lin Ran brought two more buns, but he couldn't bear it. He and Guo Hao were both big men with strong appetites, and the bag of buns was divided up in less than a quarter of an hour.

"Let's go!" Guo Hao sat on the driver's seat after eating and drinking, took out a bag of breakfast milk from the glove box and handed it to his orderly.

Since Lin Ran had just obtained his driver's license not long ago and could not drive on the expressway, Guo Hao could only come to Tongji Beiyuan to pick him up and take him to Taicang. However, Brother Hao was also an experienced driver. Driving the club car sponsored by BMW was fast, stable and smooth. Taking the Shanghai-Jiagu Expressway, we arrived at the location of the youth training camp within an hour.

Unlike the slightly perfunctory trainee program in 2016, Tengjing is serious about it this time.

A three-story office building was rented in Taicang, with all functions including accommodation, conferences and canteens, to provide the most comfortable training environment for the youth training camp members participating in the selection.

Two front desk staff and several coaches came out of the gate early to express a warm welcome to the two, especially Lin Ran. Several youth training coaches even excitedly came forward to take photos and sign autographs, which greatly impressed Lin Ran. Star treatment.

"Brother Ran, I am your fan!"

"I can't do it, I can't do it!" Lin Ran waved his hands after hearing this, "I want to extend my career for another two years."

The whole place burst into laughter, and there was an air of joy both inside and outside the room.

After a short welcome ceremony, a group of people cheered and led Lin Ran and Guo Hao into the main hall. There were staff beside them who introduced them to the specific situation of the youth training camp.

"We went through three rounds of online selection in Shanghai, which lasted for one and a half months. By comparing Rank points and winning rates, we selected 60 players in five positions from 1,757 applicants for the national server suburban king, electronic one, and Korean server diamond one or above... …”

"Your registration screening age is 16-20 years old?" Lin Ran had seen the information sent by Guo Hao before, and was looking around while asking.

There are rooms on both sides of the corridor. Through the floor-to-ceiling transparent glass, you can see the whole room clearly.

Seven or eight computers filled the room, with keyboards, mice and cases of various colors emitting colorful lights. The teenagers with messy hair that looked like they hadn't been washed in days had their backs turned to them, operating peripherals all the time.

Some people picked up their drinks and glanced at the monitors of the people next to them. Judging from their expressions, they knew they were probably in trouble; some people were tapping the keyboard violently, their mouths moving as if they were cursing something in a low voice. They probably lost the game again and started to perform keystrokes. Come.

"Yes, players between the ages of 16 and 20 who have not had any professional game experience are our main selection targets," a youth training coach answered Lin Ran's question, "Mainly because these people have more potential."

Lin Ran nodded to indicate that he understood.

He is too young and still in school. Now Riot Games clearly stipulates that you must be 17 years or older to enter the top professional leagues in major competition regions.

If the selection scope is expanded by another year, even if a 15-year-old child is selected, the club will have to spend money to support him for two years, not to mention whether there will be sudden horizontal pull, obstruction and opposition from his family in these two years. It's a moth like this, just in terms of cost and wage input, it's not a small amount.

It would be even more unnecessary if the selection scope were extended upward for one year.

There are very few e-sports players who enter the industry at the age of 21. 957 is already considered a weirdo among weirdos. He was one of the best in S7 and now his level has dropped off a cliff. His age makes 957 unable to keep up with the team. The high-intensity training and frequent version changes make it difficult for him to pick out strong heroes in the first place.

If a 21-year-old player has never had any professional experience before, even if he performs well and passes the youth training camp selection, no LPL club will want him.

Because special cases cannot represent the whole, no club will spend tens of thousands of dollars a month to expect a 21-year-old e-sports veteran to suddenly burst into the universe.

Instead of choosing him, it is better to settle for the next best thing and choose a malleable talent who is not that strong but is only sixteen or seventeen years old. The probability of success in drawing cards will be much higher.

This is not the ancient era of PDD Sun Yeyou. Now the development of League of Legends events is becoming more and more systematic, and various selection systems are gradually becoming mature. Older age has disadvantages, which is inevitable.

Lin Ran randomly walked into a room. The layout here was a bit like a pocket version of a team training room. There was a computer and projector in it, probably for review.

Several young people wore headphones and concentrated on dealing with the enemies in the Summoner's Rift, and had no time to look up.

There was only a depressed youth training coach in the room, idly reviewing videos.

The moment he saw Lin Ran walking in with someone, he jumped three feet high and immediately sobered up a lot.

"I see you have at least 10 qualifying games here every day, plus five training games and replays?" Lin Ran said with a pleasant look.

"Yes, this is the bottom line requirement. You can also increase the amount, such as the children who are staying in the room now..." The youth training coach had long known that Lin Ran and Guo Hao were coming, but he did not expect that he would actually win the prize. The first one won.

He quickly sorted out his words in his mind, "Every morning we will update each player's rating based on the real-time ranking at the top of the canyon, and then weight it with the training match performance to finally get a total score."

Lin Ran glanced at the scores recorded on the whiteboard.

The 60 players have a unified prefix-2018LYA, 2018 is the year, and LYA is the abbreviation of LOL Youth Academy.

Subsequent capital letters and numbers represent positions and player identities.

Among them, T stands for TOP (top lane), J stands for Jungle (jungle), M is the abbreviation of Mid (mid lane), B stands for Bottom (bottom lane), and S stands for Support (auxiliary).

For example, 2018LYAT09 is the top laner No. 09 in the 2018 LOL youth training camp.

This is the highest score Lin Ran has ever seen in youth training, Canyon King 1369, ranking 22nd.

After that, the player's score was cut in half.

A master with a score of 300 or 400 can be ranked in the top ten of the youth training, but the level gap is huge.

The most important thing is the timing.

The camp is about to end. During the one-month period, players generally have ranked around 400 games, and some Gan Emperors can reach 600 games.

In comparison, this score is shockingly low.

Lin Ran doesn't brag. When he first debuted, he could reach the top of the canyon with 1,500 points in 300 ranking games from scratch.

A staff member nearby saw Lin Ran's slightly frowned brows and quickly explained in a low voice:

"The requirements of the youth training camp are players who have no previous professional experience. It is normal for the quality to be lower."

"Many of them are suburban kings and electric ones. There are very few Korean masters. There are only two kings out of the total 60 people."

Lin Ran and Guo Hao looked at each other. Fortunately, they had wanted to take this opportunity to try to pick up the leak before. Now that they saw it, they probably had to rely on luck.

The requirements for participating in the audition are here. There are not many good prospects to be found in the youth training camp.

Because most young people with amazing talents have long been accepted by the independent youth training systems of major clubs.

For example, a chosen son like Jack has a face that is definitely good in the e-sports circle at a young age. Coupled with high emotional intelligence and the fans that come with his career as an anchor, with the blessing of these traffic, Shiba Inu has not even debuted yet. It has considerable commercial value.

Club managers lined up with seven-figure contracts to knock on Shiba Inu's door, hoping to win his favor.

This kind of talent will never flow into the current youth training camp, and will be intercepted in advance.

The same goes for Lin Ran and Xiaotian. They were discovered and signed by PDD early and would not come to a place like this to test the waters.

But now that he thinks about it carefully, it was indeed a bit reckless for him to sign YM at that time.

If he waits until he has the best record in the canyon and visits a few more clubs, it won't be difficult to get a contract several times higher than that of YM.

But judging from the results, Lin Ran won the game.

Two S + two MSI, plus 4 league championships. Although he is strong, these real achievements are also honors achieved through hard work and hard work with his teammates. If he chooses to change his club to debut, his career path will most likely not be so smooth.

As the saying goes, the world's best soldier, teammates are the key.

Earning dozens of Dabuliu less in the early stage of his career is not enough in Lin Ran's eyes today.

He came to his senses and walked behind a player who looked dull wearing glasses to watch the game.

Lin Ran couldn't help but raise his eyebrows when he saw this person's ID.


It is the top laner of the Canyon King who ranks first in the youth academy with 1369 points.

He stood behind and observed, and several staff members who followed him did not dare to leave rashly. Someone also handed over a bottle of Nongfu Spring.

Lin Ran unscrewed the cap of the bottle and took a sip. He saw the knife girl operating the top order on No. 09 made a mistake and was dodged by the opponent with the ID of [Sheng Wei, Fan Fou]. Killed.

"What do you think?" Guo Hao asked softly.

"...This laning ability is average," Lin Ran subconsciously used LPL standards to measure it, but he immediately corrected himself and said, "I think it's barely okay."

Lin Ran stood behind and watched for a while, and realized that this knife girl was indeed outrageous.

I don’t know if it’s a matter of proficiency, but I only managed to hit the target a handful of times, and I was almost defeated by Noshou in the lane.

Fortunately, the opportunity to break into the team was good, and he repeatedly killed the opponent's shooters, leading the team to complete a comeback against the wind.

He touched the back of his head and looked at the 24 points added on the post-game data panel.

Through the reflection of the monitor, he, who had been focusing on the game before, finally saw Lin Ran standing behind him.

He stood up suddenly, his face flushed, and he looked a little embarrassed.

After all, Lin Ran is a well-deserved figure in today's League of Legends e-sports circle. His current feeling is like meeting Kobe James when playing basketball, or meeting Cristiano Ronaldo and Messi when playing football.

It’s unrealistic not to be excited.

Seeing Lin Ran saying hello to him, top laner No. 09 casually wiped his sweaty palms on his pants and reached out to hold him.

"Well done, keep up the good work." Lin Ran admired this kid's teamfighting ability, but the laning really needed polishing.

The boy who looked quite happy scratched his head, and smiled contentedly after being encouraged by his idol.

However, Lin Ran didn't stay in front of him for long, and went to watch other players' ranking matches.

After lunch in the youth training camp cafeteria, Lin Ran was asked to coach a review of the training match.

Although he is not a full-time reviewer, Zhenlun's ability to analyze games and study details can crush many coaches. After all, his rank and experience are here.

Lin Ran found a room to take a nap for a while, then walked to the training room in a hurry.

On the way, I heard a quarrel breaking out in one of the houses.

"You really don't take what I said yesterday seriously. In which case did you pull it?" A coach was furious.

"I'm really pulling, you can watch the video." Another voice said.

"What we're watching is the video!"

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