LOL: What is a roaming mid laner?

Chapter 494 492: Are you too narcissistic?

"Brother Ran, stand forward a little!"

"Hold your head high! Xiaoyao, don't put your shoulders back and pay attention to the camera!"

"Jack, you better turn your head... your head is too big!"

The studio burst into laughter.

"Be serious!" the director said anxiously, "You don't want to work overtime, do you?"

"We will take the day off at eight o'clock tonight. We have no idea whether to work overtime or not. Box boxes..." Jack's face turned red with embarrassment at the director's words. At this moment, he seized the opportunity and quickly responded, "I think you don't want to work overtime."

"Working overtime is a blessing earned in the previous life." Jin Gong suddenly said this, and he didn't know who taught him.

Everyone in YM, wearing the new team uniform, was laughing and joking, but they still adjusted their positions according to the instructions, acted cool with a straight face, and took a group photo with makeup.

The director glanced at the camera and let out a sigh of relief, "Okay, okay, get off work!"

Today, he has benefited from YM's glory. This team is definitely the fastest in the league in taking makeup photos.

Mainly because I have too much experience.

I have taken countless makeup photos for major competitions since its establishment. I have a very strong business ability and can basically finish all the work in half an afternoon.

The team members scattered and everyone ran back to the locker room to change into their regular clothes.

"Brother Ran, won't you come back to the base with us?" Jack asked smoothly.

"Well, let's go home and have a meal before going over," Lin Ran followed them to the parking lot, "I can't help it, who will let me have a partner?"

The tone was full of showing off.

The garlic bastard clicked his tongue and could only watch one of his family members get into the car and drive away.

It was more than half an hour before Lin Ran returned home. As soon as he entered the corridor, he found that the elevator was broken and was being repaired. It took a while to fix it, so he could only climb the stairs with other residents.

The floor wasn't particularly high, but even so, Lin Ran was sweating all over when he ran to the door of his house. The hot weather made the sweat stick to the clothes on his back, making him extremely uncomfortable.

Taking out the key and opening the door, warm dim light accompanied by the cold air from the air conditioner hit my face.

So cool that I took off.

Lin Ran hurriedly closed the door and changed his shoes. He walked to the living room and complained, "It's really the right time for the elevator to break down. You can do this during the rush hour in the summer..."

He stopped talking.

Just staring at the kitchen on the other side.

Su Cheng hummed and worked in front of the stove...

Although this is scary, it is not the point.

Lin Ran set his sights on the dining table.

A representative dish of Shandong cuisine, stir-fried kidneys, it looks like it was bought from a restaurant outside. The outrageous cross-cut knife can make a cryptophobic person shut down on the spot. It is impossible for ordinary people to make it. Green and red chili peppers are garnished on it. At first glance, it looks very good.

There are two bowls of... wolfberry peanut porridge on the side?

He looked at the dishes and felt something was wrong.

When Su Cheng heard Lin Ran's words, she turned around and looked at her boyfriend, "The main reason is that the weather is too hot, otherwise it would be good to exercise more."

"Quie..." Lin Ran walked into the kitchen and looked at the steaming pot in front of Su Cheng, feeling horrified, "What's in here?!"

"Didn't you see everything?" Su Cheng rolled her eyes at him angrily, "Garlic oysters."

"Oh, hurry up and take a shower, you're all sweaty!" She waved her hand and drove her boyfriend to the bathroom.

Lin Ran's heart continued to fall, and his steps became much heavier.

He regretted rushing back. Wouldn't he have known it would be better to follow other teammates directly back to the YM base in the suburbs?

He stayed in the bathroom for a long time. After 20 minutes, Su Cheng came and knocked on the door.

"You haven't finished washing yet?"

"Right now!" Lin Ran quickly turned off the nozzle.

As soon as he opened the door, the air conditioner surrounded him again.

But this time he didn't feel refreshed, he just felt a chill in his heart, which spread from Tianling Gai to his heels.

"What are you doing?" Su Cheng pushed him on the waist, "Hurry up and put on short sleeves. You won't be afraid of catching a cold if you blow shirtless?"

The clothes I had just changed into from the studio were now covered in sweat at the back, and it was obvious that I couldn't wear them, so I had to throw them into the washing machine and find another one.

With the clothes wrapped around his body and the water droplets on the surface of his skin gradually drying up, Lin Ran finally felt less cold.

"Come and eat!" Su Cheng greeted while sitting at the dining table.

He dragged his heavy steps and moved to his position.

"I followed the recipe for garlic oysters, they shouldn't taste too bad..." Su Cheng poured her boyfriend a large glass of orange juice.

She watched Lin Ran take an oyster and pour it into his mouth, and asked expectantly: "How is it?"

"Hmm... the garlic is a bit burnt, but the rest is fine." Lin Ran shook off other thoughts in his mind and commented objectively.

"Really?" Su Cheng also tasted one and frowned slightly, "The recipe says, 'Stir-fry minced garlic over low heat until slightly golden.' Who knows how low the heat is and what color the slightly golden color is."

She was quite disgusted with such unclear words. Su Cheng believed that this was the culprit for her overturning her cooking skills. Of course, she felt that it was not her fault that it took her three days to learn to cut a cucumber, but that it was because of the thickness of a cucumber from beginning to end. Inconsistent, the kitchen knife is difficult to use.

"Yes, yes," Lin Ran suppressed a smile, "It's all down to the recipe."

Su Cheng naturally heard the teasing in his words, glanced at Lin Ran, and pushed the wolfberry peanut porridge in front of him.

Lin Ran immediately obeyed, picked up the spoon and took a sip.

"What time will you take your leave tonight?" Su Cheng picked up the remote control and turned on the TV in the living room and found the live broadcast room of the Shark Fighting event, where the lottery ceremony of this year's summer competition was being broadcast.

"Eight..." Lin Ran quickly changed his words, almost biting his own tongue, "Seven o'clock."

Su Cheng glanced at him and frowned slightly.

Ren Dong on TV was still explaining the rules of the lottery to the audience.

In the summer season, Tengjing still implements the east-west home and away system, and in addition to the previous LGD, Snake, OMG, and WE, it has added another team with a home court - RNG.

"It's really rich to build a stadium in Beijing." Lin Ran quickly changed the topic to another side.

Su Cheng looked back at the time on the wall clock in the living room, lowered her eyes and echoed twice, then picked up the kidney flower on the plate.

The lottery for the summer split is still a cross draw, and the top two teams in the spring split are divided into Pool 1. Since RNG is at home in Beijing, they are divided into the Eastern Division in advance. Their managers will be from the teams ranked 3-6 in the spring split. Here is the first opponent for YM in the Western Division.

The RNG manager reached out and drew twice in the second pool and grabbed a black ball.

The black ball opened, revealing the EDG club logo.

Su Cheng was still in barrage mode. When he saw the first sign, the live broadcast room was noisy.

[Good sign, good sign! 】

[Why is it said to be a good sign? 】

[Everyone knows what EDG’s current strength is. I, a ten-year-old fan of YM, have mastered the skill of Crab RNG]

【? What happened to my power bank? You look down on people, right? There was no YM when the founder of Guodian was glorious, and now he is riding on the face of the old man when he is slightly powerful. It’s really disgusting]

[EDG can also jump? Can you break through the top eight first? 】

Lin Ran felt delicious even after eating the barrage.

Guo Hao, who did not appear in the studio this afternoon, wore a crisp suit, stepped onto the stage steps, and also drew a black ball from the second pool.

When he opened it, Guo Hao was already stunned, and his joy could be conveyed to Lin Ran through the screen.

"The second team in the Eastern Division..." Ren Dong waved his arms, "Invictus Gaming!"

IG's classic Tai Chi icon appears behind RNG!

"Good job, Brother Hao!" Lin Ran wanted to applaud his manager.

RNG manager Quan Zhonghyuk pursed his lips and said nothing, looking very sad.

He knows very well what level IG is at now.

Although RNG defeated them in the spring playoffs under the leadership of Uzi, the invincible talent displayed by this group of people was enough to scare people.

With an extremely wild attack and violent and bloody style of play, IG wants to ride on the opponent's face from the beginning of the game. If you dare to look at him, he will fuck you. Only those who survive have the right to continue to develop.

The reason why he won the spring game was because the overall rhythm was biased toward the lower half, and Uzi was in extremely hot form at the time.

But version changes are taking turns. Who can guarantee that IG will not encounter a suitable version in the summer game and take off again in Wuhu?

Quan Zhonghe glanced at Guo Hao, feeling extremely unhappy.

I drew a good lottery like EDG for you, so you should repay kindness with hatred, right?

Then IG manager Su Xiaoluo came on stage and drew TOP.

Taobao's team logo appears behind YM and EDG.

The barrage exploded instantly.

[Brothers, YM signing is great, right? 】

[YM, EDG, and TOP are together, and they are directly recommended to be ranked first in the group? 】

[ @Riot Games, strictly investigate behind-the-scenes operations! 】

[This is a dark secret. Why didn’t you come out and bark when you were in the same group with WE, Snake Team, and IG in 2017? 】

Lin Ran felt relieved when he saw this grouping.

Since they are in the Western Division, Chongqing's home team Snakes, Chengdu's home team OMG and Xi'an's home team WE will also be divided.

All in all, the competitiveness of this Western Division is really not high.

Guo Hao in the audience laughed directly.

"This summer's regular season won't be too difficult," Lin Ran wanted to say to feel comfortable, "I can prepare well for the intercontinental competition and the Asian Games."

Su Cheng still lowered his head and filled his mouth with a mouthful of rice and a piece of green pepper without answering his words.

The dust has finally settled on the draw division.

Eastern Division: RNG, IG, RW, LGD, JDG, SN, FPX

Western Division: YM, EDG, TOP, WE, Snake, OMG, BLG

Lin Ran's cell phone buzzed on the dining table. He glanced sideways and saw that it was Guo Hao claiming credit in the group chat.

Hao Akashi: [How about it, should I hang it or not? Um? 】

Lin Weixiang is my eldest son: [Diaotai Diao, this IG hand feels so comfortable]

Jack and Jin Gong also praised him one after another, while Xiao Si was still angry.


|-: [Brother Hao is usually very unlucky. This bowl mainly saved him by cross drawing. If he draws by himself, he will send us an IG]

Lin Ran laughed and typed a reply.

Coca-Cola Salty Spicy Tofu Brain Sweet Zongzi Sweet Mooncake: [Xiao Yao is right. 】

Hao Akashi: [If this were a QQ group, I would ban the little bastard today]

Across the dining table, Su Cheng drank the orange juice in the cup, finished the rice in the bowl without saying a word, and curled up in a chair to watch TV.

Lin Ran finally realized that his girlfriend was not feeling right.

He quickly put down his phone, "Where did you buy the stir-fried kidneys today? It tastes crispy and tender, quite good."

"The past in the south of the city at Zhengda Plaza." Su Cheng didn't look at him at all. He just answered the question briefly, his voice was stiff, and he was obviously a little angry.

"Drink more porridge." Lin Ran continued to persuade.

"I can't drink anymore, I have no appetite." Su Cheng replied stiffly.

Lin Ran glanced at his phone. It was already close to 6 p.m., and he didn't have much time left.

"Well... to be honest, I took my leave at eight o'clock in the evening." He could probably guess where Su Cheng was angry and quickly admitted his mistake.

"Why did you lie to me?" Su Cheng sighed.

Lin Ran didn't know what to say.

He can't say he's scared, can he?

"I went to Supermarket Plaza and spent an hour round trip to buy this stir-fried kidney. Then I went to the market to buy oysters, wolfberries and peanuts. I came back and fiddled with the recipe for a long time before I dared to cook..."

Su Cheng's voice was as calm as water, "I'm not saying this to ask for credit, I just want to say that I care about you."

"I know, I know." Lin Ran stretched his arm across the dining table and held his girlfriend's hand, "I can't help myself."

"Oh, tell me then." Su Cheng took out his hand, crossed his arms and leaned on the back of the chair in a defensive posture.

"I..." Lin Ran gritted his teeth and told everything.

Su Cheng turned his head sideways, placed his right hand on the middle of the person, covered his mouth, and within a moment his shoulders began to twitch.

"Don't cry." Lin Ran was really panicked now. He took out a tissue and leaned forward, "It's not a big deal..."

Tears fell, but they were not crying.

Su Cheng tried her best to suppress her laughter, but she had not received strict training after all. When she saw Lin Ran leaning over to look, she finally stopped.

"Hahahaha, Lin Ran, why are you so narcissistic?"

After the tears came to her eyes, the ends of her eyes were a little bright red, which was particularly conspicuous on her fair and fragile skin.

Su Cheng held her stomach and laughed loudly, "I can't do it anymore, I can't do it anymore."

Lin Ran's head was in a daze, and he felt like he was overwhelmed by the water.

"...Oysters, kidney flowers, wolfberry and peanut porridge, what do you think I want to do?" she asked, pointing to the dishes on the table.

"Replenishing the kidneys." Lin Ran responded naturally.

"Yes, but why do you think that replenishing the kidneys is what you need to do..." Su Cheng hummed twice and blurred the word, "Last week I saw that you were exhausted, so I wanted to give you some replenishment to avoid unnecessary pain. You won’t be able to withstand high-intensity training when you return to base.”

"It really means nothing. Don't misunderstand me. It makes me seem to be dissatisfied with my desires." Her appetite came up again, and she took two mouthfuls of thick white porridge from the big bowl.

Lin Ran remained silent.

He was really tired last week. Su Cheng had no plans to let him go during the two days of safety. In addition, he was very angry after running two youth training camps. It was inevitable that he would become a little weak.

"Cough." He coughed softly to relieve the awkward atmosphere in the room. At the same time, he speeded up the movement of the chopsticks, gradually increasing it to ten pinches per second, and stuffed all the waistband and the remaining oysters into his mouth.

After rinsing the dishes and clearing up the misunderstanding, Lin Ran was not in a hurry to leave. He leaned on the sofa with his girlfriend and planned to watch a TV series with Su Cheng.

"What is this?" Lin Ran saw the Korean text floating on the TV, "Korean drama?"

"'What's Wrong with Secretary Kim?'" Su Cheng had never watched it before, but listened to it from her roommate Amway, "It just aired two episodes and I heard it has a good reputation."

Lin Ran has no requirements for the nationality of TV series and movies. As long as they are good-looking, he will accept Chinese, English, Japanese, Korean and American.

"Hey, this heroine is quite beautiful." Su Cheng's eyes lit up.

Lin Ran glanced at her, "Do you like looking at beautiful women?"

"Nonsense," she arched her body forward, "Who doesn't love handsome men and beautiful women? Didn't you look at yourself in the mirror every day?"

Lin Ran heard this and said quickly, "I don't think the male lead is as good-looking as me."

Su Cheng didn't even make a comparison, "Indeed, this is simply a dimensionality reduction attack."

"This female secretary is very well dressed." Lin Ran peeled off a peanut, "Chengzi, when will you wear a suit too?"

He felt that he also had a bit of a controlling tendency.

Su Cheng glanced at her boyfriend, "I have one in my closet. You can put it on now. Are you sure you want to see it?"

"...It can't be done." Lin Ran gave up immediately. If his girlfriend really changed into such clothes, he was afraid that he wouldn't be able to get out of the room today.

"Ha, man." Su Cheng dismissed it.

Lin Ran arrived at the YM base in the suburbs at 7:50 pm intact, punched in and entered the training room. Everyone in the training department was already there.

"Brother Ran, I ordered a cup of milk tea for you!" Xiaoyao saw him coming in and greeted him quickly, "Jack is treating me today."

"Put it in the refrigerator first. I just had a full meal." Lin Ran put the succulent grapes into the small refrigerator in the training room. This place is usually used to store drinks, ice cream and the like. Anyone who wants to eat can just take them out.

Hongmi took a sip of grapes, put down the milk tea and clapped his hands, letting everyone focus on him.

"This holiday is a bit long," he said. "The main reason is that we have just finished the mid-season and haven't had much rest in the first half of the year, so we took a long holiday."

Several team members are well aware of this. Compared with last year's MSI, this vacation was extended by a full week. Guo Hao also specially applied with Teng Jing to arrange the makeup photos at the end of all teams, in order to make this group The team members take a good rest.

"We will play TOP in the opening game this Friday. The version used is 8.11. I will tell you about the general changes today, and we will start the normal training match tomorrow."

Gou Ba on the side distributed the information to the six team members.

"Everyone must have seen the mid-season version update. The attributes of the Dolan Ring have been adjusted, the Canyon Pioneer has been changed, the dual repair EZ has been abolished, and even Baron Nash's health and attack power have also changed to some extent..."

When Hongmi talked about her work, she would speak extremely fast, and Jiang Chenglu had to concentrate hard to keep up.

"In version 8.10, Riot also changed the river swift crab."

Lin Ran lowered his head and looked at the information in his hand.

The refresh time of the Swift Crab is now advanced to two minutes, and the experience has been greatly improved, from the original 10 points for all levels to 115-230 points.

"What is the concept of experience value?" Redmi hung up a picture, "The experience value of double BUFF is nothing more than this."

"In other words, the river crabs are now completely equivalent to a group of wild camps!"

Xiaotian was stunned, "Is Fist crazy?"

Everyone present knew what this change meant!

All junglers will rush to the river when the Swift Crab refreshes in two minutes, competing for this wild monster with extremely high experience economy!

Under the zero-sum game in the jungle, eating one more group of wild monsters will open up a considerable gap in the early stage!

In other words, the designer forced everyone to come to the river to fight for resources in two minutes.

If you don't fight, you will have to watch the other side brush two more groups of wild monsters!

"This change will directly eliminate herbivorous junglers like Zhu Mei," Hongmi said with some helplessness. "Unless teammates create space for him in the jungle against a disadvantaged hero, or he is particularly good at planning routes in the jungle. , otherwise you wouldn’t be worthy of eating river crabs in the early stage.”

Xiaotian added, "In this case, the jungler with level 2 strength will have an advantage, right?"

After all, the river crab refreshes in two minutes, and no jungler can reach level 3.

"That's right," Hongmi nodded, "If you are strong at level 2, you will have the initiative to grab the advantage. The Qinggang Shadow jungler we used in the mid-season finals will probably become a regular jungler in the summer split."

Camille's level 2 ability is one of the best among junglers. She can directly hit people's faces with strong attacks. With her adaptive shield, she can defeat most jungle heroes.

"Then we can really swing the Qinggang Shadow in three ways?" Garlic Bastard became excited, "Can Jack and Sha Shao also learn a trick? The five of us can squeeze Camille dry!"

What kind of weird word is this?

Before Lin Ran could complain, Hongmi continued:

"And they also changed the yellow jewelry. The guard duration increased from 60-120 seconds to 90-180 seconds; the charging countdown increased from 180-90 seconds to 240-120 seconds."

"Now, 4 minutes before the game, everyone only has an eye for jewelry."

"Coupled with the previous changes to River Crab, this is simply a paradise for carnivorous junglers," Hongmi explained. "Now it is much easier for junglers to catch people than before."

All the team members are whispering that Riot has made a major change to the mid-season version this time. It seems to be crazy. In order to increase the level of bloodshed, they will do anything to increase the level of bloodshed, vowing to drive the Korean operation that was barely developed in the early stage into the abyss.

"There is another point," Hongmi knocked on the whiteboard, drawing their attention back, "the bounty mechanism has also changed."

"Originally, killing an enemy hero with a bounty will award gold coins equally to everyone in the team, but now, the killer himself will exclusively enjoy all additional bounties."

He talked eloquently, "This also encourages the disadvantaged side to continue to fight and collide, because too high a single kill bounty can easily breed a big brother. Once the disadvantaged team wins a wave of team battles, the key hero will eat up the bounty. It is very possible to control the overall situation.”

“In general, Riot Games’ latest version update has a very clear goal, which is to continue to speed up the pace of the entire game,” Hongmi concluded. “The middle lane has now become the world of heroes such as Enchantress, Zoe, and Sword Girl. .”

The Garlic Bastard interrupted, "This is simply great news for Brother Ran!"

Jack and others also strongly agreed with Xiaotian's statement.

Lin Ran's personal ability is outstanding among the heroes. If this type of lane is fierce and heroes who focus on small-scale team battles in the early stage dominate the middle, YM's rhythm will be much more comfortable.

"That is indeed the case so far," Hongmi nodded, "but we can't just count on the middle. You must also coordinate with the other players."

"Tonight we will talk about river crabs first. This is not only the jungler's own business. Everyone in the game must actively cooperate and rush to the battlefield as soon as possible... Remember one thing: as long as the jungler is comfortable, , it won’t be uncomfortable online.”

"If you put the jungle at a disadvantage, he may not have a rhythm for the whole game. By then he will be unable to protect the line, and you will not feel comfortable playing."

Hongmi cleared her throat and imparted all the tactical concepts she had prepared before. All YM team members memorized this knowledge.

They collect their leave very late and have to work extra hard to catch up on the missing time.

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