LOL: What is a roaming mid laner?

Chapter 512 Chapter 510: Revenge after a year

"Ah?" IG's analyst felt that Redmi was exaggerating, and immediately retorted: "Sword Demon's redesign this time is so bad, how can it be possible to enter the professional arena?"

"I think so. After trying two games, it's really awkward to play!"

"Compared with the previous version, the new Sword Demon is really stupid!"

There were many people who had the same idea as him, and even certain team members nodded in agreement with the patient analyst's views.

Prior to this, the Korean server had been using version 8.13 for two days, and Sword Demon's winning rate was directly ranked at the bottom of the Korean server. Regarding the new version of Aatrox, the general perception from bronze to king is that it is stupider than one.

Even before the patch was implemented, a group of Sword Demon players complained, claiming that Riot Games forced changes to teach them how to play the game regardless of players' feelings, which was similar to the reaction of players when Sword Princess was revised.

In particular, Seraph, the anchor of Sword Demon's unique skills, who was evaluated by Jianjian Stick as "a little dishy, ​​a little green", was filled with indignation and felt that he was being targeted.

The Sword Princess rework three years ago directly abolished Fiona's specialized anchor Ximen, who had just enough money to recruit a disciple at that time, because after the hero was revised, the proficiency he was proud of was useless, and other Like all players, return to the starting line.

The same goes for Sword Demon. Unpopular heroes who cannot make it to the arena are originally played by a few unique anchors, and they use them as their own jobs.

If you change your fist, your job will be ruined. How will you survive next?

There was also a lot of criticism on the e-sports forum.

As soon as the test server data came online, players all over the world burst into laughter.

What kind of pig nose changes are these?

Q [Darkin Blade] has become three stages. It seems that the range damage is quite good, and it even has a small control of knocking back. However, the shortcomings are also obvious - the damage relies too much on the outer edge of the first two stages and the third stage. The output of the central area of ​​the three stages and other skill ranges is pitifully low. No one will be stupid enough to eat all three stages of Q.

In addition, W [Fire Beam Chain] has a forced displacement effect; the displacement of E [Shadow Rush] can store energy for up to two stages, but there is also a cooling time between each stage of casting. In addition, the passive effect has It’s not bad that the damage caused by minions and wild monsters can also restore the sword demon.

R [Great Destruction], in addition to increasing the attack power, also moved the old sword demon's blood well resurrection mechanism.

When players take a look, isn't this the heavy warrior version of Riven?

It is nothing more than changing the flexibility of the Exile Blade to the current blood-sucking and resurrection mechanism of the Sword Demon.

Can Riven play professionally?

Very blue.

They believe that the same argument can be proved, and the Sword Demon will not even be able to play.

Not to mention that after the redesign, Aatrox, from basic attack to skill release, raises his hand slowly and leisurely. The feel of the hand is extremely different, and he looks like a clumsy face.

Is this a hero that people can play?

What's the point of making the original painting look like a cricket?

Professional players who originally pursue agility are even more indifferent to Sword Demon. It is no wonder that several players echoed the views of IG analysts.

Hongmi stood in the center of the room, taking in the reactions of everyone in the training room, and explained without hesitation:

"Sword Demon was indeed very bulky when it was first redone, but Riot later released two hot patches, which enhanced Sword Demon a lot..."

He switched to the next slide. Sword Demon's own basic health value has been increased. The damage, casting length and width of Q [Darkborn Blade] have been extended to a certain extent; the passive healing effect of E [Shadow Rush] has also been enhanced. In addition to enhancements, it can even be used to reset basic attacks.

"It won't work, it won't work," the IG analyst said in dissent. "It's a mechanical problem with Sword Demon. He won't be able to compete. This improvement is useless."

"How could it be a mechanical problem?" Hongmi was almost furious. "Don't you know how strong this kind of heavy-armed warrior is that is not weak in combat and has the ability to recover?"

Jiang Chenglu's translation was called Xin Daya, and he also imitated Hongmi's tone, which sounded extremely real.

Even so, some players and coaching staff members are still skeptical.

It’s really not that they don’t have enough food and salt.

But I believe too much in the hero winning rate calculated by the Korean server.

It has been a common practice in the professional arena for many years that characters with low winning rates are basically not allowed to play. Although it is said that ranked games and professional games are two different games, after all, the heroes used are the same.

The winning rate calculated from the voluminous big data of qualifying can very intuitively reflect the hero's ability. In most cases, heroes with low winning rates are either not strong enough or have mechanical problems.

Representatives of the few heroes who can break through the shackles of ranked matches are Ryze and Tsar. They require very high proficiency of players, and through tacit cooperation, the team can find split-pushing opportunities for Ryze and free up space for Tsar to develop. Forming period.

These two points are completely impossible for single and double queues in the passerby game.

But what does the new version of Sword Demon have?

Single belt split push? Are you afraid that you will be beaten by the four sisters in the top lane? Or that you will be so stupid in the late team battles that you will stand in front as a human shield?

Seeing that there were still people who were opposed to Hongmi's point of view, and there was a faint tendency to argue, Guo Hao quickly came over to smooth things over.

"There's no need for you to be like this!" He stood next to Hongmi, using this method to express support for his coach in a subtle way.

Seeing this scene, Hongmi's expression calmed down a little.

"It's just a little disagreement. Now we are insisting on our own opinions. There will be no results in arguing, right?" Guo Hao said loudly, "In this case, we will go first in the opening game anyway. In the game against Flash Wolves, let's talk about the facts, what? Sample?"

There was silence all around.

"My, my..." the IG analyst calmed down and hurriedly apologized to Hongmi.

He was the most noisy just now, but now that he thinks about it, it's really unnecessary.

Hongmi worked hard to explain the version to them. It turns out that they have no such obligation. Even if their opinions are inconsistent, they should not react like they did just now.

Thinking about it more carefully, this is not a big deal. The past few days have been group matches, so everyone can just try the version slowly. The impact will not be serious anyway.

Now the tense atmosphere in the lounge disappeared.

"Okay, okay, let me continue," Gou Ba quickly replaced Hongmi on stage, "Put aside the matter of Sword Demon. The only version update that deserves our attention is the damage of Qinggang Shadow's E [Hook Rope]. After cutting off a section, Main E's top lane play is basically gone; Zoe's W skill has also been weakened, but it doesn't seem to threaten the hero's strength..."

The top laner attaches great importance to melee combat, and even a small difference in blood volume may snowball, and Qinggangying was the main E before, but now he has been slashed, making Camille, who originally had a hard time facing strong men and women on the top lane. Adding insult to injury.

In comparison, Tianshan's childhood grandmother Zoe is not so damaged. Originally, W [Stealing Magic Hands] was fully maxed out last. In the early stage, level 1 is enough. This skill will not be affected if its attributes are reduced. big.

"It is worth mentioning that the two heroes, Wine Barrel and Prince, have received enhancements..."

When Gou Bahua said this, Xiaoyao's eyes widened like bells, shooting out lightning-like shrewdness...

Wine barrels and princes, this is his specialty!

"Don't be too optimistic," Gou Ba also noticed Garlic Bastard's reaction, and quickly reminded him, "The initial armor that the prince had weakened before will not be returned. The early jungle farming is still a bit hurt, and the fighting ability is not that strong."

"However, wine barrels are indeed a good choice. This time, the cooldown of W [Drunken Fury] has been changed to a fixed 5 seconds. Compared with the original version, it has been greatly enhanced in the early stage. With the 8.7 version, the W and Q skills gain magic power. With the improvement, it is estimated that he will return to T1."

Lin Ran glanced at it and saw that the information prepared by Redmi was very sufficient. This time the wine barrel was strengthened. He also put up the 8.7 version patch more than a month ago and paired it together so that the players present could feel it more intuitively. What a huge buff these two changes bring to Gragas.

His eyes stayed on the '[Drunken Fury]' in version 8.7 that provides Gragas with additional damage reduction effect, reducing damage by 4% for every 100 spell power.

"Is it really necessary to make AP Barrel now?" He was thinking quickly. If there can be a new AP jungler to compete with the Rock Bird, it means that more physical damage heroes can appear in the middle.

There's a lot of room for play.

"That's right, originally the wine barrel produced a Talisman that can echo the jungle knife, and then made auxiliary equipment such as meat equipment and Knight's Oath," Gou Ba nodded in agreement, "Now my suggestion is to produce Zhongya and Ghost After all, after the revision of W [Drunken Fury], for spell-power equipment like this, as long as the spell power increases, the tankiness will be guaranteed to a certain extent."

All the players present thought for a moment and agreed with the YM analysts.

In a version that emphasizes early collision and attack, the pure output threat of wine barrels is undoubtedly much greater than that of meat equipment.

"The last point is that Pike, who appeared on 8.11, has also been strengthened to some extent in this version, mainly focusing on the two skills of E and R... However, I am not optimistic about this hero's appearance. The disadvantages are still too big."

Pike, a huge fan of Jack, the incarnation of LGD in Summoner's Rift, and nicknamed Water Ghost, entered the league after the mid-season version. However, no one paid attention to him in the professional arena, mainly because of mechanical problems and the inability to produce meaty equipment.

The current game is not like the version where Zyra and Fire Man were popular in S6. They don’t need support to compensate for damage, as long as they can provide control and tankiness.

Parker was unable to meet both of these requirements.

However, Pike is very popular in ranked games, especially in the patient round. The main reason is that people in that segment don't like to play support. Heroes like Pike that can perform K-attacks and show off operations are very popular.

When Lin Ran thought of this, Gou Ba had already switched the slide to the last page.

At this time, RNG jungler Kasa suddenly raised a question. He stood up and discussed with Gou Ba whether the AP barrel should carry the predator rune. Lin Ran took advantage of this time to read the last version update.

[Guinsoo's Furious Blade] was chopped down.

The current version of the Sheep Knife can be stacked according to the basic attack, increasing the magic power and attack power.

But now both values ​​have been reduced a lot.

"Isn't this forcing us to change our playing style?" Uzi obviously also saw this change, and immediately the international fell back, with dissatisfaction written all over his face, "What are you changing?"

This change is an epic nerf for him.

Uzi's favorite is Edici, who plays Sheep Knife + Hurricane. This kind of shooter hero with extremely high requirements for A is consistent with his own compatibility. As long as he lives longer, the output will be higher.

The current play style of RNG is the same. As long as Uzi is the core and the ADC is well protected in team battles, he can shoot through all the opponents.

Jack was having fun beside him, smiling very obscenely. If the female audience saw it, they would probably lose their fans on the spot.

It is completely different from Uzi's style of play. In most cases, Shiba Inu only needs to hit all the output bursts at once, and then let his teammates handle it.

He rarely serves as the team's absolute core output, which is the essential difference between Jack and Uzi.

After Shiba Inu finished a set of output and was focused on the spring, YM could still win, and Lin Ran and other teammates could harvest the battlefield; but once Uzi died, RNG would most likely lose.

In other words, Uzi's demand for sheep knives is higher than that of Jack and other Edisi.

It can be said that the fist is killing Uzi and RNG.

There was no way, starting from the second half of the spring split, Uzi showed outrageous dominance in the league. Although he failed to climb the YM mountain in the end, he still attracted Riot's attention.

Although the main task is to weaken YM, it is also reasonable to give RNG a blow by the way, right?

Lin Ran was wearing a slightly loose sportswear and ran to the door of the hotel, panting heavily. Under the reflection of the morning sun, you could easily see the beads of sweat on his forehead.

Not long after the restaurant started serving breakfast, he took some steamed buns and eggs, along with a bowl of steaming soy milk, spooned a spoonful of sugar into it, and found a seat to relax for a while.

The location of this Crowne Plaza Hotel is relatively remote. It is next to the Dalian Sports Center and some attractions such as Park Coast. In addition, the price is not affordable. Normal business people will not stay here on business trips. They are in the urban area. There are better hotel options.

Today is still a working day, and there are very few tourists visiting the area. There are not many people in the restaurant now - professional players rarely get up as early as Lin Ran, and most of them sleep in the room to replenish their energy.

Lin Ran took out his mobile phone from his arm bag and took a look at the exercise intensity displayed in the software. He was very satisfied with himself.

The time appeared above the screen saver of the photo of him and Su Cheng - 7:17 am on July 5th.

There are less than 7 hours until the start of the Intercontinental Championship.

He went out for a three-kilometer run. Now he feels refreshed and in good condition.

Lin Ran took advantage of his break to browse the e-sports forum.

Now that the competition is approaching, the summer competitions in various major regions have also been suspended. All the attention of the audience is focused on the competition between Asia and Europe and the United States.

In fact, in addition to the competitions between the five major divisions, wild cards such as LJL (Japan Division) and OPL (Oceania Division) also have intercontinental competitions, but the number of people paying attention is still too small after all.

During this off-season, the spectators had nothing to do, and the forums were filled with blatant and inexperienced people.

Lin Ran skipped a post discussing Jay Chou's status in the domestic music scene, and finally found an organization - 2018 Intercontinental Championship Preview: The opening match between YM and FW, can it win a good start for the LPL?

He clicked on the post and glanced down at the replies.

[YM is killing me, I still remember the disgusting audience at the Kaohsiung Intercontinental Game last year]

[One thing to say, that group of spectators is really annoying. They ran away after seeing his father win the championship. The local gang is so rude! 】

[Losing to South Korea is barely acceptable, but beating LMS to death is all it takes]

[What does it mean to barely accept losing to South Korea? If you lose a game today, just call it a conference! 】

[If you lose in the group stage, you lose. There are knockout rounds to play anyway. What’s wrong with saving the hidden moves for the finals? 】

[Does no one care about the first battle of version 8.13? The sword demon will definitely not appear after the remake. Someone chooses this idiot to swallow a pound of Xiang than me! 】

Lin Ran retreated when he saw this.

He was still eating breakfast, fearing that the content behind would cause physical discomfort.

Holding the bun in his mouth and browsing through the subsequent posts, Lin Ran discovered that the audience in the forum was almost hostile to the LMS region.

The relationship has become increasingly tense this year, coupled with the unpleasant experience of last year's intercontinental competition, which has made netizens filled with indignation.

He felt that his breathing was almost adjusted, so he put away his mobile phone and prepared to have a good meal.

At this time, Vincent, the head of Riot China, also walked into the restaurant. He was very familiar with Lin Ran and knew that this man's schedule was different from that of ordinary professional players, so he immediately came over with a dinner plate.

"Getting up so early?" Lin Ran randomly found a topic.

Vincent smiled bitterly, "I can't sleep, and I don't know if there will be any problems with the opening ceremony this afternoon..."

Since this year's Intercontinental Championship will be held in Dalian, as Riot China's tournament director, he needs to lead the team to communicate throughout the entire process of venue rental, lighting and stage design, hotel placement, and all opening ceremony design links.

Riot China's welfare and salary levels are first-rate. Other places can only be paid to shit. Here you can be paid to play games, but of course this is only in your free time.

In the past month, Vincent could only sleep for 5 hours a day, and he didn't even have time to take care of his wife and daughter who had just given birth. He traveled back and forth between Shanghai and Dalian every week to ensure that there would be no problems in the intercontinental competition.

Today was the time to accept the results, so he was naturally very nervous.

"But after finishing this intercontinental competition, I can take a two-year break." Vincent took a mouthful of salty and spicy tofu puffs and felt that he was finally alive. "At least until the end of Season 9, Riot Games will not hold official events in China. plan."

Lin Ran peeled the tea eggs and suddenly remembered something, "By the way, Vincent, where did you study in university?"

"...Bachelor's degree is in China, PhD is in Johns Hopkins." Vincent wolfed down and took a big bite of the meat bun.

Although he looks young, in terms of age, he is not much younger than Chunli, who resigned earlier.

"That's great," Lin Ran continued the topic, "My partner should also go to the United States after completing his undergraduate degree. Can you help introduce some experience then?"

"Sure," since it wasn't a big deal, Vincent immediately agreed, "Just wait until I finish the intercontinental competition. I'll be free then."

After the two had breakfast, Vincent had to leave quickly to supervise the preparations for the opening ceremony, while Lin Ran went back to the room to take a shower, and then ran to the empty training room to warm up his hands.

By late afternoon, the place was already packed.

The crisp clicks of keyboards and mice echoed in the room. The professional players were racing against time, trying to find their form in the last minute before going on the field.

"Let's go, put your bags on your back and meet in the lobby in a quarter of an hour!" Bobby patted the table to get everyone's attention.

Lin Ran just finished the last game of Rank, sat on the gaming chair and stretched out.

With four wins and one loss in the morning, his Korean server ranking score, which was affected by the daycare, is about to return to the 1,000 mark.

Unplug the keyboard and mouse from the USB interface, roll up the mouse pad and stuff it into the backpack behind you, seal the zipper, put the bag on your shoulders, and follow the others downstairs.

It will be half an hour before we arrive at the Dalian Sports Center Gymnasium.

Just like last year, the lounge is not divided according to teams, but is divided into a large room in each competition area. Vincent and the others also arranged several computers in case of emergencies.

"Take out all the peripherals first, then line up and go to the dressing room!"

A Riot employee with pink hair was urging, "Hold on, we are very pressed for time!"

The players and head coaches of the 12 teams had to put on makeup. A group of people crowded the dressing room. As soon as Lin Ran found a seat to sit down, he heard Khan's unique voice calling Xibal. , mixed with a soft curved cavity in the middle.

"I'm sorry, Fengtang, you are really inferior now..." Kasa and the Flash Wolves' old teammates hadn't seen each other for a long time, and they were still chatting and joking.

"Kasa, please don't tell Jiang Zi, today is Fengtang's Good Friday," Snake smiled innocently, and patted his midfielder on the shoulder, "Shout to Shi No. 1 Middle School."

"Haoxuan, you and Brother Ran are on good terms. Can you please ask him to be gentler today?" Maple also wanted Lin Ran to give him some slack.

Kasa's smile looked innocent. His inverted triangular figure was a little thinner, but he couldn't find any big cat cakes. "He's just sitting there. You can go there by yourself."

Naturally, Fengtang wouldn't really come to talk to Lin Ran about something like that. If they were die-hard good brothers, it would be fine. Everyone just treated it as a joke, but the problem was that they were not very familiar with each other, so it was pointless. If you are brainless, you will not only fall into the inferior position, but also add a bit of embarrassment.

Since there are so many people wearing makeup, and the makeup doesn’t need to be as delicate as in movies and TV shows, the contestants apply makeup very quickly.

Lin Ran quickly stood in the waiting area backstage with representatives of other teams, preparing to step on the stage as planned during yesterday's rehearsal.

At a glance, he saw that the stands on all three sides were not full.

"What's going on?" Lin Ran was confused. For the first time in two years, he had doubts about his popularity. "Is the audience so small?"

Vincent was also helpless, "The schedule is too tight. The intercontinental competition only lasts four days. The semi-finals and finals must be on the weekend, so the opening ceremony can only be on Thursday."

"Workdays, suburbs, Dalian, and the intercontinental group stage, with four factors added together, do you think the attendance rate can be high?"

It’s not that Dalian is bad, but the e-sports atmosphere in this coastal city is incomparable to places like Shanghai, where there are various e-sports competitions every day.

You know, the main audience for this kind of competition on weekdays is the student party.

There are not many universities in Dalian, and since this is just a group match, not many YM fans will come to watch.

However, the entire Central Gymnasium can accommodate 18,000 people, which is considered a relatively large indoor venue in the Northeast. Compared with the two, the venue seems a bit empty.

"But this venue is much better than last year..." Lin Ran still remembers the 2017 Kaohsiung Intercontinental Championship. Not only the audience's reaction, but the dilapidated competition venue also left a deep impression on him.

There were hundreds of people in the audience at that time, and even the auditorium was built on site. The organizer wanted to let Wanwan prepare his own bench and rush over.

"That's right." After hearing what Lin Ran said, Vincent immediately held his head high with pride on his face, "The venues we use for competitions must be the best!"

At this time, deafening shouts suddenly erupted from the stands on three sides!

Although the venue was empty, these thousands of people still showed their most enthusiastic side!

"Get ready to go on stage. Remember to follow the route arranged yesterday!"

Vincent calmed down and warned.

"This is Dalian, China!" Host Ren Dong said loudly facing the camera, "Dear Summoners on site and in front of the screen, welcome to the 2018 Asian Competition!"

"Last year, the LPL division won the cup in Kaohsiung. This year, 12 teams from three divisions gathered again to fight for the glory of the division!"

Ren Dong waved his arm, "First of all, let's invite the team representatives to appear!"

"The spring champion from the LMS division, Team Machi!"

Standing 1.9 meters tall, with a big chest and a round waist, the curvy and busty guy looked like he was practicing bodybuilding and walked out from the backstage with his arms waving.

"Let me go...can you kill me with one punch with this physique?" A Guang was scared. This physique can be compared with the Wing Chun Death Announcement back then.

"No," Uzi said with a serious face, "These are all dead muscles. They might not be able to beat me."

Lin Ran replied:

"This big guy weighing 9.9 meters and 200 pounds can hold you to the ground and throw you."

"Heh," Uzi said with a crooked smile and an evil expression, "Is it true? I don't believe it."

"As long as you haven't played before, it's 50-50."

Lin Ran was really speechless this time and didn't know what to say.

Uzi is probably deeply influenced by Lu Benwei.

That bend, which was comparable to a death announcement, waved to the audience along the way, with what he thought was a charming smile on his face.

But there was no ripple in the audience.

There was no applause.

There was no cheering.

Not even mocking.

Thousands of spectators collectively acted indifferently.

This is a tacit revenge.

They reproduced the scene at the Kaohsiung Exhibition Hall a year ago and returned it to LMS intact.

Lin Ran, Uzi and Ning Wang, who participated in the intercontinental competition last year, just barely applauded the audience.

The audience was less dissatisfied, and this reaction made them feel comfortable.

Wanwan's top laner was stunned for a moment, and finally he smiled obediently and stood at the side of the stage with some restraint.

In his entire career, he had never stepped onto such a luxurious stage - the stage he was standing on at this moment also played Machi's dynamic team logo, which looked very cool.

Host Ren Dong saw the audience's reaction and didn't know what to say. Any reaction now may cause side effects.

Vincent, who was standing backstage, was quite relieved, but he was immediately a little embarrassed.

From his perspective, how to deal with this matter is indeed a problem.

"Let us invite the LCK Spring Split champion... SKT!"

Lee Sang Hyuk smiled politely and stepped onto the main stage calmly.

However, Lin Ran could tell from his arm movements that Li Sang Hyuk was a little nervous.

Probably because he was afraid of being ignored by the audience again.

That would be a huge loss of face.

The audience did not target him this time. They still gave warm applause to the former world's number one mid laner.

Next, representatives from IG, RW, KT, KZ and other teams took turns to appear, and the audience's reaction was quite normal.

Only when facing the LMS division representative team will they choose to remain silent.

【Handsome, handsome! Just don't say anything, just go back and get your revenge! 】

[Standing on a horse and waving to the audience, who are you? 】

[It’s too late to pass this time.]

[There are so many acquaintances in the LCK. Mr. Dai, Khan, Brother Li and Kuro are all good brothers. Apart from Snake from Flash Wolves, I really don’t know the rest of the people in the LMS! 】

[That is, can you blame us? You don’t even have a decent star player in your own division. We don’t applaud people we don’t know. Is that reasonable? 】

Although there were not many spectators at the scene, barrage was still everywhere in the live broadcast rooms of major online events.

This move by the Dalian audience set off a barrage of barrage.

"Finally, let us welcome the YM team representatives with warm applause!" Ren Dong said in a long tone this time, "R—a—n!"

Lin Ran was embarrassed, but he didn't dare to laugh, so he could only go on stage with his mouth straightened.

The moment he was exposed to the stage lights, the empty stadium was filled with people!

The huge sound created by thousands of spectators instantly filled the entire venue!

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