LOL: What is a roaming mid laner?

Chapter 522 Chapter 520: Unexpected troop formation ideas

Female dormitory of School of Mathematical Sciences, East District, Fudan University.

"Orange~" Si Jiayan lay on the upper bunk bed, her two delicate white calves standing up and dangling, and she deliberately pinched her throat to lure her roommate over.

The air conditioner above whined, which made people upset.

As a rule, Fudan does not install air conditioners for students, but it cooperates with Miss Dong's Gree. This air conditioner was rented by the four girls in the dormitory from the entrance of the school's East Palace when the semester started. The price of 1,600 yuan for four years is not expensive, but it is really easy to use. Not going anywhere, the noise is a bit loud, making it uneasy to sleep at night.

But it’s not like you can’t hear yourself asking questions, right?

Si Jiayan noticed that Su Cheng didn't answer, so she subconsciously raised her voice and asked again.

As a result, no one responded.

The awkward atmosphere spread in the closed dormitory. Angry and embarrassed, she jumped out of bed and wanted to argue with Su Cheng.

As a result, Su Cheng was seen at the desk below, wearing a black Bluetooth headset and concentrating on reviewing for the final exam. She probably had the noise reduction mode turned on and couldn't hear what she was saying at all.

Si Jiayan patted her shoulder from behind.

As expected, Su Cheng was startled, trembling all over and almost throwing away the pen in his hand.

"What are you doing?" She took off her headphones and asked angrily.

"You don't watch the game?" Si Jiayan pointed to the tablet on her bed and extended an invitation to sleep together. "Your partner is about to play, why don't you care at all?"

"I haven't finished reviewing it yet..." Su Cheng glanced at the volume on real variable functions and functional analysis on his desk, and his attitude was a little hesitant.

Si Jiayan decisively grabbed her hand and said, "Your grades are already high enough. The real variable function test won't be until next Thursday, so just relax for half a day!"

Since the end of June, Su Cheng has been in the library every day, not even returning to the rental house at noon - the distance between the campus and Tongji Beiyuan is a little far, and it will take nearly an hour to go back and forth.

She chose to go back to the dormitory to take a nap after lunch, and then go to the library or stay in the dormitory to study in the afternoon, depending on the situation.

I didn't look at my phone all day long, my calculation paper was full, and my courseware and tutorial books were almost torn.

Si Jiayan saw all this and felt that this classmate who had not lived in the dormitory since his freshman year was really cruel to him.

"Well..." Su Cheng briefly flipped through the lecture notes, and his eyes stayed for a moment on the exercises in the Levi's Lemma and Fatou's Lemma. He made sure that he had a good grasp of the content. He breathed a sigh of relief and felt that he had Tian's efforts were not in vain.

Now that more than half of the exam week has passed, Su Cheng will only have one course of real variable functions next week. The psychological pressure is much reduced. In addition, the score evaluation of the previous exam subjects is very ideal. This semester's grade points are either high or not low. , there are still four days until the exam, so I can really relax.

She looked at the time displayed in the lower right corner of her laptop, "I remember the finals don't start until four o'clock, right? You watch first, and I'll do two more questions."

"Ai!" Si Jiayan said reluctantly, "It's almost time for you to drain the water. Order some milk tea and let's eat fried chicken in the dormitory tonight?"

"Sure." Su Cheng responded, closed the notebook, stretched out her long legs and ran out.

By the time she returned to her dormitory, the live broadcast signal had been connected to the Dalian Central Gymnasium.

There were still only two of them in the dormitory, and the other two sisters went to the library to study in pairs.

Su Cheng felt that she was lucky. The three roommates she got were all very good-natured. Due to their different living habits and hobbies, the other two girls were not far or close to her. They maintained the relationship of ordinary roommates, but they were also troubled. There is no intrigue or intrigue.

This seemed pretty good to her.

Su Cheng climbed onto the bed. Neither girl was fat, so it wasn't too crowded lying side by side.

She took out her mobile phone and opened the food delivery app while chatting with Si Jiayan, "If you watch games every day and don't review, what will you do for the exam?"

Su Cheng rarely takes the initiative to chat with her classmates about her grades. If she talks about her grades in front of those who are not good at studying, she may be jealous. Behind her back, she may feel that she is showing off, and it is common for her to gossip about her; with those who are particularly top-notch in academic performance. Talking about grades is making yourself uncomfortable, so why bother?

She has always been very transparent. Girls are generally more sensitive than boys. Su Cheng is cautious every time she discusses topics with her classmates. Especially after the S6 award ceremony and the contact with the contestants’ wives, she now rarely even talks about her family situation. , just for fear of getting into trouble.

But Si Jiayan is different, mainly because the relationship between the two is very strong, and the girl has a carefree and outgoing personality, which is completely different from the soft and cute appearance on the surface.

"Test?" Si Jiayan took Chengzi's cell phone and ordered a cup of Yang Zhi Nectar. "I've already looked away. I can't catch up with you no matter how I chase you. I might as well let myself go."

The difficulty of the early courses for undergraduates majoring in mathematics is not bad. It is no more difficult than high school. It is far from the point where you have to compete for talent. You can get good results by studying hard and relying on rote memorization.

But starting from real variable functions, it will become more and more disgusting later on, functional analysis, algebraic topology, etc., gradually entering the door of mathematics.

Si Jiayan had a hard time learning in the first year and a half, but when it came to real variable functions, he was completely overwhelmed.

Compared with the kind of boss who can not only keep up with the teaching progress, but also maintain synchronized communication with the teacher, she can no longer keep up with the progress.

As she is about to enter her junior year, she recognizes the reality and gradually evolves into an old salty fish. "I will try my best not to fail the class. Several other courses should help me improve my grades. I just need to hold on until the end of my junior year..." …”

Su Cheng randomly picked a cup of fruit tea and placed the order to pay, "The end of junior year? What does this mean?"

"Baoyan, my sister!" Si Jiayan hugged her and sniffed the citrus aroma of her roommate, "If you put her on the list of "baoyan", I will be liberated!

"Ah?" Su Cheng looked shocked, "Can you still keep your studies?!"

"You're looking for death!" Si Jiayan was annoyed. She started directly, opened Su Cheng's loose black short sleeves, and stuck her claws inside.

"Don't make trouble, don't make trouble..." Su Cheng blushed and quickly pushed the petite girl away.

In the event live broadcast room on the tablet computer, the game has not started yet, and the highlights of the previous semi-finals are still being played.

"I'm serious," Si Jiayan said sternly, "I'm trying to stay in the Seminary or the Guan Yuan. Life here is too tortured. I'm being crushed like crazy by you guys every day."

In the past two years, she has felt the terror of monsters in several courtyards. She can only describe them as terrifying.

There are a lot of smart and hard-working people like Su Cheng in the courtyard, so it is not unusual at all.

A salty fish is like Si Jiayan, who watches the monsters in front of him chasing each other every day, repeatedly achieving incredible results.

In contrast, the study pressure in the School of Economics and Management is much more relaxed.

"Oh," Su Cheng hesitated for two seconds, and then asked, "Can you really guarantee your research?"

"It's really true!" Si Jiayan said anxiously, "I asked many classmates from the previous class that Fudan's postgraduate qualifications are quite loose..."

Su Cheng had planned to go abroad for a long time, and had no special understanding of the research field.

It was only after listening to Si Jiayan's explanation that it became clear.

Fudan is considered a second-tier university in China. Although the overall postgraduate retention rate is not as high as that of Qingbei, the proportion is still above 30%. There are about 170 undergraduates in one grade of the mathematics department where they are located. Over the years, they have been admitted to graduate school. There are also 50 people on this road.

You must know that these fifty people have to exclude those who study abroad. For people like Su Cheng who are firmly on the line for postgraduate study, because they apply to go abroad, the number of recommended places will be postponed downwards.

Generally speaking, those who rank around 70 in grade can qualify for exemption. Although Si Jiayan is currently fishing in troubled waters, his grades in the first half of his freshman and sophomore years were also very good, so he still has confidence.


Through the receiver, the two could hear the audience in the Dalian Central Gymnasium shouting the countdown in unison.

Today, the venue was packed with seats, and the outpouring of tens of thousands of people was earth-shattering, allowing all viewers who watched the event live online to feel their enthusiasm.

"What about you?" Si Jiayan tilted her head and looked at Su Cheng, "You go out for a walk and come back to college?"

"Yes," Su Cheng held her face with her hands to cover the slight blush on her cheeks, "Get married before going abroad."

Seeing her like this, Si Jiayan wanted to make fun of her, but her mouth was so sour, as if she had just finished drinking lemon.

"Three, two, one!"

The screen instantly went dark.

When it reappeared, the first thing I saw was the Riot Games logo. After the special effects of breaking the glass, accompanied by the non-stop sound of the scene, the spotlights above the stage were intertwined and finally focused on the center, just like DJ Sona's skin. The giant disc player that appeared in was reproduced.

The color of the spotlight changes, and the rhythmic electronic sound sounds. It is a variation of the 2018 MSI. It sounds a little less grand, but it has indeed made a lot of improvements in mobilizing the atmosphere of watching the game.

The images on the big screen flickered and switched, and the classic moments from last year's Kaohsiung Intercontinental Championship were reappeared.

From YM bulldozing AHQ at 14 minutes and 3 seconds, to Lin Ran Zelas's five-thunder attack; from WE Galio + Big Mouth's system of doing whatever they want to successfully overthrow SKT, to RNG successfully predicting MVP's two lane changes and seizing the moment of weak points. Overwhelm your opponent...

Su Cheng raised the corners of his mouth in joy when he saw RNG crushing MVP with its amazing operational ideas as if they had turned on perspective.

When she went to Kaohsiung with the team, Su Cheng also had 1/3 of the credit for formulating the line-changing strategy around the 8-minute mark of MVP.

After the heart-stirring electronic music ended, Ren Dong's figure appeared on the big screen.

Wearing a dark red suit, he stepped onto the stage and said, "This is Dalian, Liaoning Province. Welcome to the live broadcast of the finals of the 2018 Asian Competition!"

There were endless cheers at the scene. The high-standard venue that Vincent chose finally came in handy today. The audience for this final was larger than the total number of people in the previous three days!

"After yesterday's fierce competition in the semi-finals, LCK will finally stand on the final stage of the Asian Competition again and will compete with the host LPL for the title of the strongest division in Asia!"

Ren Dong waved his arm when he said this, "Let's invite the team to appear!"

"First of all, welcome to the LCK fourth seed - SK Telecom T1!"

He drawled his voice, and with the sound of dry ice sublimating and erupting around the stage, a giant door five meters high and three meters wide behind Ren Dong suddenly opened, and the SKT players appeared in front of everyone.

The audience burst into warm applause.

96line, especially Faker, was a towering mountain that was impossible to climb during the dark years of the LPL.

Although the veteran was late, they still paid the necessary respect.

"Wow..." Si Jiayan exclaimed, "Bang is so handsome!"

Su Cheng took a closer look. Pei Junzhi and Li Zaiwan had a wonderful law of weight conservation. They would indeed look handsome if they lost weight, but now Bang's physique could probably kill his roommate with one punch.

"Do you have a problem with your aesthetics?" She glanced at Si Jiayan.

"Okay, okay, your husband is the most handsome, right?" The roommate put his arm around her shoulders.

"That's right." Su Cheng said proudly.

Next, teams such as IG, KT, and RW will appear one after another.

The moment Uzi and other RNG players appeared, the Royal fans in the audience couldn't help but start to vent their excitement.

Uzi has attracted a lot of fans after his performance as a top ADC this spring.

Coupled with the blessing of the all-China class, it provides a home for those viewers who like to smoke Huazi. RNG's current fan base is still very stable.

In this era where Lin Ran and YM are constantly plundering fans, it’s good to be able to retain your inherent supporters.

After KZ came on the scene, Ren Dong paused.

Seven of the eight teams currently participating in the finals have already appeared.

Everyone knows the identity of the remaining team.

I don’t know who started it, but fans at the scene shouted YM’s team name crazily, setting off a wave of sonic frenzy in the stadium!

Seeing this, Ren Dong picked up the microphone and said loudly: "Finally, let us welcome the number one seed team in the LPL division..."

"Young Miracles!"

The giant door opened again, revealing the six-man YM team wearing black and red uniforms.

At this moment, the momentum swept over the scene like a roaring mountain and a tsunami!

Lin Ran stood in the middle, holding the Intercontinental Championship trophy in his hand.

The six people walked slowly towards the center of the stage.

Jack, Liu Qingsong, and Xiao Yao stood in the front row, while Lin Ran, Lin Weixiang, and Jin Gong, the three players with height advantages, were in the back.

"Please ask Ran, the representative of the 2017 Asian Championship Championship, to return the trophy!"

Lin Ran held the championship trophy in both hands and placed it on the high platform in front of the roaring cheers.

The moment the trophy was placed, the spotlights overhead flashed again, making the championship trophy shine brightly.

"Now I announce..." Ren Dong took a deep breath, "The finals of the 2018 Asian Competition have officially begun!"

Amidst the muffled sound of the cheering stick hitting, the camera kept zooming out.

Su Cheng's phone suddenly vibrated. It turned out that the milk tea ordered earlier was delivered downstairs.

When she came back with two bags, she found that Si Jiayan didn't look right.

"What's wrong?" Su Cheng asked with a frown. She handed over the Yangzhi Manna and opened the fruit tea and took a sip.

"The two sides came out in the first game." Si Jiayan said softly.

"Then what?" Su Cheng asked as he climbed into bed.

"YM vs. SKT." Si Jiayan said slowly.

I went shopping in the afternoon and stocked up on a lot of supplies just in case. I have to say that supplies are really not available, so everyone has been careful lately.

Go to bed early today and get some rest. Updates will start in August.

This is a real update, I swear.

PS: I recommend a book called "Unscientific Control of Beasts" by the author Qingquan Liuxiang. The previous book "The Elf Master" had very good results. This time it’s a story about royal pets. It’s very interesting and interesting. It’s about the bond between the main pet and it’s very beautiful. It will be on the shelves on August 1. Friends who like this type can go and support it~

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