LOL: What is a roaming mid laner?

Chapter 524 522: Disadvantages of taking chicken blood

The three people in the commentary box discussed it for a while, but still didn't understand why YM suddenly changed lanes in the middle.

However, they did not dwell on this issue for too long and turned their attention back to Summoner's Rift.

"Jin Gong is fighting the Sword Demon in the middle. This is not an easy matchup. There is no advantage at all." Level 1 Ryze has no ability to fight back and can only watch the Darkin's blade keep poking. Regarding the minions, Miller frowned, "Faker is very capable of pushing the lane!"

It can only be said that the hero Sword Demon is now a pure numerical monster, with a basic health value of up to 610. With the health bonus of pupation and Dolan Sword, the first level health volume is close to 750.

Moreover, Q [Darkborn Blade]'s damage to minions is extremely high. Even among warrior heroes, there are few who can push the lane so quickly.

Jin Gong used basic attacks to repair two bins, and then stood in front of the tower, waiting for the troops to come over.

Lee Sang Hyuk also understood very well. After he gained the line advantage, he did not rush to advance. Instead, he slowly accumulated small soldiers, planning to wait for the third wave of artillery soldiers to come over, and then push them all in at once.

"Xiao Yao eats the river crabs in the lower half and enters the lower half of SKT, preparing to steal the opponent's red BUFF to make up for his early jungle disadvantage." Remember to follow the footage given by the director and describe the jungle routes of both sides, "After Blank finished brushing the YM red zone, he took a detour and came down to brush the sharp beak..."

Jin Gong took the time to insert an ornament eye into the F6 camp, which happened to light up the figure of the wine barrel.

He knew that Xiao Hei was in the upper half of the area. This eye position was to detect the movement of the wine barrel and prevent the opponent from going crazy and starting the tower jumping mode.

Blank pulled the wild monster a little further away from Xibaren to avoid being caught by Ryze's skills, and then used Q [Rolling Barrel] to blow up a few birds.

After eating at the Sharpbill Camp, Gragas swayed with a coy belly and entered the upper river in front of Jin Gong's sight to brush for river crabs that were harmless to humans and animals.

At 2 minutes and 27 seconds, the artillery troop line came to the middle. Lee Sang Hyuk's Sword Demon's three-stage Q followed the basic attack, and all the moves were clean and neat, slashing at the soldiers.

Since he had stocked up on two waves of troops before, SKT's troops are now quite powerful, and together with Aatrox, they can easily kill the YM gun truck.

The three waves of soldiers piled up scatteredly and entered the Zhongyi Tower guarded by Jin Gong.

The wine barrel has also been upgraded to level 3 at this time - after the revision of the river crab, the efficiency of jungle speed three is much higher than before.

The main reason is that the initial blood volume of the river crab is only 1200 points. This value is slightly less than that of the average wild camp, but the experience value provided is not bad at all.

Xiaohei also asked his teammates in the voice, "Brother Xianghe, do you still want to go on the road?"

This is indeed a great opportunity for a double team to hit the road.

SKT clearly knows that Xiaoyao is developing and replenishing levels in the lower half; a large wave of troops in the middle lane enters the tower, and it is impossible for Jin Gong to teleport to support Lin Ran; and Jack in the bottom lane has only been promoted to level two not long ago, and Xia has no combat effectiveness at this time. TP It’s also unrealistic to help out.

No one can help Lin Ran.

Want to arrest?

Lee Sang Hyuk was still hesitating in his heart, mainly because the hero Enchantress was too flexible. If he were replaced by Jin Gong's Ryze, he would just run up without saying a word.

However, the strange line change between Lin Ran and Jin Gong at the beginning affected the entire team's early planning.

Now he no longer has the mind to think about how YM discovered his thoughts. This is the job of the coaching staff after the game.

Opportunities are fleeting, and his task is to direct his teammates to make on-the-spot decisions.

Before Lee Sang Hyuk could say anything, Thaal, who was on his way, shouted, "Kill this enchantress casually, she won't be able to escape!"

It seems that the chicken blood that KKMA gave him before the game has not worn off yet.

This sentence made Lee Sang Hyuk determined, "Let's go, let's get past the enchantress!"

The three commentators also discovered the abnormal behavior of SKT's midfielder. You can feel his worry through the baby's voice, "Brother Li and Xiao Hei want to double-team the Enchantress on the road. They are good at controlling damage. Brother Ran is very dangerous." ah!"

Li Sang Hyuk entered the red zone of YM and used E [Shadow Rush] to cross the wall and come to the stone beetle camp. Xiao Hei, who had finished brushing the river crabs, followed the river through the triangular grass and went around to the back of the tower on the YM.

There were whispers of discussion in the stands. Wine Barrel and Sword Demon stared at LeBlanc who was finishing his blows in front of the tower. That graceful and enchanting body made the two of them feel hot in their hearts.

"Is there something wrong with Thal's handling of the soldier line?" Miller discovered the blind spot and immediately let go of his voice, "The soldiers on both sides are evenly matched, and they are stuck in front of Rango Tower and have not been pushed in yet!"

Although Lin Ran doesn't play much as a top laner, and the concepts of sideline and midline are completely different, the heroes he and thal used in this game were Crow and Enchantress - both mages who often appear in the middle.

And he doesn't need to be very proficient in top lane laning. He just needs to be able to do a simple line blocking in front of the tower. This is basic common sense and has little to do with which lane he is on.

If it were replaced by TheShy, who has a superb command of the enemy line, Lin Ran would most likely suffer.

But Thal is still too young, too naive.

In front of the insidious and cunning Lin Ran, his little understanding of military lines was almost like a blank piece of paper, which could be broken at the first poke.

At first, he wanted to imitate Lee Sang Hyuk in the middle and play hoarding lines, waiting for the artillery soldiers to come over, and then push them all over.

Lin Ran didn't give him a chance at all.

Swain's strength before level 6 is really not that good. E [Never Go Again] is not easy to hit. In addition, the cooldown of Q [Touch of Liberation] at level 1 is as long as 9 seconds, so he relies on his range advantage. Misbehaving on the road.

However, in front of the enchantress, he didn't even have this range advantage.

Lin Ran relied on the corruption potion he had and used it unscrupulously in exchange for blood. In the first two waves of troops, he repeatedly used W [Shadow's Trace] to come forward and consume it, tricking the opponent into using two small skills, QE.

Lin Ran's method of avoiding E [Never Go Again] is very simple. When the claws return and are about to touch his body, he triggers the second magic shadow to return to the rear, just enough to avoid the skill range.

After several rounds of blood circulation, the Thalers were all numb.

Not only was the blood volume greatly reduced by the Enchantress, but the army line was also blown up.

Both skills of Crow QE are range output. Although the basic damage is not high, if several minions are hit at the same time, the amount of damage added together cannot be underestimated.

Lin Ran has only used Shadow Shadow twice. His magic power is not very high after the potion is released, and the damage to the health of the minions is not as good as that of Crow. As a result, the opponent's minions are slightly stronger than his own, and the position of the soldier line is also at the YM Tower. forward.

But that's all.

Limited by the long skill cooldown, thal was unable to successfully advance the troop line.

This artillery vehicle, in particular, firmly stuck the military line transfer point in place and remained motionless.

If the troops cannot enter the defense tower, SKT will not be able to double-team and kill Lin Ran - now the heroes only have initial equipment, and even the most meaty Sword Demon cannot withstand a few bombardments.

It would be interesting if 3-on-1 was counter-killed.

Lee Sang Hyuk habitually cut the screen at the speed of light and glanced at the middle. Ryze, with the cooperation of E [Spell Surge] and Overload, had almost cleared the middle line of troops.

He knew that he didn't have much time left for him. If he didn't handle it properly, he might lose a lot of soldiers. At that time, instead of losing the rice, he would have to give the rhythm to YM.

"I'll go to the front to help push the line. Shanjiu, wait here and prepare to freeze your hands!" Faker quickly manipulated the Sword Demon to expose it to Lin Ran's field of vision. He stabbed the soldiers with basic attacks, trying to push the line through quickly.

Lin Ran's eyes narrowed.

When Jin Gong reminded Sword Demon to disappear from the middle, he was already alert.

But he didn't blindly hand over the jewelry eye.

Even though the level of the enchantress Lin Ran was operating had increased, the cooldown time of the accessory eye was still close to 4 minutes.

He only has one chance.

When he saw Lee Sang Hyuk appear in front of him, all the previous suspicions in his mind became reality.

SKT will definitely not have only Sword Demon to catch him - the damage and control of Aatrox and Swain are not stable, and the Enchantress' own life-saving ability is very strong. If they want to catch LeBlanc, They need a first mover.

Wine barrel.

The Sword Demon and Crow have appeared in the front, and Gragas must be waiting in the back to outflank his retreat.

Lin Ran quickly judged the approximate position of the opponent's jungler and started his own counterattack. He took advantage of the experience of a melee soldier, successfully upgraded to level 3, and immediately retreated.

"Brother Ran was forced back to the tower by the sword demon..." Wawa's tone was calm at first, but the moment he saw the Enchantress' movements clearly, his tone suddenly increased!

"LeBlanc rushed straight to the grass behind the upper tower, and the wine barrel was squatting inside!"

Xiao Hei was immediately startled when he saw Lin Ran's movements.

But it's hard for him to retreat - then SKT's plan to double-team and escape the tower will be completely shattered. Enchantress can easily run back to the protection range of the second tower with W [Shadow's Trace].

SKT's midfielder wasted more than ten seconds just to kill the Enchantress once.

If he couldn't catch Lin Ran, he would have to show up and cripple him, otherwise it would be a waste of time.

"Xiao Hei took a sip of wine, waited for the Enchantress to get close, and threw out the rolling barrel, while keeping up with the output of W [Drunken Fury]!"

Because the distance was too close, and Lin Ran hadn't placed any jewelry eyes in the grass yet, he couldn't dodge the wine barrel's skill at all.

After Beer Man strengthened, the output was significantly higher, and Lin Ran's already dissatisfied health volume dropped to half in an instant.

"Sword Demon and Crow have pushed their troops into the defense tower and are ready to pursue!"

Lin Ran was well prepared. He knocked down a bottle of corruption potion and used the effect of the [Time Warp Tonic] rune to instantly restore a small amount of blood.

Leaning forward, almost touching the wine barrel, E [Phantom Chain] combined with the Malicious Seal easily hit Xiao Hei!

At the same time, the jewelry eye is inserted behind the barrel.

The next moment, the eye position lit up with scarlet light!

"Teleport from Jin Gong in the middle!" Wawa yelled excitedly, "Brother Ran delayed it long enough for Ryze to handle all the troops below the tower!"

Enchantress's basic attack triggered electrocution, and Blank's health bar was only 60% left.

Xiao Hei realized something was wrong the moment he saw the teleportation light up.

Because he was trapped by the enchantress, he was now completely out of touch with the middle and upper brothers.

It is unrealistic to escape with meat, eggs, green onions, and chicken. Xiao Hei and Lin Ran are almost in a close position. If you use the E skill, you will only push the enchantress up, and you will not move away.

If you want to run, you have to flash.

Where to flash?

He was in the grass behind the tower. He couldn't get over the wall to the YM red zone even if he flashed from this position.

Xiao Hei subconsciously wanted to use flash to run to the upper tower of YM and join up with his top and mid laners. This way, even if Kingon Ritz lands, his teammates will help block his skills.

But he saw the red marks on the fair and tender skin of the enchantress caused by the red BUFF he carried, and he controlled his fingers at the critical moment.

If he had just flashed into the range of the YM tower, he would have definitely attracted hatred from the defense tower.

At that time, there is no need for Ryze to come down. Three shots from the defense tower will send him back to the spring water.

However, Xiao Hei thought carefully and couldn't find a way to escape successfully in a short time. In the end, he could only hit the witch with meat, eggs, green onions and chicken.

Gragas' huge body hit LeBlanc hard, and his plump belly pressed against the enchantress's tight, flat, white belly, making an imaginative snapping sound.

The Trickster Fairy let out a painful gasp, and then the phantom chain extended by the wand also locked the wine barrel in place.

"Swain used his passive [Frenzy of Crow Crows] to pull the Enchantress, who was immobilized by the wine barrel, a small step in his direction. The Sword Demon followed up with QE!"

The sword struck LeBlanc, and Thal also handed over E [Never Again] and W [Imperial Vision], hoping to connect the control chain so that Lin Ran couldn't flash.

But just when the never-ending claws passed through the enchantress's body for the first time, the red light on the jewelry's eyes finally disappeared.

Ryze lands!

"Jin Gong moved one step to the side first... He helped Brother Ran block Crow's E skill!!"

I remember that amidst the continuous exclamations from the audience, Ryze stood behind the Enchantress and stopped Huila's Never Go Back with his body!

"Ryze, who still has more than half of his health, is locked in place, but he can still use his skills to output!" I remember that I immediately increased my speaking speed to the limit, and the words poured out like a barrage of cannons, filling the Summoner's Rift. The battle that broke out in the movie is all told clearly.

"Faker also wanted to use the Evil Fire Beam to link the second stage of Q to knock the Enchantress away, but Brother Keran directly stepped on the wine barrel with the Shadow Shadow!"

Originally, SKT's plan was very loud. The multiple small controls of the wine barrel, crow and sword demon could completely make the inflexible Enchantress unable to move and be killed.

But after Jin Gong landed, he rushed out from the sloping ground and helped block the key control!

This time, SKT's control chain was destroyed!

Because Lin Ran used the displacement skill in time, Sword Demon's second stage Q was empty, and W [Evil Fire Chain] successfully hit Ryze.

Jin Gong ignored him, EW steadily controlled Xiao Hei, and used his basic attack to connect with Q [Overload] to create a shield and trigger Phase Rush.

"Brother Ran took away the blood barrel with one basic attack!" Wawa was so excited that he couldn't help himself and shouted loudly, "Ryze has a shield and a very healthy blood volume. Sword Demon and Crow no longer have enough skills to fight. Kill him!"

The sword demon only has the third stage of Q [Darkborn Blade] left. Even if it is combined with the flash to knock Ryze away, it will be useless. It triggers phase rush and detonates two layers of rune marks to create an acceleration effect. Jin Gong moves very fast. He and thal can't catch up at all.

In the end, they had no choice but to give up in frustration and give up the failed tower jumping plan.

"Nice!!" Jack showed a classic crooked Shiba Inu smile. When facing the lane in the bottom lane, he was responsible for cheering for his teammates.

"The game is over!" Lin Ranzhi said proudly.

Starting from changing the line in the middle, everything is under control.

Lin Ran originally thought that the cunning SKT would choose to stay calm and avoid the battle to develop after seeing this scene.

But I never expected that SKT seemed to have taken some gunpowder and continued to climb the tower without believing in evil.

This time, Lin Ran seized the opportunity and took advantage of the situation to get the first blood.

The YM fans in the stands were in high spirits and banged the cheer sticks in their hands. Tens of thousands of people burst into cheers that echoed through the dome!

The two girls who were watching the game in the dormitory also breathed a sigh of relief. Si Jiayan saw her idol Jin Gong performing well and took a sip of milk tea with pleasure.

The barrage was also commenting on SKT's tower jump just now.

[Guigui~ Good job, Jimu Gong! 】

[Insert eyes, come daddy! 】

[No more words, just burst into tears! 】

[I finally want to understand why YM mid-top changed lanes. He obviously guessed that SKT was going to catch him, so Brother Ran silently endured all this]

[Isn’t this commanded by Jack? 】

[He really... why is he so... I really cried to death, I can't describe it, he is so gentle]

"Not only did SKT's Ueno and Ueno not kill the Enchantress this time, but they also gave away the first blood of the wine barrel!" Miller was delighted. "Xiao Yao had a great time playing in the lower half of the area by himself!"

The speed of Nightmare's jungle clearing without human interference is not too slow. Before the wine barrel is resurrected, Garlic Bastard can take away all the wild monsters in the lower half of SKT, and then go back to eat its own jungle resources.

Lee Sang Hyuk clicked his tongue.

After this wave, the team was almost at a loss.

The key is that he still knows what the problem is, which is the most annoying thing.

Top laner Thal is ultimately inexperienced.

The line of soldiers was stuck in front of the tower, so he and Xiao Hei couldn't take action immediately after they were in position. They had to go over and deal with it themselves, and they failed to sell the jungler.

Lin Ran's excellent troop processing ability helped him delay a lot of time. He successfully waited until Jin Gong finished eating the minions in the middle tower and then teleported for support, ultimately costing Blank his life.

Lee Sang Hyuk said without exaggeration that if any of SKT's previous top laners had been in charge just now, the army line would have definitely been pushed forward, and Lin Ran's life would have been at stake.

By then, everything will be different.

But now SKT cannot come up with this kind of configuration. The Korean top laner that they were originally proud of has become a shortcoming.

"I..." Thaal's face turned pale.

Although he is a bad guy, he is not stupid, so he can naturally see that he was holding back just now.

The shot of chicken blood injected by kkoma before the game could not make him perform beyond normal performance.

"Sun Jiu, come to the bottom lane to help." Li Zaiwan quickly called the jungler to come to the bottom lane to help. Free him first, and then he can enter the jungle to put pressure on Nightmare.

"...No way," Blank glanced at his jungle area, "I have no resources in the lower half of the area, so I definitely can't come."

Now SKT only has three groups of wild monsters left in the upper half. If Xiao Hei forces his way to the bottom lane to catch people, he may kill Jack and Liu Qingsong, but he will also have to pay the price of three groups of wild monsters.

You know, Xiao Hei himself will brush three groups less, while Garlic Bastard will brush three groups more. There will be 6 groups of wild monsters every time, and the calculated economy is about the same as two heads.

This is still under the condition that the YM duo can be captured to death. If they can't be caught, it will be all over. The experience gap of his wine barrel will be widened by one and a half levels by the nightmare.

It is absolutely impossible for Xiao Hei to take risks in the bottom lane at this time.

He will have the opportunity to go down until the next round of wild monsters are refreshed. Before this, Wolf can only stay in the bottom lane and continue to develop.

"Faker is back in the middle, but his little life is not easy. YM has replaced the mid-to-top lane. Brother Ran now has the red BUFF of the jungler, and he keeps raising his hand to point him!"

After Lin Ran got first blood, he returned to the city to resupply and then teleported online. Dark Seal + Straw Sandals + True Eyes, and the supplement of movement speed and vision equipment, he stood out as a stable player.

Since Li Sang Hyuk didn't catch anything, in order to save TP, he lost some soldiers by walking back to the line. Now his experience is lagging behind, and he is no match for Lin Ran.

After being clicked twice, he couldn't bear it. The red BUFF carried by the Level 4 Enchantress would cause 30 points of real damage per basic attack. If the physical damage reduced by his own armor was included, Lin Ran would be equivalent to a lot of damage. Got a storm sword.

Who can withstand this?

Faker turned around and tried to fight back, but Lin Ran produced a pair of straw sandals and used the slowing effect exerted by the red BUFF to widen the movement speed gap between the two sides, easily dodging the sword demon's darkin blade.

"The Enchantress knocked down the corruption potion, then turned around and hit another basic attack!"

The double damage of the red BUFF and the potion was superimposed, making Lee Sang Hyuk feel like dying.

"The Sword Demon has no choice but to take two steps back to give up the line! Brother Ran refuses to let go, and the demon shadow stalks forward. The basic attack is followed by Q [Malicious Seal], and then another basic attack!" Wawa saw Lin Ran looked extremely happy as he bullied others.

Lee Sang Hyuk used E [Shadow Rush] to move and retreat, Lin Ran found the right opportunity to throw out E [Phantom Chain], and at the same time pressed the W key again to retreat to the original position.

The visual effect of the chains looks incredibly long, and the whip creates additional damage from the Mark of Malice on Aatrox.

Faker was ripped apart.

"The Witch's set of skills knocked down the Sword Demon until he only had 40% of his HP left!" Miller was overjoyed. "Faker's handling was a little inappropriate. Why did he still want to fight back?"

Lee Sang Hyuk adjusted his breathing hard.

But the heartbeat is still so fast.

"Brother Ran quickly pushed away the middle line of troops, drank the corruption potion, and went straight to the upper jungle area of ​​SKT. He is going to find Xiao Hei!"

W Magic Shadow followed through the wall and entered the blue BUFF camp. The newly turned jewelry eye was inserted into the grass next to it, and Blank was found eating blue.

"Malicious Seal and Phantom Chain, and another basic attack!"

Xiao Hei quickly handed over Punishment and ate the blue BUFF to restore health, but after the phantom chain was generated, his health still dropped a lot.

Just when he was about to fight back, Lin Ran returned to the starting position of the Shadow Shadow, and the two distanced themselves.

Taking advantage of Li Sang Hyuk's break to replenish troops under the tower, Lin Ran harassed Xiao Hei with all his strength. The minion remover he carried also came in handy, and he quickly pushed the line and wandered into the wild area.

Since Garlic Bastard wiped out SKT's lower half, Lin Ran could easily see Xiao Hei's position.

Blank is miserable. Every time the enchantress comes over, she has a set of small skills. Although there is no way to pose a threat to his life, it just makes you sick.

He doesn't punish him every time. In order to protect his wild monsters, Xiao Hei can only receive skills physically.

After two waves, his condition was disabled.

In this state, there is no way for the wine barrel to capture people, and it is impossible to invade the YM jungle area.

He is a complete loser.

"This is the chain reaction of SKT being killed when they fail to jump the tower on the road," Miller adjusted his glasses and sighed. "Originally, Faker should have been able to suppress the Enchantress through his efficient troop clearing ability during the laning period. Black can invade the YM jungle area to suppress the Nightmare, but now the polar opposites are reversed in the middle lane."

"After getting the red BUFF, Brother Ran took back the right to the mid lane. Now Faker can only passively connect and attack. LeBlanc's high mobility is fully utilized. Blank has no time to suppress Xiaotian."

Wawa also followed up and added:

"Xiaotian went home and restocked his jungle knife and two long swords, and continued to wildly farm the jungle. Now he is getting closer and closer to reaching level 6!"

The director also deliberately gave a close-up of Xiaosi's experience bar.

He has been avoiding battles since the beginning, and his current level is only a little behind the solo line. It is a very smooth nightmare start in the professional arena.

The garlic bastard didn't expect that he could easily reach level 6 at first, and he couldn't close his legs with joy.

"We'll be at 6 soon, wait for you, Daddy C..."

Before he could finish his words, an angry roar sounded from the team's voice!

"Are you pretending to be crazy?!"

The boy's face suddenly turned pale, and his slender neck suddenly shrank, like a bastard hiding in a shell.

No, why are you scolding me?

The garlic bastard slandered.

The one who roared was Jimu Gong. Xiaotian didn't dare to resist in person, so he could only say a few words in his heart.

However, he was still cutting the screen to observe his teammates while farming, and he immediately realized that he had mistakenly blamed Jin Gong.

The director also found that something was not right on the top lane. When the camera went over, he found that Jin Gong was beating Thal violently, and the health advantage had been established!

"What's going on?!" Remember to ask subconsciously first.

Obviously, this scene completely subverted his cognition.

"Ryze's phase dashes and runs very fast, and then uses his basic attack to hit Q [Overload] on the crow!"

The two of them were still in front of the YM tower. If Thal wanted to escape, he would have to run a very long way!

"Crow wanted to use E [Never Go Again] in conjunction with W [Imperial Vision] to stop Ryze... Brother Gongzi flashed directly!"

The golden light flashed, and Ryze came to Swain's side. While dodging the skill, E [Spell Surge] hung above thal's head, but he made no next move.

This is obviously to wait for the crow to also hand over flash before throwing out Q [overload].

But Thal, who was already panicking, couldn't care less. He was so anxious that he immediately handed over the flash and tried to escape.

Jin Gong didn't even expect that he would encounter such a pig's snout.

However, the movement of the hand did not stop at all, Q [Overload] followed up with another basic attack!

The skill hit accurately, and the connected A cleared the crow's health bar!

"Single kill!" Wawa yelled incredulously, "Brother Gongzi completed a wave of single kills!"

"My old swan!" I remember sighing with my mouth wide open.

The audience at the scene was even more restless!

After Lin Ran completed the suppression in the middle, the top laner also took advantage.

This is simply the best of both worlds!

Backstage LCK lounge.

When kkoma saw Thal's confused face under the camera, he couldn't help but put his head in his hands, his face full of distress and regret.

Why should he inject thal with blood when he has nothing to do? !

"I really don't understand," Jin Gong's tone sounded a bit indifferent and aloof, but when paired with the barbecue-flavored Mandarin, it always felt a little inconsistent, "He doesn't have much HP, why do he dare to press the line like this? Do you look down on the nest?”

"He probably thinks he can kill you alone," Liu Qingsong felt like an outsider, so he could only use his mouth to establish his presence, "There is no way, who made you act so good before?"

"My food?" Jin Gong glared, "Xiba Liu Qingsong, you don't want your neck anymore, do you?"

"Don't argue, don't argue. It's important to win here!" Lin Ran cleared the line of troops, retreated to a safe position and pressed the return button. He pretended to start a fight while browsing Taobao, and then changed the topic, "Brother Xiba, what's the matter? If Bo kills you solo, I have to take 1/3 of the credit, right?"

"Ah?" Jin Gong didn't expect Lin Ran to take credit, and was stunned for a moment.

"One thing to note, I disabled the opponent's wine barrel state before and found him operating in the lower half of the area, so you had a chance to kill alone..."

Lin Ran gushed, "And when you did it just now, I watched the sword demon and didn't let him hand over the teleportation. Otherwise, if Faker landed, you would definitely die if you didn't flash!"

"How about it? Should I hang it?!"

Jimu Gong ignored him at all.

Si Jiayan, who was watching the live broadcast, saw Jin Gong's wonderful solo kill, and let out a groundhog scream in his throat, and his face turned red with excitement.

【66666, Jin Gong single-handedly kills Ye Qingjie! 】

[Emperor T is really defiant]

[I can’t stand the 10-year-old street stall anymore. Can this top orderer get out of here? 】

[It’s really outrageous, the crow was eaten by Ryze alone, hahahaha]

Si Jiayan was so happy when she saw these barrages.

"Order fried chicken, order fried chicken!" She yelled and took out her mobile phone, "I want to eat for two people!"

This game is not finished yet. It is mainly to pave the way for the end of Faker. After this game, the next head-to-head confrontation will be the Asian Games, so it is a little longer.

I'll make it up with updates to try to make the plot less laggy.

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